DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY. EVENING, MAY 17. 1906 YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS ES BOLD II SSES en's RepresentaUv- mma Speak out bong Terms. T WEEK OF THE WAREHOUSE MEETING. 2 BISHOPS BEN E CHOSEN. Reported for The Sentinel. The meetings at thv mart-house are bow 1b the third week mita in creased interest and power. Th audi ences remain attentive and interested (through the Invitations, and last night live persona responded to the Invita tion. Some came during the singing 'of the hymns by the cjngi fgation. ... . !Ou came forward while Mr. Saxtou Contest for Third Place la Between i Cj'I'"9 " isaug a stansa of ' Almost Persuaded. . Cuwt'tutton for Rua-; Evangelist Yeuell made plain and Done v .In Act of ADOStles. the ulv honk nf at Once And Thai j nl(xk,, conversions in the Bible. It Dr. J. J. Tlgert and Dr. Seth Ward Chosen By Southern M. E. Conference. Dr. John C. Kilgo And Dr. Collina :uuon "- i cvangeiisi letieu maue plain amii .,.. w . . . . . Believe That forcible some of the example of the) n"yVote Not Announced Yet. , would Oit-'N'w Testament conversions, as found; -List of Candidates for th Ofrkt of Bishop. Mould Follow. The Sentinel. - ;RSHl'R(;. May I'-- tor immediate esuDn- Limtion ana cou" r . . a ..a - im a. fess ni" ' ' -. th know la rirht was shown how- Inconsistent It ia to ; Special to The Sentinel. depart from these models In the pres- BIRMINGHAM, A!a., May 1?. The ent day. People should be converted iflm Dal,(H of fceueial coufereuce ot now as thev were In the duv of th : Methodilit Episcopal church. South, Apostle. It vu Impressed upon the ' rsulte'1 ,u election ot Ur. J. J. Ttgert. . ueome- the importance of do im what " tivnie comereuce, wno nas htfort atiythl: workingmen'sl Service tonight at 8 o'clock. There Louisville conference, who been book editor of Methodist Publish InarHaiiij at Nashville and editor of wide bv oriuKiii-u - ':"', . , lMthA,nk On.n.ri. n.-i . tae president way , was maue puouci' " . . 1 j mi this morning. H another Illustrated service tju noUs. yturterly Review, aa onei . deilrerra to Cnnere.!10 bo payment la refused or to d.mma this morning. bishop," h recrtr1nr-JKtniyr-3f,01- aJ", " Ilrerf ? lo "'N,,.. . ..t.im. uk. th., ik .ui.ti FULL REPORT OF GARFIELD READ Sent To Congress This After noon By The President Without Comment. This la Full Report on Standard Oil Company And Deals Especially With Evidence of Rebates And Sec ROYAL ARCANUM WINS E Sneclal to The Sentinel R.U.E1GU. May 17 - Opinions were delivered this eveulug by the supreme conit in nineteen appeals. Th. case of most geueral interest was A. U. Brniier, ot Charlotte vs. Royal, Arca num. Involving the question of hether money io the hanU of collec tors aud treasurers of Roval Arcanum paid in by members aa aasenuneiit for "widow aod orphans fund" are ret Rates- First Report Dealt 'lM to attachment to satisfy claim in i ait aiaie si;.n tn saptvuM BAILEY Merely With Summary of Discriminations? Railroad AS! OU TJ FLOOR. Submits Documentary Evi dence In Support of Yes terday's Statement Reiterate Denial of Report Published to Western Paper and, Amona Other Papers, Submit Seme Prom Err Senator Chandler Bearing on Hit Attitude Toward Rat Vlll. icouncil. The niakirifv of tho vxirt Associate JvH-ttc Couuor writing tfcejtjr TAite to Th. EestbeL opinion, hold teat taia money la not ty Wire to The Sentinel opinion, now icav taia money ia n: WASIHNOTON, May It. Senator WASHINGTON Mav IT Tommia-' ' ' aiiwcnmenu i.niet jnaticr Bailey prevented In th HUts tn .Ia r., . Tm- i ,, ? V. . n w,lwr n,rk fll" 1 ilMla opinion! nwrnlng documentary ovKteaoe la his aloncr Garfield fuU report, regarding iBoMng thttt atwehmeuto ohould hold pomeaalon trudiog to d!crdlt tho th Siauiturd OU Company, a aynop- j against funds accumulated and in the! ptiUUrbed statement that ha bad acted la of which wwa sent to Congress by hand or officer la thto Stat from the prdeat May 4. waa made public ! Prwnta,m Mwnenra. tor oea n rZe erel Sntunlv night ,ud a great mau .". p. m. imerest u i conrinuee in me -- - - - ltiiaimcnU dumet eoruiista otlav",n ,UM- 'l Question cox. muu Mr. ieu.ni answers, ' - " r.iMI nu f JSism w. nA nrw.iwiurma paia sfadlJll to the Ciar's address as t nnstHutioiial Demo v is th,.- dmmia. These fitwl a ereat sensation. hwi's roproscutatlves de- o iluuma oiiclit to sena Ciar. protesting against or of ai!.ess from the a number of question each night. of such demands Is re v sisnilliant. The hope '. im m the framing of , ml ! nut prove offensive vimise of its wording, y !n aecorilance with th,' :iiikitiuMiieirs deletes 51 FOR THE HOSPITAL AND S7S0 FOR CHARITY collet quelle is to the em- Thf will of the lale Rufus A. Jones, who diml on North Liberty street laxt week, was today probated before Mr. R. E, Tiansoii. clerk of the superior eouiL Mr Clement Manly Im named ar wmiii probably IsstiCipjjjjr,, di-si.tv init the ilouma j Ml. JjllC3 fntcn a j,l(iCT,ent for nniioiuitcii!) oi hmhm . i)(o n Me Fot sMh suiteilor court a year or more ago against the Amer lean Wart-house C;) of Spray, for In juries sustained while lt the employ of said convpany. He purchased a lot on North Liberty street on which he had a nice cottage erected. In the will Mr. Jones Rives $o0 to the Twin-City hospital. For charit able purposes only he gives $250 to Mrs. 8. H . Taylor; $250 to Mrs. P. M. Bohannon and to Mrs. A. P. Hall $250. Mr. and Mrs. C. P Jones are to receive $100 and Mies Llllle M. McCce $100. The executor la authorised to convert all assets Into cash, which means a sale of (lie houso and lot. aeconlpanletr tv-fewvai hKter of trw! W claim Mae that of tne Dltlatlff Tin " , . .i, ir w in. uni m to rowec back Into the fund by CONTEST OVER PEERAM'S WILL of the lale Rev. T. H. not been probated" yet. estimated to bj worth J mm -codicil attached to the may result in a contest. kten a few days before Hev. Mr. l'egrani. In this hM the Insurance policy Im Methodist Benevolent Association is to be id between the widow, i-crani and ' granitdnngh Ifeeased. Miss Ma E. :r!i Point. W. and T. H. I'egram. (Uctasi'd, are named as t a hearing before Clerk ior Conn Transou this has uxrtvd to turn over liiiliev to Rev. Dr. tr cuil"etlon. A motion in have the will (lied k on June 4th for the pur ls: probated. inl attached lo the will. ct is lett to the widow e and at the death of the elected bishop on the third ballot by a vote of H out of 271. Coherence then adjourned for dinner. Much interest was aroused In elec tion of third bishop, the principal con-! test being between Dr. John C. Kilgo: and Dr. Collins Denny. The vote, has! not jet been announced. Fullowjug is list of thosowho wore candidate for do office of bishop: Dr. W. F. McMurry. pastor Cent n try church, St. Uuls; Rev. Collins Denney, Instructor in philosophy In Vand.'ibil! University; Dr. James V. Auxins, fc'.imlav school editor of the M. E. Chueli. South; Dr. J. C. Kilgo. president Trinity College, Durham, N. C: Dr. W. D. Murrah, president Mill sap College, jiirkson. Miss.; Dr. Seth Waid, Texas;Dr. John J. Tigert, book editor of the church. genu In detail the evidence of rebat ing and secret rating. OF !Ue estate znca ptiiak' College. to IS PRESENT JOB. R"nMnl. TON, May 17. Since ex irtl t has anneared in tho fc of the administration by t President of being a pie tiuth sneculation has x to what measures the nld take tn "got even," at ""Id happen to Chandler f it would he his official president of the Spanish 8 Commission. Joh Is absolutely at' th t president. The! president - "nt it Is under not revenge himself in ''naps he would do so if ra had a lone tennu nf f aif' only three and a '""K'-t lor the rommls "j 'I is hinled that w eicomp his removal s-ve Mm an opportunity ttsrxiUc n. . WILL VISIT VARIOUS - VIRGINIA BATTLEFIELDS RALEIGH. May 15.-Secretary of State J., Mryan Grimes and MaJ:ir H. A. l.onilon will leave Raleigh on Wed nesday of next week for a visitation 'jo the- various battlefields ol.the Civ il War about Petersburg, Va., for the purpose of investigating and making a study tspeciully of the positions oc cupied by North Carolina troops In the various engagements In which, '.hey participated, Their pnrposa will be especially to locate the most de sirable spots on which to place suita ble ennraved slabs commemorating tha part taken, by North Carolina sol diers in these battles. The visit will be entirely unofficial, but It is Under stood that the next. General Aisembly will be HskxS to make an appropria tion for these marble or granite mark- err. EXECUTIVE BOARD OF The report of Mrs, Prather, the ef ficient librarian of ;he Carnegie lib rary, for the first quarter of Its exis tence shows that, during that time, fiiiSJ book w;re taken from the lib rary, l'JOO being taken out the first month, 2,Hx the second mouth and 1795 the third month.' The number of visitors to the read ing rooms during that time was 5o. Two hundred new books were caia kigued during tho quarter. Hooks have been used by 8K2 dif ferent pet sons. , The number of hooks now In the library Is 2560. , Master Francis Coleman kindly donated two books to the library a few days ago. GR IS ERTI MRS. DAVIS SUFFERED RELAPSEJLAST NIGHT. 8y Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. May 17. The condi tion of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who suf fered a relapse, last night, Is reported somewhat better. - Mis9 Hayes1, gTand-daughter of Mrs. Davis, said this morning that Mrs. Davk nassed a comfortable night and awoke this morning much Improved. She said; "Yesterday slie had a bad spell but she Is stronger and much improved today." Dr. Wylle was pres ent for an hour or more this morning und then left, expressing the opinion that, crisis had passed and that he had every reason to believe the patient would recover. , The executive board of the State Council, Junior Order United Amer ican Mechanics, is holding a business session in the hall of Liberty council this afternoon. The board1 Is composed of Sta'te Councilor R. T. Poole, of Troy; Clias. (1. Lee. of Ashevllle; Z. P. Smith, ot iRaU'igh; Geo. V, Fulp, of Koriiersvllle, anJ State Secretary S. F. .Vance, of Wlnston-Saleni. Messrs. Poole and Smith could not attend the mettllig. , Mr. Poole wired that he was unable to make connec tion at High Point and requested Sec retary Vance to act for him. Mr. Smith, who is in Philadelphia, was repTepeufcd by Mr. W. E. Falson, of Raleigh. One of the objects of the meeting, it is said, la to discuss the ruling of the national law committee In regard to the establishment of an orphanage home by the N'crth Carolina State Council. The board, it Is understood', will appeal to the national executive board from the derision of the law committee, which was to the effect that the resolution adopted by the state counsll at Its Hint meeting In Salisbury to establish an orphanage, was tine institutional, on the ground that, till was not one of the objects of the order. , FIRE IN MASSAGHUSELTS DISCUSSION OF THE RAILROAD RATE BILL T!l" Sen tine? PKE CITY ' ' '''Ch ownf Utah '""ty lomnanv ha . L-i'0l' f)f l,o ,,,,1 i u!l; . ""lUlllftB in I,r"lerty Salt I. un V ".''"road.' has also riiese trans,iim. llSpar hpre today' -'"'"" of -divorce of .'" ent into btisl " assist converts but iH. longer needed. f'' H. Hasten .-.. . .. n rill ,j " a'tornoon. He will ih sew ,,,uw'01 ." By Wire to The Sintlnl. WASHINGTON, May llrenlier by reason ot the wrongful cancellation' of hi policy or breacn ot contract through) the geurrat Incroaso of assessment put in force by the supreme lodge fome months ago. The majority opinion of the court which settle the suit In favor o( the Royal Arcanum holds that whether the fund in the hands of the local council col lators and iTensurers are treated as property of the corporation Imme diately upon It receipt by them or as the proerty of members of the local councils mvMI transmitted Is Imma terial. If the first It Is Impressed with an Implied trust, if the second It can not be attached for a debt of the supreme council Royal Arcanum. Otherwise th result would be disas trous to thousands of widows and orphans. In the case of Sta'e vs T. B. Par tington from Guilford the sentence of Kanlngion to one year on the road for retailing liquor without license. although only two offenses were proven, the last eighteen month be fore the indictment, I sustained. Jus tice Connor writing the opinion of the court. A white woman, whose name was not learned, was a passenger on the Incoming train from Greensboro yes terday afternoon. She wanted to go to Roanoke; but the N. & W. train had departed when she arrived here. The stranger spent the remainder of the afternoou at the union passenger station and when darkness came, the visitor asked for permission to spend the night at the home of Helle Zlglar, the colored woman, who Is In charge of the waiting rooms at the station. The woman Insisted and Bell, who Is always accomodating, gave the w'.rauger supper, lodging and break fast. The woman left this morning for Roanolie, where sha said her husband works. While here Belle says the pas senger drank a pint or more of gin, saying that she took It for "nervous prostration." SHERIFF ALSPAOGH TO HOLD (HAS. WHITT By Wire to The SentlneL MONUMENT BEACH, Mass.. May 17. A fire which started here at 11:30 last night was not under control until this morning. Twenty-five cottages and tha Neft- York, New Haven and'.-.n ,.. w 't- Bherlff Alspaugh today received the following letter from Sheriff D. K. Julian, of Rowan county, which ex plains Itself: "Judge Waid aked me to write yon and ask you to hold the negro Kd. Davis (Charles Whitt) until he could consult with Solicitor Hammer. As Hrt-rtford station was burned loss be- what ,() (lo wn hm Wfl w, m NIK "1 lieiKlilHPl HAAl H fiu,uu.f. iur. Are started in the summer cottage of Arthur B. Martson. On account of the scarcity of water it spread quickly aud mado the work of bucket brigade difficult. the New Advertisements. Owens Drug Co. Plastico ls best wall finish. J. A. Wlesner & Co. We make ice boxes, mantles and screens. Watson's Drug Store. Our Rtraw-bert-v cream Is made of the rich ripe fruit". T. V.' Pfaff. Did you ever think? C M. Thomas & Co. Ice shipped you for your boarding him." Sheriff Alspaugh tells The Sentinel that lie will hold Whltt until notified to release him by either J-ndge Ward. Solicitor Hammer or' Sheriff Julian. Henry Whitt. father of tho prisoner, says' lie w.ill remain here until his son is released treacherously to hi party and tud attempted to prevent rate legislation. Bailey had written x-.-uur Chan dler, asking him to) send him oopy of aay eoturwralrattoa he ka nude to president or anr weasbe adminia- tratlon wMch could possible bav been made basis for tat;'mnt pub lished. Chandler replied, eocloainx hie nienioramlum to the president, his letter to Loet and an extract from his diary. THIS STATE LAST WEEK. The following relative to wealher conditions In this State for week end ing Monday. May 14. Is contained in weekly rejiort of government weather bureau; The rainfall for the part week was everywhere below tho normal. It was heaviest in the southeastern portion of the State, anil lightest. In the west ern portion. The ralu was much needed and would have been beneficial except thai It wad followed by cold weather will) dry winds. The mean temperature for the 8tale averaged sboul 7 per cent below iior- mal. The coldest perlold 'extended from the Kth to tho 11th. the lowest temperature reported was 24 de gree on the, 10th In Buncombe county. Frost occurred every morning from the &th to tho Uth. Considerable damsge-wae done to vegetation of all kinds In neatly every county, while In many counties the damage was very serious, only a few counties re potting damage slight. At Charlotie the bwest minimum was 38 degrees on the loth, which la the lowest o record for that lima of the month. At several place the ground wiu froten and Ice formed, WAS THIS RUSSIAN. FUGITIVE KIDNAPPED? By Wlie to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. May 17-Dr. Gregory Maximo, former president of short lived Baltic' Republic, and who was a political refugee from Russia becauae of his attitude whllj editor of Rum ot St. Petersburg, is believed to have been kdnapiH-d from his hotel In this city hist week by Russian secret ser vice men and shipped bark to country of the Cuir. a prisoner In the hands of hi abdMetor. Despite the fact that such a plot, would be very difficult ot accomplish ment, in fact practically Impossible, an Investigation at the hand of Ivan Narodny, former 8.crclary of State of Baltic Ri'pulille and ho Is now stop ping In ChlcagT), has resulted In secur ing information to the eftect that mi'tiilini ot the revolutionary band In Mil city mw n person answering the description of Dr. Msniine, together with tliieu other Russrsns, on a dock tn sail for t'u rope about a week ago. Dr. Maxlnie was expected by Mr, Narodny. who became alarmed when he found he did not arrive. I-at night he got into communication with aym- imthlxer In this city with, the result thnt he is firmly convinced Dr. Maxlnie is now on ocean being taken buck to Russia. He Intends putting title matter up to Washington, GRADUATING EXERCISES AT HOSPITAL TONIGHT 17. When I promptly to all points. the senate met today at 11 o'clock to resume consideration of the railway rate bill president pro tern Frye oc cupied tfie chair," owing to absence from city of the vice-president. Amendment agreed to in commit tee of the whole making pipe lines common carriers was taken up. Mr. Beveridge moved to Include natural or artificial gas lines. Mr. Foraker opposed this as "a whim" which. If adopted, would entail great financial loss and embarrassment upon Cincin nati, Ohio, which Invested five million dollars for transportation of Its own gats from West Virginia. nit o Mocksvllle this fh?"rl,pfa'r 1 " Vh,,, t,:yash,ngton Mrs. Lizzie Gentry, of Madison, who has been visiting here, returned home this afternoon. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. John D. Wall and two children who will spend the sum mer with Mrs. Gentry at her country home near Madison. The pub'le Is invited to the grad- Simpson Drug Co. Drink Conli-;aiing exercrses or me iwin-t iiy cello llthia wattr. Training- School for Nurse, which The J. W. Hester Co. Many pe-!'IH be held at the Twin-City Hospital clais for tomorrow and Saturday. Pnis evening, opening at H o'clock. On RoEenbaeher & 1 Bro News of the tills occasion Misses Mamie Mcdlmpsy great, lawn sale. '"'M' Pearl Stipe will receive diplomas, Mewrs Westhrook Co. Announce 'having completed the two-year course special sale of white muslin under-jof - training. Mrs. Mamie Yorke's wear jgraduatlns enerclses will also he held. . (her cotirs of training, however, not Miss Edith Greer, of Lexington.! being completed until September, came in this afternoon lo attend Sa i The program of the evening will lem commencement. While here shejhe as follows: will be the guest of Miss Julia Wilson. ' Prayer, by Dr. D. Clay Lilly. j Solo, by Mr. Jasper Dean, The old Piedmont warehouse Address, by Dr. Lilly, building will be sold on Satin-da's. May Piano 8electiort. by Mrs. Robeit S, 2ti at 2 p. m. The terms of the sale jGalloway. . will annear in an advertisement in Presentation: of diplomas, by Dr Death of Mic Christina Peterson. Mlfs Christina Peterson, aged dfl years, died this morning at 4:30 o'clock at her home In the Sister House on Church street, Salem. The deceased had been In declining health for several years. One nephew, Mr. John L. Jensen, of San Francisco, Is tho only surviving relative of the family. 1 Miss Peterson was born In Chris- tensfeld, Denmark, January 18. 120. and came to Salem In March, 1 8.19. Tho d-ceased had been a member of the Moravian church since Infancy, and was a most rstlmnhln woman, snd for more than tweniy-flvo yearn her time has been upetil In charitable work, which sin iiersonajly carried on iifcing her own funds to make the homes of the poor comfortable- and happy". The funeral service will bo conduct ed from tw dome of the deceased to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock by Bishop HoudihaUir, -The Interment will bo In thn Salem graveyard. I1.N.C.GUENCEMENT E3 Dr.. Laird to Be Her Sunday. Todav'a Danville RegiMer says: Rev. Dr. W. It. llrdof the First Presbyterian church, frR yestehlav afternoon for Greenville, S. ('., to at tend the annual meeting of the gen eral aisembiy of the Presbyterian church. South, and expects to be ab sent for about ten da) Si He expects to go to Winston-Salem to preach III" bnrea laureate fermon if tho Moravian College In th? Twln-Clly ti xt Smnlay. CHAPEL HILL, May 14 The pro gram for the one hundred and elev enth annual commencement of the University of North Carolina-has lust lieen arrangetl and judging from Uie dlstiligulsru'it men who will deliver ad dresses on various occasions during the week, the commencement of 1J6 promlnrs to be one of the most mic- eessful In the history of the InstJtu- Uon. The following Is the program for commencement week: Sunday, Jmiu 311 a, m , Daecalaq- reate Sermon, Rev. II. p. Dewey, D. I).; 8 p. itu Brniou Before the Young Men's Christian Association, Rev. a). C. Mitchell. D. D. Monday, June 47:30 n. m. Annual Joint Banquet of tho Dia.eot.c and Philanthropic Uterary Societies In Commons Hull; 8:30 p, m. Annlversa ry meetlngn of the Literary Hocletle in their respective halls. Tuesday, June 5 S-,30 a.m., S'nlors form In front of Memorial Hall add ' march to tha Chapel for prayere;10:30 a. m., ftV'nlor t lass Day Exercise in Orrard Hnll; 12 m., Prrwntailon of th Chemistry Building; 12: IS p. m Alumni Address, Hhepard Bryan, Ksq., Class of Dl; l:.'iit p. rn.. Alumni Uinch eon In Co in in o n h Hall; 3:30 p. m., An nual Meeting of the Board of Trns tec In Alumni Hall; t:'M p. m., clos ing extrdw of the Senior Class; 8:30 p. in., Annual Df'bate between repre sentatives of the Dialetlc and Philan thropic Literary Societies; 10 p, m.. Reception in Commons Hall by the President 'and Faculty; Clans Reun ions, '.V;, M, III, in',, at hour aunouiic 'd by secretaries. Wednesday, June 6 10:15 a. m. Academic proci-sslon form In front of Alumni H;i!T; 10:10 a, m.. Commence ment Exercise In Memorial Hall, Ora tions by members of the Graduating Class; 12 in.. Address by Hon. -Robert Bioadnax Glenn ; Announcement by th President; Degree Conferred; I'n-si-ntatlun of Bibles. COAT FOUND. Owner can get same by paying for this ad. and proving Property. See N. T. Shore, at Samuel Pfaff a store. E. ,Li Iockttt. Gifts of pins, by Mrs. J. M. Rogers. Almost anw one will take your ad-1 -nolo, by Miss Antoinette Glenn. Friday's Sentinel. vice and possibly one out of a bun died will generate faith enough to; use It. . ( Benediction. The many friends of Mr. Lewis Jones, who was stricken with nara- Did you ever hear of fortune In the; lysis several weeks ago, will be glad miise of a tramp knocking at any, to hear that he Is steadily regaining man's door? j his strength. Prevented Serious Accident, Mo'ortnan' Lester, on car No. 6, by bin tliinlv efforts In reveinliiK hi 'car Work Was resumed this morning ln the Knlem bill vestenUv afternoon. on Hating up tb macadam on Third i averted what came near being a ser street near union passenger station.:!.-,,,, aceldi-tit. The ear was a-ntna It was held ttp f-ir a week by the ;dwn the strep grad.Owhen the horse -street roller break, ng down. jot a 'Mr. Ung wheeled on the track 111 j light In fro of the car. The quick Considerable interest Is being; work of .Moioiiimn l,ester saved what taken in the protracted" meeting at j would have n , doubt proved a serious 8oiMhld(v Methodist church. Rev. J. -aecldi nt, probably kilting both msn F.' Kirk, .of Grace church, has been j mid .horse. preaching every night, since Sunday, HI sermons have been hnrt-scartli ing. lie will preach tonight; possibly every night till Saturday. Services st 1 p. m. and I p. m. .Miss Mabello Sharp returned yester day fnmi Itnlependerice, where she-at tende'd, the closing exercise of Hharp's Institute,

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