wiN-crry baily sentinel WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL U. 1906 b YEAR- PRICE 5 CENTS ilM tl IS; NOW SUBSIDING; RELIEF FUND AGGREGATES EIGHT MILK. kE SECTI01DF C1H WILL PROBABLY BE SAVED; f IS STILL BURNING BUT IS UNDER FAIRLY GDOD lONTRDU FUN AND SOLDIERS ARE DOING SPLENI IRK IN IRE CITY.u ae ipiseGajEfl . PEfisOBEL of. the . jY. M. C. A. ACTIVITY Ml 5 I E GAPIIAL . . -v n, in TKi It UHU Ra Cn1iAl Fffo'-tl viaIu A 1 xl fObltjm IS beriOUS Ullo riwyciu no mat iv win ouniu uivvuuiij, ru-s ;g!i Some Suffering Is Inevitable Gnc-Half of Population of III-Fated City Slept In Parks Last Night-General Conduct of the People Has Been Ad mirable and Situation Today Seems to Be Materially Improved. , Sjk:;!! to The Sentinel i RALEIGH. Asm il 21 The Dre-sden1 Mills tilicorponUtO Witt. RiaiKfd a charter this afternoon i. thf office ol the secretary of suae, the capital , iof k being $.'iMt.iMMV . subscribed b Culdwdl Catlyle. H. II Jennings. A. V. McLean, Su-phen Mdiityre. A. K. While ami others. Tlve com pant is empowered tt operate cotton mills and also f tree it tire factory. is officially announced that the Control til the Raleigh street railway ila pascd into the hands ol Northern dapltaus: represented by Mr. Mars den J. Perry of New Jersey, aiul that 'iexiensive Impiovemen, are s.ic-3. to made. Ther? ait to be do change in Uic mauagement or officer for the hi r.:'.n. ci. vn with t:: eom.nt pro-! UUCllotl t II J (ill's IliWil IV1,01 i tkc. "Tite Cieatum." a lew timely re i uiait-s may t us'tui iii man., of our pe pie. win, p : j aps,.nia m W fa-i miliar wlik :tn ; ol musical cutu-' pornl: . having lUiutl th.'ir nani Schedule Lqcal Association Continues To Do Effective Work Along Various Lines. of Gymnasium Classes. Busmen n4 Professional , Mtn'a Clastea Recently Organised. Mr, Fred Mett in Charge of Pnyslcaf Work of Local Association. , Servk ' TonigfU. Boy Co on Tramp Today. Wall Known Rattf lou Worker Hero This; Afternoon. A full schedule (it cMunaalum ela- Franciacc enn . I ii-:.. J . ... u ...... 1.1.. t - Ul. . ..- II1R. luutiiiviwiie aiv uui 'tn l in iii. sotuh of Van Neaarand north of the materially fire it now unaer rainy and a large section of theibav he dmroyed. hahiw he saved " '" "e impossible to eniaunsn i: . j i.u.u iA i uiuiii I i.Miiiiij Lfiiuti iitm. . im. i TOconrmea ,.r8,7 "!sick, nmst McwrlIy be oxW Iscdon. e; i(XiKiaiid to a point up the buy where ork ha: been rendered if ritv to west now atandina: remains we will be able to continue eoni- tint Thousandr of peoplo! in:acf there are many good bulMiiiKsj umnicatlona In case thfl ferry btilldini? ' j .,. h.iwir cai be used a honpital. i U di itroyed." s and destitute and heroic ..,., i.,,, I Ruuiin mil T.learanh Hill. hci'ng made to supply their SliUpiipg a.rivine nre bein distrib- Deatroyad. jood success.. Half of the m?(i ;o people in the parks. ; OAKLAND, Apt It 21,-11:30 a. tu. , jirarui, inlaw j. iuiure cvik- linuiiiK as president ar j a iK ral man lager of taj sysiicni. The chaiiKc really mmns thi Introduction of uiw aud addiUrmal capital for the exten sion of llw lir.fs a id L-tiicral iiiuioe- on; -.mi'.? ferry 1 Kotwe where the jnifiit of the system. Western I'nion esiah'ished Jeadqnar;- x, 8 wa rweivi-.l here ttaiat after Vr!, is btlll bui nine but unless hislt noon of th death f Mia. C. M. Her wind comes w, teel safe Dr the prt ii- 'mti In a hospital at Richmond where en;. Hut as a precautionary measure she underwent au operation t.nie to picvf-t the world from beta ahiuUecka aico. She had been recoverir.R ottl from Sin Francisco we are ar-lbm oinanic heart trouble developed. raiiKitia: to cany cables working to death occiininK very suddenly. Sin- was the wife of former I'niteil Stales the) '7'he police, troops ar.d nremen are !ahnot exhausted. The couduct of the people in gener aggregatea , ,.ag bw a(Imlrahlei of the city slept in fight ' fund dollars. u Most of the casualties were In thciihe ferry bulldine caused th :t oi b people generally pooier stcilons south of Market j that ferry was on fire, liirabie joiivtv. ",ioi mmij n' u- miiim iu ini- ri;uri hbs Rit :a en and troops are doing Early this niorniiiR fury of the flames abated somewhat. The fire completed the, destruction on Russian and Tele- Kraph Hills. The approach of fire- to report District Attorney Uornard and was a most estimable woman. She leaves three children. No announcement has been mad but it is expected, that the remains will he brought here for interment. ! street, oi. let pott 'on. Many Pitiful Sights. NEW YORK. April 21. 11 a. m.- ,icej -roicate tnat consio-, v Western l'nio:i bullelh. uys: of life and oroperty was! '1 have nr-ver witnesw-d a worse bme of the Interior towns. Relief was Blvt n. all who needed It and it is reported thutthwre whs not a hungry person in Frisco last night. No Further Informatfon. WASHINGTON, April 21.-11:30 a. i m. I'p to 11 this morning the marine GREAT ENGLISH WOMAN PHILANTHROPIST IS 92 rh S. ntli'fl ".K, Auiil -II. 10 a. m'.- Cn'.cn !ml!''titi from San I--: ': here is apparently N'j one seems io know on .(-xrept in his 1m- kiiliiit 'hood. . ( Hi i. which worried lis up ai. times, may 'in t.'ic firemen. It men ami warehouses on 'int. of which about 15 MlIS nf uoJjd." Jict Break Out. April 21. ;30 a. in. Inn wi, h-fi Hun Kraacls- nliiht mv - smallpox and condiiloc- of affairs DtiriiiR the nlBliti , 80.yice rw,,vod ro a(,vlcts il-hi n tlyu inlil u-tfifl util-iiiir m 'hAI ... . whin the cold wind spraiijr up :he pIlRht of the campers, mini, wotnri and childien, must have been pitiful In I ho extreme. , "The opinion is that after the people' 1 h.ivii 'ill Infrtrmnil thnlr rrt..nilc nf ! ' their condition thoro will be little business unlll rebuilding tar(s, tnd many express doubt as to when tluit will be." 1D0 Killed at San Joae. OAKLAND. April 21. News from p:iinls ouiRule of Sttn '"' Ki&nctsco Is stil! meagre. It appeurs that disaster at San Jose has hem underestimated mid ai. Santa Rosa overestimated. A brief dlspakeh direct from San .loso Kays 1"D wore killed and 200 In jured. In Agnew's Asylum the loss of broken nut among lh life was 130. .llU. Tlll'V S.llli the U.A..,M llnln. D.,J Uiii. - tuidor .luarantlue. v,,. vnn.. 1,..,-. m let ot People Good. The Wentrn tiilnn nfficn received iTiiN. April 2, 10:10 a. following bulletin from Frisco office l"ll s this llliirninu from nt 1 I 1 Ti thin mm-nlnir- e is making no prog- "Kite that started alonit water front wesi fiom Van Ness Av- last night, which was fuared would regarding the reported outbreak of smallpox aatd typhoid in Frisco. Half Population Slept in Parka. OAKLAND, t'al.. April 21. 12:30 save the water front the large machine works were ' dvnamlted. It looks now as If fire on water front will be checked tt Lombard street wharf, it is estltimted that one-haif of the population of Frisco slept In parks last night. Aside from the lire which wiw creeping alrng I he river front from North Beach all seetlo'is are In con trol In tlmt portion ot Mission dis trict. These are not touched by the flames and no damage has been done there. Relief Fund Eight Millions. NEW YORK, April 21. 1:15 p. m. From reports at hand today It Is seen that the relief fund for Ban Fran cisco sufferers aggregates tdght mil lions. New York alor.e this mornliiR raised nearly $1,500,000. At the time of the Chicago conflagration thru city raised $1,100,000. By Wire to The Sentinel. LONDON. April 21. Baroness Ilur dett-C'jutts, probably the world' greatest woman philanthropist. Is celebrating hi r ninety-second hirthr dry today. During the four-woro and twelve years ot her life she has given away mote than $2u,otN),ooo for char itable purposes and many of th most Important charitable institutions In (he I'nlted Kingdom owo the-lr exU 1 Mice a1 prosperous condition to her munificence. She Is the only woman who wag ever raised to the pi eiage In recognition, of her many acta of charity and her public spirit. She is the daughter of Sir Francis nurdett. M. P. and tho. grand-daughter of Thomas t'outts, the great banker. Her vast fortune In derived from the 't'outts bank In which she la still a partner. She necllued the offer ot imiarlnge. mull she was slxiy-clgnt yivtis old, when she murri d Sir Wil liam Afihmead, who was then o;ily thirty vars i!il. The niarria.te which was strongly disapproved of by Queen Victoria, proved a very happy one. contrary to general expectations. The Baroncw was raised to the peerage through the efforts of Gladstone. of, ."Oratorio" fr.mi being flrat'pmduc-l ed at the OratarU of the muxiea! ten-: leis ol Kur.M e, , Tfy- (KaiotUt U a while work, giv I lug expression to a ffi ! ol Incidents' in some prmmtH-n; theme or event lit the hlMory ut mankind and tti form is peculiar to itli the "Recitative" tM-lnj kimp! an intuiied reclUtUiJ.' with aecimipatiiuient followed U vocal fctltw. duets, trio and grand chorusea (i wi! be conducted iu the Y. M. C. A. all accompente-d by organ, piuuo and g-.nua..liim. IhkIuuIiik wtt Monday, full oichestral effect. jnndri thf personal aupervlaioo el Mr. OI the many fam.ius com posit lou s i Metis, th-e phsleal director. Tle loK of this clas. two have gained a woild Uiln is the schetUile: wide repuiiitien ax masier -piece j llo, Monday and Wedneadaya p. "The Messiah," byMlamlel and "The m, and Sittutdavo V a. m. Creation," by Jo f Havdii. aud these professional nn-, Mndas. VJ two will hold piace so long a mankind n..da and Frldavs 5:15 p. m. loves good music an deiighis In Its' Uiuinesa men. MornU). Wednew lclellige-nt expression. 'iIimi and Friduv 6.15 p. w. "The Creation" ha for its theme, Young meu. Tuesday, und Tnur the record of the creation ol . tne dav 8 d. m. world, a glTeMi in the book ot One sis and the Koeltatlve are taken ver baUm from the Scilpture while the versification of the solos aud othur nurts are ilrawn from Milton's 'Tar adise lxs(" and the whole work i woven into a diadem of harmony thai Older txixs. Tikeadav and Thur davs i p. m. and Satin day 10 a. in. 1 lidlvlthinl Instruction Monday I p. m. , llaskrt ball, Friday It p. m Athletics, Saturda) S:30 p. m. A number of men are jotnlnc thi haa crowned It composer with fame. Unsocial Urn especially for the tine of me production m such Mupemions the mninaslum, anj the Young Me 'a works Is very rsre as they require such masterly ability In the director and so much trained ability in tho performer In addltlou to long rehear saU and exjiensive preparaUoo and such a. pro luclkm Is a notable event which none ran afford to uiIhs or over hxtk a It may not present Ithelf sgaln to. vcars. Wheioever auch performances are flu Im Inn Asstx-lation, In providing a well equipped gymnasium under, com F lent supervlshtt ha met onit of Hk gr-iwlug need of our community life. Boy on a Tramp. Mr. Fred MetU took a number of1 tlu bo of Y. M. C. A. Ik' Deniart ment for an out log In the wood this monr'.ng. They were an enthusiastic given price of admission have to be;0'0 J ''' tnorouKhly placed high, sometimes five dollar a. fn lh trl, ru return dater tick t hut In this ciise an effort hai lu" TIN. G. BRYANT Avon the program to be veiling in the cha'pet H"! s" scho,i;. under the ;he S.-r.ior clasa the tw. "An Evening With Pwl ' n til yan: ': am Culleii Bryant, the 'vH:te. '--NJeiirv Ward tv.nli "''V Snimn Thought. , -"P.aine tiewell, Mont I'lslifw, IVi)l!in, While. "' U'Oum, Reich, Tesh, ba.-s. SinL f'iifntti. t . viuimtin, f'ftli. Shoal. ;'"' Poet Walter nl the Flowers Carl D. I v! t ij..i... n. ..... u. luuiener. "Hiight.-tHee club. '" 'I' t.-Wil'.iam T. --Thomas XI. Mroum. :i''i -li:e-u CinU. j h- t;.-ite. Reginald F. rf-iwl.-RoHrt A, Me-' Love Abiding. 'is-. Clinton W. Ilin- ; ion's Mcn.-iioiiand E -'''- Club. , "f Urynnfs Portrait to A. Whli.i ..v, jiirj(iifni !;f Poi trait. -Bishop scnooi board. FEW CHANGES IN UiSiARf in. CLEM TO IB THE HEARING v I.' in ! , , t "" ,,i,,an V" umiroe, where ;:' '-'-Ns before the . """-eh. From -, ' ': "aleiKh Mon v Washing- iiiiiep on 1 nt. of ru....i... inline ihiu , nitl'r By Wire to' The Sentinel WASHINGTON, April 21. It" IS a source of considerable, gratification to army officers that, tho war deparlmeu' has refused to consider any material changes in their uniform. It Ms rea lized in the department that, no mat ter what the uniform may be, there ure. those who will find an opportunity to suggest changes, all more or less expensive lo the 'officers, who niti.-t furnish iheir own, apparel. General Chaffee, while chief of staff, held that ibe uniform was on- a practical basis, and his successor. General Dates, agreed with him. There is every rea son to expect that the new chief of staff. General Bell, will adhere to this view. If anything is done with the uniform, it will bo to eliminate some of the style of dress which are con sidered useless but which are used for show puriKHes only. The only reason that the full die-ss has been retained W that in public gatherings, where army officers come In contact with representative of other services, It is desirable to maintain a proper proper Hon of display. It Is considered that the uniform worn for the field by the Arue-rlcaii army Is tho most comforta ble and best suited w hich could ba de vised, and surpasses in those quan tity the military apparel of all other countries. Suggestions of changes in the uniform continue, to be received, but although they are examined and carefully tiled, no further attention is paid to them. The only change of any importance, which has been de cided on during the last few davs, i the adoption of a new kind of leggings recommended for use in the aimy by 'tie quartermaster general. These new leggings nre a few Inches shorter than those In use at the present time and are lnecd In front. Instead of the aide. It is not expected thnt .an;. more material change in the uniforms fr equipment, of the soldiers will be made thin year, neither for home u.' por for use In the tropics. ' Miss Essie Stoke of Charlotte, who lias been the guest of Miss Anna Chretr.berg for ten days, went home this aflerr.oon to the regret of the many friends she won during her stay here. Mrs. Ilank Thomas and Miss Ada Thomas.- of Greensboro, went to W'll kesboro this Jifternoon to apenrl Sun day with Mr1 and Mrs. John Thomas "A Rev. B. V. Spill man, Sunday school secretary, of tho Southern; Baptist con vention ind Rev Hlgiit C. Moore, 8un day school secretary of the Baptist: Stale Convention, aie conducting Sune day school institutes throughout the State. They passed through the city this monring enroute to Wilkes, Ashe and Alleghany counties.' They will re turn lu re Thursday afternoon and will hoid an Institute at the First Baptist church at 7:3U o'clock that evening. .VI r. Moore, after having served churches' at Morehead City, Winston Snlom, Monroe, New Bern and 'Chapel Hill is now iu his third year as Sun day school secretary of the Baptist Stale convention of North Carolina. He is tho author of a manual entitled "The Book of the jdble" and of "Tho Country Sunday School." and of '.'The Story of the Son of Man." a series of articles on the Life of Christ now ap pearing in the Biblical Recorder, Mr. Spilman; formerly pastor at Kiniton. has for nine year devoted himsi If exclusively to Sunday school work; has studied it In every phuae practically" a well as theoretically; is th author of an excellent booklet on "The Sunday School;" has traveled from the Atlantic to the Pucific and won a nailona! reputation as a Sun day school expert. As field secretary of the Baptist Sunday school board, of Nastville, he Is In special demand among Sjuthern Baptists. APPALACHIAN FOREST RESERVE BILL HEARING, MAKES MAIDEN TRIP. Br Wire to The Dentinal. HAVRE, April 21. La Provence. -of the French line, I he biggest and fast est, vessel ever built In France, sailed this mon'.iug from here on her maiden trip to New York. The construction of the steamer was begun in Decem ber. I!tu3, at Penhoust, near St. Nat alie, and on March 13, last, she. ran her trial trip off Belle Isle. She dls places about If 100 tons on a com paiatlvely light draught of 2C.73 fen't. The diriiensions la regard to length, beam and depth have been adapted to the harbor of Havre, whlcii, on ac count, of Its insufficient depth could not accomodate the English and the German leviathans. La 1'rove.icc has a length over all of U2iJ feet, a beam of t5 feet, and is capable of catrj ing 2,000 persons, In cluding a crew of 435 and about 4uo first, class passengers. A system of tlecttic ventilation allows the occu pant, of each cabin to regulate It him ael... m '-' . TJie sleamer has six docks, and is divided into twenty partnien's, such doors as there are In t'to bulkheads, being controlled from the bildgp, where an electric- Indica tor shows whether all the water tight doors art working. The engine consist of two Ms of triple expansion type, each with four cjii.-'iers, driving twin screws, with a horse power of 30,000 and an expect ed speed of 23 knots. There are twen-t.v-one cylindrical boilers, working at a pressure of fourteen atmoniaVTC and fitted wilh Howden'a foreedl draught. The commander of tho ves sel is Captain AJix, formerly of the La Irraine. led! made to keep the price low as one dollar and It Is expected the (espouse will he so larire that two night have been set for the produc. Hon, April 25 and 2ii, and the pro coeds are to be placed to aid thn fund for founding a scholarship in Raleni Academy endowed Iu hor.or of .widow of the famous soldier, 'Stonewall" Jackson. Tho following will take part In "The Creation," a members of the chorus: Soptanos Mesdamcs E. A. Ebert. H. K. Fries, Ja. Green, H. Holland. J. K. Pfohl, 8. A. I'fohl, F. W. Slock ton, Bettle 11. Vogler; Mlss-s Mary A dania, Alice A.vcock, liuls? Dahuson, Mer.efee Bleiise, Ruth hrlnkley, Lucy Ilrriwn, Opal Drown,. Helen Duck, Bes sie Crist. Ruth Crist, Myrtle Dane. R.iaa Icane, LeMay Dewey, Dorothy Dj:, Eleanor Fries, Mamie Fulp. lu Im Grutiert, Emma Gudner, 'va Ha sell. Mary llanel, Helen Huyucg, Mary Ileitman, CeleMc Henkel, Baltic Jones, Neil Jurr.ey, Mamie Kapp, Joy Kime, Hnxel Laugenour, llertha Line buck, Cornelia Iinback, Mary Mc Muriay, Alln" McLnln, Mary MinUa rls, Ellen Noiilei t. Minn Ormsli). E1U ihcth Ormby. Rusha' Sherrod, Cu! Shore, Grace Hlewers, Ruth Skwera. Mr. Vogt Hro. Mr. Von Ogden Vogt, of Dowton, gen eral secretary of the I'ltllert Society of Christian Endeavor, was In the city 1.11 t veulng, for a few hour and met the mlnlbier of th city In a parlor conference nt the Y. M. C. A. at 3 p. in. Saturday Night Bong tarvlco. The Haturday night song sec v lea In the y. M. C. A. parlor at II o'clock to light will he led by Mr. John A. Naylor. NEW YORK CENTRAL ' "IS GETTING REM Oy Wlra to Tha BntlnL NEW YORK. April 21, The New Yoik Central has boen iiulng up all the land on both sides til the city if ' PeekskiH on the Hudnon, o Ijiu to. day that tliy can't build a'dock for public u hi'. The Railroad Comtmny hut an nrtuy ,of men eviU4yiflllli,B I up. and pulling the property in good shape. This Is done bv (he railroad Kathleen Smith, Etltel Parker, Alice comtmny lu order U control all tho Rose, Daisy Spaugh, Mabi I Spaugh, , lnr liuur ulaee on tin? Huduon rlwr Bertie Smas, Marguf rite Tay. El iia front. This act Ion Is taken In view of both Tish. Geiirudo Tesh. Alia Tran ihe great exposltlou that la announc soit. Blossim Traxler, Nellie Wate. fr th,. uar t uo-j. Verv little. If Elisabeth Watklns. Julia Wilson. anj thing, has been said In the New Altos Mesdamea George .Bunxcr.j York pupcis alut this huge enter Heney Crist, W. J. Peterson, Mary pilse, but the river rountle are full Prather, Mary Price, R. A. Spiiigh.lof It. papers aud p,.ople talking. absut Biiinchu Sumner; Mlsse Florence, ; constantly. A lame numbjr of Barnard, Pattle Buughnm, Mary Cro steam shovel are working on the bin well. Doia Haury, Lillian Miller, j pe ninsula extending Into the Hudson Saldee Robblns, Lucile Robinson, Ber-!rlvei. a;:d called Verplsnrk'a Point. tie Tlse. Tenor-W. A. Bruce, C. E. Crist, Jasper Dean,. ,I:i. Greeu. Amos Hills. A. Liciitenthaelci, R. Llchteutliaeler, V. W. Stock i m. -Basses Messt. L. B. Brlckenstiin, Harvey Ciiet, E. A. Elx-rt, J. A. Hop Miis, C, Thneler, The following will take iwirt as nieinlMTu of the orchestra Miss Hel en Brown, Messrs; C. J. Hrockmunn The ground I hfiun Uveled. awatur fliicd up, and the wholu tutface niadei ready for builillng. a great army of laborer Is at work, and they are fairly traiisfoimlug the placo for thf) njlilloiis who are expected to visit tho festivities that will mark the great , event. One of the principal feature will be a .-ommodtous Academy of Music, which will he a permanent h atltutloti, and will be used for the George Woodroffe, fltst violins; Jas. wiclal encouragement of AtD'Mieau Kapp, W. P. Ormsby, second violin; (music and American music producer. B. Wurrescbke, viola; E. Brockmanti, it fihow what a peculiar et ot new cedlo; B. J. Pfohl. double baas; F, F.I paper the Metriipnll b,'i. that tho Dahnson. Walter liege, flutes; W, J lsulijeci has sa(Pdy been mentioned Peterson, 8. W. Tlse. clarinets; R'-gl I here, aid It Is doubtful whertaer one nnld Clewell, William Mille r, French Ww Yorker out of a hundred has hotns; J. E. Peterson, Clyde Right, ever heard of it, while the whole comets; Clias. Vance, Herbert Vug- upper part of the srtate aflame over ler, II. T. Mickey, trombone; . Miasjit Ouh.. ikliift. ia certain tliat mil Ullian Jolinson, tiiiaiil; Miss Ivy , inn 0f niouey are to be made on that Ntcewongcr, organ; Vleck, piano. Mies Amy Van blackburn gets ' Tannelegriias The Houss ccmmlllee nt agricul ture will take up for consideration the Appalachian Forest Reserve bill next Weinisday. Govcinor Glenn will at tend the hearlug as will Governor Hejward, of South Carolina. Among others who will attend may ho men tioned Mr. Henry E. Fries, of this cltv; Mr. D. A. Tompkins, of Char lotte; Mr. F. E. Hewitt, of Ashevilie, and othe r prominent men. The bill lo be considered Wednes day appropriates 11.iin0.uW for pro posed Appalachian Forest R,serve. It is a measure, the passage of which will mean much for this section, and It Is e crturaging to note that so much Interest Is being taken In It by North Carolinian. It It bill that, should be passed, by all means. Yellow Jacket Man Here. Editor R. Don Taws, of the. Yellow Jacket, published at Moravian Falls, was here this afternoon, returning from Charlotte. The Yellow Jacket ! cond ictlng a linotype machine school and the owner accompanli! a young man to Charlotte who ha leainid to -operate this complicated machine. He secured a position with the Charlotte New. '' For Retailing. Henry Ionard was arrested today by Deputy Marshal Carroll on the charge, of retailing; "spirits" without license. He gave ball for his appear aiice- at trial he-fare L'nltf-s Htafes Commissioner Doekcrdlte next Saturday. Mrs. P. H. Peltier, of New Yotk. I lb guest of Mr. J. K. Nor fleet. She arrived thl afternoon. dreaty looking. Verplalick point lu l'.M)!i, and -before that lime.,. It ha lain practically ttaitsH ever since Henry (llendilckl Hudson aa!ld past II In the Half Moon and has been uch a uselea appendage of the grvet river which waitbe Its shore that people have wondered why It hasn't be-en caned away to fill up sume nux Ions tetrltoty, ' S MEETING Of CITIZENS Of RALEIGH. Special to Tho tntlnel. GREENSBORO. April 21. Since hi vindication Congressman E. Spencer Iiliirkburn has received, from all part of the State, over five hundred tele grams congratulating him on tho out come of the trial. As. Mr. Blackburn returned fiom lno court room yester 8 t(, Tb HpnnH. oy he wis g tea an nf.H-nuil ncep - KAjK,(; Ari) 2i.-There was a Hon In the Ren bow Ibby by h!s!nl!lM r,,,.,.,, (f ritlxens of Hulelgh many friend la (;reenhoro.. All pol-al ?nr ralI of Mavor Johnson last iiieu, neiiiiKH were lorgov'-n .,.nli.e !!' n'cliK-k when reaolu. lions exprVieMvo of stiipathy for tho sitflirets in the gieai Han Francisco disaster were ndopied and a public tt'ihscr'.ptlo) siartcl for tiulistatitial rclii.f tkiili-riH ,i l.itiu . i.rn In li t.-fl for Washington. D. C, in a few dayja( My f . lmuVt to,,a). fcd upp(. 1 :io io ue rrauc noiil an u enj Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Click, of Elkin.lpiU Sunday. A committee will .,! arrived In the cltv this afterr.oon from 1 sent out. Monday by the mayor to grasped the congressman' hand. Democrat and .Rpubllra alike eager to show their grntillcallon at Mr. Blackburn's victory. Mr. Blackburn and family will have Stalesville, where they have been visiting , relatives. Mr. Click went home-, while Mr. Click remained here to be th Riirst of Mr. J. W. Strep herd for a fe-w day. soliait KubsrilpMons and (hen the aldermen are to meet and supplement the fit -1 If ne-o-'I be lo bring It up to an amount eommensumte win what I Raleigh should contribute. '