WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL Mff IMPOSED 1 rLLfllJL 1 UPON THREE PRISONERS WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 31. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS .insiSam Kobre.Wil- Piean and J. t. i i Announced That He .,,, ivin" On i of Gj'ity. "e , ft ROYAL MARR1AGEJWILL HRISH SOON. past session it THE CITY SGHDQLS I, verd.ct i jWng Alfonso, of Spain. Wedsjone Of Conferees On Kate Julius Farrish Sentenced To; Princess End. of Batten- BUI Expects Agreement Life Imprisonment For Bur-! burg. Today. First Of Next A'cck glary. "Rev." X.. L Glenn! ' j ' " UOe5 10 rdl for 14 ICUrS Elaborate Festivities in Manor of thelr. and Bob Cobler Given 2 ! po xint E"Jout 0. v A O H 1 Th0Lind Ptrtonz. at the Ceremony. YearS Un KOaaS. I A Number of American. W,tn.. Celebration In Honor of Event. ft L 1 After the Kobre case had been dis 1. Af. .........1 t-hla wiivi-nlna- Inline'h I?.. i. .. r...... . Lmflt!w Stt II 'uv- ' ju.--a ui i.u.oii. ;oj i t f ui lilt e:U:nei. tVP J . ' i, ... inriiftUit fur tliirt'I.rv rnacl t41"j-li ... ... .- ... j Than rivt ""i. ........... .w. ....-w ..u, i. rung Airollzo . . , . ,.. brought lu aud hi counsel tendered ot Spain and Princess Kr.a nf llMti.n. IjT SJ 7" ;a pita of burglary in the second de-iberg. uieeeof King Edward, were niar- .r.m Pau ami J. E. igiee. This was accepted by Solicitor ried at root today in ,he little church . "I',,, mutder of iGiaves. The defendant was then sen- of Saj Gti mimo in the presence of rt a'l'iiiHl in the tenced to the penitentiary for life. Idistingai.-lie,! company of about a - tV Din!tia without : Farrish is the negro that broke into (thousand pet-sous. including special ".h "iUry upon m-'the home of John Lashmit in West ambassadors from the chief couuuies t ' 1' i-V'Vs to tie 1- Salem. lot the world. The ceremony was per ked iKi i decide I Bob Cobler. convicted of receiving .lorm.'d by Cardinal Sancha. Catholic ' r""mil!i ot the three stolen watch of Charles Morris, was Primate of Spain, assisted by a num r h ' given a term of two years on theiber of high prelates. Many Amer- nr'iH-k 'ien tne roaus. Appeaiam.-e ooau on appeal uan touiisis deviated from ordinary Hepburn, Ranking Member of House Conferees. Says Tnat No Str-; iout Disagreemtnt Has Arisen And That None It Expected Conferees Are Hjrd at Work. Delaware L'-glsIature Has Last Session's; Enrollment Of, Convened In The City Pupils Wds Largest In The I of Dover. History of The Schools- j : Large Force of Competent :EIc,'e'' u"' Democrats in Caucus Did W Vote for Adjournment And Try te Obstruct E'eetion. Democrats In dignant at Calling of Special Session. Teachers Employed. W'.rstiKi proji'.e rii,'i:!y a ur ( j dull i'f pit-le in 'he public vhls of ih, cit. Thtie i lict h iti that' 6y Wl to Tbe S-nttnA ti.. to a ncn. r dentvo. thw der! ! WASHIXT.TOV Mi. HI t!. m. ,ve"'e:il of thi rtly than the Utowtb ' senu.ive Henburi,. ".ankl,. 'ni.nihe. ' im:.l:c -h,U IM, it: .he paat rv WW tu Th SeWlnrl . iiw j -r ": cae niauo rapus of the haw CJliftTt'es on ISllroaa nroai'Vis auJ have fast itur'ad in ; rate hU., said today: , uti.'f ss. : :.!;atii-e of l..Uware Is la esttanr- "We ar making good priRres.. : 1 ' ft 5,1" w in winsum :uii'.ry st ssmn, .caijeu Dy twvernor ii u.ii- iu'ns " U1.UX la.ri Mil- ca a Milll.lilif I., -nun lt ma. inVKR. IVlswsr,, May ll.-Th ..v ........ ... ...a-.. ets,tji ,mo. No serious differences srhmd ear J ;t closed wa ltiis. this: ;)ituiM.r.ul niuendmrBt, franchise tax beiiiK an increase of H2 over the! aid election of a Culled Stales 1! . t t.mi V s;a;e ais.t m-i'-"'- H it: ot the evidence o su'iiuit . in. :bm ordered me re . gitwart from jail and of all the witnesses, was fixed at $4lK). beaten track ot continental travel to i iRev." N. U Glenn, colored, con-!be present at the festivities. Span-1 victed in two cases of carnal know-ards say they never before saw so : ..vise of two girls under 14 years wa niany Americans in Madrid, brought i" for sentence. Motion lot , new trial was overruled. Bond on this have aiists. We expect full agree ment bv Motidav or Tuesday of next enrollment of the preceding tear. Of , tetiaior. l Ibiu II tiitiKwi- ll'ih kvtu .ntiil!iJ In !h. ! i . " - ' i ixuiiM-ra ic iiietnDers in caucus last white schools and .! in th colored , ., . . . , Anti-Smoot Petitions ' IscIi.k,:,. The Incase was .bo.,i BUth session was lilouble that o( any other tear. Ilrali" P'lptuaieu uutiu m people m week.' .tmctrd the sheriff tojappeal was fixed at' H.iMlO. Uefen- imt lor lew nannies. 1. then as-ked lae counsel -o show him where met .xt incriminating an "i L outsiile of thai given nart. "1 would not let a hansel on the tfSlt- l S eart." said his mlitul that noiie of the tusle iltn corroborate il Sallie. If a verdict I iced aga.nst these men il aside." said Judge I or more ot inese men M yon haven't proved honor, addressing the pio.enitloii. he jury, after the nu'U c I'uhles said: "1 the evidence in this elv. lint failed to find he testimony of Sailie I do not t link any 12 willing to hang three letrce nf such a woman vimi lo return a dant was given six years at hard labor hi the penitentiary iu the first case and eight years lit the second, the latter sentence to begin at the ex piration of the 111 st. Counsel for (lleiin plead guilty in the other two cases against him and Judge Peebles suspended Judgment. Ulenn an nounced that he was not guilty air' refused to submit to plea. Tht in dictments were thereupon nol prossed. rmtiru un Dmlug the past sessi in there were gieatiOTO pupils in the West Knd school; bomb was aud Queen 8r Wlro n Th 8enMuL MAD Itll). May 31. A thtowit at King Alfonso Eiip. this afternoon. I The bomb was thrown from a jbalcony over Mayor street as the wed ding procession was passing. It ex J plotted in front of one of the royal carnages. Two horses were killed, a child in the crowd killed and un erpiPi ry wounded. The king and queen were cool and continued after order was restored. A boy sixteen years old was arrested. il. & I COLLEGE Special fo The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, May 31). The iiiiuLtitiiv irn V tha rniirtfi mcl iv.l .1 afini'iirutu ' and filled vacancies caused by the j 1 wuuM promptly set i teslgnation of Chairman Osborn, and ner. von can take the! ,e 'einoviu 0111 01 me couniy or aec- !i. atol say whether nr '" benenck by electing Mr. E. A. ' , ,, me or all' of :lu dpfen- Hwn as chairman and Mr. Davis S. 'Special to Th Sentinel. , Collins ns secretary. The committee j RAI.KK1H, May Fifty-eight ami in less than cMci he convention to send dt le-V()unK ',,, 'received-' t' -''K diplomas ir,"d. lemleiiiii. a ver- 10 ne congressional ana jiiaiciai Usterdat' morn nK nt the. graduating contentions, tot June . lite coliveil- Uvoicises brlnirlno-in a close the sev- lor the defendants liJ'Sc of :lo tnisoners. saiii ho had nothing the men. Tie court 'in- discharge, of Sam I'I'.an sml ' . Whit- nun artist and shook i r counsel. Plcnn em- 'hn had sat by him ;,:ai. Tlii' men t'.ien '"i wiili 1-rmiivf.s and ". r re ir Hi t.ils in Ih.' excess t'K ir pleasure ir hands. Ijnl Judgp "ice thai such W(,l. 11 ai'-H that he wmilil ;itt"tllHed II. 11 'hilt Hie trial has ""t lh than $J, f d'' Indisiio.sitlon of ;s '"nit did not con- ln? until i;2o. After ''lies of vrslei-dnv'a minaiioti. of witnesses Mile Kulire murder rderson Whitt. testifier! . Unit she ,''': that ho came '"Ween 7 and 7::;u '"Sat. January 91 anA nd ln:::n ,,; ni. wp -,r,""t. Saiem- Whit- r''nns to our h,a f'i'l'i; he w;is , n,. I'1 BlKht. Janimrv 00. ,a"'l upon our i'm-rtn'. I. m-v 'laughter In Sa u q-i I .. --""-ari were np: liessie has 1. f'tsni and w ,., weks. l na"'n Witnpa ,.! ',re 'Itrosatory- to Mie latl .. rr "!" sh u-o.- lron Whitt. '"tiler of noi. witness. '"cK'-v 'ponded the s said ih;,, h i, Z ".W t"mealldav "t'cans,. lio t,,,,! 'aid thu. """ , "V ll",y "noma hrst Si,,i... . . 'hat thin 1.1,:. . ""S meir 1, -ites. l" was in si Him to nominate candidates for th? Mnteenth unnutil commencement, of cotinly offices, was called for July 7. ,,e .nrth Carolina College of Agrlcul- the pnnniiies to be held on June ".H-;turo and Mechanical Arts. A special feature ot thu exercises Wfls a series hilojaiiuu.4v--flv(i of tfle--miwr1trrait- nates, W. S. Tomlinson, on "Cntld l.n byr;" J. C. Heavers, on "Farmers" Op- portunily;" .1. r. Lovlll. on. "The Kn glneer as un Economist;" A. E. E- i colt on "Tiie Cotton Mill of Yesleiday. j Today and Tontoi row ; It. II. Tillman, Inn "the Advances1 in Electricity," A highly creditable .'list of honors award ed in tho v. i: Ions classes was read by I I'lesident (ii'ti. T. Winston. The fly Wire to The Sentinel. WAtsIIIXllTON, May Sl.-I' and Mrs. Roosevelt with others .',' ,. 'V V, '.".'- IFreslintnn prizes for n-riciilttiral litbor .i.i.i iii.i.i i nif,. i ill; mni iiunri iuu irom Hampton, where the president addressed the students yesterday, i The1 trip was made without Incident, j stabla of Blum" & Fleming on Tues day, January 23, about 2 o'clock; I took him out driving for an hour or more; he was at the stable dining the afternoon of Monday, the dny pre vious. Witness knew Sallie Stewart itul said her character was bad. Dewitt Holbrook. J. E. Whltbeck slept In my room Tui'sdiiy night, January 23. David Citrenbaum. I live near Vaughn's livery stable with my father; heard Mr. Plean come in and go to his room a few minutes after 11 o'clock; knew it was Plean by his walk and cough. R. T. Hurdle. This witness lives in Washington; is civil engineer and Is with the dou ble tracking , force on the Southern Railway between Greensboro and Spencer; had known Whltbeck for 6 or 7 years and that his character at Alexandria, Va., ihs home, was good, but did not know anything about him since he came to this city. R. Shapiro. i This witness saw Sam Kobre and William Plean at Max Kobre's Sun day afternoon, January 21. D. G. Kelly. I was conductor on street car No. 13 Sunday night, January 21; I was at court bouse square waiting for clock to strike 11 when we left, for Waugh 'own; know Harvey Cook; he got on our car at Salem square; had several other passengars that night but don't remember any of their names. Evidence of Sallie Stewart. At this juncture the counsel for tbe defense offered the evidence of Sallie Senator Reed Smoot senate this morning just as boxes of petitions asklug for his ex In North Winston school; lfil In pulsion were being presented There ! Winston school and. as slated were 40.000 signatures Irom New ,abZ- '9" eoMJ ch,,M'1- t York. ll.OOi) from Missouri, seveial i 1 here were about thirty-nine tench boxes from Illinois. Wisconsin, North I1 mplyed in the public schools of Pakota. Tennessee. South Carolina. !VUn,ml during the past session, Wrinjint l.luhn Tea in.l Smith ' " Dakota. House Proceedings. Representative (lamer, of Texas, in troduced a resolution in the House to day, Instructing secretary of com merce and labor to Investigate the causes of differences of prices of articles of steel or iron manufactured at home and abroad ami to learn whether they are the result of com bination or conspiracy, also whether prlcea In the I'nited States have been controlled by the steel trust and If so tu Investigate organization, pro fits and management of this trust. 3peclal lo The Sentinel. CREENSRORO, Mat 30. Dr. Chiis. I.. Scott, ut one time a It ading phy sician here, gave up his practice last year to erttet tbe Insitiance field. He went to Kentucky, where l.e bus been six months. He has returned to Gteensboto and will resume th) prac tice ol medicine. Ho has secured a iiitef-.oUco.-touiuA-iii- tb MeAdoo jfllee"." building. To Dr. Scott, more than to Rny other mun, does the city owe the location and building of the Aplndld St.'s hospital by the Sisters of Charity, and be does well to come hack home anil resume the molossion in which he wits a shining light. ' night and tn(1 fnj. I Stewart at the two preliminary hear- srie-nd ;,, ., lino- i ..... . . ..... tiding till, Norman. night. 1 "ir,!' Clerk h ,,., Urn... p . 'i.t like s.ini an nh:.K,,t usdii? a,,"n witn..., ,i. .''Miiiig m him WM-iKitn K;ig Fin Colored. " ' Hotel k f in hon.i st' fti .'l .XVh'i'eck -llirilinr.. M BlUm " eps to bis ings in the case. "It. Is a ease for the defendants," said Mr. Watson. J. B. Jones. This witness was a member of the coroner's jury. He testified that he heard J. J. Adams say that he did not think the wound in Henry Kobre's head was made by a bullet. Mrs. Jarvis, of Salem. Witness lived near the Whitts and saw Bessie Whit? and a man looking ike J, E. Whitbeck out walking near the power house In Salem; saw Bes sie Whit t again that nlcht: saw a man wlh her; man left Bessie at her front I door about 11 o'clock. On cross-examination wjtncss ad- ...nii-u H.aetectlve came to her nome imd said he was going to stay until "he told him -something about the murder case, Policeman W. T. Penry. This witness"" testified thai, in his wire awarded, first prize (,f $lu, to C C. Allison, and second prize of $. to j. A. Aiey. The following are the graduates in the vrviotis departments to whom di plomat) weft u wauled: AgricultureJames Claudius Heav ers. Mark Hopkins inesnro, Alexan der Diane Cromariie, William Carly'.e Ethtrldge, Sillily Watson Foster, Hor ace Smith Mcl.endon. Joseph Gialiam Moiiison. Chmles Franklin Nlven, Lewis Milton Oden, Freddie Jackson I Tfllton. Robert Peel Fzzell, Lewis Peel Winston. j Civil Engineering Durant Stewart Abernathy. !eoige Page Asbnry. Ken neth l.eon Hlack, William Andrews Buys. Samuel Herbert Clarke, i.atta Vanderior. Edwards, James Allen Higgs, Jr., Joe Poindexter l.ovill. Thompson Mayo Lykes, Raymond Maxwell, Iacy Mixire, Angelo Kettle na Piter, William Sidney Tomlinson. Reid Tull. Electrical Engineering Conor Cal houn Clardy, James Beckett Ewart. Horace Lester Hamllton.Clarence Wil son Hewlett, Jesse Clarence Myiick. Richard Henry Tillman, Jackson Col peninj" Tuttle. Mechanical Engineering. John Washington Clark, Wiley Theodore Clay, Weldon Thompson Ellis. John Fioderiek Hanselman. Thomas Jeffer son Ogbnrn, Lillian Lec Vaughaii. Textile Industry George Gilderoy Allen, Albert Edward ENcott, Durant Walte Robertson, James Harleigh Wil liams. Industrial Chemistry Needham Eric Bell. James Duncan Clarke. Jr.. Duncan Archibald Ctix, Arthur Wynne Gregory, William Graham Knox. Clyde Ester Parker, Samuel Oscar Perkins. William Crawford Piter, Peter Valaer, Jr. Civil Engineer Carroll Lamb Mann Reported for The, Smilin l. ; One of the greatest sermons of the -eries ly'tKvaimellst Yeuell was ptencliiil at the Christian church last night on "That Avtfnl Night, in Baby lon." His (irsfiipiion (if the death of Ilelshazxai was wondei fully diainsiic. The nrdittance of baptism is admin istered each night since the services are hsld In the church. After a short service tonight a re ception will be held for the new mem bers. AH members Hiid friends are in cited to be present,. SEVERAL CHANGES IN ST. MM'S FACULTY. Special to The SentlntJ. RALEIGH. May 30. There are to be a number ol changes in tbe far nil) of St. Mary's school next session, Professor Sunboin, musical director, and Mis. Sanlsiin retire from the faculty to go to Buena Vista, Va. They will be succeeded by Prof. Alvln . Vincent and Mrs. V Inctuit who come from New Wilmington, ra. Miss March, of the chair of Modern l anguages. Miss Shlpp, Instructor In mathematics, and . Miss Plltinger, ot Hie preparatory department, will re tire from the faculty. Miss Ellsa Pool, of Raleigh, becomes Instructor in Fifiich. Miss Smith, of Memphis. lake's the chair of mathematics, Miss Spurlock, of Nns'ivllle, science and elimentart Gentian and Miss Spann. of Ashevlile. takes charge of the pre paratory work. Delaware by unscrupulous majority to gainer th, benefits' of a 'cotrupt lc- tory at the last general election. They lesoltnl that, senatnrisl elect Inn be ing the s ile cause ol the session, the) would voU to adjourn from day lo day and obstruct the election rather than be passive parties to what they charge is corrupt attempt to steal the national toga. Every Rrpubllcan of prominence In Delaware today pre tends that the party is lit hsimnny for the first time In years, and that the election of a I'nited Stales seni or Is certuln. The first hallo! will he held June 12. The Republican caucus will be held the day before. FINALS AT STATE NORMAL COLLEGE. E By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK.- May 31. John I). Rockefeller f-allej today for Europe on the Miiiiiiiutg-Ameiican nner Ihutcbliiiid. With the oil magna! wi re hl wife and wevoial oih t inein bets of the family. ''and household, lie goes abroad to see bis daughter, Mrs. Sirong, who Is st piesent in the Rivera. He will rclniu about the middle of July Mav was a busy month with the to bacco manufacturers of Winston-Sa lem, as they sold 2.349,7fil pounds of the manufactured weed durlnr that month. For revenue stamps on this large output our manufacturers paid to the government the sum of $140,9X4 fi, or enough to build a public building over two times as large as that the government Is erecting here at pro mt. The collections on cigars and spit its were light during the month. lit er) (Continued on paEo two.) , Business Change. Mr. George F. Dwlre, who has been manager of the advertising depart ment of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company for the past, three years, has resigned from that "position, to take effect June 1, and will be succeeded by Mr. Wilson Gray. Mr. Dwire will remain in Winston-Salem and will have his office tcniporailly on the second floor of the Sentinel building, next to the office or A. H. Galloway & Co. Salem to Have League Team. The Sentinel is requested to state that all members of the Men's Ix-ague of Salem are requested to meet at Fail view park tomorrow afternoon at il o'clock for the purpose of per manently organizing a leagun team. A practice is also called for at the same time. Every member is urged to be pieseril. Broad Street Service. The services at Broad Street church last night were largely attended by a highly appreciative audience. 'Faith'.' was the subject from which the Rev, Mr. Wilson delivered a most helpful and inspiring discourse. The speaker very forcibly Impressed his hearers with the Importance of a strong and abiding faith without which no man can please God or ac complish anything good or great. To dictate to God. said he. Is one of the surest evidences of a weak faith. For one to be willing to let God use him as setmeth best unto Him Is an index to sirong faith and Christ-likeness. Sendees tonight at the usual hour. New Advertisements. Liishmit. The "Won-ln a Walk" shoe for nun. it friendly feeling for eveiy foot. Meters Wos!btoi,k Co. Special an nouncement as to great remodelling sale. The J. W. Hester Co. Another big sale announced for Saturday, This time China, glass, tin ami tnamel ware suffers. Ogburn-Vest Co. An attractive list of property for sale and for rent. Simpson Drug Co. Did you ever stop to think? R.isenbaeher & Bin. Tomorrow and Saturday closes the great white sale. Specials for Friday. The Peoples' Fuel aud Ice Co. $5 for a name for oui orange cider. !M,kiiii gallonn sold In sixty days. Southern Realty Co. Pago ad.; auc tion sale of Soulhside lots. " " ' Trained Nurses at Charlotte. The first session of the State Con vention of Train Nurses was held to day In Charlotte. The slate officers of the association ate Miss M. L. Wyche. of Durham, president, and Miffs C. E. Pfohl,- of Winston Salmi, secretary. Those In attendance- from Winston-Salem are Misses C. K. Pfohl, Mary .Martin and Georgia Dalton. Among those who passed examination yesterday for membership to the asso ciation was Miss Flossib Buike, of WiiiHion-Sulein. Special lo The SeMltwl. GREENSBORO, May . 30. At a meeting of the Alumnae Association of the State Normal and Industrial College last night the following offi cers were elected: President, Miss Etta Spier, of Goldsboro; vlce-piesl-dent. Miss Sarah Krflley, of Charlotte; secretary and treasurer, Miss Annie Mcfver, of Greensboro. A new num ber of the executive committee Is elected .tcry year sod Miss Bertha Lee, former president, was fleeted as u member ot lloi'i at the meeting lust night. Utter the reunion took place In the dining loom of the Spencer building, where a delightful reception was given. Tin-re ft us no formal hamine! or spt fch tii.ikliiH lo hamper thu fit'ii in! good fellowship uf the evening, but llsiht refreshments were served and liiipioiuptu expressions of gisid will nn 1 uffecliiin were numerous Hint eloquent, and add m to lite links which already bound Institution and student together. The reception committee consisted of Miss Anna Miadu Mich- an x. pi idetit of the North. Caio Iliui association of former students of the collet'!'. Miss Elizabeth Battle, presldi nl of the Gulltord county asso ciation t.f ffiunie.r students, Mrs, Hampton Love Lee and Dr. Mclver. Theie was u Ki-mral exodus of lin dens today, nil trains requiting (pe dal coaches to iieconimodute the him dnds who rwtur I bourn to all parts of the state. The Sunday school class of Mrs. J. K. Pfohl, of tiro Christ church Sunday school, attended the Clem mot's school commencement exercises at Clemmons yesterday. AROUND THE CITY. President R. T. Vann, of the Bap tist Female Fnlverslty, of Raleigh, was here last night and made a very delightful talk at the prayer , meeting service of the FlrBt Baptlat' church. President Vann left for Raleigh at 10:50 this morning. J. A. Gray, Jr., arrived home last night from Chapel Hilt, having com pleted his examinations as a Btudent In the University. He will not attend tho commencement exercises. J. E. Whltbeck left at 5:03 this afternoon for his homo In Petersburg, Va.. accompanied by relatives. He ex pressed himself as leing deeply grate ful to his friends here for their kind ness to him. Mrs. J. Jacobs and daughter left this afternoon for Columbia, f. ('., to visit relatives. Profs. J. Alien Holt and T. K. Whlt- Specla! to The Sentinel. DI'RHAM, May 31. Tho Trinity College Alumni Association will hold Its dinner Tuesday, June fi, at I o'clock In the college banquet hall, Thu patronage and the appreciation of these iliiilieis bus been steadily growing from ytnr to yeat until now, it Is one of the most Important feat ures of commencement and Is gener ally enjoyed hy all who participate. This year the principal addrens lo he delivered at the dinner will be by Dr. Bruce Payne, of Charlottesville, Va. Other visiting alumni will re spond to toasts. The capacity of the hull is quite limited -and no reservi-1 tiuu of a plate can be guaranteed nu ll's s the chairman of the executive committee be notified on or before Satin day, June 2. All graduates and fornn i students of Trinity College sie nrgei to be present and to notify st ' once the ciiaii mini of the executive committee, Prof. C. W. Edwards, Hur bam. N. C. Tin infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ? II Carter, of Eas! Salem, died last I ! night. The interment will be in lh;aker. ol tHiK llidE, were Here tins Saiein cemetery tomorrow. jafu moon. Dr, ami Mrs, II. IL Kapp returned A gill cm be a gnat deal of help this afternoon from Charlotte. 'to a woman it it L.n't her own moilior. TO BE AISTEO TODAY. Gov. R. B. Glenn was In the city this afternoon between traiim. Hn was enroute from Wadesboro to Klkir) to spend a few days with his friend, Mr. If. O. Chatham. The governor, who went to Wades boro to investigate the lynching of J. V. Johnson, a white man, said there were about 75 men In the party lud that about 25 of them would be ar rested today. Ho added that the of ficers there had strong evidence against the men who participated In the lynching. Governor Glenn, In reply to a query m to when he untild vo.ll Winston- !u..t..lii .tsli.,1 Mini h.V hnil Colotit-I Webb that be proposed to u tnl ;vii dats her during the coiiDljr lair.