WIN-CITY ' DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS YEAR. h in Neighborhood Of usls Much Improv ed Today. Continuance of Strike In The . Anthracite Coal Fields Appears Inevitable. f HOPEFUL n?1..,SL1T HOPE NOW. IMFODIHT EVENT. 1!1 M JTO HEPDRT 5 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ri in uniiru llluiiuii in mum Cornerstone of House of Rep resentatives Office Build Ing To Be Uld. By Wire to The Sentinel RALEIGH. April 13. 1 ti'ior-s a?-k- ing the Raleigh aldermen to rail an election cu the question or "dispell-j - isary or prohibition were started Mormrg There Waa Much jin ciicu!ii''ou about the city this But Later Diminishing j motcing under the direction of lUv.j Violence Was Notice-js. J. Bens, the well known Buphst Ptopie in Vicinity of Vol minister who has for the p&t week or j' e Much Relieved. n't)r ,K" preae'iiug by special per-j link of the niavor. each ever.inr t . , . . j. ,,titioL . .. .i... .ii - i Neat Week. .... ii.. li.iiitiia ill luir ma in .. ?.i; mill. mere D.iween o ana i. ociock. Kev. By Wire to The Sentluel. Betts, said the time is passed wluuj .ev YORK. Apt ii V!. While Formal Reply of Operators This Af ternoon May Offer Some Hops of Amicable Settlement Although It Is, Known Reply to Miners' Proposal Will Be Unfavorable. Mitchell Will Reply to Operators' Answer President Roosevelt Will Deliver the the Muck Rake. "Large Crowd Expected. . Senator Burrows Wants To .. TayTUpSmoot Case FN Anally Tomorrow. x, i: j:; Another luttr I.;, ., due to the cessation .1,, , ami cinders from , ,i ;iinp"this morning to , and Rive renewed ::; not be many days is fully over. .Sinniug oi uie uay utsu eh in pospect to oner in - iits'i! the. s'.iower of I. ! (iaybnak the situa a:ilul as giave ami the sti'l fulling. To add to ,,f the sanation there was t ef eartli trembling and is, to the fear that the idi is gradually quieting t iv preparing for fresh Cut earthquakes might -."uiai'ik of the Publishers' j i n mrnod from a tour nun: village. The scenes wire l!eart-rer.dlnR. Ruin union ure spread every . watered here and there i f iin n. women and chil- where the victims fetL 'he villages there are a few anil these tire suffering i tliml am! water, the dath .nleed tu daily as persond -avian villages aie dying .itinii from gases, l ave been further i ucour . by message sent by Prof, vlio is in charge of royal on .Mount Vesuvius, nial men vrho ascended i.n as high us the observa v faying it van Impossible what would happen he said 1 lie could express hope experience tkat explosion he i iuptioii Is over. There lity of.,furthcr disturbances isiier settles down Into new th The gJe f ball to be played at Kali view park nomoirow afternoon, will be of special lutercst to Wlnaton Saleot people. Wake Forest has a smHfb team. Principal. Address at. the Exercise. (having d.fcxtcd A. M by a Rood His Subject Bsi- "The Man Withrr 1 bold" down Carolina, 6 toj I,5, on their own diamond. Turn.-r. trie- twirler for Wake Const though ounj i SJol. and will make thing Uve! j q for Davidson. WASHINGTON. April U. Senator Ahhmiffh Davids'in has UsL Vail. !.... . -1...1 . w . ..m...i,t iu in prvru" uvtail laiiifi vi uii cormT-ftnlie oft"iH 1 Br Wlr to The 8ntlQL Ocsircs That Report of Committee b - Finishtd St Once. Attomy Wsrtk- ington SpeaKs In Pehalf f Imott Today. Mrs. Smoot Present at fu sion of Committes Today. WASHINGTON, April U.-Foltow- ' fultctf State apitul KiUer. Mora n and Corrle. she still on jjvn,., ,d elwtionw, which Is liQiior will ever be sold in saloons in 'out!; ok for peace tu the anthracite iby P"'mt Washlngtou in Sxpleju Raleigh again and it only reiua!t:s!ftsju ius hoRU-ss bi cause of ' b?r. corner stone of the tew now to tight it out as to the issue "rejection of .miners deiiKii.ds liy btiil.llns for nuuibera of the d;suensaivnd urohibltion. He thinks !,,, !. .1 ii.,.h.,ii h u h,,.- . ,,..i..v .house of icpresentatives will bo laid j that be will s.cuie euough signaturtS tut the formal reply o.f the opeiat'3 j,onw,rrow ir :n' I'r''sl,1'''t to to renulrt the of the elect km ! mitt l.-in-. v ...un l.v m-hlrh l'!t will lie the central figure In th? within the next few days and present jtheit may the tigtud pttUion to the ah.i ruuti ,n sotia'lor.. on the night of May. the fit -t Friday in CULTURAL Wire tn Thft SentlnaL WASU1NUTON. .Ant II 13. The bureau of statistics of the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor an nounces that agricultural products ate now making the highest record in exports of the I'nlted States and should the present rate continue dur Ing the remainder of the fiscal year the total exportation ot such products will in'19K, fi r the first time, cross the .billion dollar line. In lite tlrst tight months ended with February the va'ue of a;,T!citltural products rx-l-Drted amounted to sevcu bundt-ed miltlou dollars, which is a total con siderably in excess of figures for a similar period of any preceeding ytar. be a continuance of Joim i, looking to adjustment. A fointnl reply will be made by M . Mitchell in a letter next wtek. W. H. Tru jsda'.e, of the lacka wanr.a. says that the formal reply of event, which will bo under the auspices of the Grand Unlge A F. and A. M. of District of .Colum bia. The federal bulge of Msou.i. which had charge of the ceremony v more than a century ago, will tak l e operators will contain nothing la "-Iicuous pat t. RESOLUTION REtAllf TO RECENT ABUSES. n.v Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, April 13. When the senate met' yesterday it passed a concurrent resolution including every mrmtJer of congress. In a law prohibit ing government officials from pre maturely divulging certaiu secret in formation. Tlie crop teaksscandals of agricultural department made .this actios: necessary. The ScntlnsL '"liK.-Auril l:!. Mrs. Isa- i'. h.o was (dapped In the ay niglii by a negro on an :a:u. fii!owiR which tile n ally lynched, is living in !t home, which is guardtd ;''S. IlesideS riniilviiuj' kov. inir.g letters. Mrs. Oliver ) lite, police this nioruing ai ii- gioes w ere hanging l"im; ail night.: The dis ') and fulerai iiuthoritles to run down the sfailers ipany. has purchased land F 'I. It. Starbnek fnr 1ha of the- Southbound Tlie. site, which " includes r . is located just soutli " city, near the main line liein Railway track leading It is understood that "il'wili enter the city undar ' track. Tho Southbound 't whit the Norfolk ft West- 'racuiis have two 'squads" tlie first section. Mr. N. 13 saueiintendint' thu nri, :traetor m PERSONS KILLED BY TEXAS T By Wire to The Seutiil'!. WICHITA, Kas., April 13. Six w-fre killed and many anjuied, and great property damage done 111 tlie tiail of n iornada which swept through north' m Texas across Kan sas during the right. Most, of the damage is reported from tho village f Hriggs. which was completely Wieckttl. Stafford and Bnsston, Kan sap, suffered from tho storm. YARDS. HEAD-ON mote than infoimal reply by Hal r at the conclusion of day's aipiiu. The operators all unite tills morn ing in saying they have gone as fat as they will go ir. the matter of con- ct SsiotlS. ' Mitchell have 'ther thin evening or tomorrow for Indianapolis to at tend a meeting of th c tiatlou-il cxeru tive board which meets Tutsday. made' The Masonic services as provided it,.- it, ., fit, ...i in 1. ..... u -iii v ester-i .isiu .k Grand Matser Walter A. Blown will speak brit fly. Then the president will nuke the address of the day. His topic is to be "The Man With the Muck Rake." A brief address win also be nAde by Speaker Cannon, Representative Hepburn, of Ohio, Repieseutatlve Rlchardm, of Tt. nesii?e, who were members of the tuiliilng commission. The new bulbling, wheu completed, will cost J3.l0n.nD0. The sum of $2::,(ioo,imm litis bem appropriated for an office building for the senate, which will be ready for the corner s one laying in a short time. By Wire to The Sentinel. . NEW YORK, April 13. Within the last two niotitlis $1000 has been Hub-i-cribed to a fund for the defense of Captain Van Schaick, master of the Ill-fated excursion steamer General Slocum. His case will coma up on appeal next October, and the pilots thioughout the United States anT terniined he shall have ample funds !o fight against the sentence of ten yeais ini'irlsonment which has been imposed upon him. An appeal for funds was sent out to tho pilots of every important har bor of the I'nlted States by the Grand Harbor of the Masters' and Pilots' Association, and' returns ate coming in rapidly. Captain Luther B. IXiw, president of the local harbor of the American Association of Masteis, Mates and Pihvfs of steam vessels. Is treasurer of the fund. Like many Others the pilots believe that Captain Van Schaick was made a scaptRoat ami that the persons really responsi ble tor the Slocum disaster wee slilehlOd "tSieii sentence was imposed upon Captain Van Schaick. IN NEW YORK CITY. Phores Ferry Monday. aiem will be represented nl Easter 'picnic at Shore's ilK!- Yadkin rlvr, Monday, gemtnt reports that the at !fli year will surpass all Port's. Minsra: nn,l ,,i... 1 will be among the many " the program rtrimonial Papers. f triage licenses were ibsucd follows: Chas. lsley; 0f tlK. to Carr'.a Robertson, nf News was received here this after noon of a head-on collision between two frilght trains early this morning, two miles west of Elm wood, between Asheville and Salisbury. ,Two or three trainmen are reported, to have sustained painful Injuries. Both engines and alotit eight freight cars were practically demolished. Tlie track was torn up for some distance and it Ls thought that trains will not be able to pass before tomorrow.- It Is said that the collision was caused -by one ot the engineers get ting mixed up in hi orders. HAGUE IS POSTPONED. Bv Wire to The Sotlnst ST. PltTERSBlRG. April 13 It Is officially announced that the second lllague conference 'has been adjjurn- ed untrl September' in view of opposi tion' of the l iiited States .to holding the meeting tbe'flrft two weeks, In Br Wire to The Sntlnt NEW YORK, April 13. Good Krl 5ay was generally observed here to duy. The churches of all denomina tions were open to worshippers and, particularly In the Roman Catholic and Protfstant Episcopal churches Intpresslvy special services were held in commomarailon of tho crucifixion. Impressive ceremonies were conduct ed at tho St. Patrick's Roman Catho lic cathedral, at which Archbishop Farley officiated. During the mass of the Prcsanctlfled "The Passion" was sung by students from St. John's Sem inary. At the conclusion of the cere mony, Archbishop Farley, holding alcft the host and attended by four Christian brothers, who held over him a canopy, led a procession of the clergy in the Catholic aisles and back to the sanctuary. In all Roman-Catholic churches, a three hours' devotion was held, be tween noon and three o'clock, in memory of 'the hours of suffering Jesus was obliged to endtirw before death came. Similar devotions were held In the Protestant ICplsoopal churches throughout the city. Nearly all the churches were tilled with wor shippers. Business was to a great extent kur'd. The stock exchange remain ed closed, but the banks kept oimmi to accomodate, their customers. Tomor row will be Holy Saturday, when In the Roman Catholic churches the holy VJ. 1lun8jwater, 1 to be used during the year, will he 01esst.1i. During tne aiteruoou the funeial decorations in all the s will be transformed Into r FOR THE RATE MEASURE Senator Hansborough.of North Dakota. Introduces One Preventing Officers of Gov ernment From Receiving Free Transportation. By Wire 10 The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, April 13 borough, of North Dakota, Introduced j in tho ainat. thlu nifirniiiff Amend-1 ... .1... .l.,..,.l 1,111 nK,hll..lchurch" Wl" . . . 'bowers of beautiful spring flowers, to lUiiK any uiiivt'i i-miiiw,' i-- "i ill--- government from accepting or using free trarwiKirtatooii, Forfeiture of ot- !bu ready for Easter Sunday. flee or position Is prescribed. An allowance on vouchers equal to cost of transportation to and from th'ir homes Is allowed clerks of commit ttes and clerks to senators and C'Jti giessinetl. ' New Advertisements. Joe Jacotitt Clothing Co. New rlvala in boys' clothing: peclal values tomorrow, Wachovia National Bank. Invite you to ixamine- its flnar.cil statement in this Issue. The Busy Store. Saturday's new; specials in every department. A. 1 Two Marriages."'' "" Ernest U Dalton anil Miss Rosella Wittc were married last nlgho at 7 o'clock In East Winston at the boms of the bride's parents. ' Rev. H. A Brown performed the eeiemoi.y Mr. Clinton Spainhour and Miss Pearl lunlgan, both of this city, were united in marriage at the, home of the bride's parents on the- Boulevard at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Don't Want the Office. PostmasUr Tyre Glenn, of Greens- ibmo, was here this af'emoon er.rjie Sto hi farm in Yadkin county. j "What Is the situation in regard to Hoover ft Co. Manufacture! s .the fight over the postroastershlp 1: Henry M. .Marshal to I July as originally suggsstid by Ru- oiith. of Walnut Cove. ct ' S. Zimmerman U pian for a handsome cot- t'lected at Roaring Gap for Miss Louise Siddall, who is teach ing music at Statesville, came in this afternoon to spend Easter with rela tive and friends. and dealers in all kinds of building niattiial. Sink & Fanlder Something of in teicttt in a few days." Miyers-Westbrook Co. Many s)' cials in every department for Sattir day: your town?" the reporiei asked. "I don't know anything aIout It; I do lioow that I dont want th job any more," replied Mr. Glenn. with "Bill" Ballty ss captain. I mre to give the Twin -City a good exhlbi t!or. of the national gained The game milt be played at Fair view park tonioiro' afternoon and wilt be called at t i 'clerk. rtay ball. , ronKtrl rinK the Sum nm, mill at- NAVY OFFICERS TO GO : I Special to The Sentinel. - NORFOI-g. April 12.' The James town Exmsit!on iM-oinlws to .be the gn at soda event of the century, Dlu; cloth, ltd cloth, green or buff, wiilte or orange, null knakl or sum uuner nsnktm, each has its strong adherent when ornamented with brass butioi.s. It Is only when ho wears a uniform that man Vie In beauty of decoration with the fair sex. Especially In Am idea, man's conventional riot 'sen are sombre, and the more formal, tlu oc casion the less color apcars upon the mnle person, evening wear having been for years dead black awl whtt. The few- spoiiidle attempts to Inter ject color into man's gaiments for dress occasions have fulled signally. The soldier or the sailor does not share the disabilities of hU fellow- ninu. His gold lace and brass buttons make him a shining tpcctacle, and pi'itaps accounts larg ly f ir the sttange fascination which the military have for womankind. It Is a knowu fact that In England, carrying this argument to-an absurd reduction, nutst'inalds and other domestics nub sldlie the petty officers of the British army to walk with tin 111 In th parks, and actually pay tho soldiers for do ing so. Wa have not arrived at that stage et In this country, but girls seem never to proud as wheu clinging to the arm of a uniform wearer. Mili tary balls, hops aboard ship, enter tainments at barracks or navy yards, are usually attended to the full num ber of invitations t.ent. Those who decline are generally unattached mm, who are tot philosophic enough to stand being overshadowed by their bettrf derogated brothets. Not bs than three thousand com missioned officers, naval and military, will be In xon4ujit attembitico lit lh Jamewtown KxixisiUon. Thu I tilted States, as host, will plan many social and spectacular entertainment for Its visitors. These courtesies- will, to a certain enteul, of coursi', be relumed by the foreign guests, and a a conse nuen'co the harbor of Hamploti Roads and the quarts of Hie officers at the military encampment will be scenes of successive entertainments from the beginning of th exposition' to Its conclusion. No special effort will be made by ihe Exposition Company to have sin gle men detailed for duty during the celebration, but, a large, proportion of the wearer ol 1'ucle Sam's uniforms, especially thoe 011 the sunny -side of thirty years, are nntnated snd If no discrimination is made In regard to H'bctlon for exposition duty, 1907 will (ffer remarkable and uni(iin occa sion for American girl to see t'nele Ham's lighters 11 masse, become ac quainted with them, and di-clde wheth er they prefer the humdrum life'of a business or puJesskmal man' con sort, or the more glittering outlook a an ofCcrr's bride. tempt to have a meeting it the com uitttee tomorrow to take up tha for final cotisldrratlon and r port. This nuirclng Attorney Worthing ton aiguej In In half ol Kniottt. Thre was the usual crowd of sptvtatora, mostly wtmen. ' Mrs ' Smoot. who ha bem roRipiruously absent during tho hearing, wss present thU mornltg tr the first time. E Special to The RentlueL GREENSBORO. April IS. Owtugtej the ptolmblllty now that the bK- ruptcy rase now being ti'ledj may ut Krmlnate until sol ti'mo next Iwk, sperulutloir as to what will be (h . effiTt on the Jllsckbura trial is tilt. It is nt known whe'her Jude." B.v)d will agree to move over la the county court house or not In the evat tht the Wilkes rase is not concluded be fore TUiSday, the day set, for th b ginning of Ihe Blackburn trial, - That court wilt, M a special terra o. the circuit court, preside ovr Judge tioff. of West Virginia, It la more thtin probable that th- case nans' In progress wUl bo concluded by W nesdsy at least, and It may b that. Blackburn ramt wjtl simply lx post poncd until then. Judge Boyd Is due tn Stattvllle tu open court Monday and that twrta. Ut bo delayed. GET FOUR YEARS EACH Dy Wlrw to The Sentlnol. SAVANNAH, a.. April I3.-Oreo and (la) nor lhl morning wer son-t'-rced to four years Atdj'Ttt "tiu t'nlti'd States penitentiary at Atlanta and to py fine U $57C,OVO.'' 'o amount of cmbivsislenient.-' -' " ; The defendants may bo relieved of fine by making oath tht ' (bey oru poMiosned ot bo mors Ibsa 120. White Boy's Narrow Escape, A wnlte boy, about. 12 years old,' had a narrow escape from- being run over by the Incoming, pasM-nger train from Chailotle. The boy was walking across the trestle over Fifth street. The engineer saw him jest in time to apply his brakes and stop the train, giving the boy a cbauc to Jump off tho trestle. Lewis Jones, of Marshall street, Salem, who was stricken with paraly sis several day ago, is thought to (be slowly improving. We are requested to state that the Young Peoples Colon of tho First Baptist chinch -will not meet tonight Fred B. Htnfehaw, who has bseti In West Virginia for the lasv fire years, came In last, night ar4 is at hW father's, W, M. Hlnshaw, on Pmd stieef. We are requested to state that all of the; wholesale grocery store will be closed cn Monday. Mrs. Andrew Joyner, of Greensboro, 's here for the Eitr scr!vcs, tbe giiest. of Mrs. F, M. Bohannoii on West Fifth street. AROUND THE CITV. Mrs. Pailiia Ureodle, of West Sat lem. Is crltlenlly 111. Mm, C. A , Jenkins Is se nding few ilnjs at Mocksvltle. v Miss Mary Lindsay, of Orernsboro, Is the guest of Miss Llnzie Mclver. Mrs. Nannie S'ance, of Graham,, is visiting her brother, N. I. Unwdy. Miss Mary Hinshaw returiicil thla afternoon from 11 visit U relailves and frlefid at lilCeiKilKJlo. Mis, It. M Tuitle and children went to Pine Hall, this afternoon 'to vUlt rtlatlves. Mis. Lewis Tesh fell at her home 011 Poplar stieet, Sub in, )exllrday sustaining several painful bruUes.. Mrs. Thai. Horn,, of Clayton, form erly Mils Bln Beldin. or Raleigh, is the guest of Mrs. R. B. Crawford. ...vV ;. H'tl'tind, m lio was operai4 ujion "two weeks sgj is s-Kailily liu proving Mr. W, L. Johnsrin and mother. Mrs. O.'C. -Puler, of Klsslm'.e, F!a are visiting Mrs, J. I V'awters on South side. ' Mrs. C. J. -Mooney, of Albernur'e; MIkjws' Margie Link' and ilrdsong Harris, cf Norwood, will spend Easter with Mrs. J. ft Klkln. :Mlss 'Aura Box ton; whi Is a stu dent at Bi)ii Mawr, near Philadel phia, wilt spend the Easter holidays with one of her' class-mates la Boston. J. C Buxton left, this afternoon for Philadelphia. Mr. Buxton and daugh ter. Mis Caro, bo bav been visit ing there for some tlm, wHl return horriti with blm next Thursday, Elder J. A, Afcibura went to High Point 'today. Urn will preach Ihwe to morrow. From High Point he will go to his farm at Pilot Mountain, Elder Ashburn has ben wlllj the Star wart bouse here tor several months, Me Is a clever gentleman and says that h! stay In Wlnstou-Sslem vts rx- ce(Hi.gly plescsnt.