rINCITY DAILY SENT3CNEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 24, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS us ry From Various aainstThe Rus- hrliament. L thf Crar li Giving agtment to Those tx - Dssatitfactien gyrri. Sentinel. t- kul'iu;, May z- maa ar rccemus specially from bo are dissatis- irw "! events. 1 hllt is encouraging mi' , dmwa in every lorni ..,.; itself- Even. u's ate allowed where ; ntly denounce tne MeWengcr. organ of nmtinuvs to print i vj to the car, pray- ,. Russia and disperse i OFFICIALS IISI-SJLEM -.nicer Agent W. H. tied Traffic Manager k ot the Southern Rail- risers cn the tialn to tiro miEiy. in repor- if-rt ;hat, the otnchiis ; over I he Una, this visit to the State of will return to Wash- intiKit tit V. J. Coflp- indent V. S. Anews, intetunce of Way T. adtrmter A. A. Welts fen turns this morn- tuaii tiatt it that ha iu : the day hire, but af- ncivtfd a telegram Ik to (irt-L'tisboro on the hie objtet ot our viilt t ths getieial superlr. io 8-f ti:s Improve- .'le ui) the aril and at IIS GET e Santinel. Conn.. May 24. it in all ot the cotton Louden and' Windham n per cent increase In ffect at once. The itv 2u.i.km operatives and nourishing mllla along the; Mate, in the cot- tiring industry,' were pro&iwrous condition Tilt-l a g- a atrony w goods and the cot ivorable to the mariu- of the mills are run- They have orders that tor a year ahead. The i- a complete surprise .'(ted,"-. IIS SeBtiaM. N. Iowa. May 24. The unci) of the Presby 'isaed out of existence hen Moderator Hunter established a union The announcement 1 cheers. The .viitit,o r'i churches will carry " narmony this vear. io actual consolidation 'xifiaior Corbett an te "bat-is of the reunion lit full force and ' I he Cumberl ii in nw reunited with "" m the United "lurch, making the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION HEAPJNC Number of Standard Oil And Railway Attorneys Present At Session Held Today In Accordance With Tillman Gillespie Resolution Recent ly Passed In Congress. By Wire to The Sentinel. CLEVELAND, 0., May 21. A doien Standard Oil Company and railroad attorneys were on hand wheu Investi gation by tho Interstate Commerce Commission opened in tho City Coun cil Chamber this morning. 8. H. TctMes. president of the Standard Oil Coinpauy, of Ohio, with Virgil H. Kline, attorney for John D. Rocket feller and the Standard Oil, sat with F. A. Al ter and other Standard attor neys, P. B. Westgate waa the first wit neea Ktina objected to his testimony on the ground that he had testified fuMy bafore the industrial association sereral years ago. Westgate Is an independent oil man of Titusville, Pern. "I have made many applica tions (or pro-rates on rate from Titus villa to Vergon. These applications were made both personally and by tetter. The Lake Shore Railroad told me1 It was unable to pro-rate with the Central V ergon. The papers 1 put Id eyldotc) show that the Lake Shore and Pennsylvania Railroad will pro rate in the Wee'. but will not pro-rate in the Bast." The hearing commenced here today is a continuation- of the hearing sCarted In Chicago recently under TV'lnpan-Gllepple congressional resolu tion at which tisnritlonal disclosures were made. T TO SPEAK riv Wire to Ttu Seiitiael. WASHINGTON, May 24. Soldier and sailors from alt points of the coun try will journey to Norfolk next W ed tssday to help President Roosevelt amt comrades of the army and navy of union ttnvell the monument erected tp the memory of thorn, who fell in battle. The President will deliver the prin cipal address, . The President will leave Washington Tuesday evening oil beard" th .Uayflowet jutd-is, XXpecM lo rt.ich Portsmouth Cemetery at D:30 Wednesday morning. . The battleship Louiana, which has just been completed at Portsmouth, is receiving1 th3 finishing Jtmtches ut the Norfolk navy yard antl it Is ex pected will be placed lu commMon by Decoration Day and will go through here the first place In honor of the President. 1 TO ELECT SENATOR SOON f Sentinel. ,N'- May 2-1. aon 1 ',11 a l0"g ,alk UI" this morning at e on nominal ,u,..i.... IfSVlll tH w.nut "I'.V A. f)llr.t .1 o. "i""" ue sato.s senator from "'" he elected within Meeuti session of the SSON VIS IMPROVING. snt!nrt. Mfl 21 Mis. JtffPr. ""'etl much belter -sr:.e the fact-that mht l:.r ,,' ' aje more normal this Wph Stone. f Z,;1" he city this T SOUTHERN BELL CO, Soeclal to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May l 21. Mr. Randle nian. of Sunshiny, has filed a com lilaim wl'th the North Cuioliua corpor ation cuunlfciou claiming that the Southern lie II Telephone Co, discrim inates in their charges for residence and business stattoiia In Salisbury. It In probable that the commission ill arrange soon for a hearing of all the charges preferred against the South ern 'Dell Jointly In the near future. They Includte the complaint by Secre tary of State J. Bryan Grimes as to long distance tolls and station charges the State over, and, the complaint of .l. H, Robbing as to discriminations In charges for business stations in Ral eigh. An unsuccessful effort has been nrnda the past few days' by Southern Bell officials to perfect the organiza tion! of the Capital City Telephone ex change witli a view to merging the three competitive exchanges In Ha. elgh. ' . WILL IT RESIGN. Senator Burton Says That He '.Will Not Give Up His Seat Voluntarily. Ht Contends That Hie Status H Not Been Changed by Court's Decision. Has Conferee With Senator Burrows Relative to the Matter, By Vfrm to Th Stitlnt WASHINGTON, May 24. Senator Burton, of Kansas, whose 'conviction on chaise of practicing before the ixxjtofflre department for personal Win. was confirmed by the supreme court last Monday, announces j that he will not resign from the Senate. U had befii hoped by some of the lead ers of the Sewte that 1k wmt r liwe thL-ni of embarrassment ot tak ing action in th case by voluntarily giving up tire seat. After a confer ence with Senator Burrows, chairman of the committee on privileges and elewloct, Burton said thot he did not believe that his status had been changtd by '.he decision of the court. MR.T01E MAKES A NOTABLE SPEECH IB MEN KILLED. Fatal Row At A Hoke Smith Political Meeting In Georgia. One Farmer Kilts Another -As Rssult of Quarrel Over Srrutt Debt And Murderer la Later Overtaken And . Kilted by Posse, No Arrests Have Been Made. By TPIre to Tfce Sentinel ATLANTA, May H. A dispatch re ceived hue fictn Chljdey,. a towa forty mites from Atlanta, Uils of a pistol duet last .night during 'a poli tical spech by Hon. ' Hvke Smith, eac-lidatt for governor, in which Joe Hasty, a farmer, was shot and killed by, Jairta Ttl'in.'ancther farmer, fol lowing depute aver, alleged debt oi Bfty- ctntji one cwed the other. Irvin fled and was pursued by posse ft jm the audience, overtaken and was shot and killed. The t-owotiit btokw up the meeting. Two spectators were wounded by (ly ing built'. No arrests were made, By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, May 21. Political speeches were again the order of the dij In t'le Howsa today when diplo matic and consular appropriation bill wf.s takia up in eommittee of the whole. Chas. A. Towne, New York Dem ociat, famous as orator and at one time esnator from Minnesota, was the flit j'paker. He said that he lu teudea ta show why th Republican patty should be driven out of power aud the Democratic party Installed 3lT:? trade this the text for a vigorous aXack on President Roosevelt and his po' cif j. Touching upon the recent "fctari pat" speech of "Republican RrprejESjriHtlve Cnshman, of Washing ton. To wr-said Citrhman had per formed well aa "funny champion of ciperat cause." He . replied to Oushnvan's taunt that he bad once bejn a Republican with a .fatemient to the effect that when he left that party oh, the rootvey question he "laid i''-wn an office fo leave It." and if he had rat leh on the money question then he would have left it for other rewt'jfta fifty times since, NOT BUY WATER PLANT. Speclat to The Sentinel, D.A-I JT-UtM- Mnv 84 M0ltialU)ll have been pwidittg the past several months between the Raleigh hoard of alderman and the Wake Water Co., which holds a franchise for furmsti ino RflVrfirh water sunnlv. with a view to the plant being purchased by the city. However, the aldermen now break tiff the negotiation for the rea son hat the water company 1 inslsis that any report made by experts ap pointed by the city to assess the value of the plant shall root be niadV public Init, shall slmpiy'be filed in the office of the water company and the mayor s office, wlur members of the board of alrinrmen nnrt others designated by the city authorities. shall be permitted to inspect it but tnat inn repou siiau not hf available for any other pur pose. The aldermen have appointed a 'committee to investigate the matter of the cost to the city of establishing an Independent ' water system to lie owned and operated by the city. Mis Sfiltle Nadiing Is visiting rela tives and frieints at Walkertown. TlTARDONSlANTEDi" TIPETITISREFOSEO. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May 21. Gov. (limn to day granted two pardons and refused two other applications, The pardons are to Eugene Scatea. sentenced from Wayne county In lt8 to twenty years in ilu penitentiary for second degree buiglary. Ani? R. H. Byrd, sentenced in Wllke3 county last March to tigU'. monllia on Forsyth county roads fo; assault with deadly, weapon; As to the pardon of 'Scaiies the govet nx' shjs no harm resulted from the burglary and there iw some dmibt as to the prison er's Kuiit, hence the pardon at the re quest of t!x prosecutor. Judge, solici tor and ethers. The pardon to Byra Is because fx Ik ill with pneumonia. The governor refuses to pardon Earl Cludelter, swing six months on the Rockingham roatfs for asanlt with deadSy weapon, and A. P, WilkidS serving eight months on Johnson county roads for asnault with deadly weaiKin. CHURCH ORGANIZED IN GREENSBORO Special to The Sentinel. riRRRvsiurtio. Mav 24 The Walk er Avenue Presbylerian ehurcb was organiaed last Friday, with it( cnarter meimbers, by a commission -from the Orange Presbytery, consisting of Rev. C. II. Hodgin, chairman, assisted by Rev. J. W. Goodman and Mr. 8. M. Scales. At last night's meeting J. G. Foushee. Jr. and J. R. Brown were ordained and installed as elders. Robert Stlls waa ordained and In otntlprt us fipmctin. The remaining deacon-will be ordained mi eurl date. Steps will be at once taken to recurs the services of a pastor. At last night's meeting Rev. Wm.; Black preached to a large congregation aud much interest was manifested. . CANDIDATES AND ' COMMENCEMENTS Special to The Sentinel. UREENSDORO, May 24 A gentle- maa who is nothing if no; practical lu enumerating the advantages of schools to a community and a county, say s that their value to candidates for political office on election years, have nfver been appreciated by educational anostlet) In their enumeration of bene fits. He says that a candidate in Gull- ford county can get to the people carter, cheaper and pleaiaciter. than lit any other county In the State. In evfry s;ctlon of the comity outalde of the charing . of the public schl In eveiy Olftrict. Itkcluding High Point Revolution, Proximity nd Gib- sonvllle the candidates by endlng on (Imjr at the big commencements at Giillfcre CcH 'ge. Oak Ridge, Whlt ststP and Mcljeansvtlle, can get a fine free din i.tv and meet In a social way amiow cverv voter In th county. He- s'i3 this he hus an opiwrtunlty to meet trt wivts, mothtrs, daughters aril babit'i in pleasaut. elevating and hat mitt' i acfluaiiitaiiccwhlp. That iai'i'te.-;f appreciate these advan tages Is 'evidenced by the fact that they literally swarm around on such occasions and futuith much pleasure KING DF SPAIN TO BE By Wlr tn Thn BontlneL LONDON, May 24. Princess Etiffl, of Battcnbuig, left here this hiornlng for Madr'd whers her nuirruige to Klig Alfonso occurs next week. King Edward, Queen Alexander and other members of the royal family taw her started on the Journey, accompanied by her mother, brother and Marquis VlUahibar. councillor of Spanish em bassy.'" "" TO SPEAK IN ATLANTA By Wire to The Sentinel. WASIHNGTQN, May 24 Chairman Shonts will make an address on "The Relation of the South to the Punaniu Canal," before the Atlanta chamber of coirinvorc on Memorial Day. He Is alw scheduled for an ad dress! the sumo day at the dedication of Rebecca Scott Hall at Agnes Scott Institute, Georgia, CONVICT KILLED IN. DASH FOR LIBERTY Another 4Memberof Guilford . Road Force Was Wounded' And Is Now In Critical Condition-Three Other Con-i vlcts Escaped And Are Still At Large. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO. May ;4.Wblie forty fount y convicts macadamising read thirteen mlhs from here and two miles fixjiu High Point were being takes fnnu camp to work at sunrise this nsuaiug a squad of (our negroes, and Benjamin McMillan, white, broke for a narrow skirt of woods abutting road. - Imimdiatfly two guards ordered other convicts oi their kntt-s. wUle tw'o fired at the fleeing mtn. Befor bclnn lost la tho burnt Mc Millan fell, shot as he collided with a Biro fugitive, afttr chase of quarter of a mile. Jre Tonillr.on. sent t need r highway jpobbery. wa klUed a quarter ot a mile further. The other convicts are still at large, bloou houn hi beug In pumult. McMillan was snot clear mrougn the body, ilfie lall emergtug Just, be-m-sth his' htart. He was taken to camp, lat.-r to hospital at High Point. Phyrlclans tay hs csimvi Hve. Mc Millan beggeJ for payslclan, saying he was going to die. but wanted re lief from pa'". He was sent to the roads la February tor two years for forg.ny. He cauia hers last Jm as promlnerl capltallet, Investing In mamifscturlng plant, paying for asms In forged checks for thirty thousand dollars. He s.on uru:n puMninet.t anion social set, and clatmeJ tf'aiUGnstilp wto Senator .ucMillan, When contvlct.'d he refused to tU. where he was from, who were his peo ple, saying he had rather serve sen tence thau for them to know of hl dhrace. This morning he refused to disclose hi Identity, aylng he hat rather die unknown. H has nwlj a ir xk'I convict and was of refined and cul'i'ivateil tastes. The names of the escaped convicts are Robert Btldgn, Sam Ho;d ar1 Ham Yancey. McMU'an and Yanrt. j were the leaders and had been watched for several days, being Hi citj cxmveri all the tlnre and sus pected of foi mliis a eoriHilracy to es ciie. McMillan, since being' on the road furee, Ij-s been a giKid hand, working at manual labor slm-e he got fitnM to tt wft vpfij.,ii 4i of excell-'W behavior, llkd by guards, supeilnteiideiits and convicts for his st.i.d nature an t Interest lug mrorma Hon on all subjecls. Although able to- talk -this-hiornlng he obstlnniely refued to mention a thins about the plan to etcape or about his past Hie. Tho phywlclan, Dr. BtauUm, of ILka Point, could not get a word fr.'t,, him as to wneie ins people uvea. wni they were or anything about, his antecedents. Ho dc!aretl he was going U (Me. he wu ready to die and d'.d not care where or. how be was burled, . ' The latest Intelligence from High Pcln Is that McMillan has a clianct to I've. a Tho negro who was killed Is from Spencer and his body was taken to High I'olnt and his mother, at Spencer nolintdi Ho was coitvicu-a hi tiln wav robbery and scniencnd for two years, having served over a year of his time. The escaped convicts were in for larceny. , 1 TD SERVE FIFTEEN Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, May 21. Sheriff Geo. E. Ricks, of Beaufort county. Was here this morning to deliver to the peniten tiary Henry Duggln, colored, who Is o serve it term of fifteen years for tubbing to death another ngro BEGINS Oil ifil Trial of Sam Kobre. Wm. Plean and J. E, WhitbecK. In dieted For Murder. Special Venire o 12$ Man Onftnd. Julius Farish, Colersd, to Be Oivsn s Hearing Saturday 01 tns Chargs of Burglary Court Proessdings. In the stitHTtor eourt this mornliii Sam Kobre, Wirt Pleao and J. K. Whitbwk wers formally srralfned for the nvurd-r of Hry Kobre on Jan uary 21 la& The thru- detendsnn plead not guilty. The trull wa set for next Mor.dwy and a special venire ot 125 uh was ordered by Judge Pet b4s, from which, to "select a Jury. Julius Farlsh. colored, ladkted for burglary, was - so arralgnej this nrr.lnK a 1 his trial wss set for Sat urday nurnlng. A ptclal veulrs of 23 nu was ord.-rtvl lad CuMty, Hern l.i Rlchsrdiou plead fjullll (4 lit charge of assauKinc a atone mason named Fly nt. Defendant claimed that be struck the two Irish men, who were employed ow tbs gov eminent building, with a bicycle wrtarh which he carried l bis pocket. Dr. Byiium, who drsss.nl the wound of Imvall and FlytK. waa a witness aud t spur 4 tbs otilnltnY that Richardson umU a nwrs dangr ni weapon than a bicycle wrench. Judgment was reserved for the eu n-lsslon ot further evUVencs. For An Affray. Bernle and Rff Leonard were con victed of an affray. The Jury edited that Getrgo Jenklna, who was in rtlcsd with the trthif twei iXemlant. s-us not guilty. Sentence has not been lmp(,nl upon ihe l msrd boys. For Murder and Burglary, The giand jury returnert true bills vertwy afternoon against Bain Ktrbre. William PLan and J. K. Whit- beck, Iwllcted for the rnurdwr ot lleiir ry Kobre. A m out was also lonno acaiusi Julius Farlidt, colored., for .burglary. This ihfeuiUint I the neiwo ho went in the fc:n:J of Mr, Jahn ljsshmlt one night about thuM weeks ago. rarith as cup .tied by Mr. l.aahmit, trier a llstly cla, and locked up. Couit Proessdings. Msrk Wright and John Rankin. cirVr s s'tauli with deadly weupon. Wtlglit was given tig montn on me road auo RaiiUltli sent to Jail one niontli, mi aeeoum ot Jll bcHh, after which ht, l to serve five, months ou tho 'sdi. William Conrad, colored. carrying com:ik,l weapon, four months on the road. l.oinilo Gtinu, eoKired, two caws for larceny; 12 nsrmths on tbs roal. U. Itcck, larceny; eight months on the roads. Geo. L, Andre, violating ordinance ronrtnilr.fi ni'-wt of .automobiles; nol pros with leave. Wtbti Uluck. assault with Ura.liy wn.Mn, six nmiilhs on the couniy rifcid', ' Reed Matin, cokirsd. injury to pcr- wm1 proptTty; elglii months on the roads. Chi step Biiili r. larcf.nj ; ono year m thn county mads. Fred Jolifs and Flave Joliei, ffr aswHult on T. 8. Fleshman. on train between this city ami Kernersvllle; trial in progress. REV. 1 1 WATTS TO GO TO MOORE S SPRINGS T. W. Watts, of Thoinuavllle. former ,j li,,, L In. ml M V. chiirrh this C.fllU ... J. V, .. , n.k,.,t iiluftui k.i nntpil In theoe columns a few days ago, ts siowty mi- -- ttrittattk Tliltor rWf.tvA1 hr HSVS that when be gets strong enough to travel he will go to Moors springs 10 re inruriiip Mrs. Watts father and nsjther. Rev. and Mrs. Fitch, who spent the winter with their daughter, win inuvn far tne r nome in neinucnj .1,. ntM.lla (if funp During Mr. Watts' uints n miner- in-law has been filling hi appoint i ThiiinnKvilln anil has Won iU 0rirrY tit nmnv who liHV bfvU Imp fortunate as to heat this aged divine eajx-und tne gospci. MEMBERS OF A. & M. OF ITT Mrs. F. B. Etirrt went to Mt, Clla tills afternoon to visit relatives. J. G. aud R. N. Harkett, of Wilkes, were here this afternoon; returning from the big celebration at Charlotte. Special to The Sentinel. HAI.FIG1L May 24. W. S. Prim rw, of Raltlgh; D. A. Tompkins. Charlotte; W. H. Ragan, High Point; B. M. Kixmre, Jacksonville, are ai pointed as members or Hoard of Visi tors of North Carolina Collrgi- of Agricultural anil Mechanic Arts. Raj tigh. CcmniissioiiB an uich for six vear H-rms. Jppclal to The Sentinel. RALfilOH. May 24. ;ov. (iteml ie utned ihls morning from Charlolte. H dellvtietr thi addn-ss t hit morn ing at the graduating exrrclws of Pi-ar Institute and left this af'wioon for Lllt!;tti. wnere h wlH deliver ihn adtlrf. for the romnu-nrenK'nt of LIttlnon Female College. New Advertisements. I.andqulst & Pfohl. Druggists; frish ixjwney's. : The .1. W. Htstfr Co. i""" yards of e-inehams on special suie Friday aud Saturdny. tlM Watson Drug Ktore-The dlfferem-r in Ice cream. Hobeiilwcln-r & Bro. Tomorrow n mnant day. ( Mammoth Mining Concern. Wl'h a paid lu capita) of $:!.itoo,no(i ii ir w milling ciinrvrn ts lo !i'ftiii jpi rations in Rowan county at. an -;itiy date, ihe chain r havitit; b.'en !iai!'e(i lo W. G. Newman and oth-r .s. M hern paitltis. The nw rxmipanv !- iifflffTmir by A. M. A. Richardson. ft Paterson, N J., president ; W. M. IticbardKin. of Nw York, secretary. Th- charter provides for the pt t vili'e? of increasing the capiial to S 1 S.immi. onu. Thei new conrern will develop a rich ntlntn district In the southern Motion of Rowan county. V T COT OFF DY N. AND W. FREIGHT Es-'pit Giay. colored, ugtd 11 or .19 yars, had tils right, toot em on at wi" ,nLd h at fiiMiminff friifht train mi th. x W. road at noon today. Tire acflilent occiiried atxuri r( yaids Imn- ll:, niaiil of the Soilihem Ulfllll nil Company. Just nmihea-i of Ihe oil'. . . ' i !i..iv wiif. wa einoloved at m t . . ,'.., . .. ..... ... ,llii,.. rneiin.iai iim;im, wiin m"1", w u jik) B'Kiupted to bosrfl thn train, which wan running ! His head liurnpt d egaiiiht a box car and he i hi hoM, faUiikg to ttn- giouml. The i-tirht lw dr.itmcd ai-ros-l the rail snd one or more cur h-i run over the jaivkie, cutting it off A fhysli'lan went, mil arm Injured man t'n lien -nry medical ai- teirtlon. . H. BYRD SKIPS, CONDITIONAL PARDON. Sheriff AUpaugh Kceiv.d by mall last nialtt fiom Uovemor fi. B. Glenn a condlttiiwil pardon for R. If.' Hyrd, a whlt imn from likes wmnty, aerv In an eight months' sentence on Ihe Kouyih rwiwy roads for cmtlrva1 a man In VVilktf with a knife. Ityrd was convicted In Wilkes court and sent here In March. ReeemJiy Ryrd was tsketn HI with pneumonia and reltiv had him tent- to the Twiu-Clty Hospital tor treat ment. A few minutes after the sheriff received the pardon he was advised that Hyrd had skipped left the hos- Htal, going off wearing antjtner man s ckrthes and shoes. The nfflrw do uot brllev that tlyrd lineiMM stealing tliu clothes. Ho pi rhaps uttik them To keep from being delected, as be would have been in his suit of stripes ,' Givrtror Glenn's pardon Is nondl turned n Hyrd s conduct in the future, His action in rtinnlt.fr away before- b Iuk notified of his rciesK may rrutt in hl re-iirre and service of his sen iiuni lu full, OF OF The fli'. niM.'liig of the ttedllors of Klkln t'halr Compaiiy. which recently !w.mh into Imiikruptcy, was held be- fon MhJ J. K Alexander ,hcre today. III. L. l wellyn. of lOll.i'n, was fleeted Mnne-e and it was deeldi d fo wil lb j plant ut Klliln Im lod.ru Mock of goxts oil band, miirlilm r . e'e, oil , Jon'. - - The foncins llal.ni'iis ai almu' $j oo'i, siiliii uwi aei are est una ted -it $7.100. H. (L Ctatfiam, of Kikln, Is lif". retornlng fnm a 'rip f Charjoii and Salisbury. F, (I Kemp, of Mavflan. 'ts here tlil iifiernoott, returning from Char- jlu't".