EOTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS MLY UMES SESSI oris u-nent Discusses ,icslnSt.Pc- Today. nrty Avrtd by freident.--Czar eformS.--Prsst Pleased wnn 1 lit se;lu . touaj. ..ifrtv in the i .tu - ---- . uon ki.show his deputies sua, pi assembly he ai created when kkrsamlius amnesty r.sVd by deputy at Douma should Aftw the presl- .j that the next m lhe"electiou of re was a sharp con rhair and deputies. Anikens.,The presl imhijrity and, after nety 'reminded the cil've debate was id aceeidance was d the chilli. municipality offered la reception uui..ine tfnwl on tV ground i attend u:iy such sty U gvitfitcd pol f the Publishers' in fa interview yes is Czar and Prof.' liftit of the lower i', the Czar for half ri foi ins proposed 5 Dciuma. He ex- being Convinced uny immediate re lic had hoped, the asinatle in lis dls ptestions and not His majesty also ty to political of wanted. PreUdent itghly pleased with Y nd saya every- jr the future of the I. p. I ill SUCCESSFUL MM Officers and Delegates Dect ed to National Convention Want Two Cent Mileage and Interchangeable Mile. age. The local delegate mho returned this morning from the State T. P. A. Convention held at Greensboro, re port the annual gathering of the drummer a delightful and successful affair. ' Officers were elected as follows: PtMHideoK-C. C. McLean of Greens- TO PLAY F FAL5TAFF frlenf in this city 'tt, leading man of 'Company, states 'Ifed to anuear In t March. The com "The Merrr WH-ps tames as "Ealstaff." lent will no doubt ose who witnessed pro last season of great master- with Louis James ConiDafiv rrs inot lal tour of' the coun- Pbia and' Canada, l"K tw stsjes. taken ifm ininii milling a memorial Rtlta. .the Frunnh t'rt)' held a warm of American play- is tarts boro, T. H.' Thompson. Wilmington. Bret vice-president; C. F. Long. High Point, second "vice-president; T. 8. Fleishman, Winston, third rice-president; Cbarle O. Lee, Ashevllle. fourth vice president;- W. B. Douglas, Ral eigh, fifth vice president. ; P. T. Wilson, of Winston, was elect ed secretary and treasurer. The following were chosen to con stitute the board of directors: W. R. Leak. Winston; F. S. Veiney, Win ston; Sterling smith, Winston; Wai ted- Scott Charlotte: G. Wf Prltchett. Greensboro: JUr. Brockett, High Polut. The election of the chairmen of the various committees of the association resulted as follows: J. W. Lindau, Greensboro, railroad; B. H. Marsh, Winston, press; J. A. Dean, Winston, hotel; G. F. Tomllnson. High Point, legislative; C. H. Ireland. Greensboro. employment; H. C. Korncv, Winston. sick and relief. Dr. D. N Dalton, of Winston, was chosen -as state physician and . sur geon, and the Rev. T. F. Marr, of High Point. Is the new chaplain. The following were elected as dele gates to attend the National T. P. A. convention,' which convenes at Buf falo, N. Y., June 11; Sterling Smith. Winston; G. W. Prltchett. Greens boro; C, F. Tomllnson, High Point; E. G. Lee. Ashevllle; T. H. Thomp son, Wilmington; George T. Brown, and P. T. "Wilson, of Winston. The alternates are: H. CKoincr. Winston; G. H. Mllllfl, Grefnsboro; O. E. Wil son. High Point; F.-R. Hewitt, High Point; T. D. I-anc. Wilmington; W. R. Leak, Winston, and J. J. Norman. The convention decided on High Point asmeetlng nlace for . the next state convention, to be held some time during May and appropriated $l(H for the benefit of T. P. A. men who are among the San Francisco suffer ers. Ashevllle was endorsed for the 1907 national convention, and the as wclatloa w-llf , akft a big effort to have that city chosen as the meeting place. ' . . A committee was appointed to try and secure for the , traveling men of North Carolina a' two-cent Inter changeable mileage rate Instead of the two and a half cent rate that now prevail. STRIKE OF FUNERAL DM Hi By Wire to The Sentinel NEW YORK, May 12. A serious situation confronts the health depart ment because of the strike of funeral drivers. Two hundred funerals are scheduled for today and like number tomoriow, while 150 were postponed from yesterday. , The health department has deter mined to aek aid of the police depart ment In preventing molestation of fun etals. , One undertaker has engaged a sight seeing automobile for the funeral to day for use of mourners. The remains will be carried in a business wagon. rao irniED. r 1 Man Arrested At Belews Creek The One That Shot and Killed Mr. Wlggfns. 1 ' lentinut Pay; i2.-Birg!ars r'ei, flueis today. Nrtfsf. was shot wctjulre. while 'n.e latter's home, &'h street.. ' of one of ' the 'Wtn famlllu. . f By thrno k...i.. " PllttS ill 111,, E AT f. f,l C. A. TOUT. The Saturday night song service will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor at 8:15 p'clock tonight and will be conducted by Mr. James H. Cofer, captain of the Y. M. C. A; baseball team. ' . strike 1 At NsdIao ; n nwrning. o Charlotte. large nttrnlHir of to Rtfend. thk on. the 20th ,la' 'rain from 'A'"" mat date. ; Charlotte at 6 v,p w11' w . "Vlt' agent wag In Dicniho. .. inth. 2 "V me t ' : ' ,., - . ' ' 'AROUND THE CITY. Geo.. F. Rah neon, of Fannlngton, was (here today, returning from a trip to Hillsboro. Shirley Anderson., of Madlson7"Ts In the city, the guest of bis sister, Mrs. Sufitenfield. . The leaf tobacco sales on- the Winstoif market-this" week amounted to m.C20 nounds. " Mnr M. J. Tudor of Stella, Va. spent iaai iiigiw m tne city wnn ner son. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. R. Joyce. Mr. Fitts, a socialist speaker and organizer, addressed a email crowd of that political faith at the court house IM. .. . ... . . "ub ouCTnoon. He win speau agaia tonight. - - V . . -. ; . Prof. V. R C4il!iim of Wake Forest College, will occupy the purpit i tne First Baptist church at II o clock tomorrow. No service will be beld at night , , Mrs. J. F. Pierce and children came n irorn Burlington this afternoon to visit relatives. -. Mr. Pierce has ac cepted a poHictoh with the Greensboro Electric On. an htn famllv after tltelr visit here, Will go to Greensboro wj live. ; - : . i " 1.,, ' ' Somehow man i twv h'aa a olit- ting headache when .he Is called upon w entertain his wife's mother. . E. Painttr, Machinist in Southern Hsilwsy Shops at Sptnccr, Wh Was en the Strt Car When th Murder Was Cemmlttsd Setwten Salisbury and Spsncer, Says th Ntflre n Jail Hers Is ths Guilty, Party Prisoner May Be Htld Here for Som Time. The negro arrested br Mr. D. C. Taylor at a brick yard near, Belews Creek yesterday and brought to Jail here, was today identified as Ed. Davie, the slayer of Couductor Wig gins at Salisbury thtee weeks ago. Mr. J. E. Painter, a machinist In the Southern Railway shops at Spencer, who was on the car when the shooting took place, arrived here this morulug and in company with local, officers went to the Jail where he positively. IdeiM Inert Davis. The negro will probably be kept here until the next term of Rowan court. - ', '. There was a reward of $530 offered for the capture of Davis, dead or alive, and Mr. Taylor will got the re ward, he having arrested him. Shortly after be was arrested Davis admitted that he was the negro wsnted, but later denied It. He has told many conflicting stories since his arrest Identified in Jail Yard. ' Mi-. . Paint sr.' who arrived here at 11:20 today on the Mooresville' train, was met at the station by Sheriff Als- paugh. Mr. Painter stated that he worked IS hours last night and ate very' little breakfast this morning. H asked for time X get something to eat before going to see the negro under arrest. This request was of courso granted. At 12:15 Mr. Painter, in company with the sheriff. Dr. E. Fulp. Capt H. U Rlgglns. D. C. Taylor and a' Sen tinel representative left the court house on the Identification mission. At the suggestion of Mr. Painter, the prisoner was removed from bis cell to the Jail yard. "1 want to get a good view of that negro, so that there will be tio danger of being mistaken," said Mr. Painter. As soon as the negro walked out of th basement door - into the yard Sheriff Alepaugh turned hlnv loose-. Mr. Palmer had his back toward the' prisoner and when he turned around the white, man And negro were, only a few feet arjwrt. .- ' . 1 ' 1 ' "That's the negro that shot Mr. Wiggins; I am confident of that," ex claimed Mr. Painter aa soon as his eyes fell upon the prisoner's fac. Spencer man scrutinised the man who went under the name of Ed. Davis at the Belews Creek brickyard, and be stood by his first declaration that this was the man that murdered Conduc tor Wiggins. - The pegro dented emphatically the charge, saying that he was a native of Reidsville and left there two or three ' weeks ago, going to Belews Creek, where t found employment. When asked why he confessed to the man he was working for and to Dr. E. Fulp, after he was srrested, that be killed Mr. Wiggins, the negro replied that he was only Joking when he made that statement Before Mr. Painter left the Jail Davis said he' would-like to see the negro woman it Jail at Salisbury and requested Mr. Painter to tell her to come to see him. 8herlff Julian, of Rowan, has re quested Sheriff AlspauKh to hold the negro here until he sends for him. , Mr. Painter, who wns sent here by Sheriff Julian to identify the Davis negro, Is a Dative of Davidson county, but resided In this city for some time before moving to Spencer four years ago. He Is the man. sent to Greens boro a few? days airo to see If the ne gro arrested, at ReideviUe was the right party'. He told the Greensboro officers as soon as he looked, upon their prisoner that he was not the man that killed Mr. Wiggins. Mr. Painter told Sheriff Alspaugh and the writer as soon as be arrived here that he felt confident he Would know the man wanted as soon, as he saw him, "because 1 was on the jtreet car when the shooting occur red and viewed that negro . closely," said Mr. Painter. VOTE 11 II TIE. Senate Committee on Panama Canal Did Not Agree On The Type. Five Mtmbcrs of Committer Paver Sa Lvl and Flvs Favor Lsck Canal, Stnator Simmons Being In Latter Class. Deflnits Decision Probably Be Mad About Tuesday. By Wlro to The Sentinel WASHINGTON. May 12. Advo rates of tb tea level Panama canal will erobaWy win. They came near sen lug a victory In the senate canal coninvte, As It Is. determination of tH Qtieirtnn f tT enn will be posiponed until next Wednesday. hen the ': question came ap for consideration la executive session of the committer today the vote resulted lt a tie. Following senators voted for the sta level canal: Klttredge, Piatt. Anky. Morgan and Taliaferro Those for loch type were Millard. Drydeu. Hopkins, Knox and Simmons. TO BE SOLD AGAIN. By reference to The Sentinel's ad vertising columns It wilt be seen that the Damask Manufacturing . Com pany's mill plant and ftlte at Roaring River. Wilkes county. Is to be re-sold on May z4, a ten per cent bid having been filed with MaJ. J. E. Alexander. referee In bankruptcy, by the Greens boro National bank and the Carolina Supply Company, of Greenville, S. C. At the first sale the property was bid off by J. S. Patterson, of Sprsy, for $7,000 an dat the second sale, two weeks n go, N. B. Mills, of Statesvlllc, was the purchaser for $7,700. The question of confirming the last sale came tip before Major Alexander this morning, at which time the ten per cent bid was filed by President Nell! Ellington, of the Greensboro bank, and a ' representative of the Carolina Supply Co. DB. D. C. LILLY WILL ; :- pecno SENIORS Pastor of First Presbyterian Church Will Deliver Baccal aureate Sermon To Graded School Seniors at Centena ry Church Tomorrow Even ing at 8 O'clock. Tomorrow evening at eight o'clock Di D. Clay Lilly will preach the aa auat sermon to the graduating class of the city school. The service m be held at Centenary M. E. church. .Id order that the people generally may attend the services, thert Will bttu. reaching at the Presbyterian and Baptist churches tomorrow even- int. The school will close oa Friday. May IS. The graduating exercises will be heW st the Elks' Auditorium. The address, as heretofore announced. '.II be delivered by Dr. C. Alphonno Smith, of the Vntveralty. Mr. W. M. Hendren will prm-nt the diplomas to the graduates. The Montague medat, which Is given by Mr. H. Montague to tba member of the class making the highest avtruge In the senlic year, will be ptetcnted by Mr.. A. H. Eltor. The Winston comet band will furulsh excellent music fur the occasion. JOHN NAIL SUES : BROWN & WILLIAMSON John Nail. ho sufttalned " serious abntit a vear SCO While St work In the factory oi Brown ft wu tinmurm tn harm manufacturers, 'has Instituted suit against that firm for damages. . . Matnr .1, E. Alexander is counsel for the plaintiff. The complaint has not been filed yet. therefore tne amounn sued for has not been named. .it m-m h .remembered that Mr. Nail was struck on the head by an Iron hook, from a heit m tne prize fivni H4 wa knocked down and for days little hope was entertained for bis recovery, luater ne was cameu to Philadelphia where an operation .- nnrfnrm.t hv Which A Piece of the hook w&s removed from the brain. After returning borne and taking a feet for saveral weeks, he weut back to work. ., . . . ; Last. Tuesday it was noticed by Mrs. Nail that her tttwband's mind was affected. She accompanied him to the home of his parents at Cornat ler Davie county.' Mrs. Nail, who was here today, expressed fear that her hits-band's reason was gone. , NEAR BID TRESTLE The crowd of Italian laborers .that arrived .hera the first. of tbe w;eek from. the western part of the State, are still in camp near tbe big trestle on tbe Southern Railroad a - mile southeast of the city. . They are await ing the arrival of money from friends to-pay their transportation back to New .Yorfa' - Mr. W. P. Crutcbfleld, agent for the Southern, he been authorized to offer the men $1.25 day to work on a rail road at Hillsboro. it is also said that the crowd could find employment on the Southbound railroad, but It ap pears that they- are determined to do nothing until they cad bear from New York. , VOTE i: RITE BILL NEXT WEEK Senate To Act On This Meas ure Tuesday or Wednes- , day Probably. : Lengthy Discussion of Various Amendments Will Not Allow Vote' Before That Timo Had Been Though That Veto Would Taken Ytstsrday Afternoon. Dr Wire to The Senlluel. WASHINGTON. May 11 So many bavo been the amend men Is offered and so earnest aud prolonged the de bate that the railroad rate bill sltU clalnM ths sxcIubIvo attention of the sensto. Il now kmka aa t bongo a final vote will not be reached until next Tuesday or Wednesday, PETITION FOR PARDON . OF JJ.1LACKLET 8peclal to Tu Sentinel. ' RALEIGH. May 13 Governor Glenn has granted a hearing to peti tioners for the pardon of J. C. Black- ley, of Loulsburg, who is serving a sentence of six years on the Wake roads for enibessllng $5.00 from Mo Adoo t Co.. of St. Louis, Mo., while selling horses and mules for thorn here In Raleigh. The charge on w hich he was convicted was that McAdoo A Co. shipped the bora to him here in csr load lots, that he. as agent, sold them and failed to make settlement. Blackley's defense was that he was a partner In tbe butUuess and that tht-re was an understanding that he had the rlgh to re-Invest tho money lit other stock before settlement was made. This is one of the principal grounds on which the pardon Is urged. Among the delegation from Ixmlsburg that appeared before the governor were F. S. Sprulll. T. W. Blckett, J. A. Thomas, Sheriff Kerney, Ike Kerney, Albert Cook, chief of police, B. W. Ballard. Al. Joy ner and others. Sev ers local attorneys, who were Inter ested as counsel for Blackley In tbe trial, were aluo present .... . A lengthy petition was presented and also letter from the trial' Judge and the solicitor asking that the par don to granted. , , El IN THE PHILLIPIHES WASHINGTON, May 12. Under the direction of the war department Genera Leonard Wood, commanding division of the Philippines, has begun a campaign of thorough preparation of his troops for possible service. An order Is Issued by him providing for an elaborate system of target prac tice, field marches, sham battles, etc., all for tlie purpose, as he says, "that troops of this command may be fit for hard field service." mis oraer was made public today. PICNIC SEASON WITH .THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS ChrM church Sund,- school has announced Us annual picnic at Nlssen Park on June 6. - The other Sunday schools will doubtless follow lu one. two, three order, as In other .'years. These occasions are' always enjoyed by tho scholars, old and young, and hilght well be termed "congregational plculcs" for the entire membership Is usually present. CARL SGHURZ VERY ILL IN NEW Y EVANGELIST TE11ELL TO . PREACH TO I70L1EII. The Urge crowd as the Star ware houae was greatly pleased last night with the lecture on "Quo Vadta." Evangelist Yeuell has the best trter- eoptlcan views that can be ' secured. and showed 4 hundred of these, but while they were beautiful and attrac tive, they were not all the lecture by any means. Mr. Saxton In the open. Ing led a song service, and two or three hymns were thrown on tho canvas and sung by the chorus and congregation, Mr. Yeuell gave a bril llant denctistlon of characters con . tailed In the hook, historical refer- ; enctvt, and sunie his avocriptloua Were eloquent.' He described ths martyrdmn of Peter and tho persecu tion of tho Christians of that day, and sJtbough It Is a popular lecture, when the picture of ths Christ, who Is the innplmtk n tit the Christina, appeared on the canvass, hi discourse on Christ would be worthy of a place lu anv sernxm. Tonight will be the lecture -Shipwrecks of Life," for colored people. It will be Illustrated. ' i ' - Sumlav morning, tha Sunday school of tbe Christian church will be held' lu the warehouse at 9:30 a. m. At U a, m., preucblng and at I p. BV'thn, great meeting for woitven only will b held. Subject "Tho Old and.Trno, Womnn." At p., m. the sermon on Babylon." which was 'hindered by the -rain last Sunday night,-will be REVIVAL SERIES . - IN NEW YORK CITY Special to The SetineL NEW YORK, May 12 The revival Ists are taking hold of this town In 111 directions. The Salvation Army sang their songs and took np a collection, besides offering prayer, at boxing bout the other day. This attends to the lower rtratutu. They were a cool about It as though they were holding an ordinary meeting in their own barracks, The higher class the creme do la creme, so to fpeak were gathered to the fashionable St Regis Hotel, and the drawing room was filled with la dies fashionably dressed, attending as members of society a meeting model ed after the .meeting being held in London to reuch and Interest high so ciety in religion. Jdlss Amy L. Dun can Is the leader of this meeting. Re porters vainly strove to effect an en trance, but were not admitted. Miss Duncan saying. "We are going to talk about Christ, mid do not care to let anyone in without an Invitation. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. May 12. One Of Ui most brutal murders that over cam to notice of the New York police oc curred this morning when Mrs. Lena.' Hun per. aged was choked to death In her apartments wbllu her husband was lying in bed, unable to 'arise oa . account of heuinatlin. He beard the murderer beating and assaulting the woman. Jiinies Flattery, watch man In thn hulldlnff where the Hiisd- era lived, was amted, charged with' the crime. 'Mr. Iluwpor says lattery forced his way into the apartments. BY By Wire to The Sentinel NEW YORK. May 12. The condi tion of Carl Schurx is reported by phy sicians '"U morning as very critical. Dr. Rudish said he did not expect be would survive the day. TURKEY WILL GRANT DEMANDS OF ENGLAND By Wire to The Sentinel. CO.VSTANT1NOPLB. May 12. Turkey today accepted England's de mands for evacuation of Tabah by Turkish troops and' delimitation of border line of Sinai peninsula. Eng land's ultimatum expires at midnight tomorrow. : ' preached. TO DEATH, HUSBAND 6ElN6 TO ANNIVERSARY LOVEFEAST AT FRIEDBERS TODAY. Today was held the anniversary love-f.HSt of the Frledbcrg Moravian congregation. A large number of Mend) In Winston-Salem availed themselves of the bmutlful, weather and spent tho day t Frtedberg attend ing the services and renewing tneir. acquaintances with old friends. ' Bishop Rondthaler 'preached the an niversary sermon, - . " - The entertainment given in the Su lam Boys' school cbspel last night by tho Junior Endeavor Society of Christ church was a pronouueed sue CfifW.- Forty young pple took part in rendering the pleasing program of songs, recitation and (he - musical plsy "The Gypsy." Tba Christ church Sunday school orchestra appeared for the first time before the public and made a very favorable impression. Tbe happy re-tigering of the various parts -of thn vrogrftm refletd great credit upon the skill of Mr, vKciiireth PfohJ. the leader ol tho society, A large audience was In attendance and something mora than $40 was rea lised, which will be used In placing ttotie steps at tbe southeast entrance to tho church, " MRS. DAVIS' E0NDIT1 ; JEIIISJNCHINEED, Wlr tt Tti notlnt ' XEt YORK. May 12. Mrs. Jeffer son . Javls' condition . remains un changed. It Is still critical. No ap parent charrg cam during the night, either for better or worse. TO LIVE LONG NOW v Wlrs Th 8ntlnot CHICAGO, May 13. From Voliva'il camp and ftotn the servants gt Shlloh House crnies the nort that John Alexander Duwle Is spending his last hours on earth. It Is stated that tbfl affection, of tlie lower limbs. has be- gun to extend to body; that when It reaches bis 1m an In a day or two his -follower expect' him to die. Winston-Salem, N. C, May t. Mr. Gon C. Tudor, - Dear Sir: We have Just received, through you. the check of tho Mutual Benefit of Newark, N. J., tor $3,000. policy number 312.757 on the life of my husband, Charles Buford. The claim was only sent In a few days ago, and has been settled with remark able promptness, for which you will accept my thanks. Very truly. LALYCK D. BUFORD. Admr. Rev. E. O. Lowdormllk, of Tobacco vllle, was here this morning, return ing from a visit to Ms father at Asho boro. Th tatter's condition oav tlnues serious.

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