. 'WJLU11,I 1MJLJLI SJjJI TiiX IKJL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 25. 1906 PRICE 5 CENT iMMSlllT FDR $30,000 n u uuu I HI. ments For The Re- ng of the City Are mg Formuiaiea. IS AMEN EIT OF SENATE OPPOSED :er"t " Wert Not Burned Case of Mrs. M. M. Puryear, of Spencer. Against South-, House Leaders m . Di llur Tktr T An I In In i ' lva,mu'' ,avo" uh Not Support Jamestown Udviusun oupcnur juuuri Winston Lawyers Appear! In the Case. MINER5TD MAKE A PROPOSITION BUI In Present Shape. Special to The Sentinel. Their Objection ft That the Senate ,, Recp"d for Business. ( ( EXlNGT0V ApiU 5.Th, C4.,e irv Structuref Being Put f Mf3 M M pj of sixiutr. Accomodate Others. ;asa.nsi wa Muimnv. Haiiway ia, ufli m.c Been B'aun. 'amount ' 'be U"!" of hvi- husband' Percent etween I Amendment Would Seem to Evi dence .Lack of Confidence in the Cit izens of Virginia. Several Leader Speak in No Uncertain Term. ct,i KaiiB.-M R. O. Puryvar. mas taken up' Have Been She-i.-.. 1v;dj-.,.l't..1pt.rtor Wlrt he Uv . By Wire to The SmtliiL i Military and IV. Tbo pla'.o'iff i mri-.iK tor daiui BOSTON, Mas.. An county urn it MM AUG. 4 T REUNION NEW ORLEANS At Meeting of Scale Commit tee Today Counter Pro posal To Be Framed. Thit Will Servo at Reply to Last P re petition of Operator. Meeting of IfcaiocraLv x.vu:lvi emmultteo thU Seal Committee Will Probably jfu"rmsm i! - :: " ho'J Contums Several Day After That jfctlo for the cloetloa of do'.' j Democratic Executive Com-' mlttee Unanimous In Its De- Thousands clslon Against Primary For j veterans Nomination of County Can-'; dldates. ; of Confederate) From Various States Gather There. At a, tt'WiKK of the Frsth coi;ty Convention Called. of Minora Mutt Be 25. It is accept till By Wire to The Sentinel WILKES DA RUE, April 25. When ..r.oi Tlie ?n'tri iuNns'o. April ! In t! am-., jo:: of iuo.ooo on ai - w-3 oc.iso wiu tm . cjnni of the dati ot lu-r husbsnd. aitti. lir.cnt mad.' by tfca sn;e withe inisoiiif scale eomiuluev went . i Mr. Punreftf tu killed at Snonear i -he I'M appropriating $5tMMMK tor the;: !ion this 'mom :.. Af , j- loTumrv. 1901. hv b:-inir sii.m h Jan. ?sto . expon'tion. To .-naieby tb-j Publishers" Tres reon hi- a 11 ,t.4, aiiin. ..11! 'an; adei 1hn til 1 1 u as to rear! lhntluvp that a counter nir.i:.M,tWv ta . " J ... .rvw.v .11 .... - - - - - 1 - -- ' tf'U Av.il Splendid Program Arranged, Thta Embracing Butineta and Boaial Setaiona and Big ParadeOt) Elaborately becorated WiWth Ceiv federate Flaga Intertwined Witn Start and Slripet. . rcDW.Kr iurmiir.il vt jiK.iro Waul im pre.'nne and t-; '" awiwaca vm oo euticcui 01 -1- t ulrno- ' . 7 . . .1 t. - .) L . ., 1 ,. 1 .in n to airx-n.iMi; Clement Manly, of Wic..on. and V. s t"uIr.on statft Uler of tl" ,Jb. RoOmau, of Chailolte. The plan.'. - hcajj say thy :u ncwr givo their ail nt " '' 'v i" T i tiff w Tprwv&toi by Watson, Buxton 1 - 'kvc to ine auwa-anveut. 11 n opt04 crwrfCtxt that but tor mKro jconUnwnt In the ward wht're 3vo atoi Cux anrt KepkontaU Faber arc lut'.spst-yl no stich antendnu-nt eon! j hae lK-ft placed on the Mil. Ri'iaviViUntive Hayw, of howeil. sakl that rather th.is fravtf auch an Sti to th" SUtp roiiKrewtluna. act JuJit-liu r.:nrnt,.a at t(H c.rut h.w' kj this city on Sat tu day. JmK III. Tlvn dntj fjr th county rontuUJii tu nowtint caivlMato. a slrcivd. It will 1h bWJ on Saiuni.15. Auictt I - .AAal.'.iri Rnl t M i. Hti.niinniicli' .li,' , roprtk :.a- ..... . . . . . . . it!iU cttr tblii aMcaatat aiMtwr that mutt 8y tVIre to The Boattne. XBW ORLEANS. April 2S. Th ixieiith annual mir.Soo of Um I'd Itwl CoufevietaUt Vwiana optnud In friffo XMtld nuver arU?!, vttSon ln Oakland ! axsuntir..? cwti.--. Tt'.tts, how?iiT, V thiKv. :'. up in OtikJamr, riM? f.s aiiviiiR tio-r.i !.-uU of potatoes arrivfil v fmm SiUt Ukr- City, ln ri-nrt .lint .th contri- h.ml phiklt-t-n of that ell. a,-kl f c.:itrll)tttc live 1. : of walls continupft. j ol tb-j staffal commil 1 n xtU'.l the city's Wi'.lrm alw.il nt tly uiwlcr but forty cant of small er suet car Hna are mi . sixty 1. h i Kiaiioiifc are in e ili-at :.n o stores in . rtf h'tsit.-.. txvpi MC ii.isi ! by the mayor to l .;!-. 1 the state and , 1 -.i u't. iuk mate sQt lints Killed at San Jose. KI.ES. April L'j AccuraUi (l.iiiiiKtWMi wroim'ti at reach' r lir.ro. Tho busl- a::d !i ilt of tho rcsl :. wis (l.inii,(t.'i or no s wili ;is,i,'rtgat( clKht NtiKiHi inrw :., ' wo.ro i ltimi;d; fii.iftO tifo hunii enl Pertont Shot. iXCISCO, April :r.. Every rim fujin tho corouer lit i f m,-rc pcrsonn jhot m :u!i, t.i ot citizen.' si:;l llna mot'lliilic .ha,t liiuthi r of .lihvmy Ilrlit. 'htt r, h.til Ih-oii killed. It !! beratuM he to e m lii.: aiuomnhllc to sa:iL; . t h.'in.-s.-ives as ;o cany all ta "ti: ) !. Brltt hns ocen itvptal ilavK. Kalluro to iK 10 cinhim the repott. '1tl:,:F iM'twcen mil It In ''W ransd a troB dj- I'iif wlihd-i-awai of state 'iatnt-n arn'sted policu--m.c ia.itancca conipelletl o: the Mreets. NEWS ITEMS REPORTED cjiijvtnial an U wIU tak oru tluii- tc tornittlate thiu. WhPther tbo operators accept ihc now counter proposition or M a eoeiver.'.'.oa of the mtnora miinl be c.iljc.i to taka final action on all ucco- am.iniiuent mloptcd ho would ihati'l''0" w tentative ar omenta lyy Tho it.Hrtirtu :X Hie acalo wmtnit: jej""4." offlf A few other nuiitim of miikvr hnp.ir Uctel ftir tbo ivuuhm cotifllctd wliA lit prooably occiw aevetal da In ' V y " . " ttha date wxte. fur tho obeerrvro vkw of the fact tba the new- couMtr j f"","; "1 k.I , Juni"' Ir i tta fl( ruv x-teraiva to rvwaln twu nmnnltAII m-11t attltwwlK- A..V1M1I ,.i ,.H I net tienwn M What IDnr. deniamUj""'" ockHk be in t'lvflnlt fotrrn 1st larmly ,, Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, April 26. Flfteon case were Uaposie4 of lar; erenlns by th- aapteroe court, opinions belr..; handed down In eleven and four Others betas afRims.J p?r cutiiitn. Probably U15 caao of nust public lnttivEt waa State v. Mirtln roin Foityth. in which RetJ .Mat tin waa convicted of thiow Ins a t c;3 Into a street car at Win Ftou-Sal'em. Th anprcata conn ilnda so error 1n thj tilal below w that th oii'!cUo:i f..l aenletico stand. Tho qnoatlon involved '. th appeal was wtcthcr or not Direct enra ate i; il or personal prcperty. Co.insel tor tho (!;fet:Jant, J. S. flroKan, at sued that fitreet chm aro not. personal praporly m that tha piosecwtloa couij D'X, as It wfi In this cat 3, ha ti-'lwr 37ii of th -3 Co.to RevlB.il. In an si abl ate opinion by Associate Ju&lice W tlkcr tho supreme court haula that tho cara aio personal property so as to 11 1st a w lfal and waatwi Injury to thm cilnilnar uzl-zt rectlc:. a"f U ltd Hevlwk but tha; tho in lictnn r.t 1 not S'tffleicnt ta MEitain couvletlcn at cniMtMH law far iikiUcIuui niiwchlef at .intended by the Slate. Much of tho opinio:! Is devoted to showing that even thn trncka?n of itrtet raiilway con;inile cannot be eonst:-uctP:f to be realty since it Is used In common wlt.'i the gw?rul public for highway purpop. the eats "laving only riKht of way. This method 3f piotwutfci.? parties who throw stones Into stir ot cars n.s for tlaniURu to ?rMal property Is n.ade noev-s inry ftr tha reason that the acts of tho hill m-1 kdVF hnmilliu 'Atn l.t 'tho senate e-vLdenced a lack of confi dence lu the cltlxMis of Virginia. ( lliEN 1 WSMIHT. sx ial nvscting of t'.te '1 I Aiil-'tniej last fl(shi ' lh' lN,'d' flatly refused Hi the terms domanded rrt Tariff anrio. '-ive the itiHurar.ec nt s.'itt here by iiie Jlf known U teiiua. to the effort tnat "'.1 "xpe;;! abimt ir. ii.in " atvr an-1 fire depart- "in-assooiation) would 1,1 on metxaniiie r.,-H ln '-'iiiaitv on all ;' Mr. Noi-flt-et miitle a " which th:u he ' a-e-tociatiora i(Tor V'P' little an, asi the I ''.. lately on the ' "as --ttiM-1:v rntj. "T-rate than Vfce. " ! 1 was in favor vf ""wh as possible " b- comparative:- ' "'' )lll''f property Ta : to , In occlusion Mr ".,, IO report the " ihe matter to the ' ;,H ," '.ncmme-rcial '). ami U it ftkt, gcn 1 a-.viKablc. "".animoualy 'f"l at a.-ime length ' ' either purchase the " on hy the city ' r dt-nou 1 iw.. o "iv I sable. SAVED THE TMII; TRAVELS ON II PUSS A few wevks ago Mr. CnJ-eb Thomas. while walking along tho railroad tra.'l; east of town: discovered a broken tail Knswlnjr that tho panger tram would Im dim to a few minute he iau down tho toad a.'f flaKKed the ti.iln thuit preventing what, may have brM; a axriouH) wreck. A few dava later Mr. Thonm redeived a letter fromtni' StokPR couwty, Ix lng a son of Mr. aad pany Thanking Mm for his actfMrs- z- Wnl- wlw nlf 'np company thanking anil notifying him tltat when he wished to travel to write the anipcrln tended of ibis division and he auJ his wife would 1)0 furnished with passes. Yesterday Mr. m Mr Thon: rtceive.-el lijnsportatlon to Murphy , N C. OF The restilar meeting of ta Asao elated . Chafl'ilc.? wa held yesterday afternoon tin the Eika' parlor. ' The sjcrevary shnw:..t, by hr 're tort, that there tiad bee-n CS appli cants during tho past month for help; the letrUlaturo pro.lUmg punishment 52 weto fou-l downing ani were Cor soiling railroad tars does not ap- h-iipe. i not eie-Fcrving; is garmeu ly to sum cars aa many believe na been eKisiributeti. Tbo list of oplnltxis Forsyth ccunty fl- J. R-Tnold'a Tobacco fro Forsyth, uo no thut it should 'elivered from iows: J.Mies vs. R. Co.,' new tilal. State vs. Martin, error. State vs. Martin, from Forsyth enr.'. Porrin vs. Board of fSlders, Mora vian Province, fro;p Forj-t)h, per cur lam affirmed. Sternberger vs. .Taeolw, from For syth, p?i- curiam affirmed. RALEIGH. Aprtl 23. This mornhig at the home of (be bride's fat,ler, near Ralt'igh. Miss Pattio B. lyewis, daugh ter of Dr. R. H. L?wi, was united In niairiage to Dr. Isaac Mannins, trf Chapel Hill. Tho ceremony was per formed by' Dr. Marshall, rector of ChriKt church, In tha presence? of the family and Intimate friecds at 10:"0 o'clock. A buffet breakfast was sciv ed after the ceMvmony. Dr. and Mrs. Manning then left for a bridal tiip north. Governor Glenn received thhs mortu 'a n lerter from Mr. Hugh Chnthatn, of Chatham Manufacturing Co., of Elkln, .commending most highly the appeal governor made for Nirth Caro Una to contribute relief to San Fran co aiiffe-rers and notifying him that tho cnahi' will contrlbuto on ben (bed pair blankees, which th South ern Railway, will send to Sau Fran cisco free. Old Homestead Burned.. Special to The Sontinel. MOCKSVILLB, April 25. Tho farm dwelling house of J. B. Johnston?, located a few miles In tho country, was ('.vstroyea by fire yewerday ua;ut nocA Tho . building was the o;.l Johnstone. tmestead. cventy-five or eslghty years old. The tenant, who occuplcel the houao losl 200 bushels of corn and all his m.at. Tho los Is about $2(100. with no tiiMtrance. The Ore originate d aboat tlvo stove llu-J In tho kltchffn. Th?ro had btven paift out for pt.rv- tii!r.ns unl milk 158.60; orders for rr.edlelno $9.05; given help In various ways to tho amwwvt of $12. 25. In one t-ntance c trtiind nurse had furnished for child ick wlih diphtheria. Twenty-flvo visHs ' nad lieen male by tha lasiies of tho execu tive board, preachers and officers. Tho following yibMlng commitee was appojr.i.ecl for tiio flist quarter of tl new yar: Mewdomc J. R. Cummlns. II. H, Tatum, Ooorgc Coan. C. M. Thomas, Jasper Deri;i and' Mis Mary H.)li?in. There was a full attendance, am tho work of the n?w year started out ur. I-?!' very favoiablo circumstances. REVIVAL IT BURKHEAD; ANOTHER FINE SERMON LETE FO St(nn1 T EVENT April 25.A.mor. prom- ipian throw. v" ,urh- to the frM. pr, y in the Olymp Mrs. J. v. Cook went to Danville today t) visit relatives. Th'3 revival serviioes at Burkhead M, E. church ai'e giowing in Interest, and attendance. Tho church was crowded last night,- Rev. J. F. Kirk cemducWvl th serviot- am preached a practical and convincing si-rnio.i, Tho text wa chesen from 1st The1., 6-9-19: For Gad that not appointed us to WTath, b it to 7btalnj saii-ation by our jcrd Jesus Christ, who dre! for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live if jetbsr with Him. The prWi?,r aii'l gootkts of Gol wero levealed: lrv disclosure, Mr. Kirk told how God's power was manifested In aB things; how everything die's ,t is destroyed1, saylng'that nothing can be savrel ete-rnnlly except the soul of man; that all struggles and tolls trd n a Kwe'tfter and nobler life, to the jhl.'Jren of God; that, Chrlse. prom it.es 'alvatlon froirf death, sin and elestrue "ion. Services are he-M dally at 3:30 and S p. m.. to which the public is cor- ilally Invited. -H"M"H 4 4 f AN APPEAL. To the (MHor: Our tw-ople are familiar with tho terrible disaster which has overtaken San Francisco and the dewi tutlon and suffering which . ha.s.followoil Any erf our ctt lz.ns who desire to cottibuto to their relief may do so by I'ndlag me the amount ami the same will bo pTommly I forwarded. T O. B. EATON. Mayor. n4r Ljiubburg The graduating exfrclses of tin coloud rtaili d school will take place n'tho chapel Friday evening, April '27. Rev. C.'o. C. Clemmt, D. D., of Charlotte, will deliver the annual nd drs. The public is cordially Invited to be present. , Col. John R. Cunfil-iejham. of T.r 'on county, paysrd through the city 'am. evering, returning home frejm a trip to Mt. Airy. ! Mrs. Marvin Adams and Mrs. E. H. Pass, who hav ben Visiting Mrs. J. : P. FeaiinTton. rotitrne-d to Mocks vlllo this afteicoonv Walt Martin left this afternoon for tbo acalo corrunltteo with Uw opera tors. Mitchll wool t not Kcuss the tow counter proposition. DEATH OF MR.J. 0. WALL; FUNERAL T( Mr. John D. Wall, who! serloua ill ness has be-on noted se'veral timoa In theav otHtsnuii. died Just before? 12 D'cloek last night at his retld-ewce. Ki'.l West Fifth street, at tho age of 41 ytais. Tho fensed was a native of lino dividing Stokes and Rockingham sountte. Mr. Wall had rnwn a resi iert of this city 24 years. Hn first VM tho pualUem of salesman with W. M. Hinsliaw when tho latter conduct ;d a meicanitiilo baslness em Trade street, In atoie-room now owned niii ssenpiod by J, F. Griffith. lAter n p.-rked in (ho hardware siorc of H. R. emwfiml A, Co., until 1893 wboti lio btejame member of tho hardware 5nn of Crawford, Wall & Huske. A year-or two lat-er Mr. Crawford Bold hla intei-et to tho other members of '.he Aim. Tho lnisimH wa conducted under the. namo of Wall & Jlusko un til a few inonlh ago when tho eon jCrn wtj incorporated,- i-mltlod tho WaU-Htusks OoiniMc-y. Upon organiit- 'ag Mr. Wall waa eKctcl 'lce-proi- lent. Tho lece-a?rl was quiet and una fumliift.. Init a goo l Inulness man i.nd a host of friends mourn his ikaUi. He "eaves quite A uloo estato to his wife; he tnd two ciiildrvu. Otlior r-ear reU 'Iveii incltul? father and mother, blather and one r'lster. Tho funeral service will be ' -on-tottcd front the xosCdenc.o at 3 o'clock "cm Ki row aftr rnoMii by-.h,la,pasTor, Dr. H. F. Chrellxlx-rg. The interment will bo la the Salem cemertery. THE CREATION" IT -- ACADEMY T0NI6HT. from tbo reunion, but tholr Ojiooovas out ha rmuvued uo urtVabla dualuvi tieso of tb crowta wixk h har ootu to thU city Nr oho rveuiloo. The city" U crowih-d wltli rtsltore flora all pui of tbo I'niti-d HutM, panicularty, ( couise. tho 8ouths nUitea. AU tuih- ! lio btilkVintes and tn-tajr busiiMvM hoM I . ... ... i . . .. . .. i , - . . . . . k . .. J-u:ph llayd tho composer of t'.ls KLIZJ TUT rZ7Z7 . and musical oratorio, began this i'LJ1'.. f?1 .f"1 nH w. tin mum ij niun U1V Start and Htrlpe. - grand musical oratorio. bi-g:iu master pleco In his sixty-fifth year, spending more than thieyeaVs ot cor.tant work ot (hi production. This otntlo aVmo would bate written hU name high on tho scroll of fa mo It exce 'j In mo chotal and solo parts, aa denala In benoty utul frvsbneos any work of Haydn's youth or prlnK-. One cf the most pathetic scews ki ce lection with this oratorio was that whiich took placo a; hts last appear anre In public, jn ho wa carnl In his arm chair to witness a reman ib'. 3 performance of this masterpiece-. It was first pcrfoimid In America by the Moravi-ina Itv llethK-hcnv Fu, In 1X1 1. Tonight and tomorrow night lovers ot high clntts mtwlc will hae the oppeiriiisilty ot hearing thta won ferful sory of ''Tho Croailon," whloh will he given by the tin se mitteUal talent obtainable. Mrs. Giaco Bmnei Williams, tli j noted soinaito soloUL Prof. Storor, Prof. Shirley'. Rev. J. Kentwnh Pfohl, and tho chorus of 100 voices will run ko a uuigustlc-nt tot a'. The great tsA care? has Ihhh glvsu for somo tlnio to tho pracllco of this oil I oilo. Tho delightful music alotto ilwuld b snfllcieii'. to hRhice nil to attend olther Vtouight oi tonutrr .w light, bill when wo coniblno wltb this not'lve tho higher ono. that of Itiilp.ng o rsiablish tho' Mrs. Sio:.'wall Jhck wit Mimsorla) Hcholarablp. tlieclisp..! ihould bo tsixel to In u I most cap acity. Tho brv of Tlio Creation will be o?il In "ilorltallvo" by tho three libels, Gabriel, I'rlel and Rapiuel, Many o tlie toteruna. not aceotnr ptj-ied by ladle, put up at too St. Louis lbMe-l. whore three thousand cms had b-t a set up to sff ri aloep ing acootuukxlatlons) to as tuny Inv necimCooa voterao N hing will be) charged to them for the fjconvmokt- tkitis at thnt boose. The division hoa- qtauters are located at tho St. Chariot Hoted. . Tbo opening DK-otlng of the rnv loi was called to order by General Stephen D. Lee, cvmma nJ.tr . of the United Confederate Vetn. Kvery veitabU wpaco tat the targe hall was occupied by veterans) and the gallery wm flllevdi with laHes and other. -trial-tors. Woloomlna addrnssi's wore dvl le ered by Governor Blwx-hirad, Ma.yor Dehntm ami E. B. KrutUtclnltL chair man of thn getkYal executive commit tee, who formally tendered the large audit yjiuui to General Le-e. Ir. Titos, M. Ownmt, coniiiian.iLrln-chltf of llw Unlte 8c3s of nfnlnrta Voti'raDJi, aUi dellve re I an address, at tho orw elusion ot which the business setsstoa be-gtuf. ' This e vening aa 'enteit.Uameat for the etorf?s will bo given at .the At.4l torluni. This will oixr, with a drill by tho school eadots of fhs city, lo lowed by a concfrt of voeal and Inetrv. mental mimic, coMrlbtiu-dby kAl tal ent. A foaiuru of tint ei(M-taltrur-tK will be tbo songs tif tho varbun Houth ertr Sat(.s, puug by girls dineed l- the Co'ife lei ete color. Mis Moill C. Blanchard, representing Dlxto, will ho whole, being prln ed on the urn- E".,. , ' ,' kJ..,.. To;m,njw forenoon Um business se li'm of th,- reunion will bo con kr jid. Tho (fitac fturi of Thurs- IN TEXAS T By VT!r tn The Rvtittnel. OAKWOOD. Texas. April pa. Rally this monrlng a negro known as Oeorge, 17 yearn old, was taken from tho sheriff by seven mot' and hang'ed to a tion near town. Tha sheriff flrtd at the men but no r,nc iwas lnjnrod. Tho negro had stripped hmlsehf and entered tlio homo of a widow near town but was beaten off by a druih ter ef the widow, who hit tho aegro with a tamp. Arrest followed- but before the sheiiff couleli g tho prisoner to the jail hd was aken by a mol) and tanged to a tree and his body) rid :ll.d wttto beillets. IT Tbo Rent, in ol rocoived a telephone w-ssage from its correspondent at rTiedberg, this county, today stalms hat Mr. RojTit Woo&ey, nge-d about '5 yeors, mysteriously dlsappenfe-d rroro bis homo yesterday and that tearcl:1ng parties had bee-n out. H ight and today se-archlng for him, jut to far no trace nas been found. Our informant stated it was feared '.hat Mr. Mexweley has rmt vkKonre or committed giiiclde.' A' near-bj" pond ss been dredged but without resul.. Considerable excitement, has been r'aused la the . neighborhood by Uie iLsapiM-arance. Mr. Moosetlcy I a marrw d man. . . Attention, Pythiant. Ymi aTe earnestly reqiw-sted to m'et in Castlo Hall Damon lodge. No. 41. Thnrs tay afternoon at 2 eeiock to at lerxl tho lneraI ot Brother John D Wall. All Pylhians wrdlally Invited. tiours fraternally, T. W. HANE8, V. I'. A. B. BYN'l'M, K, of R. and 8. J. V. RUIpley came in this after noon from a business trlj). Tram, so Hist tlio exmiplei.i thiead ol s:ry can bo mulerM.Mxt by a I oresrnt. ThU station with H.iideis 'M:Ji..'ali" as th? two musical niaster-le-s ol tho world. Tha beginning of the oratorio rep inU chAMi then the crmtl..n, strictly according to th.- Bible, 1h tal n up. the close of each day bt.-lng cele-brated by cbjtu.' of heavenly hosts. Too rruirh oaonot bo a1d for thlt ipportuuity, given our pe.-jiple to h :ir (his tu'iter-plece. Nunibeis of people itavo nhreudy arrived to attewd Una performance nn I mnny exhers are ex peeled em ve-rj' train Nj one will lo admlttcr either to night or tote arrow night after th.i pw-due-tion Is Imicim except during Intel nvitulon. Begirt at H O'cUsk. Frtco, adulrs $1.00; ehtl.lre rf. 50 cmls. By most fentnnote circumstaru-es .enteral vakiablo aid have been added to tho renditliAi' of "The Creatlou." Tho latest Is the addition of Mr. Coj rad Ijisher. a flute piayr of lir.(.i- national clebrky. Mr. lusher has been flute nololK liv tho cxlebrslCii Phllarmonlc Orchewtta ut Berlin, Gr- nwiiy and heis tralnol ui.der tho gre-at nwslceil director, Nikescli, Othor out of town ainiHts who will take part are Mr. G' orge Woisltoffe, f Msiut Ai.y, Mr. Brockmam of Greensboro, and Mrs. Grace Williams, of Boston, th accomplished vocalist. ROBBERS MAKE BI6 HAUL . AT LOW BAPSURRYCDUNTY Special to Tho Remlnel. MT. AIRY, April 24 A 'phone m. sago was received 5e-o eexly thi-i momlng to the effect tn,t roblKTs hod aritTtA fha storo erf W'. H. Wondiuff k Sons, at Ixrti Cap, 21 miles west of here, lest, rtight. About tlm hundred dollars in cash !s misslug bsldw & Jarff ejimntlly uf grHxis of various kinds. Mes:-K. Allied vrA Fuller, f Ihl. place, who have two ffjx. liioodlienin'.a, tartod for tho scene r1y tills morn in;. , day will be the giest ball at the Aut".l tesiinn In tho evening. It will begin at H o'clock with tlx graud nuerfh, led by G uiial Htepln n ij. Ihi ami hut staff In full ttnifoink All thn oidfai-h-lomd dancfs whlrii am be glve.l by tho teteraiis will follow. At 10 o'clock there will be a cotillion, lid by Cot, mender Owen, of th Hons of Vete rans, From that tlnw (he round dances will be tlaneo4 ; Friday will be cr !ng day. The p t4 clMl feature of the day will be ttie parade-. During Hho parade art toe school children will bo rmtaed kn (no vicinity of tli Ua moumnent and will sing the old Cotifverate tinge dkiriaa: the entire Hmo that tlie vHera.-j Are passing that point, Nv Advertitementt. J. T. Joy iHtr Rfte-en j-shts In bus lnj to Knn place. Sink & Fanslei-. pure Unl In ilco paint that stands Um test. Moore's Hnrlng Open for sesuoo after May t. FU'tcher Brest Tbu pJnoe to buy c.tblns), ftho.' an-1 list at rlgnt prlen-s, Tho M!s MorUn. Nw arrivals In hs!s-y. AS tim popular styles. C, A. Ji-nk'r: FUal esate and ! Miranco. Evety lino ot ,lnwrraftc bandM. ..... ...... D. 8. Redd Tho best that nsmty car prestiKm In cut and Mown g1s. Btowtv-Rogers (Vk Eniuneied ware, wuIjt nssi, r-frlgraior a"d Ice in frenrrs a attrairtlve prlcrsi. Row.nbacher, More n'ws t;f ai'.vf Easttir bargain sale. Shaffnr's Irig Htore. Prescrip tions potnp'ly flll'd, promptly Je Mvered. ' Fnlriew Poultry and Stock Farm Co. Pure bred eggs, $1.50 for 15., To Race Winston Horses. Tutflays Roanoke Wot Id has the following item: Mr. W. W. Bmoak, of Winston Ra lent, has arranged with Coleman Dyer to tmiti and raco Kat' CatnplM il, 2:21, Pal Medium. 2:19, Schnapps, a green neie-er and1 a sn'of Kremlia, 2:07. dam by Sidney Prlnre; t.'u; latter Is a trotter and fry promising. Mr, Kir.ofck Is a member rf the firm of Swoak and Mci'rary, lh leading horse and mule d'iTs In the Sooth. Mr. Smoak l In the city with a Cno let of mule and is much t!'ose-d wiltt High Iloatoke. , and 11 Mrs. E, 8. Ilolden and two rhlidrcti went to Orer-nboro tolny lo visit Mr. and Mrs Z. I Wall wilt arrive, friend. Capt. IMdY-n. who has b.n tonight from Stokes county to attend ,irk for s-v-ml days returned to hU the- funeral of their eoo, Mr. J. D.jnw between ,'M-i.e nnH North Wilkes Wall. boro this afternoon. Special Meeting of Elks. A spe-dal nweting of the Winwton Elk lodge will Is; held at 7:3n tonvn row night. Important. T. W. WATfcON. B. R. Miss Jt,lo Stabton went- to Point today to visit relatives friends.