J WIN-CITY ENTIN EL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 4, 1906 hVEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY U UIL I. "ROASTED" Roosevelt Sends A ge to Congress With Garfield swpoi u LMg He States That the , mega! Acts and Unfair ..a B-ommends Remed- Llsoner Garfield Makes rh,rfl Against oom L officials in His Re- ., Tiic Sniliiiel. KuTON'. Ma l.-AMoiu.u- :;(i.,s i, wrilins meilu.us nf 'he Standard' Oil K i!, railroad allies w;ie , hm tho p: idoitt.- i -saw. will t'ongtess ill? ...t i r ii t i. Conniiissiore r !... .i.i e.-l.b.m W .:! liJllirm. ". h-en rutnifiy The .k of independent !? f th' oj! mist in leeent lna completely oar .11,1 k ii the most strenu- 1 th .s. . .," will now have lr hats m the tiflic-iul ! 'H .11 lira I Mils an away tu iha: would cotivinc1 ,kiPiical mid : - it wiul I: -, tiiai a child could un He n :t ! : 1 1 convicts th if fiaaraiit and poislslenl if law hii' accuses ii ulfi- , 111 'ate h'v.s. He bays - Iiosi'nn'hig of the Investi- ffir;ul of th j Standard Oil - a't-.i the company harl not !tid was r.,:. then obtaining s f;om 111'' lailioads. He .-Is t,i show that the cum- liabi:ti;;!k r i ve.l and Is It, sarh rciiah s iiml cites .Mi ' ill proof. is a portion of the. pivsl iBr lolatlve to Mr, Gar- it: ami House of tupn'o,i'ii- major portion of them w-re prom ptly corrected by the railroads, so i hat utost of tbm. hv? uow been done away with. This iniuWiaie cor rection, 'pallia! or complete, of th evil of the tmft rates U of course on the on? hand au acknowledgment hat ibey were wrong, and yet were persevered In until exposed; and on th other haudl a pioof of the eftV cienoy of the work that has been d-.tni by the Bureau of Corporations. I"ae li. parunent cf Justice wi!i take up t.u qtifsJkm of instituting prosecu tions in at least certain of the case. Hut it is most desirable to enact into law the biM Introduced by Senato K.ncx to correct the interpretation of i he immunity provision rendered !n Judge Hiimhioy's decision. The hands of the government have b'?eu gretrty stienKt jned in sent ring au effective remedy by the recent decis Km of the supreme court in the case instituted by the government agaliia-t ih tibacco trust, which decision pfr mitsf the ejvernmetH to examine the boaku and record. of any corpora te engaged' in intetstato commercv. and by tho recent conviction and pun islinvjnt of (."hicags, Ilurllngtnn and Qtiincy Railroad; and certain of its offl But in addition to these secret raies the Standard OH Company profits int mensely by open rates, which are im a: ranged as to, Rive it an ovetwhelm iiiK advantage over Ha lndrnendetu competitor Th refusal of the rail roads in certain cases to pro-rate pro-diicesaanalosa-.n effects. Thus In New Kngland the refusal of certwln railway systems to pro-rate has result-d in kecplns Jhj Standaid Oil ir absolute n. v.upolltic control of th field, t'n iblins It to chaise from three to fo.ir .muiiicd dollars a your more lo liu1 4!)iis;iinei3 of oil In New England than tfc.-y wiiild have U; pay had the pr!i I.aid been that obtaining In the com petitive fields. ThJs is a charact'Tist- example of l he numerous e,-.i which are inevitabla mid;r a system in which the big shipper and the rail nad are left f.ce to crush out all in divdual initiative and all power of lit dependent action because of the ab sence of adequate and thorough going government control. Exactly similar conditions obtain in a larse pait of the West, and Southwest. This pa, iicular Instance exempltik's the tact that the granting to the government, of the power to pub-tltuto u proper for an improper rue Is in very many instances the only effective way in which to preveift Improper discrimin ations In rates. D IS 1 MAY BE MADE TODAY Miners May Work On The Old Terms. Accept Restricted Arbitration or Strike.. Ml -TO NEE I NEXT T CITY WILL EQUIP THE To Consider Several Very Important Matters. Evtrything Now Would Setm to in dicate That Convention of Anthra cite Mine Workers, Which k In Sesaisn at Scranton, PaM Will De cide On a Strike. Report of the Seal Committee. By Wire to The Sentlal. j SCRANTON. May . Mlneis" ton ivtr.tlci opened at it o'cl ick. Copi of corresiKindence. which in cltuietl all propGWtio:i mado by the miners and oxrator, w.-re distri buted to (iJiegatca. Attached to pa .f wu3 a ahot report from the s:ilj conimlttfe which narrows .lie questions fir the miners to der tuinc diwa to three prouotritlons. In leturn tj work under prtseut ec:idi t'ori. a?c;pt restricte-i method of ar ditiation or strike. The report of the scak committee holdi out nt hope of concessions from the op.iators or Intervention of ihel jpiesliitnt. The report, which waail.el basi fo: today's general discussion ) delatrj, f.iys In conclusion, "Yon , wlH olft .'rve. ficm foivKotng that you. committee has uiudu every possible effort to reach an agreement a 10 wayti1 and coniMtlodt of einploymr-nt; tl.at th3 hava pi-oposed. subject to j :nr approval, an arbitration of dlf ft. rncts b?twe?ti u; that our pro pa.als have bc?n rejectexl In toto. and that our offers of arbitration uMin basis; Jits;, lo us antl fair to them hae btrn declined. . We icgret the clr ctmstaiif es whWh compel us to re iv.?:t'. If It la truj, and we believe It Is, that the opeitttors have made It is, laht tho operators hav made their final pror-asitlon. thert i noili Ing else left, for us to do, but tti ac cept, for a period of thrne year, a lerewal of the present conditioiis or st i Ike." . it li i , Hi u i'i pui t by the of ihe Inn can of cu in the ili partnii'iit of coin- lahor im the subject ot iin anil f; right i ales In wiih i'i, oil (u luslry. Thj :ll. tl'.H ii.vr.'.is of a 1 1. of ,stiniiiiiiii;:.il in thi rip:). I. tal.m in aciuiilaiirr wiih ilulMin IM, passed Fe'bin- "'i. Im' for th, reasons ' the i. p ut ii has been more I extensive than was called resolution ii s If. ar ,-iipt rial n.Mi ntion to tho iian.-'nittal acc.iiii'iuiuying ifum? ill reptirt ; for the of ( ui ltal i in ri ii li'.'ice in " i ff i; i now belli!; made to ll eliliiL',.llirnl oi' tb,' p:w In' 'i stale coiniuerce coal will confer upon the- ro.ri'- wer in sum niensuro art? tiiHt the chaaly (iennwi- ''Is of the situation. The lll in this reimrt uva r..i part not ilisptted. It. is infereiires fiom them lhat. 1. mill even In this resppoi h ptactically limitwl to as to whether the trans-. or are not tec hiiica.ly r,'littt. shows that lite Oil Company has beutinled up almost to the present -"iet rates, niunv of fet rails hriiic clrarlv nnt'.a;. beiwfit. amounts to at. ieas: ers of a million a year, 'Piaitfis of a million renin. Piofit thai the Ktandanl' nil obtains at the ertnetisn of rofis : hiil i,f p'knruo tkn tin; uni- lo is thai It ,,ht.,i ,,,,. h ",! tx iiiui. u '"It 111 thl PYlVmUu tha very wrikfHK rewit f on has ,Peti that shortlv af- swivery of these uortt ralo. mniissiouer of rorporations.- 1911 DFFEHINe FDR THE Anoilvr la'gc ciowd was at the Klar.wai'ehtietsa Inst night to hear the lecture by Evangelist Yeitcll on "The Shipwrecks of Life." Mr. Saxton con ilnctcd a bright song service in tho beginning and mng several selections illusliated by lvautif;;! B( 'ieoH.ii.an views, the nucHjnco joinlnp in llie chotitj. The s-;pn of shipwrecked vessels and shipwrecked lives and others of iiilciest Wjre very fine and the power ful eloctrk! KiIUxm stcreopticon show ed tlvrm clemly. Evangelist Yeurll's expltitialioiiH and applications of the Ic.-sKis taught were inleresllng and the; off jring iimotinled to t'JU. Tho proceeds aro to go to tho San Fran cisco fc.ifferers. . Tonight the subject of tho sermon will bj; "Is there a tlod?" Satuiday night will be another stertoptioon lecture on "Simon Peter, His Life, Fall and Restoration." EAST WINSTON WANTS Never judK a man's honesty by the umbrella ho carries. A goad man is known by the ac qnalntancea he cuts locso fioni. If a man's 01 j.lit isn't good he can easily cot down his expense. A thing that some one doesn't And fault with Is Klekmi worth having. OtM Idsa of a poor housekeeper Is you is to pretend to believe In them. Do no;; try to fltiel out too much about yr.ur frienda if you would re tain their friendship. Rev. Jams E. Hall, of Clemmons wag In the city 'yesterday. Thomas M. Patterson. Is f " I IB-.-. '(tti' S : k II ' L I i J i xu ' l v - -JL t.r - ,Lvt.'.-JVtj II I S I 1 M y ' iL - fcyUy : SenatoMrom Colorado. Th Winntor. atiii rm n ; teanlar B.or.iMv ktuni'-it u-t night granu-vi Russian National Assembly Isrf lVZ jeiiy'ii lot t..j Ninth htrtH-;. jimt we, I Ut the North Wln: ift huiotiog ;ct! to fiiriii.-h the ioTo..iry fire flkht nr aopumiife. iiirlu.lui; a Ii.hm., . H jwaxtm and hose. The ImlidlnK avtli be aloiit Jjx"iii fie an. I twn Ktorit mong i nctt May ne Mtm.onea t-.high. A sa aihi man will he inj potitiont (oi Agrarian Reforms, Au- t natgo ia and iiiehi. Th? fotnnanv tonomy for Poland and Bstter'w' t :k th' ho"" l s-d Treatment of th. J.t-Cov.r M atiitarv work only in th m.rt4 lein part tu the city, ment Determined Not to Tolerate , Tho c w,,any ls ,.n;,M., t of cK ver - Any Proposition to Lessen Ciar't and cmhiia:r y.niiin men. They ' Xuthrty. tduly appreciuti the a,c:ion f the rit? Ifatheis. The coniputiv't ollieers are By Wlr to The Sentinel. Jao follow: ST. PKTEKSBl'HG. May 4. The! Captain. V. W. Maitln; first foi goverumenl has, diawn up a program ,ninn, W. K. 1'ike; nveemit for nun, i; for the fiist s,stii of the douina. I ''"tts; recotd'ni secretm-v, W. T. which b.Kliis Tiwtsilav next. Tlx-iIUat!fortJ: t!,asuut. I E. Maitln main t iplt for discussion, will be ! tltiancial secretary. . A. Oliver. Tli ararlan lelorma. auuwomy lot "iher ineniberK Im'lude ('. M. Marti... Poland f.'i Increased liberty for tlw'O. C. 8iron. R. K. Kinney. 8. J iltarbee. J. II. C if. r, R. S. Kuqiia. V. Ot th ;3 thrcp the first is the n;ctl. Maxwell. W. R. Kestt-r an.l II. H Inipottau. It wilt Include tht Intro-ilglir. duction of a bill g.antlntr farming aid 'tnity hone to be at home giaaing lanlj to peasantry. nd ready for business durtng the The rovei iment it resolveii to takcimilth "f June. strong actiou if d mnia. attempts lo disoiiM the llmliatlcit of auticralic power of the cxar. Annotinremeut will lie nia V that tKciar's nutocrtry Is chl.f of the cmplie'a fundanu ntal lswj and Ik'Ikv cau.v.u be illscnisied. If iHa iLinniu illjf ladpitj th(.i ti nil i n. ' slsts ctl 6'rcusslnR the ctai'i powci the 8JVJinn;cat will dissolve nie SENT TO RDADS FDR ilouma with a display of force. LINE TO YADKINVILLE. WORK OF RELIEF BRAVE PROBLEM Petition Signed by Over 200 Citizens. Asking Street Car Company To Move. Pre sented to Aldermen. . Tlit citizen of Et'.-t Wliisl'.a ai anxliiiifc lo ke work commenced, on tho pi-or, ise j extension of ihe slreel car lino to that section of llie city. At the meting of tho aldernKft last night a petltl.v.i eontalninft ovw li'l" ntimes, waa pie!" mewl unej read, urging uiat tho lino Im built. Secretary Franklin was ln.!iiicte:l to write President II E. Fr.k'rf and osk for Information as to when the compa.iy proposed to begin work, f ic. Tho business transacted by the ald?rm 1 at thU seRlon was prii.ci .ally roiulne. Mr. T. I.. Vaughn was re-eictil giadeii tchotd couinus sisner for a term cf three yearn. The a-ininl appro;)riallon of $1 .200 o tho Twin-City liospiial and $200 to the Slater hospital 'jro renewed1. The question of leaiovlng Ine saloon..', on tba south side of Third street, between Main and Church, was discus.?.! but no definite actto. wa; taken. Poma mtmbers of the board ate iti favor of making Third atrea to the unJon passenger siaiion more attractive and for this Teason they favor the removal of the bar-rooms. The board hurnej down au uppllca (ion for license to operata a pool and billiard ioon. in the basement under tha Allen Company's store. Ttw ap plicatio waa flleel by C. W. Fulton, of Mt. Airy. , The aldermen refused! to repent the ordinance fixing a fee of live dollars upon, plumbers and the Gas company when sidewalks ate? taken up for put ting down pipe. Th? question of taxing the South ern Express, Company and the tele graph companies came up, and Mayor Eaton explained that under the acts of the last legislature t'hese Institu tions coiildi not now be required io pay a license lax. Secretary and" Treasurer Franklin submitted hto annual statement showing leoeipts and . disbursements of the city for the past year. The re port will appear ' tomorrow's Sen tinel. An enthusiastic meeting was hel.i In the court bouse at Yadkinvliie Tuesday when the question of build lug an inter-iiiban electric road tc WlnstOii-Saletn waa discussed. The obJwtV.f" the meeting was explained by C. M. Wa"i!'n, who was elesli'U chttlrntan, with A, J, Mirrtlti as 'sec retary. DttcKates were apiolire:l fronv various towmhitm In the couniy as follows: Hoonvllle, M. M. CrtmitiH'll; Kiinbf., .lack Pryanti; liuck Shoal, A. I), lien tiv; li"cp Creek, J. R. Rece; North f.lbert)Tj). I. Renvls; Forhusli, Wirt. Splllrcuir; Little Yadklc J. A. Lllllng Ion: V-zM East 1'iid, D. C. Noitnan; East 6ast Bend, W. It. Renlger. Tha committee appointed to confer wltb Wlnston-Sfllcni consists of W. L. Kelly, W. A. Hall. J. M. Plillllps, C, M. Win. 1, 'ii, J. W. Pass and A. J. Mar tin. The lllpplo s:iys llial sevcili' spU ndid hpcechf a wcru iniiilu on i'.i Rival ndvatltnge-j of a car line by Ii. E. Holton, Chas. U llolton, of Win ston. II. It. lliown, J. S. Martin mid J. A. Lllllngiotf. Tho Ripple adds: "W'c have a foir show for the inter ill ball n.iw. bo pih-h it n Ions towiitd Winston and we are nssurtd tlial Win. t. .n will push her part, as i.ne ha.s already xpresttr that determlna-iloti. "Another meeting Is billed for July I., Ot 5 our buttery leady and h'l Lt ab'e to coiiipletj oil arrangement.', by ll.at, time." Two whit? boy. William Murray antl Wilon t),',.ll, must serve tio da each on the co-.uity roads for dlstuib log the meeting at Star warehou,' on WediHsflay nlht, Setitence n Im PmI by Mavt,.- E.iiii yi-sterday ai ternoon. I Jst night tour ol her parties were arrested and locked up on the charge lot InstillUig laiKes attending the er- vices III thif wiu.v!)tise. Their names we Salem Sides, Orncy Hale, tile" Sillle and Cha.. Teaslry. Nearly 200.000 Destituta Peo ple In Trlsco Arc Being Cared For Now. In Report to War Department Gin eral Greeley Tells of the Many Dif ficulties Which Asmy Officers Art Trying to Overcome In IfTort tm Provide Adequate Relief for fcuf fercrs Bv Wlm Th nmllnO. WASlliNt'.TON. May 4. Its, a lenx -mil to the war deimrtmetit thin morning (ixieral (Ireisey : "The nuinbr of ii.tlttiie beluit f e I U coo'nioiis. stki 'gating UxU), 1 'JI.fi.17 !n Son r'lanelwo. Aptreut y c.,n'i vatlve estimates place the tl stlm'e urtigtee at 40.000, In Oak land and IV'tkley. How the terrlbie contttlona arc n b- m ! U the sub Ject of a nut earmst coo side rat lou between th finaneo conimllt-o ami mvMlf. Wolle ex rtl irw of the army to teiitcc till 10 the smallest pomrtb'o limit have efftvt.Hl tnrM)rtant readjuat ni'-nt c! a tint Ion wlthmt eiRimiow suffeiliig apteara lniooioitble. While daily hoiilUK for a great decrease in the number of dtitHute I atu nit ctue rldet'.t. Tho far-muhlns; extent of the disaster uemot be apre!late4 with out pers Kial observation." T. FAMILY WERE SHOCKED Ily Telephono to Tlw Heinlnel. BNTF.IU'RISH, May t-Dotlng the storm in this sectlem Wednesday night many-largo t.r'ies were? blown down. The hntiit of Sam KU r, r, i Midway. Oaild ort oiinty. was struck by lightning. H'r.lde shattering f.e eial pieces of wtathcrhoarding, Mr. Eller ami the other members of his liinilly wen badly tJmcked, thoiigli all liave recovcted. Rownti W .J.-1 ley, who left home mysinioiis'ly tliice weeks agei, has not b.'i 11 In aril fi 0111. HeltitlveH and friend. arc 'convinced that be haslefi the Stale. The revival, which has been In gnsa at H itKlimd M, E. church foe two ( '. lll pnibsbly cloe to r.lnht. II -v. Ilnrold Turner will con duct tli s:rvJ.ce. He oecupltd tlu pul pit last night and pleached a thouubt ful rcni' .n on "The Divine phytic tan." Tim dUcoiifsii was heard with M'nuini" lute H..t by the entire cou gregutle 1, Mt, Tiun'r said: i have liuiKid li ng titul cairfitlly for a per fwt mail, but lalli-l to find one wfiu d un not lu'ed a h dp fiom the dlilii I li.iKh liiii every day" CONFERENCE Of THE M. E. 1 MONTH OP H Chief of Police Crutchflidd make the following refrart for April: Num Imt of cas before the mayor, con victed, 150; number bound over. . Id: (oral. lfi!; amount of fines and cos's docketed lit cash, IWLHl; collectid in cash, $G04.0I. Of the 18 tws ix lore tho mayor W. T. P. r.ry had 1" enses and J boun- over: K. A. Martin had 2H and 1 bound over; W. A. Hlirt ties,. It. and " lioiiiul over; R. V riryan, 21 and 4 bound over; H. C Valentiiie.14 and 3 bound over; C A I'tait, 21 and 3 bound over; C. I Roval, 19 and H. W. Stanford IK. The cotton mill plant f !i" Damask Manufacturiiig Co. at Roar ing River will be re-sold here totnor low. , ' BASKET BALL GAME levers of the national sport will have nn opis)rtuulty of witiiesiing .1 game of ball at I'alivir mk si Jtllo tomoiTow afteiraoit. The conh .tlng teams will be from Kernersvlllo and tins Sabnljl IV11.. .' scb'Nil. The malingers, lire predicting an In teresling and exciting cent est, and both sltles arc qiilie fonfld. tit of vie- An lnttciing ax well as exciting ii.'itnn ..,t t .eh man will m.mivis,!. gams of basket ball was that played thn battery for th Kaletn nine. I'lie Ily Wire to The HHitlne. IMltMINr.HA.M, Ala, May 4 TV sicoiul del s sesvi.m of the Methodist EpUci; ..il chuirh. South, eotifetencn wii!'. Inrti ly loitilne this morning, and mio, hIimi baiii..'tci In liansarllim f buiitiiH. by tho fact thai many d-'l dill' j wi le not in Ihr lr seals I'lll'l 111x01. IlislKiii Duncan, of South Cm j- llina, w.i railed lo tin. chair. '. s The Prst sfandeiig conimlrtee to re port w ta that on rule. Its rec m mi'iidutlun thai three copies of all ren j.nti iiov be furnish. d wss (ver i.il'd. Dr. .1. II. Mclean, of Texas, lea) tin devotional exercises. at tha V. M. C. A. gymnasium last night betwteii the Red awl Blues. Tho victory went to the Reds by tt score of 20 to 1G. This make this team champions. The Red won the same honors last year. laist. night's contest was witnessed by a sniaM but appreciative crowd. The receipts of the evening-, wiih some private subscriptions, will oe ii'iit to the Y. M. C. A. relief fund at San Francisco..' AROUND THE CITY. D. L. Blackburn, of Reldsvllle, wae In the city tolay. Moving pictotea every night it Mssen park. Rev. 8. F, Coma (I was here this af tctr.oon enrotitc to CSailotte. T. 8. Douglass came In today to spend a few dnys with bis family. Will Shepherd has bought the property on Jersey avenue, formerly occupied by Chan. Moser, and will Im prove same. -"-The annual lovefeast and bits inrss meeting of Calvary congregation will be held this evening at o'clock All of the comiminlcant members aie urged to attend. t . Miss Mary Zevely was tendered surprise at her home on Church street, Salem, last evening. Quite a nrrniber of her friends were mesnl and the evening proved a very enjoy abb one to all ptesont. Congfiessmon Spencer fllackbii.f was h.re this afternoon. He cuu In 011 the 2:18 train, returning to Grte.m horo at 6:0.'!. He' stated .thai he ran dow,n from Washington last night for a brief rtay In tho State. .Mr.' Roma Ikrrier and Miss lirilei fkeroti wre married Thurs lay t vetting at 7 o'clock, the cere .noiiy iMdng pcrfortrHl at the home of the bride' father, Mr. J. II. Ibf son, near Kernel svi lie. Rev. W, M. Hi Its', of K mersvlUe, officiated. Mrs. lur rler is a slst ,-r of Penital Clerk C. II Reckon, cf thin city. boys are anxious to have Rood crowd witness ihe gaim ami The Sentinel holies they will not be disappointed. Mrs, Sarah Iloueblns returned il,is afterjioon from a visit to her son, Wai ter llourhlns, at. Spencer. New Advertisement, The Alien Ci.--I.sto new on men' wear. Sdapln.'. Ilij'r.' r and dreater than ever; the upeclnl sale on ladles' fail oxi'ordit. . Roi. -lib icIk r. Men's department; upeeiul . value do- tomorrow, Sdior- nav. Hlmis 111 Ding Co. A stock of baib rwiulsltca MiTJoml to none, The lire Hilvt. Tho biggest week' sales In our history; many specials for tomorrow. The Meyers-Westbrook Co. Tomor row a day of speclnl price and val tien. A few of Ihe many special pike . .i 1 r 3 ' - : X r ' ' '. 4 : V II ' 'Lai '' 'i . n '1 : ' '7 I : ,": r " ,1. tri X.TjJ Hzitey Cadot LaOPGE Senator from Massachusetts, Generally admitted to be the President t Spokesman In the Senate. i - ..-i---- - - t ' s f fe- - - . ' - - '---5. - -- - -- : . . ...

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