V WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 8. 1906 SYEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS L.rr wnnn pi 1 1 1 1 rn un lUULL 1 1-flKh uLMlilLU II U I HILL lull"") Between Opera .Miners To Con- ue That Long. u cniro n piitd niiimnv II JriUl u7 IflJLO UulALLr UA KILLEQ HIMSELF By Wire to Th,Suirf 1. NEW YORK( May 8. According I statement wade this morning by Police Inspector Grant. Charles Spier, right hand nian of Henry Rog- ws, ot the Standard Oil Company, j te Region Will Co I found dead yesterday rnoruing a: .his: ,tT-c. ..,.,;., IBonie on Staten. Island, was not s'uoij u.nrfiu Morning. .. i or - ihv a oursiar. out irom investigation Zi,nei So Conces inslio (;rjnt (s convinced Spier ct.m-l . .... rinht of ...... 1 ...ll,l,. i Aithouah Gen ! Developments uuay snow inui Also a Few Cases of Typhoid Fever Reported Among Suf ferers From Recent Earth quake and Fire-Strenuous EfTorts To Prevent Any Spread of Diseases. t!0 i the Sie- V Pa PUSS OF RUSSIAN ilhiTERESTING CASE IN ! IDE SUPREME T. . 0. 0. F. MEETING Ills Said That They Will Xolfr ' Attempt a Revolution NoVjb:' aw1 r"'i ih umt-w r I I.- .it.. til,..., !... ...... ... . -.. .k i .lit- t m Hum lllW luuriceiiii iitsirsct weie failed Wi Sixty-Third Annual Conven Uon To Meet In Colds boro Tonight. Owlnn To F.irt TTifMr Funds , Are Nearly Exhausted And l jMany of Their Leaders Un-i vcV' iu rh:Jrla' Mo .bffo: J-di' JUiiee on the clur)ft of v-olaUou i,f( ' der ArreSt. qiiarnnUne rules and rrgula;lo:ii ;ly -the I'r.ited Slates and tte stave' By Wire lo The Sent! in I ,d Mai tnienis of agrteulloie by PARIS. May S The Seatirw pru.ts, hi'mrut of a cow from Burllngto.. u an loi e:kw with, a Russian terroiUt M.ugantou hlh Ik wt:h;n the qt.r- il Mont Aitnougn , iui.ur.,.. .. ...... By Wire to The Sentinel. . . . Cn..ia K . ,1 Mitel inl Intf lii.l mmnt l n I Anthracite F.ti..-r:. '" WASHINGTON. May l-Suree - - '-.,,, I , ,K.. ,,,. ,'KI. I.... .... ;fai 3..a In favor of the Mercantile ' ' Z,ZZl in Iris. In which he reveal. tHe territory In Wester Cto;.u -! Wii i"- ... . ier'm affair rftvkmpl fhf hft rwn ' 1U BJU i " - - - j . - . -1 " . .... 1 .. Ti..r ... mJ. -f'amlwir rauka thiunfl Tf arrt-na e ociarea -jr art or ti lertaiaure to. Invest Isationa of the dead fii;nie- ..on for a Ihtiou v! , . r .l in: 1 i:i N' ,h. ..ix-rators and V committee. ' cf the nil:.ei d, rt :his nniriiuii,. ; so back to work a in'tit t inH'. u'.t 1 gy wir to Tne Heoiuiu. tact that tne nave uoi WASHINGTON. May 8. Captain tsie I"" a.r "'""Gaiat. commanding the battUship HMU itti'if """ji1u,'R1hkI Island, atilcn went aitromid In thr htstoiy oi tut lSutuldav at the mouth of York Rlr. IColoael Tuinet. chief surgwn of the P-" outl;netl by leirorut ronit, ...r r, . oarrv. " I.i.,,....,.-. r ,.. -.... lor Ihn r.miHiii f 14o; Th ku McDowell and lhat ait of Hl-ke ' that tt.'ie ate 57 oas of .mta.lnot I"' lf of.,h' 1 "'" T' i ......, l. mil- resources are eshaust.Hi m rne qiwrnmine rules !l OCCIDENT 10 SHIP TO BE INVESTIGATED victims. typhoid ha tho phoid lev.r. Most rilfid pr-cautlons hve decided to aait better llmei ror miwUmeaw.r. tlw regulatl-w be-, ve bi.a taken to prevent spread of ibeHnnlmt 4 revolution. We have d-j' tor the riilpathm of mfiun o disease. ; elded, however, on lx recolntlonh iol'"!Ma!M'8 causal by thv tick. The Ue- wlret iht navy department thai ti.e ship has arrived at Yorktown, ".. afely and uninjured. The board of Inquiry will investi Kate the affair, especially with reler ence to a atatement by Vlrpinia Pllo' Association that Gart refuseu to take on local pilot when offer-1. Mmheru nf av-nrintioti uuv thAt iftreivp ttnA r.ie for a fl1nrlr nf mid.: f,)r the men in Vuul j local pilot had b nn abxwrd' the a.-ol jr-.trchased by "him of D. H. Blair, trus- t.ie its nt apiarent at oh.a.n.d by the turners i.e is that the contract ,1UV U the IlfAt iti;rce-t-tir by the anthracie , s l he union. U hii .Mitchell. ilistrUt ihe stcit'taiie ol tae on In a.!i!.t:ou to till. ., wm,,t nnt hnvp hannened. -KilitUa veroai pramisp lators to lxk Into ate raid workfi's with in ! ins I I'e ffeat In jus- d ot. -4aUfji..atret ilif til '.! Fjllowinj; this ai'lton as tjketi directhtu liiat ni( I .V m;lav m xt. uiid Co back Thursday, i!i:)ii ailjoin m l s.i:ii;i' :t Miltlic'l presided. He atement later In the (al'init off the snspeii T IN Sneclal to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, May 8. Referee in Bankruptcy J. E. Alexander, of W in sion, Is hero today taking cvldentv in a case where a rule was tatu-d aRaiiist J. M. M.iffiu. of Durham, to show cause why he should not be at tached for contempt In falling to rt- to be carried out in the mnt.nie. r.-"- ei up or in wwunern Kaino.ui iWt will rortjpt officers d soldier: j ' "t as a common carrier th. ) . fulllll exenitlnna already derided up- w r owmeo M convey tne cow wli'ini on; establish labiratori-t for makliiR ileliveted to rhem tot shipment to. bombs In Europe aiul Vnlted Suitx; Mornautoii and that In their act th.ie! create tiKhtliiB cotuiwnv of wouieni " ioiiatum or tne UwJ since tney ar Dest an;o to appn aen " " f fiwui tiigh peis manes; we will train ;er-for the itovernnwnt. j wrists lit each laboratory so they, " .,,.- ill be able to handle boiuba subject to orders of central executive; Dually we have decided not to commit out- rae agalnai foreigners." ENRAGED TURK' KILLS PROCURATOR GENERAL. LINN IS i IK IK' I" Kfniltil. ass.. Mav 8 Taoniaa s ni li ticts to Gov- nil DUtrict Atlonte on hglslatlve hrlliery in biicke; shun hill. In i' govertioi Mi. Uivkfon s-nt KttsUm of the Uz-t-a tiiosi has:'K- Coi- adh, that, while the o Suffolk ronniy is 't.irs on in the tiaiid Ywi s'i v.ilii ' send a to the legislature. ance thiit yon, gov- i.KhHs.11, demand ti.ut t bid. which has just bribery. !. again in siispimsion of r'n'iea that there will hi r.o 'lie damnable dce.is -m .wars have &,ie Ise to cteate anarch; ." 1 OffilK 25.IHHI f) hp iisnosaI of the district Maids for Information '" go tp the iKittOlll cf ' bill sc:indal.. Br Wire to The RrntlnM. CONSTANTINOPLE. May S A& vice received here this morning trout Tripoli tate3 that Alf Sham;! Pasha, former military governor of Sntaii, recently exiled to Tripoli bt cat:e of alleged complicity in t!ie ffi'irder of Redvan Pasha, while btins Interrogated by Nedjlmedy Nedjlni?d dlnhoy. piocv.tator general, suddenly Hew at tho official and killed hint.' The exiled Pasha became ang. y at questions pir to him anil flew at pr curator, grabbed him by the throut clinkiD'; and biting him until dealn TURKEY MAY REFUSE S -Sentinel. ay Insurance Cjm-i-' s:ve8 notice t.iat 'iranci. Co.. f Chicago in.'ihe hand.s of Byron efiv.-r on arconnt of s ''te roinpnnv strfer-"(;;sf,'- The "coniuil ii'lviMibl,. for all North p.iltcUs in iut. "-'ii-" In oslw f.oiu- 'e'uin premiumi, witl "'" a liability alfIllll,, ( nminis.ioiH r Young " ! !!u only connanv he. -ii n,!t -i '"'- "i its htisinnss, S IN Smlinct . i in- siitTe '""-4 a dispatch :"' mating ihrie in Hunan a. UlhS Of l.'in '-Patrlt says for ;') yesterday af-' ,M 'itt'l John rvan r' I. Hind over t ) ifT1"11 'Had . ', rr'n'enihi ,-ed !Mn ii! "Kh: Rat ;J. : as :,,i0 , Rivf, ',s rotnniltted to By Wire to The SontliH-f. LONDON, May 8. Indications see hr-ginning to point to tho Sultan' ve fusing t agree to British demand.- lgiilatlng the boundary dispute with Turkey and Egypt within the time limit set by Great IhiUin. Th Sul tan will delay in hope of obtaining more in the end than If 'he gave way now. In the meantime the British government Is making every prepara tion to seize Turkish territory if her demand are not complied with with in ten days not by tho ultimatum. tee In bankruptcy of W. L. HlH. of Winston. Moffltt, through his attoi ney. G. & Bradshaw. filed a long anFwcr. disclaiming any purpose of acting in contempt of the bsukiuiitcy court. He stated that the stock of good did not inventory anything liLe the advi .tlsement on which he based Ik offer of $4,500. au4 that he wis ot financially able to pay for the g.ids anyway. Affidavits were received from the Ditrliam Dry" Goous Company, sfmlng that Moffltt was uot authorized by them as a Arm to m:.ke the trade and they were In no wLe responsible, either for the purchase or for t!ie failure to take the stock. The evidence of Trustee D. H. Blatr, Messrs. X. S. Wilson and W. U Hill was thejti taken. Mr. Blair stated that the goods Inventoried fn.Snt); that .Moffltt refused to purchase at tO ptr cent cf cost but voluntarily otter ed, aftw he had examined the stock, a. lump price ol $1,500. Aftci eonfi rence with creditors and the referee thU aum wmih . accepted (in March I'i and Moffltt camo ov,' to WiiiBion and the sale Was eonfliuud by the court; that Moffltt then itfi and if was a long lime before he could bo located, inquiries in both Durham and High Point Tailing to show what had becomj of him. He had. written hitn, however, that ho would not take the stock of goods. , After hearing the evidence, whifh was -token by a stenographer for pie servation and to be certified up to Judge Ikiyd, Referee Alexander mau' an order that Moffltt haw until 3 o"c!ock ihls afternoon in which to py over the amount of hi purchase offer. $4,500, and if at that hour the mon'.-y was not paid Into court Moffltt be cited to appear before .ludge fljd at Asheville tomorrow at 10 o'clock IS RESULT OF FIGHT. By Wire to The Sontine!, SHARON, Penn., May 8. Hany McCarthy, aged 18, died thla morning from Injuries received last night in a six round bout with Young lAshben-y, at Nonpareil Athletic Club. Officials of .the club with several witnesses have been held. New Advertisements. D. S. Reld. Quality and pTic.es two attractive features our store. W. F. Crouse, superintendent Win ston bianch of the Conservative Mutual' Life Insurance Co., of Chai lotte. Be sure to look at. your weekly insuranc;. Ogburn Vest Co. We have goo:! In- stocked all of the cigars.., ....,, The Meyers-West brook Co. Have an a'tractive anuouircement In favor of their Immense lino of white goods. The Hunt!c-y-Hlll-&tockton Co. A fort cast, of tomorrow's big spet'ais for morning and afternoon. O'Han'.on's Unig Store. "Wanted." ''"iivictid of '"""I 'hfir fines Started Off With a Rush. Yesterday the first day of the five- oays reduction sale at the Huntley-Hill-Stockton Company's store, as ad vertised In Saturday's Sentinel, was largely attended and many availed thtmfflre ol the opportunity offe.ed to iiinliure buyers. This salo w again largaly attended today. It Kill be continued through this week with new Items each day. For tomorrow's specials see tae large ad. In this issue. to show canst) why he should not attached for contempt In falling refusing to obey un order of eoiuf. TO NEW YORK CITY By Wire. 'to The Sen-tind. PHILADELPHIA. May 8. Edward Pay ton We, on, the veteran pedes trian, started from hera today to walk to New YtJrk. A laige crowd iwa present when ha started from tie City Hall at II o'clock this forei.oon ami the old man was cheered by the ciowd on his way. Three years ago Mr. Westotv was asked to walk fi"n heie to N?w York In the Interest of science, but deferred It from time to time. He is now sixty-eight years old but, bejieve, ho can walk as fast us ho could' thirty years ago. The late Prof. R. Ogden Dorenius vestments for von. Thompson's Drug Store. We havi wan otie of tha physicians who signed the reqiifstithat .Mr. Wcstou make the trip. Before, during and after the walk Mr. Wesson will be watched by physicians. He was subjected to a careful examination before he stai'ie I on his long walk this forenoon tod found In excellent condition. Several physicians In automobiles are accom panying Mr. Weston. He expects to reach the ferry house at the Pennsyl vania railroad station in Jersey City at 1 1 o'clock tomorrow forenoon. . "' convicted of 1. V-"1- The Ull lllllon f rtttchfiidd I1111'! $3 respectively Left Four Million Dollars. HENDERSON. May 7 Mr. Ha', who woiked in the HenoV'-rfKin Cotton Mills, has J.ist InheTlted $.iioo,oimi from an ancestor or relative who died a few days ago in California. The Probate Judgp ha written here lor Mr. Hayeg. The estate of tho de ceased was ove,? $is,otio,ooo and theie ere' only four heirs. Bishop Edward Rondthalcr, of the Moravian church, has accepted art In vitation to preach before the State Teachers' Aisembly Sunday, June i". IMPORTANT LAND SALE IN JERSEY CITY TODAY By WV tu The Sentinel NEW YORK, May 8. By ordVr of the New Jersey court of chancery 10.15 acres of Oyster Island and 7.2'. acres of Bobbins Reef, all ot which are under water In New York Bay, within the boundary lines of the First ward. New York City, will be sold at auction by Auctioneer Frederick Wol bert, on Montgomery street. Jersey City, this afternoon. The late Gorge Cook, state geolo gist of Now Jersey, applied to the State Riparian board twenty ytiiis ago for the riparian rights around the Islandr. He claimed title to the land by virtue of grants seemed originally from Ivord Berkley In 10.32 and n firmed by the Unlet? of York, who granted nil of East Jersey. InclmllitK the inlands in New York Bay. to Bof- ley. Tho Duke of York received his grant front Charles tho second. For ivenrly a century the qtiewt'.on f Jurisdiction over tho Islands 4. as btcn'a matter of dispute between New Jersey and New York. A treaty iviui- mlssloii seventy-five- years ago tie. elded in favor or New York, and Hie iifrenie court of New York held that the Rtate had aosoltite control of prop erty rights. The court of appealr. 1" versed this decision and held thai ;he word "Jurisdiction" in the treaty tdm- ply refened to police lurlsdieiluu. The net ion of Chancellor Maglo '.n ordering tht sale of the Islands viil bring up tho tpiestionH raised utiin tho treaty wa.j dtaftnt The Kale .i .ho result, of a salt brought by the heirs of Prof. Cook against railroad) "orpoiatioiw having Interests in the riparian rights In tho bay. The sale or Robliin H Rei'f Is subject to the rights of the t'nllcd States govern ment to maintain a light-house ttler. AROUND THE CITY. W. P. Ramsay, of GrecnsWo, v here today. J. L Casoer went o Roanoke this afternoon. W. N. Reynold? went to Mt, Airy this afternixin. Wl H. C" lurch, nf North Wllkesboro, was In the r-'-ty toi4y. Mr. J. M. Intx Is receiving con gratulations. It Is a daughter. The Forsyth Medical Society held an interesting meeting this afternoon. Mr. Oscar Hege Is hflppy over the ariival of a boy it his koine. Dr. W. U Hill, of Arcadia, wag he.e last' night, returning hmne this afiri noon. Mrs. Thos. Watkins and chlldre.l, of Advance, passed through the city this aft moont returning fwm a visit lo relatives a't Walnut Cove. 1 Thomas Garibalda, of Charlotte, Is in ihe city distributing IlUra.uie about the coming 2(tll of May t ie- bratlon in his city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tesh went to Tohaccoville this aftermxin. Mr. Tesu is just recovering the use of his") -g, which was broken several weeks ago. Editor Deaton. of the Monresvll.c Enterprise, was here an hour betwe.on tains this afternoour. He came ovtt fT.lt ' t i. . 1 . Muliflli,. f.. .. 1' A to get a "little medicine" for tie cook, as he exprewed It, Mooresvllle b. lng a very' "dry" town, --Mr. A. I Bntner, manager of the Forsyth Roller mills. purehamd H. W. Koltt reKldence n North Liberty strttt. Mr. Folti will shortly mov. to ais new cottage near Calvary Mora vian church. . ' "Our Memorial Day celebration Tliuts lay promises to be tho besl one -e lisvfi had here In years," remark'-d Hsr-m yesterday. chargd with high ijmlatle member oft XorUe. v robbery. He was com mil ted lo amn ,0,'a-, Those who will Mrhish ii"" in in a uilfi I III; Js( mm road. Decision Reached By County Fathers In Regard To Per manent Road Work Near Kern ersvl He-Tax Levy For 1906. The county commistloner , com pleted their work and adjourned (his afternoon. The board will probably be In session next Monday to pass u(,oa some rood and other matters. It has been finally determined lo macadamize tho old Salem road lead ing from KernersvJIle to this city, In stead of the mad via Beeson's ue. as suggested by a number of cltliuns f Kerne rtville township. This work will be done by contract and the suc cessful bidder may bt! announced ut tho nveetiiw next Monday. Tho Ix.ardt i a.ssed an order grunt ing the colored State Firemen's Asso ciation permlsKion (o hold their sta.e convention In the court hotts on Au nest 14. IS atv! 10, with tlu undi r slauding that, tho firemeb furnish their own Janitor and, leave th build ing In good condition. A number ot bills were iillowe! at Ihls session and several other nut ters of minor linpoi tanre passed upon. No Railroad Tax This Year. ' The board, kefum. making the Ux levy for lo0. d "clilmt that It wo'ii.1 not bo neceMary lo collwt this yenr in Winston township the usual 1J cents n the $KM proerty valuut'on an:l .10 cents on polls for Interest on the North Cai.illna Railroad bond. Issue, I by said township. The lev Is as follows: , For general suite purposes. 21 cents on $100 vali'ailon: for pensions 4 rents on $ loo valuation and 12 cnti i each poll: for school purpose. IS cents on $100 valuation ami $1.50 on .each poll; for general county, ;mr noses. 211 2-3 cents On $100 valuation and 'H 1-4 cen's on each poll: for toad purposes, roads and bridge,. 1 :i reins on $ihj valuation and $1.00 on each poll. An additional license tax, the same as that levied by (! Blnte on ail trades, business, "occupations u.id prtjfesslons under act of general is-1 senibly of North Carolina. VMC, enti tled the Revemi.) Act. was levied tor bpneftt of Foinyth county on all per sons, firms and corporations and on all professions, trade, business a.id occupation. Among Principal Fsaturta of the Cev vention Will Be Dedication of Hem foi Aged and Infirm Odd fellows. Growth et the Order In TMa ante During the Past Year, Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May I Tfi atxtila-d annual session of tht Grand LodVr t f tKid Vellows will conven la t;4U boro tonight, one of to ntoK uoti features of the semlon being tha C V WatUiB tth-noma"TrirAd and V" firm Od.1 Fellows. Tha repoil iif Grand Master Plato Collins will shot 15 lodge In the State, a gain of 4 dirlng the yrar and a membership cf 1 li ft', a uet.galn of I ir.i over 1W. This year $j"i.;s4 has been spent tur eluf and the total lncnm of sjuor dluate lolcs was $.4ti. a gani nf $:i.lsj over the )ar previous, tt Increase of total amet of kodgea dur ing the year ha been $U,177. TU offleers of the grand lodge are: Giand master, Plato tVilllns. Durham. Grand secretary. II. ). Woodall. Ral eigh; Grand treasurer. R. J. Jonm, of Wilmington; Grand representatives, H. K. Rlsgs. Beotland Neck and Dr. U B. MrUiayt-r, of Ashevllle. MEETING AT THE - STAR WAREHOUSE Tha attentku and Intereat aeema to be deepening Id the meetings at, Ua Star warehouse. Last night one young man made a confession of hi (alia lu Christ after the limitation waa ex tended and othets vund to ba moved. Tear came to toe eye ot aom aa Mr. Bnxtou sang. "BeauUfuk Beckoning Hands." Tha song appropriately followed tha sermon by Kvangvllst YetM-U evu the subje ct of "Future Recognition, or Shall We Know Each Other ut Heateu?" Mr, Yeuell gave convincing proof from script ur tbtvt friend altaU know each other and made a iX cllmai In bl picture of Um lost aim( going out into everlasting liarkneiw. where I he re shall be weeping and wulllng. and gnashing of ti-eth. A question box has lwU placed at the door to wi'elvo all proper que (Ions that any persons rtf'Slre to ask on rellgic: uhjict, A number wort answered last night. Mrs. Haitou plajcil anotlM-r stC violin solo, ftccomiMtnled by Mr. W. K. Bland. Tonight the atihjort of the sermon will be, The Devil and How He Cat Preach." Th l.vttiro on Quo Vadla wlil ua cliangrtl to FrUlay nlg4it Instead of Saturday to accotnmodato many who cannot leave their plaivs of businne on Saturday uigM. SDN OF DAVID BINKLEY IS SADLY SCALDED. The four- nar-nld son of Mr. DiVtd Rtnkley, who rnsldes on the p. II. Hanc farm. Just west of tha (4t, was badly. If not fatally. clded Jul before nKtn today. It apix-ars that the child was pUv Ing around a Urge wash kettle In tba laid when It fell In the sams. Iba kittle ron'sliied a quantity of hot water ai:-.t It was reported this after noon that rtii child's oondltloo wrloup, HOLD STOKES COURT Mr. J. C, Buxton received a tele phone message this morning from Danbury, slating that owing to tUe illntF.s of Judge R. B. i'eeblr Judge Thrni. A. McNeill. of Lumlxui ion, would hold Sokes court. It will con vene tomorrow morning Sevctnl mtmbefs of the Winston HhIi'iii bar will attend this session. It is announced that Judge i'c Neill, wfa-j has pr-ldpd over seve.al terms ol Forsyth superior court, wlil not be a candidate for re-election. Solicitor C. C, Lyon, of LiuntxTloii, It I said, will enter tho race for Judge McNeill's position. Christian Temperance Union, Christian Citizenship" will be jmost Intelligently and ably tur.tfl on tomorrow afternoon by Mi Elizabeth March: I The Important. factor that mother become in rearing and Instructing; their children in the filiidsmei.uil ' principles of temperance Is being strtmgly emphaslztMl. Tonvirtow af ternoon ut 4 o'clock at Mrs. 8. 4 Ogburn' thl subJTt will bp fuily discussed.. A full s4tendance of m -m-bers l d "Sired. A negro by the name of Butler was given a hearing before Magistrate! Bess wn jail p. is ciaimt.l tha: Butler m t another negro naiiu d Patterson on the fiKit-liridge over Salem creel; a few niglus ago and after knocking Patterson from the walk-way Jumped upon him and robbed him of his mon ey, amounting to about. $l.flo. Jas. K. Xorfleet went to Charlotte this afternoon to attend a meeting tomcrrow of tho Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons. ike Confederate dead are requested lo -nd them- to S. W. Cromer or Z. T. 11) num. . Evangelist Flanders' Northern automobile, haa arrived and It is a benitty. It was tested this mommf an f It oprrated with perfect smtlsfac lion. It Is sixteen horse-power, . -tou-tiU' cylinder and ha solid tires, f.ie evangelist will hereafter travel ovi-r the country in hi aiito which will be used as a road wagon. Election at Mt. Airy, Special to The Sentinel. MT. AIRY, May S. Th Iowa tier tlon held here yttsterday result'? in the flection or K F, Sparger for mayor. He waa the regular Doir cratic randldato and reralvtd 2zl vote. Capt, B. G. Pacer, lonneV mayor, who ran on an Uidpendent ticket, nrclved 104 vote. There nr, regular Republican ticket in thu field. Hhtr commlssiontTS i4:te.I Inclu'! J-?so H. Prather. K. T. Smith. V. M Moore, J. V. Hollingsworf h and W. E. Mel iltt. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. 8oin in o pie appear to be proud of their ignorance. It' up to th.4 tramp stsamur to drslge pico boat I Pratae men and flatter women utid I you will have many friends. . I A knowing man csn size up the lore I of s woman by her sighs. I In telling a man of his falling uae a longdistance telephone. Cupid behind the arrow la mm dangrroio) than thj man behind U10 Carrifle Wanted for Memorial Day. . 1 fill bo glad if our people, who have carriages, will -nd thttn to (lie court house Thursday morning. May 10. We will noed all w, can get, please send jours. P H. HASF.S. Chapman Carriage Couimlttti!. ajiin. The man who has a system tor beating i bo rare leidyiii has am-. tlliTU, ele Sometime man longs for tott.f rvra because ho l a shamed of uat h didn't do today. Jatot of the thing thai com to thotvi who wilt are a trlfiu stale by h lime ibey arrivf. The avers ga wmian could no doubt keep the wolf from tho door with her voice If the wolf wasn't deaf. A genius who atm-red in Inventing u cornet that will blow the hn! oft ihe l!owcr will nor have" lived In vain. Dr. Thoma Cook, of CentArvllle, who hos been quite 111, is out again. Peter W. Halrston, of Advance, spent taa day hero, -- ? -

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