THE TWIN-CITY DAILY 8ENTINEUVI'ST0N SALEM, N. C, MAYJ1. i; Did You Ever Stop To think who fills your pre I scriptions - - - - Why not send your next to THE NEW STORE A Registered Pharmacist always present. Learn the Way to Simpson's. IALL ARE RELEASED.; Mt tConnuurd fruJn page oo.) 1 i opinion the wound oa Menrj Kobrt's T bead aa aaai caused faU death. X Aunouiicrnifnt was nude that Dn. Bynum nd Han, two of the Stale' I !tnss. had not rtnurnul froot I nanotti': oiuntri jot tne procecuiioa tatd that It wat a ease (or the cided that it as &hot from tna out itide. Tan wimrM a is the one tn.t found a j.c the bulUM in ine u- CS Dr. S. F. Pfohl. i Tfei' itu-s is founty physician. ; he wa 'pnooed by in eoruner to gaj to the undertaking niiu; & t-rt: ther ml naminrd th aauu.! in ( Hrnry Kobre'a htad; thought :t ass, cau-d by a rub shot; ttidu't thiuk. it rould have ba Mnstd by a haichi't. ! Dr. PT.hl ad he upptw.l it fc'd sfrt ;5 gun shot woumli. ' T r t t Beginning j une isi we close at t p. m WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 2 Siate. S. J. Bennett- ' Tlii witness simnlv identiflVd ail overcoat b-Unicitij to Sam Kobr au.'. :hith lUeoetl hail fur repair at the kaj r.ij a.. Th. a. time of the murder. At ihe c-iuSn- !J,Mrn.-d until lMk thta William Plan. one of the defen- ,N uipht srssion wa held. ad- mo niug i T Quick Delivery We have had folks X leave prescriptions with us to be filled and walk t right home and find the X finished prescription when they got there. We are quick our messen ger is quick. Hurry to ; us with your prescrip- tions. Landquist 6 Pfohl The Corner Drug Store NATURE SPARES Tke Itriakea Iw Fnm Grief. 1 . What 4 fortunate provision of nature It la, that deprive the roee of mental ufrrfni; for how poignant would br Iti rlef to dlecovtr, In the height uf it looming glory, that a ranker (ed at Ita heart, and that Iti beauty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature alwayi pares the auRerlnc; she Is :. veritable ttore-notise of pleasing; reward, (or thoea who seek her aid. In the years gene by falling hair and (raynris have cast a gloom over the llvra of thousands t young women, But thanks to the In vestigations of seientlats the true eaune f hair destruction Is now known to t ' a term or parasite that burrows Into Ihe hair follicles. .Newhro's llerplclds absolutely destroys this (erm, thus permitting the lialr to grow as na ture Intended. Bold by leading drug gists. Bend 10c In stamp for snmple to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, allcu. ft. W. CHAXLON, Special AeoL -Sky - Lights" 0 al ten1 led Sky LlirliM ara the Best, Wby?. Bectnwthc caver wear out. Oalveo Itad Hky-Llgbu art flra proof. Wnyt Baoauu wire flaitean bautad and ao pravaot tht glass from falling oui When eaa OalvsnlieJ fron Sky Lebta ba otiaDVAt L.B.Brickcnstcin's Road Signs Bring Business I Paint them la attractive designs and colors, Place orders now and hare them ready to null up when business Is slack. My prices ara reasonable, Gordon G. Reynolds, PHONE 478. DR. MOTT't NERYERINE PILLS Ctttftft. WI GUARANTEE to eur yarn r I vototr riMa Nrv.' ja jaRaraVsaJiS Of Is DdAVstlnfktkrl flfWaM Tnhawuwk I w tuiid by ttaT ffUatftAsM, Tontbful Errors. or Opium f Hent KsMwIn li nf Only at Slmixion's Drug Store. danta la the murder raw. waa on the wltnes stand when The Seutiuel's re port eloevd yeatf'day afiernoon. Ia the r!'sinn part of hia tvidenre Pleas said he and Henry Kobre were the! best of friends, but he never knew i - bow miKh money Henry had. F!eaa; O. II Haateti ratue in this morning denied charges made by Sallle nun' Ktra-isvi!!e. Stewart that he had (riven b?r Infor-j fol. John R. Webster, of Reids- mation about tne siutng or Henry villi-, sneni last uliht here. Kobre. PERSONAL NOTES. t BY T. S. flesh man and F. M RoberU, uf Kernersvllle, were here today. ..!'l1l,0r, 9'. MrMiphal.:1- of ,helaud sold her shoes and other things. Madison Herald, wa In the city ye-'e flrs nift Sallie a, Msx Kobre'a. terday. l Houston Barn. A. M. MCtHjiniery, of MoCKSVine, The propositio:) of the public aniii.sen:nt cointultlee of the board of On rroas-eiamlnatloR wltnesa said .trade to have band concerts on the he bad never seen Sullie at the saloon 'court-house square two nights a week but bad seen her at Shapiro's store during the months of June. July and Did you Ever Think now many steps you would save fy hav ing your old wheel put in good shape. Old wheels made good as new. T. V. PFAFF, Under Postofrice. No Better Time to Paint No Better Time toDecorate "Get the Best" W. H. CLINARD. GEORGE P. PELL Attorney at Lw. .Oraj.JJloek, ,Wlostin;Salenv way to Uoston. Master Frank This witness has been' employed at the Portner brewery for wer five passed through the city today on bis: years; Whltbeck was to nrowu morns canir ,.,,.. lk. ... rw..,ur hut . in this morning from CItmmons where mained untl tboul tn 8lh. whltbeck n nas oeen aurnuing scnooi. . . . August is met-ting with much favor Quite a number of responses to the letters recently sent out asking for subscriptions to this, fund have been received but It will be necessary to have left the irfc1 RO(ui nlauv more aubscrlu- yet you are requested to do so at once. Kor a number of years Winston has been without a native band. The city now has one of the best and most up-to-date bands In the Stat.-, which Is tives snd Miss Rlerson will receive treatment for her eyes from a noted specialist. i Mrs. T. L. Rawley snd daughter sufficiently to come home Miss Carrie Trail sou left today for her home In Ashe county to spend two weeks. 8he was pcoompsnit'd by and I were the onlv ones that had Dr. Vann. president of the Baptist ! ket s t the front door; I was at home Kemale I'niverslty of Raleigh, spent :trip uKht of the murder; had my key last night here, leaving this morning : mv Docket: witness heard Harvey lor Plrtshnrn !rv.i. .,ti .Kf.n. .iin. c M LVhr. ih. it-1 1 annul w'iiir ,ia u nuu.r iur . . . . . Mrs. Oscar 1. FUher and Miss Mag Inlght of the murder and that Cook l'PU J"!? ln lie Rlerson left vesterdav for Atlanta, (said he knew Sam didn't fire the P1"-1 Ihl JLnni. 15 wiZ -it t -i. .h Mrs. KUher be a guest of rel.-i.o. he heard because be did no, have1 X'T"" i.M t me to get to his room after he saw' ' ; hi ,to exist. It cannot exist merely on M Kohl. "clty pride." By contributing to tht max fund being raised by the public amiise- This witness Is a half brother of mpn. Mmllu , ,ha tmflr,i nf tr,u .wrs. tieorge t. ox. returned yesteraay ,sam rwoDre; saia ne came irom nus- jOU jn keeping up a first-class from Salisbury, where they were jsia In 1SS3; that Sam and Henry band and also help to furnish amttse- guesis of Mrs. Rawley s daughter. were on friendly terms. Witness didlment tn several thrHisand neonla who Mrs. T. I. Walters. Mrs. Rawley. wlio'not know at the time Henry was klll-i0ihirwUi wonin nm hv th nn,r. bus been quite sick, had Improved ied how much money he had; did notitunty 0l Ing amused In such an ef- .nun iiiuiuig .wui linn w mi i iih iiecttve manner belt around him in which to carry Contributions for the purpose of money; that since bis death they ,provdll1-, Dalul concjrt8 every Tues lound that Henry had about 1245 ln;dav .,,1(f Fiiria nn, jIM.ln. ,hQ m. Mis. V. M. Transou. Miss Jennie Todtii,n b4l,k- Witness knew nothing irotfsuould be sent at once to Mr. a snd Bower Colvard. who are return- !ooiu Bailie Stewart after sne iennis,vv. Correll. chairman of the Dtibllc itig home from the State Normal col-!emPIo",uen, H 101,1 l",lt netec-, amusement committee of the board ol lege commencement. Miss Todd was,lve being brought here to find tht. trad8 u ls my important that sub- a member or this year a graduating u'"rur'r. ereu a i"no oi at"" scrlpttons be received at once as the class. She will return next fall. hsv;' "I1C fr arrest of guilty man; later !COmmlt tee wishes fot the conceits to lug been chosen one of the teachers oouoieii it; ueiecuve was sent to commence Just as soon as the neces In the graded school at Pomona. , Petersburg Va. g,ry gniount of money has been suu- - The evidence In regard to the vlit scribed. WI Otllll HUU I 1CUU Ul lUB IIUIIIO Ul JlilA Large Crowd on Excursion. Kobre the night of the murder was! Protestant Sunday school, left here at S o'clock this mo.iring. There were seven coaches and all of them were crowded. Tint excursion will return to the city about ! o'clock tonight. , 1WUIV III' Hie eni-ursiu. io v nsesuoro. ,ne gaIle ag tu)d by tne (wo ibove. unuer uie auspices or tne Aietnomsi named defendants. H also told finding his brother Henry, but no new testimony was brought out. R. Harris. , This witness Is father of Mrs. Mux Kobre and was at her home the night Henry Kobre was murdered; he sultl that n wirty all of the Hebrews In town wete at Max Kobra's, playing cards. Tbe remainder of his evidence was simply a repetition of that lold by Plean, Sam and Mux Kobre. Wit ness said he won 3(1 ceiis during the game of poker. "I bought a dollar's TALK IT OVER WITH O'BRIEN. WISSEN PARK OPEN EACH NIGHT MONTHLY MEETING OF Tho regular monthly meeting of the Associated Charities of Winston was held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock lu the Elks' parlor, Mrs. H. L. Klgguit presiding. Miss Annie Orogan's, the secretary's report; showed that there hud been subscribed up to date $8C5.S6; amount collected 1355.51: worth of chlps'and when I lost all ornnf,r ' ""libera at present 204. A Grand Program The poor Husband. Life of American police man. The News Boy from child to Judge. Fries M'fjJ. 6 Power Co Dog Tax Notice. Notice Is hereby given to per sons residing within the corporate limits of the city of Winston owning dogs or. having dogs In their posses sion on June 1, 190fi, to list the same for taxation with the undersigned be tween the 1st and th8 30th days of June. 190C. as provided by the ordi nances of the city of Winston, chapter 3. section 2. Failure so to do Imposes a fine of $5 for each dog omitted. F. G. CRl'TCHFIELD. Chief of Police. May 20, 1906. FRESH it I stoimed playing." said Harris. Mrs, Max Kobre. The evidence of this witness was along the same line as related by the defendants In regard to their visit to the Kobre home on Sunday January 2lst. Mrs. R. Harris. This witness Is 'the mother of Mrs. Max Kobre. She . testified that Sum and Wni. Plean left the Kobre home n 'few minutes after II o'clock. J. Jacobs. Has lived here 30 years; 1 was al Max Kobre's Sunday' afternoon, Jan uary 21; first heard of the murder of Henry Koine through a telephone message from Mrs. Max Kobre. He went to the saloon where ho and Policeman. J. A. Thomas investigated the condition of the back door. His description of the thumb latch on the door, etc., wasjhe same as related by Mr. Thomas, one of the state's wit nesses. Mr. Jacobs said he look great interest In finding the man who killed Henry Kobre and gave Mr. Manly a check for $250 to go to Baltimore and employ a detective, which he did; Mr. Kohlmann was the name of the detective. On cross-examination Mr. Jacobs de nied sending the detective away; de nied that detective told him (Jacobs) that suspicion rested upon 8am Kobre I as. being the murderer of Henrv. Continuing witness said that religion cut no figure with him; that all he wanted was the arrest and punlshr ment of the guilty man, be he Jew or Gentile. He denied paying any money for the employment of counsel. J. J. Adams. This witness knew Henry and Sam Kobre; was present at the autopsy of the former. The wound on Henry's uirnii nns auout iv incnes long snd half an Inch wide; around the wound looked like pen knife wnile there bad been 99 annllra- tlons for help, only SI had been toiind deserving of assistance, the remain ing 18 being found either without the city limits or unworthy of hjlp; $l0!i.79 has been used in rendering help In various ways.' There were also given 19 garments. A brief Insight Into the 35 vlsils made by the visiting committee re vealed that In 12 of these families there was serious sickness. In on.. eight, cases of measles. In another three cases of typhoid fever, two cases of tuberculosis besides other chronic cases. The great need of concerted action In this line of work becomes more ap parent, as Ihe months go by. The money Is Judiciously spent and where It Is most needed. The secretary wishes to urge the members of Ihe association not to encoitrag6 beggars by rendering help at the door, but to give the .applicants tickets, and the secretary will give assistance. If the party proves worthy o help. Creamery Butter daily at V!n v- r.. were little scars which tjaill IVUiC S, they were made with a Red chirk-pn rnnn TrA Qf !,ll0,,"fln Henrv hot from outside Kea cniCKen COOp, 1 rade bt. ;as Inside of window glass was shat- 1 hone 141. tCT a'"l 'he small scars on Henry's cuu niiui-uieu inai iney were made , i Wheeler, Runge 6 Dickey ARCHITECTS Charlotte. N. C. 2nd Floor, 4C's Building. NO NOW A CHIEF OF Ell II. MONTAGUE LAWYEB. by the small pieces of shattptvi Mr. Adams also explained the condi tion of the back door of the saloon. Rom E. Lassiter. I Witness knows Sam Kobre and VI1 Ilam Plean; came down street from Ihome to his mother's store- sfter leaving latter place he met a friend who gave him the time; It was 10 or 15 minutes after 11 o'clock the night of the murder; on his return home he met Kobre and Plean near the Elks' Auditorium. . On cross-examination wjtness said In Police Circles. There were three raupa fit KfAimi, of the peace In the mayor's court "ves- .e,. y aiiernoon Tw of the defen dants were finpir ik .ui, ki..j - , . T --wvii mine me third got. off w th in in tk " n?",n,?.e. la" nl8ht a"" this I--.--.., ..c ... waiMug anu wrenchlug cens were empty ..GENEVA, May 2C One of the Zulu chiefs who have rebelled against the British Government is a SwIkb m.moH. X. Duby. Duby was a hoolie-an In th moo of Schttpfer, In the Bernese Oberalnd. Alter a particularly brutal attack on a cavalryman In 1893 he was forced to leave the country and he worked his way to South Africa. Arter being concerned in some transactions which demands tho .i: tentlon-of the police at Durban h went into tne Interior to escape arrest He mastered the Zulu !nmin, j fl"al)" married the daughter of the "t-i ui U small trine. On the death of the chief, Duby was appointed in his place. He fought with the Boers during the late war and B.ambala revolted. Duby Indue, ed his tribesmen to Join the rebel wives; ve oi toe renei Zulu chiefs fre quently mentioned In telegrams from f. VN,' whIcn 18 'he Zulu ver- i j a mm movii a a.i m a i , ntii n i i( .-i nAA i , . Lendera. Estate Settled. Titles In.,'r witness said he thought Plean vestlirated. Willi. Abstracts. n,i. and Mortga(fea, carefully prepared. Houses and lands for sale or rent. V41elJ0.,, u"ful practice. U) Main Street. was a man of nervous temperament. Harry Nisitn. Ho examined the window In Henry Kobre s room to see if the pistol w-i fired from the Inside or outside; de- The primary department of Cal vary Sunday school will picnic at Xis Pa,rk, "omwrow. The children are requested lo meet at the church 1 TALK IT OVER WITH O'BRIEN. ArrLli toi Butterti Patterns H. 15 & rti arv a- ara JfiSSSOl 3 The most marvelous nion saving opportunities of th year win oeonered niour Great Remodelling S Beginning next Sat. June 2 This great event has a reason bt-hitul it i duction of stocks to a desired level in (,rjtr t; work of the transformation of the stor.- m .. uninterrupted. Hence, prices have heen'V. nuicuiousiy low so mui tins purpose nia )e lished. 11113 9aic nill niaiiv liiv. mvtHIUIl (, y modern merchandising era in the Iuin.(it, 'our ambition to make Winston-Salem noted f largest and best store in the whole state. We need the public's intelligent co-opt accomplish this purpose. We shall depend ii v ait ror mis great event out in tne meantime the store at your pleasure see the great luri; will go on sale Saturday and also what the" fv piuic!5 tius wiuuiiidiicauv, vuiue. The store will be closed Friday at 1 oVL order to complete arrangements for the "rw: modelling sale beginning Saturday. itHHvj APainless Cure of CurablePa Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Woe pains are curable. They are the sign of dang? conditions of the female organs, which should promptly attended to or dangerous results will fol TAKE vtrtSo mm IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RElEf whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and natenj It not only compels the calns to sloo. but It fdl&us ud and in the cause of the pains, which prevents them (rem coming bat , It makes you well Try It. Sold everywhere In J 1 .00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTIR freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice . (In plain sealed envelope), how to cur them. AdJrrss: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co,, Chattanooga, Tena. "WITHOUT AfAHl writes Mary E. Shetai, il Bluff, Mo., "I can Jo my M although, before UMng UKDi doctors had done me no bud. truthfully say I was wti M I want every suffering taly this wonderful mcJU.n." i PtHNMli Stay at Home and Keep Your Health bydrinVInu riniwlo Mnlt Ext-nct. Yon don't nJ a hilth rert. No matter how hot, tiumkl or nwr vatins th weather i, this tonic conveyi ej:ully tin food properties needed, and in such form tliat tlw rwwiily enter the ytem, imparting drrnKih health, drivinx out latitude and all that . lanc-ual. "good-for-nothlnit " feeling eominu fnni t( Work and toolittlo nutrition. ,CJn"lHt.NUi;tl THE KRW SOUTH BREWERY ft ICE CO. Woe) tCMdlelbutoujjh, Kr. ' CASPER COMPANY, Diatributor. , I U in 1nvP children, aJ ran rornnlctrij lJi out them, ret tbeo1 wliiVti tho ejno-'!3at ' ' ' mnt nana iteiinllv IS sofud! antrpr anrl ftar that she UUhII IL to the critical hour with f UUil 3f ... Mother's Frien4'.! tratinjr and annthinor nrnrorliii allntra n:iil?ea. ncP"1 O - ... n i j all . unpleasant feelings, and so prepares tbe syie orueat tnat sne passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per . bottle of druggists.- Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRAOfltLO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. ftk GIVE US sNCj : --! I way for 1 that's al! e elusive!;' t'"1' l .... .n'uri' can ti suit v"r ncss or H r j, .doctor. Th" "l . tha ;u that w;iy ' aii I m;:: Smokers'

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