THE TWIN-CITY DAILY ST,SUVVlSSTONSLEM. N. C APR.L 2S. CZ&t OF MR. W. C BROWN. PERSONAL NOTES. MOXIE MOXIE MOXIE MOXIE : t Learn the Way to Simpson. I ; , i im ;li to Ra!'. VV U H.cU-" '- X. f t! J K Di P.jvVH V. i . . I., I . " Tl.Wi I tar Iter m-.TOi t Ilisb Va:M Ia t.:gli. Mrs. H. E. S3 wo .( Kernc-MvilU. a In tt- city iAiy. S. 1L Taylor" left, la evening tor a i..-w.jiimv nniirtv Tt.; dt-ra.ti flf mi a. lj,,,vr ult i .ale t id aji an-: a ail. f N rd. rair.'i has r.v.T th ih r. Mr. V C. Pi ter .' ral Ui uh " ill da- b! h tn- r.a ?iit!i Main t'.tet-t. Sal .m. a; o'r!:t Tu'lay ft5r!ng at t-e iitns. h. an;l 1 uai- U.i la Iu,:.! ne; Ms i -in n. at- u A I'.i.d ' ASK FOR 4ND THE JJEAH STAIKI Concentrated - - jk FerHlizer. ; VcgeraNcs.V,r;33, m and LAWNS - Aiife The Lick Ccwfany. H. MONTAGUE, LAWYER. Loans negotiated frt of ebarg 10 Lenders. Estates Settled. Title Id Tettgated. Wills, Abstracts, Deds and Mortgafre. carefully prepared. Houses and lands (or sal or rent. Over 20 years successful practice. 243 Main Street. I. . T .7...... ' church. Seutemt, """"v"' " . . . in th, Mai F. H. Kemp, or Majodan. was ,a . . nri,m-Tt,i to lkutecar.t in Cou th city Urn. night and tfxtay. a,T 4r, c. Regiment. Daniel W. H. Maxler come la r'll mornu.g bridge, afterwards dimes' biigi'Ce. 'from a busic- trip to Ne York. iRhclf' divi?!cA LIpu" ".ant Bi"a Joe RobOfisja. North Wiikv bnro. wnt to Grwoslxiro last ev n33!;.t Wc :Jruff. cf -Mt. Airy. wifc;wcui ."v- a.ien,r, u..vS tW thU iu.,mlnK. furaln, from a t t.;:a...?t-..-a sr.. I u-tuiwd x- S..,h1w. rip. -health for !h ps; eiKht years cnl. M.t. Uudsay Pattereoa rMuruc-l c u iak,.n to his b :bi axDins fnm a rMt to Waaahw:- .. j ws, unconscious until dt-ath t: am' fbilallpbia. '.Ueve-i him ot his surT.-riiigi Him U Tilky, i Pilot Mountain. - Brides a wife he l ives one wi.i has botn vUitinu rrlend bwv. jjr. o. F. Brcvn. and thri'e dauKhi. rs, t it fcymc today. Mwiimi s C. C. Tv.;;.f. W. H. C"i..- Mi.. J. C. Farabcp reiitrnod this aril, of thU city, and Mt.' M. D. fV- n:orti" ? fiom a UU ta MUs Ada tar. of (t ctrsboro, a!i tw brolhirs Tii'inuj' at. (ItepnslxiiO. and t5 sister, KKtielr Mesis. Jo!t Mrs. It. T. TavU t 0cr..v Brt.wa. ot Kt rnersville Albert Brdmn. tMs n. t vMt her parens ? .MuiJ;i.w" ll,K ', AV"' HI 1, Ul 1 ft."!.i.!..JH.(. 1. 1. V. I. l t,t the atKve relative. Mr Brown U'sve a large- crnr".:r.' of f:iend" 'hc ti. ,ti i n his ileal h. A!'bLtgb a erliiK for life jlr. E:on a alaj i o:' a ijei-iful i!.s C'jswir: itnl )iln o'.;f .u eomiaik's : re thi' fil ii-d thtt; he mst iV Th fnr.e:al s.lviee via eo;i s .d ieie t thif. afiuiiuon at I o'clock , frmi vie Wj.igh! J .1 l! clfircb.' ear Abl.-";v i'icr"k Y7 xr 1, 19: c j I! ted W) 2. 1SC2 aul 7K k. jRhcifS' divi?!crL Lieu" "ant Bn3 Uf) kta-'was oiirki at the bar.; c tXii,.-; M vca. butg. July 2. 1803; i ikea prlv.xr Jl bv t..neral an.1 f.i oled' fili IK. a M .. 1 H Mi. J. V. tlrittiih. Sm II. ?:i.i;h. Jr.. sruo im; v!i.:titn, sis :arcnl. retamc-t i.i i.: in Ailai.:a on y?i?ruay. J! i.i. V. Ti.ip lmt aad iiH.Uicr, t,. N.jtili Vi:xe.!)t.o, - ca.iCil . taiouija tr c. le i cyj'iix enioaie ill ii .'ri'. Hioiuan Faw.-e! :, of Mi. Airy, pa t l throvittii l t it y this inuring, triu 25c Packages. At all Druggists. i i i i r i it n i i ! Strong, Safe. Conservative, Secure, Careful, Liberal, Hrogreaslve, Enlarg ed ' Capital, Government Depository, Tb Best and MobI Desirable 1'lace. Don't fall to iee us In retrard to tnj bank matters. People's National Bank ( U. S, Depository.) John W. Fries, Pre. , Wm. A. Blair, Vic Pres. NOTICE OF SALE. In pursuance of an order of the superior court of Forsyth County at March fpteial terra Vi'iO, In the action jf the I'uited Security Lif' Insurance and Trust Company of PtnnsylvaaU against Winstoti-Salem (las and l'it Inif Company, finarantr Trust Com pany of New York aLd)thcrs, defca '". .. . . . ;ii!t.:aA f;.i; a Im.'.:. I, Joseph Jacobs. comnucs.ener ,;H . . , Uu i l),-,i!.am. .heri-ln appointed, will sell at public- v f t- -u auction to highest bidder at west door (,;,". yj 0ii'.:.-: lJ in . r court House in Winston, .v i., i '2 oelmk lit., t.n Satuulay. April 2. 'Mr,. the following property, to-wK: All and singular all the premise. ;n.)iiTiy, lights and franchises of tt.c ; suil (ias Company, including the foi lowing described real estate, situated, ; lying anil lielns in Winston, Forsyth ll'oiiuty. North Carolina. J First Lot: Measuring feet on IVIiitil street, Kast Winston, begin ning wmtneafit corner or lot known and dibiituateJ on the piat I of the city of Winston as lot No. ."3j and running east aloug the ninth Mile of Third street 138', feet to H. L. Kigglns' lot, thence north 1th II. I.. Klgglns" line DO feet, H. H. Ilej tiolil-- corner, thetice west on a in parallel with' Third street W-4 feet to the- line of lot No, 333, thence southwardly with the line of lot No. 133 tC feet fo the beginning, the above lot being parts of lots No. 331 ind 332. described on the plat, of the city of -Winston, See HooR OS, page 270. " Second" Lot: Beginning at the southwest corner . -if H. H. Reynolds' ot .No. o..2 on Third street, running , lk,all.ifu; women can have thj) best bence west with said street 87 feet , things In the world, for there is none to t!ie line of the right of way of the k, inhuman a b w,r..R .nvthinr t u As the tea kettle was the beginning of the steam engine, so the ordinary soda cracker was merely the first step in the development of the perfect world food Uneeda Biscuit A food that gives to the worker more energy of mind and muscle that gives to the child the sustenance upon which to grow robust that gives to the invalid the nour ishment on which to regain the vigor of good health. (fc In a dust tight. moisture proof packagt. NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY If you want your Building done at once, or a bill of Building Material at once, were prepared to eend it out for you imme diately and can quote you prices that will Interest you. We also carry a fall line of Mantels, Gr&tes, Tiling Anything in Building Line Fogle - Bro.;s Phone 85 Salem, N. C. of Greeaa UiMI.I Cii . Ix L , I. .!.tug :c ! iil at his r.aiitc. Hi d:.;tght . Mis. Wi . Cruuhti. Iii. anil tiKaibeu i,f Lis fan.ily, l'ae t.-eti an.a.j:iej j 1.1s bt.U:.k. U A. Mvetj. i.; Mac.'.:, Ua., and J.iha Mjcta, cf AugJta, Ca., wuo wi ie itienCy ca'li .1 Ij the home ol t.'ueir pi i "t, in Y'ailkin county b ti. iii...; i;l thei; mthtr. I.ft IflK i , j.l 4U( f n t'.Mi reap ;tlv? v a:h.d 13' K. Il ll: . we; .1 ro,- Ct II. J. Ut'vr.c.ds Tcbacec. C; . WANTED Trawling taksicu. Muit; film!! ufsritn?s am'.' i.ivist tloiM): la flrs'-cli: s pr r cer.. b-M'.U. 8a!j-y n t exr.ji-.i. pal;t. Kxpctlence-ot re-J tinned, we ujch imslmsw at our mllx W'... f:: Rr-tlnK Cot nice Com pany. W!Hy!liiK. W. Va. Ntw ai:iai ;f huts ami ulc? as Hiftnieiit of lin.-a a::d lace center p!ceis at .Mrs. Kt anion's. ' i PAY POLL TAX BY MAY 1. FIVE DAYS MORE. fc followol by tan I.; fluent auKhtown ci uHti'iy. in ili; The ott cut or bruise cured wlih fiiit tear or stipptiinllon by Vick's Tui t!; Oil "'v. I.earn your way to's. A prefy Work basket given wtb every hammock Friday and Satunay. Hoacoke and Southern (Norfolk and Western) Railroad, as conveyed to said road by J. M. (irogan and wife by deed recorded In Book 32, page 80 (for more oertalnty of boundaries ref erence Is hereby made to said deed), running thence with the line of n4 77lT77tt . . , . . t . . . rlirht of wnv i northerlv rnnrce 1ir. TTTTTTT feel to Fourth street, thence east with pieity woman. Holllster's Rocky i Mountain Tin nikes beautiful wo turn. 25 cents. For sulo by O'llanlou, Winston; Undqtilst & I'fohl. Salem. said Fourth street 72 feet to north west corner of H. H. Reynolds' lot No. .132, thence south with bis lints' 195 feet to the place of beginning, known as that part of lot No. 333 on map of the city of Winston, lying on the east side of the Norfolk and West-, em Railroad. (See book 68, page 2C9.) Together with all the othen prop erty, real, personal and mixed, jf ev ery kind and nature whatsoever, and' Including Its real estate, plant, mach inery, engines, boilers, meters, pipe and pipe lines, tools, Implements,1 easements, subways,, substructures, ways and rifthts of ways and all the rents, issues, profits, incomes and i privileges growing out of or pertain ing to said property, and also all Its I 4g T H TJ I 2 J $ iP $ J $ P $ if in your pocket by giving us your trade on :: :: Belting Pulleys Hangers Shafting Injectors Ejectors Valves . Lubricators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. Give us a call.- Crawford Plumbingc Mill Supply Company Winston-Salem, N. C. Wheeler, Runge 6 Dickey ARCHITECTS Charlotte, N. C. 2nd Floor, 4C's Building. April 1891 April 1906 1 1 C VrADC ij M. Woodruff & Co. D I JsriLrVO j MNS STORE ' Same Stand f o t il Morgan & Cuthrell. aame JOyner IjTinand cornice work th; i Better Facilities I to Satisfy. that stands the test. I Galvanized sky lights they are the best. If its hot air furnice work corporate .rights, fianchUes and priv- i itl we e feg rranclilses and contracts heretofore or hereafter granted to, or made before gam saie..or iiinie witn said uas LOIll- V .... th, h.,t WInd ,rf..,;.f. . ..... ....... , - - - - - ment for the grocery business i I Rah! Rah! J W 'or the ( Ml COLUMBIAN Brxnd v&Lpora.tcd CFLEAM 5c and 10c Cans sun. I Fills Every Requirement for Milk or Cream, Fruits, Desserts, Ctrah. SEND FOR RECIPE BOOK DOrtSEN CONDENSED MILK CO.. New York. t e . -- 'Nothing sutctedi like uceei" and the most forcible illustration of this ii the Stetson Hat It ii the nrojld'utandarj uf style. Wt kirt ih( llei-nn Sell inj Otibr , Nui in ill Ibc Utcl illci. :: Morgan & Cuthrell. ii : :l I Stgrtionery Radical Changes In Styles. do not appeal, as a rule, to the quiet dresser, but he. is just as particular about the cut of his clothes as the ultra-fashionable chap, and insists upon conservative models embodying to a slight t decree all the varations tnat eacn season introduc es. If you are a man of this sort you will, then truly appreciate our su perb collection of can-, servative style Sack Suits at $12 to $20, especially those at $15. Our collection of suits at $15 comprises both single and double breast ed Sacks, that for style individuality, quality of materials, excellence of tailoring and fit are sel dom equaled under $20. These are here in black, blues, fashionable - grays and all sorts of mixtures in quiet dignified effects. omiaencf in your Medicine You . can't get quickly if there is least uoiiht m your n. X about the purity of j I medicine. s r 1 i e 1 ou can t iiclievt I medicinethat von at a p: usre dr and skillful compounc are worth. . Considering that Juse onlv trie purest flr i t i I and enuMov only exw enced prescription; our prices fori'pred I tions are as low as dare pay. I Landquist 6 PH The Corner DrugSt Calvin H. Grainier 08TEOPATHI8T and Specialities: Nervous Chronic Dlseasea. Lady Attendant Phone 460. 414 Liberty St pany by the city of Winston, N. C, or 1 any other municipal corporation. Alan alt hliilna unil t liee n nnlnnAnO is jiiii mun, iwui.i, liitK ta, ! urauiKs, supplies, HtocK and otner t ra a.--. f personal nrooertv. and all the fran- I VY e try lO get diises. rights, contracts, . privUoges l . eustomers to sati.fv- Our line shows all the new lmniunltles of said tins Comnanv. T roccy eustomers to satisfy-;. whether now owned or hereafter nc- I and then we Mtisfy our custorr- est tintS all at the most rea- riuired before said sale and also all ers. I1 11 a i estate, rights, titles, reversions and I 1 Sonable prices, A pleasure to remainders, as well as in equity as In Tt4--Mfr'vI show tun m uiu vin euiuim!t.v, di, in nun , X to the same and any part thereof, and ; We USCd to find it aiM an rents, issues, pronis, revenues and Income whatever, which said Gas I Company' -now has,. and which It may acquire before said sale. AUo office fixtures and one safe, i And all other property, rights and franchises, of every kind and char acter owned by said Wlnstou-Salem Uus and said day hand and in bank No hid will be entertained at said sale from any one nffeflnjr'to bid who hal,lnor. first deposit with comruis- mer as a pledge for making good hljyild In case of Confirmation, the siimSjf three thousand '$.1,0(10) dol lars inVioney or In a certified check on BonieVputional bank, the said J;;.0ui to beVe-tnrned to all unsuccess ful bidders !jto be applied as in part payment Tfe'm successful bld bers in esse confirmation by ! the court. The baflWce of the pur j chase money win belpayable upon conflrniatlon by the cot at the May 'term of the superior coiVf of Forsyth county. All bids will be recel ny the commissioner, and the nail will be made subject to Jho confirmation by the court, nt said May term This March 2fith. 190B. ; Joseph jac Commlss a hard task but since It has , got abroad that we satisfy our customers, it has been an easi er matter to get eustomers to satisfy. ; uu-oaieiu m Lighting Company, on the T K-fr-r)) ifr't'M" of sale, exceot monevs on it doesn t make any ainerence nere wnat na ture your purchase may be, we will-see that it gives aatisfac lion, or if it coesn t we n return your money. T i you :: '.: :: ' Shaffner's DRUG STORE. PATENTS .Secured. JOHN IMIRIE, Pacific Building, Washington, D. ,C References in Winston-Salem. ! t 4 Ir I is sold to you oelow wnat pui Dilwoitt tt To Fit Notice for Pardon. ; I hereby give notice that I will gp-, ply to the governor for the pardon J otmy husband, Pink Nelson. I BETT1B NELSON. 0. H. Hasten, Attorney. , April 13, 190C. FOR SALE r A plot of eround on 12th si reet HELP WANTED. "Destructlol of' "Anvthlno- in Waa" ;nenr I-iWfw atroof UV9AZ f.f . b4in FratiselKCo." Best book, large ... . . . . ith.riM CU. w.J .:n v.! IProtlts. Act quick. Sample fre.!Vest I hirdbt., ODDOsite the ."ij - v"".u"u wl" Ulobc Company. 723 Chestnut-sfeet. er, I , ' - JVflOie Of lfl IOCS. Apply I'hiiadeipuw.. I i v... u,.u,,, ,t j. u. uonrad. k Any door or window is ' the way we make' our screens. Drop us a card and we will call and take measurement correctly; J.A.Weisner&Co "Anything in Wood" Copyrlght1906 ,..,,, 8. ruppenh.lm.r S Co. Chicago Sack Suits' of extreme styles for young men; built especially to give a chesty effect to the young fellow with narrow drooping shoulders to give him all the grace of an athlete's shape that is possible are here in breezy, as well as quiet patterned mixtures- in light gray tones and other color effects, at ,$7.50 to $15. . Winston Clothing Co. Harrison & Kurfees. Gardens v,nr.o rut .Flown' ' ' I UI s-iiwiv v- - Wedding Flowers, X Designs everything " thing In Cut Flower Ml wo n, fnMv nrear' handle any order forf4 of Flowers on sho- ' M) ToioiM-nnh. ti -phone I it uil Ito HM if VOU D I Promptness !s our m G.H. Mc'PK S Proprietor i Charlotte, N...C 5? P. D. Box .127.. : . Bell H J. THOMAS WRluui.-i Electrical and X-Raj' U tho Treatment of Skm Canes, also Ncura!g.S- Location of Bullets. rl ana tor nervous u,---and Offices, Vaughn BuU WINSTON', N- if t -n Time tO H No Better Time M 'Get the Best W.H.CLINA 5 J.S. Zimeffl offlcethtj WtvqtAN 4 1

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