iriNCITY DAILY SENHNTE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, .MAY 30. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS EAR. to sold alia to J. E. Whitbeck the lio nsinutts; wen last of February, just like the one in-juions in a bus's H.UUCeHI lM -uivu .ucuivu Siil.enHilt Of William Plean Siewait said looked like the one W'tUbeck had before he left here. Cecil B. Mai lory. , Witness lives In. Petersburg. Va.; S a COUalB OI J. "unoet., miu ur titer a:iie at Cieai oiie time. Witness Cook Harvev Steal Kohre. he?k and u.j Ut do laa': !! . mat th i it-ur v . . . . i. .-v v, M. u!u mi me nigoi jc-t list it wa i itc uuuut-r on Alain street. On cros!-timi:,a-;ou Sam said he left the employment .f IWeuhacher & Bro. because busiti,s.i ,,i!i- k ,'ame to her fathers house February Blt kll'w anytaing alwut Henry :'5 and remained there until his arrest. Tbe pin was presented and witness tiid it was Just like the one Whit: beck said n bought ia Petersburg. Dr. J. M. Fleming. 1 know Wnitaeck; on Thursday or money or the amuutu he lu;i On re-di:eet cxaniiuation witness saiiUthat he aud ('apt. J. J. siaj; were jukjng about a diamond ring befr the murder; said be had mi au over coat waen be went night of the murder around bis Brother; never knew of man nam.'.l "Finger Wi: ';4M Pieaa. Wait " d Tiier wre a t r Whi'Ueck told o, r, that s!w had cuavra:ktn v..t'i Sa:u Kobre before and after the ttmiUer: that Sum told kiil.j K-.:ry in hi bed rootr. with hat, ht or .tue-fcJn taev cut l with: that WiXam r.ean' was with biui i'.j- their friend stavvd down ttii ur.J pri'.d open the back door; 1 u!i.!;uiod Saw to My Hemy H ndr;u; hrii they went in; he said tin got a ho se amount of to the hotel theltuoney fiom u8 Henry, but did not never suw a beltlnarae any n:n; ;hi; on MonJav even inj aftei the murder Whit berk gave lluia , -. .. . u . m -l it iti t.;t cuiuer n GOVERNOR At Request of Solicitor Gov THERE. GERMAN OPINION. erjior Goes To Wades-boro. I, Mommg Ana I . - introduC fctl'T " . I... Krii-A the mttrilpr I I At hin eny-fyn0Pt' Ih-i.o so r.-nts each dav. and on Sun- 11 Yesterday. , ..... ,h. Mm hav- 1 1,0: nn Tiips- f In ,.,J.m. . . ... " . I . '"-3".".a,wu i.utss ad-li-ioeriy ana fi um'b stittts: he xave U I" Mjrderida 1 let hiin have j.00 to pay soiumuttd rolij to Kmlline Gardner's to lave one d.; biii the evl intiR loi- ilitie dui. i eu to xuk -tiiu am lotiKne toid; was rrora- lowtEf Tuedav. WUnew .ieiiied be- Imught his ticket to Petersburg; in ah pamed by Mr. Cohen; did not ask the'inn present when Heurv Kob.e was I let hint hava $22 on a gold watch-fortune teller we wanted to know killed. Hnrv Kobre had a purse he left me his address: he wrote tojabout the killing; diu take two trips I while we ,i'e at his plare: 1 took It lie and I answered It; Whitbeck was to country to see fortune tellers. but1om,u bis hand and carried it to the dunking on luesuaj evening wnen ai.ieceivecl no satisfactory '-'" .uM , k h ln. . ... .t.klac ll noVi.r ,h.,.,J o.tu . it. i . """" . . . . cu.i.iru uj nm eit'wjn crara jwiii fav litnrr nail luoiiev in On cross-examination witness said in my life but slie has 'phoned to me; 'a belt; I heard saru say Henry threw um not tell lapt. hiss Cicero Orrell .off on kirn in crowds and tried to was suspected being murderer of half make him feel bad and won all of his brother; two detectives were here, j money jtanibhnir: I heard Sam speak but they were brounht here by Maxiof this at Christmas and about two In Telegram tbe Solicitor Stated That If Governor Could Be Preatnt the Work of InvtCttigating the Recent Lynching at Wadetboro Would Be Much Simplified. Too New Char tea Issued. i sejsioa of t.ti' ,wsea at , ,;:,. s.v Ir the ire murder case as H't..i Rri;r s me . " .1 u.. .uuiid mnicted vii i'eiitiiiuiiiB , roiiversatioti ' u he Jay alter tne imu- ltrhard a ronversa- hitbeck and Mayor Sxb Wbiibeek said i teens aner ic mur tl he li"f that nit- on Wednesday after- Mr. Bryant -fk uaie liis address i chief Crutchlieid and that he would return iu iieeiieil. Witness aitlhCk hail said that murder he went to in Salem about 7:30 1 1 to MOiti rnoenix Ire he spent the nij;ht. rs refused to permit to examine Deputy because lie had re- iiirt room during the ali the other wit- Jrrell Recalled. as reraiii'd and ex borate the evidence of ititness examined yes- Orrel testified that the sakKin about see- on the Sunday night laid he hail to-go to his ruination witness said tok say he knew Sam c shot because he did it he (Cooki saw him before he heard the 'auline Cooper. toil! about hearing ;eu a Mis. Scott that ! been offered $50 not Kobre, Plean and Sailie claimed that niry Kobre with some- P'fk. they shot n window minal Ion witnesg said '.lutatlnn In the neigh' t good for truthful w was known as a bad if Aldredge. smui hearing Sitllle ut Sam Kobre, Plean killing Henrv Kobre P'aj'ed a handkerchief mea Henry had a few f as killed, r'es Cooper. lesmwri that he knew sum and another the other defeu- 1 s tooitr's mother- '"I'ir foi'tlllH'S fold; 'beir names; I knew ; not know his 1 ,h, y wauled to know Winston: this wus " -iter Henry Kobre 11 went out In the mother-in-law and I 1 do not. pay much '"I l line telling mnatioi, c001,,r sai(, as ever in this '''"f ' list his taxes. " fhe and his mother Oardner. were In 1 "efore a niairlatraio d:'' htht.L- i-.t tint ftrtnkln? th nfrpr. n.Hin he left; that witness still had ,er on another man's mission. , Simp.on. "! Same Stewart nis house on Broad """ murder: that l. mf a ffw minutes sh?. rang the door il,,r i; i uad been ile Resn. -f .he examina )s"" l'i: 15 o'clock "O 'fcaf it rested l,,ort Read. ';!k!'1 ' -South Bo8 H''nha Bear- the ft there a few - ,i,0,'t P- ': that ':atn came ,fs "'fore S 0.clock pr 1 o clock. MSS , -N or Plean; Tw? art,;r Sam 'h 'Phone ; "Hr?l it anrt th nd out without Bckhan ho Ih.i.i. tie s at Alex- a position ntlKtnn r ha a,, was wi;neS8. He ' a, r't!n '' E' Wl"t li'-at his char-Tr'-l him in. .. w, e ,)ef"-e this; id ; '10! rpae1 to r C' Little. wth him. at o....... iersDurg, cloihin V)re there: Whitbeck's gold watch and that latter owijd Blum Fleming a small bill lor carriages. John E. Whitbeck. This defendant said he came here last August and became manager fori ihe Portner Brewing Co.; that his resignation was asked to take) effect December 1. 1905. Defendant told of his movements on Sunday, January 21. saying he visited Bessie Whitt that night, left there about 10:10 or 10:20, came up Main street, talked with Peter Brame and then went to Hotel Phoenix, and told the clerk he wanted a room, to which he went: that this was between 10:30 and 10:35; did not leave room that night; first heard of minder was next morning while en route to W'inkler'a -cafe to get his breakfast; that after breakfast he went to the Kobre saloon, thence to undertaking room of Huntley-Hill- Stockton Co. and witnessed autopsy f Henry Kobre; went to Blum & Fleming's stable; was drinking; spent Tuesday night In room over Holbrook & Wiiifree'8. saloon; spent most of Wednesday at Blum & Fleming's stable: saw Chief Crutchfleld and ?ave him my address In Petersburg. Va.. and told him If he wanted me as i witness against a colored man 1 would return; on the way to the train stopped at Kobre'g saloon, drank small glass of beer aud got half pint of whiskey; I went to Petersburg; ar riving there on Thursday, January 25 and stopped with my uncle; while there I bought the pin exhibited and some clothes with $25 sent by post itflce money order by a friend In Mis souri; order and receipt were ex hibited by witness; defendant Bald he cama back here on telegram sent to Petersburg and without any- other papers; tali he told officers he never saw or heard of Satlie Stewart and Carrie Lloyd, but did know Bessie W'hltt. Witnesg testified again that he never saw Sallie Stewart to know her until his preliminary trial before the mayor; denied going to brewery :he night of the murder, saying he had no means of getting Into It; that he and Henry Kobre were the best of friends; never at any time went driv ing with Sallie Stewart; that what she swore to was false: had received, photograph of himself from hla sister; that It wog taken when he was a sailor and was wearing a uniform. On cross-examination Whitbeck laid he knew nothing about the mur ier of Henry Kobre; had no recollec tion of telling Capt. J. J. Sigg that, he could put his hand on the murderer In ten minutes; that the only trouble he was ever In before was for assaulting a negro In Alexandria, Va., for Insult ing his sister aud beating his baby brother: waS in the navy service about three years; witness thought his resignation was asked for as manager for the Portner Brewing Co. here because he allowed one man to come In the place of business; witness refused to answer a question about Bessie Whitt, except that she was hia friend. Sam Kobre, Another Defendant. Witness said he was 20 years old; came to this country from Russia six yeara ago; cannot write English; kept' bank account with Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., but could not write his name until short time ago; was friendly with my half brother, Henry Kobre; had been sleeping together for about two years; he used to carry about $:)0 or $75; knew Sallie Stewart, but was never Intimate with her. Here witness told of his move ments on Sunday of the homicide. Got up about 10 a. m.; shaved him self in restaurant; shaved Cicero Or rell and Henry; took a drive during day; ate supper at restaurant; played cards with some friends until about 9 o'clock,; Plean and I left, going to Max's; left Henry at restaurant; said he was coming later; Plean and I play,! cards with several parties uutil 11 o'clock; Plean and I left, coming down town;, stopped at Frank Brown's corner; Nthen I went to saloon, found curtain pushed back; went In and found back door broken open; rnsheu up-stalrs; was light in room; Henry- was lying on floor; Baw blood on his arm; I rushed out. leaving front door open; went to Hotel Phoenix and phoned to Max, telltng him to "come right away;" from hotel I Went to police station and told Officers that somebody had broken In saloon and Henry was bleeding to death; I went to Henry's room with Policeman Penry and one or two others;, 1 went after Mr. Plean about 3 o'clock In the morning, after my brother had died and wag carried from hospital to un dertaking establishment; I heard Sallie Stewart's testimony; never told her at any time about, Henry; never had any knowledge that Henry was to be assaulted; Sallie asked me one day If I was out driving with a girl: I told her It was not true; never paid, her a cent ; I rode in a buggy with her; I wag going down in Salem and I met her; she asked me if she could ride with me; 1 drove around about Kobre; Henry owned a i2-calibre nis tol and I carried it sometimes; the reason he did not phone from the saloon to his brother was because he was scaled. Character Witnesses. At the re-opening of court at 2130 this afternoon two character wit- aesseg were Introduced. Sheriff Pe- trte. of Stokes, who resides at Oer- nianton, testified thtu the characters of Max and Sam Kobre were good, Mr. J. C. Sinoot, of Alexandria. Va. said that he and J. E. W hitbeck were raised in the same1 town and that his character was good. Leo Vaughn. This witness is local agent for the Portlier Brewing Co. He testified that he was at his office with some fik'mls the night of the murder, leav ing there just before 9 o'clock, lock lug the door; the back door had a bar across it ; did not see J. E. Whitbeck that night; If he had a key to the front door witness did not know It. N. L. Cranford. This witness told about being at tha Portner office with Mr. Vaughn the Sunday night of the homicide. William Plean. , This witness is one of the three de fendants. Said he was born In Rus sia; came to this country lfi years ago: came to this city March 4. 190": witness corroborated statements made by Sam Kobre regarding their move ments on Sunday. January 21, telling about their visit to the restaurant aud the home of Max Kobre. The only dif ferent in the statements was In re sard to where they separated just af ter 11 o'clock that Sunduy night, after visiting at the home, of Max Kobre. Sam said they separated at the corner of lalu and Fourth street, while Plean said that, according to his recol lection, they separated at the corner of Liberty and Fifth streets. LAST NIGHT'S 8ESSION. Sallie tSewart'g Testimony. Witness Subjected to Rigid Cross-Examination. "The first night's session of court was taken up In hearing the testi mony of Sallie Stewart, the states star witness In the Kobre murder case. The glii was on the stand for two hours and a half and while her direct testimony was damaging to the three defendants, Sam Kobre, Pleau and Whitbeck, the effect of it was weakened lluring the severe cross examination, conducted by Mr. C. B: Watson. Court reconvened a few" minutes after 8 o'clock last night. The court room and gallery were packed. Most of the crowd stood up. the spectators desiring to see the witness while she related her story. A few minutes before the examina tion was concluded Mr. Watson arose and addressed the court, saying that he might wish to ask Sallie a few more questions this morning. Judge Peebles replied that he proposed to finish with that witness last night if it took until 1:30 o'clock. The wit ness was then turned over to the counsel for the prosecution for re direct examination, conducted by Mr. Lindsay Patterson. The only question asked was: "Sallie, were you a pure girt when you went to live at Max Kobre's? She replied that she was. Sadie's Evidence. Witness said her home was near Clemmons; that she lived at the home of Max Kobre'g about nine months; knew Sam Kobre when he worked at Rosenbacher's; I helped Mm. M. Kobre with her housework; I saw Henry Kobre between 6 and 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon, before he was killed; saw him again at depot about 9:15 that night; he walked with me and a girl named Carrie Lloyd or Bes sie Whitt up to the postofflce: i sw Mr. Whitbeck Inside-Ihe postofflce: we went to' the Portner brewery: went In at the back door: Whitbeck let us ini the girl and I went to Kobre's saloon about 9:30; Henry Kobre let lis in at the back door; went in the restaurant; stayed there 10 or 15 minutes; then went back to me Diewerj; v iniuee ai ui'js brewery and let us in; went oacit io the Kobre restaurant and ate some oysters: then went in Menry'g room: stayed there about five minutes: Henry let us out the back door; went from there out Church street to Sec ond, then to Main, wher 1 got on 'he car and went to West End, where I got nff and went to Mr. John Simp son's, where. I stayed: 1 left Bessie Whitt on the car: I have known Whit beck about six months; been with him weeks before the .z murder; I heard Sam say he was going to frail h out of Henry some time: 1 was friendly to beth Henry ami Sam. ln crosa-examlnatlon wltnesa said: I had known Whitbeck about a year and got acquainted to speak to him the following summer; he had a scarf pin with a bird on It; I have had the pin iu my hands. Here a pin was shown to the wit ness and she was asked if this was the Whitbeck pin; Sallie said It did not look as fine as the Whitbeck piu: witness did not remember whether It was before or after the killing that she took a drive with Whitbeck; she heard Sam say last .August that they were going to frail h out of Henry. Here it was brought out that a detective had ' been here two weeks or more and that Sallie bad drank cococola wlh him ; Sallie admitted while in the room with several othei witnesses she stood up for a mock marriage. The witness did not know where the Whitt girl lives, because "she moves every time it rains" though she knew she was the girl with her the night they went to the brewery and Henry Kobre's room; I heard some one say yesterday that Bessie W'hltt had moved to get away from the officers ; Sallie did not know that Bessie had Inflammatory rheumatism; while we were up-sialrs with Henry heard Borne one walking dowu stairs: sounded like two or three men; I drauk some beer at the saloon and a little whiskeys at the brewery; didn't tell Henry he was going to be whipped, as I didn't rare to have any thing to do with It: sat on the bed 5 or 10 minutes talking with Henry; we didn't tafk anything bad.. Extracts from an Interview printed Iu the Morning Journal while Bailie was In the city lock-up were read to the witness; she denied saying dur ing that Interview that she gambled with Henry Kofjre the night he was murdered and he let Sallie win $Ih; she stated Sam told her that after killing Henry he shot out of the win dow to make the public believe that Henry was shot from the outside; I think Sam said he struck Henry two blows; I did say Sam promised to give me $50 if 1 would not tell on him; I never read the papers: don't remem ber anything said about doubling the reward; I talked with Whitbeck on Monday night after the killing: I met him at the corner of Fifth and Liberty and walked up street with him; I believe ail he said was that It was all Dver; we went to near Cummlngs' store; we came back on the street car; I left Dim at Mr. Simpsons; I Raw him again next -day in front of P. A. Davis' saloon on Third street: we walked to tne jau. nacs oi me opera house; it was about 2:30 o'clock: I went back to Mr. Simpsons, I saw Whitbeck again before he left; he was near the brewery; he ap peared to be drunk; this was In the morning; I had been to Dr. Jewetts office having my eyes treated; 1 only spoke to Whitbeck at this time; Policeman Hartness did send me something to eat one time at my re quest; I don't think he has done any thing but his duty as art omcer; bai lie denied saying she had been threa tended with being sent to the peniten tiary If she did not tell all she knew, but admitted that she wag told that she would be locked up; Sallie also said she did not Bwear the truth la her first examination; she denied having a lawyer, as she didn't need one; that she did send for one, but decided she did not need him and sent him word not to come; said she told Sam If he didn't tell her all about the murder she would employ a lawyer and tell what Whitbeck had told her. She had joked with Sam and asked him If he Special tx The SntSr.eJ. RALEIGH. May '. Gov. Glenn re ciived t Migrant last night from SoUcltor Kobiusoti. at W'adesboro. to the effect that if he could possibly feme TiT" Wadckhoro hia presence ! would greatly aid In their work of In ;Vest:gatlr.g tht recent lynching of J. ;V. Johnson and Iu bringing to Justice the participants iu th outrage. The ; governor caught the next train for iWadesboro and will remain there as jlong as he may be needed. Then he will go to Klklu where he will be the guest oi -Mr. mign i natnam lor sev eral days and take a needed rest. The Eudora I'Jnd Co., of Spencer, ia chartered' trxlav with $2t.tMHi capi tal, by J. W. Nicholson, C. H. Jordan and other. Another charter Is to the Pomona Store Co.. of Pomona, with $.".ooo capital by C. W. Ikiln, 8. F. Campbell and others. .WEST END DEVELOPMENT. Plan On Foot to Offer Desirable Build ing Property in That Section for Sale. For quite a while there has existed lit the'minds of thinking persons In terested In the growth of our city the necessity for the extension and de velonmrnt I of new residential uron- erty and at reasonable prices. Building sites for the man of moderate means, and with the desire to own a home of his own, have ad vanced In price until the necessity for this development Is apparent to all. It is now stated authoritatively that plans which have been on foot for quite a while for the development of a largo portion of the choicest part of western subiiib of Winston, have assumed definite shape, and Wiu stonltes will have an opportunity at a very early date of securing choice building sites In the most desirable section of the western part of the city. This property will be sold on easy terms, and at such prices as will In sure the home builder a place where her fan buy a home with rent money and the seeker of profitable Invest ments ah opportunity to realize hand somer returns. Broad itreet Revival, The special meting at Brtiad Btrei-t Baptist church continue with Increas ing Interest and power. Mr, Wilson bi In gtoo hoarse to preach last night the Rev. Mr. Wil liams, of the M, P. church, preached a very strong and inspiring sermon to t large and appreciative congregation, taking s Jiis text Ezeklel 3-37; "The valley of dry bones." , These special services will con tinue from night to night so long as the Interets will' justify It. Every body Is Invited to attend. Basebsll Results. ' By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, May 30. The resulta of bull games this morning In Nat ional League were as follows: New York, 0; Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati, &; Pittsburg, 7. Boston. 2; Philadelphia, 7. In American 1-eagiio results wre as follows: Boston. 5: Philadelphia, 1. Wash ington, 2; New York, 8. Expressions of German News papers About Packing House Inquiry. Various Influential Papers In Berlin Eiprii View en th Subject ef Meat Packing Methods. Senator Bevendge's Statement Relative Is His Bill. Special to Th Stttnel BKR1J.V, Mav 30-Taluted meal disclosures which hav been made) Iu the I'nitetl State have aroused a great deal of Interest throughout Gt't i many and ate sub Jet t ot many com meats In new tempers to jday. The beef trust Is -roundly Ue . nouticej by moat of the journals which deal with tbe subject aud soma' of the paers without ainrflminatUm condemn all American business Insti tutions. The Moum post asserts that tbe beef trust magnates were murderers., The Tagldatte remaiks that this Is a new form of "American peril." "Euro pean Importers must, now understand (hat death lurks In every tin of potted meat Imported from America" The Vosslrhs Seeing says that disclosures are proof that America's whole com mercial life la permeated with "dU honent corrupt ton and crlm." The Keiclislml atatea that the trust showpj frivolous disregard for tun health and Uvea of millions of people throughout the world who purchased American tinned meats, Th gtaats Ikirgetl Seiing demands Immediate prohibition of Importation of Amer ican canned foods. The Vorwaerts says that American trust Is synon ymous with a gang of murderers and criminals aud the Neurale Nachrlctv tan payw ta respects to America gen erally by stating that America Is 2.00H years behind the times Iu regard to the question of public molality "The remainder of civilised people recog nize Christianity but America has un blushingly adopted Satan as the In spiring spirit of public life " .WASHINUTpN, May 30.-8eiistor lleverldge. author of the meat Inspec tion bill, makes this statement to public prt-sa: , "We are now In Ihe period of moral regeneration .of American . business. The-meal lnsHction bill Is psrt of that general regeneration. Its purpose Is to make certain that American people snail get from our packers just as good meat aud meat food products as European people get from them. . European governments demand that we subject all meats shipped to them to careful Inspection and wev un our . part, concede that the demand la Just. That Is Ihe reason why federal gov ernment provides such careful Inspec tion of meaU sold abroad, But If It be conceded, as It is, that we ought to Inspect meat sold to people of other countries we ought to Inspect meats sold to people of our own country. I do not rare to say at this time any thing shout conditions In any packing house In the country. I have no de sire to punish any one for past of fenses. What 1 desire Is the enact ment of a law. If a law Is enacted I am willing that by gones shall b by gones. Hut I Insist, that the Amer ican people and the world shall have the warrant ot a statute of the United States that whatever conditions may have been In the past conditions In the futur? shall be correct and beyond criticism." (Continued on page three.) Alfonso's Marriage Tresty. Hy Wli-s to Th Sentinel. 1XJNDO.V, May 30. The text of the marriage treaty between King AI fonzo and Princess Ena, whose wed ding takes place in Madrid tomorrow and which was signed in Iondon May 5,. was Issued this morning. The second article of treaty provides that Alfonzo shall give Ena annual grant of 450,000 pesetas. Should she be come a widow she will receive 250,000 pesetas annually. In the third article of treaty Princess Ena re nounced all rights of succession to the British throne. , At Auditorium Tonight. Mr. Chauncey Southern,, supported bv a capable company, gave a good several times; went driving with him P' f' mance at the Elks Auditorium one time; saw his picture with his las' night before, a good-sized atidi navv suit on; I know William Plean; 'jnce. The company Is a first-class he wrote to me'several times, but u,sui1IIhuii is - . n..t .i,nmi hi. full name! Whit-)P"S1 of actors of real merit. It Is beck told me the Sunday night I was i seldom that as good plays are seen at the brewery the first time there was at popular prices a those which this plan to whip Henry Kobre; that 'company is presemuig. Here on Inspection Tour. There were a party of Norfolk Si Western officials here jesterdsv after noon on a tour of Inspection. The par ty was composed of A. C. Needles, general superintendent; W. C. Wal strum, general superintendent of tele graph; I). A. Blake, superintendent of this division, and A. Kearney, assis tant superintendent of motive power. The Bee Hive's Big Sale. The big sale on millinery at the Bee Hive, which Is on this week, ha attracted large crowds each day. Don't fail to visit this store during the week. New Advertisements. Bailey Hros. Old Bob is a treat. A. Daye ft Co. Shoes nd oxfords. Special values. Meyers-Westbrook Co. Walt for gnat remodelling sale. Roscnbacher Bro. Specials for tomorrow. The while sale, continues. Piedmont Springs will be con ducted this season by Messrs. J. M. Ooddard and Hon. The Sentinel Is Informed that the hotel will be Con ducted In a flm-class manner and that a most successful, season is anticipated. The Idea of the public amuse ment coirimlttee of the board of trade In providing for band roncerts during the summer, months is a splendid one and It I to be hoped th& the citizens of this city will rmnlfemt sufficient Interest to Justify carrying out the plan. Contribution to the fund being raised should be serif In at once. Dr. R. L. Rlerson has decided to remain In Winston Saiem. He will have hist office over O'Haulon's drug store, back of Dr. fVmrad's denial office. Dr. E. F. Sitickland returned from Charlotte this afternoon. He read a paper before the State Medical Hoc Icty in session there. GUILFORD ROAD WORK. New Superintendent of Road Building Employed by Highway Commission. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, May 28 The High way Commission has secured the sef vl'fs of Mr. D. T. Kltch, if Charlotte, to suicrlnteiid tlui' county road woilt. Mr. Hitch has been In the Mecklen burg work for 13 years aud for aoruo time has been superintendent o( the Charlotte township road construction work. He take ihe plate made va cant by J, O. Furches, wlw resigned to accept the siiperlntendeucy of tho street work of the city of Greensboro. TWO BOMBS THROWN. Effort to Kill Former Governor Gen " era) of Russian Province. By Wire to The Sentinel ST. PBTERfiBt'RO, May 30. Ad vices from Kutals trans-Caucasia state that two bombs were thrown today at General Allkhsnoff, former governor general of the province, while he was driving to the railway station. He was wounded tn Die thigh. One bystander was killed by the explosion and three other Injured. The wotild be assassin escaped. lob's OF 91.000,000. Armour Elevator In Chicago Burned to the Ground. By Wire to The Sentinel CU1CAOO, May 30. Elevator I), owne.d by Armour c Co. was burned to the ground early today. The loss l about one million dollars. Sixty-Five Persons Drowned. By Wire to Th ftntlna Riff A. Russia. May 30. A steamer, name .of which Is as yet unknown, while bound from Dubbeln capsized in the Oulf of Riga. Hlxty-flve per sou, were drowned. Dublxiu. Is the watering place of Ilusia In Ll veil I a In Gulf of Kiga. N Committee Meete. The committee having In charge the arrangements for the Horse Show next fail had a meeting last night suit lock Ihe preliminary steps' towards j making the affair a success.

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