fINC,ITY DAILY SENTINE: WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 4. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS "ifESL'L MATTER lEfl UP. IMS IED0UPM I lEBBII IS 3 IS DEAD rd Senator Prom , Congress Receives Message nits Quite Sud- ; Prof. Houghton To Be Chosen trom President Relative Director-wirrNot tfecon-; fined To Members of Asso-! hii5 .Morning. To Stock Yards. for , His Ccnd'tion was g. l.-pprcved. Wsi 0,31 vju.snfd Demo; Somej CiatiOn--College Night TO Condition: in Ch.eago Sioct Yards De-iThe Trouble Trouble In Ohio Coal Fields Results In a Pitched BaU '-Rev tie Early Today. ; State's Chief Executive Con- X. L Glenn. Colored.! fined To His Bed and Had Consideralle Ptv ir. Be Held. N A meeting So oiganizt, a Glee Club, I umi.r the auspices ot the V. M. C. A.,j t wilt be held this evening at o'clock. ; 4 Si u:UiT I'roft ssor Houghton, who. has li ail cull- J Man land, sldetabie experience iu twining vocal o.iii, ifitCI s.K-:j,iv's, lias wfu ahfu 10, oe prcs- mand Attention. Pre;cnt Makes a Numbei ot Recommendations Bearing on trie Subject. Senate Ad journt at 12:10 In Honor of Memory 01 Serutoi German. By Wire to Th Scu'.laeL Ah! . m.. J:nu -I Preside::! today iuu;smi;tf(l to Con- Arose Over Effort of . Mine Owner to Import Nonunion! Workmen. Th; Nonunion Men; Have Fied Authorities Hjvc Sit-! uation in Hand. ( and Bob Cobier. White. Ap-j pealed I'roni Judge Peebles t Judgments To The SuprcmeH,f pr.y..e,an say cPt. d. M.y Court. Ti Ive r:s.. u t .1 iLi. int. 'in W!e M Ml I. Ill ll By Wire to The Seutlrel. JaPiviMHin to w i:U RTEl I'K-Wli i P ni'.. l rant; nt from U.r A I.'.-.ilt nt a tiliph..,! li.iitln In . ;,r' - '' iweeu KiuiitU ami a mob of lour hia ! Be Able to Be in Hit Office Tomoe- ro. But Must Cancel Out of Town Engagements. Chairman Adams In Rale'gH. i 'is. a i:u wet Cor. l. l i t li itu nl mint 'lit' tmi Saturday U out t.TuiK.fti.r:,i t Tlu SteWltitL mot. Ins In i hi r-tiiii:- mil.!. Two .i!M-.vrs wii! t.e r.t ti.d In ,ia"' M'"''r Plum pivi-r ' " ' 1 ! tuaiierim. i in sr m-e-.i.i no- en. nuiii i mi- 11..MHU i:ieny. n: term is ! war. juihk ....r nt..t !wiilll lh.i r.. iiui- i I. il '. ' i....- ,.f ... ji- was 'director In the coutse of training,' ' ... Idrd ".kin; miner ut . i,l.a,t.'.U'.,t "illy vocal pieces will be- nrac- x'. " "f PU"""mlnVhi '1ii ! s..i ,.f .'m,.i.i .. InKivm-liiin irlvui. ;.. ,,,' 1:1 COHUI.iuns HI I fH' stork ; ;k j ki;1Tj' Th(, .rillli,iM u said t.) , wusisitens. with explanations as to the " K 'l:lir ;l:i.' Marced uu-r an attempt of the .... .,. ,,.,. . -r.i.e, Vh.t!, i. it nun in i :'(iai cii!i!ii;in l.i Mtiiir! imn inn m "-', " . ..- -.M.t, ifit 01 Vlrw. ' ittf n li, ti- mini, uiwlnr rm-r of !iftl . M-llti'llcf Iu tlif Btiite . . . ...i t.i i 43 lit MI H If aSPTl I; I If I 1 f 5 nt' II; . 1 1- Mu i I iu ..i Nil 1. h'iI h I 1 II rt inn III 1 nr II III I ! Ill M.I1J!TT 1 II LT lv " f ' nun it ts, . ll k'Uii ll o hi ll ll km ii i it u iwiiov nivii il,!tlli!l'tl rid. J Mil"". ic luaiuici ti vuilllliiiL unit, I , i.itnr 4 - U' l'iihllonn H. Adams la this Antrum. -, l-rttn tort(1t HWnm villi iirM in Kiiiipori of ix titHum he flli J lot the iisnlun of r'viiup nftli-i rs to o. V. Samuel in! J. W. Hasty. u::i i mnli'iu't' of lhir and Ix liKHithK rl'rlivi'!, iii Wllkfs nh.. K'tii-ken Willi Miiu me pi no. ipic ui ioiii--ue4iioiH vj , . ,, ... . : i ii.'tii . i . , I k,n nour-icoaductors. In addition to thlS' (he orhdaUy mmnnl ol So.iator 0.,r- Tin sh.rifT at 4 ociock thin tnon,.; Hv. V I. (.a-Mit. rolo., .1 who ifi for v,.,lMW,.ri , xkwil training and development of voices ?,an 8 f f,h nd '"V' "j" ""- '! n made a demand for ...He l.oo,.... "';' ' . mUlk h-li:r .,,,, !n, V".", a-t atfick but 'wiil receive prominent attention; J",r!u,J !a tvs ,u the la'e The adjutant Bereral has ordered the ""l'"l' t ; ;!'! " ('hu.nirle, because f c ' mVd'cal at-lmusical wht readins will b included,: maM 6 m":,10,'-v- ' mol.iibation (lf veral cmpanie,. and kuvii II )-nr ... lao ne.i!t..ntlry JU(((. M ,.,, a trVl. srind.tion In the practice of sonK3 and gH.eS, the: 'he Ka,d.s. whomtv oii.nnmhe.'ed. : nil VUrHM T.i I1,1"1 f'""l:,fl' '"' hv "v, - wer . made clearness of pronunciation and other Presicen! t Me.cage. Uete com,., !!.d to retreat into t:,e :f "'"f' 1 th, Kve,,n,r tt., il.iy p'iat.f ti. Iii.- ruun n hiune at illdatic features will be caretully '"""""S ' '"e principal pan i.i iniiii-s m i:i;:i me nan nnnmi'is oi - - - - -- - .rated. To those who desire further1"" mwR" fresiueni uoohevi n, icusuames is not y teamen.. , , .. . . . . . , Mlll .....,. particulars an invitation is Issued to acconipn in',' report went t Comcres) lti'r reports from the nilnldK dis i lMe hll niait. fonlua iiuay on tne l nicasit s'ock yarit ami i met say tne snoomiK nas ceaseit nut , ,, , , , , that both striken and miaul are on!11"""" "''. ' apimiu. me thf.l tliu'li llirkiot n,l ut not ir I conn, ue "III aiMI iriliaill call and inquire at the Y. M. C. A. , i ait :i- his bedside .vi.:i(..i hlj u-ife. t. Messages were omce. froiessor Hoiisnton nas wnt.-i'"",- ,.i,!.,i r.,, th other ten consiueraoty. in treatise torni. on "-- "i""! liad tsot been out of nuary Hi. The ailment is a stomach trouble iiiiiatinn!'. E STEPS 10 :on, .lime 4. The will flint Into no 1'tti'i );ie' fin- tin obliteration Many Ann riran state.. rt'l actively sup;)ort ; o an inli nuitional or irarKr amons the pow iul look m the xupprcs iiiiin ;t evil and fot:sriss 'mi pt-ss, sir.iple tv ii-sishiiioii which fol-i-j's diath, in the furth li measures. ; ' v In this country Is :;i i;;;M(ifial police 'force, '.id- U outlined ' . cer I'iii' imniit'.rallnif aathor 'ii' to iiti vi-iit tha land "I p' isniu and seek the tlnih who to af- the exisilll.S T p Sinilti.a It-- I. -Tint :t!' -, the ' iliitiso, who 1 c;i.'niv li'iii'il here Imdy of wirild-bf .illcd hlm- -Tiiwejon nifay. Tli !i'el et.(ti'day at. a lif ittilhoiitV'B thought ;i -"'id way to allay the 'it" leo!... The sichl hciwever, infuriated In ts tin- I'mpuiaci and it it'v to ci. se the litis ii vaiiri to lake the " .in fintii of the house " '"'Ut.b v., -is Ihrnwn. BURIED III Spntlnsi. tstria. .lime .. land (vibniiie, ilt Sjz Hun. to allow the peasants ' ittiiFMl the outraged kp tin attack on him. 'vat is. was seized and "'Wild In the ground. 1 k projecting. Mniiy arrested t,y authoriti'S, : ' fix- the blame for p Sentinel. '. .I.tiu, 4.-The gov ;"v'" d a bulletin in re- " ,r"i' as follows: planted. 2S.fiSG,---I. as prim. - and s:; ': iivi-rase ()! S4 , f :i2 Ma in I IS RESIGNHTIDN S-nllnM. I'1'- h""i .-Senator ' ' "f acceptWiK fees .'lit- contta, to-v'"-- ii'siiaiion as '.,1'""r '""in KaitHas. " in prison. o' Young Man.. ""'i ui inn th! '. Mr, n''U street ' a'"' officer of s r. n The di the science of voice culture, ami ronv a tnl packlnx houses are not has been made bv the European ' k('l,t ,,v,,n reasonably clean, and that The meeting1 toniwht will be free Ith method of handlinx and. prepai Iiik and open to all who are Interested. food products Is uncleanly and dan The club will not be confined to niem-irons to health. I nder existing law hers of the Association. All voung ithe national government haR no ix.wer men who are willing to push a male,l enforce Inspection of the many chorus for Winston-Salem are Invited , forms of prepared meat fcxid products to meet at the Y. M. C. A. at 8:2". a,t' (lailv K"1" frn ,he PackitiK The professional and business I nouses into interstate commerce. ,'vmnasliim classes will meet this jOwins; to an Inadequate approp. latlon afternoon at 5:15 and 6:15 as nsual. "fPaitment of apiculture Is not The warm days are the most Inviting for gymnasium woik. Business men by taking three-quarters ot an hour judicious exercise three times a week, inspired by sociability. Is an Important feature and a wise one, In a lively and vigorous manner, followed Uy an In vigorating shower bath can greatly tone up the muscular and nervous system and gain new energy fi ihelr dally work. Healthful and pkaslug gymnastics, conducted so as to correct defoimjtles and to promote the syste matic development of the body, will Jihaincteri.e ail class work. It also brings the heart and lungs into vlg troiis action. Tile digestive organs are put in better condition and life brain is better nourished, and alt the oigans benefited. A few new mem bers will be present in the profes sloal mcn'H class this afternoon. Uy the end ot the week the Winston-Salem boys will all be home from college and they arj even now prepar ing for a college night at the Y. M. C. A. The songs of the different colleges will be suns, stoiies and jokes tut each ither will be told, and the "dear old college davs" will ouee Inure he re-alled. 15 By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, Juno 4. A tele gram to (he war department, received tills nionring, from Major Walls, who is at Waco, Arizona with four troops of tho Fifth cavalry, say's: "My Information as to the trouble at Canauia Is as follows: Mexican em ployes of the Greene Copper Company -ruck for higher wages and went to the company's lumber yards tit Trix to Induce non-strikers to quite work. Two American brothers named Met calf resented their action and shot and killed four or fiva Mexicans. The itrikers then broke Into a house and killed the two Metcalf brothers. The story of the Copper Company differs somewhat. They claim the trouble was due to labor agitators. The total casualties were two Americans and about fifteen Mexlcns killed. Creene says Mexican troops there have every thing well In hand and that no more disorder In expected." Eight Rioters Shot. DOUGLASS, Arizona. June 4. Eight leaders of the Caiianea riots have been executed The rioters were lined up in front of a Rtone wall and shot. AY 25 WAS 84.6 HEARING IN THE REV. I.H, There was another hearing of the Rev. T. H. Pegram will case before Clerk R. K. Transo.i this afternoon. T.-H. Pegram, of Mooresvllle, son of the deceased and one of the executors, was present and through his counsel. Lindasy Patterson and .1. S. Grngan, offered the will for probation, but ob jected to the codicil attached being probated. The latter was presented by Mrs. Alice Pegram. widow of de ceased, represented by C. B. Watson. The codicil, which was written by Dr. Chreitzberg, a few days before the death of Rev. T. H. Pegram, contains the name of Dr. W. O. Spencer and oljiers as witnesses. This gives the home place to the widow and at her death the property goes to the Greens Dotfi Female College. The $500 insurance cat ried by the deceased in t,)in Methodist Benevolent ! the md Fraternal Association, was not contented. A check for $2!in has been In. ned over to the widow ami the ither $2r,0 was sent 4o the gr:fnd laughter. Miss Parker, of High Point, today. This was In accordance with the original will. even able to place Inspectors In all es tablishments desiring them. The pres ent law prohibits the shipment of un inspected meat to foreign countries, but there is no provision forbidding the shipment of uninspected meats in interstate commerce, and thus the avenues of Interstate commerce are left open to t.afflc In diseased or spoiled meals. -f,.as haa been alleged on seemingly good authority further evils exist, such as the Improper usy of chemicals and dye3, the govern ment lucks power to remedy them. A law is needed which will enable the Inspectors of the general government to inspect and supervise from the hoof to the can the preparation of the meat and food product. The evil seems to be much less In the sale of carcasses .than In the sale of canned and other prepared products. In my judgment the, expense of the inspection should he paid hy a fee levied on each animal slaughtered. If 'his is not"' done, the whole purpose of the law can at any time be (Wented thiough an insufficient appropriation; aiiil whenever there fcas no particular public interest in the subject It would lie no! only easy but iiatunil thus to make the appropriation Insufficient. If it wire net for fills consideration 1 should favor the government paying ior It. The alarm expressed In certain quarters concerning this feature should be allayed- by a. realization of the fait, thai in no ca"e. under such ; law, will the cost of inspection ex ceed S cents per hi ad. I call special jitlintion to the fuel i hat tills ripen is preliminary, and Unit the Investigation in still, tin flnishid. 1! is but yet- possible to. re port on the alleged abuses In the use of deleterious c!e mical compounds in connection with canning- and preserv ing meat products, not' oli the alieged doctoring In this fashion of tainted meat and of products returned to the packers as having grown unsalable or unusable frtim age or from other rea sons. Grave allegations .are made in refetence to abuses ol this nature. Let me repeat thai under the pres ent law there is practically no method of stopping these abuses if they should be discovered to exist. Legis lation Is needed in order to prevent the possibility of all abuses In the future. If no legislation is passed, then the excellent results accom plished hy the work of this special committee will endure only so long as the memory of the committee's woik is fresh, and a recrudescence of the abuses is absolutely certain. I urge the immediate enactment Into law of provisions which will enable the department of agriculture adequately to Inspect the meat and meat food products entering Into In terstate commerce and to supervise the methods of pieparlng the snmr and to prescribe the sanitary condi tions under which the work shall be performed. I therefore commend to your favorable consideration and urge the enactment of substantially the w visions known as the senaio amend ment No. 29 to the act making ap propriations for the department of agriculture- for the fi(.il year end Ins June ;'. 1!"'", a pawed by the senate, this amendment being com monly known as t lie Ueverldgo amend ment. ' Recommendation!, Following are tua recommendations made by Messrs. Neill and Reynolds, who framed the reiK.rt: 1. Examinations before slaughter is of minor Importance and shon'm he permi.-sive iii.-tead of mandatory. Ex amination tflei slaughter is of supreme Itnpottance and should be conipulitoiy. 2. G sots, now exempt from inspec tion. .Intended for foreign or inn r ilate commerce, should be Included in liKt mbiect to the Inspection the Bun an of Animal Industry, ami should be equally controlled by the tegnlalioiiK .of the secretary of agri culture. ti. Tim ix.unltiatlon of all. meal pro ducts Intended for Interstate com merce at any stage of their care or either side appears ready for the bat :!i to be resumed. Sheriff Vorhees went to the seen:' after sending word to the adjetant general to be ready with troops. K is not thought troops will be needed. although there Is much excitement. Another fussilade took place at Glenn's Run mine No. 2 last night be tween the striking miners and guards. Superintendent Young, of Cleveland, was wounded. Nearly seventy-five shots were fired. All men Imported to the mines have left. .. Jail until his rase is heard. Cobler't sentence was two years on the roads. SPECIAL ELECTION IN At tho meeting of the county com mlslsoners today a petition was pre sented from the required number of voters asking the board to order un tlectlon In district No. 1, Lewlsvillc township, for the purpose of voting in the proposition (lf levins a special '.ax (20 cents on the poll and ( cents in 9100 property valuation! to supple ment the regular school lax In that llstrlct. The election was ordered to )a held tin Thursday, July ill. A jury for July term of court was 1 raw it and a number of claims were allowed by the hoard. New Advertisement!. The Ihe Hive News of the June ?ut price sale. Itosiiihaehet- & Ilro. The June tilde and the Busy Store. Umdiiuist & lTobh The corner Iruii store. ' "Satisfaction." Gas Company.- lit diictlon In n U; if gas. Meyers Westhrook Co. Six stirring -.Ilk specials. J. I. Newman. Special china and crockery sale. Siiioieih' Den. The Cuban, tho uni form, full value, cigar. . treatni'tit should be consigned to the 'nui'Hii of animal industry, and no mark or nig" declaring that Inspec tion hiiM I" en made by government 'illlclals sho he allowed on au can, iiox, or other receptacle or parcel Coll alnlng food products unless Ihu same has been subject to government in ipcctioii at any and every stage of the .iron.M of preparation, and all such 'ahels should contain thei date of is iiiaiicc, and it should be a misde meanor to erase, alter or destroy any inch labels. Meat products, and can led, preserved, or pickled meats, when sent from any packing or can- ling establishment, if returned to theed by Ms appreciative audience. Sperlal to The Sentinel. ' CLEMMONS' SCHOOU June 2 The commencement exercises begun on last Sunday at 11 a. in. by an In stilling and excellent ermon, preach ed by Dr. John H. Clewell, principal of Salem Female College. On Monday at 2:i!o p. ni the class of this year presented a beautiful granite step to (he front of Main Hall, followed by the presentation of three banners, one to Cleninions' School, one to the Lehman Literary Society and the third to the Websterlau Liter ary Society. The one presented In the school was very happily received In appropriate talk by Prof. Menden hall; the one to 'the Lehman Literary Society was received by the president of the Society. Miss Bertha Hall. The one to the Wehsieiian was received by Mr. Harry. Kllbuck, the secretary of (he Websterlau Literary Society. Both their respective speeches were veiy fine. Rev. James E. Hall, the principal of the school, made talks on :he presentation of these banners In the name of the school in earnest aiid well chosen words. Then (he student faculty and visitors formed Into a pro cession and matched through Ihe vil lage, giving the different school yells. Oil Tuesday evening ti! H p. ill. took place the annual eoiierrl. This con sisted of tinlhims. vocal solos, Instru mental solos, iluiis, trios and sextets, a short play and two leellailous. The audience wss hue," and showed bv Its itqmiit eiicoies that they thorough ly enjoyed Ihe program. A small ad mission fee v as charged, v t l!i"ie wan s. crowded Incise. On Weilul-ed.iy at 10 ll. til. the com nieuei'llient da ptoper took place. Kirst e.",ine the graduating Mf'ises hy seven essays, produced by nieiii hers of I He class, Interesperseil by music by pipiln of th tnuiio class Tho issa)s were of u specially high ordi r and Haowed painstaking en deavor on the part of in- gtadiiates, md thorough Instruction In English hy the Headmaster, I'rof. K. P. Men deiihalt. , At 2 p. m. (he larae aiidlence as feinliled to hear 'he literary address hy Prof. M. C. 8, Noble, of it he di versity of North Carolina. Itefore he began his address. beautiful an them, the .Vllllet'R Wooing, was sung bv some - fifty voices Prof, Noble's address watt well receivd and applaud- OEATH OF MRS. L. E. NIS9EN. An Estimable Christian Lady, Aged 64. Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon. Mrs. Lconorr Kbert NTssen, widow of the late J. 1. Nisaett, died at her home on Main street, Salem, at 7: IS this moiul.iK. sft'r a llngerlntj Illness of several months. The deceased was a most estimable Chrlsllsn lady and was highly esteemed by all who knew net. Mrs. Nlssen was the (laughter of the late Christian and Luclndu Ehert and was born In Salem April 22, 1842 and was therefore !4 years old. Hho la survived by three children, Mrs. W. H. Ellis, Messrs. Harry K. and Fred Nlssen, and one brother, Eugene A. EbeiL The funeral will be conducted from the Home Moravian church, of which deceased was an honored and eon sin tent member since chllilluid, at 5:30 tomorrow sfiernoon, A brM acrvlro will he held ut the homo at 5 o'clock. The Interment will be In Ihe Moravian graveyard. iame. should be subject to sucn further inspection, regulation, and isolation from other meat products as he secretary of agriculture may pre sent).'. 4. Power should be given to (he -secretary of agriculture In make rules md regulations regarding the sattlta ion and construction ot all buildings ised or intended to be used for the care of food products for Interstate or Rt. iiev. Edward Rondthaler then in a most enthusiastic vein presented ihe diplomas to the graduates, glvins excellent advice to the class. Three medals were then presented by Rev. John F. MeCiilston. The Vogler Scholarship madal was sward ed Mips Fannie Sprinkle for having made (he highest average of anyone in frp senior class for the whole year. One medal to the beginners In music orelgn trade, and to make such regit-1 who made most progress during the stion g;4 he may deem necessary to itlierwise protect the cleanliness and Ahnlesdneness of animal products, irepared and Bold for foreign and In erstato commerc. 5. It should be foi bidden to any neisnn, firm or corporation to trans- tort or offer for t reimportation from year and one to the advanced pupil who did liltewU er alo priHcutrd Miss Addle Rpanh received the he glnnets' medal and Miss Strils Hex ter Jl;e one In the advanced class- Mr. McCuIston's presentation iipeeeh was vety good and ware quit' appropriate to the occasion. The en me state to another any nieat or meat I'lre afternoon program was made not Inspected and "ood products a! led. General Sm.gestlons. 1. The nuni- e.r or nsiif dors should be largely: ncreased, r, that special assignments , passed In the history of this Interesting by several ph-cM of mu si. Thus ended -the most succd'Hi! school year In the six. which have xeci- rounty jail for ovc, powering and cow- Wilkfsboto charge! the against ttielr oltl- hU'kne of ins was post- l-itied until June 7 and a respite until June I i Kiailteil. Governor Glenn was confined to his bed all o yesterday anil had consider able fever. He In silting up today but Is unable to be In hi! oltlce. lit phy sician told hint he would probably be out tomorrow but it would be i.ece- sary most probably for hi... to cancel most of his engagements out ot the city for some time to come. Funeral of Mr. Ackerman. The funeral services of the lota R. A. Ackeiniai. were conducted from the Home Moiavlnn church jesterday af ternoon at 5::;o o'clock bv Bishop Rondthaler, i.Fslsled by Kev. Dr. Brown And Rev. E. S, Ciosland, Who paid beaulirul tributes to the noble life the deceased hud lead. The Inter mem was In the Moravian grave) ard. The floral offerings were, profuse and beaulli'ill. Marriage at Waughtown, Miss Ida George, of WRilgbtOwr), and Mr. Andn w V, McCall, of Htaten ville, were married Saturday Uy Rev. W. II. Wilson at 'be home of the In I.I. 'm pun nts, Mi. mid Mrs. John Gooige, it, w.iii gilt own. Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Call lift r-'aliinlay evening for Stati hvIIIi, where they will reside. Card of Thanks, We wis', lo i vpriKS our sincere thanks to neighbors and other frlenda for klndiieimes shown us during the illnes.4 and after Ihe death of our fatbet and brothc,-, .Mr. K, A. Acker man. The Family. nay be made for. night Inspection, for lie examination of animals at the platforms of stock yards, for the fol owing of dead animals to their illcged destination, and for other special work. 2. Special government Inspection diould be carried on continuously to itevenl violations of the law and gen ial abusers In the trade, and to secure vldetico when necessary. A ta i ef il study of the stand ui; AROUNO THE CITY. N. II. Medear! visited Walkerlown today. Dr. John Byinim U indisposed, be ing confined to hi home. . Mifs Alilue Miijiln went fo Coo !"i nice this afternoon fo vllt friend". Ernest Itohannou left litis on a business trip to Charleston. W. Va. Mr, John Baliey and family, of KoHiioko. Va.. tire the guests of rela tives in Salem, Mis. Mary Bynum returned this af tentoon from a visit io her daughter. Mrs, .1, V. Merrill, at Greensboio. The Twin CBy concert band and orehcslia will give a concert fhl! evening nt o'clock on the court hoiifco lawn, Hlllery Church, of West Salem, who has been confined with rheumatism fir some weeks, is somewhat im proved. --The Tot sale on Hontbslde, an nounced for Ibis aftern'ain. was post poned until lomoriow afternoon on ac count of the rain. Mr. Waller Itiown, of MarlltisvlIIe, Vs., who hat been here with hi mofi.i-i, who is III nt (he home of her daiighiet, Mrs. (1. W. loan, left this afternoon for home. , The condition of Rev. B, F. Car pentei, pastor of Salem and South- lent uistltiil ion CienitiKitm' School has bad four Slates, Virginia. Kentucky, Kansas and N.utll Carolina, tepresetvted In lis student body this year. Eight coun iles in our State have furnished pu oils. Hurry. Stokes. Yadkin. Wilkes. Divle, Davldiion. Rowan and Foisytb. ' side Methodist churches, was thought Most of Ihe students have returned to their homes and It seems quiet now on Clemmons Hill. S-veral visi tots 1:eie been here during the com f inspection In other roiintrle sh inid mi ncen;; rt and mtne ate still hi re The li'itmitorle and homes were (surd 'ii actotuiiio.ltile Ihe friends of the Institution. c made,. and the results. of the study hould be published and circniaiid 'or the public informal ion. 4. Consideration should In riven to he question of specific labelling of I Mioses Elizabeth Fleteiinr and rifrnrcasse sold as fiesu meat, which j M.ih'ib Sharp, who have been vDitioK ipoj examination after slaughter. Irelatins anil.iriid4 in Kenier-viie hf,w signs of disease, but are Mliljfor about two weeks, have returned deemed suitable for food. Ihome. to be shghtly Improved this afternoon. He has been at the hospital for eral iU and on Ha I Hi day little hope w.t.e (titi-i tained for bis recovery. TWO furnished lootn-i for rent. M. I Laister. Mrn. ALL BILKS for t,t;n walu sult.1 and waist.; at cost. .Mr.i, M. D. I-uuoti i E! EG A. NT Hue of (eweliy at Mr. M l j.?nltetV. Ladies, -present your cardt' and pet tilver r.aon.