7iNGITY BAILY ENTINTEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 3. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS of Amendments j Rate Bill Afritr.dnnts n tne Senate 10 . .a Gili t T.St?n y jv ::, -I'tiii'iivta ti! ,-a tiuaai.s '.-. K.U'1 I :.i vol as It is bf!k''l r..n;pVwl li!l " ji'u T.'.lnlf ".t Uuw : iiiclatllnj; iac llj inir.Hlnptd' h ;n;ai! ami Clilbt r- . au;. n.!:nMits will I III- COIUS? ' in-1 (umilr null, an v.i.T'i rr.iim I r::i'h hint, yesur w;;:n f.m a pole. t;i Sijipi.-Pil io Dr. Dalian, of Tt 'irnwtud ii'ii'- af.cr .jin.- I man s;ai 'il Lr,,l. 11. AL. Hall I'ins ittt night, lie ; .k -eh:, '. rami' of l.i.i sitmncl. n Tai 7'fimrd ol ii Tmiiiig Asjjtia ilNnii d charg". mpH! Trat;lag 'is M. S'.mHh,. K-i. ' It nimiii.i r.-i Jamil, led l.'lll lliiicii .'vt, inn u 1) Inwr ! "1. :'.-I!miu)-,s gained itmi iiiii" tliiil K:ng iin-ussiiiiilcit III lla ktOiihlg oil IliK ik The rnmois . which did m.t .ib i'li i' was giv..-n out ' '!it ihe rumor l;i:i! wonhl t ot ,tru Sfclitillfl. -Xi iiRPticy Molianmicd Res'.iail ' ii Sultan nf Tur. 'hi" Tlirlilsh-lhmr.il. UK SeCi III ' fill! POLE ' ' -, 1 1 tf or cim ID MEN HOW IN jL UIMII'I prppinil IT DliriPU DLOJlUil HI DALLIbD Special to The Sentinel. Ul E'tJH. May 3 The eighth au im.i! M'('n of tht' sieu! council im-i.ow-d Unlet 'l Red, Men fur Norm t'ariilina has urbanised for Ikimiuk with i-is'atv repiet ntatlves from i.miic.ls in all parts of tha state pies 1 it. Tae tt-poi t f the keeper of itra.d.-i showed a gain id iwinty new I.i.lgja in th Siat? during the year About Maj'atil 1.2 n.'w number. The "k,ng talk of tfit great sacneai ana report 01 other officers were Teceivad and re-ifa . . ,11 i.. . j- ifirel to BKTiai i.uniniiiu'vs mr uis, irihiiiian and classification, of the iu;rl-. !Thj M ."') Y. M. C. A. building at ir!i tiltutit i'PA reec-lv-at! fram'Sun Flaw :kc;i wo wricked by the HUih 1'oiiH, Clreep-Bboru, Wilmington I ,nt t iitliquake. and the ITimi ,Aui-J tnc EliraUvth City for next yw'i :erioau Yonnir Men's Ctrlntiaii A-x; iiit at council meeting. The selecdoii jCiaticns t.t respandlns to the call far ', ol the place is left open for the pies- ail1- lo?al as belation ha. .le-: , cido;l u 1:3a th r-oceeds of the; The P-!ack Hawk ttam of Red Men jWn' laiilKt.t in addition to a numlHTt last night exemplified the work of the'of lert.ja:il subscriptions. j vai :,-. degtes. There was also a The nan)! will be one of Ihe mxM pnljlie K'Cf ptlon during the evenins esiins played In lh- Y. M. C. A.j complimt ntarv to the visiting iepr.e- .R.vmnasium this siasan as it will picb-1 sentaiivei. From 5 to o'clock wasj''J' Cx'.io th season' chanvplow- i spent with Col. F. A. Olds in Ui Noith Caiolina Hail ot History. - IIK;H POINT. May 2. A largfl ami cuhu.tiastlc meeting of citizens wua lit Id tonight in th opera liinisa lor the purpi.iit! of considering a proposal bv Mi. I). Allen und associatei far a new lallroad to run south to connect j with on a of th trunk lines. The j n.(?tlng was unanimously In favar ot 1 the proposition anl another me e Ling I vtill be held Friday night to consum mate! the plans. The. meeting was 111 direct result of the Philadilphia syndicate pre-! tented bv Jifr. K. 1). Steele, of tms p!:ic; the company that will build a lu!:;y line fioai Ili.sh Point to Than PROPOSES TO CONNECT WITH U I HEREJ ti ville, in buying out the Thoniasvihe ty, are oiganizlng. Dttvlng the past and Clen Anna RaUroad, owned bylwek siib atisoclailons of the - NY.in All. M'.lt Jonri, of Thoinasville. This Caiolina Farmers Pudoctive Asaocla- lim 1: ;w 1 ..ma roath fiom Thomas - vil'.e. a distance of U or more miles ami it is intea:!?1 to bring this line j townships. The object of (he assoeia tc, High Paint, maUir.fi a complete belt.tion Is to nledgo the farmers to sta..d and rarryliiR It on to Winston, thei (.1 to cnnn.'Rt w(tl the Norfolk and West- tin. T MATTER UNSETTLED. Sneclal to The. Sentinel. UAl.ElC.ir. May The members ol the North Carolina Corporation Can iui.-slon wf-nt toikiy to (ioldsbcio . . ..i.. 1 .. . 1.1 , . 1. i., .... . 1. 1 sivi: i. f.h rriu-.a u in-ill niFi i I" 'i' I K'.ni.iii for the union depot, which the Atlantic! C:;ast. lane, tha Southern and the Atlantic! ft North Carolina ti.i.ii.ad f-onii. allies have agreed to build: A rcitaln element of Ihe ci(- m iik a 10 oppDsing the site which the niiroad ratnpanies have agreed upov.. The (oniaiission will licax tho pout: n ilotis of liolli sides before ikcldinf II111 iiiattc:'. , 6v Wire to The Sentinel. , LONDON. May II William Waldorf Astor, Jr.. and Mrs. Nannie I.anghouie Shaw, of Richmond. Va., wsie niarried in All Souls church this afternoon. Only immediate relatives of the coii ti acting parties were, present. Ten Hungarians passed throu'a the city this afternoon. They caniL from Hagerstown, Md., and wera en route to Charleston, S. C. Leslie M. Shaw. A 4 t M ,11- Ttry of the Treasury. BASKET BALL CAME AR 1UL A.T0NIGHT Receipts Fram This Cham pionship Contest Will Be Sent to San Francisco Y. M. C. A'. Which Suffered Loss by Recent Disaster. The .t..:ii( tiom tho champion ship bas'set halt gs-m? to be plated th Y. M. C. A. gyiinasium 10- tiW-'Ht u 11 I .-.t..;i....... . . v '"" -" iai.ni- 1. .w A. i not w rk at tan KraM-kco - ejs;iiP - inc nisim's teconl U as iol n.-ir. uu 1, iusi u; wiiiie, won i. lost 1; lii ie, won . h it 2; Oranse. won 1. lost 2. If the Red win tonlKbt they will be chanrptoi: for the kC'aon.v .If the Blue win. ihe Red will hav? to p:jy the dtciriiau game with tht White latei. Hie Hn.M-.p i as fallows: Red. l.awiencc a:i(l Nairn, forwards: Black well (lap:.) ceate-r. Ashbum and1 Johnson, guards; Davis, substitute. Blue, iV ntin tCapt.) and Stlth. for wt.t'.j: Siinthera, center; Tfsh and Maxwell, fttiaicfe; N'aylcr. substittiie. Came cal'c-t at 8:15 o'clock. IN STOKES COUNTY. Aerr .llng to the Reporter the fann- ieis( totucca crowers) of Stokea eoun- it ion w0ro orsanlzcd in Westfl'd. Fraiiclsca, Danbury and Capi lia together and hold their tobacco i.: order that mote reasonable prices may bo paid them for their product. Tho association . proposes, when It shall have enlisted all the farmers, . ; rvrn a majority of them, to bp in a po.-lilon ta dictate, prices and gunr enters an averago of at least 12l4 cents. Tho plan Is to erect In tne principal tobacco towns prlsto hnnseR or packing houses where those who ai? tint able to hold their tobacco may cany It and borrow npan the pto duct alwrnt T.) per ctnt. Money for i ,' . e, " tnls purpose is guaranteed the fa, ni pt act ieal limitless men all nv.-r tlw rouiiiry and by the bank. 4 ol tho South. ONLY 291 FAILED TO PIT POLL IN STDKES. Several citizens of Winston-Salt ,r. tre natives of Blokes and they aie mutually Int.'te.-ied In the affairs (politically, and olherwisvl, of ;hat county. There fate tho following fioin the R. poller will be of intend lo them: Two years apa there were 471! nil paid palls In Stokoa county. This year there are only about 21)1, an l t.j.o figure includes all thos who are .iol ble taxod by wrong names and' these who have died and removed to other counties. What 'proportion of thes arc. Democrats and Republicans, can not, with any accuracy, be tletermlnad. as both parties are making their usual claims. Hat It Is certain that neany 2X more vote will be cast at next election over the vote of 1304. and for this rtasan there will be n closer fight and mare holly cantes!.d election than was the case two yaar: ago. ' GOV. GLENN'S SPEECH Special to The Sentinel. RAI.EIGH, May 3. Congressman W. W. Kltchin In a letter received I Dro tctlay said, in speaking of tiov :nar Glenn's lecent address before the 'congressional committee (in l!,e Appalachian Fortst. Reseive bill, that the bow mar's "magnificent address in behalf of the Apaplachlan Forest Resei ve bill. In my Judgment, created more comment than I have, ever heard befoia of any s;ech before a con Sessional committee." ILL DF J. D. WALL Postniasteri C. A. Ilrynolds. as ex ecutor (if the will of the late J ahu f). Raleigh TJmaa, spent afternoon line with Clerk Transou fm pi abate. Mr. Wall's estate Is estimated, to he woith about $25.iawi. All of His pirj.erty U lift to his wife and two rUildien. Hilda K. ano John I). Wail. The nucsfion of veiling Mr. Wad's in erest in tl.a hardware business ol the-AVal!-Haske Ca. i left optionary the Wall-Hnske Co. is left optional with the executor. Tho amount held bv .tlil deceased was I4,omj. - J - UBEBALS PLEASED AT WITTF5 RESIGNATION ThAV Thfnl iMth Him Hut Cf 1 mij j ttt( niui uuti vuk vi ine way mere is stronger Probability of Securing Re form Concessions at Hands of the Czar. ., , ByVIr,t.Th Srnti,lel- . STV fETKRSKl-HU May 5.-TV ..ownfall of Witt, and tho v.ui.m ot M. Ooremykin .ta b pr?m.er ia ine so.e tnp!C ut diK-tuvltm in otilclal ,mt other quarters. The chauf '" t I 1 able to Ubeials. wh dtciaro theMis! a stronger p. o , ability of ec.irmR ie- ji ii,hi.m. J.t p.i.u forms Rf W,.-Uu-- advUe.. ,a4 c Buai-r f ,)(mir. no lni;u' he .-d by tW Caar. In. r an.l tavntrn-fth4uia nw r-fai:' !s the Breath atfrar.an ,hl)t ,h,,v wl:l ,,, ,,.(rncipat rxpert acd will tUvote nairh of .!. . ... it this tlm. If i: Ik time to t.'.'V.Miig mau foi ixacttu.i) k tiling unitxt amtttiK peasants. 'il''i Witte lias beta unable to da. GREAT CROWDS AT E Another .laiga crowd anscmbled a the Star warehouse last night in the fC. ies ot services being held by Kvan geiists Yeuell and Saxtuti. Tiia eh iarged platfoim was well filled with singers an:i Mr. Saxton le.l the choiua. much t the Torrey -Alexander tiieet- lugs, In being sung. Mr. Saxton s solo, "CcIiir Dawn to the firave," r.as effectively sung. His voice Is a deop. rich baritone. At tha clotis Mrs. Sax ton nndtred another violin solo. Evangelist Yeuell gave anotbir s'long u'rmon on the text: "And l-ot pitched hit; taut toward Soduni." He save a vivid picture of loot's sejvaia t ion frcm his uncle Abraham, his mi Joilrn in S.i'.jtn and his escape thiough the Intervention of Angela. He n'aowed how many young met. pilch tfcj'lr tents toward Sodom i.:tt then enter 1t. Hit uta of scripture, poeiry, litnia- tme, Miic.isni uiid humor, shows him an otaUir, Ha is fearless In 11 1 k de noiinc'ng of sin. in showing liflw many are trying to lead a double I !!'. mt failed, he used with good (lieu the story of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hydv. It Is cxpocted that a gieat auih.'iiee wiil be present tonight to hear hih lecture on "The Shipwrecks of Life." It Is Illustrated by a flist-claR mer eoptican. Th rraeeds will go for tho benefit of the Sau Fruncasco suf feiets. There will be a song smit e it tlw? (.penlng. Mayor Eaton has pronils?d to bo present. If his dunes will permit. CREEXS'IIORO. May H Miss An niti Poiniltx'or of 121 Wet.t lA'estif.-l was budiy lutnud about her arms a tin body last night In trying to mn h r wedding tionsxtni fiom d'Struclion by (ire. On May 10 M hh I'oiiul.xlei' aiid Mi. .1. T. Hayes, of Durham, are to bt- married. I.n-i night, while Hie hall ol Ik .- home was used as a, dis play roam f.n the nnineious nrttt'ie.-. of lace, aiik and (lelieata wtating p parel goini; to make a Inautifitl and happy brith1, a large lamp susiienikd In the pentar of the hall broke and fell right In tha midst of nil the fix ings. They caught fire and despite the effort of several ladies, wet.? en tirely por. ".lined or hopelessly ruined. While Miss Polnifexter'a burns arc painful, it is not thought they will be setioiis enough lo cause a postpone ment of her nuptials. NEAR N. & W. DEPOT A negro named Will Garland was found dead this morning In a tene ment 'hnuaa east of the Norfolk ac Western depot. Some women report ed the matter to the police, who te ft. 'red it to Capt. J. M. Rabetsoii, eotaner.. Tha wanien claimed to know vv1,-;-littlc about the man, exetpt that he was abaat 30 years old and bad bteii .ibjot' to "spells." sainethlng like lit.-. Auother npjit say that the man had been drinking, heavily lor srvetal day. Coioner RolK-rson stated this nf.ti noon tluit he had arranged ior an In .quest lo be held at 5 o'clock to see if then, hasl been any foul play. Damage by Texas Flood. FORT WORTH, Texas, May 3. All 1101 ib Texan Is suffering from rxcesa 1 ain.. Railways leading into this city are badly damaged and trains are rcatly delayed. This sectkm has the fine at wheat, and oat crop In lis aU tory but It is feared considerable damage wjs tone to it by the rams. Farinti ere fotllng despondent over tho outlook. Message to Congress. WASHINGTON, May 3. President Koorfvt.lt, sent lo congress this after n Kin a tnesMige reconimendlng the I at sage ol a resolution expressing hi ttltude f the United States gov ertinif at to fort !gn count rim and !Ov ojelt.r.a for their (xprc.sKlon of sym pathy on account of the San Francisco drafter and th.-lr offers o( relief. . Dr. Stokes, of Salisbury, was here this afternoon looking afier some ftrnfetslona! bnriness. - uppdsing forges FAILED 10 AGREE. Special to Tht1- S.-n'Snt! I UIKKJH ::t mni aUid by Minor Ju'm m I bttwi.-n thi 'it'iit- of lb.' nromiM 1 UHtriii.iil f ir in ili.iliil on 11 t:it htiOU ;f "1! -1 ; U or "i.f..i:l' tii:a'" ainl t :n. "a.ni. f.nw, of ,tc . - tt o ie J.r "in? ai i n'iicm in i'h UiMl-..a at th; l.m- did not i,t,t,,;t ni-alu a I!U , lull, ,n f.lf, ,i(:.n.d the l.i ..:! U.dween thi. ,Th . eU.HtM ad.-jcan w;ll pnxwd , ..i, tiu.i of ihi.ir rimiiu.in while nmnv il lh. I. .iiler t nrvvtiuts tfnuir iMiik 1 -ffi'ls tivi'hi.l inw V NT failed. Tb.-ii c.iiiliMitlon Ik tint pro hibition ii:w wauld result in no eu- IfeiceiiHT.t ki that the iilliiuate result ' would bt- a rpium ta mv-ii saloons. ENTII By Wire to Th Rntin. SCRAXTOX. May 3 The trict Cnnveiitlon of antl.rarli,. tri n;, 1 11 In." opened thin iiKiinlng for the first ;:e sloa and whllti today m glvtn ovei to nothing more than ni?re larmal.i -es 1 of organization the public will ko w by the end of the week whether or not there is te be a s'like The conventloij, will probably be in setalon three dayj In order that t!Klniif. f.t.ll di'li'ir:itit-. mm huv.' a full nnticvr I mi n. tun'.ty to ixptess" theniselv.n 011 ihe Issue. I 'I at tivp.r plan to Matv cotton auJ Pte :!dtnt Mitchell cpetf,i the pon - theisby eontrol prlpes would require a ventlon without an a.Mrrss. He ildl'argT amount of rapltal than thy Ithls uioinlng it was doubtful- If he would muka any extended speech dnr-l Ibit. actorning to rresi.ient mci.h, t inhthepoiiveiiti.iii f Na England Splniiets' Assocta Thus is ttill tin absolute cola. .Uv!""". the finferencw was a supeesa. as to the outct.aie. though talk of alH" 'aid he did not exp t the two .a strike It? fining. itertMs that have not rome together . Some profesi to believe Mitct.eil'ln n hiimlre yeai to art' on aU Im ; s miethliig up liis sle.'ve, w nleh ! "''"H t h Bt uieetliig. (old ho will spring at Ihe last moment. l Potifetatice before dJournln Others sav the operator niav Indl- that ItifiMmal Inttrvlewa were alraost cate n slight oncessinn. A nie-nbet of the K.-alii paninilttee said t litn morning: "Delegate., after full considers! ic.n ot all that has b. eii done, will Note io go on a strike," Canv4titk)n ailjr. iinej until l:2ti thla aftarnooii t:i give the cre.letlllal Icominlttee an tippaitiinliy to go.ovet rrea. n iats pit reined. REALITY OF JESUS CHRIST," THE SUBJECT "Iti .ill. y ( J 'mi- Christ" was the vulij.Tl of a j. act lea! senium pitn.n oil at Ituikhtal M. E. Church ins nlgaf. The l T 1 1 1 1! nice waa largt f than niiy iiIkIii Hits wek, The tlis-caiin-i' v.as diitcted piinclpaljj- t;J the menil is of the cliunh und 111 ut ; B fine Impri skIoii The question of elos lag Ihe f"rliif rvte whs ,i s;d to the m aiberu t;f the clmtch th' otlur Clirls'.lnm, prii;:!!) for an hih siou tif opinio:!. Several rerJit n.ied and evnty 01 1 s-il;e In favor of con tinning "th j moi taig for a few ni 'lit at bast. Ri v. Mr. Tin utr will, pnaelt night. to- Has Large Fruit Crop. Mr. E. M. Long, n successful farm cr of Tabarcoville, today sold his last load of laf tolaeco of the 19u3 crop on the Win tan market. Mr. , lin tepoits the wheat ctop in his tvecliin fine naver looked more protniKlrg. "I will have plenty of fruit thJ yeii1. too, f lid Mr. Long, who addt'd teat them would be plenty of peaches, ap ples, p.'ars. etc.. In his section. The lifts In the l w lands were the n.iy one that c.ifforod. Speck von Ambassador Extraordinary and iCLOSE OF MEETING ConvenUon of Cotton Growers And Manufacturers Came To End Yesterday. , Convention Rtti'ttfd in N Tangibi Agreement on Qutii at (, - Although Quit a Numbtr of Tapka Wr O'ictiittd Fully by Dtlogattt to tho Conftrtnc. Wir to Th lmttnL W SHINUTOX. May 3 Wltho.it aihiptinii a Mngle resolution ouUlninji aa.v entire1 of action or any polity the C infrri nee of Cotton Otowv inA Maaufactm ar berani a thlnj, of tr.a fut tan tit(i iV.Vir- auauW , 'he iltliva: s aie aiglitiMf Ina. An atunipi was made dirrini ilin ?o:iferi'up- to ",ui the naiMUte tit 1 riK ilmUm iirglnt; the li.n.mnn'ni 10 ; aay with the rop condition te MrtK by the agricultural dtpartnienl. This waa finally Uild 00 the tll'. tiiaw. is tuied a pmnianrnt organ 7ati i helwren thvnui'lve and the plniier that their whtTiie far sclltnic Hreet to the matiuftictiirer might, to ittvanepi. but It was epinised by fh rnanulacliiers. A dip! 1111 itlc cmuilttee brourht lu 1 reihiil vh'ch was adopted. It do l.iifd tha dlegatet fnmi varioti h woclatlmtf' ' rep-resentr 1 had not fcts,u 'tinpoweiod to enter into peipettiatlon of organiiatltin. The manufartiirei were tint enthu siastic all nit Ihe plan of tho It 10 we; s tii build waiehotiiaa, giade potton aud sell (lirtct to the manufacturer, tuns avoldliiK tpeciilrtilan and the middle- Spinners, particularly Engll. tluocht It was a kimmI schiiu hut was intimated to Boulhertiei icould at pitsenl potnmantl. beneneiat an ctinierencc, iauu- facturr.t now better anderstand the conditions In the South and rut bo'.iev- tsl that finnieis are now better a warn of what the nianufaci irera want and whan they want It. Ttlnlty C illi'Ko dt ftnted th Vnlvci slty cf Vliglnla In a pratly Ratlin of baa-ball at ltiiinm yesterday by tii eon if 4 lit 2. Clf ineiit, did He' iilteliiiig . Trinity ami nllowtd Vlr giuia only four bits. . C'iv.i ir 01,1111 waa immiR tlnw. wl.a wltiii'tsi il tbt game. IT CHAPEL HILL TODAY Tha t'nlverslty of North Caroi'iu ana' the 1 niv TKity or Virginia am conk ,-Jliifc for honors oil tho diamond at Chap J lliil this uftern;oii. ThU In lilt- dteidaig gam" of the series, txcil ii-am having o'te victory to In et.d:.. . Anniversary of Poland's Constitution. U) Wiiv io The Soiitlntf. CHICAC.O, May 5. The Polanltii In this city ai today celebrating Caa one hur lredth and fiftieth annlversa ry of the adoption of Poland's C0111U taiioii. Many oi the nieetlnga will be hold thle evening at which proml.ii lit Polish orntois will deliver addresct's among them City Treastiiar John. F. Hui.il.ikl. - Stornburg, Plenipotentiary from Germany. TRINITY WINS FROM -VIRGINIA, 4 TO 2. -