T1NCITY DAILY SENTINEL 'YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS (Bill II ? Doubtless Mark Great Sn Fran Conflagration. - u.,b Arts Much In lrf tM Streetf - EnUiU Ma Of the HOmc.c Lr0stu Adt Million t9 Orig'M" '"" " Government Rel-cf B19 LOCAL CONCERN - II CHi.BTER. RECEIVES 23. Toe vHSCO. Alii , -h.. u::toward circum- sitftri"9 Night Wt'U.-ti ill.' UM10WWK " te.io rroui -?au I'llio ' By Wire to The Sentinel. LONDON. April 23. It. is txactly tweutv-eli years today since Mr. lUail- stjce went to Wind-tor and ntwl to I'oim a ministry. The general e'.oc itiou had resulted In the return of IVJ i liberals. sixty Irish HomeruWrs, acl I2-42 Tories. The qmen tent for Ijord I Harrington c April 22. and h w.-nt , to Windsor with Lord Granville on the jnwiuiag of i"e following day. la the afternoon the two re.urnt-j and dtaxe 'off from Paidi-gton Station to Harley istrcet, where Gladstone livtd. About b o'clock .h;it same day Gladstone, iu 'his turn, went to see the queen and I returned to town as Prime Mlnistei! itliaiirille. leader of the party in the : Lords and HartListon, leader in the Coxnions, both recognized that the ' popular wish wan that Gladstone Should be bad of the government. That soifliaaat lMfl In power Ate ytais and a half, and enfra-rtiU ot ibc agricultural laborer. But its jlrl&li policy wax a failure, aud the 'next election in 1S-S3, save tht IJb,-. erals a mere handful of a majority. DEATH OF GAPT. (EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS ' CUES BUM AT STAR WAREHOUSE. ;aiuir.i; here since mid- UlilolU MlUCim aurv.i,, l3ur9inj Messages. ;TON. Airil 23. Encottt- i,.,die,' tt.mt government San Fri.Tisco are being re a hmuiy. Tue outloo. j.niptiuti of federal bus briitM. With a new pui--,! .1 niiniaisrr warehouse ;ntc the most valuable .nit property iu the city .,...1 Uif biggest damage it 1 upon to apy will be that OE FAIR ASSOCIATION. in -wages received lo innifiit officials are hard iiiKinC '(nit r out of ch ton -liing !' miwrary quarter ;v out oi CiMliiiSSiOtl. .rbed tin' treasury depart- .inritie that the steamship orb-r.t ha -t arrived with ft nl (Hippies for l hinatowu. n.r.ii to tut in it me goous for the present. I ue t.- not consiRiiea' to sat mill's will be exuecK.tl linty afier it while, Iment Fund Increased. '.TON. April 2,1-Thc rov ; I fiin l for San Francisco I'd a iuil!!n and a iw the small, adiling to the ilium luiir a million, in with tho pr.'slil.'iit's rcc-' it h wan iirdvmi'd that may bo necessary eonli! to l.a.Mllc;.t of inlleiiKC innmai exxiis!s Inoiured uon oi men and suppae. Casct of Smallpox. 'TON.. April 2.'!.-No rc- roRiirdltic outbreak oi uvii been received bevond iiitatiim Riven out la.-it i lew cases have been uis- ml tli.il thov . had been pc Send Donation. rpi1! 2::.-Pone Plus X has i' to "Archbishop Farley, of nqiicstinR him to convey 'in nun government ih 'line; over the' Sim Pran. !,'f He also enclosed f ir distribuiion among fara itinatcs. I i j Special to The Sentinel. TOBACCOV1LI.K. April 23 Pome !of th cltiit.us ot Forsyth county mHi at Oak Grove arhool houM? April 1 for the pflrx of organizing the For syth County Fair Association. The oigntilzatloti was inip!efed and about fifty nan.es were cnrolUnl to work lor the October fair. The following officers were elected Goo. H. llaiMver, presldeut: U. Hen dricks, first vice president; E. C. Vog !er, second vice president; C. G. Hun tot. BC-sretary; J. F. Griffith, treas. titer; G. E. Webb, corresponding sec retary. One vict -president from each town ship was elected. Other committee I were also nauipil. The managers cx jpect the largest fair Forsyte county has ever held. With one man from fach towm:hip fo stir up interest we look for the largest exhibit over made. There will ho a premium the largest yield ot corn per acre. How many can grow from 75 10 100 bushels to the nerrT Wo hope to hear from all who will try for thli premium.. C. G. HuuUM', Soc'y, , ie sir ELT IN OREGON. The Bfiitlnet. N". reg.-m, April 23. H: 1 l:l"i this morning a uis iqiuike shock wa9 re;t :,( of Oiexoi,. The shock i,(,ie -at (Hernials, according ' ". i..( ii,m (n(,r0 tu.u " a Cuna wum brokcm In some instances ftirni 1 ar.rt it-li. F;"1' !'aii word comes thai "i-i.i to shiver and shaky " "' iy afrer 1 o'eloek. "f life or pronertv dnmairn reporL-d but uneasiness is earthquake has extended coast. IPPEALTO PEOPLE. Urges Citizens of North Caro lina To Contribute Liberally To Fund Being Raised For Sufferers From San Fran cisco Disaster Other Ral . eigh Notes. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. April 23. Gov. Glenn IsAues an appeal to the people of the State In behalf of sufferers from San Francisco disaster, urging North Car olinians to respond liberally to ap peals for their relief. In the course of his address he says: "Xcws from San Francisco con tinues to show Increasing BtiffiM-lng and danger to helpless, homeless peo ple In that grievNuiiy atrickeo city. It therefore behooves charitable and Christian people of our Stale to do all In their power to aid their brethren in the sad hour of affliction. I, tu.'re' fore, as governor, call on all good people throughout the Stat to re spond to calls from different mayors and committees, giving of their nw-ans as God has prospered them for the purpose of helping those destitute and needy people." Tht Southern Buggy Co., of High Point, is chartered with $10,000 capital. The incorporators are O. A. Klikman, J. F. Homey and J. Kelly. Consolidated Granite Compa ny Organized With Author ized Capital of $150,000 To Take Over Business of C. A. McCalliard and Sons and Largely Increase Scope of Same. , The Consolidated Crar.lt Cx. with authorized capital of $150,000 is a nvw coipoii..ion which ha be a chartettJ with headquatteia In '.Yinsicu-SaV.-iu, and promi much for the develop ment of North Carolina iu It lin. The new corporation takes over the established business of C. A. McGal- liard .fjigm, which fa for a nuru-! ber oi irM qucTried and flnls n-d, blue pea: I grauite for monumental' and decorative pur,.rsj, working also the ceKbtatel Mt. Airy gTatilie. TIum' biisiii'ss o.- these (wo granlti. has 'Rrown to s-uch proportion, es pecially ou the trine prl, that it was cjeewry to form a larger company' In older to handle this buKlnem alone' and the Consolidated Granrte Co. takfi over their buslr.ee with ample means at its command in addition to the pald-ic capital stock to not on'.y pwpi'tiy and promptly handle thU branch of the buslneu which comes from all sections of the United BtaUn bin to further spread and dewlop ou a largo scale. The company owns one quarry of this In Rowan county and has long term hoses on the remainder of the supply. A force of men left for the Kowau county quarry today to bc giri getting It out Immediately in or der to fill orders which are already in hand. Tho force .to do the polishing aad finishing, which will ba done here, will be greatly Increased at once. This branch cf the work as well as th j quarrying will Ixi under the ffupervis lou of Mcjsrs. C. A. McGalllard A Sons, who have made thiH their llfo woik and being also financially Inter ested in the new company they aw m petition with ample means at Gie command of tho company to turthn demonstrate that blue pearl grani'.c, which has long been recognized as being Id a clasw by itself, in that k is of finer texture, moro untfomt and more compact, will, with tho exper ienced labor which I being provided and the Improved machinery, which the company haa already purchased, taka a polish not hereto.m-o lieeuicd possible even wil.li this stone. Another bramth of this business and one In which the possibilities are tin .1 ml ted Is that they 'have secured -.hroiigh Dr, J. Iwls Hanes a long erm leaso on the already famoirs luaiTy localcfl on the Hairston home place In Davie county, which contains n Inexhaustible supply of bluo and ?ray potted or Ieopardlte granite. This granite will be used for Interior tnd exterior dicorallvo purposes for line buildings and will create a sensa- Ion as It is uniformly spotted similar to a leopard, can be quarried lu al axwt any length or breadth and 1 tot only far more endurable- thau ther decorative stone but nothing ike it has ever bef iu offered to th; irchltects and builders. Many of our :itizen have siw Kiniples of thU grauite, which Is an extremely re markable formation and will bo es pecially proud of the fact that it is to be marketed from Winnton-Saleui. Tho new corporation will organize for the election of ofllceis and direc tors within a day or two. La the ma.t- time Mr. G. W. Patterson, who is Lo e secretary and treasurer and hua- lnes manager, has resigned his poi ilon m assistant to secretarj'-treas- iier of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and is representing the company n the work that ha already been tartvi. This Weil-Known and Popular Citizen Passed Away Early This Morning Had Been In Declining Health For Rrrbm Ycu.il. au aMe evaliKelimt tiom WjshiutUii L (' wi!l Uriu un vng.'.tic n: ting ou next Sir lay at 11 a. m. la !w star warehoue onj North Main mvi. Mr Yeue.l came; to Ana rioa f )iu- :u; fnuu Uu d 11. Kiul.iitd. SitiCif hU r-.'-idi nee Irs Some Tlme-r-Funeral To- imt.j s;a he h.s tn nxtc icelul UPin us a pastor and nsx eau-i morrow. t. MAY AVERT STRIKE AH Hope Of Peace In Anthra cite Coal Regions Not Gone Yet. Strong Indications That Majority of Delegates to Trt District Conven tion, to Be Called by President Mitchell Some Time Tale Weak. Will Vote Against Strike. Opera tore ' Arbitration Proposal Favored by Many. iUhisi. n. nmics io mm piace i .im meeting iu lteila. Texts, where at! Charles Bufoid was born In Binnw- Uw 1H, lUl.rj tad t,,n a.ldl 1 wick county. VligiDhi. August S Ut. I, !o., lo ,h,. ,-huTcl.'. During tiei Dd died at hU horn In Winston pay, J0,T h(. hilfc .nuurtt suceeful oa.em unuy nigni. a J-w nniiuirin,e,.Il)f!t j., (isUMwHh. Peteisbuig llv Wtr m Thr RniHieL past IS c 'clock. !,u,i UrtatoL Ya. During the Mt .u -I WILKKSItARKK. P. ApiU J3. Captain Buford had beea in d-clln- ,or he coiidKttJ a meeting In Nilei. The pollllliie ot .peace Iu ta Ing aa;th for aonio mjntbs, i"l I Ohio, whiclt resulted In !'2 idlthti,!anthrnclte cl InduMty ts irrowln, lt,-terore hi death, whlla it came ae-o of B,.m being convMkT. The brightci and ther ar troig tmUca a shock, was not onexpwted. !nator of the church states: "The city tiom. ;h4 a majority (.f tho deloamtoa Captala lhirord entered the service ; i... ultrfsl fmm tta ttiitr to tu'io tb tit-dlstrirt nrveiuka. to b of lh Old ' Richmond and Uanvilht clroumfer.oc..- calU-d bv frldent Uitrth.ll aoms Railroad Company in 1ST3. He cam. Evangelist Yciell will b anointed , time thiii wet-kwlll vole agalnot a to Whston as agent February ". UT7.!h - hv ivr,.,.! a uim and ife intrlke. The union olBclale who have aud ha l ;vel continuously in that jof oh, mh;( uava clmrRB thibwn ninlng the otntlment la tho ar cnivaclty ever since. music. Mr, Suxtou conn tveom-jloja local dUtrlcu throtighout tiM He had be.'n j pru.ninenti ' eontvocuHi . m,.nilt,(1 as . nB tvn.,.r of sons, and' ng Ion have found a uulforaiiy Larltc.' j sojiist. ills wife It au or- sg.duit a ctrlke. The mluere mt that Miiist and al a violin virtuosi. Saeltf Mitchell and tha leadtto do not In accompanies her husbaixl'i solo on Ulst on a atrlke or the operator try U with the official as wvll aa tUs bus Iness llto 4f the city, having ably served .ra! term as mayor and also aa a member of the board of aliVrmi'- Captain Buford U the first to die ot ten children, five sons and Qv daugh ters, the eldest being "0 years of age. H-3 wap twice married, first' to Miss Cien S. Zewiy, on lVoomer U. 187S. and to Misk Lalyct) Duffy, on October 19, 103. aud is aurvived by wife and two children, Mlsa Nellie aid an in fant son, aud the following brothers and sisters: Judge F. K. Buford, ot Brunswick county, Virginia; Jas. R. Buford, of Drwwwick county, yir ,lnla; Andrew Buford, of Salisbury. N. C; Prestoc Buford, of Caswell county, N. C; Mrs. I'lia B. Robins. of Gloucester, Virginia; Mrs. Ellza- bc.h H. Ptillllps. of Bloomfleld, N. J.; Misses Margaret and Nannie Buford.of Brunswick county, 1 Virginia, and Miss Januio Buford, of Wlnstoa-Sa- lum. Captain nuford waa popular with a large Circle of friends who deeply mourn hU death. Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon. Tho funeral of Captain lluford will take place from St. Paul's1 Episcopal church tomorrow, Tufaday, at 3:110 o'clock. The interment will be In Salem graveyard, whe.ro thn conclud ing services will be eonduotod by Bishop Jlondthaler. BUY THE GAS PLANT ' the court the plant of -ha.em Uaa and URht;nR '"I next Saturday Dv ;hu J'"' -'ai'obs. . The 'WLiT n: em p'atea prcnas ar''-. for tho ciiv, but ! " Buxton. & WR,on. ' 'fx-t.ihat the motiev can ., ''ll"t first submit '"' ' ' a vote of the po thai the city .will not . 'h,' a'e- The prob ' f .cannot. bi f0r,.a,i, "Trtt recp"",t 8,vofai f ; tnaklng lnqiry 1 . l''.. hilt no mlm.;!..n "'' will be the succes,. M. I.Ue. E.t "'harduand rtairgh "f Le.Kilr him .... Academy ch.nnr,! "'silt. Mr. lv. '. ' .. "' h' .frlat. of Sa- ar- V it t? i, .. i hi- . !. notion 'vrnooi. , New Advertisements. Meyers West brook Co. Specials in ltdks' vests, children's hosiery, rib bons, etc. , The Allen Co. Shirt and collar values. - Shoes that fit. - Smokers' Den. 100 per cent satis faction in every box of Cuban cigars. Rosenbacher & Bio. Special , silk offr rings, today's arrivals, etc. 'Mcxle. larn your way to Simp son's. Crawford & Snyder. Wet you to see thorn If you , need a new wagon. Repair work dopo right. J. A. Welsner & Co. Drop us a card and we will call and take ysur measure for screen doors or windows correctly. Wachovia Loan and Trust Co.-la- surance department. Sh-aplro. Marss 'TrSt" shoes for men. recommended for their snperio: quality. Marriaaa at Clemmoni. Mr. William If. Hait and Miss Jen nie Phelps were married at the Mor avian parsonage at Clemmons Sunday afteinoon hv Hev. James K. Hall. The bride Is a dniighter of Mr. A'.vLi Phelps, of Clemmons.' Mr. Wm. Halt is carrier or, II. F. D. route 1 frmt Clemm-Sns. Both are popular young people, Mr. and Mrs. Hart will re side in Clemmons. ' Mrs. R. E. Bernhardt. Miss Aim Martin and Miss Ida Barnhardt. of Calloways, Va., who have been vUU ing Mrs. W. L. Thornton, returned horn this afternoon. NTERESTINC LEGAL POINT RAISED. 4y Wire lo The Sntliwt vpw fint IfAV.H Ij . Anrlt "23. Specialists on Insanity throughout the country are grcaiiy interested n ihfl fiiuHitlon of "sinccd Insanity." a new form of Insanity which Is belK'V- sd to have evolved rrom tne naou oi pxceivo sneedlnc by automobiilsis. The matter first came; to ' public aotlce through a suit, in which It was sought to compel au insurar.ee com- )any to pay the mil amount or me n-uranre In the case of a policy 'w,M,.r hn an U it Art llV an accident. while speeding irt bis automobile. The Trran Accident Ir.Aiiraiice Comnany ,-eluwd to pay a large poHey on the icatli ot Jl. L.. tiancocK, wno was nin oil In nn Miiin-iii.blln ncfident ill IXIS Angeles, Cal.i several months ago. on he ground that tno company canine . v claim nn an nutomobillst. AS most of them are monomaniacs ou the 1ustlon of speeding their machines, ind, therefore, the company is not re sponsible. -In IIj answer lo the suit, which was filed, th company asserted that thn man who was Killed was pracuc altv Invnnp nn th fluestlon of FlM-ed. ind that Jt sho-.ild not be held liable for deaths resulting from the' actions it a nernmi temonraiilV tcaatie. In the same answer the company asks that if It slould be nem name n should be only for half the amount. The company also holds that ltd lia bility Is lessened If the Insured en gases In anv hazardous employment, and- HrH, It Is-asserted, covers auto-tr-rh'tirT fnnr' iMivcholocists are In clined to share' tho opinion that it Is really a form oi insanity wnicn developed In atitomoblllsfs addicted to speeding. the violin. Dining th past w-hVttr thoy aaisted In a meeting In Ports nu uth, Ohio, w heru llieie were (12 ad- dit:.)tii. llv iUlcTt Ite4r i trained mimic brl's on tnmlile by attemfXWtg va operate with strike-breaker, thnr will vote for any proposition that will to turn (bm to work. Many of lb ESCAPE' FROM LAW, 1y Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, April 23 Michael De Lauro'8 escape from the law, when sought for the murder jof Frank Rosso, uf West Park, lutU ftumnter, as ai pears from the disclosures by a Nep tune township official, waa more sm sat lo mil and mysttrlous than mucy cplsods In the most sensational novels. De Lnuro was accused of hav ing murdered Frank Russo as the result, of a love affair In which the tyo men were rivals. After thn mur der De Laiiro disappeared and, al though detectives and a posse scoured the country for miles the hiding place ot the-murderer was never 'discov ered. . ;, " It appears how from tho story of the township official that De Lauro, an the night of the murder, was sec reted in the house of a countryman. At break of day ho wa'. taken to the sand bills of West Park and literally burled In a deep gully at tho side of a hill. Here h? remained for a wek. being provided with provisions and water. On (he aeventh day after tha murder De- lauro waa placed In art empty b;'r barrel and driven aboard the steamship Mary E. Patten, of the PI(surr, lkiy Lino. When (he steamer reached the pier ,n New- York, tho barrel, with Its antrum freight was driven to the dick of an outgoing Italian steamer bound for Naples. There It was carefully lowered Into the hold, and. as I be lights of Sandy Hook grew dim, the inspected murderer was released from his hiding place, and, mingling with his companions, was grafted freedom and a rousing welcome by his rescuers. Ho Is now. It Is said, living peacefully In Italy, undisturbed by fear of the law and safely con cealed from detection. Whether De i Lauro will ever pay tho penalty for the murder of Roso, depends upon how anxious tho Monmouth county nifhorltics are to bring him to Justice. lans they are personal nellglous work 'mlnera favor tb operators' propoal eis. With thv specialist aa lead i Hon of auiimitUnc the queatkm t er there will be afforded the religious j wage and change In tha conciliation people oi this city an excvllout oppor- board to arbltnMior.ibt llevlug that an, awnkmhig in tho community. arbitration board would untUxibtcdly give them Bvc per cent Incrrasw. AT nf trim to The RentlneL . WASHINGTON. April 53,-Secre-tary Bonaparte Is much gratified at the reports which have coma from the Naval Academy In regard to the dls clpllno of that Institution. He finds that hazing no longer Is one of the regular features of that Institution. Tho bontd of officer which haa charge of affairs at the Academy, and which .wrved as a sort of gTand Jury to the court nun Uul of the baser, has been investigating the situation by means jf questlous put to various midship man. The inquiry has been searching and the young men have given every evhlenco of candor In their replies. It Is reported thnt hnrlng has lieen alHillhhexl aud that tht inldKhlpmeiv have now agreed to recognize the icadcmlc regulations instead of tlnir own codv. . Hecielary Bonaparl is Inclined (o bellev that something should be done In behalf of the midshipmen who have been dismissed. In all but one or two -nsos he feels that this punishment whii excessive ar.d that the navy haa lo&t tho services of young men who would be of value,' In the r'gula tk:ns which have Just been printed, it tho Naval Academy, greater con ilihiratlon Is shown the midshipmen, who are placed more um their own ho-wr nttd are free from tho Ironclad restrictions which have heretofore markod avadclnlc discipline. REVIVAL SERVICES AT BURKHEAD THIS WEEK The pastor. Rev. B. E. Williamson, will be awisted In the rmival er vlces at Burkhcad M. E. church this week by Rev. Harold Turner, of Greensboro, and Rev. J. F. KLrk, of Grace M. E. ciiurch. Services will be held daily at 3:30 eart R p, nt.. to which the public is cordially invlie The pastor preached two forcible sermons yesterday. At night the eoa gregnilon was large, tho church being practically filled. The music was ex rrllent, several plessitig wh'ctlor.a be !lig rendormj by the choir, under the1, ditecllon. of that iplondld tiMimcian and instructor, Mr. Amos II uis. Miss Leila Idol also sang to the delight o tho congregation that beautiful and insplilug nuifiber, "Some Day the Silvei Chord Will Break." IS TO BE DISPLACED? SENATOR OEPEW WILL NOT ATTEND DINNER, WANTS 15,11 FOR - DELAY OF MESSAGE. C. E. Sense-man who '.ha Wl'i position with the Postal Telegraph Co. at Washington, f). C, tor some time, arrived home Saturday night. H will atur.d court In GreenslHiro ibis week, being a witness for the de fense In a suit against the Western L'nion Telegraph Company. Instituted by 8. F. Wade, ol this city. About two years ago a t.iegram was Spencer Bi.irkburn's faction of tho Republican party, flushed with the r- cent victory of tbn congressman, aro , preparing to show their band In tbla county, at least they say they wtlL Their Initial step, It Is said, will M an attempt to wi-envh th couutjf of- gniilxatkm from thn Reynoldo-HoUoa ring, headed by Deputy Colloctor John Roynolda Spencer Blackburn Uaa always had a following in Uila county. For several years th young cointra. man made his borne la thta city and during thi'il time be mado many friends and since the bleach ba grown wider Ix-iween blm and tho or ganization they havii stood loyally by him. But Hie Blackburn (action M not havt an easy Job In securing too trol of the county organization, (rf Postmaster Reynolds. ihH ackhow. 'cil'ied leader' of Republicanism--M thin county, la a right hand man of Chairman Rollins. It will bo au l terestlng flpht should It roino to a finish for taiii faction has "blood lo Its ye," so to-apk. AL iut the waimest thing ot pol itical nature U this Statu nowadaya Is Hie newspaper conirovorty liefweiv Jii.Ik' Byuum nml ('halt man Rolllna, In his spetch drfciidliig Blackburn Judge lliiiiini ultmed this sentonce, w'hlcli Is r; w tuv tho tongues of half the people of the State! "Tho rank and file of the Republi can party form a horde of loyal par tatiH. but Hie leaders are a band of political cut thnstis and pirate, al wayr. nt war. never at peace, and (or-ett-r staiidliig,iilh rUeir hiuuls lu tho -pocket of tiled couiirymeu.M Saturday Chairman Rolllna signed his iiuiuh to a card, attacking tha learned lawyer. )ia not only emplia tlcaHv domed the assertiona ot Judge Byniim but branded him as a wraud-r-er In words as plain as dsy. In today's paper Judge Bynum take another turn at Rollins and roasits blm In a most scathing manner coiling him a mere puppet and saving that Marlon Butler Is tint real boas. To add lo the "b.-gnuizutlon's" trou bles Matlo-, Butler wis written, a long letter for the presa, charging tho Re publican leaders of the South with In competency, KclflhiicK and dloloy- ally. Holton went to Washington Satur day. It hi said he had a long talk Willi Assistant Attorney (W,ttd RoMi. and It is Intimated that tbny piay give Blackburn more trouble ym, BENEFlflCElf FOR 9r Wire to Th fc-nllnM. NEW YORK, April; 23. For the benefit of the pooplS -ftio weru mad hom Uis by the recent niptliMe iA Mwint Vesuvius a grand charity pi forrnnnro under tho direction of the combined theatrical manager of thi City will le given at the MetropollUo Ofwra Ifimse lo,;4ght. Many of tho most fromlnent companies In th city will give scene of their plays, a num-, received here for Mr. Wade. At Hut b r of distinguished actor and ao time he resided Just north of the city near .Mr. Llndnay Patterson. 1 ,v messengers failed to find him prompt ly and the telegram wta held for a day or more. II ing an Important me)) "Mr. Wa'de brought, suit against th? telif- ty WVe to The Sentinel. BROOKLYN, N. Y., April 23. For the first time in fifteen years Senator Channcey M. Depcw will not be the iitieat of honor at the annual banquet .vhlch the Montauk Club has given snnuallv In honir nt the seniitnr'i birthday. The usual, birthday dinner tP" company for 15.000. as arranged by the club for tonight. (his being Mr. Depew's birthday, but' Thomas Crew, a native of this iwlug to his recent Kiness Senator j conn ty hut who haa been living in Dcpew was compelled 'to decline the Florida for 3S years, arrived hern t invitation. It la understood In well 'day. He wcr.t out to Crews, lhre informed circles that the illness of thai mile east of-the city, to rtstt his senator had Us to do with his de- brother, J. P. Crews.' aiming tne invitation than the tin trensn will product! sbort skeU-b.' and plays, a score of the best vaude ville performers hava volunteered and beside that Mark Twain wlH make one of hU ehnracteristk! addrc.-. THREE BOATS ARE SUNK AND 70 PEOPLEDROWNEO pleaant disclosure during the recent Ihs'iraice Investigation. . The banquet HI be held without Mr. D"pew. Mr. J. C. Farabec went to Greens soro today to visit her friend, Miss Ada Tbomsg. By Wire to Th S'itlnel. COPEMIAGKN. April 21 Dl- Agricultural and Pruas an 'patclie received from Hepkjavlc. Ice Fire Insurance- Companies lard, male that Ihn e Ie-land flshlug tmtiflfxt lheti- ae-cnu hen. The boats sa uk dnruig receni nunm ana The Na'ioro! have Oaburn-Vett claims caused bv the San Francises earthquake and fire will be made al one. Co.,, that RoiUem -nt o(j.'V-ny ut thrf crew were droa ned.- Bull!', of Klklu, tipetit the day .1. R here.