W1TW1TY JLMJLLY SENTINEL yearT roTooui WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS Its Address Is Not l0ry Ultimatum I Follow. urnr mot tiihi vuil 11 u I ihilii. U Workingmen And .--tentative in Douma Lm,nd for Dissolution Government. Tint, ot lS lead to Serioot jrcK.itt Attack Bank. L Sontinel. nil Ri;.; May 2a.-The Io touay on what U 1 authority that the ,,e ikmnia. composed i 'and peasant, intend missal of the present 'ihe answer to the ad-, juia is H"l satisfac- Ltt Attack Bank. land. May 25 A band uom today made an industrial Savings L.loyt-s of the institu- fit a'tuipt to loot tne was a desperate fight. wrre forced to retire, covering their retreat r.,vMivcis. Two clients, lie bank, and one clerk. hot ami six others anarchists made their COMMENCEMENT AT BINGHAM. - Ft -' - - f - L I . k. . ' L.I5I CI riiKf ny ot,nuinnin KWirfl ( ed Young Lady Stood Fint in Scholarship in the School. Special to Th Sentinel. MEBANE. May 23. At the com meneetr.ent exercises of Bingham techno' Mehane V C tha l'ni t'OIS; I f V of North Carolina scholarship, which is given to the student who attains the highest average in his studies and which is worth $60.00 in tuition, was awarded, to Mr. Lenoir Thomas Avery, son of' Hon. A. C. Avery, of Burke count). Mr. Avery was distinguished ' In deportment and scholarship during the year. The Washington and Lee University scholarship was given to Mr. Charles Canoll Burton, son of the late R. O. Burton, Esq., of Wake. Mr. Burton ! also made a speech of marked excel lence in the final dobate. The University of Teuuetsee schol arship wis won by Mr. Thomas J. Hackney, of Wilson. Tha Bible prise was given to Miss Enima Keir Craig, of Orange, whoso average for the year was 99'4. The leltctlous In ttu, Reed Smoot The Latin medal was obtained hy Mr. Ja--matter went over until ovxt Fridav ! itph Otto Frye. of Costa Rico, C. A. , when it 1m expected that a vote will be j The History medal went to Miss Su-jhad on- the resolution offered bv 8en-' sn Jane Chaudler. who stood first in.ator Dubois, declaring Sruoot not en-! scnoiarsmp in scuooi. as Hitignam is Hilled to a seat in the. senate. a boys school, however, MIsh Chan- n Ik believed that the fiual deter Senate Committee Takes No Action On The Smoot , Case Today. Owing to Absence of Several Mem ber? ot Committee the Matter Coe Over Until Next Friday When Vote Will Probably Be Taken on Dubai Resolution Declaring Smoot Not Entitled to Seat May Not Be Finally Disposed of Till Next Ses sion. By Wire to The P-ntlne. WASHINGTON. May 25. Because i of the abstnee' of Senator Depew. Bailey. Frailer.1 Hopkins and Polliver! ui action was taktn today by the i senate committee on privileges and THEY WILL CONFER i r COMMENCEMENT TONIGHT. ! Closing Ecrctrt of Salem Boys' Schol to Be Held in Chapel Tonight. The cl.su.s ev Conferees Prom Senate And,i.uc-n;;' House To Discuss Tne New Rate Bill. IHTHE COURTTODAY r. ihi la thi' m htvi) rr-ar-!. beginning ai X o'rlock. to hir:i the public is invited An interesting progtain has 1 'on arranged i is as to'Niw: Music Ho.' Band . Tk;. Bill IAJ.II . ' liVI. - j . ... . - . t Chortw The Itutiiug lt;roibl. B.e I a.dered With View to Getting 0ratlonH. Ailie Wh,:.. - The Measure in Such Shape That Both ' Dignity of Uicir, rci vif that! in.;;tu:i... the j ju(jge Peebles Fines a Young I 1 ' 1 " . I'. 1 . , i : .. ' men jju rui vxiu)iiig A Pistol. Branchei of Congress Will Pass It. Secretary Taft On Panama Can;l Matter. By Wire to The Scntintl. WASHINGTON. May 25 Repre sentative WllHaiii carried . fait filll busteriug In the House today to txtem of demanding roll call on approval of yesterday Journal. He wan endeavor Oiation ilintna W. Hinha Olinions Stroiig.n Than Armie. t huru ('hiug a-laiig. Oration Paul I. Clodfe ltt-r Op)r-'unlii- ot the Scholar. Hi Honor Said H Put $10 ! Be cause the Defendant Swore Falsely. Bob Cobter Convicted f "leceiv ing Stolen Watch-SeveraJ Road Sentence. In the Mtpcrtor court this morning a ini white man sained, Will Pen thy wa couvfcieit of carrying a con- Otatluii Cart 1. Kter Conuner piallMni Chonis-R, ight Wars of Youth. c.all wp.m h4 Judge Peebles; Oration Thomas M. M.cum Troth Ih,n P""IV Innxmed of and Victoiv. I nlnt'a courwi'l appealed to w;.,.. ' D...i..i i. n ... 'kie h nor to rvduce the amount but i . . . , .1 V"uru f-f,liiMJ r. V irnril urn- ; .... . . - ... w -. .. ...v .... ,.w,i rairiM frilm HkB l nnr lAi IMniiKrr TRRIBLE DEATH. i While Crossing Rail Kk at Raleigh. Sentinel. Ijy The body of rifict ii year old white ; on the tracks of the i yards here this mortl- o'clock, horribly linihs and body to criislu d and ground In - maniif r. iihor of the child, Will I affidavit with justice m;. iii his opinion, the It diath through crlru- ! of the railroad em' nifiits are llns made liie coroner. r the accident. The iri's father, who has re . is that his duughter thr narks and passed I L'hi l ars alongside h she crossed just in (iivjinuiid passenger nsliorii, EiiKineer of a -ai.-, hi' saw the train smile one to pass in c went over on udja on which th shifiing shini; cars in the same i' passenger train was frhifler went to end of i; heforo body of girl his siding. Engineer I'.ioa of the girl, was s (ngine and he makes he saw the passenger i fur 'some una to pass. i on' through to Golds I'emem has been pro- in. nude by counsel for hat there was criminal Mt there was no one 'f of the shifter to look rli being excited from til!) track in front of 'iam, did not see np--hifk'i which gave no on her wnv to the Hal. Mill herj she was em- EDISON PARTY AT LINC0LNT0N. Great Inventor Delayed in Reaching j Destination. , Mr. Thomas A. EiHson aud parly, who sipent Tuesrloy night In this city. did not teach l.incolnton until 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. A special to the Charlotto Observer says: The party expects to be in this neighborhood for 10 days, but has not yet decided as to Its movements. The pt oo'pector, whom Mr. Edison has had h,er; looking for cobalf, is In the west ern part of the State, but is expected to get here tonight, When he arrives tho daily operation of the party will bo planned. The mineral sought Is said to be about 10 miles east of Mncolnton, but Investigations will bo made a 1011 11 1 Paygaur's Mountain, In Uaston; King's Mountain, In Cleveland and at other places.- . R P08TPONED. Pyterian Assembly Da- k Year Consideration ations. Sentinel R. S. C, May 25.-By a the Southenr Prooiv... asemti!y decided to fonsideration of closer other Presbyterian nfxt year. d!er did not receive a scholarship. The Mary Peyton Oray Eseay Medal, which la named In honor of the prin cipal's mother, was obtained after a close contest, by Mr. Odar l.ee Baity, of Orange county, whose subject was 8t. Paul. Mr. Richard Sugg, of Wil son, carried off the prize In science, as he obtained1 the, highest grade In that department. The mathematics medal was won by Mr. Lee Davenport. of Pitt county, and the Errgllsh medal by Mr. Samuel Anderson Lynch, .of Orange. miration of this case will be post poned until next seeskm. SOUTHBOUND SURE. 'Road Being Built in Good Faith" Says Colonel Fries and the Treas urer Says It is Certain. Lexington Dispatch. The Dispatch has fluctuated be ween hape an;l dispair about the Southbound railroad until a good hearty "it will be built" with the ac- sent on the will affords Intense relief, We have grabbed at siraws and have quit grabbing them and grown pessi mistic. Our people have been the same way. We now purpose to put on the smile that wilt stay on arr.t hug closely ind constantly the belief that the Southbound will bo built. A Dispatch man talked with the treasurer of the road last week, and' he stated the above emphatic, "It will be built. There le simply no doubt about It," Henceforth, doubt not. We are con vinced erj.lrely that on a day not very far off we shall hear the whistles blowing the station signal for Lexing RURAL ROUTE SERVICE. Assistant Postmaster General Issues Statement Regarding Inspectors. A statement issued by Lho fourth assistant postmaster general yester day says that the purpose of the in spections of rural free delivery routes recently ordered by the department Is to ascertain and remove. If possible, the cans? of any adverse conditions that may exist, such, for instance, as lack of Interest, hostility of po"'- matters whoso cancellations are Inter fered ?w it h by the rural carrier, or op position on the part ot those, holding contracts for star-route service whose employment is menaced, and If such be the case lo suggest a remedy ioi suclv adverse conditions. The statement says that reports that those Inspections are with a view to discontinuance of such service or its reduction from a daily to a tri weekly service, particularly In the South, arc without foundation. DEATH OP A YOUNG MAN. from rules committee sending rate lillt to conference and authorizing speaker to appolut conferees without Intervening motion. Confer em on part of tho House will be Hepburn, ot Iowa: Mann, ot Illi nois, Republicans, and Richardson, of Alabama, Democrat. The Sotiato con ferees wiH be Erktna, of West Vir ginia; Culloui. ot Illinois, and Tillman. There Is some talk also ot Aid rich, of Rhode Island. Could Finish by 1114. Secretary of War Taft, appearing before the house committee on ap propriations, today made the aston ishing statement that the Isthmian Canal, If lock canal, will be com pleted July 1, 1914. He spoke for an appropriation of UT.ooo.oou to carry on the work. House, endorsed committee' report to wnd railroad rate bill to confer ence by vote of H4 to 106. at Mr. . Carrion Williamson Died Leaksvllle Funeral Sunday. Mr. R. L. Wll'lamson of the Brown c Williamson Tobacco Company, left this mornins for Leaksvllle in re sponse to a telegram adtviKlng him of tho death of his brother, Mr. Carlton Williamson, which occurred at 2:30 o'clock this morning at the home of his parents, Capt. and Mrs. T. V. Wil liamson. In Leaksvllle. The deceased resided with his parents In (his city for several years before their removal to Leaksville. He was li the hospital here for several weeks a few months ago, receiving treatment for heart trouble, which caused hin death. "Coon," as he was familiurly called by hla Mends, was an exemplary young man ami was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a Mrs. W. R. Leak, of this Monday. held In row after noon. oy ail who knew him. He brother of Mrs. W. R. Leak, city, whojwent, to Leaksville M The fiiieral service will be 1 Leaksvllle at 4:"0 tomorrow MORE EVIDENCE PRODUCED. pills Himself. the in.VPill-.nM till 1 K "'hDi Killed iilniuuif A special from Concord '"is man was working P and when ha r h" ,('1 his mother wasner for his plow. s the report of the gun ,vitlR In a hean nn ifco f man was found dei 1 f.'.' r'Lr1'.' f0"t had been ""n this he had evt- 11 trigger, holding tha ,ff"n 'n his left han(1 scorched. The load '' K'm went.Into the ! Ra instantaneous. B nian wenr m. i r"illS he was npparent- "f 'itSt. and thfi ra.h naming to tho Bennett SnrlnUi. Sprinkle, one of "the 1 f 1 Z f no Hi Art mt. 1,P 1,1 Old RlohmniM asr' M years, Mr h fl,. '' ana had inr :,o.er- cad -C' '"I'-m. win he P'OW, lb t-ineback '" nr"' Miss Margie c 1. ,v 11 '""Inge i""'0"-, per , f!a,l"'tKe at the 4 IC.k 'lei. U. W. nwrnltownship. f.' rhn.11,1 .. . k,v -B viMted Interetsing Results of Hearing In City of Philadelphia Today. By Wire to The 8entlnel. PHILADELPHIA, May 25. Further evidence of manner li which em ployes of the Pennsylvania Railroad came into posseselon of stock In coal mining companies throughout Penn sylvania was again brought to the notice of the Interstate commerce commission at the Investigation this morning. White Woman Meets Horrible Death In Charlotte. A white woman named Mary Mc- Corkle was killed on the Southern Railway yard in Charlotte this morn- iivg by a shifting engine. From par ties who arrived here this afternoon from Charlotte It was learned that the woman ha started to work In a cot ton mill when she met. 'her death. Sne was walking on the track and was struck by the tender, the engine running backward. Her body was hor ribly mangled. The opinion Is ex pressed that death was Instantaneous. RECORD-BREAKING TRIP. New French Line 8teamr La Pro vence Makes Quick Voyage. By Wire to The Sentinel. I NEW YORK. -Mar 25 The - new French line steamer La Provence ar rived this morning from Havre, break ing all records from that port. The time of passage was six days, three hours and thirty-five minutes. TO STAY TILL JUNE 20. Federal Troops tyow in San Francisco Will Remain Longer If Necessary. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. May 25 The presi dent has promised Senator Flint, of California, that federal troops now on diuty at San Francisco will remain un til June 30 at least, or longer if condi tions? should demand. KILLED BY SHIFTING ENGINE. IS THE GIRL SANE? This Question to Be Decided In Case of Josephine Terraneore. By Wire to The Sentlnr-1. NEW' YORK. May 25. The trial of Josephine Terraneove, charged with the murder of her uncle and aunt, was suspended until Monday. When the case was resumed this morning ap plication was made by District Attor ney Jerome for the appointment of a conunisfclon to Inquire Into the girl's sanity which .motion was granted by Justice Scott. GOOD ROAD WORK. Present Plan of County Father Endorsed by Union Republican. The Union Republican approves the pi .'sent pln of the county commis sioners In road building. The paper say: "Let the good work go on. The present plan ot paying as you go can not be improved upon, and In a few years the public road ot Forsyth county bid fair to be In good shape. "County road work Is humming along. Mr. C. A. Crews will operate a forc.3 with hesdquarters on the Gcr- manton road near tho county home. "Mr. Charlen Griffith, who, with another crew. Is macadamizing the Mapla Springs road to Ik-thanla, will move his camp to near the latter plarn this Wv k. "a S. Ordway, Sons ft Co., will soon begin work macadamizing three mllea of road from Kernersvllle up this way.' "Tha steel bridge across. Muddy Creek, costing $l,2.rS, was completed last week. Chorus Blow. Y Winds, Heighho, Oiatlott Jay M. Sink Citlxenshlp. Orstion Walter A. Mlckle Centra Illation. Soio-Quartette Messrs. Montgom ery. Ellis, Mctim, Sink. Oration lLillaud E. Shoop The Tralloi'r Death Ik-d. Oration lh-nry Ward) Doub The Home In the Government. Chorus Utved Alma Mater. Prem-ntatlon ot Diplomas Rt Edward Rondthaler. Music BoV Hand. Chorus Goodnight, Ladies. Rev U. S. ATHLETES RETURN. . Sixteen on Steamer Republio from Genoa and Naples. By 'Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. May 25 The Steamer Republic arrived at Quaiantine this rooming from Genoa and Naples, hav ing among iis passenger sixteen of returning American athWrtea from the Olympian giitns. The Republic was detained at quarantine because of a case of smallpox aboard. The steamer will be fumigated and released about noon, , . LONCWORTH'S SPEECH. In Houe Wednesday President' Son- In-Law Spoke on Diplomatic Service Bill. WASHINGTON, May 23.-Th day s proceedings lu the House were) closed with a speech by Mr. Longworth (Ohio), who talked on the merits ot the diplomatic and consular bUL Us If, a fact to which he called attention a being something unusual a "geueral debate" meant anything else but de bate on the bill. Mr. Longworth, who showed large familiarity with his subject, contrasted- the "salaries paid our ambassa dors and minister and those paid by foreign governments. He said our system wast to compensate our envoys by paying them directly while foreign government paid both directly and indirectly. The American ambassador to Paris receives $I7.5m); the British ambassador to Paris receives $45,000; an offlch.il residence, an appropriation for the establishment, fft.OoO for offi cial entertaining, and ak the; eloo ot 20 years he Is pensioned at fio.onn per year for Ufa. . Ho made a strong plea for the pur chase ot building by the American government In foreign countries and said "then the man of moderate nwans, the mail who most truly rep resent tne bone ittid sinew ot tnis ie- public, would not he plueed at a rihiid vantage as computed with another man who had 111 ire money. "No longer then would a condition exist under which tht-so office of the highest, responsibility , unit dignity could bo given only to tleh men, and no longer would there be a single of flee In the gift of th,i American people which would not be within the reach of any American cltUen," Standard Oil Investigation. By Wire to The BrntlneL CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 25. Wit nssses against the Standard Oil Com pany In the Interstate commerce com mission investigation, are being "seen" by attorneys for the trust. The attorneys' for prosecution say they have been Informed of several such caws. Witnesses for prosecution are known to have been summoned to of flees of the Standard's leading attor ney today. "On man was called and fells me the Standard Is making an effort to impeach my character." said C. M. LitK'9, n recent manager of the trust. "This man is an ex-employee and worked under nie. He was asked if ho could not tell something against me. He said h3 refused to do so." MRS. DAVIS BETTER, She Passed Comfortable Night And Is Steadily Improving.' B Wire to The HentlneL NEW YORK, May 25. Mrs. Davis is reported this morning as having passed a comfortable night and Is making steady progress towards re covery. , 1 Two Charter Issued. RALEIGH, May 24. The secretary of sut.i charters the Union Telephone Co., of Monroe, with authority to es tablish an exchange In Monroe and ex lend branch lines Into Union county. The; principal Incorporators are J. N. Price and J. D. Hemby. Another charter Is to the Deal Tat ning Co., of Dealwvllle, Alexander county, capital 150,000, by J. M. Deal, M. P. Julian and others. - 1 Death In Salem. " Mr." A. '"X. Brown died ou Water street, Salem, last eTeirfng at the age of 33 year. The funeral service will bo con-ducted by Dr. H. A. Brown at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from the residence. The interment will be In the Salem cemetery. The Wells-Brlerz Co. have In stalled an up-to-date wood yard plant in Salem. - . New Advertisement. J. J. Roddick. Hard wall plaster, used everywhere. Meyers-West brook Co. Special sale of men's suits. - - Th. Fl ., 1 I ' , . L . . ,nA launched, this time entire line? of mi'.. I Some men are so unlucky that when Hnery. suffers a slaughter. ' jther o borrow money f rom a fe. Rosenbacher & Bro.-A special sale how theywliw up hy lending him in two-piece suits for tomorrow. some. 1 W. A. Wilkinson is making ex tensive improvements on his resi dence on West Fourth street: , I Stein, of Jacksonville, Fla., Is spending a few weeks with his daugh ter and son at the Bclo Hourie. Mr. Stein Is proprietor of a large bakt'ry at Jacksonville. Miss. Daisy e Lee, governcs of Mr. C. A. Crews, gave a very enjoy- abl" recital at Walkertown last even Cantalopes at D. S. Reld's. Green apples at D. S. Rcid'. The 19-montha-old son of Mr. and Mrs1. Henry Tavls died at 2 o'clock 'iis afternoon at the home of the h-arcnls on North Liberty street. I The Light Bearers Sewing Club of Cectetiary M. K church will meet iih Miss Atha Wolffe 011 Summit street at 3 o'clock toomrrow after-ii'inii. Juds P-ule stated that he cottsld- t red the veriWet of the Jury Just and righteous. The eminw l for a young negro man taled that the mother ot hi cHent bad conclude, that a short tern the county rod wmiUI prove an ef fective Kmuiii to her wsyward son, though lie would object seriously to king M-ntt ire, a she felt like It would piove dluutruu on account of the boy's health. Th lawyer went fl to say that he wa ready 10 submit to a verdict of guilty tor his client, with the hope that hi honor would utak the sentence brief. "1 will Dot promise what I will do until after I hear the evidence," aaht Judge Peebles. The time for bearing th ease was next dlncusoed. Th lawyer said that his client' mother wa not present, "it she want her boy to go to tho roarkf there 1 no necessity for her being present st the heard," promptly replied Judge Peebles. !kb Coble r wa put on trial thi afternoon on- th charge of being Im plicated with Ed McCoy In tho rob bery of a watch from Charles Morrt. several months ago. It will be re called that McCoy wa convicted tt the February term of court and given two year on the roads. A few weeks thereafter McCoy made t dash tor liberty and wak shot down and killed by on of. the guard at th convict camp. At th time of McCoy' trial Cooler had bot been arrested. The Jury returned a verdict con victing Colder of receiving stolen gooW, but not guilty of th larceny of Morris watch. By request of defen dant's counsel Judge Peebles reserved sentence. Court Proceeding. Amos Hi go, assault, wa fined 110 Slid (MlStS. Nat .I;h-s, for assault with deadly weapon, was given a lerta tu. four months on tho roaWi. Floyd Dotison. colored, for larceny, was sent to tha road for four months. Cnrrle McCunn, colored, was con victed of stealing $5 from Solomon Winn. Kin? was given twelve month in the penitentiary. In the rust? of Fred and Flav June, colored, for cursing and drawing a pis tol on T. H. Fleshtnan on tinln be tween this' city and Keniersvllle, Jury returned u verdict of guilty a to Fred, tha othet brother being acquitted. Sentence has not been Imposed upon FnX T- AN ATTRACTIVE FLOAT. Description of th Splendid On of Bailey Brother, Which Appeared In Big Parade In Charlotte. Those who attended th big celebra tion In' Charlotte this week-say that the float of Bailey Brothers, of this city, attracted a Rreal deal of atten tion In the parade and that It adver tised this well-known firm's Tobacco In s most effective manner. The float, which was nine feet wide and 22 feet long, wus drawn by six black horses. The background was of granulated tobacco and the letters in natural leaf tobacco. The body and canopy of the float were of tobacco. Several catchy Inscriptions were used. On the front horse was a ban ner with the words "Bailey Brothers;" on the next, "Not In 1 Trust;" on the last "Bill Bailey." The word "Inde pendent" was In burnt wood at top of the float. There were on the float two swans with a tope of tobacco In their mouth and In frout of them a large star. The float was gotten up In an ex tremely artistic manner and re-fiected much credit upon Dr. J. A. Blum, of this city, who decorated It so effee tlvrsly, as well as upon the firm of Bailey Brothers. SHOT MAN THREE TIMES. DOUBLE TRAGEDY. A New York Man Shoots Woman And Then Himself. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, May 25. John Kltro vlch, who represented that be was employed at Metropole, shot the woman with whom ho had been living as his wife at 357 West Forty-Fourth street this morning and then svnt a jiiHt! through his own brain, dying In stantly. The woman who gave her name as CXiia McGarry Is in a lerlons condition. Jealousy Is given as the cause. Woman In Richmond Police Court Tells of Her Exploits, Richmond TimefrDlftpatch, When Mrs. Ida 8, Hughes, before Magistrate I-wls' court In Henrico county yesterday morning, Informed the court and an 'Interested group of spectator that sh had shot thr nu ll In her short career, a hush fell over the audience that recognised here wsm a woman of a typo rarely seen In 1 he, effetfl East, snd rather more thought of as t) ileal of the wild and wooly West. The third and latest victim of her marksmanship wa Elijah Brown, whom she shot on the night, of April 3, when the negro, It 1 llegel, attempted burglary on her home. No. 1917 West Cary street. On the w linens Maud Mrs. Hughe stated that she had shot at him twice before, when she had seen him prow ling about her premise. On the other two occasion she had thought that he might be drunk or had mis taken the place, so she fired jutt to frighten him off. The third time. however, she determined to tesch him a ein and this time her aim was true,- tho luillet striking hlra In the side. He managed to get away, but had to go to a howpltal, where he. stated that he had been shot In a row about a negro girt. At first his life was despaired of, but through the energetic efforts of the physician be managed to pull through. On .the stand yesterday he lewtlfled that he hod gone to the homo of Mrs. Hughe with a nt" that somebody had asked him 10 deliver, Ills evidence, however, was' so contradictory Ihst he wa sent on to the next term of tho grand Jury, which meet in July. ATHLETIC CONTESTS. Boston Besieged by College Athletes from Various Place. Jr Wire to Th Sentinel. BOSTON. May 25. The city Is Ail ed with college athletes this morning Tha raiitm Is the thirty-first set of ; fall fusion of th' Salem ColUge championship games of Inter-collegiate Athletic Association, which late placp at, the stadium t Cam- bridge thi. afternoon and tomorrow To Spend Summer In Europe. Miss Gertrude Brown, a member of the musical faculty of the 8lera Fomaie College, left today for New York, where she will Join a party of eight from Atlanta. They will sail , from that city on the White Star Liner next Thursday for Europe. Miss Brown, who Is a most accomplished musician, will spend tho summer visiting places of Interest In the old country. Sie will return Irt Septem ber, In time for the re-openlng of the The three- ear-old child of Mr. mid Mrs. T. P. S'e4vt, of Walkertown, tlli'd Friday evening. and boat afternoon. races on rhe. timi'es this Tho old I'Mnioiit warehouso build, in- will !' sold at public auction Florida peaches l P." 8. Reid'n, .it 2 'o'clock tomorrow;

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