rWINCXTY DAILY SENTINEL bTH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL IS. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS BEE THOUSAND PEOPLE - REPORTED -KILLED; PRflPERTY LOSS OF MANY MILL! 001 K w ... - - - - 1 1 c. i. building ill iBLACKBUBN TILI-Mse accident PROBABLE FIGURES ARE HOURLY GROWING LARGER. IE EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE IN THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO TODAY. Jury Secured In Fifteen MJn utes and Taking of Evi dence Is Begun. E Shocks This Morning. Followed By Conflagration. Besides Causing Death of Hun- reds of People. Entailed Property Loss of Millions. One Entire Section of City Be ing Destroyed By Fearful Disaster City Ha!!.TaIuedaT Seven Million Dollars. Among Buildings Reported to Have Been Destroyed Many Buildings Dynamited But Flames Spread Rapidly. Telegraphic dispatches received today by The inel state that there was a terrific earthquake !k in San Francisco early this morning. A disas- fire followed the shock, the two together result- ji the death of probably 3,000 people and destruc- bf millions of dollars' worth of property. Kraong buildings reported destroyed was the city alued at $7,000,000, and Call Building. he fire did greatest damage on Market street, ex- ng to the bay. ' everal fires are raging in different parts of the Water is scarce and flames are spreading, housands of people are fleeing from San Francis places of safety. erkley, a suburb of San Francisco, is reported to been destroyed, ;vere shocks were felt in Sacramento and other I Special to The Stntir.e!. j j Sl'KSCKR. Apiil K-The hand-1 I some new Imih'.infc at Cie Spencer j ! Young Men's Christian Ass. uti n , completed during the past week1 ja'd i ! tn orcupb d at au eajlv date j The tola-f ciiii of the structure wj 'approximately $ ; .1100 . xtt which' ,aiiiuttttt t!e Southern R.i'.iwav l'ni I puny, through it old ials at Washing- . 'tun. cmitrtbuu-d about fU&.tMH) in rash' ,ar.,l tnainrty. The buildinc. which! I. hi V l Mlll.xrn nf i UVimubia. 'la modern i resists ;g u; ,0 The 8t.BHntj. and ik unquestionably one tf the bt i in ine countrv. retliclluc great credit' unr.r..smm". .mii Commmsoeer of Internal Yerkes, Collector Marttina, W. ft. Krider And Frank Eddlaman Tee--t'fy 'or Government at Today'a (ses sion of Circuit Court in Greensboro. Blackburn on the Stand. GRKKNSUOKO, Ainilr IK. When upon the nianaittnunt as well a the federal court ntvt at .:jo this Btorn- Sonthirn officials. - I'" th- older of Judge Goff. enawll- The Concord Prsltrv. embracing 'd-''11 h" utlI f indictment against all the I-rosbwerlau ihurvht In eight -'Congressman Blackburn and also the counties tn this section of North Car! ,d''r overruling the ileliiurrt t filed olina hK bun In annual union atjbv the defendant wci foimall) inter Moeksvllle. About one hundred ' on !. an! with It txecp i.nachers and lav delegates have been i''1"' n;fJ u' iMcndai.t to both I to Tho Sentinel. II K..t 1SI U. April IS. Wit iIiIm niuruliiK wrerkt'd w 'iiiliiinK. In which arc 'located lal Ti-LRtaph Conipaiiy and Pacific Railway Companya ftnhqi:alf wb disastrous, 1 V fefet hic efere n Hundred Building Burning. I.OS A.'G ELKS, (al. April IS San Francisco and Utiy City Us from the shock and result of Ore will reach lute the millions. ' A httndrtd buildings aro buritlDK- In the fcwlli.n railed by the shock the streta ar fllicd with debris. The Are which started In the bus iress ( el Ion Is now burning It is bt iiiK foiyilii with d-natnite but there is little progress in stopping the fl am os. ,i Kumi Montgomery street east to the water front the city Is In flames. Three hundred bodies have been taken from the ruins. Great Mills Building Threatened. I'ORTI-AM), Ore, April IS. News comes here that the explosion In tele phone office iu Sun Francisco bl.w the roof off. Offices ailjoin the Mills building. Fire followed aud the build liiK is doomed as there is no water ili: utwuUuce and mini Interest re- pot-tut as In inn taken in the delibera tions of the body. Rev. J. II. dray. pastor of the First resb if NEW PRESIDENT OE .'rare s. the fulled Stairs, the orders. IHatrict becaute iKtissarv fur tho dfcndant ttT plead. He ald that In the rase church at Salisbury, was eltrted mod -i"' v r tratoi. and presided at each session. The Sp.nrer Methodist church tin Sunday raised about H.nOO to clear off an lmleltedr.ess on Its proper y.whlch has been greatly Improved during the past ,oi. H. T. Smithdial, who recen'tly pur chased the hanlwarn' stock of the late Sydney Risdoti, today op'tietl the same and will carry a full line of hardware. By WV to Tt SattnL WASHINUTON. April IT Natal oSIc.hs alx'n j to the bureau of ordi nance h.iv expressed the de ct concern over technical Irvmhlea pre- Revenue ;,n( ov fa(4 rci,,.Bi 0a the Kcarsaricc. Th accident ca only b consider d as a further proof that rapid Run with bin rlllea il tails dancer f unUxtked fur tirtittlja of powder charrea, causea ( whua cannot w ascertstnrd except at ttte coi ', ot faial experience. la beln vrd by offlclala here, la the abm'nce of ihe details of Friday's trouble, that the throe sacks of smoke less powder bnrned without a direct explosion, lujurtex to officers and men being rai ted by btirns and ash)ila . :rm. Mow the Mrl started Is m niv Wry. the stdutluR of which will con stitute snoihir lesnon tn Btodefa tial science. It U assumed that diirinx too set Attorney Lewis said it now " orawinB a rnaiRe rn.m pin a mistake by seaman or ammunition handler caused the rataslrotthe. The navy department Is without ad- By Wire to The Sentinel. AI'STlN. Tc x.. April IS. Tb exer cli s connected with tho InauKuratlon supply. Many lives are reported lost.iol Dr. David Franklin Houston aslt: William CuiiimlnRS, of Kocklnn The Rieat .Mills building is In dan-1 treslile.-.t of the 1'ulversltv of Texas, ham. ami 1). I,. K liter, of Yadkin. iKer. Many fires are reported lu diflnr- wit pans ot the city. Seven Different Fires Raging. w ill open hi re this afternoon and will l:tt two days. puilnK those two days all woik ftt the t'tiiverslty will remain the city water works was largely destroyed. cfrnf i c ctinlr ton fcht in enmn nldrnc ' Allowing are the telegraphic bulletins received ' Market street, ami not a kn Tho no ur k .forin.o tho f iKlo "'" 1 lie UU11UU1K" W niTO ur i ui vviiuiivi nun juiiiiuvi. iu iiiv iviwi'iv ler. NEW YORK. April 18.-A private i f"hi'" m n, dlstmtch r.K-elve.1 In this cltv : thrown open to the Inspection hy the iir reported killed Riul many l Telegraph office: lilBhest elevation in San Jose, about 25 miles from Frisco City, can be seen the blaze. It Id estimated that 1.1UU Uvea wei lost at 11 Telegraph Office Deserted. CLEVELAND, April 18. The fol lowing telegram wai received nt the local office from San Francisco Postal i rei ki il and fired. There Is - a. m. frequent shocks were h'!-' the first severe ouakn at Postal employees had to flee liniMini,'. Gieat loss of life i. "I Hie Postal office was hut not seriously. None. of Miiis were kill d. but matty iiuled and killed in the city. I r mains burst Hnd the (ire I'll was- helnlesa. The 1 P lutilillnRs to prevctil the l the flames. At 7 n'cinru '"I'll- was under way but in ' d manner owlnii to tho flie dead were beine curried I'linss III scores. Mi'ty of California moves tt "'l (,f earthquakes. The first .wturiiance occurred in 17SM. anhqnakes visited this city to I hi;;,. x(,c dlsttti bailee f'ed the clt j this iiioriiinR is ''I Hiat lllliuv lives n-oi-o Mifomia earlhriuakes hnve fi'"l'iint than fatal. Ily Hall Destroyed. I 'he buildings destroyed bv Imake Is the ritv hnti -m-i. ",, .UILU e.iii a. K'k which did the most f'n'e a! 5:1ft ihlB ,,.i three minutes. Fires at '1 ail over th city. All me exctp;ion. are Kone. exciienifn: are imlesrrih. ft "i ihe reonle ''I into Die streets clail in l,s- nulldillBs hUHveil hiM KyhiR occupants ln'an area r1"' Uioeua in i i...i Houte xas wrecked and lh at the mercv nf th .,.n munication Cut Off. j 'l'iake wf,cked the water :l Mread in all directions -eaiuueutH were unable There is no direct com l'ilh K'leeraph pnmiuinio " i mfir.biiildlnBs D'partmenfs 'Report. ''UN, 11-Thewar as In communication uncisco for about i,u l"!'rnins short iv uti ,i. tj , nit; Jan 1-rancisco operator Office is deserted. Power of earth quake shocks is still felt. No news Is available." The; time when the telegram was sent was not on tile telegram and wire service could not be resumed. Both Telegraph Buildings Destroyed. CINCINNATI. April IS. The lol lowing bulletin was received by the Western I'nioii Telegraph Co. here at 11:1.") a. in.: "The liiv is beyond Control. It is now destroying Market street and has reached the Palace Hotel. Both Postal and Western I'nlou buildings aro completely destroyed. 1 he los of lifu Is now estimated at iidlMi.-' Worst of Coast Earthquakes. CINCINNATI, April IS. L. C. Itliss, local manager of the Western f'nloii Telegraph Co.. rectlved luformaion Hnd south on Markot as far as Tenth There are seven fires in diffen-nti nm"r!,,, tlf reprstatlvHs vt ..,n .,f Run irr.ri ih I''? ' !' Pas of the t lilted States. who are assembled liere to take pari in the celebration. The exercises will begin this afternoon with a meeting of tho college represvntathTs for the purvs; tif discussing educational matters of The discus sion ot the cliy school problem lll b the principal feature of the afternoon session. The liiangurullon proer will take place tomorrow, tlovernor Ijinhaiii will be present and will deliver s short address. Other uddresDes will bo delivered hy Chancellor James II Kirklatid, of the V'andi rbili I'nlver- sity. Prisidei t E. H. Mcl.euii. iif Ihe I'nlveislly of Iowa. Dr. Ilenj.imiu I. Wh.eler and President Houston, who will ilelivi, lliti Inauguration address. Thb- evening there will be a ten ptlon tendered ft) the visitors by the Culver-s-Hv i-f Ti-xas anil tomorrow evening a banquet will be given by President IftA-afon. wero particularly destroyed by the shock were the old antiquated affairs mostly. Cannot give estimate of loss of lives." Thieves Ransacking Ruins. SN FRANCISCO. April 18. The second shock followed three hours af ter the first. t toppled over many buildings that still stood. Fire Chief Sullivan and Policeman Fronter w,ere kllkd beneath the ruins. Thieves ale already ransacking the ruins nnd soldiers aro being rushed trom Presidio, Berkley Reported Destroyed. Berkley is reported destroyed. It is ihe ei jurban city across the bay. San Francisco Is a ball of (Ire. The Kxanilmr and Call buildings will proh alily be nfiie In a few minute. The Kxainiiu r presstij are covered by a mass ol debris. . Probable Number Killed 3000, Later. A late dispatch places prob-j able loss (if life at :;Mj0. i The Cull Ibiilltling and tlie Emporum are now goiie. Market etreet It described oh a stthlng furnace. The whole city east of Sausome street to the water frur.t that the earthquake was the worst that ever occurred on the Pacific coast. ' Wireless Communication Tried. WASHINGTON, April IS. The gov ernment la endeavoring lo get into wireless communication w it It San Francisco. Earthquake Area Fifty Blocks. NEW YORK, April 18-Tbe Posla! Telegraph Company Is advised thai, the area covered by the earthquake is about fifty blocks In which all build ings have been almost totally destroy ed. The greatest damage done was east and staith of Market street to the bay. This area Includes Sanson, Mission. Battery, Frant, Davis and Drummond streets, and from Mont gomery street to the bay. Tbm sec tion Is devoted largely to manufactur ing enterprises. ' Aeordir.g to advices , received the loss of life is not yet known although It Is believed It will be large. The fire started in the ruined sec tiou and Is spreading. Th water maiu supplying that district . havt beer, destroyed and buildings in the adjoining section are being dynamited to prevent the spread of the flames. Berkley Threatened. NEW YORK. April 18 A dispatch to the Western 1'iUon Telegraph Com pany from Sacramento reads: "A big fire Is raging in Berkley, a suburb of Oakland. It is thought the town Is on Are. The railroad is going to Eend out the S:20 train via Vallejo but I do not know- how far It will get ii,. ,,; "i"-mioi juui i no not. h-, 1 T WBB Km" and Am sfraid it Is as serious as in San Terrible Shock at Sacramento. HI 11 thnilaoml I . v.. .- "an weun , r ran ci sco u.b ueaa and injured 'aken out of ih ,r,. w ": "1'PPl.v had, been cnt i SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Apili 18; there were fc.-n- ..i ' . ITIib slronges: eartlinuake in fifteen ""lagration. pi.-p. sa..i)ears occurred htre at 1:15 this "d In several nl. . i morning. Vibiations were north, east. Seen 31 un ' !outh and West, lasting three minutfcp itK .m i. ; iney awoke the entire city snu cans- ' i I ! i.- i r .. . . . . . . , it. . i j I.. iif .. ' iwn-iea a nun c in te noieis. .ououi m L . u 1,w !ed a panic in the hotels. inrn!n -'.luiniva ne re. u" " saraing the i ' 'aruiqiiake. which Several laree cracks were made In the- federal building. u a .... leeKianna njuiiniuiieiitiiiii -i'. L " "fcurate Infor- ih nnt.i.t r,im was Woken for FSrtHlini Qnn ... . ' iiieif.., l nancisco tnrte hours. No direct news has come -T-n inn ninniA . .. . . i r roMt h cuy irom San rranciscu. lirear, anxiei "i dj nre. From the u f.-,!f oiUI, i ti,rir Ti,i!ntjl is completely destroyed. II Is now stated that every building in the city is more or less damaged. Thousands Fleeing from City. The last shock was felt at 8: 17. The ferires nre all engaged In carrying people to Oakland or other points of safety. People are fieoin,1: from the city by thousands tn pau'u Many have dropped dead in toe streets. Slight Shock in Washington. WASHINGTON. April 18. Weather bureau officials state that an earth quake of mlnlatur proportions occur red here this morning. The needle In seisemograph about 8:30 this morning was thrown violently from side to side. The shock, however, was not perceptible to those fu tho building or on the streets. AFTER THE MAN THAT T SOUTHERN PROBABLY TO ISSUE 5200.000,000 BONDS Uy Win! to The Sentinel. KICHMO.NI. April IX. The stock holders of thi Southern Railway Com puny have been called to meet here this aft. -moon lo vote on the proposi tion of the board of directors to auth-orl-.e Hie Issue of liMi.lxMl.tioO develop, nienf and general mortgage 4 per cent IkjikIs. Of this amount only ll'i.hOfl,. (Mid are to be Issued Immediately while the. rest Is to bo Issued Us the necessity arises. The details of the plan have been given In this dispatch s-lrcady. It Is understood that a syndicate headed by J. P. Morgan & Co. has ben formed tn purchase the f 15.0Oti.0lMl bonds lo be Istued as sooti as the stockholders have given th.'lr consent. The whereabouts of O. M. Moffett. the Durham man who bought the stock of goods of W. L. Hill, bank rupt, for $4.&nn, remains unknown to Mt.-D. H. Blati, the trustee appointed by Maj. J. E. Alexander, rfferee In baiikiuptcy. lo sell, the stock. The sal was confirmed, but Moffett has not put tip the cahh yet. Several days ago Mr. Blair went to' Greensboro and obtained ' an order from JmigA Boyd for servjee of troe ess on Moffett. There are three remedies against a false purchaser at a Judicial sale. One Is to compel nun to take the stock, By Wire to The Sentinel WASHINGTON. April li. Miss Natinle Graham Hume, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hume of this city and Ueut. Henry C. Jewel t, 1'. S. A There being no Jarur challenged for ciuiiV the following twelve were I It n sworiSiiid rnipanitvllcd. Judge Guff having nrst addiessetl to. ihein the tollowlug: , "If theie Im' onn among jott Jumrs who may feel that you cannot give the defeiiihint fair trial you may In dlcata It." No one responding, srtei a moment Jutlgo Goff said, "You all then feel thai you can." All nod led assmt. and the oath was administer ed. The Jury complete Is composed Ot tho fdlllWillB' .- - C. R. Wilson. I,i e Anthony, Kills Fnucetie, W. C. Roper, W. F. Bray. O. 11. Mauser, Yadkin county: 8. K. Tale, .1. It. Coll rain, Guilford; Gilbert X. Hoke, II. II. Montgomery, W. M Roberts. J. W. Cook'. District Attorney Lewis (hen r.d th bills of Indictment, outlining the nutlets prupoFed lo be proven In the case. The court took Judicial notice of the election of defendant , E. Spencer HUckbuin. jt a memlier of Corgre from the Eighth district . of North Carolina., In November, 1904. . R. krlgt r, bdng sworn. Uwtlfled, "On the 10th of March, 1905, 1 receiv ed n phone message stating that my wagon and team had been seised for alligi'd violation of the revenue laws.' I phored Mr. Blackburn at his home In Greensboro, and asked him If he would see lUveuuv Agent Chaimuiti, Mr, Holtoii and others and liiok after tho matter for me, I asked him to look after my Interest. Hu enme to Salisbury on tho lSth or 2oth of March and mid he had seen none of the oRicers yet but he would look af ti.r It, Along lu May I was arrested In Salisbury and gave bond. I again Phoned Blackburn lh Greensboro ami he told m to come over to see him. This was the last of May. lie told me he had wet: Holton and Chapman and they bad agreed to recommend a com ptouilse for $100, 1 asked what lie was going to charge. ll sold he could not charge anything, that 1 ing a member of ('engross he could not ohargu mo without, getting In trouble. I then paid him 1 1 no to pay the compromise and I also gave him fifty dollars for himself, lit! never g,,v. it back. The case against me In court at Htatesvlllo I emnloyed lilrn to look after. Afterwards there tame a loiter from the commissioner at Washing ton to Mr. Blackburn, which be, for warded me, saying that In addition lo the $100 compromise, I would have to pay the costs." The letter was then produced V was from Collector Harklns ut Black bum asking liini to forward costs in case against Krider. as the rule was (hat In compromise the costs always had fo be paid. H thought that fi', would pay the costs. A letter from Blackburn to Krider, enclosing this E supu-nu' court had decided that au:('ll,'1' advices tnis morniiia; as ui arniignnicni ot tho prisoner W nec-j'-he condition of the survlvlug Injured, cs.-ary. Juilge 11 mini said while it' . ,i not the practice lu this state, Ktj d ft'ndsnt would agne to have the record show that an stralgnment had' beer, made, thus meeting the- district I attorney's tewn. This was agreed to and tht congressman did lt have to stand up and go through the foritial-j- proceedtngs of being srrai3iiI. Jtnlge ItMiuin, in answer to Judge Goff's In quiry as to whether defendant was uady to plead or not, replied. "Yes. oiir llonor, the defendant pleads not guilty to every Item, charge and count In the bills of Indictment." It took but fifteen minutes to select a Jury. The pmsecntloii challeng d lliti following two peremptorily: J. W. M-Kiitfleld, Stokes county; D. K. Wag oner, Alamance ounty. The defendant 8lso challenge!, two, peremptorily, lo- A party claiming to be a member of the labor union at High Point, camo lit re jesterday, for thu purpos, as he alleged, of ai ranging for on or two speeches In this city by labor oi stoi . Tim man was drinking and on this account members of the Typo graphical I'nlon hers refused to hats anything to do with him. Mayor Ka on also declined to giant tha alleg ed representative a permit for his orators to tpeak on the streets It Is admitted by even the anient friends of the labor .unions that men of this diameter do I heir cause harm. The man had no credentials, there fore members of the local unions are persuaded to believe that tho High Point organisations had nothing to do with him or his actions for them while in this city. Death of Miss Amsnda Leach. ' Miss Amanda Leach died Humlsy night tit the home of Iter sister. Mrs. O. W. Csrr. nt Trlnltv. Randolph county, rthc was also a sister of Mrs. M. J, IVidson, of this city. . Deputy Sheriff Jones, of Walker town, was 50 ears old Tuesday. Rot ative and friends gave him a surprlso on Monday In honor of the event. About 40 took dinner with ihe officer, who had planned lo visit Roanoke on the excursion that lay. C. A. Ktnllh, of High Point, was la the city today. There is always somebody who feel sorry for a poor man st his funeral. will be married at 5 o'eliK-k ibia after noon at the Pro-Cathodral church of produced, telling him to for ward $'i as costs to hiln tfi the collec tor. The envelope n frsnkd. the let ter head was on congressional iper ai d it was dated at Green Park Hotel, Blowing Rock. Croe examined, by Mr. .Jii.-.tiee: "I have known Mr. Blackburn a long while and our relations were such ss to make me feel frw- to rail on hiin as a matter of frlendsjiip. Tlwie was not a word said by Mr. Blackburn about my pning him money for his service In the compromise. I e'xp'ct the Ascension. The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the home of. the bride's parents. The bride wlil be attended by Miss Klizalieth Peters, of Cincinnati. Mis Grace Manna, of Cleveland. Miss Irene Moore of this city sod Miss Ruth Halford, also of this city. Mr. Jo!ab Jewett, Jr., of Buffalo, will act as best mau for his brother and the ushers wilt be officer "friends of the bridegroom. At Auditorium Last Night. Thu Davis-Goodwin Company oiien-ieil to Is Indicted ami I found out thai another to relieve him, or resell the led- a live nights' engagement at tho, Mr. Blackburn had been to-.fedna! stork and charge purchaser with the, Elks' Auditorium last Light, giving a I court at Statcsvllle and Mallsbury to difference. This can be done by, ataood performance before a large, aud-jlook after my case in the federal motion in the cause and without .trial, ! .ence. The specialties were ciever'court. The The matter will likely come tip foi j Indeed sud the piay Itself was enjoy a hearing before Judga Boyd lu iail. . . Grettitboro May 18. ! Tonight . If a man boasts that he has no-enemies, he Rt-idotu has occasion' to boast of his friends. Light . weight men always tWuk they are heavy-weight thinkers. A Daughter of Satan" will ue presented and a largn audience will doubtless be In attendance. Thursday night "The Bcoul'a R vefige" will bt; presented. The newslioys of the city will I ad mit led free. Including carirers. Thurs day night the rase on compromise. Trie fifty dollars was not a large amount for the services he hud rendered me ia federal court. Blackburn did some thing, and I had before had a lawyer who only got up one time In court and msde me pay him fifty dollars, t flrt told this matter to Assistant District Attorney Price." Mr. Justice thru asked If Mr. Price did nirt approach him lu coiuiectio.i with hl difficulty with Blackburn or the nomination tor Congress. X'ommlssloner Yerkes said Black burn handed him In Washington petl Hoc lu Ace Dlnkins esse, but did not make any argument; that pHtllonwas signed Aee Dinkltis, per Blsekbitfii. attorney. " Colli ctor Harklns testified thst Blackburn over long distance phone had trl.'d lo get him to recommend release of liquor seized from Ace Dlnkins, and upon his declining beg ged him to do it, saying it would mean five hundred dollars to him. Frank Etldlemun testified be psbt Blackburn $"ih In check on Winston bunk as fee to gi t Dlnkins case com promised before collector snd dis trict attorney. "Have never stated I paid it for Blackburn to appear gen irally before departments." Kilnleniaii was undergoing examina tion when court took a recess at onn for dinner. Ho. stuck to It ftiiallr that he paid Blackburn for bth DavU snd Dlnkins, to' appear tn court. Defendant On the Stand. The 'gov err, nt 'lit rested at 4 o'clock when the defendant. Hpencer Black bum, went on the stand to explain his transactiocs with distiller and others for whom he appeared a coon- sf-1. Ho testified that he told his clients that he could not accept fees to appear before any of the depart ments and tabt th.- money paid him was for legal services In the courts, The government may Introduce other testlmoi.y after the defense conludi'S. Charges Against Blackburn. The' 'efeniiaiit Is indicted on three charges, covering Mirce separal'.1 and distinct transaefimi as follows: Flict. taking from T. A. Davis, to secure the settlement of a case with the conmiinslonei of internal reveiuif. at Washlngtoii, In connection with unstamped whiskey seized In ! cuiiber. l!ot. near Wlnsion. 8'coiut. thsrgi-s. were priferre'i that Coiignxsiiian Blackburn sccepteii I.Vi'i as corniH for appearing b;fore the commissioner of Internal case had be& adjusted and -1 could revenue to sicure the ri-lease of a go home, it was two' weeks before dti'i' ling p'a selwd bf the guvern this thai I had paid Blackburn ihejment officers as ttte property of Ace $loo on ,th" compromise and the fifty , Dinklr.s. of Williams dollars for himself., I pad him the! Third .taking $."i0 as fee from W. R. fee for servires reudeied In the fed-j Krider. of Salisbury, In connection eial court, and he tiplalned that helwlih the siUure of some empty contd not take It for having settled stamped whiskey barrels. court. The case, w.w transferred to ;Ch.irlotte. R!ckhurn was mv atior- llay thtre. Mr. .Holton bild mo the