'WIN-OTTY ENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 1906 hYEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS ILY rail Commerce Commis- Has Not Finished investigation. Has Secured Great Deal ,UBt r.,aence Relative to Amj Oil Business, Ow""' J All... ertam Railroads ui" multigated In Accoroance ,,, Resolution. METHODIST CONFERENCE. Protest Filed Against Motion Appoint ing Commiwion to Revise Articles of Faiths-A Committee Named to Reply to This Protest, Greetings Received from Presbyterians In Session at Greenville, S. C Motion Passed for Children's Day Proceeds to Go to Chair of Pedagogy in Van derbilt Board of Education Elected. Bishop Wilson Heads Committee On Federation. SENIORS FOUND UNDER DEPOT. ' n SEK DIPLOMAS.!- 1 Opening Exercises Tonr;"t;Thirty-One Boys and Girls Of y,U)S ' May 1 -Wlth- the ...ati unly partially uucu.- " K inl or. recnM nean"K " r,. commission, which ,hu- nuirulue nom n ial situation iu Weal ur- V stern rennsjnau". . .Kiit It .111 rtaiiw uenei - .. ;j submit a rpon 10 , requested by Seuator iku session tn regard to if uem-nil coal ami oil bus- ... particularly desired u,ace It might have on the c legis'.utiou. Now mat t on taut is over In the helL'ved Tillman mill not u immediate report by the Mission is now In a posi mil a report as to the islilp ol stocks among It has roitmt out qm;e ue- nnifh nock the Peunsyl ;u tin ItaUhnore and Ohio ami Western and C. and ise who owns remainder taese roads. a;me is rather unimpor iarwl with the graft ot of iroads in coal companies. commission expected iMtrps in its Philadelphia V weio totally unprepared liii inns that were made pursue the subject -stood tliul 11. and 0. offl lie recalled to the aland laiiswcr .some very impor ts. siiRgostcd by the V healing. invefigation will be re (eveland next week. OF GALILEE" TONIGHT Yeuell to Tell "The Kind Inch Winiton Needs." i The Sentinel. . th? services at the Star were shortened somewhat ' that time who desired the commencement exer- auditorium, yet there was service and three per- forward when the invita- en. The evangelist took Joseph of Ariniathea. and who came lo buy the were secret disciples. He ery r.irciblc examples of ad the courage of t'telr and severe arraignment ho do not have such Special to The Sentinel. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Mav 19 A prottat was filed In the conference to day by W. E. Williams, of North Texa conference, liberally signed, against the motion appointing a com mission to revlta articles of fuith. A committee was named to make reply to said protest. A telegram of greetings was re- iceived from general assembly of Presbyter land at Greenville. A. resolution was adopted to contri bute money raised on Children's Day to chair of pedagogy In Vanderbilt, Revisions committee reconsidered in ritual concerning baptizing of In fanta but after a heated debate de cided to have the committee take all memorials on subject and report back four years hence. A motion was adopted protesting against government employees selling liquor. Board of EiucaUon was elected con sisting of Bishop Galloway. Bishop A. kins, Dr. Kirkland. of Tennessee; F. W. Smith, of Virginia; John. C. Kilgo, of North Carolina; W. B. Murrah, North Mississippi; T. E. Sharp, St. Louis; H. C. Prltchett. Texas; H. N. Snyder. South Carolina: John Mas sey. Alabama; C. E. Down. North Georgia; F. R, Debb, Tennessee; H. M. HumHl, Baltimore; R. o. Water house, of Holston; S. G. Thomson, Indian Mission ; N. D. Price. Montana; W. B. Vaughn. Pacific conference. A committee will select next meet ing place. Bishop Wilson was made preside')! of Board of Missions with Bishop Atkins vice-president. The book romniittso appointed Dr. Collins Denny chairman. Bishop Wilson heads committee on federation. At yesterday' session Dr. H. M. Dn Bosp was re-elected secretary of Epworth .League and. editor of Ep worth Eia. Dr. Hammond was re elected educational secretary. U W. FRIEDMAN. be a special Illustrated o'clock tonight. The sub Man of Galilee." The 'fie licht pictures will be who have seen know best. Illustrated songs hy Mr. 8axton 1 he one of the great days louse meeting. Sunday - held at the Christian ' a. m. At 11 a. m. ser- waruouse, subject,: "The tea Winston Needs." At sermon will be on "A 'h Hod." Mr. nd Mrs. furnish special music for POPE IS QUITE ILL. Was Stricken With 8udden Attack of Heart Failure This Morning, By Wire to The Sentinel. ROME. Italy, May 19. The. pope was stricken with a sudden attack of heart failure this morning and Dr. LapponI, physician to Vatican, was hurriedly summoned. The physician administered restoratives, nfter which the pore revived. Dr. iJipixinl haB ordered his holiness to take a com plete rest. The pontiff's condition, while not alarming. Is causing his entourage some uneasiness. His holiness has been suffering since Thursday from au attack of gout in his right knee. Notwithstanding his Illness ho re ceived a number ot Dominican friars In audience that day. The attack of heart failure today is not in itself dan gerous but the pontiff is run down generally because ot overwork. His engagements for t'ae next few days have been cancelled and the pope will probably remain in bed until the mid dle of next week. The pontiff had promised to attend the ceremony of beatification of Dominican martyrs who lost their lives in Tonqiiln tomorrow. Of Salem Female Acade my Commencement Baccalaureate Sermon Before Crad "uatee at 11 O'clock Tomorrow by Dr. Laird, of Danville, Va. Clart Day Exercises Monday at 11 O'clock. Alumnae Meeting Monday Af ternoon. The annual commencement exer cises of tlw Salem Female Academy and College open tonight with "Seuiois' Evening." Au interesting progiaui bait bee prepared and will be rendered lu the Academy chapel, beginning promptly at I o'clock, under the direction of Miss Emma Lehman. ttu efficient instructor la English, The Program. Salem Sou:. Senior Class. Ivy Essay. M1s Ulllan Miller. N. C. Schubert. Military March. Op. 51. Pianists Misses Sarah UaJUvei. Mary Pouch at Lexington Containing Over $1000. Missing Since Decem ber 17. 1405. Poatoflle Inspector Rtdd. who was here today, reported ttut while la Lexington' ynterday he found a mail pouch under the Southern Kail way depot. It had beea lost since IVcember 1" U.t. and contained over IliKki in cherts ud caa. bewUv a quantiiy of other valuable wail. Mr. Reddy stated thai a Wxur slit as cut tn tha pouch, but, strange, to say. the content were unmolested There U no cliie to the party that placed the iwh nuder the depot. Mr Kedd.v said that tracer had been seal , , ,, . , , . ' t ever iuc tbe pMirli was m4ssoLi .l.r!. uJiBC "bled at tbeiH u of lhv tplo:tm tnt ltw p,inwM Elks Auditorium lat eveulitR. thv oc ,hJ vm mh olw u mM robbere,' cariou belug the auuusl comiuence- 0:ll wh). u Bol .pcompj, bt ment xerclses of th Wlnatoa Public ioot ripiluwj Schools. By atallablj seat on the, Mollt xhv chrrU w, thf tlrK ftoor wa occupied, while theibllglotM Lexington au4 sonie lifflcpny crowueu. u( ,htm A Bot tate been dup- Basked luTTroiit of the stag waa a iir.,t,i Brest profusion of flowers that had I been sent by relative and friends to Winston High School Re ceive Them. At Commencement Exercises Last Evening Dr. Charles Alfonso Smiths of the University of North Carolina, Delivered a Splendid Address Mr. Buxton's Talk. Splendid Muaic Other Features. ' the members of the graduating class. LOCAL Y. M. C A. NOTES. thlki IrsnnfArmlmr rha ti 1 rua . t decorate stuire into . e..n. of s,.r- " Trm Today.-Baaeball passiut, beauty. Dr. Smith's Address, After id Impressive Invocation by Bishop Rondthaler the speaker of the Heltniau. KJolso Brown. Zilphia Mes- eventn. Ir. tharii-s Alfonso Smith ser. Mlttie Perry man, Mlnni L. Dua-jwas introduced by Snporlntendent W. ap, Fan little, Bessie Specs. Miss 8. Sniper He had chosen as his sub- FE FOREST FIRE. '9ing in Michigan Is Most (nive Since 1894. T' Seutiael. fKE. Mich., May 19. The mes since 1894 are de noare miles of terrl northern neninsnlo nt flready eight towns have out i and others nro in 'ollowitiir town. h. h... Talnot, 300 population; 'lphs. 400 population; Cornell, 500; Wootllawn. 'SRW. IfltW nnnnlatlnn. l! bin and Saunders was ll"('8. Loss of life g re. i' val of those places. "'I telephone lln.e H -'details are unobtaln- f lines in forest Sir" hnrn. ami ouiv totialily result In- (ha ,i a vast area of timber TILLMAN REFUSES.' Will Not Meet Booker Washington on , Platform at Anderson, Indiana. By W.lre to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. May 19. Senatoi Tillman has refused to engage In pub lic debata wlth,Booker Washington or even' appear on. the same platform with him. Managers of the spiritual camp meeting at Anderson, Ind., had arranged a nice little symposium on the race question, which these men were to hnve participated in-. Now It wlll be Tillman lone or not at all. H? sent the following telegram to the manager: "Aim Informed arrangement is be ing made for debate between Booker Washington and myself nt your place. So far as Washington following me is concerned I do not care, but I will not meet him on the platform. If It is a negro equality crowd that I am to talk to I prefer cancelling the en gagement." The management wired art answer the effect that the plan to have Wash ington present had been abandoned. 1 in Rockingham. 1 o SeniineJ. 'K. May 19Mr Tnl, Douglas, died suddenly nioniihi- n Li. hi: wan an ' aim an oiu "J"n1 died Wednesday ? R- F. I), route, No. 3 " ' Th irsilav. Milehfil is Jf'etishnro. in re visiting ttn-1 Florence Priro ai'e visiting relatives Z: fo'nrned last hu ' . ' ""'re ne had 1 i nomas Return. 1 -lomas f re r f. "t'ie son vhn i. v.iOi'i T.homas- reports ' 1 :, Is fun! Ire ,,i k , -"r- Thomas re- " while in the Charles Whitt Case. Sheriff Abpaugh received affidavits today from - several parties in Holds ville staling that Charles Whitt, the negro in Jail here, arrested for the minder .of Conductor Wiggins Iir Salis bury, was in Ueidsville the day the crime was committed. Sheriff AU paughj wired Solicitor Hammer to this effect, asking him to either order Whitt released or have him removed from Forsyth. The prisoner's father Is Rtjll here. i No reply had been received-up lo 4 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Wr. A. Lambeth, pastor of Holmes Memorial Methodist church, Salisbury, who was recently granted a vacation on account of ill health, arrived in the city this afternoon. Lillian Johnson at the organ. Clasi Poem. Miss Margaret Hop kins, N. C. Song Tiiou Art to me. Chadwlck, Miss Lauriti Jones. Bann.'i EUsay. Miss Ruth Siewers, N. C. Trenkler. Juhtl-Poloiials?. Op. 108. Pianists Misses Kate Haynej, Noll Jurn.'y, Cary Loud. Cleve Stafford, Mary Young. Celeste Henkel. Kffie Wharton, Mary Lenti. Miss Nlce- wonsei nt the organ. Class llf.itory. Miss Laura Hair- ston, Virginia. W Class Song. Senior Class. Rciding. Miss Annie Mickey. N. C. Mildc Galon de Concert. Op. 10. Piuni.-it.i-Missos Minnie McNalr, (Wr nude Tosh, Vivian Owens. Uiis Brown, Kiln l.nmbcrth, Josephine' Par rls, Klia Wilson, Blnncho Nicholson. Mr. Shirloy an the organ. Transfer of class colors and flower to Freshmen. Miss Joy Klrne, N. C. Miss Bertha Wohlford, N. C. New Hail Columbia. Senior Class. Baccalaureate 8ermon. In the Homo Moravian church at 11 o'clock tomorrow the baccalaureate iermon will be preached by Rev. W. R. Laird, I). D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Daiwllle, Va. Dr. Lain! Is one ot the leading divines In Virginia and on this occasion he will no doubt be heard by a large congre gation. The Interior of the church has been tas-tlly decorated. The "Seniors" and their successors, now known as the "Juniors." will occupy seats on the rostrum in front of the pulpit. This occasion l always one of great interest In our community and is at tended eachVar by a large congrega tion. The music by the large choir will be an enjoyable feature of the service. This year the choir will render one of the celebrated choruses from ths 42nd Psalm, by Mendlessohn. Seniors' Class Day Exercises. At 11 o'clock Monday morning the Seniors will form at their class room and march to the college campus when the following exercises will be carried cut: Song. Seniors of '0. Essay. Miss Louise Ikhnson, N. C. Essay. Miss Carrie Levy, Texas. Address. Rev, John H. Clewell, Ph. D. Song. luteger Vitae. Tree, planting. Song. Where, Oh -Where! Class yell. Clap will march to front of main hall. Song. Salem. Presentation of memorial gate. Essay. Miss Eleanor Fries, N. C. Essay. Miss Josephine Parrls, N. C. Response. Rt. Rev.' Edward Rond thaler. D. D. Song. Gaudfamus. Music bv members of Comet band, Mr. B. J. Pfohl, director. . Alumnae Association Meeting. A cordial Imitation is extended by the executive board of the Alumnae Association to members and friends, ladles and gentlemen, to be present at the annual meeting of the associa tion In the Academy chapel at 3 p. m. on Monday. May 21. The following is the program prepared for the occa sion: - -1,.-...-,j.......u...,-. Prayer. Dr. Clewell. Opening remarks. Minutes and report of executive hoard. Treasurer's report1. Reunion report from class of W"- Presentations from: Jaiuors of 1'JOfi. Miss Dora Jfanry. Fourth ,R'om. 1!M)C Miss Julia Woo;.. Robert de Schwelultt Column Mis M. E. Vogler. Fogle Memorial Organ. Ilistwip Rondthale;.' Mrs. S'onewnll Jackson Scholarship Hon. C. B. Watson. Music Mis Amy Van Vleck. Election of officers. Offeilnjp for Alumnae Hull. General business. Music Social session.' Commencement Exercises Tuesday. Rev. D. K. Mason will preach a special sermon to the Juniors at Broad Street Baptist church at 11 o'clock to- Mrs. S. L, Patterson, of Raleigh, Is from the Seventh Congressional the guest of Mrs. H. T. Bahnson. I trier. Ject "Individuality" and the large audience was dellgtiWd with his masterly handling of this subject. Dr. Smith began by referring to evidences of the law of Individuality In nature as well as lu man. No two Iravs on a tree are alike, said he, for they have not the same duties to perform. No two persona are alike far no two pe''ons have the same work to do. Individuality is a great and Important thing and It Is the duty of every man to devekip as far ax possible his own Individuality. There are four different ways, said the speaker, by which a man's Individ nallty may be developed, four things essential to It development In the most effective nwnner. The first thing essential to the highest development of Individuality Is contact with eople. The mini who lives In Isolation and Jtolds- himself nlixtf from people can never be us strong a man as the one who conies in coutnet with, people and by thus coming In contact with them streng thens his own individuality. It Is a mistake to suppose) that eccentricity is uhe same thing as Individuality. Eccentiiclty Is the lowest form of In dividuality and the difference Is that eccentricity Is developed by. nhslain- ing fioni contact with people while contact with people Is essential to in dividuality In Its best form. The B"cond essential thing Is the power of conc?ntiaUon. In order for a man 10 ueveiop io uie uignesi point his Individuality It Is esseutlal that he should hvae the power of fix ing his mind Intently on one thing, on one purpos?. I ne speaker rererreo to Stonewall Jackson, who had In a high degree this power of concentrat ing his energlea on one task. Not only this but conviction is nec essary, it m onen saiu mat snow- ledge Is power. This tl a mistake, said the speaker. Knowledge is not necessarily power. There are many exceptions. There Is no exception to the rule that conviction is power. When a man knows a thing and know he knows It and has the willingness to stand by his convictions to the last ditch that man Is a power. The speuker referred to the example of Athanaslus who clung to his convic tion although the entire world was against him. lastly, tha ability to bear respon sibility is essential. Every business man will tell you thera are two classes of men, those who can bear responsibility and, those who cannot tie relet red to Hamlet as a man hav Ing knowledge and artistic graces of various kinds but who was powerless when confronted with responsibility. In conclusion Dr. Smith urged (ha members of the graduating class to develop their Individuality In the highest degree. Ills address was a strong and practical one, brief and to the point. Mr. Buxton's Jalk. Hon. J. C. Buxton, chairman of the board of graded school commission erg, next referred briefly to the unusually successful session just coining to a close. He said he would recommend to the board of aldermen tha erection of a high school building for the eighth, ninth and tenth grades an! business department of West End school by next year. . Diplomaa Presented. -.-... Dr. H, F. Chreltzberg presented the diplomas to the graduates In- a par ticularly happy talk. In which ho ad vised the young people not to stop where they are and not to become one sided but to go forward and to de velop themselves along all lines. . H. Montague Medal Presented. Hon. A. H. Eller presented the II. ; Montague scholarship medal to MUs Maud Davis In an appmprlato talk. Scholarships. Miss Maud Davis received the scholarship, lo Peace Institute and IMIss Mabel Hinshnw the one to Eli.a ilieth College Mr. lliiKh Cash receiv !ed the scholarship to the I'nlversity !of North Carolina, j - Certificates of Distinction. Certlfleates of distinction were pre Uented to wveral of I he graduates. Splendid Muiic Team Getting in Good Shape. Song Service Tonight Physical Director Metu tjok a party of Y. il. C. A. boys on a tramp to the wood today. Tbey started south about ten o'clock and will prob ably spend the day beyond 'Nlaaea park. The following boys were among thotuj who went! Henry Conrad. Wll Ham Coan, Cecil Hine, Richard Stock ion, Paul Montague, Tom Gray, John Whltaker and Will Ulpfert. The Y. M. C. A. baseball team has been doing some good practice tlris week and Is In the Held for challenges from any of the local teams.1 The Saturday night snnc service will be conduru(t by Mr. Juno II. Cofer. In the Y. M. C. A. pat lor. at N : 15 tonight. GOVERNOR DELIQHTEO. Enthusiastic Over His Visit to Ashe ville. Where Ho Delivered Address of Welcome Before Cotton Manufac turer!:' Association of United Stater and England. Special lo The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May 19 Gov. Glenn said this morning on his return from Ashevillo that he never hud a more gratifying trip In his life, that hU ad iIk'Sm before (ho Cotton Manufactur ers' Association of ihn I'nlted States and England afforded lilm u n opr tuuity to ndvei i Istv North Carolina's lesonices and tuivutiUixeK more com pletely than ever before. He ay the cotton manufacturers showed a pro grusHlve spirit, accomplishing much for the furth ranee of Jiollt direct In terests of their Industry and also for bringing about a closer union with the cotton growers of the South. RATE BILL PISSES. Vote Yesterday In Its Favor By 71 to 3 In The United States Senate. Messrs. Morgan, Pettua and Foeaker Voted In tha Negative Oa the Prae esitien. Bill Nov to Go Back H the Howe. Congress May Ad jour a by June IS or 20. By Wire to Tho Dentlnef. WASHINGTON, May 11. Tha amended railroad rate bill will be pre seated lu th bouae today or Monday tor th cow'tirrencw of that body. It a pmbsbKt that Anal shaping of tb Hill will be left to committers of both branches of Coagreat. Tt rata bill paaoed ;atarday, too rata being Tl to 1. the aegativa vote being cast by Senators Morgan, Par tus and Fontker. May Adjourn by June 20. The adjourrauvut ot Const by Iun IS or M u now the gout for whkh the leaders of both senate and House will ttrtve. The Icaialatlv bus .ne, which has been suspended la (ha senate awaltiug the action on the rallroud raU bill, will now be taken up la earnest MOTHER GETS HER CHILD. Habeas Corpus Hearing Before Judge Jones In This City. Judge E. II. Jones beard a ha be a corptm ram this afternoon. January tl lust Joshua Whilaker, a native of Yadkin count)-, left Cincinnati, with his two-year-old daughter for North Can. Una. Thoy went to the noma of the father' parents in Ysdkln. Mrs. Clara Whltaker, Uiother of the child, came to North Carolina a few days ago and endeavored to get possession of her daughter, but thn husband ob jected and kept (he child away from the mother. Mrs. Whltaker then In (diluted hnheaa corpus proceeding, and Sheriff Whito, of Yadkin, brought Die cli 1 1,1 here today for thn hearing. Judge Jones, after hearing evidence and urgmneiitM, rule I that the mother should have the child. Mrs. Whltaker cxitceta to lenve Monday for Cincin nati. 8,'u- wilt take her duiiRhter with her. MRS. DAVI8 BETTER. Passed a Comfortable Night And Her Condition 4s Improved This Morn Ing. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. May 19. Mrs. Davis passed a comfortable night and this morning is reported to be much better. Resided Her When a Boy. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO. May 19. Mr. FluviiiM Keith, a well known and highly regarded mechanic here, and an acttva member of the Southslde Hose Company, aged thirty-five, died at his residence here this morning of tuberculosis pneumonia. He leave a wife and three children. The Inter ment aill be at Oreen Hill cemetery Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. T. Bell and C. E. Ilodgln officiating. The de ceased was a son of Rev. K. N. Keith and resided with hia father In Win-ston-Salent before their removal to Greensboro, ten years ago. He was a nephew of L. N. Keith, a well known printer ol the. Twln-CIty. Mr, Burkhead Goes Home. ill W. A. Burkhead. the champion checker player of Mooresvllli', played Dr. R. 11. Jones again yesterday and defeated the doctor, t hound tha wore wus veiy (lui . Mi. HuiUieud left Oil the afternoon train for Mooresville, bin before leaving staled to a Sen tinel niiiti that he would be glad la come back nt any lime and play any me who wishes to try him. II Is gen erally conceded by those who saw him play lieie that he Is one of the clever est players that they have ever aeen. New Advertisements. . Wlnstoii-Kalem Building and Loan Association. loth series now open. J. L. Ijmhnilt. Avoid bad company. The Mtlmicji Martin. New arrivals at the (.ailien1 Furnishing Parlor. Wachovia .National Hank. A good argument on banking. , J. M. Woodruff t . Co. The real thing In straws. Undqulst t PMil, 4trawborry Dew Diop. one of th many popular drinks at our fountain. Death at East Bend. Mrs. J. M. Irvln, alater of Mr. N. P. Fulton, of this city, died this norotox st her homo in East Rend. Her age was about 59 year. Mr. Irvln had been In falling health for several mouths. Mho was an exemplary Carta tiau and leave many friends to mourn h.-r death. Death of Mrs. Susan E. Coggln. Mrs. Susan E. Cogglns, aged 65 years, died at her home four mites west, ot tho city last night, of Bright's dlseuse. The deceased was enjoying her usual health until Thursday even ing, when she wo taken violently III from which she never rallied. Mrs. Cogglns Is survived by a husband and nine children. She was twice mar ried. She was an excellent woman and had many friends In Winston Salem. Shi: wa the mother of Mr. J. D. lmb, of Salem, and Mr. Joe Cog glin, of North Winston. The Inter ment will he at New Philadelphia to morrow morning at. 11 o'clock. Thn funeral will bo conducted by Rev. F. W. Grabbs. Death of Mrs. Sarah Butner. Mrs. Sarah Butner, widow of F. A Hutncr and inther of Mr. A. L. But ner.'of this city, died Friday night, at her home n-i-ar Pinnacle, Her age wa about To years. The deceased arts a niont excellent Christian lady, ittf who was esteetiiMl by all who knrw her. She hud In en Indisposed AROUND THE CITY. . Mrs. Mary Johnson, ot Frledborg. Is visiting Mrs. C. E. Johnson. The Winston Cornet baSid made a line appearance In their new uniform. Oorlon U. Reynolds Is getting out some attractive board signs for tbj Norfleet Hardwaro Co. J. H. Andrews, traveling freight agent for the Southern Railway, wa In the city between trains today. T. M. Crews, of tho Charlotte Ob server, came In this morning from Nortli Wllkeaboro, going to Thomas vlllo this afternoon. There In another candidate for county treasurer.. Mr. k, K. Shot i the latest, applicant for thn Demo cratic nornlwition. Attention is Invited to the excel letrt report of Mr. G. A. Follln, secre tary and treasurer of the Wlnston-Sa-i-m Building and Umn Association. There l no material improve ment in Mr. Kennlo Rose's- condition, thought he has been resting easier siilcB bin renmvar to the hiwpltal yes terday. Mrs, II. I), M. Ichor und Mrs, V. K. Melchor, of Winston-Siileni. who ror ,mio time. but. her condition wast have been vlslilng '-Mrs. It. H. Ble not roimidered st rious nntll a weekU,.,.K,.r ,.ft Monday for Thotnasville ago . The funeral nerrlee were heldji,, SA ,ej,tlves.- Mis. Rleaecker ac thls afieinoon. the inteiniitit being in eoiop,iiiii d them to Tliorimsville. the family graveyard, near Pinnacle. J A x;t,, fimmitch. nt 5 o'Hocli. ThJi bin bankrupt sale of the W. L. Hill Mock and sate of gootl.4 of Durham Dry tix)d Co., at the Hiil Company No. 2 on Practice. Steamer Company No. 2, of the Win--More, slatted thin ntoiulng and a'- im Fire D partmi nt. had a drill last ' 'ran. d a -good crowd throughout tho The ministers of the Twin-City., The Winston Cornet Band appeared night on the courthouse squat e. The; day. in' j!e win continue rrom nay members of the Winton-Salem bar.ifor the first .time In their handsome company threw wafer ove rthe couit-Mo ly timl! both lock ntM stoic, fix- III lUt.tV I ..nirn.- .....I f..r;l,..,l ...I, .ll,l I 1,.,..,. .1, ...... I. ,.K',. ,h Slept, i.ul itlir.lH tirA .".III secretaries or .tne i. c. a. "!'" "","' ui . m'" "" i'"-, "" "" " ; , - " munlcinnl officials are Invited to join, music, wnicn aanen mucn to tne sue-. point in tne eiry. i ne couiinoti the academic procession on Tuesday (-- oi urn occasion. nimlnir nt npxt week and attend tnei .mmeneement exercises. The ad-i Mear.;W. C. Stafford and L. K. dress will be delivered by Mori. Roht. Griffith liave formed a co-partnership IL Pa'ffe representative in congress ,mui "immii. uie sun s oi generxi nier fr,.m the Seventh Coneressional dis- ichamilse of T. J. Willis at Kerners- I ville, says the News. iawiii iteitiKicr or ik-i-ii i.musay leu and streets adjacent were also Irealexl . thin afiernmrn for (olion Grove, to shower bnth. whlie the general at- l)aviis'in county. In response to a tele-mosphere- of thai part of tae city was'lh"ii' men-age stating that bis sister, cooled to a refreshing degre. 'jMrs. J. IL Miller, was thought to be j dying. She ban rxi-n sick nearly two R. J. Reynolds returned yesterday j) eais Mr. Lindsay may be away for from New York. several da). .