-- f IN-CITY DAILY SEN TIN I SSlilFBSM ADOPTED II I I I i II I I 1 1 1 1 WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ionics Will Be Very 'in ounpliiince B( co.-ducttd hot H.s m(.nti.r.ntnt Wiit Co L'Sf at Active A.id .j.l Borers. .'- in : : a v, ,' ,i :. tt r PENNSYLVANIA E. 0. P. SIIIE B. & L LEAGUE CONVENT ON . SrSSEftiER SUICIDES. u'l' : g lUtnatt will a ,tr.a- a- wMn:c. , , .-v.rt's 'il be ll' '"' f. K s'n .-i "'"'I J; , ,. li. ;i;e n.osi ., ,j ::;,'!. Ili'-Mi'.ie' s .... ' :'. ..tiic.il! c :i Ml. "','.,. s ii:--:' :i:ul the aI1, r. ;,.vse:i:atives ;. a..-, i at llu'rf : n.aiiti in i' body to the tt, ' li,- s, lVll'eS. w II" n ,;,,( k. t! commit u if 'Hi v r- ni.;Ii: t ak Hill .:-,. tl.e u.v-i u:it wiil J sii! li ci'ii.iiictiM! by K.ui' ' "I . 1 in ol New riiii! chinch, att v. I--! .. rivs 1). Powers, ni.n:;: Ui-n li' I'resbyte I! -v. A. It. Hiul, pastor t,-::l I clmrrtl I" l-iiuii'l-k'veirtt Hal-. iaIMi-ai. : wiil be- Hun. :vi .. i l.i.ini'iiti in' Di -111:1-i.t:i: i-nii:aiiutc of Ma-S;i:ii-t, .hint's. ILick- Kiar.k A. Fiirst. ot Bai ! Ih a.uriK.ip exe'.'Ul ive : Mar land; Hon. Fl !. iv M. . Mil,; Col. Itueli Kcutt . Mil.; ami W. Mia-, l Princess M'l., In. iiii r: Hi jci iSJll- i i aiMi. ar.iis will be. .1..!..! I.e. Carroll, Kx ,!m K .lucksnti, Former .in:,i; p. r.ii-, of MfDiiRf; l I.. Vie :. ill Kh iP Tiuit.ius hi llal'iiii'.i. : I. ! n -I'iuiiii :i:mi.ii-: iv .1. w. iier- .li.-.'i i ; 'i u s. II. 1 l'u:it. ': I' : :m I!. M., an, li. i.: .!:,.: c :i:i: junul colli I' i . Jj.-. I.. Nor Mitvi;,:!: i-:,;;iiiil'-f r '' !'.! ii ! ill i li t ii in li in. it. it, nt Vtv urU. wr I R- Vir to The Snlne. I j HAUIUSLIKC, JVuil., Jn.u- C Tin ! I .i Uiciiiii! ftaiuris nl the It. imljilcun j ,i 1 1; in . it-ad ai Tie btati- cuiiv. :!- in t.iiirv, wt ; j l'. il'i.h.-UH .i.l' of adit.ii.lsti:i!un i fj i IV.: ill. lit UuO.-i.'Vi-.;t. Klviug lull CRilitj .ti ilt ti!anax'r.s uf lit- tinat itul;is-j I'll.u t-iiit-ipiis't s, for tin i.' siip!it!;-l 1 lai-i'lt-vi nn :ss but eond.-tiinir.j tho-sv j iwlio l.avc uiixiisvil ihils pni is by nil-! !a ; j- ii.alii.as of Kin:iK:U!io:i; . !;(.' hi corfi.rat'tm affaits; apimivi-.' littiUay bill: c-unuiicitils b-cisla-, jtUm pi nrtiiis in t'on'tvs i provi.linx ; if ir r.u'i t'xaiutuatioa of meat pro- j utic.s: dt dart's ita urvi.'iim to tne: Ut-pilllitail doPltttv:! of tlu; pioteotionj ,t Am-:ican iiiituslrk-s; i.iis farth -r; ! ii:i:: liiimi-nt of lnimif?iai ion laws, so: ihat umli siratild fo't'ign -ii'iutui may. be exeliuli'd from Am.'iic-an citizt-n-i ship and acknowl.-dses a dclit ot KiaM t:n!f to tae sailors and s;.lilii-is who foii'ilit in wars of the (otui'ry and" r ciiriiunds that pinsiosis be siamod thuu. : v j ; :.t.: t., aii. t uu .!r:c- . . ; a ' . . . ., . iKollln. i.f this f.v. i). x' .t-Lv't ! ' KEPpRT Oh BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SESSIONS OF OR- ' h - v - w.liiarn lit.lunnon. uf YddKIn GAMZATION COMPOSED OF TOWN-UUILDEKS. President Wittkowsky's Annual Report Now Members Add ed During Past Year Many Interesting una Profitable Discussions Reception and Smoker at Elks' Club New Officers Elected Banquet Tonight. ailalli;i."i'l:iu f .i , ,-! ., Mr. K I.. K-iv t. of fl. ! ;;, , r'i:lj stri ti a" I !: j-un-t hi i-I. r! ' i u:.. .inn;. . . , ln :i fi.'..... t IV A. T.m,ii.:rs. ..f c : r. I).. .A I! ii i 1! .it s' ..i. v ;'; I l II. ! ! 1 . ;i t I'ii.u-i.r.l. T. ,1. Miinili.v. . ; County. Pa igol Himself W Pi a IV w Line. iEl'i H TODAY. "hi S"ilh,.,L 'X. .In:,, IN ). tlin 'jir 1 n;iiM':; nt a tnali Kiv-- a, II, iii.in; c. St wail. ' ' eld mi ip.-iw-f-rcd ! '" "' finihi or Carii. ' A?i.r li.mM: i;:,i linn!., an ';;" ' I piillf say ;' !- ' '' '-" Jai-k ' (la II lion. ktwn i-rtii.k., al.il '. !!; ia; U'liiury, wiili a ' "-i:ili!'K ov(-r to ; Hiai: ii iiiiii:s.s ,m. !" 111 !'y i':im. wlii-u' - fi.a.-M ,,,, ,,.,.,, was 6.ii'i to ho nearly K O.ii, :' li:iii-iis that, ilvfor n la-Hi mil in ri'f.,,,.,,!. t at !,.--. Inn because he ! "i it iMi';, '' ;"''' likr a worihlf-Sfi . -alil s Jiii vt to be it tiini ,. iiiiiij; a load Tin tlij.i :ii,:ni.il i-uhu u;i(,!i ()f the No.-ta t'atoli.ia li lildtui; ami I.oau l.t-asufc .p:: d in this city, at i o'clotk ycsifilay ;.f.i rnooii with n b.i:ii:u'ss i:e".ii'.S. luld at the oflii-f or I bo WJtt-stoa-SaU'ir Assiwiation. - 1'ivsidiiit S. Wittkowsky. of Chat lotte. failtnl tho mertinK to ordrr. aud a roll call by Secretary K. I Kwsler showed the fullowini; asswiaiions represented: Mooresvillu. Llncolnion. Hnrlitifiton. Tatboro. t'onrord. Char hitte. l.tmisbnrK nd Statesvllle. There ire ninet.eii associations! in the lea (tue and 12 of these hav representa tion uo.ild pr.no aihaiiia"ii:iis t tho gi.ut town b.iiii.t is. TLt ptesMeiit d also a-it;iijr'.itd to poil:u thr.e or lime- d Steal.' to rcpiest iii the statu It usue ai iiatioaul meeting 1 Ciuclnnuti. July Zu. 1 and 2. M.isrs. R. K. I'tK'hraa. !. A. K-'- L'iii.i. a:: 1 J iTt chi.-.'-l. Mi. t'roti! li i Tti it .1 lo i I'e Xal in.' tin- rial,: lU.l.;i''i. :: I n. ir.t a.ayi r ot V. It. C !,.. .n. d ir. . the ll A- . .Hi! . I ( 1. -, .1.1.. that a -t. ( a of Win. ii.-i Win-ton Sab to .I't'ia ; ... i ai.d m ll a- is.'M 1 i.l nun :al 1 tfn an,l J. M. llemirU to iuw lUtutto-iUd cbaibei. constitution and Uy-ias, Several of the ll j'eitatei addiesse. Kbowll!R the winking.- and progress of their rtsivctive ass.icia- tipuii.'itei! in the made taa; ihi (naly a,!jt, rn and Vii!k-k iliiiiiiil tiit. l!i uu'i-ilpji adj'iittiit d. , Trollcj Ride. Tlii afteiiioi.n ih vis' or were niiii-Ttii a rreia rne to io-ea brief I'"1''' liic an t!i;:aiii liiutb via StlVetl. Enqut Tonight. Fjm,l Ai-J Ptnancxl Troutolf B licvd (o Have Bttn Cau of Hit Rath Act, The Tragedy Occurred at H Homt Near RiXkford. I'tiiri ! ii t:. Id ramc down on th i:--i:'.Si.K lia n H a ! ari.nl that Wl! iiain II. lati.nun. s taria.-r leidnit In t'. i .1; i i I ,i t. U I ;i null :v. Hvr Hurk ft.: t' ti:!":l;i I'. .1 -i.iCili. ( arlv till n'.iil llin!, !.i flUilKllIM hilllRt If Willi tions. This ftatuie proved int ust-, yh . );ini, ; t Hle! J'ioi :-ix I-, inK a well as protabie tj etery ,.iliulmite the, social i -a deieKat-. Mr. (ito. A. Holdenuss, uXiu f.n ol t,,. cmvt'alUm. The Hliici,.al Tarbt;o, slated that a nimitur ol ne- aUdiiss on this cicasion will ho mr.de gnea in1 his town wt-w taklnw slock; by .Mr. 1. A. Tumpkltis. of Charlotte, in the ass.icialiu!) there. Tile delegate : There will u! i lie Imnititntitii talks ifrom Uncolnton told how leal estate UtlattM and cnt.t. inaii advancca in nt town since tne n.v Wire to The Sentiafd. 1.0NIK)X. June C Whitelaw Reid. I'nlud States ambassador. Is prepar- i:ijs a pleat round of festivities for the enteitaiunu'iit of Mr. and Mis. I.ons- a oi Ih (lurins their sjay In Umdon. Ti.j chief event will be a dinner on luri 111. when Kinj, Kdward and other roya'iUs will bo present. Kins Kdward has expressed a wish to meet the president s daughter anil will be given an opportunity at this tune. The dinner will be the most noteworthy affair of the season. No .-xpt tise will be spared in the prepara- Hons for the event. Croitsc. Madame Fames and other, soloists from the Convi'iit (iardeii open: have been en Bated to sine; lit. the dinner, notwiili stamliiiK the lartre figure at which ey ektiti.aii d their set vires. iuer, here The report of Prssldent Wittkowsky ami Secretary Keeslet were submit ted and accepted. "resident. Wkttkowsky said In his u. 'U was orKanized. He said that port: la cltiitn bought a bltK'k ot lota three "Gentlemen: 1 am sure that I voice jyears aao fur $00; last year he sold your sentiment when 1 say that we, hall the block for $1.mi and tiMlay deem it an honor and pleasure to Icould get $:!.ihm for the othei hall, meet he:e und.'r the shades of thel The first Uulldlni? anil Loau Aso towerina cedar of the good Twin-City. elation ol StatesvilU became a mem of which one has a historical record ; ber of Ih stute leamie at thU session. important mm IN REGARD TO WHI5KEY ly Wlro to The Hentlne!. JACKSON', .Miss.,' June G A de cision of tar-rcai'lmiK iniiiurliini'e ami Willi spi'i'iiir .vt f.i'',r:lici; U every pl.ohi liHion Klata- in the ui'lon hits been I eliiii'li'il by JhillM Nliis, op a Dill III. 'il 'y (lie Harvey Kinn lUslillliiK Co., Kiiiisa.s (":y, ;i;r.ti list tho Ami'i'U'iin Kxpn-ss Co., seeling to seciut. il :ii:i :i:!atnry Injuiiction rmn n-l I inur the xpiens oniiany to aeniu. for deliv ' ry C. 0. 1). Ikiuid iiaekii'is hilled to panics in this sinie. Jmlno Xiles sus tained the demurrer 'li It'll by the ex )ie;;:i compiiny, prohibitionists and l lit. law ofliei i.l of Ihe slate 'Mild .re fuses to. pram a mandatory injunction. BIS REGEPTiDN FDR By Wire to the Sentinel. NEW' YORK.- Juno fi. William Hot;e, pri sidcut of Ihe CointiH rclal Travellers' Ijeaene. who has charge of the inception to be tendeied Mr. llTyau upon his arrival from Europe, announced today the appointment of Oovertior Joseph Folk, ol Missouri, as chairman of the reception coiiiiniltte. Arrannemtnts for thi' ureal rally in honor of the former candidate are pro ceeding smoothly and there has been a Tush of local politicians and others to Identify themselves with the wel coming ceremonies. I '"' - 1 ; .-'!",.a. :.'. I l ' MP' n I Justly to be proud of. and the other tht: youiiKei, for push, energy, thrift and success Is the peer of auy In the Stale, and I am sure that we will be Impressed still nioie In their favor hy sojourn in their midst and that our highest praise will be merited by all that goes to make up the life of these Twin-Cities. " Continuing the report says thai In 191)2,,' when a few began the agitation if the formation of a state league in this State, only 27 local associations, with "subscribed shares of 17.73:1 of a nai value of $1,773,000, which in I'.Mili had grown to .'17 associations and to 2H.2H2 shares of par value of $2,232. oiio. and In 1!H)4 to 4S associations with shares Biib.scribed2rrCi0i par value of $2,fi(;o,0()il, and at the begin ning of (he y-ar 1'JOC, wo have the 'ratifying result of havlngln exis tence 1.5 associations (of whom 13 have failed to make report) but (he .'2 reporting show tho enormous In lease slf.ee the formation of thh '.tiigiie, and which I assert has been lei'iiinpllshtd through the publicity and persistence by it. of K5.427 shares of a par value of $S, 512.700. or an In crciis.1 of 400 per cent In three years. "Those present, knowing Ihe good and beneficent results these, associa tions have accomplished In our resper 'ive communities, have cause for re joicing In Hie contemplation of the ;ooi the.-, a.-sociiition will accom plish throughout the whole Slate, At nur last nu'tir.R, this league had n i.ii inliei ship of 13 Associations, since which time the following have Joined 'is. to-wit: 1 l.liicointoti, lllue Ridge, I'.iirllnglyn, (la&tonln and Kinstun, io ail of whom, 1 am euro we xtend the hand of fellowship and hearty welcome, and while wo can -how but In association n.-: composing 'he league, il is gratifying to know thai fhev repn Rent 5.!I'mi.imi shares .1 the par value of $.",.11011,(1110, whic h is "11 in r ('(-til ot all the shares ill force IP Ihe Suite. At, two of our previous meeting I uiggesteii ana urged tne aovisumuty if having for this State a building and oun commission (as Is in existence 111 many ol me siaies 111 ma union 1 and now at our third meeting 1 am 1 more convinced than ever before if the necessity of such a commis sion. Most of you gentlemen will remem- icr ttiat, tne league enueavoreu ic have such a measure passed by our legislature, hut finding opposition thereto from certain interested quar ters we, for the sake of harmony among ourselves, though very reluc- 'antly, waived the passage ot tuts measure and consented to place the Huilding and Loan interest l:i the the application being Died by Pi. U Barrell. delegate. President Wittkowsky stated that three associations had 3I).immi shares and that loans aggiegatiiig tl.lu",- Follin reponed association In Ihe Win-splendid Charlotte's practically they made 1 1", Secretary ston-Siilem shapt!. Secretary Keesler, of Charlotte, said lie believed iu advertising bind ing and Loan Associations, saying that the best and most effective plan of getting the people Interested was through the local newspapers. Mr. Holderness, of Tarboro, made a pleasing hit by saying that he had solved the labor or servant problem through the Building & Loan Associa tion In his town. He explained how he did this. "1 took out. three shares and told tin: three negroes In my em ploy that If (hey would stay with nie until Ihe shares matured each should have one. Thty aie 'slicking' and those negroes talk more about (heir stock iieca. than I do," said Mr. Holder Bryant B. Brooks. Governor of Wyoming. CLOSING BUSINESS SESSION. Addresses And Officers Elected. Winston-Salem Man Chosen. First Vice-President. Next Convention to Bo Held in Greensboro. Ban quet Tonight. The Second lilli lnrss meeting of the North Carolina Kiiilding and Loan lienguo was called to order In the court house by President, S. Wilt- jkowsky, about S:-15 this morning. The minutes were it ad by Secretary Kt."s ltr and approved. The report a of com- minus was called foi and Mr. (i. A. Kollin mailt? the lepoit of the roni- linttee appointed for prepailug anieii l iiK iits lo iiii, coin-lit 111 ion end by-laws. After iisiicli discushion one or more nniendiiit'iits: were adopted, Greensboro Next Year, if An Invitation for the Building and Loan Liaguo to meet hi C.jectisboro next je.'ir was accepted. Mayor Eaton'r Welcome, Mayor O. H. Katon next in a very happy and entertaining address wel comed the delegates of tho league. He praised the great work of the building and loan association and spoke of the home being the basis -of society, and so these associations have been a great aid to the upbuild ing of society. His excellent address was much enjoyed. Mr. J. C. Buxton Speaks. Mr. J. C. liiixton, of this city, In a lire and sunervlsloii in the hands of very instructive address again wel- hit worthy, energetic commissioner jcomed the delegates. He spoke of the :if Insurance, but l am constrained toJgrPat tesiurces of Wlnston-Siilem. hlnk that the large Increase of Insur-jThe great progress of this Twin City lie companies In our Slate, together, has been carried on by homo' money. Ait h cet tain unsavory development of ihe said, and not by foreign capital. i.' insuiaiire elsewhere, has so oc j . Mr. Crowell Respondc. List of Delegates. Among it hose present for the meet lux were Me-srs. It. K. Siokes. E I.. Kc.slei. II. R. Cochrane. II. N. Pharr. John R. Pharr, A. 1, Sniiih. S, Witt kowsky, 1 11 Vanness, S;., C. Valear. P. R. Coats and P. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte; Jas. R. Young, of Raleigh; C. It. HrockniMn, of (irewisboro; (ito. A. Holdetiiess, of Tarboro; W". E. Sharpe, of H111 lington ; J. M. Hemliix, of Concord; J. R. Collie, of Uiulsbiirg; H. K. Reld.nf Lliicolntou, and J. lf Crowell, of Concord. pl.tw lire l'.ihair.i'iii wa or I yt i4 .fill h.al bu t inaiTlid lhre, tinn. I amity a'i'i Itn.iut-ii.! tiiiablt s Is given ; i,v t-:i i. ol his Muli act. I" U Si.bl (hi.'; H e'.lllnll. wlui Is a liioih.r of Ftltjiil ll.liaiintiti. agent I 1: Ihe r.'Uthein Riii) at I hiiuidliat. ai t.-e itiiy Hi s ni.illiliig. Went Iti his hxlll. fid li'- stock Slid I hi 11 K.l III- rrad a plow line, wltti which h look hU own life. The Ii.lt Was thliiWn over a jo'st aiiil th.-n tlttl around his ii.tok. Tl.e nan b apt tl from a box 01 b.ilit l, tit t-u k in k his net k AT ELKS' CLUB ROOMS. Social Session And Smoker dn Honor ot Visitors. The reception and smoker at the Elks' Club rooms last night. In honor of Hie vlsUlug delegare to the annual con vein ion of the Slate tlullding and Loan league, proved a most Interest ing and dellghtliil event. The attendance was large and sev eial Impromptu addresses, were uiade. Inspiring music was furnished by the Winston orchestra. Mayor O. II. Katon, In behnlf of the clly and the Klks, welcomed tht, vltl- using uiid enthusiastic a pi' :ors In add! eg Mr. I). A. Toiiipklus. one or Char lotto's most prngies.-lve, cliiziiiH and business nu n. tuiil of Hie oignuizaii.ui in Philadelphia ol tin lirst buil.liiiK and loan associnnoii in Aim tie:; and how tluil. oAty had udy.imvd t hroiV.'h tho o.soclatloii.1 Mr, Toinpl.iiiSi held that next to churches anil "hoots it is t!ni iiioni hem fil ial Inst iiuliuii la the coimlry anil liuil ii. wa.4 iiion: for temperance an t onle aiiylliliii. 1 'sr. Bv Wlr l (-'.illnl PIIILAHKI.PIII A. June C Addi tional evidence of graft anionic the Pi unnyaii!a H11l10.nl oillcluls tie- Vtlopi'd at tislfy's Inl.mate com- mercti coal iiein ing when t hlef in quisitor lilasgow cslli'.l J. , lloyer, chief cbrk to Hern ial siiperluleiiilelil if tltolive power at Altooua and iiinlrr a 1111 ini, a iut!', ;oning inoweii mat Ikiter was gitilng inoii.'.v Iti all dliec- tlinii: from coal companies, lilasgow showed marvelous familiarly with the witness' operations and Iktyer, In his wlllltigneiH to admit bin acceptance nf llin rake-off. even pioduced a ineino. riiudii lo je'resh his 1111 niory as lo tho compiiiili'!! Inn! he taken money from, Klward S, Stuart, of Philadelphia, wxs iioiiiinitieil toi governor on lb Hi st ballot, 'this iifiei 11111111, E lly Wlie to The K,.il!iie, SAN' KIIANCISCO. Juno 6 - Prof. tlollii'. I "lliii'l. of I n i.i li , llic Winld's glealest ili.'ui j H'ii inn It y mi 1 ar:.iiiake,i, who iirrlvfr.1 .11 .'-'..1 l-'iaiiei .en a iii.ii, 1I1 after ihe Mi. J.' C. Ilin'oii jssociai lini, saying Jiais exit.!' nee o.ii uiii' loan had In en . lelened lo fi.reinn spoke of till' loc i! : that dm lit!': It 17 a pal t tal Io-h of , iistaihi'il. II - ubo ; iiasotiai lotis, t II lug ho many of iht'ttf look advan tage of lunula. il. Investors and after lb eeiiig tin 111 c:il Inio baiil.ruoli') Piisid'nt Wltt!.ov.sky mm!" h:f mltl r Ku, 11.- siiid thai, the iiurii.i-e the Stare l.tn -ue was to put f-iritfi as-social :ii!is oul of liiisiii.ss. sayiiig this was bein aee.iiiiip!;sti.d. Iiniiioiiipiii 1,'lliarks ware til.nle by y. N. Pharr, Xi A. Foilln mid others ifisliiiba'ic. s of April IX and sintii lifts b, 11 iiirai:,l In a'i ixh.jiistlve Rtuily of tin fan. 1. 1 iDi iplTeita of the tretn bie. s iiie 1 hat Sin I'lanclsco pceil have no t'.-ar ef fi'irt'p'f i-hoclts of M Si'i-lfiiis eliiiKietPr lor a long I linn. Hf ays th. tremble, or April IN was tht l.r't u! a selrt-s of )i"uvy hhocks. v. hit h ofihnu' ,1 i Piieif In gati m:vi ral years ago ami now toviiiii lie. fiitho gri.tt ' mill 1 aiilit'iiakt' nolle nl lh of N .i 111 Hlid Soulll AniM'ii a. Thei't Is one way of slatting 011 the pathway to gej rich which Is seldom lia.eled these days mailing a it.:e and living mi'i It. :'- CHICAGO SW10S OPEN FOR INSPECTION Pallenco Is that have wiih oihers, wlilch you but which have lo no one- Is called upon to have with you. Hv Wtifl lo Th Ren Inst CHICAOO. J.tnt- '.."Thn Associated Packer In tin C'ilcagii papers thlit jmontiiig pifbiisbed full pae disp.ay I. 1 iinu 1. is. Hit a atliiri s-ied to all K!o- 11 1 like our-rich ' Pie In Hie woi Id, particularly vlsllora abroad, Iiu'Mng a personal In- Society Is a good tie kin wo are mighty 'nice to its face, j from' but make fun o fit behind its back. speeliou ol th.'l,- plant and tht- pro cesses or iieplllig fiaidatuffa. HiliCK Monday the men have worked day and night 10 remedy th) Alia exposed, by the N lil Key tiolils report. About the third time sonm people ahow ytiii a kindness you find they want to sell you something. uplLtl me time 01 .ne lasurau e cm- Mr j ,e ('row(,n. of ('oner,, rP. ailKSXiitr that It was lmpossinie ior ,.,,. . . lh aii,ir...lu,a ,., . 'come. He said that the pHijile of the j State, although they had not been ttieiei had heard of th tobacoc Indus- own of the Winston to- aggravat .l uy uiii pneiioiuuiai giow , hil(r ,ag , , , , k , lim to devote that careful Investiga Ion of the modes and systems and xinditions of ihe U, ft L. Associations n the State. ntiO which is still runnei ( v . avatd by the phetiomlnal growtli ' )- , H these assocmt o.is in .,.1. oia.e. aMIt(i,y of thc o)l, U)um' Almanac hence we find in existence seveial , , w uch institutions chaite,e,l by and j Commissioner Jas. R. Young, ireminl in ihl Start' under features Insurance .Commissioner .Jas. ,R 'o pervcrtlve of the true' economics j Young adilressed the league. He iiiderlvinsi co-operative B. & L. priticl--spoke of the fraudulent companies ales tiiat it Is a liitv they have be"ii i'loing. business In North Carolina. An ixtenu;i MscuKJioii rolloweti. tne main subject of Hip discussion was. whether Commissioner Young had law behind him to put out the "crooked" concerns. Other Speakers. I Mr. R. K. Cochrane, of Charlotte, for twenty odd years secretary of a k'iiarlol'e association nut, read au' ex jet llent papr on the workings of jl!uilj!ng and lan Associations. It I will be; pin in print and s"iit. to the '.secretaries In tiro S.aie. Mr. Coch j.iatie explained'. th diff.-rtsiir.e be ll banks ami Hulldlug and Iaa A'iftj'latloim. Mr. E. I Keasle.r. of Charlotte, mi'd;? a few remarks and then a vote 'ol thanks was (eiiileied State Cfiin i nisaioner of Insurance Young, for peaiing his office and coining here on ) ' Ir la occasion. G. A. Follin First Vice-President. In the election of officers which fol- etm!(t:'d to organ ze and. fanner hey oughl not be allowed to exist uio'tlit.r day; and right here, let me mint out. io you the utility 'of this Vague; namely, one of thesa objec lotiable lit:;t:tutioiis has now In en orced thmugil out effort to change hree times its constitution and by aws. but l. gret to say that, en ry hanpe w:is for the worse, but on this oil.j. i t I have prepared a special aaper whit h I may 'read at this con liitiou If time a, id opportunity will nrni)t. - ! In comii'ilance.wilh th.; president's j iiiKgeslioti, he was aiithni Uetl to ap-j mint -a committee if not less thaiij hue 1111 nib' is to at oiue take uii liie; ''natt: r ol securing a State HuiM.ng ; t ml Loan commission and' to lake, u ti iii airainst any ass'ir iations that . , i... . 1. l.i, ilm u t eoiitrurv to i HU,' "t .11.1. i"i - law. ThU conimiltecwill also be em uowi'i'd to go bifoie the next t"'ii; iral assembly and securo such ieglala- 1 ' s t r V, " A. " T-I j : fi . m. I i David J. Brewer. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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