NCITY DAILY WI NTINE KiTTH LU linu Iff! FINISHED. I u I WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS irt Presented To Sen- jay Covered Only art el Ground. IS. 71 YEM5 OLD TODW AMENDMENTS IIOWlTO . REACH MASSES;PWfi tdcorrect T I By Wire to The Spinel. WASHINGTON. May 7. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, ot the house of rep resentative. Is seventy year old 10 J day and hla birthday will be nuidi the Is'areing paut of a big political boom 'the object ol which is the nomination of Mr. Cannon for the presidency of (the I'nhett State. The friends, .r- RimOlt ; as -ll am mliticat )imv - -' Hm Ma i.f'v-"". ' r - .. - i ge laJe . .lh,,nfip rf Kimkur r.innnn'a hirth.liv 01 Ota'-'- . , j ... w Ji ,.,;. Klttridge Amendment To Rate Bill Being Considered By The Senate Today. .. . ki crinoani - t ivjring rn iand it will be at trio dinner tonight1 gn Hard' Touched upon th4l the boom will be fortu ".: j o.rt Including th ' launched. Monoooluuc , ;owiinsiaiKimg ni aeveniy yenm j um umt ui iu Thi Make Terms of Bill Applicable to Private Cart. President Confer With Several Senatert Today. Speaker Cannon the Recipient ef Applause in House. Other Notes About Congress. By Wire to The FVntintL WASHINGTON. .May 7. The rud- Rev. E.E. Williamson Preach-! es Two Fine Sermons on "Practical Christianity" ENEMN 'AGREEMENT OF 3 j By Wire to- The Sent. net. NEW YORK. !v 7 Qua YEARS OR LESS? of u. ,nMvt intfretin btures the con ; Miners and Operators Meet vet,tk,n of the Natiomil .W j Afl 3ln TOdaV TO DISCUSS ... elation foe the AdvHucetuctit of mr . Favor the Establishment of a Cay.. , , . , . . . v , , ! This OllCStlOn , In:-te: tt lahor. mhu-h opened U- 1 1113 vutouvii. Nursery, Reading Room, . Etc., la. . . , . ' ,, .... . U'rtuijn here tOvlay, m-ill be th discun ! . Connection the Proposed Ne.SjllIl trf , pMBtic phm. which ku ( Church for Burkhead Congregation teen. siifcgejUed by Mr Alexander: Anthraclt Minert Want may hh Hikhnu Iikifai t " r - ' " ! j Out, Would Be an ! Winston-Salem, Innovation for1,om' apter. to do i. tenement houaj evil. Alleged ,4 Restrain of Trade. ,e!tliiL . I- K iu . I v- I tn In . f I . 1 1 i ..r (l'liita uiHin which the piun ia lianeU. I 'the Drt'sl.lent ot thj natioua! nicuniia Wi!lium ',:,Vy . . . . , . mi. ijiw rro)oites rnai ne ph Old Agree ment to Bo Renowned for Only On or Two Year While Operator In sist on Three Year Agreements Latter Will Probably Be DoeicMd On. Can yoa not dtwetn the ilicn . Cmnnn Ij still hair nn.l ilr.,11.. anit lodav i'.I'.nie.I atelv lifter nmlh hul " r- i"" " . ... " . ..... . .. . iann ..r llnrLh ., VI IT ..S.i.-. h ishow nan 01 tne niitng concoru.-i'-y V1"0 .rau,ne . ir ' and acquire monertv ami tant to old aKe. The proposUton of,n.akmS t.rm. or me Dili applic;, Vr h. Je- buil Vv.m ittn:c,m:iv ownJ TON' Mav .. me so- siarwn ,---- iiw.r-t . Pinwiai- nyimin ' nouses, to im" oecniei by rnicn at Jr ioo Had U -ed some time laat year aiul since taenj Speaker Cannon Applauded. . 1, r MZk tri!te '- i o I IU v. divs lonKertt U has bee thorouKhly diKuased by Stxaker Cannon waa greeted Vu Idlv. C thin J ;,' ..rfifleei,t ' iWt the com K ,uiiltru!ile ni vre material : tn rrtenos oi air. tunnonna many:tn oojburst of applause from bo.n ',uctMirses was "Piacilcal Chn-,,b P"''.- proper niainf a jmlth th oerafon to detrnuloe iuc . 1 . . ... ui""" .I.iI.mio okaw ru-klJ I I UtQil ir m Ki"v ura ' . . . . . . t;s iieniinciaiM..i i"""" i Democrats ana KepuDIicana when he ,, r Cdi'ticirt. Hie ' repsin naeiuaeives ..mui lor me mnuiua-; entere.1 the house thi. the morui..K ,... la.-t KiiJay,a)ve'edjtion. It la believed by many fileads;i)f hls eVntielh birthday. Alow bow 0f SjU. siannaiir uu m- oi mr. vmuwh mai, -un rmm from "t'ticle Joe" u his ackno- By Wlra to Ttia fewllnai, NEW YORK. May 7 The mlncia" siib-t.-aVf committee, beaded by Preav dent Mitrhetl, la here to hold a rocv ferfnee at J o'clork, thla afternia !t ta- ,ha. WlaiiiiS to frel?iit Roosevelt out of oonaUleratlon. SpeaK-i Hnljiem int. In nil traiWtxiriatiim. iiravir Chnulnln Commii-ier Cannon is th only man who canCjUlIon askr.4 ,he divln blessini: id If rely allimea io awuve me nepuuman pony uoiu ue upon the speaker "who todav is the fe:aiukn-d Is nionopo-, feat at tho next prewtkinlai election. !e,ownt;1 btf Kior- of 70 yearg of" .lse. nation in restraint of . The party leaders have been much funeSi Letiglhen hl years t.nd mix iltiou. Thin and colla- j worried by the sfirns of radicalism kePp nlnt in hPililhi strength and viitor w i!l lie ir-ated fully m and revolt in tso political utnmspnere ,.,-t which will lie made land tho chances of a Bryan, a Hearst ,-tk. OF his friends and his She Sentinel. ItV. May 7 John Owens, kn fanner of Rowan coua- dav.s aiso was' fatally cut Biuily. a pii.niiiient yot; if? same neighborhood, dn.d en la.t night. It was rea- (1 . first that Owen was I mini anil Brady tlit Hie uliately anil Is still the; L. ailepi'd ihal he tinmeru-1 -..Hi.l U htlll Itlll f:li'.fi- t III yoiiiis Owens to ;!ie 1 p. stick. (il.'im has offeroil a ie 1 for the capture of llra-i)-. lietwei'ii the men arosa isian of a piece of land. to his family cntmtrv." of a Ualley ikltng tho popular wave . .. to pow?i. has att them to acurrylnal rr"'"cnl 'UMt for some men "close to the people. ' i Tne president today siRned the bill They say Root will not do. Fairbanks providing for a de-legate In Conguas U out ol th question. Even Taft litam AJaska. now doubtful, and tho chances stem! President Talks With Senators. to favor his acceptliiR President! A Ceneral - round 011 the railroad !RoMvelfa invitation to ascend tli" j rate bill was held at tho White House sum erne court bench. The Illinois 1 ihu ,,,i-i,,rr 11 1. ...j.... ,1. ,, delation in the hcase Is, naturally j a h(,,tfr feeling pervade the leRNla for Cannon to a man. Illinois is hib ,ive aini isnliurn and. it Iu iwileviMl state, ir.3 inarana memoers 01 ;iy 7. Latest retunis in in ral parliamentary elec- ist.'rtlay show thai 1110 has ftaino'l 24 seats. Some . art- still, ie French custom whicu t a candidate must receive if all votes cant ami new 'I he held May 20. to reports .circulated aL re, socialist, has been re- as at first stated hn liud d. Count Bon I DecastC3 ledected to chamber of iimi Rin, tinder conserva- received 2171 votes 1 for otiponent M. Escade, 1 AND HERSELF KK. Mav 7. Mra Man '. f d John B. Waters, nance broker, earlv tills ' and killed her dat'iEr.ier. M'ttrs old. and then sen! a l'r own head. Both instantly. Miss Waters m nirvousnuan and waE to me em of this week. worried much over the mil--it is believed this l' become suddenly in. ried with the desire to do house are lu an entbariasslng post t'ou. Thtie Is tea reel jt a man of them wins heait U not w-ith Cannon, but so Ions as they are members of the Fairbanks machine, thoy feel shai thev cannot officially line up thtii state with fa 11110:1 until Fairbanks j withdraws. There In a movement on foot to bring .about this result. j The O.iTo member, of the house Jo not feci at liberty to declare for Can non at this rime. Ttw obstacle is Senator Fotaker. who has the presl dontial Ues in his bonnet, althoitRh It ts an aluuat forgone conclusion that his nomination wouM lead to a terrific d.'feat ol the Republican party. For aku has came as a candldt.e. howevbi, and that will probably tie the hands or tho Oliio members. Speaker Cannon hold.) tho ass 'record luj- speflkeia. .When ho tmik i his seat a speaker. tJto (list time Mr. k'annmi was sixty-seven years old. Evfn at that ntco he was two years oi'U.r than his owm prooecessor a his rttltement. William IH-'nidnRior., of New Jersey, who was speaker ol thirty-sixth congresH, from 1S5!) to lKOl, was sixty-five years old when ne Htepiied down. He died tho follow- n year. Tho temlenly of lato yenrs seems to have been toward selecting older spakirs. I'levious to the Civil wai of tw.'iity-lhree snealwrH only l'on- nlnRton, Jonathan Trumbull, wh.i was fifty-one, and Johu Varmim, who w-as fifty-seven, were over fifty ycara when tliey wwe -elected, and thure were a .'number of rather youthiu! plesldlnji officers. Countlns Galusha A.Orow who pre- siidet! djiing the strtifrRle. there have been eleven speakers slnco tho wai ani all were men well advanced it; life except Grow, who was only thirty eight, when elected. Schuyler Colfax was forty wheNi he took the chair rkst and forty ix when he retired. Biine was forty-five when he retired; Kerr forty-nina; kelffer forty -seven r Car lisle fifty-four; Reed was fifty, wbon he was elected ami Just ten years older when he .retired; Crisp vas forty-mine- when he retired and Hen derson sixty-three nt tho end of his second term. The baby speaker was Robert M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, who was speaker of twenty-sixth congress and was thirty years old when, he wa i elicted. that the much discussed bill wtll oe disposed of before the end of the week. The president had- sent for fenaicrs, who called, to give thorn his views and to learn just wture they stand. WINSTON EAGLES HOED II EXERCISES : GRADED SCHOOL ' "jiisists of th,r;y- i.s;i; Tim 1...... a - - im TP Ullllf ' and are now very '"' ir (inal theses 'iie-meiit exercises will M'-fm to the gradttat ' I).-Clay Lilly on sn ,May l:,. at Centenary M. people know Dr. lit :lChf.i- r,,A i'.' v. a la:r;e "ar hin on this oc- ""tiing, Mav v ;- win -n.ti !(; um. -' I m IS. the take plce At this time "Pie will have ; -"tiring nn addresa hy 1 niilh' of the tie Z '." lh State rnivei- "",.- "Hiumt. doubt. ""Hi x bi-st , " "ear -mm will be ; 1..-- fan i: less diction as T'-th of his arun,n ' "''''My invited to at- M.i.'a rC...rK'" " 'C etie aieakers. ' tin iiin tstian Assoi-ia- '""if! Men-, chtls- 11 ' San Kranciscn 1 or ROBBERS GET iiJOO FROM LEITER'S OFFICE By Wire to The Sontinef. CHICAGO, May 7. Burglars bioke into the vaults in the office of Levi Z. l.eiter, on Clark street, at i o'clock this morning and cleaned out the contents of six strong boxes. A definite statement of the losses Is not yet. made, but it Is said $150,(Wtr In negotiable securities are missing. The robbers smashed tho combinatotys ol two bis vaults. MEMORIAL SERVICE. tianlty." i"ul ln,"r ""aHr " tlm Hmlt of the tuv ajtrectnent uo- T-irkhud congregation la plannins r"""y m '"nn, f 'o1 dtr the old award f the anthracl.e to build a new house of worship and f10",, 11 If1 pIa Putn: icomniliulon. Miner ara prepared u in view of this movement the two aei-! V'1" '4'l',, " he opinion of Ur. nilks , ttlnl fiKht for on or two mons were Intended to impress upon1'-' ,lu ",ur ' con'!, nln,,tJ uuement , RKr.H-nvent, taking the th) congifgatioti the iuuiortance of .. 1 ;'. ' will provide wre. aanltwry (hat living condition are changlu( , charch and methods that would resch ' habitations, with all modern Improve-, tMy that wage agreement en- anl benefit aplrtinally.e mentally und ,nient- H a,s" "tf,'8t ,tnl ""iteied Into for a park! longer tja physically the laboring peoi)p u i thJs part of the city, nnny of whom; row seldom attend divine service any where. 1 A day nursery, reeding room- and bath arc among the Innovation proposed to be tstabllshed in connec tion with the church. These sugges tions, which were explained iu the entue area m mum isimiki ie incor-lwo yvars might work tilftold hurd- ira.a wiinin mo ciiy mints 1 1 hlpa on ihe men If neceiultles shoauV Hirtmer .f oia. ior It seems evi-; become much higher. 1 jdent to those who are fostering the: Th operators say they will Inswt Plan that the trend of population n a three jears" grci.menl and thr toward t-t-.i easiirn end of the island It Ik a generally itincediMl fact ttiu. Manhattan will eventually be the workshop and Long Island the home two sermons were endorsed by U!"' , . ".i.1 --"" " enll eon.rWa.n.'n Rimrtav nuki-ntur l1,,0P' ' ' the City. At the prfaClH The Winston-Salem Aerie, fraternal Older ol' Eagles, held its annual mem orial servient In tho lodge room. Sun day aftetito.'Ui. The following program was carried out : . . 1 ' M.Liical Selection. F. Bland. Opening Annouticeiintit. Worl'uy I.teslilenf. , , II aye:1 .Worthy chaplain, Our Duty .Today. Past Worthy pieslden.-. 1 1 Our Di'prwted llixlhers. Hon. G. It. Ilosh n.- ' ' Roll Call of Departed Brothers Werthy secretary. Musicnl Stdeetion. F. Bland. Kraternallmn, Major Alexander. Ilymti.-''N(nier My God to Thee." By tho audience. Benediction. Worthy chaplain. Tho local aerie now has a member ship of about 211.1. Their new homo In th, Roeeliger nulUHng will be com pleted within the next few weeks and It promised to be one of the hand somest fraternal order homes In tne State. Within six (lavs after the San Fran- ckco disaster Secretary "Green was notified by the national secretary that the Eagles had contributed $50,(H)t) to the sufferers and he thought their contiibutions would amount to $loti,- Otiu by May 1. The local aerie donated KO. by a rising vote. Review of th Sermons. Below Is given a synopsis of the two disccurse: The life of the Man of NaxarttU t Lands as a protest against the ortho dox Jewish church of His lime. He ever condemned the traditional I 'gil !sm ot the Rabbi, and the d! conformity to the letter of the w void of any' teal appreciation enf tV spiritual significance of the law. In HI ministry Jems wa opposed by three clane tha wealthy, the learn ed and tho theologian. They oppoc-ed Him l.oeiiiho tho common people heard Him gladly ami avowed that Hla teachings were the sauest doctritw ever proclaimed to men. These peo ple ot tC.a orthodox Jewish faith sought every n;.an to bring Jeaiu Into dl Tfpute In the eeys of the common people. It was an Idea of tills kind that prompted them lo go to I im and demand that he give theni a Him and duiand thai He give them a mil) of progress In facilities. It Is estimated that It will not be long before Mon.auk Point will be wlt'.,)n one hour's travel from the Borough 01' Manhattan. OF TO is every reason to believ th minors will flnnlly conK-nt to the three-year agreement. s Operators say th men will not be dlscruilnated against except tn In stances where violence can be proven. ' SITUATION IN'SAN F By Wire to Th Benllnet WASHINGTON, May 7 A dlsp,K0h from General Greely received this moining, dated yesterday, says: "Conditions are steadily Improving. The arrival of thirty-six officers i.r mlts assignment to numerous camps of commanding officers. Inestimably the mouths fed today will app.oxi- A otowd of It Allans, lalmrers. 2 iu number, arrival hero this mornlog and after a few hours' rest departed for Norfolk, Va. The leader, who wa the only one that could be understood, suited that they walked here from Btatesvllle and would probably have to "foot It" to Greensboro, where tUey hoped lo receive money from frloi.its In Norfolk, for their transportation to New York. He also 'said the men hail been working on the new railroad be ing built front Marlon, N. C; .that i of His mission. I'eihnps they asked, they had a misunderstanding with tho sitiiorlutendenL of the -Poiuttruo. tlon force regarding tho amount uf wages they were to recidve. The Italians claimed they acre to be paid 1.25 a day, whereas tbey only re ceived 75 ceil u. j . , - i( uitmed to rend the fuuernl of some child or -memlH'r of tho family. Soon they aie lost to tho church and their children grow up In Ignorance of t ne ttling of God, Life In many Insiance Is a hard struggle for bread. Poverty wHtcn" thu gulf birtwcen the respect able cliutch' motnbei' and hlmse.f. while grim despair clutches more and nuro deeply thu heart, and In aguB.) of soul he 1 ready to cry out. "No man cares for my poor souL" All ilila tlmo you say the church are ready to welcome him. Ye.?, bat hfl nwI a broadai and leeper manifestation of human sympathy than our present church methods have. . . The meie pleaching of tho gospel Is not enough 10 make these men sei k the Inside wails of the church. Thwre must be put into the Uvea of such men Iho'convlctlon that tho church is a friend to whom they can look, not for dolhus and cents, but for such '.i rection and guidance as may be of gnat aid In helping them to solve many of the complicated problem t of this environment. Our churches arc preae'hlng the gospel of moral living, pioclalmlng the glad tiding of a lutare city of God with sapphire wall" and golden streets, -and urgiog men to bo good In order to secure a tenement In that beautiful city, but the church Is not making the mat. 'rial present with it stern hard realltUn, any easier in the lives and homes of the tolling' mawes where 11 11 ails tociacy of wealth ban placed theiii. The greatest prophet la he who cor rectly anticipates the demauds of the time and adjusts himself to nieet such demands. The church of God must be the prophet of the -2iKh century and adjust lis policy so as to be Hit that H cause to appear written In BLIND TIGER" AGENTS GET OFF IT INTEREST. GROWING AT WAREHOUSE MEETING. Three Imprest !e service were held at the Star warehouse yesterday. The eernkm In the mornlna b Evangelist Yeuell on "Prayer God Will Not Answer" wa polnteo and practical. Following; this was an Im pressive communion aervlc. At S p, m. a great audience, of men Assembled. About forty took tht plat form and assisted Mr. Baxton In th song nervlco. After a powerful ae.r- niou by Mr. Yeuell, drawn from th . Llfo of Samson, In which he appeal id to men to live pure lives, a Utge ' portion of the audience re. mo forwaid and tiKik him by tho hand, stcnl'vlng' their Intetn ion to srtanrt loc suaTa life. . . At night, b.'rmise the rain ruudc ad much noise, Mr, Yeuell did not at teuipt to pr.och a serntM.. Yet tne large crowd f rrnained and enjoyed tho song service, and In rrsnouso 10 f brief exhortation by thu evangelist oveisi sttKMt up, signifying tholr de sire to leii'l better live. '' Tonight the subject will be "Bhail We Knur Eueh Oiher In Heaven'.' Mrs. Saxtim Is scheduled for a vloiin solo. A member of the crew that 01 1 rules or ) of the pastnger trains belwuoi Wlnstonb'alem nI OfeetislHiio w-i asked If tho "blind tigers" lu (itti'iu boto were not. now buying leas of ttie "ardent In this city than a few eks ago. Hj replied: "That Is true, and lot me give. yon the lea son -tor thin action. The odi cem In Grec-nsboio are In sympnihy with the prohibition law there 4and they ars enforcing It. Wheiievw. you sea a fellow gang away front l.t wltli a sack, or grip loaded wrt'u tne "splilt" y.-u can pot it down-1 11-1 the agent or dealer will get off I be, train at Pomona, where nine time out of ten a horse and buggy awaits hiat io baul him and his stock In trado to town. They ate aftald to go Greensboro on the train as ihe have them spotted." OF FOR THE TAX LISTERS LANDSLIDE MiH cipir yiLLErcAL New Advertisements. Smokers' Den. Hand In hand with perfection, the Cuban cigar. The Misses Martin. Specials in skirts. $15 grade now $10. The Hulitley-Hill-Stockton Co. A forecast of Tuesday's reduction s.iie. Hammock3 and dining tables. Tho Ogburn-Vest Co. Agents Tor Southern Life and Trust Co.,, of Greensboro. N. C. Solid, aouiid, suc cessful. Simpson Drug Co. The reason our prescription business; grows dally. W. C. Tise Groceries at low prices. m o I r a ftlllll'tr tt 'n milttnn 1 fL.Il proceeding with methods calculated trt flaming letters across the face largely Teduce this number thrown ! 'he firmament, "Jesus of Nniarith the institution of facilities tor cheap, i mo unust. meals and gradual restriction of is.uej- Je' never gratified Idle curiosity to male adults. Rations are pleiit..ul! "' 'heir attention to mu ss far as flour and notatoes go. but. "ral phenomena that they weie aMni exliemely limited In other articlr FINANCIER IS KILLED By Wire to The Sentinel. SACRAMENTO. Cal May 7. A gigantic landslide, eaneed by tJie paithquake, has damnel the C.i;iy Valley gold country. The dam that has fallen from tho mountain side htiH backed up water a hundred feet d""!p. The (ax llstrys met with the coun ty commlftffionni today when the fol lowing si-hi dole ot price was nude as a basis on personal property 4" follows: - l irse and mill., first class, 4 Hid to I75; upconijlass. $7S to 1100; third clars, till to $75 ; plugs, flft to $25; jacks and jennies. $25 to $U0; sheep and goats. $ to 12. Wl euen; n.ilcii cows, $10 to $110; dry cattle, IH.fHMo $5o;, In, 4 cents at gios; pigs. $2 to $.1 per head; bacon aud laid, S renls ht pound; wheat, ' Cents; com 0 cents; ptvn US ecu.: Cip4f,ats 40 cents; ry 75 centa; bramly jand whiskey In bond, 60 cents; hay .and fodder, SO to 60 cents r"r 1 pounds; leaf tobacco, 5 to It) cents per pound; nmnttfacttned tobacco. Id 10 3J rents;bitrned brick at yard, $I.Wt per thousand; lumber, 75 cents Jo $1 per thousand; bicycles, $3(K) to $5o: aiitmnoblles. $5 to $o; cord wood, 75 cent tv $3.00; Ih-.. per stand, 5 ctnts to $1 00. The board, granted iiermiaakin to one J. Kit tea. a socialist orator, lo Special (o The Sentinel. MT. AIRY, May 7. Gov. R. H Glenn delivired two firm address"f, in tk n . in., Mrt,- cv,! fnr f ntrat M. E. church here yestentay. this week. means to aay that (he very fact that tho common popple are dissatis fied wrltli th existing conditions In the orthodox Jewish church and are 'ready to follow him Instead, ought to : jieveal to them that the people are ile- By Wire to The RentlneL Iniandlng a higher faith, that the old NEW YORK. May 7. Charles I- j faith is no longer giving Inspiration Spier, confidential man for H. H. RoK-jand life to the masse. He alsomens erg of the Standard Oil Company,, and j,,at a)t tfe indication go to show one of the most prominent young tin-1 that the Be was the k,ng expeet.-d anders In the country, was shot oi.'ilpcriod of prophr-llc nieesianlc fuimt kilied by a burgiar early this morning imcnt' But the mlnd of these creed at his home on Stateti Wand. Hie bull1er were too grossly raalerlallst bitrglar has not been captured yet. ;c t0 gve a trufl tntrpretation of ' 'thoto grand proph"tlc utterance. Governor Glenn at Mt. Airy. .They proclaimed Jeu a revrdiltion- r?t in this they were correct. He ra In account for mid neks tliin the ' nulon. "Can w not discern ihe!'1 ' hoped the water wilt -overflow t:itnm i,f tv,. itmo'" vhi rt,it ! gradually but If tho dam give awav Jesus mean by thi question? He Rosenbacher & Bro. Special mio oh hat, former and special sale pi ices. Th J. W. Hester Co. Have an at- "s .ne yotvng men .. tiir,'.(.,( ' amo""t was fractivo announcemenr, telling of the :., uiemuus manv siw. 1 vnlnea orierea at inai "Social km. 11 many special ftoro just now. In fhe -Afternoon he siooke of toe dangers that threaten the nation, the state nnd the Individual. In the rt.-n-ing he dismissed protilblllon. arsutii that state prohibition was best p. an to drive whiskey out of North Caro lina. Both addrcusm were heard y large and attentive nwdlence. still a revoltiUonlst, for whenever Hit principles thoroughly permeate- the heart and lives rf men. "Old thin pas away and alt thing become new." Mr, Williamson said Iho de mand of the- tlmo and the sign ol the time aro M.-ntlcai. The present time demand that the polity of tho church of God adjust it- ( Continued on page two.) there will bo aerioiw damage. The town of Cat-ay, Rumsey Gulnda are threatened and the Inhabi tants, aggregating nearly a thousand people, have camped on the hillside. The dam could have been blown up with dynamite at an earlier stage but it Is nvw too late to do this. mske one siH'eeh In, the court house oh the It 012 Inst. Right of way was granted to tl.n Gixxlwlll Independent Telephone Co. lo build a telephone line along the. public road from Kerwsvllle to Be low Creek mill via Goodwill. Centenary Light Bearer Meet There, was a large attendance ut ihe regular monthly meeting of Cen tenary Light Hearer on yeeterday 'af tflrnoon. In tho absence of ihe lady mnnnirr Mm Prank fnr1in the. tia- rottetua exercise wer rorohicteo by 1 1"' " 'fr "''' nm,m. x.mmuu.- NEWS ITEMS REPORTED FROM NORFOLK TODAY By Wire to The Sentinel, NORFOLK, May 7.-F.agle' car nival and fair open tonight. Thete U a largn crowd fum all over ihe slate. Gran-d Worthy Davis la here. Battleship Rhode tittand He crip- athm by wireless toilait state she Is safe mat Mrs. H. I. Ualton, Mis Ellzalx ih Hill waa appointed delegate to retire- sent her aoclity at the Woman' For " elgn MUvslonary Conference that, cou- A Successful Advertiser. vene In Charkit'e on June 7. Under tho caption, "M D. Bailey. Th piano oU. "Forget Me Sot.'' Jr., Advertising tnHw," Ihe Allam by Miss Mary pelt, and the vocal ", Journal, of a few days ago had an "O Ixrd of Life and Uive and Powet."jarticlH of over half a column dea'ing ty Mis Eleanor Ailjea. were greafiy I with the advertising campaign of Oils enjoyed. , . ! gentk-mnn, which ha attracted alf.:n- The program committee for Juno mjtloii throughout tho Houih. Mr, Bailey composed of MlMes Margaret ray.ha original Idea and hl advertise Nil a Masten, Kathleen Simpson and jme'dts ar eoaefillally different from Mary Pell. Ith average "ml"

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