WINCITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 26. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS snr IH 15 BECUfi. JiiriMDiii niv id IilUilUIIIAL Ufll Id OBSERVED IN ATLANTA Activity Among Busl- Hen In San Fran co at Present. SENSATION IN THE E By Wirs to The Seminal. ATLANTA. Apiil 21. Throughout tar f are ct Ge-oigH Menuiria! Day i observed tclay by the Coufe-it-late socletier and the petkple in gei. eial. Tfce thoughts of the Southern ptcple have bec-n directed more ihaat uil cl lat. t3 such things, beci-is-'' ;ef the rect-i W'-iee-kr memorial and) U.r tt RedtfCC -th rt-lllllilfl .f Tltn. n,t f.i- I itt$ D" - r ., ... . . . . .. ... ...v . . . 1 " v . a ' Vice Chancellor States He Was Approached Ip Interest of One of Parties to Suit Understood That Friend of Mrs. Duke Had Spoken In Her Behalf. .. a,md Structure! and. The result was chat a great dnl ruorei id Cy " GrJt ' JlUli ijay a ,howr. this veai ihanl NEWARK. Lament So , nrdr to Hansie NEXT MEETING PLACE Reunion of United Confeder- PEACE MAY RULE IN COAL FIELDS A huge Htkl aoirecLtie audie-ce jiltttDti wi;h rjpl :ii;l'0'.i to t ie ate Veterans Will Be Heldu Vllf There Next Year-Features ril of Second Day of New Or " he ,u"1 m wtnam. prof jSlorer and Rev J. K.nneih Ifohl. . ICdlli KCUIIIUII. ;wet as tho fraud work of the etwiru. which ielhcetl nw! great rmiU uii th.' gifted ptofessois of iSe Acadiniy. Messrs. SU.ier ami Sldr-ley. Mure By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW ORLEANS. April 2.-)u tht Mjr Situl- Tha Sentinel. i.ii . , ,.., Viuii'n tse-cona ear ei 'ie t iinteuerate rt union -icrcluly loan mr btf-we ln- before. I cation 'of the Duke d I vote proceed-"-- .-...-nimeu u..i.v -u n Th V.u-I...,. ! :'ir.S tbl n.-rrW Vie, rs-nit,..-! thw u,rniia 0 discuss tariurM u'tur U tKM iWWI US. . .... - ' . . ' . v . . v l.l KilLf - ' - - ... ( in: fl: mU I uku nigra .it .V.. 1 .. I , Pit r.( e Irliiil lh. 1 tl mil .iili-tn- .Urf-I- , 1 Ota. Ht ite this arteinon. Jm j irat'im tht; an attempt haul bn iwute ctiw'y- vtt... . .kv- tin. i'Ull,lu, J' K. ti, SwitUial Marcus Btck. cf th kupK ue ctnt. M influence bim iu favor of one of the S( IS('v. Ai:l - " j mltl be tti orator at the t'ty auU ;lw Pat"ts - ult. It U undnrauiM till.:u- iner.- U Rev. T. P. CUvtla- I lt be eiianiiu. j t"t a niar. friend of Mis. Ouke . , inh of DeoplvMTht xetit?e :H b in thaiaj of t - roti a WVat to the chancellor: k! ' . .k . ni..rnii.r to vie" lad'.ija tf th K ?ir.jrlal AKiwiai h 1 In" Believed By Some That Min ers' Latest Proposition Clears the Situation. Thy Think tht Concttaiona ONtrtd Ar Sutticitnt to Bring About Am ) - abla Sattlamant and Thua Avoid Stritxo in Anthracite Pioldo Ttt of Counter Propontlon May Bt Mad Known Thic ARtrnoon. T!,ey n;e: af..inoi anxious to Slt :i:j LJ.iay was that San Wfl"f,.;' 2 m.lUHl (,f t.r cttt- j n.jrH every one woo ,n, !: i.nvc to pay his lOK ritv iifriciul fcaid this flare be mow tfc xtt this year than tnere iu rt it." t . (V) on otrskirta of tlH tUriii . I i!trirt rthetnble n fn.ntii r. TnivpMry . rrtlt t aii'l plans made Iivr i n? operatluw at ooce. r m' i-!''i uikI injtirt tl at is MKiriei' as creatly re- j a fi w i! attiB friuu in'.vi; in the pa-st -Zi aliuii is now beiiiK piiiil to it (and. which aro ( Fund Now J2 1,000,000. 1. )RK, Aim 11 -f Tho kcal jd cli.i:' to the H.tMMijHM) liu'iciir.x ami !i!iulir imis tt now if rontiibutioii-i v'oii- r ir. ; !i aiirH'ri' ireiH ir.nmij the fund in la sliire 111;' ratnrti ivfiiiKcd nearly ::.MlO,0(lO a!Lver tt'9 country ami th i uitai of I'm whole it ll'l.orto.iNMi. Troopc Aiked For. ITOX, Apiil 2ti. The war rcctlvnf :ii( following ad- o Sfial ( at San .i nn.n.iiiK: iniH'cia'ly to ca the ai ie sicietary of war to tiie r aj Clonal trooi. .Not )it.nt ioice Inadoouaio lirrd .Interest. of the city ve beer, u.'tiisary in the i overtaxed today. DH--ln;,lv ei onuMifi aud the ! oinndiiiK militia acl'n ;ttiii rvi d by si'iiditiR as a as practicable. The ir luc: of irxf, tdiccrs in maintain-,: the high the A:mr1ci:ii army, and of- l!i.icaT stress ar.-.i I'Jiuiwnty ig r.ot advib- lades tf tt K?rr.jr!al Aioriaih:ti l" hi,n to dial lonlnty with the at repueratlves t f tl? varl ra Kfmdaiit o- the rtunil that rria chtpiera Id thit cMy iU : jke put ini1--"" orf wu Himtcou. the com the eiicUr. TJtv; parade this forJl""l . anl Mra. Duke, wur of an Iocb was iu char.? tf Chltf W. .1 powirat-'n character. The writer of Jojntr. of the the 1. partmtut. whJ ,h Mlvr ,a s"ld to h,, aReel a, i.'Urtea niarihal of the da Mr- Ttek'.-'v frieEdahip for Huntrou Major J. Van HcC Ns,h wu Lia takf!was uPm hl kindness to her af stsff. Tt paiat'? was fortr:d ti of ths Crand Optra housa aul marched to Oakland, where tru Con federate gtaves wtfie dtcotattd. n i TGET y Sentiufd. i Ai ril 2:. Fi ail Dur white man from Rill; 11 '--r,', iiratL-'ti, la In TV lo serve the r.xir- t mic' .r which hj 'I of IVmiIv Sl'.ciil'i ;k wi:it- the cfflp.r w.i.. i fur cum Inn Ciin;.. h, re bint: Thur- i'l with his mother and ;:. a- the Yai-l.fur. lf"ll,.T whr tlia m. iin4 .() niak,, gf,. tw t-'1 her" an officer to "'' w havo the sheriff '" I offlc-T here !rpiitiz ' prison.T. H dc !H ' "iM-riff of Po'.k could US 1(1 the farl llr.t .. . wtek and (be clerk ' "IT. ifd to send the- of. "' h' r' i that Dur whl .lelivor him to the f'i'horitles but the " r that, he did not wish altitude of ronuiiit '""""r to the peniien-'-'! Polk count -. a 1"'ara ''Ither for an I';;' or fur th,. author l'aso of Wilk,., t0 h it nmrkabio ca.-,e -''. It is reia,K. 'h' ftict that the '"'le thronirh mi..h to .'t't Into the pen- - I II TJ im "' tor the of th- er:n,,.. -r the '(1 v " I K'Mli'! t . i , " '1IV:W UV ; J ;!'' at beir. p-,.e- :l HlKtltd rnrhnm ,ffif" ar-i ran. HU ;l";'y just to i(t Dttrbam 0, lil'. ir flit l.lo-l.. rt . fc it ri...i oui "!ntc th, tho 'b,rf;,t 1 Ills tinrsual tiuraain, :ian-e of cai'iv- 'ap;m and he and 'lie '"I at n-,.. I.-;- iMitia,,. .".1irfinR ; a t'-volverou I a ..rx,ut Case l.j r 'trrj,nfi a concea.ed r 'r. u.Oak Ridw I with her Kir tan "W. Ity Wire to The Sentinel. SINGAPORE (Siai j Settlement.) April 2G. (trresponO.nt of Publlau eis' Pus u infirn:"d' that notoiioiiE Chinese R.p.iblirau Dr. Sim Vat Sai, mad a secret v'.sit here recently. It la Ttpn-ttd cri kooiI authority that "efoiniers" are busy trjiu? to or gauiie a mew pl-at. Their (iresent ia to ur up troub a bnween aouthtin a'iidTPiWTaf-provUici'i on one hand ar-J northern provinces on the "titter. Ttielr a ink in1 this Is to briiiK about the overthrow of the pretsfnt dynabty. Even friends' of 3io iefoinieis en- Ka-ied J.n the schenw contiider th.u ii ia to make suchr an attempt but a niajorily of reformers are Incapable of accurattvy judging what tho situation FUNERAL IF 1. ILL; S, The futttshU enff of Mr. jtn D. WaJJ waa conductt'tt from tho reiv deuce on Weal Fiah street thla afttr noon at 3 o'ekjek by Rev. Dr. C'b beiK. anfilsKd by Rev. Mr. Bt arden. Tha paM bearer were: M-fsis. Eu gene E. Gray. Rob-tat E. Dallon, Wocd Richmond. J. P. Tavtor. H. H. Labber- ton and John G. Ycung. The floial Dealers were: H. H. Uib- berton, F. M., Rohannon, J. G. Young. John Henly. P. W. CrutchflcW. R. B. Kerner. U. E. Dallon. M. D. nrihv. tit'd Misa Ltna Lett. The deceat-t'd was buried with Pvthian niem- hera of thla orti?r con-lucting the ad vice at: the: grav?. The floral offer Inti wt-re pre fuse and beautiful. IF L -T. H. C. JL The Men's gymnasium cUm will nxet in ili Y. M. C. A. gym naitn tonight, under the pcitionai stiiiervlNlotv cf Mr. Kied Mctts, Uic physical director. ' Tht) followliif; nun ait? nicinl'rs of the cfaisa, tisde a large number Utat are expected to Jtiltt tonight: Red Nnnn, J. R. Blair, T. W. BJackv.cll. Robert Brannock, Klwood TaUnu Ellis Speer, Charitg- Teah, W. M. Jolinon. K. Hlne and Clark Johnson. The aprir.ff gymnaslun work an tiiught by Mr. Metts It light, rferea tivo and refresliitij?. jut the thing for that tired feeling Mint coroen with the "prlng. Any young man may Jo4n tlw clasps by Utcomlng a niembt r of the Young Men's Chrris-tlan Ahocla Col. Dean's Fishing Trip. Ttu Ser.-tlnel was in error Tuesday In re-port intr that Col. John A. Dean, the genial ts-aiienniaii and all round exi fellow, had alMtnuoueil uia au-:-.uil nthing trip to the Yadkin river this season: The wvutber uot being favorable ha caused atmiH delay. However, gocd rt-ptwts came in yes twd.ty, an today Col. Dean pitches his tint ajon? tht shady banks of lh o!.l Yadkin and extends to his man1.' frii.-Mu hemte Invito!!. m tn Tsme and thare hi hosirftalltv. Col. Dean has bug since estabMsl.i.d a reputation as a jolly good feMow, royal entertainer and wiiccessfnl host. littie?( fortusate will be thjse who may avail themselves of these p'ea:' u !.,. Coinpleto arrangements have leeB mad for f vc ry comfort of "camp nre. for Col. Dean known tbe art Weil and spare no pains or expense. Opening of Nisten Park. Niseen park wag opened touay. There was to demowt ration over the event, but Manager Sigg Is arranging to give tiie lovers of evening outings on the cars, some splendid attractions during the heate terrm Annonno menu win be matlo In these column when Capt. Slgg get ready to put ins "Ud unlniiils and otner amuscmeut.V on exhibition. mother, who died rvotptiUy In an asy lum. 'S At the bazaar to be given at ti armory tomorrow by the Whatsoevt r Circle of King's Daughters- Ices, cake, fccmemade capdies ar.d fau-cy work will be on sal;? from 4 to 10 p. in. file public U invited. No admittance t-.e charged to public. Special Feature. 3 to 4 p. m. Baby Snow. All ihll drtn Hinder fcitr years of age invited to compettj for prise & Admittance at I privilege of voting, lit cents. 4 -to fi p. nu "H-iiK.'ter Brown-" and "Foxy Giar-I Pa" , Parties. Admit- tar.cei TteT.flS eenls, entitles each child to wfireshnunU anl to enter the txnt est for prizos. 8 to in p. m. Phantom Party. Au tt.itlance fee of 25 ccuts, entitles each io refieshnunts and to contest lor p-rizec Prizec for Baby Shrow. Baby uudf r or.-a y-ear recetvlnjc lue largest number of vote: Gold ring, given by W. T. Vogler & 8on. Btlwfn cue aid two years: Cap, given by Mrs. Stan-ton. BotwEn two an-l thit- years: Chair givci by Huntley-HIll-Stockton. Boy befween tlureo a-ndt four years: Half dozeo cabltvet photo, by Fan ell & Edwards. (Hrl between' three aud four: Half doxen caWtot photos, gl-vetn by Twin City Siur'a ' Prizes for "Buster Brown" Part). Glr'.u. First priio: Fan, given by R.-esecbacher & Bro. Stxicnd prize: Box of candy, given, by Eflid Bros. Boyi. Frrvt priio: Knlf,1, given by Brew-r Rsgera Co, Eecc.T'5 prize: Bex of candy, given. by J. T. Jcyntr. Prizee for "Foxy Grand Pa" Party. Girls. Fi.nst Prize: Box of candy, give& by Simpson Drut; C. Secoud prize; Fan, given by V. i. Martin. . , Boys. -Pir-at prln: Pair of skauu, giv-n ly C I Sharp. fc txl d :iz3 Bat a:id ball, giveu by . H. Vatklr..4. Prizec for Phantom Party. Girls. First prize: Pat-asot. given by Meyeir, VstbfOiik Co. . geconJ .rlze: Ribbon belt, given by Bt H 'V'S. Boys. First prize: Irold scarf pin, given by Fred N. Day. Sfcuiid prize: Silk He, given by J. M. Woodruff & Co. Prizes are now oil exhibition in tne windaw of Misc Martin's stoie. ARMY OFFICERS NOT . WORRIEDBY REPORTS By Wlr tn The SentlneL WASHINGTON, April 26 The an thoiitles of War Dupartnii nt are not unduly exei-olsed over the Incident reported from Maiolos, where thf con stabulary is reported as having .K-en attacked. It is presumed that those whn were Implicated in the belo-tR to a band of roMers in the neighborhood! but. that there Is tio w casion for apprtlieimiim iu regani to an uprising of disatlsfltjd nativ.K. Tttrw is nothing in tiie rt-itorts :'nuu Gtnual Wood to justify such a m-n..a tlonal theory. The fact, tlwtt the scene of the recent attack in ctmvparativtly near Manila Is not. coneidired of uny sptcial signllicance tiirier. Mrs. (lrc Bonrer Wtliiauis. a the A rt'inion of the suniwrs il , angel (iabriel. ia the ioprani iwils.i Forest's cavalry was ht'ti thin tuorn-iauatalne:) Wvil the many r-omptinH-iv-1 ing an-i an hour earlier naval vetor- tary notice, wbit h liav b-t u lav.nbed acs n: at of Tcum &-M.e on her by the prvK. linK-ed. her diviioif. beauiiful voIchj ml charming t- A iiceiilcu will bo teodt rtu this kf-'totality cirtnr-i htr audltnc. Bun1 temuuii o Mi. Htnd.Tsou. of the1!-. a rait opiaiu voice, awett umU ntn.riuu to rcmp'eM tat Itmrhvs to Cnlted t:nihtra of CoittivI(ic-'. cr. weC-stilti 4 lo the music of the !!).. proKltTin U tHx-nW'" . Th cotrnitte- tin m d.i will ri-:at'i In "Thi Cuation." i?h. htli. poJt tms ar,rr.t.on. ir.e favoT tf Her and wa Rlchmai.d was selected a tho nextigret , J with itpiated eiutores. reatii By Wire to Tho Sentlael. WH.KKSBARRH. AptU SC. Th K-l-ri tta'.o cou.tnlltee till pace of mettirR. E By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. April "C The fx plcaiun on the Keartarf. may rt .'. Itse'f Into nr jther of tho.- myMerit whith t) freqmntly baffle the expert who. is' requiui to xtw an explanation of ai: acclC.nt and fui.ich ir,.'H5ui'is to prevent iU recurrence. Nothing ol a tptcitic cluiTacter han been ree?Uid fioni tho naval authorities In Smith em waters, bet private atl vices Indi cate that the fatality may have bit.ii duo to personal careltsat-?. It i'Eiemfl, at least, that all the preset in-' cd precauttens were ntt observed on beard the ship, atwl It Is for this ica son considcired unnectssury to ami .t l the existing legation or add- to tae lYqulrenient, already vtriuiulnnua atjtl exacting. One explanation glveni by the o-nliiunee offlcem wo know soine thing of -the sit nation on bomrd1 tbe Kearsargo 1m that the powder was !g t lted when- ll was renioveil from '.lie gun, and that th; minute spark was fanned Into a bluze with fatal effi.ct, an -soon as" It' waa -taken front the breech of the gun. There are all sorta of rulew which- wtnild guard agalnrt tlilM condition, and. of coui, ku handling powd-er, tho new reguln Hons are peclllc, and have. In fact, been crttlelxed by on -e officers as needlwely txactlng. It is realized that ths men- become careiesn In handling amtmunllioni or at Ums. make "short cuts" to save tlma. I"robably these liberties taken- whto the regulotlcua of safety are raiely d4satrou. and fjr this reastitf It to thought that some of the men wh-a haudlw powder ct;nie to have a certain otn-'.emipti for the ie strlctlons. Of course,, this Im all theo ry so far as It attaches to the acci dent cm thj Keaiarge. It , is all a matter of gutsswwk audi ur.forlunate !y, there may never be anything more definite known on which to basa an TpinUii;. By Wire to The Sentinel. CHICAGO, April Atldtd to other troubles. John Alexander IXiwi-i ha been attackud in bankruptcy pto eetdlugh. A petition bus btu lii'd by son:-.' of his creditors in the T.d cral ctiiirt. asking that Dowlt; be ut clared u banlijiipt. A rec.dver fiw tlte second Howie is also asketl for. The court's actum tlid not emanate from Voliva camp. It was said, but was started by individual creditor who registered claims against ibt founder of Zlou Cltv amounting to about IT.onit. It is alleged in the peti tion tha-t. Bowie, while knirwlng him seTf Insolvent, Iransftred $2.Wi0 wonh tit property io-ccrutiu creditors in prefer nee to.. -petitioner, thus vioiating th;-- bankruptcy laws. Fo'. kjwing the filing of a p.-t-Uion- molior. for tiie appointment of a receiver as made boftro Jutlge LandiM who will entertain the motion In court nex-t Monday niornlng. .With Zlon City already In an uiijfcUied state, the co.irt proceedings threaten to disrupt tin town. Friends- of tho two rlvsl leader and otht r creditors In various iitltutions of Zim City fear that ser ious ... conipiitationw may . aritw to wrick tho enterprise which .Howie brought out of former receivership. Three Days' Auto fAttt: qv Wtr tn Th Bontlnot. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. April 2H. (Today i tbe ope--lna day of the three Mitl-ilos Is near the -heart of a itiouu-j days' automobile -meet which Is tt be talnius d'slitct. where flense foretr.!ht-M on the Atlantic City Ieach iir.Cer afford an admirable opportunity for jthn auBplcew of tho Atlantic. City Au tho hidi::g of Just such at band of ltjlHtomoWle Club. The town Is crowded beis a must have attacked the out, jw-lth auto enthusiasts fiom alt' part stabulaiy at the place, wfaleh, by the; of the country and the, hotels are do way, was the heailmiRrtern of Aguualrtlng big btuvines , do. and from which bo Incontinently . fled toward the mirth until ho The engine drawing ibe passen- captnted by Funston. iger tra'm from North , Wtlkeaboro 'jiiuipfd the track near Elkin yeLpr- To Spend a Year in Europe. iday afternoon, causing a delay of suv Col and Mi. F. H. Fries are ar-!al hour. A ptlal was made up Tanging to spend a year in delightful! here, leaving for Greensboro about on Irnvt -throtmh Eutow. They will ecuttiuic moe. ing tte climax f faver in the tx qulsite trio b) Mrs. William. Plot. Strr and Rev. J. K.Titth 1'foal. Tills wii folbwt.1 by a mot b.-actl-ful chorus. Mrs. William' vxilce 'is stioiiK. c'tar and distinct, reachlitj tr?e highest wtoh perftft ease. Prof. Ktcrer. at the ang l I'riel. r.r.. C;rd the teller rail" in ton most ar tistic style, combining clearness, string :h and1 txpit Hon in hi No passage was ten difficult for lilui ; irnt'.v-r. Rev. J. Kenneth Pfohl ttvak the iart of Raphael splendidly, bis fine voic showing great flexibility of expressiiw. Too nnu"i caiuitt be said f the" line work done by the chonw, Iht; beauti ful stoiy tt the creation being most graphically portraed by the rs. The Salem otehestra rentlered ifli cient aid In aH Urns, amistlng mater laly In both aoktf ami cJiotu. Vci) abVy were they aatdsted by Mr. Con isd Lnshcr it Berlin, whose national it pmatton as a flute per waa well snsialned; Prof. Brockman ami son of (iieermboro, who are "itch fine vio linists, and Mr. George Woodroffe, of Mt. Ally. Praistt In heard on all side of Nun grand oratorio. There was barely sland.lim room hot ulgiit, many proposing to return, who wire tln-re last night Tht) only diHiipptitntiueri was tiie absence of Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, if CharlaUe, wtui was unavoldubly de tained at h nie. Mr. Jackson wrotrf au ppreclat,l-e U-tr. exprttilng her regrets at cot being able to visit itt-stou-Saliin at this time, and shaie the hospitality tjf tho friends of her A", ma Ma-ter. which say will aiert strike be.-ause t f Its rsJ'r-a! nA:iflcUon f n in original demands. KUtier an of ficial i.att ni. t contatninx ayuopsls of the cotuwer pn?ltioi or titv pit :i t'.ocunu nt aa sent to op.-rators will prolittbly bo niatl,- puKic tonte tin.. thla afteri.aMt. Tht! gtaeial scale committee tie cldtd this moinlng t issue a call tor a trt-:aK coux.ntkm ut Strantoa nex; Tharsda). Precider.t Mltrlit ! hniitaltd Ciat a ccunter pioposltioa to the operators will he K.nt tium tii'. nfuriusjr. an. I that th.y wtmld bit rittetd to make an irly r ply so that the convention might act oi their answer next Thjr-la. OF By Wire to Tbe Sentinel. BALTIMORE. Mil., April 20. Ktgh ty seven yjars ago ttnlay Odd Vullow shlp was Hist organized in this coun try. It was on April 26. 1X79, that UK IIrs t hid ge wan formed in this c'.t O.U Fellowship as a distinctive or ganization, kitrwn ns tha Mancht'tier (Tu-lon, had Its birth in England In the Elghieenth Century whre It ' gu-w rapidly ant! reached finnldBbli .nv portloiw. but not until 17!) wafi U traimplati'ed to America. Since ItV or gan Isat km In this country Odd Fellow sli'lp has grown to ien;trkable prtrp-u-lions and today the Order f t Otld Feb low-t Is, iinni't rically, Ibe Ktrongi w. of all frateir.a.1 i nUrs 111 tht) I'nUuJ S-lMes. Odd Fellows throughout the l'.,.,td States are cerebrating the amilveiittry of tbe establishment of ()dtl Fellow ship In tho I lulled Sta-tcH today wiili gieRt tmibusbisni. Anniversary niM.I Ins with music, aililtt'swM and iiber extjclses will be held In every city tr town thin evening whatever thni! is a bulge of the order. In inn.n of the St-ntbeiii ami Southwit-tunt clt-l A citizen of Frtedbfrg, Itavldsol. county, whti was here today, reporua that the wherealKHHH of Mr. Kowan Wooseley. son of Rer. Hamuel Woo ley, of r"Tledberg, w ho left home hwl Friday, aro still tin known to the fanvlly and frientki. (Harchlng pr tied have- been out-every day looking for tb soi. wlto Is about 35 rs oldt Ilia wife, who has been Iu bad heu.tu for sonMi tin;. Is In a t-ttittt of nervous trotttatJtn, cansril by the disappear anoe of her tiiuliand. Hbt- Is Ih'lng U tended by tw- physician. B devekped Mr. Wooseley Cault. to thla city last FrUVty, wlthdrtw all tie imin.-y l e ba-l In a bank tbi. Immediately thereafter ho went to Dr. Hill, practicing physkHatt of DuvltW iwi aud paid hlni a hill for r vlees Iu his family. Dr. 1(111 expreast .h-s opinion than Mr. WooseUy had abc-ut $2ii or $2f- when tni saw him. The case Is niyjlflid by the fact that th missing nvau hud bet-n ctimplalu Ing for scvt ral days bifoia 1k left lit. in e of having a peculiar twin In his html. It Is thought now the man ha Itft thc State. OF NO. 33 BADLY UT Id -liu Nti. IU. drawing a hkiIii bound passeiiKi-r train on the mam Mint of tho StmtUin llaliaiy. turmd over utd tolhd dtrwn the eiobank niei.4 at Pm ons Jurollon Bt 6 o'clock thU n.otitlng. Engineer John Will gate waa ttatiifuily binued and d bt skit s wistalidtig a broken leg an-1 seral bruises. Ilia fireman, m col ored man, al.o received jwluful in juries. Tin Wlni-'toii H.ilt in 1 1 it in bad tin. right -ef way and wtas crossing ottef to the main line wheti th. i-iiglne of No. 1111 ran Into fiio (lien swltcb while run ulug at the rate trf fitxmt 20 mile an hour. Ano-thtr engine wnn tiireik but. the trail was delayed about niltiutvs by the accident. from New York June- 15 and will be accompanied by their daughtei, Misa Eliator and Mr. Agnew Bahn son. Before they return they will be? Joined by Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Bahnson and daughter. Mis Pauline, who will spend two or three, months abroad, Go to Elm Street tomorrow nig'al. A letter from Evangelist .Yeuwll stt that be will arrive lu the el.y by Saturday. He coms direct from Dallas. Texas, satire the great Chap man unkHt meeting were recently held. Ho will begin services at the Star warehouse next Sunday at 11 o clock. les t lie 'anniversary celebratitmit a.e held In pubHc parku or huininer gar dens .and e-lulwrate programs live been arra.Ki'ft for the occarlon, iu eluding popular guirws, rare5,tc. ". T New Advertisements. A. Daye tc Co. Our betist iw rvlc at your service. Shapiro. Bio ilr of ladlta' tin oxfords, worth $15( to $3.'0, at white they last. James 8. Ihinn. Selling and rent ing city and sutntrbnit propvtty a sixtclalty. Ntt'y L Crute New arrivals ia pa'enr kid, rlcl and tan oxford. Sbaffner's Drug SUte. Prouiit service, qulek deHvtsry. Sunmier jw Sc-hooi. June IS to Aui 31, Cniversity N, C. Fairvlew Poultry & Stock Co Kggs from prim winners at $1.50 for 15. Simpson Drug Co. Tasteless cod Lashmit's Shot) Sore. The speaker sit-ak. Sinipmn Drug Co. Tatrtllt f tM liver trfl, a gtsjd spring tonic. Thompson's Drug Store. Au thing kejH In a first-class drug store. Meyers-Westbrook Co. An attrac tive list of specials. Rosenbaolti-r Bro. Ajtinoutcc nhtnt "to graduate), busy -store, nw. Don't fall to make your arrange ments ahead that you may be able to attend the entertainment at Kiiu street ohapel totnorrovr night. Tho smalt adttnlssilon. price of i-)c will be charged for the entertalntut.nt (omorrow t-venlng at Elm street chapel. Go irly and get a goMt seat. the entertnliniwut at F;iut chapel j;otiJorrow evening. - BASEBALL CAME AT FAIBV1EWPARK FRIDAY Sliurpe's InMltute ainl Caitawba College- wtil play a game of baseball at Fairvlew park fmriow ifterutiou at 3 o'clock. 1Mb these U-sm are cenipts-ed rf gofsl lall players and are said to be In splendid shape. Tbe contest tonus" or w is the second of ibe, w asem by these' temms and a close, iuurrtst-in game Is expfcotl. Institute Tonight. The Sunday School Insthnte at li.0 First Baptist Church tonight shouid b largely atten.knl. Addrtsesj will bet male by R-vs. KpHlman. and M-xjre. Married In Court House. Mr. Noah Fluh'-i and Miss Ada A. Hill, both of Arcadia, wer married to day In the register's offlro at tb! court lKiuse. Majr;r J. C. B-ect officiated. At l'.in .ccxj:wI qiutrtt.rly cottfer enee fr Cemtctary M. K. church last n-ight following rbiegatifS atwt afie;-nai.-8 weroett otMl to attend th" VI ic stfrti distTlct cnfren'e at Advatau In July. O. B. Eaton M. D. Stockton. J. Pr (iilfflth and It. R. Crawfor'i:. alternates, T. L. Rawiey. G. W. Iilt haw, Z. T. Bynum and Wi 1. Hlil. Tbe many friends In this city of Dr. Tltomaa Hume, of the t'tilverolty of North- Caroiiii i, will be lighten to to1 learn that he will occupy lh. piup.l n st r.fcl tihti First Haptkei church -next Sunday Inioruing ami night,

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