WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 28. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 fflW" , JLLrtlJ lilLltlnOLL .improvement In City San Francisco is Rather Slow. ,t Present Furnishes Moil PMte of th Problem Pre- San o.cent Disaster " U-Offtcal titt or mu.r 1 ..-,4 hw General uiweyj Number of Oeaa as DEBATE III SEDATE REVIVAL SERVICES. Amendments To Rate Bill To Some of the Mine Workers'! Supply Principal Topic Officials Say That Rejection of Miners' Proposition By Operators Will Result In Scranton Convention De claring a Strike. 591. TV Sailnl ;s. Tvit .ml Uivel.) 8 Wire, to Th KmviIpm. MA HONEY CITY, P nn.. April Z workers' officials here say It- Hi! Jeetkm if alterrutive proposition nf ii.iot.-rs by Serantrjn cc The delegate from r.tun art going nnlr.striteted but are oppots Next Week. It la Thought That Consideration bf Such Amendments Will Conoumeat Least On Week, After Which It Will Not Be Long Before Vote Is Taken on Thit Measure. tvangellst Yeuell and Mr. Saxton Here for Meeting At Star Warehouse. First Service to Be Held at It O'cotki Tomorrow. Leader to Meet Choir , Tonight Meetinge at Burkhead nd Salem Methodist Churches to Bs Continued Net Week. Rt rival frvic.-. mvd r tlrt' aufp.c ;TOS. A.: ! willlus to return to work under th; old arranj'tnuKs. li locks nuw as if the present cou ditional strike will be continued1. art improving handling supplies i; the arrival 01 act- hi '(-.iv. " ,,i ini: i nu-uall friA rsiunf epidemic. ;, s an' ai riving In such (.antiiiis a.-1 tj threat :n a ,-u ihc niilway trucks. ,r.,, n h;m Ir. iJ cam fol com ci ii::itiri'i traffic are no.v D,ffli'uli;s legardir.g the e daily 1i:crfas!;.s. ,i al pret nt is consliUrcd (dins,- (,f the problem. Sic tealf is todae visiting tnt . . , i..i lia of me can. (is, me irillivi ,e and burned districts. trial list of casualties pre- Cen.ial Grei.ey Is: Dead. ii. in. 1 1 C. A. ur.lay outings of the Y. M. ;' department are growing of tht popular things tjys. Air. Fred Metis, the A. physical director, accoiu- by. ar1 with camera. h ar. I tir.ehes, they spend ifie whale day in the heart The fallowing boys wore ;ty th's morning: VVIMium imrd Sti.cku.n. Arcl'.'ie Tay Hiiu , Paul Montague, Jont; William Ciaver. John Witn ry Ct.rair. Frank While, .:; f- n and .Miltju Cash. 1) ai: l ptohably the last of inanity banket ball gamed ;i.h In th ; Mr 6r--rvm. it Therm: jy. May 3, t 8 tea tht. hbr-i ai:d reds, unla; right y.rn service 1 in ihe Y, M. C. A. parlor -k tiinifrht. coixhicted bi Niti.n. li IE RECONCILED. to The Sentinel. Mi:i Tills was th(! day 'Hi! H'mi d Caslellalie and -! .Viina, to npi'.ear before f nV.JW th:; court In inal aitvnint f.n- r... ,nnii;0. -hs notillrd (kthiR Iihm beer.' P'Sstpouct) the pi-rdlng French flee r. wh-, profits to know pai-M':l Letwten the couple to h t that the suit will ' itial tvn for t-paia- BI REQUIRES EN TDJfVEflR HATS Tlie Sfnlln.l ,(;I'T. April' l:s Thj r.-. Manet's in (his cilv. is r asamsr all women who -"rch without- hat .u,.,i.. I' st haile. , ' " . HOIIK.ll, ' DrtjIesmaMj at church . ?;'. r,'"vi;!,,l "l)i1ds ' hlch ail ih ia h,.i,i,. ? c le to chim.ii '-'ronipHW tn don. " " 1 ATHLETE mm ma. f' The Stntinel. Apr,! :s.-Tl,e American '"1 i!ai? a..-,!., M,l'n Of OhnilnU ..." ' til , W 1 (1L- .... . :!t Puttiug ciintwt' u.,:.' tii, . r ' " ,u anrTl ... ,h"? !''. Sher- "i, i i ED II SEA Th- s "RK. ,S - . . . in... n.,:. ."a tlmeut nr nth .. i ' !-!il;.mr ",',IK,a. collided of ''."I -'tamer in T.iirtv r. ' lKnious s " . . "-'"y-ont unese lx-rwiwi were weru '"- ntish i.... , - in "rtl 6v Wir to Th PentlneL H.lDllMUlU.t. .Lril ..V UII t h.. I' rhnn-S t... h. 1.1 operators will result In P, ' m . -n, , "L V:'" !a' , on North Main. J .I,,.. II -ll .... " ..uviiuii.!WU i-j. r,,r IV Kvmtit- tut Hi r. tv Kt railroad ratt bill Ssfl s, Hl.on. I). TTTwo Jk- l Tli"1 '-n l?,,nul', lacn- swvires will be held tomorrll a. Th.j will bring tha vote on tfce , ,. s ,. , Kill . l.t .. ... .11... I y M u.ii nui in a iiit?.tii nuiu I o Th?i(. havf t;'n a great tr".v who triiels an.t n:in:rnm eineifj, rariiciiuiny j w 111 eardtng charact.-r of jud'rlal rt-vi-w, I wim PMSHfl MAKES TO ATTEMPTSAT SUICIDE Joe Lawson In Gty Lock Up! Attemntwl To Hnn HIm-t self Started to Jump From Second Story Window. SALE OF GAS PLANT Bought By William and Sin clair Mainland, of Wiscon sin, for 562.300. CURIOUS ANTICS OF E PARIS DENTIST By Wire to The Sentinel. PARIS. April 28. M. I.abcurras. dentist of this city, was today found insane a'-'l sent to the Salpetrtciv for obei ration and treatment. A i:w days ae;) the secretary ot one of the depute enie;ed Ijihuunayit'a dea.Al ofl!c?. to have a toovh. extractel which had caused him considerable pain The dwtist asked rho patient to sit in' tho opiratlr.'A chair and then, draw- In a revolver Mid pointlux Id at the frightened secretary, whose toothache disappeared as by matrlc. exclatn.d: "If you move a muscle while I am tak ing out your teeth, you are a dead tm:n. Th maniac then proceeded ti null the secretary's teeth. One after the other he retnDved wlt'li cr.'at skill, while thd patient lay motionless uj thr chair. When eight teeth; had bcu pulled o;;L, the ireintist said. That will do for today. You have been very quiet. Fifteen francs, please!" The secretary paid without lioHila tion and staRnered out of the office. He went to the nenreat police station ar.'.l tohl hi? story. A force of police was rent and when they entered room, rhs mad man opened Are on them. He shot on of the pollctan.ii in t:ht arm. and ejiother In the la; brftirP -he- !oTjta''V Ufbtked HoYrf und' han;'.cuffed. By Wire to The BentlneL PHliaDEUPHIA, April 2S. Frank lin Field. tlK Rieaf athletic campus oi the Vnlversltj- of Peunsyhanla, will ie the seeiip cf on of the greatest and most Intfretiitlng human ied contests ever held in this country. It Is the day of the twelfth animal relay races of the University of Pennsylva nia, whk has brcuKht fleet footed athktcs from tccres of colleges and minor school h fiom alJ parts of the country to this city. Fully twelve huiidicd athl?:es win take part la the relay races, more than -have been en teivd for' the 0'l),ujp'.e games. . The first race was mtu-teii &t 1:45 tills af ternoon sharp and tliere are so maay lotis eitnta of this afternoon in, doubtful whether It wilt be possible to flnUrnal of .tlrem by 6 o'ckxk. ,J.L. READ PAPER LAST NIGHT Special to The Sentinel. RAIJCKill, April 28. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, cr Winston-Salenr, In her raper bef(;ro the North Carolina Libr ary Association lase night on "The Library and the Literary Clubs," ap pealed to club women to use their bet?', effortu to keep the public llbrar ki fre-c from so-called "problem novelV an 1 othor modern trashy lit erature which haa a tendency to lonei moral standards. Tho morning session, of the anocia tlon today was charartAricd by an adtlTers on "Rural Librarks," by Stnte Suj-.s-iin lenient 'of Public Iiibtmciton J. Y. Joyncr. In which he reviewed the work in this direction accomplish ed by thj state ii the, morn than twelve huudnd rural school libraries and by an ad ires by .1. P., Breedlnv, in advocacy of a "Stato Library Com-mlt.-Tion." ' HASTY AND SAMUELS E A RESPITE. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, April 28. Gov. Glciw? granted respites for J. W. Hasty and Geo. W. Samuels, under sentence re spectively of six months and three months for aswulting Editor R. A. IX al. of Wllkes'noro Chronicle, sen tences to go kto effect May o, and respite Is until June IB In order Tor the governor to have time to consider applications for pardons. Editor Deal had published charges against Hasty and 8amuels as reve nue officers and one of the officers reld IX al at the volet of a revolver while the other whipped him. Verdict for $8,000. Mr. J. ,C. Iluxton returned this af ternoon from Davidson court, lie was cr.'e of the counsel for the widow of Engineer Pnryear, who was killed last year by being struck by a mall crane. H was rooking out of the cab window- when the crane struck his fead. killing him. The widow sued the Southern Railway for $30,Dt0. The jury gava a verdict for fS.iroo. Mrs. R. U Hanes, of Salem, tertained the Neighborhood Circle o.' Christ church this afternoon at hci lwme on Wear utreet. Tlw very p'.tas e .v aflemoon spent was in honor of Mts. H. E. Rondlhaler. of nstlilehem; Pa., who is giKtst of frlemls and relatives in the city. !S ,n. U ; ..V"1 a "t'w ler. "nut by Cru- TRAVEL1NG salesman wanted, salary $100 month and expenses; sample free. California Cider and Flavoring Cox., box 124", St, Louis, Mo. . Dr. Thomas H-me arrived this af- lerooon from Chapel Hill. While in the city he will be the guest of Dr. E. L. Lockett to which rate! decision of th inte state C3nim;rc? commission may be rubjtctid. Several of these will i volvo conUdcrable dfbate, especially thotj offered by Senators Knu, Baitcy and Xlmutooa. so that even with time I'mli cn -rxeches at least a wl'"U ! likely to be spent In this wi.y. Indicationa are, therefore, that the farllest possible time of vote on the completed MM will bo the eighrh or nlr-th of May. Saxu n. of Trt y. Ohio, with Evangel. st Ycucil. cati.lurt no li ft sing c iji at th I trice Sin lay mi.rniiig. At eight theie iii do votai ami violin sotes. .Mr. EaxtJii i!! m. et. th ch rus at the ? k night ar S o'clr-. k. Mr. at:.' .Mis. Snx'or. came in .ut rlphu on th t i:3o train and ere met by trsnibcts ot th.j naisie committee Joe l-a :;. a mlddlr aax) ihlu nvan. bailing from Walnut Co, sas arT,.ted lient yes'erilay afternoon on th chaige f druiikt "e)i. Since liik inrarcttatloit b. hl l the bars Ijsod ban made om attempt to hang hi in tt-lf. had rererul fits an 1 se. n rur.uu.i and sundry li:r.. such a huakcj. w. Thr rosVr .nli-J is evidently b.;iy affected. ?hort tu-r bdnit lock.d up he beati rl!uillnj( around In ills Iron cage and !!:ng. T.ii'0 hrt lite a strip from his hanimofk and tried to aang nimss ll, ti:t tne t3c;r pie , i.rtlm. He veutetl It, ctty Phyiclan lla-.. aiwha wa jr n' v. ff-ilfn.' tt t.k & fVi-i ttf.ti ean.l avd h '. m ' COLLEGE ATHLETES AT At Pin-lfhfMitl t R rhlu-oh )u 0t.4UWoraUtt -m4 mtfrf netrr r; Kll k pi .-ached i ieV omttblrn to quiet him, but lawMin sci.r biTanin wild agalu. This numrltiB ihtt offlcfra ran lea him Into the t his t'jt office t iinestiou him, but he uuld e".iWT ri qm tjin c-.ther than he thought hi name a Joe l.awtitt. He attempted to cf the ( luis.'.ati lauich, and csrortetljjunip from a window In the chief's to the cl.aich. ha conducted whvie hi conducted i 1 . ' f t ! ! i J Evangelist Herbert Yeuell. I ifflcf. but ofir-fTs imlltl hinr back Joe then began s.elng wiske on th.- fiiMr so he was taken buck to a cell. Ar root.1 a reporter found hint Ijlne on the floor ther sound asle -p. He lll b ktpr In the 1 xk-up awalllug futther developinents in the rwse. Borne of the oflicerK are of the opln- lion that Lawson Is trying to bluff to get cn:r, though of course they are mi idle to my Just what Is wrong with tho liutr,'. short uig service and gave the cliolr . owe liutructliiiifl coiictTO ing the con ducting of th music during tha meet ings. He it a bright, vigorous leader at:. I will nu dviiibt make his part of the service Interesting. .. t - Sermon to the Church. EA mot.' to the chnrcli In which ho urged tho mehvberr to let their Ilvss b.t ex emplaty and to do personal work for the Master. Th text was chostU from Isaialf (Sd-l: "Arise, shlue for .hy light Is come arl the glory of tli Lord Is rlsi t upon thee." Services at the usual hour Rev. Mr. Kirk wl'.: occupy the palpd also Sunday moriu.i and uight. Rt-v. E. E. Wlir.tititwm will conduct the m. vice at Grace church at the same hours. Rev. Harold Turner Is expect ed to return and assist In the meeting at Burkhead iwxt veek. At Salem Methodiat. ' The protracted meeting at Saiet.t Methodl t church is .being well at tended a-d much Intertst manlfe.itod. Rev. J. R. Scroggrf coiiUustcti tlie se vice Thursday nigh', antl preachcu ,t hundred thousand pt-opln are awtn bled on and around Franklin field and on tho stands surrounding 'the field. Today's rnce-s aro the rial opening of the athletic yew for nearly all the colleges, universities and nilim;- trhools of tho Eatt. and West. T'.ic 1!C of athletes, entered for the var iolic events of this afterrKxin in clude representative of nearly ail the large educational institutions i-ast of the Mississippi and soinu from be yond. ' Although .every event of tho fre- gram will have Its follower, there are three events which lead all others In Invportance. Thete are the one- mile, .two-mile and the four-mlIe relay races for tha luter-colleglate cham- pions.ilp or America. 1 nese iniet events will be inn off In thelast hour of the afternoon. It is In these races principally 1ht, the East and Ihi' Went will battle, for supremacy. Eastern athletes huve bceu nettl.Hl for years because the western cracks have defiahcil them so consistently. especially In the fur-mi3o race, ror i'iiTeo yeara In Miccossiou' the Univer sity of Michigan has carried oft toe chani(oiish1j Iw tha four-milo event. Not once has an eastern team been able to conquer the athletes from the Wolvirinu State. Yale hns tried it fer three years, and th last two 'years., reserved her Rtror.ges runners for ihv expret purpose of downing the Michi gan nn ii, but all to no avail. This rear Michigan has again sent a line set of runners and It i considered ex tremely, doubtful whether the Eastern' athlitfs will be able to defeat tne Wolveiines any easier this year tnan in formei years. All the Wg Eastern utilvcrsitiei have entered teams for at least two af the relay events. -Harvard will com pete In, the one-mile and the two-mlio events: YaJ' i-J the two-mile and the four-mile races; Dartmouth In tho one mile and .wo-mlle events. Princetou and Cornell will compete In the two and four-mild events, while Syracuse. Georgetown," Columbia ' aid a few other colleges wi!.l be represented tn only or.1? race each. For the first. tii.'.'C In the history of the I'niversl y ol Maine that Iist1tntkm will be repic pented by a Tf'lay team at ottr of tn races. ' Tho entries for tho various field and gymnastic even lis are also unusu ally nniuprotisi and' Include some of the brt m;n In a.uateirr athletics Many of the- smaller colleges and mir.or schools have also (tent excep tionally good men for the various contesis and their performance will be" watched with the greatest interest. I.tfRt year In the one-mile relay race the ninneis from Yale, Chicago and ., ... 1 . A .. ! .l.nJ H-Okln a ,t ..t re.n,, u , -....u. Cirried t0 Martinsville for Trial illl.NIJfl Mini, iiic-ic in ...a.--.... iu .... - .... lieve that th? comewt will be Ju.! a Polio-man Slepli' n.-t, of Manln close this vear. The Pennsylvania ie-vllle. came here this aftvrnoom after lav carnival sffonls an orrportunlty lor fan Halrston and .rim Penn. mlo;wi. the BclMola and colleges of Ihe Ea-.. ' Halrston, who it. dftaf and dumb. Ih to nice and settle the question of , accused of lieirg Implicated in the supremacy For some It Is their only .assault on and robtx ry of Ji Pratt, ocportunitv to engage In an inter-coi-jan aged citizen of Martinsville, on legiate coiitost ; Thursday night. Kit SK-:icer, who, it Among the most noted of the aUa-j.l alkgwl. was Halrston's accomplice, tes sent by minor college;, is Fra In jail at Maitinsville. Mr. Pratt Moun Pleasant, captain, of the the negroes got his watch aud llste lwllan team.. He has run ihel$13-6. Pw.n. who Is al)riii 15 yearn 100 vards in 10 seconds and the 1 10 j old. Is accused of breaking In a store yards In 60 flat. Last year lie ur-iat Martinsville. prised, every one by jumping zj ieci and 1 inch. after running a fast quai ler on his relay team. i j j I H. 6. Saxton, of Troy, Ohio. 4 t The baTtiar. given on yet-tei'duy af ternoon ml last night by the What khvt Circle of King's Ianght;M, wan a tntst decided succeiis. The ai tendance was very large, ami the le otd)ia, after paying all expenses. wit .')0. 80 many futures had men planned that all tgvtt and tawtee cuuid be suited.- The. reffeshtnei and fancy articlcf. for which this clrcW 1 famoirs, found ready aal'. The babies ' looked as pietty ' ji could be, the, following wlunlng prim. Prsnfls - YfflTttK, r-Ellinbein- Wallter, Harold O'Brien, Edward Farrar and Elisabeth Fletcher. In the Foxy Grandpa dontusi .Mils EvcUi Owens won first lMs, a b.t of bonbon, given by th Simpson Drug Co.. while a dainty fan w.u awarded Miss IMilse Mmtgomeiy, which wa given by Mr. W. 8. Martin. Master Oliver Spencer won the skates given by Mr. C. L. Sharp, while Mas ter Greer Gray received tho bat and ball Riven by Mr, Will Vatk1n. In the. Huster Brown contest, tuo tint piJ.e. a fan, fell to Mis May Conn. This was given by Rosen- buc.her & Bros. A box of Huyler'a from EM nl Bros, was given M.r Lotrise Franklin. The Iniy's first prise was given to Master Francis Uipfnt. donated by Browr Roger Co. Th.t si cond prize, a box of Bon bons from J. T. Joyner, was won by Mottle r Robirt Daniels. j Tho most delightful of tbf-se cim testa was tho phantom party. Mir.s Joyce Henley, being nmrt siti'reMul In kicatlng the f pooka, won1 the eh' ganc parasol, given by Meyers-West-brook Co. Mlfs Georgia OslMrn was given tho stooud prize, a dolnty ri bon belt. glv n. by the Hec Hive. Master I-er O'Bilen was swarded a go:d kCflrf pin, given by Mr. Fred N. Iay. ar.d Mr. Paul Montague, a tllk tie given by J. M. Woodruff & Co. "resident Ceatee, af hltdieta Trvet Company. Only CempttiW Ml Bidding. Plant Beadea far liv 000. If Court Confirm Sal He Owners Will Proceed t Make ti tenelva Improvements en pMant.," ' The slaut, g.d will. etc.. of, U WluMon Salem G and Ughtlnn Coih t icy waw sold t.1 by Carotti'.ktBer Joe Jaroba, by t.-dt-r of thr sh pel (or court, for $!.30. Tho aucccfttr u.ujtiv wrrti iiiiimni ana nincutr Mau.'and, of 0hkch, W'UtxitiiU. aud prai i.tho wtir rant. . These ani-in ' twsei bondj to the aooiuit of lil iKst in tJnii plant Thrrj was caly nee ottt.ft1 Mdder. Prldeot WUUaiu CAmiea. 0 thtt Pbltadrlphla 1van and Trut C. which how litrt.mia of the (lW.t)o In bonje ImjM by Winslon-Atifrtt Gas an Ltghilng Company. Th cl!r of Wlnstf put up a certlfled cheeji h r $ t,M aa ntqutintl by the ofdr u court, but b Wd was- submit ud by any of th- offlcUla Th new purtha er announce that If the sale Id rott. firmed thvy will pronvd it out to put tha plant In Orst-rkM cond4Hoa at J then huaile for buklnnte. Tbs sal statu d at 12 o'clock and was cried by R. L Hopper, after R. n. Mosely had read the order signed b ComailKslonrr Jacoba Pre sldill '. Cati mined the ball to roUmg.j Hie (list bid was $32.fx)ti. And tbea ft a time th bidding wan quite lively, the amor-.nto Jumping tl.OOo at a'tlmV Finally, however, th bidder dmpprtl as low a $10. .Mr. Wlillim Mslnlafl we the iuimt agrealv la hie bid dim;. , V xMr. A. K Tbompson. of . 0JiVih, .:. cunia4 for th Mi-wtr. M-Utt-" land, at tend. 1 tha ). j, - In an lut eerie w after tha said Mr. William Mutnland slated that lfh was positive the court fraitd eor.flrM the nl bu would order some material this afternoon for improving tha plant ex i'inllug the -main, etc. Ha Hid bit counifM moy,leao for hotive lh4a fttt noon, 1 11 inn court coiinrma tna aai. and It Is geiTiHy iM-lleved that rt w ill, Mr. Mainlirfid or hi brother wfU latum hr to arrange for Vhp, pn l.CusruimiMuWjfc,- .- - MYSTERY OF EITHER , CAPOH'S DISAPPEARANCE LITTLE CI-DIES f INJURIES AT SPENCEft it'll-; 1 Special lo The Rentlnel. S ' 8PKNCKK. April 2-ArIc. six-yt'cr-oM laughtT of Rv. aflJ Mr. J. M. Dmuway. of Hpeucer, who wad fatally burn-ed hero Thursday .nlgflt, died this n ornlng of the ln)urle iui Ulnml, after thirty hours of Intomio sufftrlng. The Inlenuent was -held this afternoon, the mother bciuf un able to g to Richmond, tha formrr home of the family, on account, of 1 -j vtre Imma wuststned In altcmp.lax to ixtingiiish tha flnre whii.h brought dewh to hT child, who rwllt'd a llghN'd lamp from a table. ruy1r:g her clothliig to Ignite. . ..' SEVERAL SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING AT magnificent rermmi. Pasior Carpen ter reports the church deeply moved by the discourse. The meeting will cmtlnuo through next week. FAMOUS BALLOONIST WILL ASCEND TODAY. Bv Wlr to Till! Sentinel. PITTSF1EI.D. Mass., April :.. Count Her.n Delji Vanix, of Paris, will make his third balloon ascension In America this afternoon frwn this dty If ilia weather conditions remain favorable. Bv Wire to The Bmtlnel ST. PETERSBURG, April 28. Tlie myarery siitTot'Cilng the dlsapixar auctf of Fathtr Gapon, who has not been hear! from, alive Aorl! S, ha iKe-n deepened by the arrival here, eopklgmd to solicitor narn1, of a tetter containing some of the pile-it's effects. The letter carrM from BerKr1 and enclosed was Oapmi'a IKx-ketboolc with 1300 roubles and a key to Gapon's safe at Credit l.yomiay with a miiwt that the liciior should act according to Instructions. No Instruct Iw were Included In the letter, however. Tho letter was directed In w.-mn' li a r.diw riling and this has added to the mystery.. The origlrral ml of three Is that of faith, hope and charity. A Pleating Entertainment. Tlie entertainment at Elm Street Chapel last nlghf, given by the y:,i;ug people of that Sunday school,- was ai tended by a large crowd and about $18 was realized, which will go into th chapel Imimwnnr nt fuhd. The entertainment w-as entllii.l "American Heroines." and was well rendered. The tableau ecene wi rendeivd in a Kplendid manner., while the vocal and instrumental music was very credit able, etecially the slnglflg by the ir.fant. department of the school. I Special to Tho Sentinel , ..... SPENCKK. April 2H Durln an (ctrlc atorm yesterday afWriwon Mis. It. L. Day, f L) nchbura;, wM of Mr, It. L. Day, of lh contrartti.g firm of lne llrof.j Jonee arid lM)i who are ttiilldltif lite double' track for th fimithern Railway tier Blreaoer. was sevenHy nht-ked hy a stroka of lightning, which iruek In the ramp three mllr noHh of thla place. Two horwa w'W alto struck by tne Iwll, one of which was klllwl Instantly, v Mia. Day waa talclr. shelter In a tent at the time ami M w4 fatally burl. Two nun working In a aboti near the camp were knocked down- by tire s.'iino bolt, and frlghtenedi and Allocked. Japanese Visitor. Dr. Abl and T. Isomara. of Tokso. who rep 1 esent "Japan's tobacco in terest, apont the day In tho city. They were accompanied by T. Moioka of New York, and J. T. Taytor, of Ite'iKte-rson. This aftertaxm tho visi tors were given u drive; over the c'.iy by B. J. Shepoard, Col. G. E. Webb ncd Sterling Smith. New Advertisement. The Meyer vWt brook Co.-BpnC' lala hi g-ntv funiishlng detxrtmoivl. The lfe lllrni. Homo svdl i -gain for Monday sbttj'pr. .... J. L Caspt-r. Valitabk' city VnM and lota for sale, ape'clal bat'ifaln-l if oll at once. Th Mise" Martin. Royal Wor---ter cofw; all rtyk now otf d!pjft. Jennings Cafe. The placo jou t tbo Imsc svrvice and something goo-1. to eat. R. L. Ian Hafe aud Lock Qn.. Richmond. Va. Will ;ll you a 'new safe che-ap and tako your old one as part psyment, . ' ' Tb Winston Clothing Co. No man can wish for more In atyla and quality than Iti otrtaltablrt ,ln Peck CMnln Hiintley-Hill-Hiwktofl Co. Pretllewt line of hamrmck ever slwwn in Win ston. Frank C. Brown. Annonncert tho anlval of arother Mg Ux of Croett oxford, the sh-s; that makes "Llfo'd walk Easy." E. W. O Hankm. gpeolal agent tuf Newbto'a Herptelde' Bee window bla play. 'Deatructlon of San Francisco.' Beat brx)k. Irgti profits. Act quick. Sample ' free. Globe Comvany. . 7J Chestnut street, Philadelphia. I.

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