THE TWIN CITt' DAILY SENTiNEwlhSTON SALEM, N. C, MAY 7, 44 Our Prescription Busi ness is Increasing Daily, i THERE'S A REASON. A Registered Drupglst Always Present. Learn the Way to Simpson's. I 4HWWmHII(HIMH('MHHIM TO REAGH MASSES i Continued ti.ji, i.ite oa Pf RSONAL NOTF.S. Eiyria. Ohlu. Mar. li Zt. To Whom Tlii May duo-rn: la relation to tti Wood Fiber I'ias ttr kill u; tUt have tad occasion to tut It merits, fcud I bav no be ltatloa In laying that I consider it the beat philter uow on the market 1 hav aeen it on tbe wails and have talked with the merchants who have used It. and without exception they endorse It In the highest terms. With qualities that defy competition 'it Is bound to elbow its way Into gen eral use. Perhaps it will be proper 1o say that I have not a dollar's inter est, and ntver hail, in the sale of this commodity. My sole reason for look ing up Us merits was due to the fap! that I am HUdlng fifteen houses and wanted the best plaster within reach. WILLIAM A. DKAMAN. President Elyrla Savings nud Bank ing Co. SOLD BY J. J. RODDICK. Sale of City Lota. elf to lot-rt ih r;ii remcPiiU of T cluiigKt uncial nd fcoiiofuae eioi.i- utuia. AUjiiMMH-m nai lakt-n piai-e in iinny lioes at tfiinRtn ariUa. Prttduc liirti by labrir has c!tjni U' uj maa hart adjiwu-d l,ln i If to ( nu-t that rbsu. He has to'conu the nnichine l a machine. I'hil xiphic anil tvUu Illic Uuuislit iit many as i has b- rerun si turinl u a resuli of new d: covetiea. Theologic thought U nn dersolnn chouse, for creed U- no lonser the primary idta but the temu Inss and priticiplis cf the Man id Naxart-ib. Uai when we examine our church polity we find that we are working along the line that wrte largely in vuRiie tifiy yiarii ao. - At that . tifitf the population was lai -! rmal. ami there was but one ptotileui. which con Kisinl only in Qui ing iniiiisun enough to preach the Word of od to them. The people at lende.l chinch on the Sunday. There R I. Ciir. rMiUiiE, i; iu u cay vi-- I.. .uuiialiL f.roiti ;ior,il ' ' . --i'-v.iiii nun Strong. Safe, Conservative, Secure, Curefnl, Liberal, Progressive, Knlarg td Capital, Government Depoidtory, The Best nrtd Most Desirable Place. Don't fall to fee us In regard to any hank mutters. People's National Bank ( U. 8. Depository.) . "Mohn W. Fries, Pres. Wm. A. Blair, Vice Pres. . SCREE Manufacturers of screens! Made to FIT your t doors and windows. Phone 85. JJT JT 4j tjJT jjTT lf 4JT IT in youf pocket by giving us your trade on' :: :: :: Belting Pulleys Hangers Shafting Injectors Ejectors Valves Lubricators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. Give us a call. Crawford Plumbing 6 Mill Supply Company Winston-Salem, N. C. I'lidtr a decree of the superior eouit of Forsyth county, of date Nov ember 3, IImiS, in a special proceeding for sale of land fur assets, the under- signed wili. at the Court House 7 in ttlnston, at 1 o'clock on Monday, meeting house and the church w-ai 21st day of May. 190C, sell for cash at the center of social attractlona. Motrt public auction to the highest bidder ev;'r' C"B wi" socially the eo.ral of the following real eslate, situated In '"rs- There weie no problems to . j ' solve such as face tin today. Today trie city of W inston. , tn,( population 1b laigely arban. Tbe l-"t no. la. in the plat of the lands laboreis of the mills and factorkM of A. E. Ilerry fronting on New Street , h:lv; congested in certain districts of (North Main)) 108 feet and of that eytr lh -M.;wt of ,nem , befoi? .ii.u ... jt . , , ... . coming to the city were member of width extending eastward! Ill feet cilrrh and wero aueil. to the rear of lot No, 30, the same be-, dan; When they come to the city. Ing bound on the east by lot No. 30, ;. sou. a shrinking tlmWity cans s on the west by New street, on the '1"1" " "om me cnuixn north by lot No, ,C and on the S! by lot No. 14. jenough. Various oth.M causes contil 1-ot No. 18. fronting n New street bute. JPerhapi n.i Christian man oi (North Malnl MO feet and of that w:n!an rtve ,htm an' encourage iiueiK. i A minister may drop In to see them and invite them to attend his church, but If they fail tj m.ika an appear ance at an early date ha my nevei i rail again uiitll pfihaps he is sum i source of uplift and Inspiration to the UoilliiK rulllloris of laborin rmen nnd Lot No, 28, fronting on New street ' women of our country. 100 feet, and of that width extending1 Tne principles of the. Nazaione westwardly 211 feet to the rear of lot a,e Bu"v ,n Pr"c,k,a H'e fburch n i u a a .1 v 1 111 1181 do nlrre Practical work In orriei No. 1,. being bounded on the east by tl Kave the souls of men. We want a :lio said New street, on the west by new chuich Bulkhead. Do we Tant lot No. 17, on the north by lot No, 11 to gratify our own ambition or d 27 and on tho south by tot No 29 !fl 'a,lt " lu ol(ier 10 better ad-vance .-and subject to confirmation of lt X ffir court nnd title retained until duly pie araund us more of gladness confirmed. sunshine? Ye.s. let build the April 4, 1906, ' jclMirch. but let us chanso our methods r ,r J? THt ALST6N' I0''"' - confer ,,al blessings upon i:x. or General Harringer, deceased, the people in our community. Here D ..... . ft . . II. Iitiin .. ... ""h iieiu, Attorneys, lteiusvllie, 1,11 ' iiiKiin.ion saiu cuiiUitloiiB aie Idt!i etxendlng castwardly 211 feet to the rear of lot No. 27, being Ixninded on the east by lot No. 27. on the west by New street, on the north by lot No. 19, and on the south by. lot No. 17. N C. June 13. August 31. such in Nortii Winston as to require more ttian pastoral vlMtinR mid Sun Hay pi-eiichliiK. . VJrk oa humanU&r lun line In needed1. A day-r.tirserv in NjiIIi WliiKton at present w)ti!d be a (iod-seul bles.-iiiig to many poor women who have to work in the fuc imihs (o net urtaa to nil th? motuiis In, f tD n fn. t lieotmes of tho Dr. Thomas.Ruffin, Mr. J. Crawford Biggs. llniVPrcitV tf IM 1 I r c"il(lrel1- We need a church WM&VCldllJ' Ul 11. V.'ln this part of the city with manv institutional church, Rveiy church mejuber needs to dt wine Bpeclfic work lu the church to help make better the conditions of toe IM'ople in ound us. Wt need a church T.Prttir.o Kv Ale',nmlBUnA ba,h room- rf'iS and recrea uijuiijiuijiiiuiiiii rooms, etc. VVc need empioy- Judges and Lawvers nmit bl,rpai fl,,,i ii the adjuncts of r i . , himmn associations so as 'to help lift rwi (.iiuiugue auureSS, j"!' nves oi i;ieso pcjple. F P VF1MARI Pros i Thc n,,?sl:m tho Intreh of Ood is I . r. V El AuLJCv, JrreS. !a.t nudy to attain Paradise for It- Chanel Hill. N. C !. ir- ""k"" 'hi chwr tiu . - -- -- iiiuns i men in t:wir present life. " - I. in i Rl)lt tu IIHMfiflnn I m. . . . : -s .a Immukhi viiiiniiaiuiy; let m& On thP WOV PIH.v u swnewnere 1 have seen a Jll lllC ,.VV dy ,iieiuro of mountuln climbers. Tbe rr rr Rllll,p was 'aching upward with one 111 I OWn , 1 wa" 1116 0,IUir wa extendee v...,.. . . ' Y. jdownward lo help draw p ,he tourist. ..i.mir i.vun KmiiM as quieK as an , on tin en, me enliven while sirlviiiB II I I '!ll I ln ultru luvc.t.,1 II .HHnl. ... ' ""iu. ii. milium me in iii-n n ui, iiuixt not lorgct that Its Mii nun mo lltMIKU UU IIIH Way 10 t'M'UVCII. niarketand by plaeinR a few boards i . ' on the main roads you have a custom-! MR. E. P. ALBEA WINS OUT er by the time the party reaches the i . Kllv VI.. k..,. i ..... i.j '-. ... -;. i-ij iut.iiii-iniiiiK.-n sina 1 it ricn, , Juagment in Slander Suit miim-iin) coiois no tne work. Any desixu you want, .My prices are rea-' sonaoio. i P. II ljr-h iiid J iln-r Kitii.-.'. i, Knn im ta city lu ''if tirow-r 1'. sid. if K -nn isulli , in to A;.he ..iiin li lay to S-iLd a f Wi-1'k.S ilh fllllHls. Mrs. J. K. Ijhik. of Hall, wiio han btf-n vl-l;in n-Lilives h-re. ,c hum, tuday. ( has. S. Tt3iiM.i. of Rail, West V.r aiuia. Nit.-ut S;iu lav hi r. witii bis tUler. Mis Carile Tiautiou. Hi-wt ni to f'.irloii. imlay i-j atitud the mir ilase of bis brelhtr-in-law. T. i'. Ikrw ii . Cap. J. K. (iilmt'i reiij-iml Sai:t day liilu fcoui Hiehurjiid, Va. He I., t u in a sanitarium I In re ioi sev ial wetks. His rinbt eye, which has l.t- n si v Ins: lj Koine Uuiilil.', i art-atly in;prov I. as is bin Kern-mi lit a! 'I. Mrs. Riifus Hanillton. of ll.avei Cietk. Ashn comity, who has btiu the kiii. -it of Mrs. H. E. Fries fo.- a week i.r more., rt-.uincd home today. E je w is accompanlt-d by her mothiT. Mrs. Fred Asthe. who has bi-en visit In Mis. E. A. Ebert. DIG BARQAJN in lumber. Sr H. D. Shut:. MAKVEl.Ol'S b.w prUe uu caaui corn at Hunt's. Mr. Jonet Able to Be Out. Mi. C. M. Jones, who has been in line hospital' for several days suffering liom a knife wound Inflicted by Kdwa:J EMmumls. is able to be i.p again. Mr. Jones Is still weak but otherwise says he feels all right. Will Transport Free. ' Agent E. D. Ktarns. of the X. & V. road, has been notified throush ti:e aeneral frpljjht ageut that all R:.;.d.-; for San F.ancisco aud other Calif n' nia sufferers wllj U? transported fie of charge by that rmd. A. Gordon G. Reynolds, PHONE 478. Brought by Citizen of Raleigh. ma naioiKn correspondent of the Grcensboio News says: a Judgment was signed 1n .t: Blunder suit os.oiiBni ny (jeoiKe I, TapnoiT.-,ki, ;dcputy clerk of the United States :f(.;irt hc.e. ngaint Eugene P. Albta. of Winston-Salem. The Judgment h in favour of the defendnni And hv.m iHiiuonsKi witn the costs .Ctmnclll held that the facts' .complaint dkl not constitute oi action. MP38T8. Bushee i vuuimei lor Aioea. clnimed that AJIiea's utterances about Tannohskl jwew privileged communication biu! could net be a basis for a slander ault iTannoffskl did not have a lawyer .n ;ths cay?. The stvit he brought grew ;cut of reports that Albea made Creamery Butter daily ati'n Tb,1 PuriTJUT lending, the grand lodge of Odd Ke'- llWi'. J.S. Zimerman ARCHITECT Office third floor Municipal Building - ; Winston-Salem, N. C. Juuge In thi a catiit ani Bus- Wheeler, Runge 6 Dickey ARCHITECTS Charlotte, N. C. 2nd Floor, 4C's Building. Calvin H. Grainger O3TE0PATH1ST Specialities: Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Lady Attendant Pnona 460. 414 Liberty Bt, FRESH ery Butter c Sam Rose's, Red chicken coop, Trade St. Phone 141. Phone 478 and we're on the spot with (he liest iuad of wood for the price that It U possible to sell. Our 6Uc ami SI. m daiichtpr .,r ..(, "a .. "f."' ,w. . .. i . , . mis. iiiorn Stranger Attackt a Girl. A short, htavy-built, swarthy for elKiier, with black hair and stubby mustache, and wearing a grev Ci.j a black coat and light trousers went to the borne of Squire I). A. McCord In Paw Creek township, Mecklenbuig count y. Sunday morning and attacker1 Mite MoUIb McCoril tlm loans nave made us many regular ens-totiu-is. , Revnolds Bro.'s PAY THE DRIVER. "Wood Cut to Please You." "'"u. viKiMug ner. tyi.ig a handkerchief around her neck 'and ichloroformlng her until she was un coiihclcus. The Charlotte Observer S-1..VS; As tbe fellow beat the young .woman In the face, hi kept telling her .that It was money that he wanted but he left the house without having ne mil not rr(:n Choose Your Paint Yourself A man should take such precautions is he can to safeguard any investment he makes. A house owner's expense tor painting is very- often larger than it vould be if he personally looked after lie material put upon it. There is ii'ten a difference of three years in the earing of two different paints. Cer 'ainly, in this case, time is money. If ou will see that Pure White Lead mixed with Pure Linseed Oil is used on your .house, you will place your painting bills on a reasonable basis. You can tell the pure lead from the adulterated kind by the brand " LEWIS v Pur White Lm4 (Had, bt th Old Outik Frocm) Manufactured for years and, as any experienced painter will tell you, the standard by which others are judged. Bend for booklet containing Mveral hand, torn reproduction! of actual home,, offr. Inf valuable uggeitlont for a color acheme In painting your Beuea. A teat for paint pur itf la alto given. .lea-tat Bret. C. Ul Sealk Fraal St., . nuaatiaaii, re. ViAl 111 SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. The ratal Cerae and Ita Remedr Xw raeta of Seleaee. It la the rarest thing in the world for a man to be necessarily bald. No man whoa hair Is not dead at tha roots, need be bald If he will use Newbro's Herpl Clda, the new acalp antiseptic. Herpl elde destroys the germ that cuts the halt off at the root; and cleans the scalp of dandruff and leaves It In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, In the Maryland Block, Butte, Mont, was en tirely bald. In less than a month Heroi- elde had removed the enemies of hair growtn, and nature did Its work bv cov erlng his head with thick hair an inch leng, and in six weeks he had a normal suit of hair. Bold by leading druggists, Bona We. In stamps for sample to The tierpiciae Co., Detroit, Mich. B. W. O'HANLON. Special Atent EASTMAN KODAKS, uver 40 lu ttk fioui. Hege bio. MEN WANTED. H. D. Shatt.. -SKK tho great variety of fie.-.b cakes and craekvrs at Efiid's. S11UTT will aell you a big cord of dry stove wood for $4. WANTED Brlckmakers. Shutt. SEE SHUTT about 1L Girtli? WANTED la finishing room. Apply at MaKne Mills GOODo.WlAFEED "Increases the Value of Your Stock. LET EFIRD furnish the lunch on your1 fishing trip. . rnono nage or transkpmT ; Winkler's Cafe NICE EIAMOXD Urowa Jewell v (, K.l)(JK u(i x " h. adaht. ;,n.t a i ;. .... Three doses !?. j' '"'"'J to Sliiipa.Ks. ' - SOI, ID (',; watrli. " lal price $:'.J.."iii. i:;'l4,. l UTTI.E exrn.. is ,,. ' Jewll) (;. COOU Paw far , it,., s7rT wher.i d'atrflintirts f.r,tl'! plea and advertising u:.'-Jt vassinn. Co-oiH-ratn..' ' ,., Cc.. New Y,)ik. b " LOT OF 4 4 oak and poplar for ale. H. D. Shutt. ' I1EUE BROS, have the sole agency for Spauldlng's sporting gooda and are now displaying a complete stock. KODAKS and kodak films at liege Bros. FRESH STOCK kodak films, paper, cards and sundries. Hege Bros. FIXE marshmallows and murshmal lcw dainties at Eflrd's. 100 pair of roller skates Just In, at Hege Bros. Prices from 7jC to l. WE MAKE a Bf iaTrTTVT" iiiK. Ail w,k ua , ' Brown Jjwdry Co ' 1 LOST On street Sat.Tl flold hat pin. F.nder pi,,Jl BEST 1JXE of emblem c-iodT city, p)Id broocheM und k-jj Brown Jewelery Co. SOME VERY special lMI!r3;SSf .aim., mown Jt'Wcin r Ice Cream Home Bit, AIX THE latest nl,s in otf brocche '. at .id butt ins, t, . all at prices that n il) surprise in, we need tS; cash. lln n jew;,. FISHIXO TACKLE complete; line Just in. Hege Bros. IF YOU WANT an automobile see us at once and save freight by getting In car load shipment. Agents for the Cadillac and Northern, with complete line, ranging from $650 to $5,000. See js at once. Hege Bros. You can save money on any plcteof furniture you should need by buying i from r. M. Sledge, ili Main street xkA through my stock of furniture before you buy. F. M, Sledge. PICKIE3 and Olives In picnic sizes, at Ellrd's. Beautiful ice tubs with drainer, 4oc teltl. SEE OCR new lino of caiullo-stlclis and caiidelcbras. Ucld. Reld's Sic tumblers think of It. WHEN Its glass think of Reid. REID'S 2c tumlders are astonishing. WE WII.L.keep a supply of dry oak and pine stove wood on hand during ;he summer months. Will sell any quantity. Prompt delivery. Phone 219. Twin-City Wood Co, THIS IS ladies' week at F. C. Brown', Uie offerings are worth the trip. CAR fresh bananas to arrive on iid Inst., at Eflrd's. rifE BEST bananas of the season are at Efird Bros,' FERN DEM tea makes an excellent cold drink. Eflrd. WANTED. Experienced roud saieK man. No schemes. Give references und experience. W. J. Loiack, sales manager, Iowa City, Iowa. FOR RENT. Six room house on W. Fourtih street, with aH modern con venlencjs. Apply to C. A. Jenkins. To Remove Freckles and Pimples in Ten Days. NANNOU la sew elfcrery, iele axfcr , raelllve rurtalM aa4 mom, ralanM la emy cm warn It tails le rcaen hrckks, alaialct, liver-eaets. mi-lai, aallow etti, Mackkeaei, cellar flmloralleai aaa all arasileas al Ike tkla, ae attter si kv'Ha aiaaele. Cares ereleery cam la l( sayi, aa4 Ike went la 15 te 21 aaya. Alter lata select! are reanvei the akla will be clew, kMltar - keaalllsl. Na peailMe aarsj caa rtuH Inw in Mt. As Rfirei ear rtnitaiiea aa aMIIrr te mmtlj ltk ear arrlt, wa reler te ke Coammltl Bank ti leek e He err, Parla, Teaa., ar say cent eftklel. Ask year ereillit ler NAMM0U, II ae aaaa'l II, acai as I Stoat sjeaer eraer Mm4 we will seas' yea a M-ceat eackcte at NADINoLA ky saall. It It lilU U ae all ws claiaj ler It, Setlrr aa aa4 we win enastr relara yew aeaey. AMrta NATIONAL TOILET CO., Parti. Tela. Spring Goods. My , line of snnmr rlrptja !'!a"5, asS!?uU !,1s vlctim B,,, ,he mys luj uuw oi spring areSS tery g what .his purpose could have goods ia now in embracing. fc-cl!-everythiBgnewiudreBSgoods: compa'ny n,. 2 want, to Go. aiHl ureSB goods Oiateriala. ! At a meeting of Winston S.eanu, Also new millinery and no'-iCa No- 2 a lCw ni'' ( the com- Vfilties all at. mrl r,nn ,M 10 "" be State Fire- nrices.- .K)tiv Mrs. Rangi Davis imilB (-(rnveil Oil nt Aa wi lla In . provided the aldermen will con sent to let them go. The companv ;wlll not taka nny or Its apparatus but i go to haw a general good t4nie. -r- ' FOR SALE A plot of eroundon 12th alrppt near Liberty street 130x245 feet, the Old Show Ground, will be sold as a whole or in lot3. Apply to J. C. Conrad. II, MONTAGUE, LAWYER. ' Loans neirotlated frt of charire to Lenders. ICstatea Settled. Titles In oetijrated. Wiila, Abstracts, Deeds and Mortgages, carefully prepared. Eouses and lands for sale or5 rent. Over 20 years successful nt-nr-tina KZii Main Street. jinqs oi xoq eo pio mio.C ngg TRY th Anna Held and X-Senator cigars nt Eflrd's. GOOD seconuVhand furniture wagor for sale at a bargain. F. M. Sledgtf MR. A. S. HOUGHTON, music teach er, 620 Spruce street. Vocal, organ '-id piano lessons. Church choirs and quartette ' trained. Harmony . oonnterpoinr, etc. Summer rates, 3 lessons $3.00. Lessons in classes and at student's residence, special terms. NOTICE I Havl-r.e aualiriert it the estate of Sophie Tiaiiscw. i twinania, c. all pirs.1M to ald are notlhed and reniwr make payment at oi;.-e to (it-o h ser, at Bethanla. x. ('., and t ssna holding claims asaiut Ute will- nreEEOJi. them fur ntn. Geo. H. Hausc be-fore the Jni ui npru. imt. ;r t Dis no;ic , treaded In bar of tluir imitn April 28, 19i(l. GEO. H. HAISKI E, 11. .lONKS. . Executors of Sophie Trat, Trained Nurses, The third annual tin etir i Board of Examiners of T-.i Nurse of Nonh Carolina will at Irj Charlotte May 29 and 3 purposie of examiiiiiii; appilcu certlflea'. as relstpfi'd mtr Examinations will he heM j! city- hall, beginning at a. m 29th. Special rates can be gut ten to 1 lot t during the last week u )li M. Li. WYC1U Secretary nml Trowrj : Hm I Open so wiilethatuVlic I ousness fairly Hows tror I it. Open to satisfy voir thirst witli the best foui- Z a . a . . t tain drinks vou evr T quaffed. (Jr, it your thirst i the kind ' that likes t J linger while being sals I fied, we will see yoi I with dainty beverage ; ; that you will delight tt sip. We call ours the "Sit t isfying Fountain "becau t it pleases all who una t from it. t ivanaqum j fn I The Corner Drug Storef TOBACCO plants for Shutt, . sale. H. D. WOO YARDS of new lawns just in, the 13c quality to be sold at 10c. F. C. Brown. ( OCR LINE of white goods surpasses all former efforts. F. C. Brown. BIG SPECIAL sale on ladies' gauze vests now on. See our leader 4 for 25c, F. C. Brown. SEE OCR splendid line of new belts. . C. Brown, THE BEST LINE of -hammocks In the city and the lowest prices. F. C. Drown. THE FIGHT against City Bella nour goes on, but It only makes friends for that queen of all flours. BIG LINE of A. F. C. ginghams, all the new checks ami airituw V P Brown. 5RE OCR- big counter of 50 lawns and inghania. F.C.Brown. . I THE HORSE IS NO W Ho Wnva u-hp nlie'9 Kt!'D'' treattnent. wien nm h' clean and nonrtvliiug. M'f:'r? ten jx)u. save uy m " .. . en hto iTQiwrnl .nmn rallCO. 1 . I by yourself by floiiu: " lr. Lodgiinr lour orders fr clean grain and feed in lais norse ana came v?" j G. L. Dull &C Phone 176, 10SF No .Better Time to fh No Better Time toDi "Get the Best W.H.CUNAR0'

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