hSTN'OTTY PAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 24. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 3TH year. HOCK EH S LARMS FRISCO Sight Earthquake Shock jsiing a Few Seconds Was Feu. . ... . i if or Pronerty ti Report ea Has Had Ef- n,.t,irirc It Ciyime M"h U"M,iMM , eopit Levir9 8 Frn" Etttmatl I"' Bter Buned Thut Far. to The Sentinel. aNU, (VI, Ap.il :.-AntHbcr akc .K-t occurred ut 10 and i::crfMd the. anxiety Yaaeisw" stricken people. It nt a f ' seconds and no dam- rr.,-it. T'Uv shta-k. t'WKlgh. 1 ... ..... fin"i. 1'ianv ) !'-""' i r ul fuitlvr disturbances. s n ias; tilth: and new shoek i ma V of the refugees to - ho am! exolus parted again 4i m..rn'.'.! with renewed Trn.!r:::"i is haril to is brilr tc pit a loaf Oi' tui a railroad pas out oi te He sui;i'ii I'acUic o:iiy asks it-Uoti: "Whvre do you want -Ik.w nur in par.y. ..uvk it tar night shows ha; Frisco is a nervous wreck. Jay. wh"n the bis quakes f.-i.ple waited for a final mt o.'.U sink the city, then das ili '.v had the chance to us lavage of fire gave nif thing eUe to think oi. slightest quiver causes them tt Ir facw. rrfi't estimate of th dead is I j alt ciit.i"i It has been nec- : b.iry boll. . lit. $"ce and h-r ivi: are iicntifled. It j!nV (Ut jiu bodies have m ihiw far. Oiliera nro be- atimtly discovered by men away the iMuis. , eath Lilt About 1,000. Oil), April 24. Coroner 'a!i that, his deputies took f 4f.it bodies tak.a from the .itu, not Including those, that by police ami military . v-l cow tin? death list will u.ij,'Miorlioo(l of Ia'Oi.i. Many iiii'.J. awisco 'stock exchange has tiijji at y quui lets... . n by Congress Expected. INt.TOX, April 21. Follow. Ii'tus Hi-t in tho ease of the ;iaso ai;d Boston fires Con ! !. a Mil ant horlzliis freo 'ii ( f .sluictunil rtcl utld r'UiK mitwlal.4 fr itsn at "i-co. Tl.? sonate finance had a tmiKlnir this mornr netioiii on reaclutlon tfi't't, :i;eh w;i iiuroiuoei by Si tu:,,: Culiom for rc-a-all n;'a.arrs affecting revo- cuiatf in the houAi. Cmt. h.-,wi'vr. xniosM:d hr M.lrich that th hou? would t.iko aiiio. ii this direct Inn. eral Greeney'i Report. wTON, April 2-4 Th? war ' th j.- nioniliiR Rave ott Tie t'.'lenupbie report received T' Pacifts dWsioij of the 1 his just arrived In San f"i command thin morning. '"""liV OVPr ttlfl S tllfttif.n -'l Jocxdyn and Fnnston. lJ' to Firn.iAiv'u AnM.ir,f '"1 tact thr h.Tis hn " t-'-enco, en nndw most TO1H..UCTS. V.JTV .rf..l lll.Kk; bv Cnntnln Winn caits that the tnttro San fitlTh 1!.. . . i -- i.m ur.iy mn dp over '"M atwut 50 are CULL CONFERENCE. President Mitchell To Ckonfer With District Presidents of Mine Workers. Coat OiacuMad. General Scale Committee MeU To morrow to Connder Hefueal of Opera tort to Accept MitcNell'i tatt Propoeition- Further Attempt to Negotiate May Be Made. The funeral ot Cap;a'.a Chains Biiford im ecadrjeted fiom St. Paul's Episcopal church, of which be waj a' member, at 3:3u this afternoon, cou l dactyl by the rector. Kvr. H. T. Cockt . Th atudauce upon tbe er- Situation in Anthracite vice waa large. Many of the official; n. Tk,..ohi- way. with whom the dtceat vai popular, wer premt, e.tral of th'e! arriving oa the train from ('(Wjslmrol this DKMninR ami this afternoon. : Th display of floral tributes was excwedl-tly prcfuj and buiiful. i The Itticrtneat was tu the Moravloa o, wir to The desutieL arauward where the cooclndiBK -r-.; u tLKESBARRK. Aorll 24. Prerf- vlc W W conducted by Bishop Rouu-ld,nt idtm Mitclull will a;Tlve this T thukr. Tractive and bDaorary t-all umtkxxi and will coofer with ddstiet oxrJts were a follows: ;prtit ints thla i vmlng on, the ritoa- Active: E. H. Wilson. George Cor ,lon . lh alKhiaclte llelda. bin, E. A. Rr:. Krtd ie, v. IV (neral walo couwifltte ill mct Hill. ( II. R. StarbiK-k. a.t Mart4n,1u,HoiMw to cocfakler too nfuil of T. W. Htike. loptaUirs to accept MKcheJl'a laat pro- Hcaorarj; J. E. Buxtoi. Janws rcl;ion for utUrcratJon aud dectrte Schi aicr. A. M. Oilomatv, V. A. h:tt further roovo SH be made. That iuuy. j. w. tw. w. m. wtinnur. aft atn-n,,,. tn m1cot1at further with treorse Keeves, w. I . Rci. T. J. cpciwow will be made Is mown, j. u. laiinj.. u. . noitoa. j. likely L. C.ihaer, T. J. Wllsou. K. 8. UrayJ Thii cnr.ifnttoa will ' . nrobablv I. Bir-jk. V. a Taylor, Frank !,!,! t MMit Wediw-biv. NOTABLE MIME !. IROBBERS AT i:, - Formal Exercises Incident To Removal of Paul Jones' Body Today. wiHuiss imm. VOR Deoot. PoslotTice And Store Entered at Clemmons . Monday Mght. Fieldt Formal Ceremonies at Annapolia At-l9-' ,k" cmti4t Key V dw I t.nJ.W h. Dr.rt., RnjuHtll nd'UliaUi"- KiCv a-..i T. By XT'ir to Ti ftcotl-wl WAS.UW.TtlN. 1). C. April Tlie lKpa;trn-M Iioih- by th- j use ol inie te-crarhi to avo;ds lae txed of a cable, wiiioti th Vrj Upartm.nt has catluuiieU. woul.l c' jecured a Few Dot lire in Monty, a Number of Stamped Envelope. West. Guaj iwiiia. A 1 Several Quarts of Whiskey, Double Barrel Shot Gun and Several Pairs, of Shoes. Stole a Few Clgar A4 Some Candy from Store ef Cnaa, Crate., Six M.lee West at the City. W thought bt. Other Distinguished GuU Sev U molw.v u i,, M lBvtUnpj tral French Warship Presents JdUamT at the hauti of an enemy.: Distinguished Guests Entertained !ne aa Ind'un iwabli- meati ol cot t j at an Informal Luncheen. iunU-. a c.o b easily ruine.1, ,t; U nuim'.air by the advoeaie of (Wj-eio. t'lenraihy In place of the; 4 The ; callt It U a matter ot noilcv. how-i , . . . . - - . nmtiuHT man r.v it Ai'a m city la filled with thotwa-nda of vial- " V" at OnuiHitu. thirty mlh-a of tors who have been attract by l;" $. '-4 hlky and a d MibK tmrrA eaot cua Bt Wire to The aeanaea AXNAPOUS. Md., Aori! The 8-jthern Railway depot, ih- pomofflce aad c-. j i-t Alloa A lUr.w. VnrvvU fi A Pr!HB Slirlinir Smith ' V. T. Brown, B. D. Vauxhn, Thomas MtH'ks.aiHt Fra-:k txrse. Southern Employees 8end Flowers. One ol the most bea.Kiful floral tributes placed on tlio but reltRi place of Cajrt. Charles Uuford" was thut sent by the einployoen of the ftoiuneiu railway at tms point, ine; p0iwnian Penrj" 'Herday aflcr deslsu was In the ahaiw of the South- tDoon aPP;8le, GeorKe Stultx. aliaa (kiorKe Sueffleld. a negro wanted in 1 NEGRO ARRESTED 1 111 iiniinTnii urnrrnniu N UU Msll N nWVH IT j 111 IIII1UIUII ILUILIIUni ei-n s monotrram. "S.-R. plorcea by an arrow. Macy of tho employees ou 1 he Soiithein yard and oftleea had been co-workers wiih Capt. Ituford for a number of years and his many klndncswa to- thonr will never b for Rotten by tho recipients." ' - THREE JURORS SI 10 M.vtlnirvlllc for burKlary, Stultx aarlwd hore yesterday, hn inn come In from tireemiboco aad b had heoti here only a few hours bJ fore be was landed. Policeman Stev ens, of Martinsville wa here lat Friday, having- learned that tho nejrro had been seen hero, in company with local officer he visited several negro settlement, ut Ooorge had left 4owsi. Policeman Steverui say George ia a bad negro. About a month ago lie wh avntenced to tho Virginia peni tentiary for housebreaking. At ti n'cWk fine rvf-iilTii he Wna nlaced In An Interesting phase of tho recent L new teel edl and when an officer Blackburn trial at Greensboro, which jWPnl to th cell at 7 o"c!ock he found ha not heretofore been published, j u,at George had sawed out and ttkip- cume mio me aiiHDry rosr possjs- pea. jn a faw week, however. take ptee hero" today liTcoiiD.-rtton tiat live worst thut can happen to! r4ik 1 1... r , h d K..l M.t . i , , . i. . l . . a mii.l JoUn Paul Joue. from the tem?-;tbeni by an enemyyto whom, however.!.;'! ' J' 'T-r orary tomb- in th. Ac.d-,my grottttU they would m, an little or ithUig. U!!,! JSTtLZ? itTXu t, a room l the Memorial Hail of the mw, wero In cipher. u- iXtch t tilTh.. Bancroft Hall. It had been lnt.mded ! would alws.be tlw caw k Ume ,wV J? w, v.IT i'U at am to deposit the b.Kly ia thejwmr. The proimMikm Is U make uoe l1 'jV. ..V, Lrl Lllrt crjTt in the bOMment of . ttw new U the ,xla.ing naval wlrelem aatU. L1 - .!T'JLK?Lrl!i l, -l. f , ....1.1 I K- In. ! "I.-:-"'; r'T,;.'. , 'vre5- aaved tbe front bWuK number to meet jthej'requUctuen'a of th situation. . . s!on Sutttrday night through one of tho jurors In tho ease. Tula gentle iiui, ntuted (lint Uie Jury was com posed cf Mm Democrats and threo Ua publicans. Every Democrat was I.r acquittal and the ihree Republlcut.s would havo voted for conviction. Mr. Thomas Stuart; chairman of Ihe Republican executive committee, of Rowan county, tells the Post that un less fhe Republican 'state convention selrcts new leader and if new chair man of tho state commllteo lit not chosen tills year he will not voto the Republican ticket In November. Tito reason assigned by him for arrlvlt.g at this determination Is his belief th.it the party will never make any head way In North Carolina so lor.! aa tho present reglmo is In conrol. IS VIII. I The Sentinel. ""'7 trgir,Ia yesteidty "Ha. Lar II STRIKE IN PARIS. v Wire to The 8entlnrt. PARIS. April 24. Whllo tbe num ber of metv out ci strike In Paris la comparatively small there ha been a steady lncn-aae in the ranks of tlio strikers. It In estliinted ihat lo.UDO are now out. A meeting of bank, grocery, butcher milk, hotel and mrtaurant employees Is called for this evesmg. leaders of the movement, ssiy a gen eral strike may be voted for M'av 1. This would Icoto Paris without footl. Reports1 received this morning regard ing tho situation in northern coal works show that condllion Is general ly calm, ' it ia ntat.tvl that. 1500 int-n have returr.ed to mines in Deian dis trict alone, Georgo went back to Martlnavllle and with the aid of a partner entered a store one night and stole tetwal suit of clothes. Oeorgo brags of hin klK In escaping from prisons. An officer arrived hero from Martinsville today to take. him back . .... TO BE HELD IN AUGUST Republican Stato Chairman Rolllna of Ajvllle, Went to Grcemshoro to day to attend a meeting of the dlreo tors of the Industrial New Publishing CVj of which he la president. He will go to WanJilngton wnlglw, being one of thu delgatj appointed by Gov ernor Gloan 'to appear befoTe the lioiiiw committee toraoiTOW lu tho In terest of th? B:onri?ro,nt' to necure an BDDronriatiot. fwni Congrt-Si for the preservation ot the Appalachian forests. . Mr. Rolttiw stated fca party on the train that the Republican Btate soc veiMon would not be held . before August. A friend of the present state chair man doe not think that Mr. Roiilus will sfawi for re-elect ton. Predictions are bcin: made that tho m;xt cJiair- mia will be oither Coifgressmau Blackburn or C. J. H'an1. Reiwbiloan candidate for governor to years ago. chapel building ot tho Naval Academy btlt the latter could not be coiuph'td iu Uohv Kativer thau postpone the. da:e ot the nreuionlal cecwn.ny tho nvretary of the nsivy decided to ilo posit the body trmipwarlly In Banc:t Hall and to have it rransfvrred with out reiemony to the crypt, wh.m th latter will be finished. The French govmimeiit bad ftt otrer a cniUser squadron to take part In the exercises and the French war ships arrived here a few days ago. The wtiiadroii consisted of the Msg ship Marseillaise, and the first cI.um enilsets Admkal Aube and Conde. The squadron la under tho command of Rear Admiral Campion. Admiral CamplofQ, the memtKrs ot hia staff and the ofllovrs of the French cruisers were first rtcelvwl upon their arrival by Rar Admiral Bradford, of the Am erican) cruiser squadron, consisting of the flagship Olympla, the Cleveland, Denver anil Ifcn Moines, and later by Ri-ar Admiral Davis of the battleship llvUion, consisting of the battleships Alabama (flagsliilpl, Iowa, Illinois nud Massachusetts.! Upon landing they were received by Supcrlntond.mi Saudi, of the Naval Academy and his taff of officers. Yesterday Admiral Campion and the members of his staff rwe escorted to Washington, where hey were entertained by lreldi'r,t Roosevelt at luncheon In the White House. They returned last night and pont the night aboard their ships o be 1n reaili!ies for the ceremonies oday. v t; A special tralffi fronl WasIiftigWri. bearing President Roosevelt, Secrc- -.ary Charles J. Bonaparte, the French Vmbassador M. Jusserand. and other 'orelgu dlgnltaTles, a number of United States senators and members f the luue of representatives, ar lved here shortly after noon today. The distinguished guests were reciv il at the stntton by Admiral S.uus ind other officers of tho Naval Acs lemy and escorted to the official esidenre of the auperlntendent, X'hero they were entertain nt aa In- 'ormul . luncheon. Shortly before two Vclock the president and other dlstl.i ijulshed jruests wei escorted by U. S. Uariues auJ the Academy band to tile Vrmory bulki ng, whnro thu memorial exercises will be held. , At the conclusion of the exercises in the Armory, which will be wit near- ed by more than five thousand Invited ruesis and other holders ot tickets o( idmleslon, tho body of Admiral Jones ivlli bo removed front Its temporary Clemmons Defeated Winston. Special to The Sentinel, CLEMMONS, April 23. The repot', which came out lo The Sentinel in re- ?ard to Clemmons and Winston ball game was not correct, so please prlut. the following: The Clemmons baseball team de feated the Winston ball team on Of ro ntons groiHid, April 1, by a score Of 24 tc 2. . , TWELVE ARE KILLED PROGRAM FOR THE TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY special to The PsntlneL KAIJaOH. April 24 The complete program for the Nimu Carolina Teuohers Assembly In sessHrn bero Juue 12 to IS La ut announced oy Scrtary Coiwjor. The assembly con ven the evening of June IS, the ad dress of welcome blns; by Joseph 0. Brown, ot Ralelgb, and tho response by W. II. Ragsdalv'. of Pitt county. The principal speaker for the evening will be N. C Seliaeffitr, Birpcrkiieiv dent ot public lim-ructlon of Pennsyl vania and preslitent of the. NaiUii al EUhieMlonal AsMorlntion. Among the otbiTS down for aihlreewes arellr. Job? M. Coulter of the L'nHverrtty of Ohlcago; Dr. Henry N. Synder, rf Wotford OorU'ge, ex-Gov. A. J. Moa ta ttle, of Virginia, Supt. B, C. Gregoiy, if tlH Chelsea (Mass.) city school, MIbs Celt-stra Parrhth. director of practice school of Ikwgla Stat Ni mal. Dr. V. t Woodward, f Rlchmonc College. Gov. R. U. Glenn, Ktate Sunt. 1 1. Y. Jo)-nor, Dr. W. U Potoat, Dt. C. Alphomo Smith. Dr. t'lwts. D. Mc Ivnr and othem f North CjiivjHna. " Governor arxi Mrs. (Hera will re ceive tho teachers at tho mansion on WJdiU'sCiy pveulng, June 13. TIk program foribo sinn'nier sch xl which Mlows tlte assembly, will be annouuc ed withbth-j r.ext Kw days. vtoku. The owners of th store report tht Lous of three or fc .tr pairs ot sbotil and votiMi other g-xnls. One ot U robbers It ft hi old pair ot shoe, theeo being found this morning dkat tl depot. Sheriff Alspauiri and bis deputies) sre looklEX for the bera. Thsy have a clue which may Wn4 to the ar rest of the nifty parties. Another Robbery. The store of Ota Crster. sis me well of the city, was ataor muersd. last n4Kit, presumaltly by the, saiust partus thl coromttieil the rubbery at Clemmons. Mr. Crater reported to Sheriff Afepwugh thst he only ntlsex'4. a few clgufs ami some candy. T THAT FATHER . E NEW LOCAL CONCERN INCORPORATED TOOAT. , The secretary of state today issjed a chiller to th Twin-City Oreaae Company, a new concern which is. to begin miRluess In this city at an cany date. The Incorporator are Henry By Wirt to Th Bentln'.!.' MANCHESTER. F.ngland,. April it The. Guard lun irUutes that Father Qapoa, fnimer leader of St. Pstert- bivrg woikliigtne, was banged by revolutionist on April 10. Ia giving tlte pnttlcuUiis of the stlesjed niifglng the Guardian sa that desJlng ou of summary puuiMtiiiient to Oapoa by the revuJutlenUtir resulted Uom "Wl l tempt to ind ire a friend to act as ';y upon lliu revolutionary leader. The proposal made by (lapon was r ported to the refolutionlsts who do termliK'd nper;. bis death. The friend to whom lie made the proposal visited the former priest at his villa to talk the niattir over. The revolutkmisla who bad been concealed In the bouse hi aid the conversation. Gapon waii told h would bo expned as a spy and repll 'A: "I would :-riy It and no one wo'ild believe the charge." At this the ecr dialed iik'H lushed lull the romi, Gaixili itiiii hanged tilttl to the celllug of the sitting room. $25,000. The new compaay will begin bud ness as snon as a suitable building resting place in the tomb of the AcjrgTil be secured and tho machinery can At Salem Boys' School, . , "An .'Evcnlr.e; With .Poet Willlara CuIUa Hi vain." tin Iw the auspices tf D. Shun ami Drs. C. J. Hemming aud.jt1(. Keillor claiis of the Salem Boys' W. O. CraJiford. School proved a most interertlng oc- The euthortre capital stocR u castor! last evening. . The program as printed In The Setilml Batnnlay was carried"' oat and coneisted of essays, songs, reclta-i It!. i pciNG ORDER OUT OF CHAOS IN SAN FRANCISCO. Ion ?ua ln, ,hu stl,,kc city of San. Fanfrancisoo is stead- ever- bu'Mingsbekg furnished for many ot the diVea f u'Ce,rtn f001- Thus far there are few cases of f, , " '"- owaiacw for "a wero, burned as a sanitary precaution emergency hospitals an ik I eared '"'leil lo li I- ,Vh, h,j, "9 sanitary hixl.ir "ttw "wn nd and disposed ot. 1X "frr- bodies ,:a'"""'. , ivuun in various pans oi inc cuy anu r'LI8 !,n'"m h tho Chinese Is a serious one. as' nasteneil the weddim? of mnnv wemen whom It left By Wire to The Sentinel. VIB.V.VA. Aprii 24 Reports re celvwi today siato that at Laemo, near Warsaw. :1.Xmi oftheKlox Camolics, km by three priests aad iwiik,,atteiuitcd t.) retake the chinch setzi'd ny iar- iaiiou 8ectariens. The latter mimnsr- ed 4.000 and defended tho church, de feating tho orthodox Catholics, killing tweha and wounding fifty members of the attack:?. party. , .. ,,. Want Better N. & W. Coaches. "The Norfolk & Western i a11 right," remarked a citizen Wxlay, "bat It. certainly ought to give us the aet of coaches on that night1 train from Roanoke. It Is a long, tiresome ride, leaving Roanoke late ln tho afternoon and reaching Winston-Salem after a five-hours' run. There is nothing for a felluw to do but sit th"re and wa;;h the fellow in front of him all the .voy down here. It Is too dark to see an; thing outside the car and the, coaches onlv add to a fellow's troubles, for some ot them aro anything but emu fortable." lemy grounds,, and carried to Bau. rroft Hall, where U will remain unul he permanent resting place' In tho ?rypt of the Academy chapel will bi sompleted. The body will be carr'ed by petty officers of tho American and tbe French warships and marines of :he two fleets will form tho escort of honor. An admiral's salute will be fired during the transfer of the bex".y. The officers of the French squadron will return to Washington tomorrow Horning and will bo entertained al luncheon by Secretary of tho Navy Bonaparte. In the afternoon they will be the guests of M. Jusserand, :he French ambassador, at a dhiner flvert In their honor at the French embassy. On Thursday the officers will be taken to Mount Vernon on the Dolphin. They will return to their ?bip on the following day and will probably sail on Saturday. Among those who have come here o attend the exercises ln honor of Atmlral Jor.es aro representatives ot many . . patriotic - societies from nil parts of tho country. be purchased. The company will manufacture greases, soaps, fertilrxers, etc. All the parties are local residents and successful business nun. r 'I :m rises'1 ap1.PilVe San' rrancl3CO harbor until all danger 'nUbef00,ntTf,,WapUni. ,ho watt ator p.i p ply being rpfl win1. ttilUIU U H'ol . .... lost member of tamillea furnished many pathetic use unit c..( r. ... "f I'iiiiiiinir. a . flre Practically unharmed, and a 'f the .lut",'" 8?a "'"leiico proper are not beyond repair. I'uiidine 1 Ior SJwapers are to be carried out. "nd soldiers T . ; unllnroKn,tne heroic work" or mini ' "in Him-.ii aft. j . . , wu oi ore. II V Handshaking Period Arrives. Tho county campaign has now reached- tho hand shaking period. Ke of tho candidates have as yet publicly announced that, they wish to servo the people In this or that office, but trie) iarc layiug their plans Just the sauu and about the time tho blackberry I are rine candidates w ill he an thiefr !a they weie two years ago perhaps more of them for one or two omeei Will Move Family to Wllkssboro. Capt. Ed. Hoiden, conductor on the New Advertisements. Wat kins Book More. Hammocks, hammocks. OHankm Drug Btore "A little tnlshake." C. U Sharp. Special sale on haul mocks. Riisenbacliejr. New arrivals oudi spi-clal price-. ijindqulst m. Pfohi. :onniencc tn medicine. W. H. Cllnard No bettr time to paint and decorate. Iasimilt's Shoe Store Too good name ot the'raddock shoe. Forsyth Hardware Co. ParoM root ing, unapt prae-tleali ready roflng on the market. Crawfrd Plurabhig awl Mill Supply Co. Doilars 1n your pocket. Wlnton-Salem Duilding and I .an Association. Teath sjiTies now open, t lorif. An lnterrtlng feature was the pre entatlon of Br ant's portrait to th sebxil ,tli preseiitatlon p!ech bi'ilig mal) by Mr. H. Allle White, preside of the Senior class, while IMsbop Rondthsler acceptud It In behalf or the school. Tho Boys' Band furulsbed tnuaU; foi the occasion. Goes to Eastern Part at Stats, Superintendent nt Streets H. 3. Ijimbe left todey for the esstero part of the Stato In the Interest of so health which has been quite feeble since last October, when be reoWvMl serious solnsl Injuries by being thrown against the edge of etirbloff while staiKtlr.g on a car on the South ern yard.- Mr. linioe wss scewiu. pan led by bis wife. For Ssn FranelseO Sufferers. Treasurer T. 0. IV-haum, of Pied mont Cominsndery Knights Temper, today sn IA to the Ssu Fmuctoou ufferem, the same being a docatioo lrom the local Knights. Many Cases of Whooping Cough, The little folks of this city and sec aissengfT train between this city and i Inn ha.v hail a hard time of It with North Wl!kesboro.ha purchased aithe whooping cough which hss been wine m vviiKosooro ann win move nis prevalent for some months. The Ul- 'r. ..vl 1 at. . i a m ' . anrily there within the next few vecki The house cow occupied by Capt. Holden's family has been rent i by Mrs. Holden's mother, Mrs. J. 1". Zlgler, alio will move here from '.be country. Fishing on the Yadkin. Almost daily parties from this city To to tho Yadkin river on tubing ex peditions. Some good catches aro re oiled from near the power house, "ol. John Dean says he will not go in a camping expedition to the Yad-24, especially In ease has been of a very severe form and several little ones have died from it. The physicians report, that the epi demic shows very little signs -of be ing stamped out for some time. tin this summer. For several years last tho genial salesman- baa enter ianed royally a number of his friend in this manner. Farmers Well-Up With Work. Farmers are wtdl-np In corn .plant ing this spring.' Whll tne ground has beeo rather cold neverthelewa mucu grain has been planted. ToiiaMO plants are said to hnvs been greatly Injured by the snow storm ot Marrn Stokes and other mountain counties. Loose Dirt On Paved Streets. Some rit the city sreis are In bd condition, caused" by an accumulation of loose earth which has fallen from the carts and wagons hauling It from buildings. In , Cold Snap and the Fruit. The cold wave which at ruck this ect!on Sunday night Is said to have i excavations for m w njured tho fruit to a certain extent. dry weather 'It Is the worst, kind of ; Iw of the facnlty Erecting Nice Cottaoe. ' Mr. C. A. Jeoklts is building A nke cottage oiu Church .street,- betwseu First and Second When eompltel the dwelling will be occupied by Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wat kins. Prof. Drocknian, of Oreeitoboro, ar ! rived here tlUs nfternoon. lie wm take part In ibe prte-ntatioo of luy iln's Creatlem. A full rehearsal will he given temlgbt ' Pawngers arriving be-re this af ternoon from Roke rerwrW thAt trm frost In Virginia thin morula turned the 1op ef te wht black. J. I CasHT returned mis arier rfm from a bulisw trip to A4te vllle. Ho 'reports a m ary frost there tils morning a-;d the weather cold for this waiKm. Mr. sn l Mrs, Dorman Tbomrpson. c-f Statesville, are exprted to arrive hrw tot;ght or tomorrow to attend Treat leu." Mrs. ThompstM waa M.m li la Morrison lnfnv) her mar ilace and fit somo time wss a mem- eif H.ilem remaie Mi sirsiewal! Jackson, of Char lotte, may attend lire musical emcr-unougn in om roiks say that u was) oast, and in wet weatner it tnaaes a Acaoemy ann t oimb. taimmn. Haniln'a Creation, at th Academy pbapel tomorrow night. The devil loves a grouchy giver. aoj. injured to Air castles are built on Hon ot Impossibilities. very great extent foiinda- naved street resemble soiiniry roaiL Miss Margaret .Thurmond, of Char- H. 1 1 lotto. p'"M'dtiT'nigh the city this Don't place too much confidence la jafteriroon enroute to Eikln to visit a man who has been swindled by you. her sister, Mrs, II. G. Chatham.

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