ThE TWIH-CITY DAILY SENTIN EL, WiMSTOK-SALEM. N. C JUNE J, PERSONAL NOTES, WfVfVfffVVrtVTTTVTTTlt4ttf -j TO RUN OuT LIQUOR AGENTS. if r LEARN THE WAY Dissolution Notict. By mutual agreement anion tho tlti member.. via; C. 0. KoiitiiiKr. J. 8. Crlui aud V. 1.. Blackburn, trad (uK at Kuiuinger and Crim Kuruinliiug ('timpanr, Nom. 4.'!(i and 438 Mai.i ttrffl. YVIiiatoti, N. C. Ilia co partner ship Is Iwrtbv (iituilvc(l. and J. S. Cilia iiaviiiK sold his Interest lu the UiiHlnes to the other partners, will lotlre fruui the buslnvaa aud here after the buaiuesa will be continued by C. 1). Homlnger aud V. U lilack- burn under the name of Rominger aud Blackburn Furnishing Company. All persona Indented tit Homlnger and Crlm Furnishing Company will hereafter Mettle with the Koniinger and Wackbtirn Furnishing Company, and creditors will look .to the new company for payment of claints, as the new company assumes Uie debts and credits of the old company, ami the, public will In the future contract with the new co-parUierslilp, looking to Uie remulniug purtncrj to f ul fill all future contracts. Mutually agreed, this May If!, 19C. J. S. CRIM. Retiring 1'artner. C. I). ROHINdKR. V. U H1('KBI RX, Continuing Partners. s 0 FOGLEBRQ.'SCQ.i Manufacturers of SCREENS Made to FIT your X doors and windows. Phone 85. THE HORBE IS NO FOOL. He knows whe nho'a getilng proper treatment, when his feeii Is sonn.l. clean and nourlehlng, only he can't tell you, save by his actions, his work, his gouoral appearance. Do the best by yourself by doing the beat by aim ti lodging your orders for sound aid clean grain and feed In this mart lor horse and cattle provender. - G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, 10S Fifth St. "Sky - Lights" Oalveulied Sky Lights are the Bett. Why? Because they never wear out. Calven Ised Kky-Liignia are tire-proof. W- j? Because wire rlao.iu be used aiid so prevent lb kIkhs from ftltiK out. bei Can Oalvenixed lmo Sky- Lglits be sotteuV A I L.B.Brickcnstcin's FOR RENT. .' 5-room flat with pressed brick and plate flass front, 4th Street; centrally located;, mod ern conveniences. H. MONTAGUE 1 ' bU.i fc.Jv ii L. ftyf fir IJ-. T' F!""ii I i. Jits. , j Lm. I til M:e ptrtil F Va Z) ..oi'J J Luna f.-it Cai clHMrt t lutarmat ""i takiaa . crrulatwtt- for L.fu aod auliotea TO SIMPSON'S. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. The undersigned commissioner, hav ing been duly annotated by the Su perior Court of Kuraytb couuty. North Carolina, tu make eale of the lauds hereinafter described, by decree of said court made In the caae wherein Noah y. Ulbaou, T. J. Adams aud wife, Anna Roberta Adams, T. C. HanifP Mllil wife. Itl.'ineh I! ttnmtr and Killtb M. (.;ibnon, minor, by ber Noah F. Olbsoii, Francis D. (iibsou, minor, by her guardian, W. F. (iiijson, una Mi iaiuriii uibson, minor, by his guunliun. Mrs. Anna Roberta Adams, are parties, plaintiffs ex parte, will, by virtue of the powers rested !u lilm by said decree, expose to pub lic sale, to (he highest bidder for cash at the. courthouse door iu the town of Winston Salem. In said couuty, on Monday, the 2d day of July, ln;. at 12 o'clock in., the following lands, town lots in the town of Winston, For syth county, ilesr-ilbed as follows, to wli : Utglnniug at the corner of Sixth street and the West End Boulevard and running thence along with said Ve.t End Boulevard (as the same runs) four hundred and one feet and one inch (4ni feet and 1 inch) to Lot .o.itn; thence southwardly with the Ine or Lot No. lt7 two hundred and thirty three Teet and three Inches 12:::! feet and :i Inches) to Rlth street; thence along said Sixth street two nnnilied and eighty feet and six inches (2Xil feet and C Inches) to the place of beginning, lieing the three 'ols oz laud known on the plat of the laud of "The West End Hotel and l.nnd Co." us lts No. 1U4, 1U5, and ICC Section 1. This sale Is made for the purpose of maklnir uartltion ammiir the ten ants in common thtfein, and Is sub ject tn the cnntlrmation of the court. Tile above lots nre ted In town of Wir.aton and are valua- hi. This 1 dav of June, 190C. K. H. (ilBSON, Commissioner. Beginning June 4th 10 per cent Discount On all skirts, shirt waists and shirt waist suits. Beautiful line muslin un derwear just in. Misses Martin's Next Peoples'. Bank. NOTICE I Ha virus qualilled as executors unon 'he eslate of Sophie Transou, late of UeUianlu, N. C, all persons InnVbled o said are notified and requested to make payment at otjee to Cleo. H. Haw mt. at Iiethuniu. N. C. and all per sons holding claims against said ; 'ate will presar.4 them for payment to '.leo. H. llauser before the 28th tlav t April. or this notice will be .steaded in bur of tholr recovery April 2S, l!)0fi. GEO. IT. HATJSER, E. B. JONES, Executors of Sophie Transou. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. , Tae Caaataat Wearla ef a Hat Prepo. j " atra DaaarasT Girai, Thtre ars many men who wear their hats practically all tha llm wh.n . .w. and are blessed with a heavy shook of hair; yet If the scalps of these same men once became Infested ua dandruB germs, the parasites would multiply all the quicker for tack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result New bro'a Herplcide kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant arowth. Herplcide Is a pleasant hair dressing as well aa a dandruff cure and contains not an atom of Injurloua sub stance. 8old by leading- druRirlsU. Send Me. In stamps for sample to The Herat clde Co.. Detroit, Mich. B. W. O UANLON, BpecUl Ajeit. i An Ordinance PS By tht C-ty Fatntrt of Hign PainL HIGH POINT, Juna 4 Aa ordi aance has been passed by the city jfatheis which ta Hpected to run the ' agents of liuur houses at this place out of busines. The ordinance reads that "it siiail b unlawful for any per sou, firm or corporation to opes aa office, store, or place of business to 4 engage iu tbe taking of orders, or to act as age' or representative for the purpose of selling, offering for sale or taking orders for any spiritoua malt or othei intoxicating liquors withia the city limits of High Point Any person. Arm or corporatro viola ting this ordlnawe shall on conviction before th auayor be fined not less than lid not more than $50 for each aud every offense." Aa a result of this ordinance one agency has -already unit business. tht man In charge say ing be has no money o lose on the business. The patties guilty of break ing the ordinance will be cited before the mayor every day until court 11 they persist aud have enough money to pay out or put up for bond. The 8alem Iron Works. Mr. W. J. Hege. vice-president of the Salens Iron Works, was In Lex ington last week and told the Dispatch .he: the business of the Iron Works was flourishing and Imparted the as tonishing Information that his plan turned out and eold 115 saw mills In 125 days, near ona saw mill outfit a day. The Dispatch says: "Tbo Salem Iron Works la the company that ships saw mills by the solid train load. The day is rapidly approaching when the South will no longer go North or West for her manufacture!) goods, for we will be -making everything our selves In a short time." Southbound Surveyors. The Stanley Enterprise says: The Southbound railroad surveyors have pitched their tent near the residence of J. E. Kl it) t x and are now making final survey through (his section. The line being run follows that of the Yadkin road, but u the opposite aide of the creek, a short distance west of the coUon mills. We understand that paraphernalia for another corps of surveyors haa been shipped to Nor wood, and a second corps will soon be gin work at that point. Our people are not only talking the Southbound, but aie beginning to believe In It, and It begins to look as If It la a certainty. Marriage at Arcadia. At Arcadia. Davidson county, Tues day morning, Prof. W. M. Brown. superintendent of the Lexington graded school, was united In marriage to Mlsg Pearl Vestal, daughter of Kev. M. H. Vestal, who officiated. After the wedding the bride and groom left for Elon College, where they will attend the commencement exercises. Elon College Is the profes sor's alma mater and he taught there prior to his going to Lexington. The) will be absent for three weeks, after which they will be at home at Dr. J. M. Riley's, In Lexington, says the Dis patch. T. P. A. Convention. B. II. Marsh left last evening for Richmond. Ho will go from there with the Virginia T. P. A. delegation. A special train will go from Washing ion to Buffalo. The North Carolina and Virginia- and Maryland delega tions will be on this train. The na tional headquarters will , be . at-the Iroquois Hotel. Fare for trip via Washington and Lehigh Valley route. $24 65. ' , . Broke Hit Collar Bone. A. D, Mickle. had the misfortune to ull yesterday afternoon and break his collar bone. Audred Is aral clerk at i',o Southern freight depot and while attending to his duties as such, while crossing between two cars, lost his balance, fell and broke his collar bone. He suffered Intensely, from the injury last night. Following the Flag. ; ' When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most Important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired commifiKAi-v Bur. ?eant II. S. A., of Rural Route 1. Con cord, N. H says; " was two years In Cuba and two years In the Philippines ami being subject to colds I took Dr. rungs Mew Discovery for consump tion, which kept me iu perfect health And now. 4n New Hampshire, w find It the best meillci DA 111 lha WnrtJ Ia. coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and uu lung uisease. Guaranteed at V. 0. Thompson's rii-nr moru di and $ l.Ou. Trip bottle free. There's Httle room lu this great world of ours for the "Fat Woman " She's a hindrance to herself in stren cars, flats, elevators! hm h.. . . - vail she do poof thing-take Holllstc.-'s rwcuy Mountain Tea. 35 cents tea or tablets. ' ' For al6 by O'Hanlon, Winston; Landquist & Pfohl. Salem. iuui picsculc ana pat- vuov wm uc appreciarea at- fkn i. n - i mc kjwcci rea anow Thursday night at Mrs. R. F. Gray's. J. C. Baiton visited Greensboro to-; day. J. A. Ordway wtat toy Grenboro today. W. O. Roger, of Charlott. ma her. today. Frank Sugg went to Kemersvil'.e tail moariug. Charles Bennett left last eveuiug tor Higb Point. J. Gilmer Korner. of KeraersvUe. wai il tha city today. V. 8. Blackburn mde a bualneiS trl to Greensboro today. Clarence Scroggs came la th! muruiiih from Trinity College. Rev. T. M. L-e. of Clinton, X. C, Is the gues of R. M. Payne. A. W. Haywood, of Haw River, was a vjsitor Uv the city touay. MiM Edith Symingtou left thia morning for Richmond, Va. Prof. J. A. Hodgius. of Guilford Col lege, was in the city yesterday. Rev. William Porter, of Kerners rllle. was lu tha city yesterday. i. T. N n returned to the city thia morning from a business trip. J. B. McCreary returned to the el'y this monring from a short busmen trlu. Rtv. J. R. Scroggs came In '.'. night from Trinity College commeuce ment. J. R. Collie, a 11. at 1 delegate, left yesterday afternoon tot hU home at Louisbtirt;. , Mi. and Mrs. Chas. M. Phelps are spending some time ; at Moore's Springs. J. F. Tesh has accepted a position as book-keeper with Rominger & Blackburn. Miss Nellie Spear, of Wilkesboro. passed through the city thia morning enroute to Asbevllle. P. R.- Jones. Jr., of Danville, Va., who haa been visiting his slater, M's John Gilmer, left today for home. Josephine and Robert Daniels left yesterday afternooa for Greensboro ti visit their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Daniels P. K. Green left yesterday afternoon for Dover. Delaware, to attend the funeral of his father, Mr. James II. Green. Misses -Trevo and Ina Jones'. Callle Miller and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bin- ford went up to Shoals today for a day a! fishing. "Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roberts, Fred Roberts and Edna Roberts went to Kernersvlllo yesterday afternoon to spend tha summer. Mlis Roblna Mickle left yesterday afternoon for Greensboro to attend the marriage of Miss Mary Lee Joy ner to Mr. Daughtrldge. Vlrgfl E. Holcorab. of Rockford, passed through the city yesterday af ternoon on his way to Washington to lttend to aomi legal business. Lew Rudy, after a stay In the city, left today' for Baltimore. Before re turning to his home tn Boston he will visit his father, Martin Rudy, at ban caste:, Pa. Ja3, A. Bialney, of Detroit, Mich, who has been In the city on business for several days, left last evening, but will tetiirn In several days and will sing at Ceulenary church' at the 1t a. m. servlcu Sunday. Bin Hur Las Night. A good slied audience attended the Ben Hur lecture at the Ellis' Audi torium last night, the atereoptlcau views and moving pictures showing to Sieat advantage, and Evangelist Yeuell'i climax la describing the chariot race brought forth a hearty round of applause, while other pas sages were eloquent. Mr. Yeuell goes tomorrow to Madi son to hold a meeting at the request of some who ajtended the warehouse meeting here. After a ten days meet ing there he will go to his home lu Washington; D. C. where Mrs. Yeuell will join him and they will go to Man chester, New Hampshire, where he will enter an evangelistic campaign In a large opera house there, to con tinue for six or. ten weeks. Positively No Gooda Carried Over. On account, of thu crowded condi tion of our store we will, offer, com menclng Saturday,' our entire line of hats. Bowers and rjbbons at and be low cost. W positively will not cany uny goods from one season to thj next. Winston Millinery Co, On and after Mouday. the. 11th, the passeuger train from Mooresvllle to Winston-Salem will run eat Her, making connection with tli ir.u going to Wllkesboto. something that it has never done before. . It will arrive at go a. m. Some men don't careho7 dull bnl rivals Wlim"y baU wllh ,heir WAXTBD. -Lady or. gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary U.072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ad vanced. Address Geo. G. Clows Winston-Salem, N. C. T STORE CLOSS PA'J-.XATjS SATUPpt, ,y Mail Orders Carfuily am-. Pron-ptly Fed. L Ladies! Show thli to the men. HERE ARE BARGAINS WORTH, In correct summer wear-things for mJ possible by our uKhA I REMOIH.lli.v 25c Sauzi Shirts 19c Kim bleached bat-kt-l weave, thin and cool, all sizes, tht 25c ones for 19c. Men's ISe Sox I2. Plain black and tan cotton, si so lace stripe, full regular made tho 15 ones ioi nc. Men's Wash Ties 25c A handsome line iji' both plain colors and fancy patterns, will wash and not fade a good selection for 25c C7 GET A LINE ON F PINNACLi BEER It is the great temperan( beverage of the day a foot drink VERY heavy in tin nutrition of malt, BUT extremely light in alcohol. Keep it at home for the weak or nervous members of the family. The New South Brewery $ Ice Co. 1 MMTMER ,of the suffering and danger in atoro for Jicr, robs the expec of all pleasant anticipation of the coming event, and m' shadow of gloom whicU ca mot be shaken off. Tliousuix have found that the usu of Mother's Friend dttrinj pi confinement of nil nain ami danrrcr. and insures jtafcty to J and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all time of their most criticiJ trial. Not only docs Wu carry women safely thrbifch the perils of cliiU-bifiv b"""; i"tuicuiB system jor tne coming evtm, r sickness." and other Ait comfort o( this period. ntlO $FEjEai Sold by all dniggists at i.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable infor, nation free. fff'Oifji The CradficlrJ Rcculator Co.. Atlanta, Winston Mill Supply AGENTS For The Jewel rfeltuif? Co. Manufacturers of hit Guaranteed Leather Belting. , w., tor Manhatton Rubber Manufacturing (A turers ol Guaranteed Rubber Belting and niga. Packings . For National Steam Pump Co: Manufacturers Pumping Machinery for every duty. nilf,f For Corinth Engine nd Boiler Works. Manui of Engines, Boilers and Saw Mill Machinery. See ED RAGLA.ND for anything in the bupp'y utca ana wuauiy to please. Mea's 50: Si: Ue ..J 1"'" ..f rii.:., Ii-e;,. ,.. illi- !L.. ejeh. w w a loons a i I. in biar, -hii . (.,. i 'j, '! '-':- - .;. , "'- .....9c, Men's Unieniif! Fil"' l:triji,, i shins ,ii il ,!,.,. a splei!,i,i 25c the jarment (INCORPORATED) MlddUihorauh. Hi. Ill CASPER COMPANY, Distributors. an ordu women apr indescribabit notJiin? con the pain a"1 ,l.ikl-birt!i.