'rWINCIT DAILY EL nfisr u ctuai WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 5. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS jj Accident On Penn nia Railroad Near City of Altoona. Pa. -Fr..flht Wreck Yester- Ui. 0"t Track On Petercuurf Repombl for th Accident L Th SnUnL Mm misunderstood two rsl j the p.nnlvania ralltoad Ljvb at Ii,t nlRhl 00 :rjck of she Petersburg braaca er l're.-k Junction. 1" allies hue. rWa engines, fir nH . i marh re demolisiivli. ',jefi were killed acconiia,; ,ns receiveu nerr "u h Three lhdiil have been recov j (iHir more are known to oe be wrwV.- .vj!i,iin trains were the St. Lin! Cincinnati express ana th r a 1 ' . mall, uotn were loietu iu same track because of ft wreck on the main line at I'msace. 17 miles east of Ai- Tnty-cven freight cais -fckot, necessitating the use a track oa the Petersuurj said two tramps were rldL.g mail tiain and were caught he wreckage. -It Is reported nine art dean, e: J. W. Wagner, postai e-ierK. Fa ; J. W. Cox, Dow Hilton, 'H. Slmltz, postal clerk. Wash- W. V. JtnKu, postal clerk. te unknown: woman supposed rs. W. E. Trlnkle, of Duiissan- D. t'onover, traveling slefc Ntw York, anil an Itai.un. -The number of dead is uivr t teu. I W f(;r The Sentinel. nljrht another large audience (1 at the Star warehouse. : Yeuell gave the most pow "moii yet of the series. His was "is Thera a God?" His found in Pualm 14-1: "The fool id In his heart there Is no Man docs not fay In his, head sinful heart there ia no God. unient from natine. from ixlre, from the greatness oi that there In a Got was rati,;. The speaker bold how dentists, who wcro not be ;cre compelled to udniit there (l. (.volution cannot explain The trouble with Christian Is It makes everything God, an Imaginary thin.. teuton played a sweet obllgalo lr. Siixton mine a khIi tha aud chorus Joining In the liait. ht there will be another of i ami vp stereoptlcan lecture "m Peter. His Life, rimes i Restoration." This is the in r.' lecture to Quo VadU. Mr. sing "The Ninety and Illustrated with beautiful IV. tXRido (hp P. "i ( them will be a special " uiy, at u p. m. All riled. ' rl'se of tho service last - lClif'li rrtniiiuln,ln.,l W fctoad qnieMy through the " umnais for tneir i ion m preserving order. SETTLE LOSES T huJ',lk ial to the Gretiw- r, ' M.s mat tne s!)iPme court has ren oi in fav.r of Mmmscr 2 ;''' Mlw Sottle was en In lo vpart.' . . tn f " v "'mil lo piay ;' funnlue roie lu 4tJ 'u.t- me seasnn con tun i f ,; " "r ctri,j "" tor iiz.QOO. ?N EXPECTED TO PECULIAR ESC1IPE OF By Wire to The Seutlntf. BERU.H. May- S Facts have iisl come to light, which throw a c'.iar light on th clever manner in whuh a Poli&h aoldier. 'named Roelntkl. es caped from the prison In Posen. itos inaki wtt under sentence of deatn for murdering and robbing a weaiiu.v land oils'. Tho condemned man vt guarded most carefully. An armed sentry patrolled the corridor otuo which the cell of Roalnstri opeaeu, ami w-as Innicted to tetp conauat watch on prLsoner'a doings through a paep-ho'.e In the cell door. In piie of al kthls. Ros aAl eacaped and for a while It seemed Inexplicable tow 'he could do It. Since then, howevoi. a careful investigation has brought to light all the facta In the daring es cape. Rosln&U tied his bed-cUrfhes and spare body linen into the ariape of a maa and placed it In the bed. under which he crept. The sentry was thj dsetlved. and. actually under Uie guard's eyes Roslnski scraped a hole In tho floor, presumably with a nail, which was afterwards discovered. He had found a place where the floor had been repaired and the materia' used was 13 soft that he could make a hole htrgj enough to drop through Into the cell underneath. This was unoccupied, and the door, conse quently, was not locked. Rosln;kl calmly walked out and reached the court yard unobservod In the darl; ness. The wall was too high, but tie managed to reach the top with the nld of the window sills and dropped down uix'.o the other side In safety auc fijeadcm. His hymnbook was fouiid. coveted with, blood on the top of the wall. ' The sentry had heard a noise m the cells, but fancied It came fixjr.i the lower tier cells. At 3 o'clock, however, he called he inspector and the flight was discovered. Aithoi;eh Rosiruskl wore the uniform of hi regiment, the soldierv who acouied the soirrounding country for many nil led were not able to fltid the sllg!;- cat trace cf the escaped criminal. Th, police authorltkj throughout Ger many have been notified and request ed to watch out for the fugitive. THERE Will BE 110 STRIKE IN AflTliRAGlTE COAL FIELDS. Convention of Miners In Session At Scranton. Pa.. Votes To Continue Work Under Present Conditions Mitchell Makes Speech In Which He Says He Would Favor Strike But Feels Large Number of Miners Are Opposed To A Strike and That. Therefore. It Would Not Succeed. to The Sentinel. IN'. Ma,- s . f-ni hi . , oi uiu- t.," . "' ' vacua on of '.m th,. rtiL' caiaw Turk, i r, J ' ,a lwri'"-y. in li ,il!a,lmef'losoLug. thm ur-J, ' lurklah P""- j""11 settlement comes. To Bo Continued. K hi, m on embroider- P!" next . , continued kl,:.' wk with seven.) k at ipt u ki.i ... I S,e Mrtn,u. wtt-i arnve 5 8entlnel tor SOME OF-CHARGES V3. The following is' air extract fion Commissioner of Corporations Gar field's report on the Standard Oli Company, referunl to In The StjUuel yesterday: The Standard Oil Company has l.kb- ItuaMy received from the railroads, and Is now receiving, secret ratc and other unjiiKt Illegal disciiniinutioiift. During 19(M the Standard -Vkd alxmt three-qtiarterg of a miUUm dol lars thiough the secret rates tiiatuv ered by the bureau, and of cousin; there nvay be other secret rates which the bureau has not discovered. Thw amount represents the difference be tween the opan rates and the rate? actually paid. Many of these iuerhii InatiorMi were clearly In violation of the lntetitate commerce law, ai.d (.til ers, whether technically Illegal ur not, had the same effect upon competitors. On some state business secret rat3 were applied by. means of rebales. These discriminations have been fc.' long continued!, jeo secret, so Ingen iously applied to new conditions of trade, and so large In amount as io make it certain that they were Cue to concerted action by the Standard and tho lallroads. Tho Standard Oil Company U re ceiving unjust diseiiki1nations lu open ratej. ) The published ratesJCM the ieaa- ing Standard shipping points are re latively much lower than rates from the shipping points of its compcUtois. The advantage of the Standard ovlt Its competitors from such open Jit crlml nations Is enormous, probably as Important as that obtained thiough the secret 'rates. "Dick" Hackett Confident. R. N. Hackett. who is seeking the Democratic nomination for congas in the eighth district, during art Inter view In Salisbury Friday said: "I believe I will be nominated on the firt ballot. In fact If the assur ances I have are to be relied upon 1 think I wlil have a sufficient nunioer of instructed votes to nominate me." Mr. Hackett ia also quoted as lug that if be and Blackburn are t.ie opposing candidates he proposes to challenge Spencer for a jolut canvass of the district. Improvements In Cemetery. The Salem Cemetery Co. is having improvements made In God's Atic. Pipes aie being put under ground to take care of, th9 surface watei along the driveway from the main en trance below the Fries vauU. The company will probably have a nice pavilion built at an early date on the knoll near the Belo lot. Special Sermon to Firemen. Rev. J. K. Pfohl. of Christ Moravian church will preach a -special sermon to the firemen of Wltistom-Solem to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Invi tatlons have been sent out by t.ie Eagle Hose Co., of Salem fire depart ment. All firemen are mvlted to ot ten this service ani meet at the Eagle Hos Co.'s quarters on Gr.cn stree at 10:30 a. m. Rsiv-a wmiM hflvA a Int nf fun SLi ting scrubbed Id the bath tub if tbeir mothers wouldn't let thorn. W. L. Sanford. of Mocksville, bptnt the day- in the city. . f By Wire to The Sentia;L SCRAXTOX, ra... May 1 Iht authraclte miner ' convention M 10: 45 this mcrning adapted the ;ev- lutlon accepting the award of the autt;;ltj strike commUaion another terai -f threa ytarv 7-1 meapa nu .trlkt, " ' " The convention then ad)owrvtl au til Tuca ay. The sub-rtale committee will mid with tho coal operators Mono, a., in New Ycck. to secure assurances tea', thfre will tii no discrimination. The vote to adpt the resolution was unanimous. Previous to the adoption of the resolution commended by the scle committta President Mitchell n.ads a strong antl-atrike speech in winch he said that he would never consent to propciltlou of the operators lr a limited arbitration. He decland that what thj mlnerj had secured by strikes they prcp.ned to keep. Presi dent Mitchell aaid ia pait: "Rstaei than accept restricted arbi : ration It ia far better that n euo tinuo at work under the award of Ue couimlsblon. 1 am at raid the coa.niK slon wtul,t rvchtce wugei ot the ilji'a eat rUl men rwd give it to th '.oircot paid men. That might seem far to the cotrJTilssloa but would nix be fair to us. What wj nniM do Is to the liwer paid men to a stanuitd ot the hlgiueat paKi men. That thci should be an Increase of wage; tiler Is no question. If I were sute lut a strike weHilit be successful, that ea would stand firm and long em.ugh. I should advice ym to strike ai.u re n.:ln out but lrom infonnation wnich we have 1 am fearful that our pioyle aie not Inclined to strike. It would be a strike with which many ot v.ir people aie not lu sympathy." The speech was received witu cheers. GEORGIA. CITY HAS E CELEBRATION. Br Wlr In Tti 8biib1 JKFFERSOX. i.. Vay S TaW city is divrt-d In holiday attire U. h;iiKi of the wif hundredth aauivet iisy e Its foundaUoa. II in.lrft ol vUitt.i friwi tv sitrioudJinK cM.tttKta are hrie to asvst In the ci 'bra.)U A the anuivertwn'. Tae srianif- ments for thu ceU bta Ion were in in hamU ot th recentlT orgaalietl ch?iihM of r:mKmrce ai d a gvueial ci Miiiiitirtj tf rttlxen ait for nun) wks thi prenratKi! for the event rave b ei cimducted. The pfogiam cf the celebration include an ttWiUr tital ami hiuricat tirade and a Urge public meeting, with addrvfi by a number of riimrtntru oratuiw. la runm-ctiua with thWs retewiUot) it Is ititii-wtlnu U Bote tm Suite's stati.tica of tieotKta. puhHahea U 1S4S. said about clfersoa: 'Tha tow a of Jeffervca was maile the rottitt) test of Jack county In 1'iXt and incur poratd In 1HU. It la situated t.inr the wstois tf the Ocninee river, ha a brick court house. Jail, two hote-ia. one church, or acaiK-my snd five slynw. Anumnt of .gixda aeld jmt annum. 1j,(HM." QGKED By Wire to The Sentiuel. ENTERPRISE, May ' 5 Rowan Wcoi?ley, wiho mysteriously disap peared from his home near here a few weeks ago. has been heard from. A .tUter of Mr. Wootseley is In receipt of a letter from htm. In pu he states mat ne is on nis way to one oi nil western states and that he proposed to local j In that section. His reason fer leaving has not been learned L) your coi rprpond'e'nt. A child of Mr. Webb Thomas died near Midway, Davidson county, this morning. Tba funeral and Interment will be at Midway at 11 o'clock tomorrow. ENGAGED IN ICE. Br Wlr to The HentlneL VLADIVOSTOK, May 5 Russian blockade running steamer Soerabayc, which disappeared Itwtt autumn while awaiting orders regarding landing ol cargo of nri at Vladivostok, has been discovered at Nlkolayevsy, near Amur river, completely encased In Ice. Bdirw of twenty members of tho crew, fiosen stiff, were fouuti on the ttrarmer. It Is supposed that whlhr the vessel was awaiting orders pending tho outcome of peace negotia tions she became lost and was caught In Ice. The crew probably was unable to escape, o perished aboard the steamer. HAS LEE CUT OFF. Special to The Sentinel. SPENCER, May 6. E. M. McCui- lum, a car lnispector for the" Southern Railway Co., at thU place, was run over last utght by a switching train, wmch cut off one of his It. The inspector was working under a car when a shifting engine ran Into the same, causing a Jam among the cars, which caught the working man before he could escape- The injured man was currie-d to a Salisbury hospi tal for treatment. ST By Wire to The Sentinel. . - x BUFFALO, May 5. The Cour.cf. only morning Denrocratlc newspaper here. In an editorial this nioin:.ig, espoused the cause of William K. Hearst, as candidate for gover.io. , OF LOCAL Y. Ml I. Tha Saturday night song serv.cv will be conducted! by Mr. J. M. Uue In the V. M. C. Ai parlor tonight M 8 O'dOCrC ' The V. M. C. A. relief fund beii.g rateed here Is growing rapidly und the money will be sent to San Fta.ii cisco Mortdiiy evening. By Wire to The Sentinel KNOXVILLE. Tena. May C r.u early this morning gutted tht Cnn merce Buikling. The loss may teach $jft,0OO. MEETINGS OF TWO The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of CerXenary church held a very Interesting meeting on yestei day afternoon In the ladies' pat 'or. Mrs. L. A. Vaughn read some, very interesting note from the G-eiuul Conference now In session at tliruilng ham. The many important matters being brought before that body were dlactmsed. Mrs. W. C. Wright and Mrs. Sa.miel Blackburn were appointed a comiiiU tee to arrange for delegates to lite an nual convention., which mex'ls lu Charlotto on Juno 7. A very nice letter from Mr. hiopjch editor of the Chrtatlant Herald, wa read, acknowledging the receipt of $:! from the society which was contri buted towards tha Japanesu relict fund. The quia on Chrlstus Liberator was conducted by the pretWeiu, the ladies showing much interest tit the study. Tho lesson assignment for next time will be the third chapter. D, C. Rankin Missionary Society. This society of the First Preaiiytet la it church was entertained de light fully on yesterday by Miss Robbie Mlckle at her home In Wast End. The subject for the afternoon wua "Misions In India,' which was mott admirably haudlctl by Miss Lllla Young. The sicknew of soveral of (he niciu lers. who wore to have been on tiie program.' prevented tho very fuii. carefully mapped out afternoon work from be'lng carried out. After tho business of the trueting was wvei, the hostess Berved deitexus refieshiiKMitS. x trinity wins from clemson; to 0 Trinity College defeated Clemson College In Charlotte yesterday at baseball by the store of 7 to 0. The features of the gume were the spivil- dld battery work of Clement and Wrenn Ute Trinity, the good team work of the Trinity players, and a magnificent catch by Robertson for Clemson. VIRGINIA DEFEATS E FOREST. 6-5 Virginia defeated' Wake Forest in a close game of baseball at Wake Forest yesterday by a score of 6 to 5. The contest was exciting throughout and both, teams played gilt . edge ball. New Advertisements. The Huntley-Hill-Stockton Co Will start on Monday and continue for one week a special reduction sale on sum mer goods. See large ad. In this Issue. The Bee Hive. Specials for next week In millinery department. H.jO to $3.00 sailors 9Se. J. T. Joyner.. Phone S(l or 312 for the beat grocery service It Is possible to give. C. U Sharp The lightning' Ice cream freezer Just he thing. Landquist it Pfohl. Why ours Is called the satisfying fountain. Revival at First Baptist Church. A Exiles of revival services will oo- gin at the First Baptist church to morrow. The pastor "HI be assisted by the Rev. Mr. Jenkins, of Stau- vllle. The services will continue throughout the week and probably longer. If a woman Ik iealmis ulxuit her husband H makes blm madder than a natter .and if ahe Isn't he's ternbly nuspilcous. TO VISITWINSTON-SALEM Kf THROUGH FEIICE Terrible Deth of Man Walk- ; Ing Along The Railroad t Track at Salisbury. Fast Mall No. 17 Collides With Wrk Train, Knocking Tender Off Lnin f Wertt Train. TMa In Tm Kneckjng Man Through Fence, lat Wring His Face In Frightful Man ner. Special to Th Sentinel a-UiSlll-RT. May S.-No. ST. t,ul mall, thla moraine collided la a aid swrt with a work, train, kooekiat th-a tender frent the engine of tii frelKbt and throwing It upon Will Ditwbee, a whtt man who waa walking along th path of th tojd. H waa knocked through a fence and Instantly killed, hi face being frlgbU iully I altered. Th. rwiionHiblllty Uk lb wreik is phiced upon the work tralu men, who did not clear the track before allow ing th fast train to enter th yard. Several matr clerka wr tuiocked down and on wua brulaed some. Th engine of Xn 37 was so dis abled that It had to b replaced. Gov. It B. Glenn was here this morning emoiite to Pilot MounUit.. where he maio two addrewsea today. At It o'clock he spoke to th stu dent at the cloing exercise of the sch(xl th.ne. and at 3 this afternoon he adOresned tha fam-r of that sec tion. He go to Mt. Airy tonight. At Central M. E. church In that town tomorrow he will mads an address at 11 a. m. and at 3 p. m. will make an address on prohibition. faVversr ef the gowrnor'a friend were at the station thla morning and one and all nave him "the glad hand. ' They were delighted to k th chief executive hiking so well. He admit ted that In hU travels he was faring sumptuoimly. "I am receiving Invitations from everywhere except from my old home," Jocularly remarked the gov en:jr, but he stated that he was cojntug back to spend a few days, ln-J vliatlon or no Invltaitoik. He expetta to be In Wlnaton Salem May St aud a day or two In Jui: j. D. L AREY QUITS THE ING BUS Mr. T. H. Chamberlaln, of Green Imio, trustee In bankruptcy, at t.ia court hou door li this, city at 10 o'clock this morning resold the null site.-water power, factory buitoluf and contents lately belonging to th DamaHk Manufacturing Company, linaifd at Roaring River, !kei county. Tha tMirchatM-r was N. H. Mills, of 8tatevUlc. the price being 17.700. At the former aale a few weeks ago J. 8. PaitPiwon. of Spray, bid th property off for $7,0W. When the sale came up for confirmation by MaJ. Akaandt r, referee In bankruptcy, ten cr wn bbl was filed by Mr. VI 1 11. of Stateavllle and at the aalo today this wa the only bid made. Tb hearing on confirmation wl bf, on uext fc'iturday, May 12, and It Is uu derstood that ak this time another ten per cent bid Wll Hkity b filed tea per cut bid will Ukly b flWd -with th rcfeTec. This would DscessW tat another sale. . . Special to The Sentinel. SALISBURY, May 5. D. 1 Arty, the wealthltst distiller in Norih Caro lina,, announces today his retliemeiit from the business and tins sold it to a corporation bearing his name a, id good will but with which be U 4i no way connected He la the wealthiest citizen of Salisbury and after letlring will devote his time to the Improve ment of hi vroperty and will raike cattle and farm on a large sraic. Im paired health Is the cause of his re tirement. Last year Mr. Ari-y trald the ge.v- ernnienl a fliro of $22.imh and served a senleliro of three momtu In jtill for Infractions of the Internal ruei.ae laws, ' . ' $2,1 FOB NEGRO NORMAL SCHOOLS Special to The Sentino!. RALEIGH. May &. State Silpeiln tendent of Public Instruction bag r- celved official notice that $2.U(Ki will be apin-oprlated this year from Sitcr educational fund to be divided be tween three tve-gro statu notnul (schools at Fayettevllle, Wlntftoii-Bi-lent and Elizabeth City. This U tiie first appropi Ifltlon for negro noimals rectlvi'd from this fund lu several yeais. MR. FOLLIN TO GO Mr. Rob-t1 E. Follln, firmrly of this city but who has been fol the past feur months connected wl.it Lie New York City News Awn-riall n, goea with the New York Telegiaui Monday. The Telegram Is the t,ct. Ing edition of the Herald and in, In all rr.i'pects, an up-to-date newtaper. ROARING RIVER PLANT ' SOLD TO N. B. MILLS OFFICERS RAID STILL, ARRESTING TWO MEN. GREENSBORO. May S UrJlfd States Cr.n.ail-saloner Wolf this morn ing heai d a Vase sgalnat 8am Joue and hi )", Will Jotx-, srrewtei, vcs. terday for blockading near JulUn The evidence waa agaiiutt tha nren and they were sent to Jail In lie fault of bond for their appearance at th next term of federal court. Tha nvn were arrested near Julian yeUtrda by tuty Marshal Mllilkan andweia brought lu the city on a freight train last night. There were throe nneo at the ntlll but tho third man escaped. The (tie its pursued him for a 41 tance but he waa too swift for them and they gave up the rhino. Tim stilt wm running In full blast with an . output of forty gallons a day. Tii of ficers found about 1500 galloiiN ot stilled beer and sorrm whisker and com meal at the still. EAGLES TO HOLD A I SERVICE The WliiHlon-HaU m Aerie No. T..3 fraternal OrcRr of Eagles, will hold an aiMiual memorial service In honor of their dead tomorrow afternoon ai o'clock. Tht service will be held III the lodKe rmmis 1n the Jacobs block. Addresses wilj be made by Hon. J. E. Alexander nd Hon. G. t. 'ita ten. and the public ! cordially in vited to attend the txerclses. During the past twelve months two members of trrn le-ral siTln have died. MeMirf. W. 0, Cox and Joliu McMillan. FOR BRADY'S ARREST Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May 5-Gov. Qlehn offered a re-ward of $100 this morn, at fe-r the arrest of Charles Brauy, who is wanted In ftfwan county for as saulting and fatally wounding John Owen Thursday- The reward Is at request of sheriff and solicitor. A telephotw message to The Sou tlnel this afternoon from CltmnioiiS states that a game of baseball p,a;e.l today between the teams ol Cien monw School and Oak Grove, on the latter"! grwinds, resulted In a ticoi-e ot 11 to 4 In favor of the Cleiunons Ixiji. t The mem beta of the Uberij" Ho Company are elated over the sli4 chow n tor them by tho city for IhJr hi-adquartrr. Tiro Iks are enthu siastic firemen and the old companies will have to look to their laurel It they wlh to hold the honors when fire alarms are turned In. The purchasers of the Wliiktor. Saturn Kaa plant say that If th aale is ctitifirrrwrd by the court they will spend at leawt $50,000 In Improve ments and extending lines. Mr. Frank W. Uwls. of King Print ing; Company, was called lo his uortlfl in Danville. Va., this afternoon,, fit . account of the serious llluei ot U father, Miss Mamie- Burton, of Wilnut Cove, and T. C. Pesy, t Madison, are amotig the out of town pstlenta at the Sani'arium. T. H Flnley. of North Wtlkesboro. attended the stile of the Danuhk Manufacturing Co.'s plant at Roaring River hero today. ''