WON" CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 23. 1906 YEAR PRICE 5 CENTS r i....,rt fhnc. fry The Henry .Murder wsc TWELVE KILLED IN II WRECK IT LOUISVILLE tevtr, yen Had Been the Speci By Wire to The Sentinel.' LOUISVILLE, May 2S. The broak ing of a flange on rhe cuactt of the Umuville and Nashville pasx.'nger train thli morniue caused a wr-k here in which probably a. Uoten were Chief Hll.d aau 3" or more injured. The mangled condition of bidies TFinnPSflRFPRfliRFnlii s (lPTPRMifirn1 gdmbifhrfmfht f i yh rhf ThTTIw nn uwi WI1IILI IIIIIULUiWl Ui UL L.lllllllsL.U " LII1UIIL.U U I II 1IIUU .Mayor Schmitz Thanks Presi dent Roosevelt For Their Timely Aid. s yen Wi: Exh"tted fmakf a Identification difficult. There j Nines Drawn. are c'-gnl Doxaes at one undertaker . Ta Injured at ill at hospitals. The wrecked traiu consisted U a Execttive of Sin Francisco Speaks in High Terms of Assifr i tancc Rendered by Federal Troop J And by Federal Government In That City's Hour of Need. No Uprising of Any Kind In Panama Will Be Tolera ted At All. SERI.1S IT HEIGH Bv Wtnj to Thr S'ittuL Us-oker. itav coach and two itaw. . jwj 2V weal- . . . r lU at Kr.' . K l to. iv r.f ,.,1 Cu lty Saturday In jbjnatiott baggage and po&Ut car. Ttit traiu was running flfceen miles iff of t'tii.1 of the de .1 aj chair rit-xt to he. t,' of (he other two .itu-udiuii the hearing. J being assisted hi t ids associate in law. Mr. .John Folger, I Mr. Lindsay Patter- special venire draw n re excised by Judge .vice for sickness In ro men summoned. Iio j'trjmen drawn for m proved acceptable. :. Duggins ami Waller :i court adjourned at 1 iter, mil) four other ii ( hus !i. as follows : .! S. Crim, I. Wesley , W. Nelson. tai rial vi nire of ten xt.aiisted . his honor riff to s minion a spe- I11 ir'n. rial venire having tlie court instructed ml his il puties out In : in. .i;oii 50 men from the one Juror needed.1 jmrtiiie adjourned inninrrow. ti Convicted. N. L. Glenn, colored. Sat ud&v in the supe- rharg.' ot having iru witli a gill under 14 e. two more Imlicl- i.ieiin. Judgment has wi in t he two comic- ED FROM TAX X. .Miiv 28 The. a uiiuunniius vote con- iScnate amendment, tn H th.nai uil alcohol in arts nnd manufac- will become a law w's signature. Con wntts Is that It will '" the Standard replacing . kerosene ilhiininants by dena- s'am Noun, mawm UB hoJr through the yards when the vh.:bi-U. tudlcua engineer heard' flaUg break. ln-ant!y i , ,K .) Ht 'Jrv tvouie tu nv.si11"1 uiu uir. iiibuui .. ji.i :r..l restaur k Co . corner of Thiril f-r,,-i,, on Sunday I iiii'i;. was eaneu m L lotas - ,ni M packtd. Cvin - ru'.tv well filled Teii.d at l' o'clock .,.,,...( in the case o the large atteu i the da). mdaius sat just be !, Watson. Cuxton ulv and Hendreii and j engine and baggage car remained ou r'le track but' otachea and sUHpers left the track and crashed Into a string of freight cars. The pasHrsers were pinned iu the wreckage amid wildest Kreuts. Nearly everyone In the smoker is believed to have been iiiytaiKly killed. Those in the coach ware Injured, but thote In the sleepeis were unharmed. a .1tL;r mm. Mayar S.-r.a:in. of San Ftan ciso. in wliieh he rutri.-v tTrtttitn.i lnr j nl tbat cllv lor aid ex tended by the fedvtal guvernuicut and add.--': "1 cannot speak In too high praise of the niaguiacent ht'p given the tuunlcijial uuthorltim by I'nited Ppecla; to T. St-t n.i. " It VI.EItiH. Ma :v-Tn h.r-i: t-4i b:cb i'V ii:iitiU'id Kii .oral ni;;;;s:ers of Vtttif.!iliu Were delivered iu this city v-'ti tday tuoru ir.v. Rt. Rtv, Rul eit S iiinm-, U l . iGowernor Marinet No at Colon for Pwrpoae. Jlina. freaetuns the M-iniun lot th A. It Is B.'lieved, of Keeping Down' M. Colter con'tiu t.o m. nt and Rev. K. . Ho sue. rector or M. J.knies thiiieh. th' serumn for the com n -icint-ut of St. Man School, lkith 9t WJro t Tho nUn. sein;oti wert heard by very large WASHINGTON- Mav 2S. That the ;aU1' , nci's ' excevtMmal pral. ir - - I (. J. V. Johnson Was Lynchel At Town of Wadesboro. N. C. Early Today. Cruiter Columbia With Force of . Trouble of Any Kind Which Might i Result from Election. l-.lt States genimen, intend, t)nZ WiZ tuake fcikKl its ultimatum that there jare true, wha'sour things are hon'. shaJt be no rt-volutUm In Fanuma on jwhatsiK ver thing are Just, whatsni account of the eoniing !t'tion In ever things hti puie, whannever thai republic was revealed today 'thing are of rod rtport; if there tie through the anuouiiceaivut that the lai,v virtue, if there t- n.v puis". Jmlaer J'Uuuibia had arrived at Colon, jthlnk u these things." The nernion s... k..r, i ........ i. i... highb otTuT ludeTSr: aU'V Wiii'ii" i nugnt say deyoietJ assistance or -Major (leneral tireeley and Genetal Kunston. Mr. President, as an Amer h-an citin-n. I am proud to bp able to certify to their work and I'm prouu that we have men of such calibre in tho I'uited States armv." THE STITE NORMAL RARE MUSICAL TREAT Tl her (Weniltikt 4fc4iu;ion aj tiaan tanano. It Is hvirued now that ahe only touched that port and pnceeded at once for the Isthmus. Her foree of marines- and sail-Jis will bo amjiio to cupe with any revolution that the disfitisrleO Panamauian may care to start. It la believej her mere pres ence will serve to prevent such move ments. T SenttnuL V .May as. There " Hie Senate when It ")"i'"ing, over 5000 wiitnen's orcanlzailnns OlfstltJK amiins. Rot,l his sea. Rpmnn. 11 IXlXeX Hilrt KDamMn f''m Minnesota, nipshire. Alabnnu. ,a"d Kansas. . iSsTao; BADLY HURT neiitiiiM). 'V -V Sixteen ter "il;'"r 'house Klne- Min.nt of u,billi revolutionarv '! 2..iMt roubles and ,J of the lahdlord -' armed' with a rifle. 1 kl'I';'? six Others J AND 14 M BY BDMR FAVORABLE REPORT 1 ls,-ntln I I'1'-. K'isia f ''Nation Special to The Sentinel. GRPENiSlfORO. May 2S. An im mense audience filled The large audi torium of the new students' building of the State Normal and Industrial rrO.Ia Ciindau murnU. kMM ikn ' VUllCftO IllUIUlUg IV UCUl lilt baccalauteate sermon, which was preacheil by Rev. Egbert V. Smith. D. D.. of Louisville, Ky, but formerly pastor of the First ' Presbyterian ch'irch In hi8 city. In opening the exercises Dr. Chat. D. Mclver. the president of the college, stated that rr.ombers of the graduating class assembled ifiortly after Rev. Dr. Smith left for Louisville, last winter and adopter! a resolution asking that ha be secured! to preach the bacclmi- r:at sermon and in compliance with that reflifest he had returned from his Kentucky hjme to carry out their wish. Aftef a prayer by Rev. Dr. S. H. Turroutine. there was beautifully leadened sextette, Rossini's "Charity" by Mr. B. C. Sharpe, Mlsse Blanche Austin, Ethel Hariitm, Julia Dnmeroni Mingle Jam! -on and Mrs. Myra Al briijiY, with Mrs. Sharps as the salohi.. ' Before taking his text Rev. Mr. Sml'.ih svated that he wixhed to ex-pie-s to it. 3 graduating class hi most cerdlal appreciation of their Wnd de-fh-a that he shonlnl return ar.it g.lve thtnv their final mewage. The text wat4ak-i-fmm the -4t)-lHip(er tit khn, S4:t verse: "Jesua saith umo t'aeiii. My meat la to do the will of Him 'that Ent me, at: J to finish His work." In beginning Dr. Smith said there are two classes of people that mak3 falluifj In life. They may be intelligent, educated, refined and cul tuied, but. the first cla'-s have no aim and ( Ore other the wtong aim; the nut havs no ambition and the latter, txnt all f'.ieir energies In wrong doing. He referred to Cleopatra, whose life was ona of pretention with tlie 1(9 a of her beauty reigning, and wih'o died in suicld?. He admonished the young ladies tw aim their lives at the jight (Urge and thus escape faiUtre Irreparable, aud said ".May God save all of us from the shame and blunder and disastrous result of amis- directed life, He pointed out the life f Christ aa the modl, It having been the mot telling of any life on earth, and declared tliaf if we can find llin aim we wilj avoid the emptiness and fruit lesBiiess- that - characterize bhe lives of those who fail and that aim is the text. AdUressing the graduates he sali no .matter however or what ever your lot In life may be thin aim in life f g il. He urged the young todies to make tbeir lives simple and beautiful, telling them that simplicity ia not bare-net and not. the enemy of beauty and culture, but rather the errabediment of bo.ih. these virtues, tihat the beautiful life Is one of s-ingla purpose to do God's will, and accom plish His work. Every sin has some where In Its Ufa a lie, the most success ful enemy of truth being pretence. He t&ld he did not know what the young ladies) would be, but tihat h6 knew what they ought to be, agitators ami reft.mera for the uplifting of humanity and the betterment of those with whom they might come In con tact, and that as they built their life on purpose and aim of the text then their life structure would be of truth and beauty and power. At lihe conclusion of the discourse PteEldtnt Mclvev made the announce ment of tlie remaining exerclitea of ccmmenceimant and the audience joined In singing "All Hall the Power of Jeusr" Name," and the exercises closed -with the benediction pro nounced by Dr. Smith. Class Day Exercises. The class da'y exercises were held on the college campus this after noon at 6 o'clock and the represen tative essays? will be read tonight, be ginning at 8:30. ' L , May 2S. "how I hut !"'l,!"t"n wounded ' eerpet rated yeg. 1 f''n 'er.t to Clem ' o attend Ctem ' .' n'ient and visit "(' Rev- and Mrs. The rarest of musical treats Is lu store for all who attend the concert tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Academy chapel, given by the Parish Aid Society of the Episcopal church. The program is a guarantee of the pleasure, w hich is In store for all who attend. Thats of local talent who take part have few superiors. Added to this the fine basso singer, one will fcfl well repaid for attending. No singer has had more complimen tary notices ftom the press than has Mr. Fred- Butler, tho basso singer, who appears on the program. The Morn ing Oregonian tays: "His voice Is rich in melody, and a song from him Is worth travelling miles to hear. He save selections marked by flexibility of vocallsm and soulful ' Interpreta tion." tlon." Other press notices say: "His voice is delicious In the upper tones, and his regisiters are skillfully blended." Again: "Mr. Butler, who has stirred hearts all over the country, sang, and the audience knew they had heaid few voices of so rare a sweetness." Mr. Butler has a fine basso voice, clear, sweet and sympathetic, while his enunciation Is perfect. Following la the program to b rendered: (a) Handel "Angels Ever Bright and Fair." (bl Batiste, "Voix Celestl." Mr. A. S. Houghton, organist St. Paul's chuich. Herbert (Singing Girl) "Love Is Merest Folly." Urp.tlon "The Sunset .Gun." Mr. Bullet. Weber Invitation to tho Dance. Piano, Mrs. R. S. Galloway; oigan, Miss May Barber. (at Rosewlg "For What Thou 4ft.". (b Lohr "To My First Love," let Hanaek' Honor and Arms. Mr. Butler. (a) .Tames W. Rile)' "An Old Song.' l.i Mark Twain "Turn Sawy- rs' liovt? Affair." Miss .M'ickey. (a) Schumnti "Ich (irolle Nicht." (blOXl Irish "My Love Nell." (cl De Koven (Robin Hood) "The Arm ourer's Song." Mr. Butler. (a) ,f. H. Rhodes "Rememb'r Now Thy Creator." (b) Adam Geibel March Onward. Messrs. Dean. Yog- !er. Woolen, IJchcnthaelcr, .Newton. Ifohl, Bjnum and EbPrt. Stuart "Tho Bandolero." Tickets for this concert will be on sale at Simpson's, O'Haiiloh's, Uind quUt atd PTohl's and Shaffner's drug Mort-3. . THE PUBLICITY BILL By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. May 28 By party vote the House committee on election of president, vice president and mem bers In Congress, today ordered favor able report oh the bill by Represepta tive Gaines, of West Virginia, provid ing for publicity as a preventative, for fraudulent campaign contributions. QUIET IN DOUMA AT TODAY S SESSION 8y Wire to The SentlnaL I ST. PETERSBURG, May 28. The douma resumed It session .this morn ing with perfect calmnesM. it had been expected that after excitement of Saturday's session there would be some echo of turmoil which prevailed then but with fine self-control mem bers procetsdedl quietly to take up the legular order of business. SENATE WANTS REPORT was an earties: aud vtiv forcible ap peal for 11.$ ) )iirg men of the whool t.j-eimtwil 4lM'Jj.iiiil 1; J liven and strive for the a;tatnuiiit offtui'Mearf of human life as set by t.tirist. The sermon by Rev. Mr. Hogue at St. Mary's wus based on Matthew Sends Judge thaw to Wadeiboro to Investigate Lynching With Vis to Punishing Thees Guilty. Johnson Was Charged With Murder of His Relative, Qulnn Johnson. Special to The Sentlael. tt.M K.1GH. May I -Gov. Glens. iu hit mm ,1 this nmrntng through tvl.-gr.m fioiu HoMcKor Roblnan, of !v, .'Una if J. V. Johimon, at Wad.'sburu tail) this ntcrnlnff, r iiiT Ixlug made tn telegram that s-ifi judiw l sent there by the gov ernor Institute a rigid Invettigattoa Mli a view to piiHkhlna; the lynchers.. '-T titfmr --wire. I Jub;eJ"himss Shaw, i.i t;nuoro. U so'aV unr"' and niak, an Investigation. ( f.'rnoi (il mi expn.vtl deep 5-48: "Ut- ve therefor;' perfect." The iim.vt meat Ion st the I) nchlng. whlrh dihrourse w,S a powerful admonition n1 all was t.-piclslly wtihmu JtMl- Mr. David H. King, a well known and highly estesmed Citizen, dropped dead In the union passenger station about 5 o'clock Sunday morning. He had Jus bought a ticket to Richmond, Va.. when he threw his hand to his head, feH upjn the fkxr. face fore- most, and expired without Uttering a word. Dr. S. F. Pfohl, who was at Ihe station, was called In and after a brief examination announced that It was a fatal stroke of apoplex). Mr. King hurried from his home in the Bennett flats, on South Main street to catch the train, and the opinion Is express ed that the stroke was produced by overexertion. Mr. King was a native of Richmond, Va., but had been a resident of this city since May, 18X2, when he en gaged lu the coal' and Ice business, which he continued until about two yars ago. Mr. King married Miss Mattlo John son, daughter of the late R. D. John s-oil, of this city. The wife and two daughters survive him. Before coming to Winston-Salem Mr. King was a member for ten jears otthe-eHchmond Howitzers, an u rt 11- erp company. He held the offices of corporal and sergeant. His intended visit to Richaiond was to make a deed today to some real estate In or near that city which he recently sold. The funeral servlro was conducted from the lesiderice at 3 o'clock this afternoon ov in. tl. A. iirown ana Ulshop Rondthaler. The Interment was in tho S.ilem cemetery. Two (lis ters. Mcsdarnes R. L. HayneM and O. P. Cilrketis, and two brothers, Miw. John and William King, all of Rich mond, arrived this morning to attend tho sen Ice. to ihe'joung ladies for the fullest de velopment of their tat-uUli for the living cf truly noble lives. The text. ! Maid, he had chosen because be fore him were those who, a far as it was possible to carry out the simple dleep Injunction ot the text, could) car ry It to fultllnieiit. He Impressed the Importance of the selection of com panions in school llfo and in after yeare, the uecevsity of reading onl.i good pure books, and of having an aim in life. This evening at eight o'clock there will be the addre before the alumnae of A. M. College by Mr. C. Max Gardner, of Shelby. Tuesday evening' the commencement address will he delivered by Dr. Wiley of ths I nltetl S'.atea Department of Agricul ture ani.' the giaduatlng txerctn-e will be at 11 o'c!v)ck Wednesday morning For St. Mari s commencement the srt exhibit was In progress from 4 to 6 this evening and the elocution recital at 8 o'clock. TnesiUiy at 11 a. m. tho cms day exetcUea will be held; at 4 p. m. te alumnae, exercises; Wednes day evening the grand concert and Thursday morning giaduatlng exercises. rl.-ai.oir l ir teatun that he hail ahead v made an order for a s;htuI term of Ansou court to try Johitwia. ins victim ( ttv lyurtiers was chaigml with the murder of hi rela ¬ tive. Qulim Johnson, At a renin trial Ihei jury failed to sive on virihct, sum holiiirg out for murder lu first and senile li) second degree. MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS STEADILY IMPROVING By Wire to Thn Sentinel NEW YORK, May 28 Mrs. Davis gains strength slowly but both Dr. WJijo anil Mrs. Haves express the heme that thei patient will be able to sit up liifi.ie the week is over. She pa.-it.; uir excellent night and h.r improve nn nt is steady. TO DECIDE QUESTION By Wire to The Betittm4. WASHINGTON. May 28 Senate committee on Judiciary today made a favorable Mnui on the hill Intiiiductd by Senator Knox at the request of the administration, iI"!1iiIiik light of Im miiiilty. The bill provides that 'im H'.ur.ity shall exit nd only to natural person who In ilM-lienee to Kiibimemi gives testimony under oath or pro duces evidence iVxmmentury or other wire und'.-r oatJi." This bin In tho result of recent fall it r of tho government, iiiiitr nx lstlng law, to bring to punishment) of licet h of packing Companies la trial of beet trust caCM In Chicago. CHANGE OF SCHEDnLE ON THEN. C. RAILROAD Special to The 8ntlnel. RAI.F.IGII, May Ifi Announcement is made that the Southern train, which In trw pst has arrived her ln.iu Goldsboio at Il l.'i aud stiH'Ped over here until t in a. in., will be changed on. Juno l). so it will leave Raleigh at once for the west Instead of being held here. On June 10 the Southern will begin operating: a special tisln between Salisbury and A.ihelllc snd the Raleigh train will connect with No. 3d at Greensboro, deMve tug a through car to the special train at Salisbury for Ashevllle. , STITE OFFICIALS IRE .i. By Wire to The Sentinel. , MAV YORK. May 28 Tho Ter ratio va trral wax again adjourned this morning until tomorrow at the re quc'it of District Attorney Jerome, who said the commission appointed to examine Into the girl's sanity had not yt eompfeted its report. The girl's o.iinsel made a strong opposition to he adjournment. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, ' May 28 The Senate by re.solution today called upon- the president for confidential re port of the Keep Governmental Com mission o-n crop rejxirt Investigation Afternoon Session. Court reconvened at 2:20 this af r nmm. it required over an hour "J select the other six juror. A. J worth .1. Baxter Knight. Jos. A ml:iser Theodore Knonse Greensboor Items. By Wire to The Sentinel. OREENSBORO, May 28 -Mr Henry C ble, one of Guilford's mo; ! estimable fanners and business men, drepped' d.wad of heart falluie lit his home near Tabernacle yc-stcrdtiy after nidu, ag I ii years. He had b ;en In bad liealt li for some time but was In Gre'eimlrtiro Saturday. He was a il.lendld s iliiei, giiirig nil through the war and rtsr;.vlug 'V, e wounds. He leaves nirvlvlng a wife and three chil dren, Mr. G. O. Coble, of Roxboro; Mr. Flayd Coble, a travelling drug sales man, and Mrs. J. li. Denny, of Gfeisis- (Xrtl. GREENSBORO, May 28. Greens boro is pretty well conlcnt with the resu'l of the R.'inibllcaii state execu tive ci.mii .t! e merling here Satur day afternoon and night. sJnce It got tho convention and the chairmanship. Gr.Hms'.Hiro waw s. li rted on the first ballot unanimously a the place for thd tonventioii, Tuesilay, July l'l, was tht n agree5 upon its the time for hol Ung It. The committee wait In ( slcn until six o'clock! when an ad journment was taken until seven o'clock. Th night session laKedtwo hours and when it adjourned It watt U;arnel that Judge Spencer B. Adam of GreensKiro. had been wlected as chairman of the committee t-j fill the vacancy caused by lli relgnailon of Chairman Thun.M 3. Ucllini... li wan Ifarned that at, Hi afternoon session Mr. Rullins tutidered his reirlgnnt ion as ehaiimari and the conmiitiee re- Special lo The Sentinel. RALEIGH.--May 26 State Auditor U. F. Dixon Is gelling out to the Im nk. bsnklMg Associations and v- H t iiutltut.oiis of the slate a cir cular letter giving direction as to the reports that thtte luMtiuUoiis must. make to the department as soon after June 1 hh por slide. In addition to the rt(,wiit of t tie taxable assets of the banks th ri- must tm lists of the stock holders and' the number of shares held by each. The m.dltor is also Issuing similar c1ln in the officers of all the corpora tion doing tmsliiejis In the elate for the punpos i of securing the data for levying tales agalust them for the year. , 11 By Wire to The BenttneL NEW YORK. May 28 With throat cut. from ear to ear, brides seventeen stab wttunriu In the body, an unknown man we found on New York avenue and Carroll street,. Brooklyn .this morning. No one In the vicinity heard : the feast sound' of a scuffle and the murder lif shrouded In mystery, The P illce believe it was a vendetta affair. Ko- Shows No Improvement. and F. J 1 Misw Marv F. Thoma.H Is In receipt Shou.se were chosen fttmt the special of a letter from Dr. P. L. Murphy, J(..jre .. suvrirUendent of tha Mate hospital At this juncture announcement wast 1,.1-Morgauton, in which he s'atee that made that all of the 125 names had j Mis. Fiance Johnson, mother of been exhausted. Judge Peeblna then i Mist Thonms, "has not. .so far as we Ins.Tiicted Sheriff AMiaueb to sum-! can observe, changed since she came moms a special venire of ten. saying I to the henipllal. She is very pleasant that if the one remaining juror could jand easily controlled always In a in be oltained from this number hek'K)d humor. 8h eats and sleeps well would order another venire. and Is as contented as she can be." FEDERAL COURT AT ,li,'!.re James E. Ikiyd was herrt this afteino'iii enroiite to Wllkeslxiro to IwM. tin ngular term of the federal court, watch toiuenes there toiimrruw iiHJinlng. The dmket Is rcporlecl to be qulie large. The judge was ac con.'paiikd by Marslml Mllllkaii aud Ju '.w.i S. 11. A'lan , itte new chairman of 4 he R.-piiblliati slate executive cwnmiltee, District Attorney A. E. Holton atvt b" aiHtai;t, Pref. J, J. llrln, (.! Asheillle, )olied them Kers. Mr. A. II. Price, & Kallshury, ' tlje tithi-r ii ilf..ant to the district eOor in), will not. afi'iid this term. Ho has gonii t Florlilii Jo be united In mar ria'i! VSeliu-jjiiiy. DIG MINE OISISTER HEAR MIO, JAPAN, I By Wire lo The Soutinel, TOKIO. May 28 In a -disastrous fused to accept t. passing rcstdwions at Yubani Colliery, in Hokkald-i, of endmsemerw of his course and hlgh"ui nunni n aim eigni undoings were aippreclatton of his C-rvlces as chair man. W, H. Pleasant, brsk-man en Uie Southerh narrowly (.neaped serlolus Injury Sunlay night. He fell from !ha top of a moving box-ear. his etfolh liHt, catching lu the journal box and dragging him some distance. He es caped, however, whh a tvpralnd ankle. (l.stroied am) nine mlniis burned to dia'h. The rnlue was r)etroyed. R A. M'wre, whnne residence on Oak street win burned wome weaks ago, will scoti re-txcupy same, having rebuilt. It will be noticed that when young couples tntan business they don't go out In automobiles; they stlelt to buggy riding. By Wire to The Sentln'd. VIENNA. May 28 Ministry, headcl by Pitinier l(olicii.!(ih SchllllnKs-fuert-.t, ban reflgrn-il Women think a man Is a good hu band when he mill go with his wife lo buy her hats... . , The White Sale Is On. Th great white sate st the Busy Store l on and ail through 'be day Kit at -i rvw)i were In attendance. The ff tings me eagerly wmght for. Eve-ry Uidy m i-nii to have purchareit fully irp t the Mini' Ti-morrow. the jwcor.d day of this grunt )ah, pnmi !nn fo draw a n'lli larger fCowd. I y