'WINB.CITY DAILY SENTINEL tflH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 27. 1906 sfffiT OS CYCLONE PRICE 5 CENTS 10 1 E- mn Lc In Several Texas Towns Last Mgni. Special to The Sentinel. I RALEIGH. April 27. Gvv. Glenn . n,mi(ilrf"lrw'' ,bi! morning from Washing-! VlllCh Properly UaniuyC:fo, ttB.is!as.t;c ovtr the outlook for! R.-aerve bill", having attended the coii-j ference then between delgation fiom' states interested and congressional! jcommlttee having tha bill in h.ud. Laft Night jndlTic governor says th;re ne foul-' Iter n n..-winn11"' i1al4 represented in de!sa:iuai aited m Prt.cally Des"-oyln3jan;1 he MRft.rMC(. was in highest: . Small To" K,llin9 Man I dgr-ve successful as far as lul'a-' ... u..hr Beino Varioui 'tio'J could iudac. As. ta far if :ae' t.-.ted at fro 15 to 50. bll he ft SUr " i!f b-v : f""1 :larirp tcakiiitv it it ran be eoitfu to. ,rJ tll t., s-"Uni ,a vole and bj thinks., too. that (be. I S Tx.. - ik f l" uupies.-tun not ou speaker v auuou i! f u- I! :' Texas. lh.s!as Mich that he will not use his Z "'hv -he ' numbo- di3"" ,a The . ,. .;g.vrnor was viptciaily p,esed wan of a cycunie, 'the reception acc:idt to hi ieecr. WEEK ASSURED TO MAKE APPEAL TO U.S. CONGRESS IB THE PRESIDENT M'.. H. E. Fr'.t returned steruay s iooo oon FOR PIPE ORGAN Will Be In October and Prom-1 Business Men of San Fran-U . ZiZ.ZPW1 01,1 T0 lcm fc maie Acaaemy uy tour ises To Be A Great Occasion. Cisco will Ask For Loan of Several Millions. Local Friends. For Good Reasons Idea of Having', Such an Event Last Ytar Abandoned But Matter Is to Tjfcen Up in Earnest Now and Puthed to Successful Conclusion. tir Idea Is to Get Thit at Two Per r.re-, I fettling lourueu Si ate, that app-urej Wediiday b for ihe house couuuii-j lee ou agrirultuie to urg- a favorable. jrt-poit on th Mil apprvp'iiliitK f!.-t - !"et'H f,.r th rmiUm ot forvt if Nw Organ to Be Equal to Any In ilo !vi la lh S-nrJhem Apinlaehiai. ! South, Is Given by Col. f. H. frwa. retoo ana itt tee won ,e.m;a ti. or Cent Interest and Have It Secured X 'w Hantf ihlre. ""I Be . M . North (jii. liua was tnmr lopro- "r. noosr, t. Lan n,tx i( in the n tvu;. .! Uivernor Leaves for Washington on fctiion, Situation in San Cisco Favorable. i SionelntrR imd ni-iht, is e.- ti of '! reach 4 estimates a a t-i aver B-.itVUi' . i mi' : rv (,,,(. i: is raid, may Ik- m:.iih : l it'al at "tii" oru ..( twins carsy ins ttocioi and kate :' luneruie tor ueue Ul SiJB -lltltS- puph at: t tfkphsti nr.es ate r.'u.'irl'iK jimtitinication with "k'kvn ins i.inii'tiit. upott iiciivi'd here is mat iwkam raii iil hy the cycione ii.riie rauslit tirojitd that a r i( finite s were :n? tinn-tl. r are eiiteriaincl for the Iowa nil:;. T iat iilucf ami viclai;;. W'lB cntir.'ly isolated fiMin out awl I. The ilamase wronfiht m;..n ln obtain !; yet. Ilidle- la int. rest of the bill. I By Wire to The Sentinel. PARIS. April '--Th jrovernrm-nt official arc periurlM-d over the Iu'!ki :tuatlo' ar.il are dvtrrmir.t-ff j crush ti.' lojuk'r of in? ni .Wem ejft for a central strike May 1. m shn bv ne action taken this nwniitiK In tlHs city, j The fki -it d.-lewition or officials vMted the Catholic. newuainr. lacrolt. and mat,-? a th(rr-h t.'irch of the prem IhC. Th 1, legrntlo' neict visi,td! an I s;arch:Hl the tiouso.i of forty-f mri fAttw!lf lonil4 ra ui(ifi nrn npnuc iit tt ' uabMit :.... poulatin. Sione- pIlt,ing ,, fomi"tlnK the striko a wMl a contrlbtitliiR to the labor aKl tatlon. planned t, mn for a long p.riod Ui r, ptio. t- Prot!,,H also eontala a anaoJ wu. if r-.ur. llertxrt E. l-w. one rf t.'iduit RiMwsreM iu koa.rr of ibe vi4 Ht '""'Kh U MKvmiiK4at wealthy nun of the Mate, ! now oai ' !ov- Cler.n lutrrxliicri every hU wav to Wasliimrion to consult th' mmorr 10 Twkient wno made a prc-iiik'ni, ca the nwtter known his plana before starting. iii and lliitniliiin 1 ro. ;T WOUT.Il. A pill 2"; 'As a of ill'- cyclone apixal for aid n isiii't by Sidney Wehb. an of the ri'tii f committtH', hoi in:y ihru huildlns were left :i at Hclleviie. The dt-sluu- a an s- complete that food sliuT.-i l,,iiita:i-d. Manauenient of the .wind and Dnivir llailro;id this wind S.'.oO for tii e relief ol iv and Fort Worth business .lit a car load of provisions hy No oilier consiil. fable : lit rivn it'll to Texas towns a siiwll lus at Slotieshuri;. ti Th Scnlinel. DON, April 27 Miss Mary ho has just arrived here, la ) woman who hag made the e journey fiom one end of to tlie other. She itiarted at ?n the e;ist of Pot'ttiiiese hfiaii. in Jnue of last year and ( airo alj mt six weeks uko. ad prevlr.aclj- JoiiiT.eyed from !.' ta k :011a Fallw. Dm ins ile of thU nine month.-! Journey i'. a Riianl of only thirty lie- '"k. a' a time he .10 "'a an:, had to Kubsitit on jam-, ';rn-H(.ar, p.rridt. and cocoa. i..l u:stiicis where r.o white anJ only t0 white nun 113d y li'd. She wa cairied in c" I'V i.'.irrs of fc:ir and for M R travelled tip rivals i.i !. cnnip'lri- .iuron Hie banks Often on ritehlng camp 'i Hons and hipHiotanil all .'"rand she ma,! her gaurne ad around her 'ini rtniv K'len near Mie borders of Oef- :?' Alrtca.. did she hate '!h 11,1: .vis and that or.lv i.e hl.L'h ban led aelioi. J'fnwu ,l.li.r. who had been ' .'s net escort. ENLARGE BUSINESS. Mr. ln A. V.itishn has purrhasC'd half iTitrtTSt in tho business and Kood will of tlu Winston .Mill Supply Co.. which was oriuIiUsM Juno.l, lOil.l, by Mr. Eit. T. Rasland. Mr. Vauuhn will have charpe of the office. . Ila will r.o doubt prove a valuable acquis ition 10 tho enttnpriso . which, under Mr. Ralnml's mnnajremehf, has irrown tapldty. It. Is pirposco to addj new lines to tho lartfe stock and with increased capital and additional fac ilities t lie. Winston Mill Supply Com pany promises to become ! of tiie most linpoitant Industries of its Vlnd in the state. ' This lilrnn. frxn- 'he A'rtady, prepaiatlona have been he wn for cteat pvla whic U i ' e, Wlr. to ' pix ro-d U have in Winston-Salem j FRAXCIsKX). April : iHiiiK the firit wvsk of OctotKT. ".appeal to- roiigrrM for the loan ol will 1) iu the nature of a homcw;M.Vkral BUiIlons of dollar at 2 i-er in3 ek atKl li 1 propo,e.1 to maHe!p.Bt JnfMMt anA to be aectuttl hy "-".nansaije ir to ue mane By tac o-.tw ot this kJn.f evvr heM in the State. in. men ,1 s.n p,i,..i.i. it was fleciatu ia.c numnier to hava a honie-cjnilng week lai fall, but o In to t ie fact that tlx hotel ac.-o-ir. latlvas of the city at that time wcie limited, it was decided tha, It wc.ild be beK cot to'hold It ut (hat time. ThU year. howvvr, there will be s.mp hotel accjni!.nol.itton! Tor tt oi.mslon and It. is. oiotxtscd io 111.1I.0 Kreat effona to make the eveai! a niost nappy and interetstiiiK Sta tion. , One of 11:0 feature cf the wwk will bo the format opening of Hotel For- s;h ar4 It. is piopuwd to celebrate that occasion with bis baiiquH. at which a number uf tristliiKtiishcd men cf iliin ami other States will lx presMik anil deliver aMrsst s. Redictd raw. will m seetmtl on all railroads for tlw week. Thu'roun t.y fair will 1m held (hiring the p 'ritwl and will 1m another drawlnR card for th. occasioa ' Tho liuart? of Trade, and similar or fc'tuilziillons of the city and county will bo asked Jo take up Lho inattor and It Is proposal to liaw a tncNIiiK somi at which time eommlticfs will lo ap pointl an I other preliminary matters arranged. - ' Pl-'fiden' George T. WlnsuMl.1 A and M. ()llee: Frank U.i ir.-w-itt. aid Dr. (lis. 1. Auibiii-. irt1 AjOwvilie; Siata fonimls iotier ot A-l Mr. Emma A. Fogte, F. A. Foglo and H. A. Pfohl as Memorial to Mr. C. H. Feflie This and Other A ode tions Will Make This City Indeed Musical Centre. Several yvars ara Malem AcaJHUiy rk-ii.nre lhiHi. L.,,.h H.a i I"'" w,"tni tun IV-' iFmtt ,.f the rrJ.-''r.i va ,ur rlatne. VaMooa plat S. Lv, o( Charlotte, unit H. E. Krie. imike thl DMtnorial bolldlba In, a l-ditkm iK ailv every UK'iul.r of uutiMrate the event. T plan whuh iH, Kt. ,u,i.,.,ia, .. f ... ... J nwniy MioiKHtt mu 10 erpg, k i eseiiL jl-ir' auditoriitwt. In whtca tb enilio 'cowtaor prKI4 ad waJiJM,, "J" "f ... .,. . ..... ... .be c a he red. and wblrt whiU. In iV T1"to"!:iha meettni tw deleisatldQ attended : dl,ktt ? ,hf P'"0 rtmeat on Uw the aiwIUiK-en which are arvihered. b- icei i.f la cimmrrlon with concerts and couurKnicenw-nt. and al on hf r l: i l.lM.twIli K.l.hi,, l m-KI. I. and- made ' ,.,' lhM .,'u irf kuifasion. conmtt with cimmunlty In- ;ftn.tH in reCTrd to aerurlnn an app.o-l'T' JT??n. , . ftitnitUn U r. mialion. for hv cnatloii.of ih ni 11 " "u... " j or tv.m-.tM akui SI NEW JERSEY BANKERS IN ANNUAL MEETING WIT, H I, ARMDHY IS GUTTED BY FIRE. ' The Sentinel P'HT. It. I ' Arail n '""UK KUlH',1 ,1,., i,nH,. ... i""r .vrn en- r ' f''iliinirnr nuster Sy.lnev '"Jllleit.hy faUin " 1 . riirriii,, r .. i . l . ar'.. , i'".i is 1 ne arnu . y. were 'mm. Harvey was s'ate. Tho eiimiMi V "ii .ativ 111 ttu i-ni...a 'avii:tf !,... ....., ..." p ., , , ' 'II I T r . if ifi 11 m . ... - fS 'mi! is tht com- EXPORTS LEAD WITHER NATIONS' Tli s,.,i.,., . IUWTOX; Anrll . ....... (ti).,.., j ' 1 111 ea Ml 'I 1.4 !,,,, . nM..n h. ,ho world. ;T :st'.e 1 ...,. 1.. . . j . of th s llir.a,,e- Thp '' ,,, : ""oiHited to ' . iat of the next H. t:i:r ....... "i.i, , teat-n.-d "P-ins Creat. Rrl d . Stales I.HlMl r;..,,. :.Ki fi. ''II A ,t . . . I for :''".'' 1 t ter the .,,,, - iae Amiory to ttanrp f,: r';n,p "d look on, i honiei .fanr-v .'' k. ices. ' ' lar.mea on siiIp and id 11. at Armory to,lnv l-t.anw ;,,,m- ''""liojnvited: AT HANDS OF MOB. 6v Wlr to Th Sentinel FORT WORTH. Tex.. April 2C Of fleers of Hamilton) county are soour in? thei country In svarch of a white man who assa iKed the Kl-year-o'1 daughter of .1. W.-Mo ire, a farni.T, living abc.i a ir.illa ftora lU'ie, 'I he girl waf coiiiliif? freni a rlel l when she was at:ack.:l and wihjrtif.l to tl.: most lahaniaii ticatnitnt. S-he lost cohsclouso'ss ar.l lemainlnx lr. this conaM.i'.on. several hours, her continued absi-nce aroiis! the family and ohv waa foitn.1 in a field t'ill ur.consplous, hn: later revived. She gave an ac- curt ,vs description of her assllan If caiiKht he wHH imdrntbtedly be lyiiched. By Wlrm to Th Sfintlnel. AT I AN TIC CITY, April 27. Tiio annual convention of the Xow Jersey Hankers' Association opened here io rtty al the Chelsea Hotel. The a. ten dance in utTOiually large and mcwe represeiitatlve than ever before In the history of the association. The convention will last two days and ue program Includes snma highly Inter eti Ing o.ldireswes and pap r. The annual banquet of tha afnmc ra tion win take place this evening and he-eldvs the ni.mbers attending the convention many prominent Riiesi. among them several members of liie cabinet are exp.cted 10 be present. Among tH'iB who have proailBwl1 10 deliver addresges at the banquet .ut Secretary of War Tafr, Uovernoi StokeK, lulled States Senator John i1'. Urydt a, Jc'in R. Van Wonncr, of in Lincoln Safe Deposit Company. . of New York City:. David S. Watkliu, commissioner of Banklucj and rnaur ancc of N,'- Jersey. (i.t Thoihaat P. I'ayton, editor of "Tin' HankltiR , miw Journal." . Consolidated Granite Co. The Consolidated Granite Compmi. of this city has b'.eti formally orKa'i- ized by thj election of the follow iiik officers: President, W. A. Itlair; vice president, I,. MeCnlllard; superinun-lo-tit . C. A, Alctlalliard: wecretary and t reasaircr, O. W. Piitterwin. The director: include those named above, with Geo. V. Dwlro end Dr. J. Lewis Hanes. Mr. Laehland McGalliard 'eft this afternoon for Barrkv.Vt., to ptfr elinso additional machinery and tan ploy several experienced miMi for Ute plant, which Is located near the N. & W. depot. Orphan Children's Concert The Oxford Orphan Asylum singing class will iM'uin a concert tour ot North Carolina Monday, May 7. and. mill near th:' first of July, will travel noslly in the eastern section of our Slate. "-Tuft erorul', oi' western, tour will betfln fiha-.it the last of July Hnd will continue until the middle of Sep tember. Tho class 1 composed of ten girls, four boys, tho teacher and a jreutle man In charce. To Be Married in Topeka. Mr. .Rawley Galloway left' GrenB horo last, rilKht for Topeka; Kan., io be man led next Tuesday' at notjiv io Miss Emma Dennis, of that city. He is accompanied by his brother, Mr. Alt S. Galloway; who will' act as best man at the wedding. Mr.- and Mrs. Galloway will tlie atl extended wed ding trip and-will be at homc'at 41'. North Elm'" street, Greensboro. . af.er June 1. ' ' ANNUAL MEETING Of fecial to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. April 27. The second annual meuting of the North Carolina Library Association will open at the Olivia Rar.ey Library Hall this after r.oon. The attendance promises to be unusually large "and an Interesting program-' has been prepared. The session of the a-sneiation, which will last two days, will bo called to order this afternoort by tho president. Mi.4. Annie Smith Ross, of Charlotte. Richard H. Rattle, president of the Raney Library, will deliver an ad dress cf welcome. Afi:r the serre tary and treasurer have submitted their reports, tht? president, Mr;. Ross, will deliver her annual address Many Interesting pners and addres! es are m the program for thn afio; noon, fc.-sslon. . -Tlii wenilig ihet will be another se.s.don, when Mayor James I.l;lni.Hon, ot Raleigh, and Gov. U.. It. Glrim will de-liver addresses of weleotna Many Interesting and im IKiitant. educational1 and literurj" ines tlone wilt he discussed during tl.i.' meeting. Express Chargec $250. The Salam Iron Works shipped hy express yesterday special order en gine to a firm in New Oilcans, the express chaiges on which were $230. Caught Over 100 Pounds of Fish'. "Col. J. A. Doatv and his party in camp near tho Fries power plant aie in high glee. This morning, with a stin, over Km pounds of fine fi-b were caught. Policeman V. T. l'ei.ry, w ho w as one of the colonel's gm fits last night, reports that there wen only two varieties of flh can(r suckers and fat backs. IL" and R. C. Click, lyo -Vaughn ami others came home today with' fine strings. sides the above, Colonel D'an is en tertalnlng N. L. Cratifoid, Cicero Gr rel, Ned Shore. Thos. IWntoa. Rob. .! Lee. Auctioneer Ptrry af.d others. SAN FRANCISCO. April 27-Tiie taslt of placing the city in sanitary' oondttJoa waa In full swing today, every available barge being u,m in haul tho debris tlvo mllois from the cltr and dump It it the hav. One of tho greatest tasks U)J iw-tformeit Ui 111 ii i-iiw-ni (iLstnrt w tiled CicaiMU tho tUnu-s. Piactieally every hou .e lost tlMir chlnuieys, iieeesfiltatlng the Issuing of ordiTs prohibiting hulldii, of Ores r.titlt the chlmnvya: arn re built. Withdrawals from banks 'eontLnne light. In fact aro lighter than do. poAlta. posed reserves. E "R fl'.v tnher Now Thy Creator In tho Days of Thy Youth." Thla wasi t themo if an impressive sermon iKHv- reil by Rev. J. F. Kirk at Uurkbead M. B. church last night Tho teal ma chMMn frrmi KecleiAie 121. During the illscoiirne the congi (;. lion waa forcibly mmlntai that youin is the glatrwiiuo period In Hfe It la th" period wher wa haw high Idea It is th, time when hopo Is wrong ami when Wrt are more auseetlble to Im presxions wbt n, we are Uk clay in the potior' haui, n-ady to be moulded Into good' or hiul v-ssel. YoiHh l tlie time for character formation and The Forsyth Countr Fair and Uoie " S .. .. ..... qi,. ...iu 1 1.1 .11. ...... n..,.. Mr. MtR gave n.aiisties winejt snow wn 1? iB-fii uim jnr iu . .... ... ...... , . her 2 3. 4 n,l 5 A ntlnel m.r. lnal Per cent ot ail cmirca worn.ts hll-d Col. Webb tho otlw-r dar aikd learned fit.m hmi'that the manan -is ate already making great piepatuUon for the event. At a mcetlpg of the d'rectora a few day ago it was d-'cldod to muke Uie preinluma ktrger aint to make every effort to make the fair an Interesting as we'll as educational Affair. It; was decided at the recent meeting to cut the puiaea offered for racing and- to spend some V'M or more for ad.Htlon al attracttona In th nature of hlKh cluts ti'iows of various kinds. Sec i t.ary Webb Is row In con es ponrlc-nce wiih a party in New York who Is at the head of a syndicate controlling a number of nttractks:i and It Is very probable that 'Ibis syndicate's offer will hj accepted) and t-.Mis secure in ad vance a mmiber of good niiiaetkmi. Tlu horse s:iw featore, which ptov el Jo. popular law fall, will bo given more att n lot by tha authorities. Mt.i V. W. Stnonk "has been p'acei in j cri nge of thit. d -part me nt and, 1-v ad dition to the rlblKinn, it Is proposed Io aid a t imtM r ot hands-cmie premii.ius In this dt partiu'nt. Towiuiilp p-.ulilet::s tiave been ap pointed by the fair aijsoclaUoil as follow.- : W. H. Gotlen, J. M. Kapp, J. A. 1 Wolff. George Porter, R. J. Morris, j. D. Wadd. ll, R. S. UnvUIe, J. 1. Clews,1 Nelson Hine. John A. Holder, C. 8. Ryan, .1. C. Womack, Albert tiii-ence, I W. T. Drown. are brouKht lm fn.ni the Hiiiieay school; tliat 8d iK.-r oent Join thv church between brcs of 10 ami 11; M tMr cent from IS to SO; C per eeiit from lib to Go, and 1 ptr cent from 50 to 70. Service at 3;Si and II p. m," daily You arc Invited. . T Jehu Crouch, inivate wcretary 16 C)iigivniau nittckburn. went W WUkei-boro trxlay lo resume the pub lication of his weekly paper, the Jour nal, which, was fiinpen.led. svetal D'Ain-lha ago. Of course Lt he ... private. x:vtaiy Is In high glee over the I tent victory-won hy his bo. In reply to a iimsilon us to when the ytar or more ago I in which loving glftv eo.rid be placed. eonrtiienioi-titiiig the iwuk and good work of friends, who are mill living or who have already paiwM away trm ihl.-i world's aci-nen The roriier-t(-mo of tla memoilai hullding wan laid In l'J"2. the rutin when the century of history was eonh pleted. A-tive building ope.ratloii were biKun altrmt a year o Irmtre o an t sliu-u then the wall of tho arwt structure hard risen steadily, tht roof has been placr d oio, and the practice Bi teaching tooiua on tha upper utory are neatl-.g completion, During the past week a new turn ha Irtien given to the enterprise, s will ho aliown hy the following letter: To th Tnistees of. Kabul Female Acalimy: . In loving nienory of Mr. C. II. Foglo, who wan a consistent friend, uf SnK-rii Fi-tiittln Academy (hniughoiit hk life, we propose to erect ah oigun In Aliiiiiniio lhill Immediately uon the .eonrpletkm of the building, pro vtded It In eanledi forward without any dHay other than la tifceaary for Rood coiiKtiuctlo-i,. and provided further that a arnolarshlp (or organ Instruction bo cwtabllshed for iht benefit, or m' tubr f the Muraviau cluirch, .and puiferabiy of Sulem cot. greKatlou of which ho waa a devoted member. " " , F.MNfA A fOOLK, P. A. FOG LB, , . H. A. PFOHL,' ' F. H. KIUE& The above letter waa presented to a tnettliig compieed of the Interented , panles, and 11 waa decided to ccepr tbe ge-ierous offer. Aceordlogly ar rangements were devised by whicd the bull ling operation oould bi puca ed fiHward a rapid) r an posaltiUi, sod the offer of the donation of the organ was acca plod. We feel that tho Interna lnvlved are vvry far reaehina In thrr relalia to the srhnoi s':l community, and hence the following point have btC'H carefully pit parol an.l are eiti milled to the piibilc, we fiwlliig that the iPH era) public will share In the bencllik It. onhllran Btnif. ninver.flnn wviuttt fe held, the secretary replied thac be had (''""ally wbl Hie av-hool. no idea when' would me-'t. the Mate coiiimihee First to tins gift ItM-Jf. The above named frienls have Joined rn donating Hw dwa thfl committee atand on I2.'" to bu uwd in placing the EDWIN S. HOLMES . . PLEADS NOT fiDILTf By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. April A 2". Edw In S. Holmes, charged 'lt.h profiting by lnsid crop Information while con neei.Ml with the Drjiai-tiuent of Agri culture, pleaded not guilty In criminal court h;-re titrl mornlag. He. has lif- Iteen days to demur to tho indict meat.. New Advertisements. The lk- Hive. Special. for Saiui dny and Monday. . 1-audquist tk - Pfohl. Two tbirig make for tasty atid healthful soda. Meyers-Wi-Mtrook Co. Specials in gems' furnlahlnga for Saturday. Owena Drug Store. Our prescrip tion department. Two phone. Roscnbacher. Many six-rials for Saturday shoppers; an aunicilvn ll.vt to sel-t from. Tho Brit itortmi. Tho way out o trouble. Discharge in Bankruptcy. Thera was a hearing before Referee Alexander today In th i E. Crawford Marshal bankruptcy caie. There wa:: no opposlhm lo his discharger and or der recommending this- action will be made tn Judge Jam.--i E. Hoyd. Mr. Marshal was engaited In the mercan tile business at Mayoduii for same lime iM-foro his failure. Misses Ruth Hanes and Anna Brows went to Walkertown this after noon to visit Miss Sanah BfKie. John M. Boyd, of Salisbury, and T. H. Price, of Stonevllle, were here to rt a. Baptist Young People's Meeting. The Youns Pi-ople's Union of the Fltst naptlst church will meet thi evening In its tegular weekly meet ing. - Mrs. R. T. Thornton, of Peterhitr V.i is visitUig Mrs. D. K. Jackunii. J. T. Cabard, of Knoxviile. Xpn!T-. a former lesldent of Yadkhi county, was here today enroute to 'Yadkin viile to visit relatives and friends. The baby show given this after noon by the Whatsoever Circle of f ... r L. . ' . u tuner wat a Dig sucres Km? There will be a bazaar and Phantom party tonight. Refreshment a served ind fancy work sold: the two faction?" was aski-d. "Why alKxil two-thinU of the mem iHfrs are with tiw Rolln.dlutii"r crowxl," waa the reply. The Republican congressional com rr,.ttteH will probably meet at an early dae trt (Wclde upon the time and place for the convention. The ie noiiiinution of Conresman IIIhck burn In practically assured. AROUND THE CITY. Only two more day In which io1 pay your poll tax. George p. Pell returned thla after noon from a business trip to Newton. The first Sunday passing r trsln to North WllkeslKMo will he ttwi on Sunday. Tho sale of An Winston-Salem gas plant takes plan' at 12 o'clock io uioi row. John Frncier. Jr., is const r.iei lug a r!co resldiiicn for hlnrw-lf on Thir teenth wiei t. . Halo at the wnretioum-n continue light. The fcale tmlay did not last ovt halt an hoiti, Charle Holton went to Yadklnvile this afternoon.. He will attend Yad kin court next w-k. District, Attorney Hollon came In from Gretnsboro at 4 o'eUick this uf ternoon, returning to the city of lie liv ers al T,:W.. Mr. and Mrs. Ssxton, who will have charse of tho music during the icvlval service at Star warehouse, next week, will arrive In lb city to night. Thoae who will Join lhn choir are reo,mied to mi-rt Mr. and Mrs, Saxton at the warehouse tonwn'ri.w aftirnoon. . memorial organ lu tho audltoihim of Memorial Hall. TW turn will . be used to pay for an organ which t.tM he miecttd with the greatest can, The object In view will he to silect aurtr an InMnimrit as will fill the, vr-, Ions nid of tlw otTo-nVms whtth will call for the ue of the ball In th future. Thn iw:tn U sufficient ( secure fir Wlnsion-Salera one of lh lKat organs In the entire South. The ha t being provided ar.d the grand otgan In the harl. will enable our com munity to arraflge for any musical at tractions, whether tliey are tho con ert given by the artists of world wid fame, whether they ate Iq the form of great ntMcnl festivals. Second, die condition laid down provide that the hall rmw at once be (lnlshed. That Is, thi-re must bo no delay iMAond the builders' needs. This will glv to our community a flnJhheii niusle, conservatory, aeconl to none try the Soni In ItK Bpixilut menm. WitV leaching and practice vvjin on tn- :ip -r fl-Ktr. and with- the gieat aui'.ltorlum capable of bold lt:5 when crowd! d no doubt a many a, to thouraiid people. Ixilh acliool and rommiinlty will feel the Impetus which will bo glv -ii to th mimic d partiiin'nt of the college, ven now nunibertng moie. than three hundf"d puplln. Tho erection of Ibis at.nictnra has bc-n mo.it carefufly and xnbsta Hally Bypirvt4d. and! will aid an Im insing as well as a oy-efiil building to our -community. Third, the Idea of placing thi mem orial in this building In me nor y of a lio-xl and loving Imcdiand, father and frh-n-i Im lmleed a beautiful one. Not only wllf It rx-riH-tuate the mewtry of Mr, C, H. Fogle thrmigli the ciming gi net a lions, but the gift ltslf will be a fiiiliiuliia to the rising geneiwtkin In that II wilt rail attention lo the u.id Just received an express shipment j am) f,,) f, f tnf! nmn ,ho ov,-d of ladies' ties, embracing all the new,ng r,OTmuiiiv, hla ehtin-h, his fellow styles a -.-d colors; a treat to 'e i rm,r and hi God, 'hem. The kit In limited. Open forj t rm, ur.W te raid rhat this tit Inspection now. Shapiro. UtHi-tyjn li results wilt be far reaching, Mreet.. (and In Its beneficent influences will aid not only the music of the to. a Ovrreautions nun always look he for.! they creep. but will make itself felt In many tt for the good of the -community at livrKe. Feeling this to be the case we ' pne'daesh't hare td lKik for troii-.have with pleasure .eomniiiiilrab.Hi 10 We In otder to find it. i'he readenr , this, paper he facia- . i ' j given alsive, The early gardener catches the J. H. CLEWELL, green-gooda trade. I . Prlnclpa'.

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