WMCITY DAILY ENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1906 YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS SHI KILLED BY PASSENGER TRAIN. npleteb In First Clash j, me Russian Douma. Doet Not Take ... u,. Refusal te Re- kstm na tptio But Ou''y This Is R- Mr. John Hall, of Rocky Mount, Va Struck by Incoming Passenger Train , from Roanoke Near Boon.'s Mill. The Incoming passenger tain from Roanoke today ran into andNfatalN' inJfi-tvtl John Hall, a white man, 26 ye r old. one mile iorth of Boost I Mill, Va. Mr. HaH was lying near the track. but ou account of a sharp curve the engihter did not see him in time to flop his train. The wounded man was picked up. placed in the baggage car and1 brought to Kooky Mount, his home, whet he wag attended bv a S. F. ft. EXERCISES HACKETT GETS IT Sim Le Takes Hi Lift in Peculiar1 HOUSE MUST ICT Senior Class Exercises Held This Morning on The Col- j leae Cammis. r - . Virtual Surrender to Phcian. He was unconscious when i a vinuai ,. ,r-in .rrjvet ...t the doctor, af- iter examining blm, aaid that the nun, utl ?nad very little pulse and was prac-j ; May ri. tni-.tlcaliy dead. on an uuquallrui Tree Planting a Feature of the Occa sion. Excellent Baccalaureate Ser mon Delivered Yetterday Morning by Dr. Laird, of Danville, Va. Seniors' Exercise Saturday Even ing. Program foi Tomorrow. Carries Watauga Democratic County Convention Al most Unanimously. . . . I ,., tir.t openly mreaieneu ..-una. Deputies today iu , (tirfct refusal oi iu. ,0Mth Follow an rim:auoa froui aotiraa i H uri h j characteruea as ,!,;;, :o "' assembly, ;hir Sas. so to speak. u accept the invitation vi,w of this fact extended c li kl yesterday by Con-iuiK-rats to decide what 1 be taken by the douma. mlav is significant. The ; diuiua on this vital v right df representatives adilresa the Czar directly, pretitest discussion and ,i criticism upon deputies. ; public Is ludignant to i I:a quietly swallowed the throne and there can ot the fact that prestige liOtie people has been en jit sutT.'iidi-r. The popu has looked to deputies to litl-ci of supremacy ot .(riKtcd that no light was i. direct challenge was vl C'zur. He was undoubted1 i to twke the course he did :ha; i t!y ot douma must i.it in him thiuugh minis- Now Stems to Be a Sure Winner. . Already Has lit Out af a Mtcnun 154 Instructed Forecast en Vote In Remaining Counties. Tilenanti auj udephoue messages I .Just received: from Watauga county state that at the Democratic county I Manner in Greensboro. Snerlal to The Sentinel. uKEsi...io. M.y :i -Noh,ij Rate Bill Has Been Referred here ever hart f a Chinaman cmn ! Hitting suicide b.f,;., but at Wa.t BaCK TO That DOdy By five thousand fitjeim, men and wo-1 ThCnsf nun viewed the i1al and hanging' inCocnaiO. body of Sim Ue, propum-tor of the; ptinciiml Chines laundry here. ye-j 1 tcrdy afternoon. A bom six o'cUxk!HUM wi th, CancM. tll UM je-sieruay aiteruoon (wo dots camel running nut of the alley at King it Amendments An4 Pas Bill I Pres ent or It Will le Referred to Conference, Latter Course stag Probable. uiioiK one eon rem km held at Rooue Uxlav Hon DEATH OP MR. KENNIE ROSE. Operation at the Twin-City Hospital. Mr. Kennie Rose, wbos Illness was noted In these eoltinitui, died at the hospital at 11 o'clock last night In tils forty-Ufth year. He had been in de clining health -for several weeks. An operation was performed upon him at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon... The remains were removed to an This morning at 11 .Urn pitmen and most impressive of R. X. Hackett. of Wilkes, received au me commencement txerelnes ot Salein (almost unanimous endorsement fori Female Academy and College u ook kh. im(r rU iwmliiiuk.fo(: Con-i place, nom the senior clas rKm gress. matched th :4 settlors in black can Tims far oulv Stanley. Rowan and and gown with Miss Uchiuun. their .Watant; hve held conventions, and I taitntui preceptor. In front was the;Hackett has received from these coun-! banner of the class, colors purple aud tl 4 instructed; rutes. whll th two j white, while the marshals, robed in loppjslng candidates havn ivcelved to- white and with sashes of purple andlgether only 11 totes. Add the vote! white, mingled in We procession audjof Wilkes, conceded to Hackett. and! ntadu the bright bit of color among jh already has 111 votes sure..of the the classical robes. ( 154 votes needed to nominate. Scattered all about the campus, oc I The Senittnel has gWned Informa- undertakins establishment, where i""1"8 verjr l!abl h tmn reHabte source In all the ties' were prepared for burial. if' !?, .TP ' Cm!!,Ue t1?' ,r" ' taId- The seniors of '00 rendered welljdidatei (and Hackett really has their clas song, accompanied by thejHreugth in them all( and compiling Kimball's law office lu ftout of th couit hxs-, white as sheets, dv'wla lng tltere was a dead nan hauglug In' the ware-room la the rvar. tuvestiKU-t Uou pirned that It wa the Chinaroan., By Wire to The 9notine4. boe laundry esUhllshment was lu ; WASHINGTON'. May Z The rail- trout of tbv warehouse, facing the 'road rate bill, as It pasted the senate. f drul court bnihllng as on East was Sent the lluwae at 12:11 tooA). Market street. Tle body was stiff The aignlttcsnce of the Incident was and stark, every parttelu ot elotiing lout on the gslleHet u well a ou bWug Jut froru a store, even to his moat of th members of Ue House es being new. He had taken a The Senate meeaedgvr read it by piece of Iron pining, tied a silk scarf wimbei, "H. R. KM" as well a by around it, poked this through a crsck title and an uou need thai coucurrence In the plauks of the Irti. tnined the of the house was requested In thj piping, stood on a cracker box. and Seuate amendments to the bit). It The deceased leaves a wife and one brother, the latter residing at Faison, .V. C. Mr. Rose had bwn engaged in the life Insurance business for two years, being local agent for the Union Central. Ha was a member of Salem hxlge. I. O. O. F. and many ( friends mourn his death. The Interment will be at ML Olive. The remains were expressed to that place, leaving at 5.03 this afternoon, jteriid a general outcry Czar would lie rained : nil t this morning. In- ..is.. d a resolution to h '(itikr of day." thus s!ii;lii of the cmperpr. H SUPERIOR COURT. lioway Chosen Foreman Jury. Large Docket. lor court convened to ll. B. I'Kbles is presiding. oie important cases on an a'any court held In iu seteral years. It IS ic a two-weeks' term but ith As!te court it Is not hat arrangement will be !.t week. Judge Peebles to hold both courts. It ow that the trial of Sam ni I'liim rtid .1. E. W'hlt- 1 with the murder of in this pity, January 19, this week. wins were drawn and sratyl jurors for this W. Shame), Chas. A. Finch, (i. C. Mine. W. A. Click. Austin M. Charles, rowiler, J. M. Greenfield. htnit, J. A. Southern, I). nH'im li, Nelson, V. H. alloway. Jan, VV. Schou- Watkins and R, J. Hester. was chosen as fore- ns were excused from he week: W. V. Boden Whituian, W. H. Goslen, Ernest Transou. J. M. V I.. Cranford. J. M. Inrt W. H. Leak nf Kr. re excus.Ml In- the fnre. fhles' charge to the grand i nm practical. Jft Proceedings, inl, carrying concealed '1 S-0 aud costs. les. camlilin!? tin onrt Bitnhling, J10 and costa. s'on, S to and costs, for (. larceny, released ttnon COfH s. colored, assault with 'HI, Six mnntha nn i,nl l;er, three r.uio tnr kun. louse; contlnnprt nn r. Mss of defendant. r, iinmhlinfr tin '.1, Moravian trombone band. In clear, sweet, distinct tones Miss Louise Bah n sou, read her essay, stat ing the origin and necessity for tree planting, comparing the custom of long ago with that ot the present on the subject of forestry. Miss Carrie Levy, of Texas, followed, citing In stances of noted historic trees, and In touching tones referred to the one to ue planted this morning and how in the years to come Its sheltering shade would invite them lovingly to rest. Evangelist Yeuell Tells the Kind of I Dr. Ck well followed in few very Church Winston Needs. Sermon on!nalP" remarks, stating that the char- THE WAREHOUSE MEETINGS. and "Prepare to Meet Thy God." Reported fot The Sentinel. Yesterday was another good day in tho services nt the Star warehouse. lu the morning Mr. Yeuell gave a talk to ihe Sunday school, and at 11 a. m. preached a powerfti sermon on "Th" Kind of Church Winston Needs." He showed from a crart the organization, and character and names worn by the church in the beginning and made an appeal for a return to the ancient standard. In the afternoon another large chart showed the five kingdoms; the kingdom of nnture. that of sin, of grace, of henven and of woe. He ihowed forcibly how the evil things which are made popular affect society. He said that the saloon, the question able theatre, the midnight dance, and iocial gambling degrade, people. But to remedy these evils the heart must be gotten right. He then showed how to get Into the kingdom of grace. A goodly .number of the ladies present :ame forward, signifying their Inten tion of shunning all questionable things of society. At night a great audience gathered and the sermon was on the subject. "Prepare to 'Meet Thy God." Exam ples, were given of how the Russians were prepared trt meet ordinary foes, but they were not ready to meet the wily Japs. The evangelist said: Par ents prepare their children for school, 'heir daughters for marriage, but bet ter prepare them to meet religious conditions, to meet your God. I may know that I urn prepared not by some feeling, bat as John says, J know that I have passed from death unto life be cause I love the brethren. I don't eare how much religion a man may have if It does not make him a better husband, and father, and son. It is not unreasonable to ask you to pre pare to meet your God here and: now. It is no assurance that a man is saved because he has- a peaceful counten ance after the undertaker has pre paid him for burial. He must be scripturally converted. Come now and step out for Christ. At the close of the service Mr. Sax- ton sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away." Mrs.. Saxton delighted the people with her violin solos, repeating at night "Nearer My God to Thee, at the request of a number of persons. Services at 8 oclock tonight. At the close of the service the ordinance of baptism will be administered at the Christian church,. West Fourth utrect. Mason to Juniors. Mason, the nactnr P'fhtl roimoii to ihn mom. i'ttitor Order c,,nJ, r woo something over "M-iiiier rr hn ...!.,.. .,. '( Mjy TV r,. , . , .' '1 IIIVII IU ." :" truths and much 1 ' 'argp enngiogatlon. P9t Licenser ice,,rf '"'"'m have been issued lViim nf v--.. ... ... m-i iifrsviue, to niii'dils, "f Winston, to Miss p'- of Winston, to Miss And" Song. r- r inure ant t. an em wi . rin. io De 'nd ,s. Dobbins at ('Uiirrh .ii-L. this city a year in,l the r ctni flored sterenn. a fine Iniprossiou. acteristic that had struck him numl in the present ctasa was patriotism. Then Misa lehman and the bevy of attractive girls gathered about the place where the tree was to he planted each one assisting In placing about it the soil, which was to make it strong and vigorous. After the song, "Where, oh Where," the seniors, all gathered about the tree and gave the class yell, . ; "Are we all right? yes you be.t: Can any one touch us? Not just yet. Boom Rah! Boom Rah! Boom Rah, Rix, Naught six, naught, all." The class, followed by the "vast throng of people, then marched to the front of the nwiin hall, where iu front of the beautiful memorial gate the re mainder of the exercises took place. Hero Misses Eipanor Fries and Jose phine Parris, of Hlllsboro, in most ap propriate and beautiful language pre sented 1'his elegant memorial. The gate, which is between Main and South Hall, is of beautifully wrought iron in which are large figures of brass, 'Oil. above which. In very large figures, tha '(H) Is surrounded by many colored electric lights. On the marble pavement .in front are ihe figures 1900 which will be kept bright, as the loving footsteps of former" pupils and friends will pasr over them. In his happiest style Bishop Rond thaler, an chaltman of the board of trustees, accepted the gift. Gatideamus wa' sung then by the class. Assembling In front of their lovely memorial tite class closed this morn ing's exercise with their class yelL which was given with all the zest and abandon of youth. Commencement Day Tomorrow. The Alumnae Association . Is hold ing its animal meeting this afternoon. Tomorrow will be commencement day. The cxt-rclses will be held in the Home Moravian church, opening at 10:SU a. m. The literary address will be del levered by Congressman Robert H, Puge, of tha Seventh dis trict. Baccalaureate Sermon. he vote of Barry, Alleghany, Cabur rus and Alexander, giving; the opposi tion about all they can claim, and the first ballot In the convention when It meets on June 14 will be: Hackett IS. ArmnVW G4H, Bowie "tiH and1 Newlaitd IS. So It seems that unless soraethln unusual happens the "tall sugar-tree of the Watauga," "drummer boy," "great niflrtyT." or whatever )'mi may choose to ealr-hlm, will be compelled to meet on the stump during the hot summer and fall months the favorite orator of the great State of Wilkes. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Vienna Association Holds Interesting Sesaion. Address by Mr. T. S. Sprinkle. Mrs. Sprinkle Singe Solo. PFAFFTOWN, May 2). Tho an nual convention of Hie Winston town ship Sunday School Association was opened this morning at llil'.O o'clock by the president. Mr. Geo. II. llaue.'. The following program was used: I)xology. Song of welcome, by Pfafftown Sun day school. lMrd Pswlm. read by F. H. Ush. I'ruyer. Song by congregation name of Jesus With You. Roll call. Repoiis from various dents. , Songs and, recitations school present. After tho above was rendered a bounteous dinner was served. The ex:rcbe of the afternoon con sisted of songs, recitation and those In attendance were delighted by the solo rendered by Mrs. T. S. Sprinkle, which wiiB followed by an address1 by MrT. S Sprinkle, president of th county association. The following of-flcwr-.were .elected; President, Geo. H. Hauser: K. A. Conrad, vice-president and R. C. IJneback, ecrelary. Among those present from Winston were II. R. Crawford, F. N. Pfaff. Sam Heath awl William' Hinshaw. A large attendance and a fine day added much to the pleasure of the association. "Take the superlnten- each with, the uooi-e around hi neck, step ped oft, the step being not over tweUo inches, his feet nearly Uxscbing the floor and resting against the aide ot the box. lie must have choked to death without a struggle or effort Ms brother, who Is a partner la the laundry, was soon fouud, and his ex cited astonishment and grief was touching. He said that "Sim" had been sick with consumption lor some time and a few week ago his physic ian tolii blm he could not live long and this preyed ou Ms mind. He bad been arranging to go to Washington for reveral days and from there to New York to be nearer home when be died, and Saturday said be believed he would go to Washington on the midnight train last night, that he left the laundry aliout midnight, after all the work was over, bnt did not say good-bye. Thinking that he had gone to Washington on a sudden notion on the 1 o'clock train Saturday night or Sunday morning, he had not felt troubled about hi absence. Coroner Turner pmiini meed death from suicide after examination, from the conditio!? of the body, death having occurred be tween midnight and day Sunday morn ing. The Chinamen lu the city soon gathered, nndi hud an undertaker .to place the body lit a casket. Examina tion satisfied them, they said.' that Sim had done his own shrouding and would not liko to have anything done further than this. Every sllu-h of was carried to the speaker and coa- structlvely wilt "lie on speaker's labia" until dJcwsatioa shall have been reachc4 on the course now to be pursued. The committee on Interstate ao4 foreign cotnmerc at Its meeting this , evening may agree on a program, although It Is generally believed some time will first be devoted to confer enoes. There have been perslsieot rumors that the House may concur lu amendments, thiM obviating necessity of sending the bill to conference of two houses but Chairman Hepburn deprecates such statements. In th opinion ot Speaker Cannon a confer ence In the end will be necessary. POPE IS BETTER. Condition of Pius X Is Materially Im proved Today. Br Wlr to The Sentinel ROME, Italy, May 21.-Pope Plun X passed a good night, Ir. Uipponl allowed the imtlent to leavo his bed for a few imiirs this morning. The pontiff hae been advised not to re mum giving of audiences, however, before end of the week. The pain ha almost lri the pontiff except In tho knee aud hi general condition Is Im proved although lemueraturo Is again slightly uhove normal. CONDEMNED TO DEATH. clothing on the body was brand new. even to tho silken scurf which made ; Reported That Russian Military Court from AMERICAN KILLED. Vice-Consul Stuart Reported to Have Been Assassinated at Batoum, Ruiiia. By Wire to The geottnel. WASHINGTON. May 21. William H. Stuart, American vice consul at Baioum, Russia reported to have been assassinated last night, was an Eng lishman by birth. He was appointed tn his official position May 4, 1904. .'The nost is a. minor one In American Yesterday was Commencement Siin-consuar wrvice, to which there la no CHAS. WHITT RELEASED. Negro Arrested for the Murder of Con , ductor Wiggins, Goes Home With Hie Father. ' Charles Whitt, arrested and con fined In Ihe jail here for Ed. Davis, the murderer of Conductor Wiggins, was released Sunday morning and he left on th.? 5: IK! train that evening with his father for their home at Reidsvllle. Sheriff Alspaugh received a mes sage frorn Solicitor Hammer Satur day night, authorizing Whitt's release. ills father, Henry Whitt. will keep his boy tinder close surveilance, owing to his unbalanced mind. dav at the Salem Academy und Col lege, and nature did her best to make the day a dellg'itful and happy one for the members of the Senior Class of that well-known Institution. The day was Ideal one oi tnose ueiisiiuiu Mav davs. neither too hot nor too cold when soft breexen blow and the air Is laden with the fragrance ot blossoms and flowers, and all the world is bright and pulsing with life. The old Home Church, wnicn tor well-nigh a century has been the sceno of commencement occasions, never looked more beautiful. In front of 'the -church a large platform had been placed, extending from eacn wan to the first row of seats, on eacn sun. F ;av" arrived In the citv 'rson. nf rvn..tn. i. finent. SENATOR BURTON LOSES. Supreme Court of United States De cides Case Against Him On Appeal By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. May 21. The ap peal of Senator Burton, of Kansas, was decided against him by the supreme court. Burton is under sen tence to serve six months In jail I Kansas and ry..$2,W0 fine and six months and $K1 fine on second count for acting as counsel in fraud order proceeding before postofflce department. HowaTd B. Roberts left thia after noon for St. Louis, Mo to take a pasi- tion with the Simmons Hardware Co. salary attached, Incumbent being paid by fees. Although holding rank of vice con sul he wat of American consulate at Bat mm. I'nder new consular bill pa-niHl this year a regular consul will bo appointed. The state department ' 1 o'clock this morning recelvctl a dispatch from Ambassador Von Meyer at St Petersburg, stating he was in formed by British consul at Batoum that Stuart was murdered. No details were given. The state department will not for Ihe present send a mes soge of Inquiry, believing Meyer will send details as soon a procurable. Should It develop Mat tho Russian government is In any way responsible if which were seated the) thirty-four ; for the crime due representations will members of the Senior Class, In capiiio made by the stale department through Ambassador Von ;he Hnsslan foreign office. Meyer to and gown, with, their honored tearnei. Miss Binma Ivehman. In front of he reading desk which stood In the centre near the rear r the niatforrn " was a huge bank of wa ter lillies, soft and beautiful in their; Governor Glenn And State Auditor Go LEAVE FOR CHARLOTTE. tender white and gold, and blending perfectly with the simple white of the building. The service began promptly at 11 o'clock and was nf a deep spiritual character. It was presided over by Bishop Rondihnler, with whom were seated Dr. Laird. Dr.. tieweii Revs. Pfotil and Wenliolrt. There Today. RALEIGH4. May 21 Gov. Glenn left his morning for Charlotte to parjlei pale In the Twentieth of May Celebra tion, accompanied by State Auditor H. r. Dixon, The members of his per andisonal ctaff will meet him there. The I turn Regiment band tinner command Moody for Cliailott ifu, iiw nravtnir rj the I.itsnv end ot l apt. w. r the reading of the lessons of the day. ' at.ernoon. the church choir of thirty voices, with 1 fu!l orchestra and organ accoiiipani Mlises Nell Griffith and Eta Whar- ment, rendered In nn form the beau-ton are gueei of the Mlsse Hinshaw tlful choniH. "As the Hart rams. from Mendelssohn's 42d Psalm. Bishop Rondthaler then introduced the Rev. W. R. Ulrd. D. D.. pastor of the Presbvterlan church of Danville. Va.. whom, he said, they had been anxious to have with them for some (Continued on page'flve.) m Cherry trtrett. Mimes Jennie and Alice Cardwell. of Frits. Va., are visiting Mrs. R. P. Henry, on Cherry street. his hangman's rope. The remains were nn a fast" north bound train within two' honrtt Hme from the time the body was cut down. The body will be taken to New York, there embalmed and returned via San Francisco to his nuilve land In China for Its final rest. Sim l.ee was 3"i years of age, was well thought of and had made a comfortable fortune. The hotly being found right In the heart of the city, within fifty feet of the street car junction at Market and Elm street ctossings and tin Sunday afternoon, tiiiide It natural for crowds to view the gruesome sight. It was an hour before the coroner came, and the body wlhle hanging was viewed by crowds of cinious people, many women and children- taking a look. LAST DAY OP CONFERENCE. Considerable Amount of Important Business Transacted at Birmingham Special to Tb Sentinel. BIRMINGHAM, May 81. Tha first Wednesday In 1910 was selected as the date for the next general conference. Tho personnel of the board of church extension was announced. T. 8. Jefferson is 'president, John Wheat vice-president and Jrhn Ouerbac'fcer treasurer and thirteen managers, Hearty support was recommended for the church extension work, espec ially In the new fli'ldw ot Cuba, Okla homa and' Indian Territory. A replj' was made to protest en tered last week against the appoint ment of a committee to revise articles of falthi Reply was warm and an nounced that no authority was given looking to an absolute; new statement of faith. . i A resolution ocks the government to keep the gates of Jameatown Ex position cloned on Sunday. Representatives of the church were named for the federal council of the Inter-denominational conference of federation, lilstoops , Wilson, Gallo way, Hendrix, Tlgert. Hoss and Ward are on this board. The Epworttt lea gue board) consists of the following: Bishops Wilson, J. M. Bareus. A. F. Walkin. W, T, McCltie. T. B. King, E. P. Penbody and J. O. Brown. The matter of union of three Ger man Methodist bodies in Texas was taken under advisement. Has Passed This Sentence on Gen eral Stoessell. By Wire to The Sentinel. ST. PKIT.U.SBlH(;. May 21. It Is reported heie that the military court appointed to Investigate clrcum Mances ttuiToundliig the surrender nf Port Arthur lo Japaneso add battle of Sea of Japan, Ims condemned lo death Lieutenant General Btocssel and Ileur Admiral Nebogaloff. AROUND THE CITY. TRAVELLING MAN MURDERED. Salesman for R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Shot Down In Virginia. Charles F. Brown, a travelling sales man for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., of thl city, was shot thrne times by lli-nry Mc.N'ew, a blacksmith, at Wltten's Mill, Va , late Saturday after noon. A Dress dlsnatrh frimi lllni tlr lil n): The wounded man was brought .i'nv''"" November 1 1 to a Blueficlrl hosnltal bv nowial train whero b died Sunday, It, Is alleged:''"'"' that McNYw Insulted Brown's wifej -Rev ovr some trivial matter- and when D. A. Ricks, of Mayoduu, was here jestetday. T. 9. , Fuller went to tarlotte this afternoon. Hansen Thimias returned fester lay from Pultlmore. Mavor I.inville and A. Lewis, of Kcr- nt;rvllle, were In the city today. Mrs, ('. C. McCann went to Trap IUII, Wilkin count)-, today to visit friends. Utile Mb May and Master George I lot ton went to Yndklnville todny to visit relatives. i. M. Simpson, of Greensboro, aud J. H. Folger, of Mt. Airy. wr moo( our Sunday visitor. - II. S. liol brook, of Trap 11111, who has been visiting bla son, R. T, Hoi brook, returned home today. J, E. Dowdy, a student in the medical diiartmeut of the University of Maryland, Is at home on a vacation. C. F. Toinllnson, of High Point, the former sunertntendent of the Winston graded wchooln, spent Sunday in the city. , Mrs. V. R. Holcomb and children, of Mt. Airy, who have been visiting bcr parents at Kcruersville, returned home today. ' Miss Carrie Stewart, of Waugh town, who bs been visiting . ber cousin, Mrs. Jos.. W. Hill, on NortU Trada street, returned home today. The Salem Hoys' School bad a walkover Saturday afternoon In the ball gama with Kernersvllle at Fair view pnrk. The score was 32 to 4 In favor of Hulem. R. N. Hackett was In the city Satur day night. He is still confident that he will recelvn th Democratic nom ination for cangres In tho Eighth dis tort on the first Itullot. The handsome new residence of J. fl. (irognn on Cherry street Is being' painted by Peddvcord and petrce, Mrs. II. R Winn and daughter. Ml l.ttlltla, of Mart Itisvl Do, Ind.. are, visit ing Mrs. Wluu'a sister, .Mrs. liassett. lllohnp A, W. Wilson, of Haiti nioie, will preside over the next an-, niial session of Weitcrti Carolina M. K. Conference at t. Airy. It will lllhlion Wilson held the last cMiference at, Gieens- W. H. Wilson, of WIlKon will asl..t the pastor in a meeting at Mrs, W. a Stafford Is with Mrs. II. Montague during commencement, - Blown called on Mr New to explain Bioad Street Baptist church next his conduct the latter opentd Are wPh i k. Preparatory services will be fatal result. Brown wo.' highly. coii-jin Wednesday night and fonllnue nected In ' Tazewell county, McNi-w ; every night there gf' r during the escaped to the mountain hiime.'Ilatclyw(k. after the shooting and a ah Miff pos. j,n, Kr,ett. .V. Page, represents Is now scouring the couti'ry for IHtn tive In CongreM ftom !h Seventh The Ye-eling I exceedingly ' bitter iroiigrMlma district. - who Is to de against .McNcw and violenei- has l?".n nver the ll-etary address at. the Sa threatened. jleui cotnniencelii'-nt tomornrw, aril- , jed in fh rlvy thl morning. While Jerome Day left thi nfternon for .here he will be the guest of Mr J. D. Moore's 8prlngs to bo gone ten duyi. .Ivnug'-nour on Southsldo. 4 ' 1