WINCITY DAILY SENTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY" EVENING, JUNE 1. 1906 I YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS 'ii fj idl MM. IMPORTANT I II IrlnUIIIU.t nrnmmi!n nri-nrnrn - ULUI31UU3 ntlMIlLU. Throwing Yesterday Sorrow To Fopu fn Capital City. TAKES OWN LIFE.! IS UGllSTSiOPJiiin-ii or ma ike. STATE. Special to The Seutine-t RALEIGH. May 31. Tau Supreme Ocart delivered seven opinions Tues day as follows: t Wilmington vs. Brau. reversed: . . u.j n i Winders vs. Mill. Duplin, niodifteJ. and rnnr.1. u n ... rrf.vtesJMi "V afflrmed: State v. UUtotoa. Wake. V" - - -"""l"' nm ueea at mi Apart ment; About 8:30 Thi Morning. t.ii. firmed; Coffin & McDowell vs. Harris. , Bo.Tb T-.rc.g. l. gfflrn,ed rc -t in : I I" the case of State vs. , Lliliston, "t - T.i - ";!'. which affirming the lower sourt iu sentene-i Br Wr to Th sentinel .;:,,',! :ie of happy jiug Robert LlllisSou to fourteen years; WASHINGTON June 1 (lucres tfc" jMember of XoUonal House Ofjssnatc Committee Decides! Representatives Suicides Today ByShooUng. Honor ot no error: Durham vs. E:u- Cotton ii H Dr-nhablv BC!f;)1 Tn-hm ifllrniitrf- VV'j'lrt Urne ' -"in. ". - . . ceit Letter Addressed to Speaker Cannon, Wr.o Read It in th House at Moming Session. !' I'm ;v Xiii-iii wiibn.. 'ill! UUH)icoK of i-f.tvstaiit Sunday s,''''('f.-s. The n'-v ':'l clear about -'that occurred to mar '1. t'il was t Th. lie accl- 'llias ('allmioi- f,,';l from one of' the l'nw vhile ,h(J tra,n : a h'sh rate of speed. "'toi. platform and '""OIlM'imi fur- i "J'lWor ami i ,.r IK "ser 1 " me accident ....m '"-'1 North Wilkes- Iwcliul im liv ii. ' "' its return tH """ton-Salem. H ?ilitHf Pdnur-f... 'uusuess "'He. He LI-1, . , "-it- He is beinir at ""'h'-'t. It I a m " .. . t' " to , ""JU,U ro 't out in a '.J' u ami ol;eor "il.'lilie (,n th . "haiiR.UB hats f.i. an,l f,i Platform. .. "f Franklin iCnen5allves- a"i '""im s th..! ,v... lax- c L,rere , f 'he 't.lch i,,. ... , uu J,'11 ken and , et vv n-la.'"'"''- "Sln8 ''Mtnents. IT!tiRS 0lMfW ,or 1 SaMiida the last 'rlie ,i -r-..rrow7 C,U IS1 '"he Krea ' r f,r' tomorrow cas. The fact is the paragraph had iRepubiicsn repietentative of Second been written lh the opinion by Chief Justice Walter Clark but was struck out bv direction oi Justices Brown Pennrjlania district. Philadelphia anil wag author of the famous whip ping post bill. At 9:20 the physicians and Hoke neiore tney would concur., at hospital s.iid h& could not recover thereby making U tne contro. ling opin- Adanisi was born in Philadelphia in ion of the court.. The parajraph wasjust!; as followg: . Represtntatlve Adams wan found t "in a less restrainea community It by his builer this nwrninz-alttlnn in is possible that the contempt shown by thes men for the law and the lives of others would have met with more prompt ptiuithiujiu. Certainly there are those places where both would have been promptly taken In hand by an Indignant people and hung to Ihe nearest tree; and the tax-payers would not havo been burdened with the expense of a long trial nor the courts with the examination of technicalities to save Uvea of men who in any aspect of the evidence showed so little regard for the lives of others." A. l! m governing !ij';ott oi tae jin me peuueuiary ior Kiuiug iaas.;ma R;lK-rt Adams of Peim-ylvama I K.;a. is today : smith in a pistol duel with Harry i shot hiitsflt witU suicidal t uteri thli , tJJf, i i,v attempt oa .Clark in the crowded union depot : mornin:;. He is cow at Enierwic uHt:--' in r.archs. there at the last State fair a mistake j Hospital nd death is fxpecttd sTt any :'of ,i.!.V iia!y crime Iq the clerk's office in giving an un-l minute. The act was cumniitted about (.;.- J h 'he ueaaisicoirected copy of the majority opin-ls-io at his ap.; Kus Hitut at victims has un-ion of the court brought about th jXcrtawest. The weapon wai dls- u; an-, rt-itpit' uac iu mni'nivo w otncm. imioktayu cnarff u into nit mouin. Tae buiiet (flap iimo ine iiBiiiiui. iicLuiuj iu juanij ..u-u.uA lu ouv u,.hu into me main. Auams Is the trta pianited tor tne , a.ul it ii probable the cunciiiul. press eorrespon- ,, t,v a hish lHilice of iii.iu threw the ji n u i and is now .l.iiieiiia pulice station. .,t on hiuh authority thai U .. 1 1. ma te rumessiou .iuai e j-.t.-in. let Bomb Throwing. s ita:t!'!t tf the police liM.n ot tlie asfassm. y by name of Mato, it"! Rnrati. i ri:oni . ijatie .uajoi. t 'j. was thrown, on r.s to pay so much for p,i:i; would move out After H'iirii!K the room refi;-eil to h t any one i lie was itidisK)sed. r.tiirl a big bouquet. A:i n buuib which was kii'.u's carriage. After lie .stepped DaCK oalck'.y changed his hal i: cuafusion caused by v wa. a w ild cry of a I ft tun iiie erowd as Viitrt and those struck ! fifiiuviug numbers. made rush for the i.e lieiuu as thrown, e :;h ragi'. was one d.tage iti tills attempt ;.iiie . . i. Soldiers bar f je t!io hiitisc and per ' ft-M'.ier bin carriage, -i was in almost a u I'roiu t hf roal car r ('oiiveai:ci th king c;nipe;:.l to. step biooil and dtad. It Is 'if tliitti fifty were In- if are In a dying ral Weler is among hut. The uucen to ll:; from the shock but in a day or two, fom Mr. Whiteridge. . 'IN. Jim; 1.-T1W uivsi- reived tht. following 1 i-P'cial Ambassador it in .Spain to. repre "' Stiit. s at (he mur- ''. :::5 p. in. On '''"mil after marriage 1 n at kitm's rarrlmm ' ic n:itou he1. The "Teckrd. two horses a" ide. Several sol 'I and wounded." Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. May 31: Tho board of agriculture and board of vis itors cf the A. & M. College were In joint session yesterday afternoon and last night, considering matters con nected with college, a notable feature of the session being the appearance ba fore the board of the agricultural stu dents of the'college to urge that the resignation of C. W. liurkett as pro fessor be not accepted. He has re signed to take a professorship In the A. & M. College of Ohio, his native State. The board la hearing reports from the college visitors. President Winston and members of the facultj and ane planning to re-adjust affairs for protection against occurences of clashes between students and faculty such as have seriously disturbed the past session. a chair at the foot of his bd with his head leaning oa the table. A revolver wast on trdnk few ftet away. Pfn slcians wire hurriedly summon I Adams was then conscious and taid to the physician that he had not been djlnking heavily. He soon lapsed lino unccnsclousntss and was hurried to hospital. He left the following note ecMressed to James X. Black. ngro catcier In charge of the chamber: "Notify R. G. Clements, lSilG L r-.f. alsa Francis K. Adam, 1M7 Wallace ttrett. I left money for bit akfast' bill. You cau divide I he things in the closet." Clements was his private secretary. Ho had not given any motive for the deed. I. ater Congressman Adams died at 11:30 a. m. Letter to Mr. Cannon.. Later The following letter from Representative Adams, who suicided State Ithis meriting, was received and read by the fpeaktr of the house this niorn lr.&: ' "Dear Mr. Speaker: The fact thai prrrinal obligations exceed my re lourcea lti my only excusa for aban doning the responsible position l now occupy In the house. 1 am willing to be buried at its expense but ask that r ) committee be appointed or mem orial gei-vice be held, as I have never bteu in sympathy with the latter cus tom. Wleh aFStiiance of my high re gard, Slncurely yours, Robert Adams." SHE AT FREIGHT DEPOT THIS fillS All of the truck hands, about thirty n number, at the Southern freight de IKit, went out on a slrlko this morn ing. They demanded that their wages bra advanced from 10' to 12 Vi cents an .hour. This being refused the men walked out. They were paid off for the past month yesterday and a South ern official expressed the opinion to day thdt the strikers felt independent after getting paid off. the freight arriving last, night was unloaded this morning by the clerks in the office. Aent Reld says the business has not been affected in the least by tho strike. The wages of the truck' hands may be advanced to" 12 Vi cents an hour, but iti is understood that none of the strikers will be taken back. T ' HT M RIVER TODAY. By Wire trj The Sentinel. FALL RIVER, Mass.. Juno 1 A conference that is bound to be most important one in the Industrial hit tiny of Fall River will be held this after neon . bt'fwe?n the executive commit tee of the Ma.Tiifjictnrrfrs Association and reprptPinatives from textile unions that make up the textile coun cil, tabor poiple will ask for In-crjaf-e In- wages on the ground that the sliding scale that had been tenta tively agreed upon several months ago was not doing jut'tice to the em ployes. The manufacturers are reticent as to their plans. E CRITI By Wire to The Sentinel. CHICAfJO. June 1. Mayor Dunne is aroused by foreign criticisms and assertion by the press of other Amer ican cities than Chicago that It, Is not doing itfci duty In the matter of meat inspection. In reply to criticisms from other centers Dunne says: The charges are untrue. We have been condemning the meat that fed eral inspectors passed. I assume the health commissioner is doing his duty. If he hu not sufficient assistance he should apply to the council for relief." Capt. Peyton in Charge. Capt. (I. V. Peyton, assistant, super intendent on this division of the Southern Railway, has been placed In charge of the roadway and transpor tation of the Winston-Salem, Wilkes boro and Atlantic and Yadkin divi Ions of the Southern Railway, the ap pointment, taking effect , today. Capt. Peyton 18 a clever and popular rail roader and his many friends here will be glad to know of his promotion. Trainmaster Norrls. who Is also highly esteemed by the men on this division, has been transferred to the eastern division, from Greensboro to Goldsboro. Mr. Chauncey Southern and a cap- auie supporting company continue to give first-class performances at the Elkft' Aiiriltrtrtum Th. ..imtinnir la a Una unlrtni . Tun Hinwi: financial secretary, O i y i .ii 1 1 c 1. 1 ouiahuuu. i ih i . win doubtless be a large audience In Jone?; recording "'"'J- " Broad Street Revival. Rev. W. H. Wiisolr. of Madison. N. C, who is conducting a revival at Broad Strret Baptist church, preached a very able and most excellent sermon last night to a large and appreciative audience, from the text: "Uiok unto, me and be ye saved, for I am God and beside Me there Is none else." From this text he discussed these propositions as follows: 1. The duty enjoined. , This duty Is to look with faith unto tho Lord for salvation. 2. The promise made. The Lord promises salvation to those who will look unto Him, It Is ours to look arrd His to save. 3. The reason assigned. The reason lies In the fact that the Lord Is God and abundantly able to save and that there Is none else to whom we can go for salvation. In conclusloni a strong apiK-al was made to the unsaved, urging that they look to the Lord and be saved. Several came forward requesting prayer. The entire congregation ten the spiritual uplift of the service. Services every night at 8 o clock. Public cordially invited to attend. Gen. James D. Glenn' Will. The. last will and testament of the lat General James D. Glenn, brother of';Governor Glenn, was admitted to probate and nlea tor registration in the clerk's office at Wentworth last week. The will is dated October 1, 1903, and bequeaths $3,000 each to his wife and two daughters, Misses Annie C, and Alice H.. and to his son John. Besides the plantation on Dan river. In Rockingham county. The w ill Is In General Glenn's handwriting and Is a fino legal instrument. Irj is !-, : . ce-.r' th.s mt.-air. U;..,e Pet uii gat li:Ku Ki.t. hue weuuti eon . :.ch1 of k-piug a jdis iidi rly hou? in Kast Wiimtnu, the il'iti'vu-me lita st rvi'-.g a eti- leuo. ot 12 muttH in j.u! nt Uavlut the sra: btfoie July Z. It U umlei s-i - J Gi!ti hs airta.iy U depart tn Virsiiia. . Confirmation .f th sa'e of tb Win s:i u jas plant ill conns up before lu.ise IV.'b Umutrtott. Siurlair Maiii.ind, of O-likosh, W'twons.n, ho boujitt ;l prop-rty f ir $'i;.3"l, U ht rr to iu t lit the rah ax iwm the WASHINGTON'. June 1. The .ft,rt confirms the sale. Mr. Main- fi.aimitt.r oi p.lvileges an.l a4 ?ud his toother own $2l,flKi of election declaied b a vole of T to i tri. $r:3.o"o wutth of bonds kuued thli a; Ling that lt.t-1 Snioot was not w:;en th.i nlaat was Hrt IumiI'.piI Mr ectitl to a yH in U Senate. ' Vllliam M. O at, prvaldcnt of the ('l"i'iiiliB""M" mfcorticd toilbHrthU Tnu.i Co.. which, also ?P lUA 77pwt U tfc -H'nat?. 'hoids a l;irce ntimhc of bonds. Is aUa WASHINGTON. June 1. It Is offl . 'he.e. Mi. Main.aa.l .i he piopi.s. dally ar.Wiunred that thi president, -'tOymaVe ttuilve lmprove.netiti ou will teii to Congis (he Nrill Rei-, ftf gas plai t and he fame here with a dolus teport on the Chicajo packing CertlrUtl thtrk for $i!o.imhi lo prove Against iiim Today By A 'olc of 7 To 5. Chairman Burrowu, of Cammirtee cn Privilege Ard Ejection. Author-' Ued t Prepar Recort to Senite , Favoring Hi Expul en from That! Bd. Report on Packing Haute: Maj Be Strtt to Conrjrtss Monday, i 8 Wu-f. in The SvnllnaL ' s III Agrarian Reforn'.s Fu'.ly D s cussed By Various Mem bers or Tnet Body. jousts robably Monday. that he and h'n ansjciatrs nit-au bus inefii. I.e Marin, lndictid for cruelty to animals, was tried this morning aud acquitted. Mat Tern at convicted of aisanlt si'K a' woman, but no s. nteuee his ifcevn liuposed. Sorrt Member Suggett That, If Peas ants' Land Hunger I Not tatiaftetf There Will Be Stnou Trouble In Rut'. Several Minister of Stat Present at Today' Session, By Vtr lo Th Btln. ST. FKTKUSIH RU. Juiif I Over fifty iwvikem participated ill Jt hut l jdav In doiuua oa atrarlan jlK-'- Several of the minister i: pre. nt and liMnw-4 attentively o tho debate which tit vrrr spirited. Sivnttl f the pmMiiit deputies tie !nvl biuodsUed will bcoin gen--rat thni! n'.imin Rusla uulews laud jur;r ot tii.1 feasant I Mttsfli at k.iy have 1L all ptiletice with proin sen of rif rin aud aUianc which lave not l.ieti ruilllled. Th agranaa ttiektUm la br.iulr.g t.K'ial denim-ratle Mt'V Into ditlieuHy an Its laud piu- 4111m Is tqiiklty obttoxtiKis to both i &cllonatles and workmen. special to The SeUneL GREENSBORO, May 31. The Beall Hardware and Implement Com pany lg the name of a new hardware business to opeu here, in .June, ou West Market street. Mr. C. X.. Vanstory, who for C3 years has ben president and nun ager of the Vanstory Clothing Com pany, one of the largest retail clo'li lug stores In the State, ha resigned rut account of 111 health. At a meeting of the stockholders yesterday. It was determined- to sell mt the stock, valued at $Ul.00() iu bulk or by retail, according to condi tions. The stockholders were not willing to coutinue the Immense busi ness, without the active attention at.d services of Its founder and builder, Mr. Neill Vanstory. -A conscience fund ha been started by the Greensboro Klectrlc Co. The initial contribution Is 10 cents, which was received yesterday with the fol lowing letter: Danville. Va.. May 24. Greensboro Electric Company: Enclosed, please find 10 cent lot car fare, that I owe you, as 1 was on the car aud the conductor did not collect my fare and I believe the Lord wants me to pay it. ( Signed ' E. H. It b'i the first letter of the kind aver received by tho company they carried it to a book store and had It 'ramed. and tt will hang In their of ilce on North Elm street. Between the letter and the glass In the, upper corner of the fuime Is placed tlie. five two-cent stamps. In the lower corner is the envelope bearing the address of the company as put by the con icience smitten person, the letter be ing lu the center of tho frame. OF nm imm Ml IIIUU llllllk.W I LUI1 ClfARI.OTTK. May Sl.-Thlrieea alleged numbers of the mob which early Monday- morning lyuciie-d John V. .loh.: - T' at Wadeslxiro, are In jail at that place tonight without privilege jf ball, I hi: charge being murder. Ihcy Hf: John Nivin, Lester Johnson, Zceke Lewis, Elmer A. Dunn, John Jones, J. P. Nlven, Clyde Bowman, Joe Mea ham. Otis Martin, B. F. Tinr mons, Fred Dunn, May Gulltdge and Lewis Adams. There are warrants out for live others who have not yet been taken. The am sis weie made at the vil lage of Morven today by a number of Special to Tho Sentinel. RALEIGH, May 31. The graduat ing exercises of St. Mary's -School were held this morning at II o'clock. The diplomas were presented by Rt. v. James Blount Cheshire, bishop of the eastern Diocese of North Car olina. His charge to the young ladlei n piesentlng th ilplomft was t If ill and especially appropriate. Those receiving diplomas were Ruth Foslei, St. Simon' Hill, S. C: Jane Irldeil Green. Wilinlrgton; Annlu Eliza Koonce, Richland; Mary Thornton I.asslter .Hertford; Margaret Dever reux Mackay. Raleigh; Harriet Ellxa bcth Run. Ridgeway, S. C; Aiiulo Whltner Sloan, Columbia, S. C; Sa rah Gertrude Sullivan, Ssvannah, Cm.; Francis Elizabeth Woolf, Demopolls. The sosslon Just closed has been one 'of the most sueccsyful In the his tory of Ihe school and Ihe outlook, so the trustees decline, Is for a large in ciease In the enrollment for the open ing of the fall term. ' , The St. Mary' Alumnae Association havo re-elected tho following officii: Miss Mar Irldeil, Raleigh, president; Miss Kato McKitiimou, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Kate rteKosset Meat es, Wilmington: Mrs. Bi sslj Uak, ol West Durham; Mrs. Florence 1'. Tuck er, of Raleigh; Mrs. 1. McK. PlUiliger, Rail Igh. vice ptesidentv A ;ne;norlal g.wei In honor of Madam Charlotte Yocr-Gouye. for many years a beloved Instructor In French at St. Mar)', has been presented to tho Alumnae Association through Mrs. Mary Mc Xash, of New Bern, formerly Miss Mary Davis. B. .AND L. ASSOCIATION Tho program for the State Buildlin and Loan Convention that meet In this city June & a mitt, has been pie- pared as lollems: Thursday, June S, I o clock p. m. Convention railed lo order RoliCall Report of I'resldent 8. WUtkowiky Reading of minute of lal Meeting Repoil of Secretary E. U Keesler Recen. . 9 O'clock p m. Reception at Elkt' Club Room Wednesday. June 6, 190: Court House. Muslo ' Convention called to order Addiiin cf welcome lieu. J. C Buxton Address Hon. O. B. Eaton Mayor ot Winston Response,. .. Hon. J I.e Crowell Of Concord, N. C. Addresnen by: Prmiilent Wlttkowsk)' Mr. R. IE. Cochrane -ot Charlotte, N. C. Capt. - K. t Kesler ' Of Charlotte, N. C. t:30 O'clock, p m. Trolley ride to Xlscti Pnrk- LB. B. Mi, R. B. Crawford has teuileied his resignation to the board us liiftruclor lu the West Winston graded school and will later engsge In business here. He has several proposition under consideration. Mr. Ciawfoid hat- been a member of tho faculty of tho West WiiiHion sclnml for three years. He was a splendid instructor and his friends In the school will re gret .to learn of his decision to re! Ire from the work. Mr. Crawford left Ibis morning for Reldsvlllo to" spend a few day with deputies and were accomplished with-'hit- parents. Ho will also visit frlenda out inctjent, me met claiming tney at Durham before going to Hock would have come In and given them selves up had the fherlff only lu fornietl them that he. had warrants for them. Governor Glenn who passed through Ohaiiotte this morning after a visit to Wadesboro, declared that the crime of the lynchers was worse than that charged against the man whom they had put to death and expressed a de termination to see that all known n.embeis of the mob are placed on tiial. Fourteenth Man Arrested, CHARLOTTE. May 31. At a lale hour tonight the fourteenth man, was anesUd and placed In the jail, which i.-. Mirrconded by guards. The trlakof the alleged members of the mob will 'begin tomorrow after noon and If not concluded by 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, will be continued for two weeks. Odd Fellow Officer. At the meeting of Salem Ilge, No. 30, I. O. O. F.. held Tuesday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: Noble grand, W. S. Shepherd: vice-grand, R. G. vv . L. ICIingnian: treasurer, J., I. Newman. Tyreo Improving. News was received here today that Cbaivis Tyree, the 14-year-old boy who was shot a few days ago in Vir ginia by Capt. John Hale, freight conductor on the Wlnstoa-Salem divis ion of the Norfolk A Western Rail way, is improving. Capt. Hale Is In jail at Roanoke. He claim that the shoot in waa accidental; that he pull ed out his pistol to frlgiitcn some t)oi w'.io were beating rides on his train when it fired, the ball striking Tyies. Coming Marriage. Mi. and Mrs. F. B. Petiee, of Ger nianton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ellen, to Dr. Geo. E. Dennis, of laeger. West Virginia, on Saturday, June 9, at their home npar Germanton. Bridge Ahim Springs to take charge of tho office for Mm. A. F. Young dur ing the stascn at this popular resort. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Meyers will oc cuuy Mr. Crawford residence until September ls Mrs. Crawford and son left today for Knap of RedH to visit relatives. They will spend the wim mer at Rock Bridge Alum Springs. 9 O'clock, p. in. Bamiuet. at Hotel phoenix. Aridiefs ..linn. D. A. Tompkln Of Charlotte, N. C. Impromptu talks by Delegate (lid Gw&tH. ' Adjournment. TO FUND ARE NEEDED piibllo amusement committee of ihe boardi of trade met last, night In the uionieipal building and dl ciused plan.-,' for wcuiing tho balanco tH?it'id ii mukH contract for music. It was uot. tho purport) of the commit to to mule personal canvas but stared to bo tfic unanimous opinion of all thut If tho attention of tho peo ple, were railed lo Ihe gril Hm tage and progieMtlvonfii of tho move mi nr they would resxnd promptly lo tin rail. It wan. therefore requested that tho prSH give publicity and urge those who have not answered the let ters of tho coiiinilttee to do so this week. Tho committee Is composed of tlol following gentlemen: Mer. R. W. Oorrell, dialrniaii; A. M. Colemsn, W. D. Ctirrin, A. 8. Halies, M. D. Bailey, Jr., . F. Dwlre, A. II. Galloway, K. S. Uipfcrt. Death of Judge L. W. Brown. Ex-Judge L. V. Brown, who recent ly moved from this city to Greensboro, died In the latter place at 1:30 o'clock Thursday aftrnoon. He hHd been an Invalid for a year or more, caused by paralysis. Judge Blown moved lo Winstoni-Salem two years ago from Ohio. He wss In his sixty fifth year and had been a member of the Knights Templar for twenty-five years. He was also a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. A widow. two daughters and five sons survive him. lie was buried this afternoon at 4 o clock by the Blue Iidge of Masons, the Knights Tcniplar acting at- ccort. ; Falrview Council Elect Officer. At the regular meeting of Fairvlew Council Junior Order, Thuiwday night. the following officers were elected for the en-suing term: Councilor. R, G. Frairer; vice coun cilor. R.. E. Catmlcbael; asutant rec oiling secretary, C, P. Orubbts; con- ducUjr, R. H. Money; wardejii, C. L. Ioflin; Inside senrinei, James Wint ers; trustee for 1 month. S. F. Vance; chaplain, W. 8. Walker. Mists Leila Vaughn returned this af- SAYS NDT GUILTY. Bv Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, June I. The Ter ranova jury, after being out twdvo roimites, renirntl a verdict of not guilty. Leaf Tobacco Sale. The letif tobacco sale on the local markH In May aggregated 355.3HX pounOa. D brought $:!0,n:i ft.1, averagB of $S,4H per hundred. au AROUND THE CITY. Fletcher Btothers are advertising $1.00 aiut II 23 shirts at 69 cent. Miss Elle-ir Nurflf-et leturued this afternrton from a visit to frlendi at Chuilotte. An order wns received here to day that thn Sunday paMwnger train between Winston-Salem and North Wilkesboro haili been cancelled and that now) would bo operated cm thl line, next Sunday. 'Mews, J. M. Gixldard and sou. who will conduct the hoi4"l at Pied mont Springs this summer, are pre paring for a successful season. The attention of tho who go to summer ternoon from Rome, Ga where she resorts U dlrt'rcd to the large n graduated this week from Short Col- nounrrmient of Piedmont Spring In hge with high honors, being awarded tomorrow's Sentinel. It will lmcrest three diplomas. I you. ... attendance tonight.

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