. jriNCIT DAILY SENTTO EL I:: Hi: L 1 tEAK. ;a ins :t To Suppreb narchists. I I. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7. 1906 hnfliLiT TRAMP 11 lu nun, TnnnDDfim PRICE 5 CENTS The Y. M. C. A. Glee Club under the dirietion of Prof. Houghton meets to night at 8:30. At the meeting on Mon day night all the members were en thusiastic as to the prospects. Any . -i..aJ ' .. , nil..,i maw nriil tititictilt tit. I i I J nnnn nutv ilia a-rmtlmv wa d Conference 10 " s" " J members of the association or not. Arch.st.-WiH Re- L,onal Action. j Cyclone Swept Southern Min nesota and Wisconsin Last Night. The Exact Number of Dead It Not Known, Though Four Person Art Known to Have Been Killed And Man Injured, Some of Tfltm Fatally. i SEVERAL ARE KILLED TO TRY LYNCHERS, saem lady wins ihe second PRIZE. AGI II HIS OFFICE Be Given Hearing. L Sentinel. .-..riaia!. June lBrm i, ail-at l;.r m ...r..U 10 "1S -"l:.s tor the summer. Advantages are i given for learning musical signs and j isvmbols. names of notes on organ..: the culture of the voice tones, and j By Wire to The ntlnL :he singing of songs including j LACROSSE. Wis. June 7. Day musical sight reading. The city con- nKht this monrlng repealed a scene of' tains a large nuuiuer or men wun devastation along tlie uath of thei1"" 1 lllon county superior court about a i i Governor Glenn Has Recov- The rk- ,r! r,vw. hon j crc( sufficiently To At- - -niagcsiur. offered prises fur ux'ful ! . , isunrationa .n IrM,d .u j.rj a..,i tend To Office v ork. htmsvfco'd aiUrn,tunt and atMacikm. j - Ultd I .! W, (.(.. ! To Convene July And Judge Shaw. ! ( , C. Hit Reason, tor Refu.mg This- otti,reenuoro. Will Preside Four- jThe (u;,omilt)t Governor Glenn Orders Spec ial Term of Union County Superior Court. s her contribution. I tjn Men Indicted for Taking Lifs under the hal ot "The Tratu.fi.rnia i teen Application! for Pardon; Alio for Granting Two Conditional far dona And Two Commutation, of J. V. Johnson, at Wadesboro, to ''ion j U ou have an old stump Id jour vsrd. don't urub it no. fur aa mn .Special to The Sentinel. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June mad au onkr today don't grub it ranform It into a thin if h...i.v RALF.IGH. June 7. Gov. GleUB ws Gov. Glenn jand a Jo till frost. Cut the wood In hit office again today, after four for a special i out ol the center mull ou can nut In Ulan inf .n.i .i. .... r.,r i.ui.iir. p.-ck. of black rich earth. his;i( Igood voices which are rendered al- jcycloiie which swept Southern Mln-'10 b convened July lti. by Judge aremiid the outer edge of this plant America and I : . .1... t !V Hiit. is i lie " ; th- only cuu.1- kjrc.wi. ' . , ta lie maile to in-cimutrii-i to join t iv! a nuiipressiuu , t ,rurvrJii:g bttwi t IS Uip- jilli: ICoflgtM'OMI AUinoriijr. lilX. June "-It s .usriwi'Mial authority iM-tun' lae Hie close Ss'"ln "II tJ'ii "" li.finiiH to iaf l""1 ,.i. "Hill lUill'il'lUI'. MU " ,4 fmtii (l"'in'va, to ; Jtal villi aiiaicliisls. ii;t;ii.n that deep ImI U) :ai 8!ivcrtim:'Ui , s':ri,r''ss aiiaichlsts of I ami t" prevent such recently committed lit iiiiii.ii'iiitinii laws iUtiriii: eii l'.niop.'atl 111..!!! ti ml" : i i s to ot vliili iii'-i' to llini re- .jki a:i it would '' Iftniit I'm one who liail crime. '!)! lias.; ale iirulialilv Kiiiiiin ;in imiii e ami if eri'.p: in reach the l.e wuiilil either be irt uf I'lnliiukation or of aniwil here. The uf '"sincildii uf iiiiiiii- ciii!iit: Is letrai'ileil ch tion tie rtatiau prepared hll eoa tl'.ied at the iiiumlnu yestt rday for re- CniiclifU ld makes ttP'irt fur the li:oiv;h of r ot cases before the 1"'J; number bound , -upenor com i, 12; total of fines ami costs amount lines and fusis In (ore the mayoi, 'I tj'i'ilirl over, -. T. phu's convicted nnd one F- A. Martin, 2 cass '' bound over; V. A. ras(s convicted and six R- V lllvuli 9" ...... msrs one lioiimi over; H. C. cases convicted; C. A. M COnvifleil n.iA mill UIIC ('- Royal, 15 cases con S'anfoni, l:s cases con Ijonnil over. Capital stock. !""nl t the charter has h 'he Secretary of State S,a'u yeneer Com- lls!0I-Saletll. im.eawt capita! stnrb f,In , . Th total auihorizja was ""Teased to tin. ,U- s:n of $i;iM,im, si.i.l'l s,,x'ii ami tfi". nun u..ii he lu-i'fcrred stock vi'len, f 7 WT '" ,1;vi,i'": is i.aid ,ck. Hi ' Adverti3emi.nt. "kl""" I'liruishin,. Co. v,ry il.iv The f '; ' .fid je Vaiual s"!' Shoes in It III I S. 1 The big : plescms ' in ii ,,:i,s S,, II ll ews n e. of the -"A n, vthi n 2 I'lllSs rll',,., ... " H "IMI1. (fill most useless because the persons are nessota uud Wisconsin las? ultht .onaw. of Greensboro, for the trial of sweet al.vssuru seed. ad when all i ignorant of musical elements, and of; Between Freeburg and Caledonia lhe fourteen Anson cuunt) uion who danger ol cold nights puss, transplant j '""'"a" parijona for thirteen prlaonera. using the voice to good advantage. I the wife and two chlldreu of Peter j recently bound; over loi Implies-, heliotrope Into the middle. All lu the lesson tonight a lew mir.-.Myer were kileld; six members of ,,ion ,tle 'yx-hlng of J. V. Johnson 'round the base M the stump tow I at Wadt sboro. The governor h being commended utes will be given to the explanation j the family of C. Z. lnglett were lu of musical rudiments which would Jured, some perhaps, fatally ami the cover, ground for answering questions U ntire familv of Lieutenant Jruger as. What Is sound? How Is sound hurt and scor?s of farm houses were (lt'trn'll"l'l"u have the men who cypiess and nasturtium teed, and you will have a mast of brilliance tur- erving terms; ahxi for giantlug two cntiditional pardunt and two com mutallotiit of sentence. The condi tional pardons re to Job Jackson, by preas and public generally for hU'roundin the novel )idliilere whlrh terming twelve inoulhi In Robem holds the delicate white ami puiple county for retailing, and Jutnea M, liroduced? What is the difference be-j demolished. tween musical sounds and noise? j Indications from present Incomplete What Is pitch? How do blind persons report! indicate that many others receive musical impressions? How do; were killed and Injured, deaf persons receive musical impres- Neat Stoddard, Wis,, a man named sions? jllalveisou was killed and the entire There will be no gymnasium class isheck family injured, tonight but the same class will meotj Many bridges in the path of th. on Friday nights. Tomorrow night ; storm were swept away, tht members will no for a niiioii liglir , ' walk of about five miles. Invite your friends to with you. Your besjl stoiies, and songs will bo In order. I participated in the lynching punished. PLOT Bf IHE BOERS OVEfl THIRTY LOTS T STEAMER LAUNCHED. GRADED The big lot "sale on S.xtthsldo drawing largo crowds every day. At the salt, yesterday afternoon more than thirty Juts were sjld, tho major ity of which were bought for the purpose of building homes thetuon. Special to The Sentinel. LISKJX. June 7 Huinois of a plol to establish ;i IUht republic in I'm la j -,';( .s Aajflu winch have attract. '! a is I t f at di iil ul at (eiislon. have lesnltui in aiiiluiiitie.s taking active steps in M'u that the scheme Is not carried oat. Gciierul I'lemtiu who took active part in the AngiJlloer war was the leader of tho. movement. Pienaur had The lots are being sold at very reason-j been tii;ai!ed by (he Poi Higuse guv able prices and on easy turns. Posi tively no by-bidding is allowed. Th? ciowil ultL'iidihg the sale yesterday as fstiiiiattd ill from foul to five .iuitdred, many ladles being present. Foity-flve handsomo jjresenta were llstrlbuteil free at the sale and the same numbpr today. The articles giv en away are china ware, silver ware, etc. No "shoddy" presents are given. The sale will be continued from day o day with free cars to everybody who wis hlo attend the sale, leaving the postofllce at 2:13 and 2:50 each afternoon. The crowd today was much larger than yesterday. It is quite probable that two sales will be given Saturday, one late In the afternoon in order to give the working people a better op portunity, to attend. . AMERICAN TO ACT AS (mni'.'nt io command a column of Hrvrs in the Anglo expedition against the revolted Guanham tribes. The conspiracy was then formed for liners to establish, themselves in districts of Humbe, Chibla, Hullla and l.n bango nnd s.t tip a republic. It was tha intention to elect General Ploflaar president and establish a capital at Mutisamedes. The ; Boers believed Portugal would not go to the great expense of lilting oul an expedition to expel them, especially as they could count on support of native tribes and that the government would therefore come to a friendly iigreemerit with .ihem. However, the plot was dlscov eitd In time and steps have been taken to prevent It from bing carried oul. General Pienaar and several other Boera who were concerned in the plot haw taken refuge in German Africa. CHINA S REPRESENTATIVE NATIVES IN MONGOLIA 3y Wire to The Sentinel WASHINGTON,; June 7.Jolm W. Foster, former secretary ol State, has been appointed by the Chinese gov ernment as its representative at the coming Hague conference. There Is said to be one other case on record where the Chinese govern ment -has delegated to a citizen of a foreign country such important diplo matic functions. That was in 1XG8 when Mr, Burlingame resigned his post as American minister at Pekin to undertake negotiations of a iium bi'i oi treaties for China. i'lt.e jini. In in fy '!'.a.! Cii,- tiiinitiirel Revival at Four-Fold Gospel. Rev. A. B. Grumpier, of Clinton, held last, night, in the Four-Fold Gos PLl church,, the first of a 'series of special meetings. Mr. Grumpier had intended conducting a revival at Coo leemee, but the failure of his tent, to at rive at that point forced him to postpone' his services there, and at tlie same lime afforded the people of 'ho Twin-City the pleasure of hearing him new. Judging from the spirit of last night's service this revival will be an occasion of great power and blessing. Services will be held lb the church, corner of Church and First streets, every nlghl. at 8 o'clock. The Public i invited, to attend". lu f); " Sti -Specials ni"'iit. s'"iiniiei bat. '-"Just- as '-' stove tali;. Store - '3-M.i Ryit hH ... r,,r sale L fiil" cabinet -I estate IMr. The ladles having in charge the Sweet Pta Show to be given tonight have made arrangements to run an automobile service, similar to that of las! year. Tho public Is cordially in vited to attend this affair, which will be given at Mrs. R. F. Gray's resi dence on Fifth street. . Miss Frank Hanes, who has been attending Trinity commencement, re turned to the city this afternoon. Bv Wire to The Sentinel. BRiUSSEIJ, Belgium, June 7. News has been received here that a serious revolt has occurred in Mongo lia. The natives have -pillaged and destroyed the factories of foreigners. No particulars are given out and there Is no word as to whether any while persons were killed. CISSETT DISMISSES HIS CHIEF CLERK. By Wire to The Bentlnel. PHILADELPIIU. June 7. Presi dent - Cdiwftt, of - the , pfcuiisjlvan'ti Railroad, this morning directed 'he immediate dismissal of Joseph H Hover, who yesterday before inter slater commerce commission confess, d to receivine; secret commissions on coal 'purchased for the railroad con. pan). By Wire to The Sentinel. CLYl'K BANK. Scotland, June 7. Tim new trans Atlantic flyer Louis iana, the lamest and fastest steamer alluat, was launched today. She weighs '32,1100 tons, is 7Si feet In length., has quadruple screws, turbine i ni'iiies and ,1s capable of elevedoplui; si, ink) horse power. Sim will make twt my five knits an hour. Tlie, vessel has ui:comiuodatlou4 for jho Hi st class las.eagtrs. fod necoud class and 1,'iOu third class. Tho cre w numbers .Mill, blostHMint, over which beet asd butter diet lov tei hover and which Is a de light te. every passerby. . SCHOOL TEACHERS ELECTED (riils I Mis Nannie igirl.il. Min Mary (bnvf I Miss Julie Special to The Sentinel. VAOK MKCt'M, June ". Woik mi the Winston Stuart turnpike Is pro ceeding, and five miles have been giaek'd snd bridged. The road Is be ing constructeil from Vude Mecum to Winston and Is cut to a grade ef 2 per cent. Slate cenivicts are to lie used and when completed will bo one of the lines! highways In the South. JURIST OIED T By Wire to The 8ntlneL .SARATOGA, N. Y. June 7. Former Supreme Court Justice George Barrett died heie today. He was one of the most famous trial Judges In (his coun try. He retlied last winter. AROUND THE CITY. Tlie gi.nled school board this after noon elected t at hut for the while SChiJots: a.-, follows: Wet' End. Tl:oinai. Ilium-.' principal. First Giade-M'ik Lillian Jenkins. Fiist Grade la).--Mrs. Waller l-eak. S "olid Grade-.- Mis.s Mi. Faribh, Til it'll Gride M1- j titr-yomtt.i F mi ill Gi.iib' -Mis; Mary Mead i ai ir. Fifth Glad; (bojs).-Mlsn l.lzzb' M.lv.,'. Fifth Graili- She Ik.' Sixth Gradi Wile y. Sixth Grail I jiinbi i Hi. Si vi.'iith Gradi (IsO. MIkm Klianor Kiillin'. Seventh Grade C'tnU MIsk llertha White. Klghlh Gimlet (1st). Frederick Archer. Ninth Gradi'. Thomas Cash. Commercial Department. W. A. Hi lice. North School. Pilnclpal ii t; el Teacher Sixth and S 'Venth Hindi!. Leon Cash. First Grade Daisy Oriitchflcld. Mist Grade (al. Charlolle Webb. Second Grade. Florence llreideo. Third Grade. Mmnla Revelle. Fourth Grade. Robena Mlckle. Fifth Grade. Jennie Diiford. Cast School. Principal and Teacher First Grade. Ada Roan. Second Grade Sadie Waiker. Third Grade Kate Jenkins. Fourth and Flflh.--Kate Peilndcxter. Suply teacher. May Pierce. - MILLIONAIRE IN WRECK; 1 HIS NOSE WAS BRRKEN; June iniii- By Wire to The Sentinel. COLORADO SPRINGS, Col., 7 Thos. F. Walsh, millloniiin? Ins man of Washiugi'in, narrowly es- caped death at Roye.-. Colorado, when j bis special crashed into a freight.; Walsh was thrown across the car ami! his nose was broken. Three train-j men were killed and several inja jf p. shafTner returned a short business trip. J. L. Hatch went up the Wllkes boro road this afternoou. , Capt. R. L. Vernon, of Charlolle, was In the city today, on his way to Greensboro. W. T. Penrj, who carried the negro, Cicero Sessoms, to Wilson, returned to tho city today, The many friends of Mrs. T. L. Vaughn, will be pleased to learn that she is much better today. Dr. H. T. Unhnson has relumed from Chapel Hill, where his sun, Agnew. graduated-yesterday. MaJ. T. J. Brown, who has been to Ingle-side-, visiting bis sister, Mrs. W. K. Hall, returned to the city today. Raymond II. Chatham, of Klkin, a I'uiversity stude-nt, passed through t!i city this afternoon eiiroute hemic. Miss Kate Jenkins, who has been to Charlotte, the frnest of Miss Bmsie Slier, returned to Uie city this ufte-r-iiiii.ii. Mrs. Can in Rose-nbache r and K in. Atlo, who have been visiting Mrs. T. itosenl.achei, in. iaiivillc, letiirned to i ill;. cHy today.. ' ' The stewards of BurtiiF-ad M. K. eliiircli will meet at the parsonage nt s o'clock joinorro'w (Friday) evening. full atlendaiicf- is reiiieste-'l. The members of the-Rough and daily Fire Co., of Sale-m have de cided tei altend the State Firemen's loiirrianiem at Aslievllle in July. Messrs. D. A. Tompkins and J. H. Van Ne ss, Vr., of Chariotte, who have been attending the 11. & L. concert thin, left this aft trooon for home. Misses Mary Gates, of Thomasvlile , !ain Miss Annie Huii'hiiiiwiti, of Char- lloite. arriveel in the city this after- afternoon i ml -iv form i'lom to be tlie guests or miss ixmise Dale, nerving eight months on the roads uf Psseiieiisnk county for I in , moral conduct, Jacktou Is pardoned because he Is s conMimptlve snd liable to Infect other prlsonera. Dale Is very old, hU lieallh la very bad and inliiet Impaired. Tlie comiimtallons ar to AdolphuR Gilbert, serving thirty two mouths for assault with a deadly weajion . snd carrliig ruiu e uli d weaMin, was com- muled to I wo ymn, lo in pi re August, llhi", aii-l I! -n Dudley, serving two ins foi iiiausluiiKliter, Is tut need lo one year. Of Tlie. tiilneen aipllcs- lions for pardom refused, was Ge-n. W. Ikinies, uf Martin county, serving se nle)ii- for cr.liiliial sisaull on a ght itnder fitttfwit, I'atdou was re- fiiMil btcatiNi" (be rnve rimr, after leiiillug the p'lsonir's own testimony, is i'iililncil that he lias lull el been siill'icle'iii ly piililhhed, (be governor de claring tr.it lie Iiiih little faith ill Hit old man win save a yoiilig girl was till' canto oi' bis lulu, TIN Wl TWO ARE KILLED IN By Wire to The Sentinel. PITTSBl'RG, Pa., Junu 7. A cloud burst Is reporteel al Hornervllle, 12 miles from Johnstown, on 8'ony Creek. It Is reported in Johnstown that tho Conemaiigh rlvei rose to a great height and that a woman and a child are repeirle-d to have l!en drowneel. Details ef the storm and extent of the damage lire not. yet fully known at Johnstown. T A convention of fair mansgors will" be held here ml Saturday, tint Dili. If ivMliing hnpiiens to prevent. It Is tho poipeiKH ol tllc,ne people to form s cir cuit, one to cooperate along certain lines. The circuit proposed Is Galax, Tazw.ll, Rouneike and Radford, Vs., and Winston -Halein, Gri-eiisb.iro snd Ciiailotte-, and possibly one or (wo mote Carolina towns. Nearly all of the Rccreiarli'd snd managers have notified Cobmel Wvbb that they Will be hoie on Hut unlay, They will n the guest of (he Wlnstnii-Salem Fair Association while In the rltiy. CRISIS IN 10 MINING INDUSTRY EXPECTED. By Wire to Tb BcntlneL COLL'MBI'8, Ohio, Juno 7. A ei bds In the milling Industry eif Ohio Is likely to be reached before the day Is over. The suli-coinnilltee, winctl ns been wi exiling with the wage scale, met again this moinliik. but the opera tors snd miners held out firmly with the contentions that have all along marked their deliberations. The miners are; willing to yield the 13 scale of wages snd lb 'operators r unwUllng to leld to any scale higher than the l'.iflf 05 scale. FUNERAL SERVICE OF Bv Wire to Th Bnllnet WASHINGTON, Junei 7.-T!ioiiiiis B. Wii'iin, of tin Neisoii Mollis Co., ri lire si tilitig tin biic Chicago packing lions continued iiis kIuIhiih nt tf day lo the Iioiii.c cuiiiiiiitti e on agri ciilluial In defence eif tin; i.iekiTS. IN is lo be- follow" d on tin- stand by Cha. P. Ni'l, Joint author of the N, ill It jii"!d:i re port, made last Monday. M;'-. (1. U. fmdley. of M.iitinsville, Va , arrived in .the city ibis afti-rnoon lo s-i- bei tnoiher, Mrs. Siio Browu, who Is ill at tlie tuiine of her daughter, I Mrs, G. W'.-Ciran, on Che rry stre-e-t. By Wiri to The He-nlinel. WASHINGTON. June 7.-With thi sinipU.'Ht i f funeral ilH'S the body of the law-'Senator 'oiinan was bulled (inlay at dak Hill cemetery. The simplicity of ilie; ceremony wax em phasized in the fact taai I here was uo music. A!so at the express wish of tin; family ihem were vr y few flow ers. Thi! IhmIv wuS followed (o th ceuieti ry by late; stia tor's family and public I ), ciiiLi" -slanl cuminlttie, On ac i j count of the senators In attendance upu.'i the funeral, the senate did not meet until I n'eloe-k Ibis afternoon. "d. I Big Increase In Sale. I The orange' elder, put tip by lhe I'e-ople i"' Fuel & Ice Co., of I tils City, iiijivc'l such a wonderful kvum.ii, I. (.till growing In I Daniels. Mi, and Mis. John A'. Naylor, who .which ha wcie united In mai fiairc last eve ning, i t-a'le this at Roxboro, arrived in the city this ! ponlai .!. The sale- last week The bliili; be fore nianiago I showed an Incie ase of i!" pe-i cent. was Miss Jennie, bora Pleasants, of Ron- This p ipnl.ir be n-ragi Is sold by mors than loo di ale rs lu Winstoii-Sslelri.

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