fINCITY DAILY SENTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY ErENING, JUNE 9. 1906 YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS irt present Session " rc UlV Ley That Time. ...Th Congress Will L atfore Some Time I" probably Be O'sposen or Net Week. if Sentinel. 'ON. Jut wan b.,u tht expectanuu ui itiilirts thai final ad ttis session onhl be ,at u.vr:oimeuis to revise this opinion. -ht-vHl the session will w,i of th month and !at until loth or Jim '! i. however, gea- 4 'as the gating ewj he i busy one In the l railroad "u statehood ND JUNE 2S. INQUIRY PROCEEDS. DATES FOR VIRGINIA AD N. C. House Committee on Agri culture Continues Pack ing House Investigation. Upton Sinclair Want To Testify Several Parties Appeared Before Committt Thi Morning Some Urg ed That Government Pay For In- tpection Ae Otherwise Burden Would Probably Be Shifted By the Packer To Cattle Raitert. By Wire to Tb SentlnsL WASHINGTON. June 9 The need FAIRS DEGIDED UPD II TODAY TROOPS WITHDRAWjHOTEL ZINZENDORF. At Meeting of Secretaries of Various Fair Associations of the Two States Held Here This Morning. This and Other Mat ters Were Considered and Disposed of "Southern Race Circuit" Organized. ' A nutting for the organiiatlon of a i Southern Rac Circuit was held this morning at the City Hall, the objects of the meeting having been to avoid a conflicting of date on the part of a more general Inspection of meat; v,riou association In Virgin! and meat products aud better tanita-jaud North Carolina to adopt purses tion in packing houses was further dls- atl cuSJM fur races which win be cussed before the house commute on . . . agriculture this morning. nou,I ""'to- "Uy a suitable I'Dton Sinclair, author of "The Jun- starting Judge, to arrange for attrac- gle - has wired asking to be heard but tioos to go thtougb. the circuit, ami ml"' ." r.".". ."! h committee Is disposed Uj get alwag ieeaaider other iiaWfrs- of imrrttiral OF SI liii.Ta of the I'nlted Cuiiipany have elected Ituti secretary and treas on at once assume the ajct-miit. A new slor- bulMing will be erected htimial machinery will Besides having custom- t;aie. the company has er to South Carolina. t:van!a, Maryland and :.Jent of a veneer man iiit in New York, who the business for forty iieil ttie plant here mid it fi.i' iD weeks lia-s lis exiH'tt opinion that irtilne invented by C. R. :nw ovmtil by this com st In the United Slates. Mini is well known as uf business skill ano rompany Is to be con n seeming Ills services. i:V has decided to in- rl' (fill plefeln.d .stock ii si.u.iiimi and a Rood creased stork 'lias al-M'libeil. wlthou" htm. Representative Garner, of Texas, asked the committee to do Its work speedily in order that the agitation may cease. His people want legisla tion, but they want it quickly. He thought inspection expenses should be paid by the government as otherwise it would surely fall on the stock grow er ultimately. Judge S. H. Cowan, of Fort Worth, Texas, attorney for Texas cattle rais ers, made an extensive argument. He too expressed , belief that if cost of inspection is placed on the packets they will shunt it off on the raiser. He read a telegram from John T. Ly ett. of Fort Worth, aecretary of the Cattle Raisers' Association, saying that the present agitation had serious ly affected the price of cattle and would depress values from 14 to 85 a head. Other telegrams from Texas were o the same effect. Ii HE' ICY CASE. nl court at Greensboro, y to conclude the trial iit!s in bankruptcy In e Simmons Hardware other creditors against . I. Combs and 1. R "is of Wllkesboro. the apfe on a verdict, and ""is" a m sir in . . Tho ,f,i days at this and a ' involves the posses orth of EooiU siiWuri tfaiHliilentiy obtained. timlM and Davis ' i" this city (,n their U-s from Greensboro, 'ee Issues in the case Jurors held o,u for ac y issue. S NOTES ABOUT LOCAL Y. M. CJ. Members of the young men's gymna sium class took a moonlight walk last night and enjoyed this new feature of the physical department to the full est degree. , The Reds, the championship Basket Hall team, have had a picture taken of the team which will be" forwarded to New York and published in the Offi cial Basket Ball Guide for next season. Messrs. Fred Fletcher and. W. C. H'auser have been awarded .Interna tional Certificates for having success fully passed the examinations. Their subjects were stenography and arith metic respectively. The members of the Triangle De bating Club will meet next week to reorganize its work on the summer basis. The regular Saturday nlglt song service will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor tonight. vantage. The following were present: Col. 0. E. Webb, representing the Forsyth County Fair Association; J. L. King, representing (he Greensboro Associa tion: Cyrus T. Fox. manager of th. Radford. Va Association; Dr. R. P. Copenhaver.swetary of the Taiewell, Va fair association; J. P. Carrlco, President of the Galax (Va.,) AssocU tion; and C. W. Creswell, assistant secretary. Charlotte. N. C. Mr. Fox was also authorised, to represeut the fair association of Roanoke. Va. It is understood that Charlotte, N. C, wlil also come into the circuit, and poesl bly two or three other places. Col. 0. E. Webb was chosen chair man of the meeting, and Cyrus T. Fox. secretary: Dales for the several fairs were se lected as follows: Galux. Va., September 5, C and 7. Radford. Va.. September 11, 12, 13 and 14. Tazewell. Va,, September 18, 19 and Roanoke. Va., September 25, 25, 27 and 2V Wlusitoti Salem, N. C, October 2, 2. 4 and 5. Greensboro, X. C.. October 9, 10, ll and 12. Charlotte, N. C, October 10, IT. 18 and ID. Cyrus T. Fox, who was made the circuit secretary, was authorized to correspond with several licensed start ing Judges with the view of obtaining finest nor.t nj 1 South u t, i. . L , """wing, on Fourth - "nisei, ii t0 Pool and Billiard . f Hie large ' will be piarea cigar "r latest designs ;li install also an s!,lnls iiurlor. 'lll be H,u ...,.. .... ,,.,,1 I mailt I eat '"'llaid Parlor. Six , " 'his department. Ino which ..fluul, selections with ",:lrh "f accomplished ,. Xd- Ho states u fnior his person lv h"!'" to be open by r w,, Giats. ".nan on one of HIS llt'U'P,, .1.... 1.. f t u ;.i tw ""is c ly ;,' V !. """'f-l acci- lit,. 11 l0"te to iL b!wh from tliron- "' lli8 ff,ot us slu,e -and '? l Man:,' ' r':a- Mr. 'his city. 01 child! the 4. ,. . uev 'h Brewer. . ,.'r. Parents on nit: 1'1- The I. a. T:. ,,(,'ne'en- m it-j froin it... " -Mason aud - J KEPI MARRIAGE SECRET ICE DECEMBER 21ST Mr. Thomas H. Cash, a member of the faculty of the West Winston grad ed school, (teacher of the ninth grade) was united In marriage in Greensboro December 21,1905, to Miss Rosa McKaughn, of Rock'ord. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Har old Turner. The couple kept the mar riage a secret until today. At the time of the wedding Miss McKaughn was teaching a school fet Ashepole, N. C. .After the Christmas holidays she returned there and com pleted her term,' going home only a few dayr. ago. . Mr. Cash went to Rockford Friday and claimed his bride. The couple arrived here thia morning. They left this afternoon for Farmlngton, Davie county, to visit the groom's mother. tpoii their return they will go to housekeeping. TO MOVE SHOE PLANT TO WINSTON-SALEM The Jenkins Bros. Shoe Co., of this city, has decided to move its shoe manufacturing: plant from Elkin to v lnston-Salem . during the , present month. The company has leased the monlh. The company has leased the Gleinh building at the cor in which, the plant will be located and operated. Thase That Have Been Guard Ing Ohio Mine Prop erty Leave. This Will Be Name of Winston-Salem's Splebdld New Hotel. Operators Appear Surprised at Order Withdrawing Troops. Saying They Had Expected to Return Work IJ .il.u I. .1 C . L. I . Aki. in tho circuit. ' Coal Field. There was an expression of opinion l Wlr. , a to Cldese and sues of the purses. Ml J o.WALK. Ohio inn t Is SC AB average of iw for each cIsm wa cordance with orders iasued last niRht .nuo d.Uled to name the main I B considered quit liberal. Some class- tjy Adjutant Genersl Pugties all .the I rem new hotel "The Zinsendorf." It e for kxs) horse can be kept under j troops, that had been guarding the I "ill be rewembered that the beautiful that figure, while the free-for-all esa Inrouertr of coal eonHwnles are return-1 hotel la West End, which was eeetroy" b made as much as ItiKt or tjiM), tMinie toda. ed by Ore on Thanksgiving Day la Nam tcdtd Upon At Meeting f Director of Forsyth Hotel Compa ny Yesterday Brief Description of th New Hotel, Which I T Be Completed by October 1. T:ie board of director) of the For syth Huiei Co met yesterday tfter- in average still be not exceeded. Operator say they cannot under- It wa gred that each association ',und why th troops should be taken sbould aTange Its race- schedule as i.r i uoh a rriiic.i tlm. when ev ery' arrangement has been made to re fill be completed and a revised ached ule will be prepared to embody the futures uf eack amoclatton'a sched ule and then be returned for approval. While It I pot expected that each as sociation will have exactly the same classes and purses, it Is hoped to make them as nearly uniform a pos sible. Th aggregate amount of purs es at each place. It I expected, will rang from 12.200 to $3.21)0. It was agreed that in attractive ad vertisement of the circuit should be Inserted at once in The Billboard," ant that later on a Joint advertise ment of the race schedule should ap pear In several of the horse papers. Secretary Fo was Instructed to en ter Into negotiations with a number, of the leading fair attractions that will be on the road, with a view of secur ing the best at a minimum cost to each association. All the .associations represented at the meeting will become members of the National Trotting Association, If not already members, so as to ensure better racing uuder strict enforce ment of the rules. It was (he consensus of opinion that all gambling features should be elim inated, so as to provide for clean sport, which will be entirely unobject ionable. After some consideration had been given to the matter of admission tick ets, patuses, compllmentarles, and charge for special privileges and space on the grounds, the meeting adjourned. PROMINENT SPANISH By Wire to The Dentinal. . MADRID. Spain. June 8. The wife uf a Republican leader named Ma las has been arrested as one of the ac complices of Morales, would-bn assas sin of King Alfonso, In assisting the uomu-tnrower jo Escape, sne con fessed to purchasing -clothes of a woiklngman in which Morales made his escape from the city. Sunday (here will be a remarkable demon stration In front of the royal palace. The affair Is planned as a demonstra tion by the people as their protest against, such attempts as that made recently on the life of the king. It Is expected the entire population will participate. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 7. Representative R.U Smith was here today from Stanley county to see Governor Olenn In the Interest of a pardon for C. D. Whitley under sentence In Stanley for seduction under promise of marriage. A respite has already been granted until Juno 15. POLICEMAN SAMUELS IC0UITTEOBEFOI1E J, P. sum work Monday. Company guards are being reassembled. Guards are obnoxious to the striker and with their return to ditty trouble la antici pated. ST. PETERSBl'RG. June t.-Dla- cuasion of agrarian problem Is claim ing the attention of douma to practical exclusion of all other subjects. Ex treme pressure has been brought to bear on the labor deptlea by constit uents who have been flooding them with letters demanding that they stand firm on the agrarian question. Peasant electors aim insist that Im mediate attention be given to reliev ing their burdens. The effect of this agitation on part of the big body of peasants has been to stir labor depu tlen to unusual exertion to see that the dtmma shall take some definite ac tion about reforms which will bene fit the peasants. Every other subject has been side-tracked to allow debate on agrarian troubles to proceed. A proposal was made today to limit time of speakers In order to expedite work but it was rejected and the discussion resumed at length. BLACKBURN ELEGTEO TO SUCCEED GORMAN By Wire to The Sentinel. . WASHINGTON, Julie 9. The Dem icrnts of tike Senate In caucus today elected Senator J. C, S. Blackburn, of Kentucky, chairman to succeed the lalo Senator liorman. . Death in East Salem, Mra. White, wife of Mr. Jacob White, !ied in East Salem Friday evening at the age of C9 years. The funeral ser vice wll be conducted from the resi dence at o'clock tomorrow morning JJ' Bishop Rondthaler and Dr. H . A. Brown. The Interment will be in the Salem cemetery. - Charles M.. Jones left this morning for a trip to New York. MORE PETITIONS FILED; CHANCE OF SCHEDULE Special to The Sentinel. RALE4GH. June 8. Petitions were filed this affernoon with the corpora tion commission from certain citizens of Greensboro, High Point, Thomfli ville aud ' Lumberton against the change of the Southern, schedule for , the (ioldsboro-Greensboro train, so it will go through Raleigh at 11:45 in stead of waiting over here until l:4). Policeman W. H. Samuels, the only officer employed by the town of Ker- nersvllle to see that citizens and vis itors keep the peace, was Indicted sev eral days ago on a serious charge-r-alleged larceny of a calf from.Dr. Her der 18 months agUWararnt was sworn out by Dr. Kerner and Policeman Sam uel was cited to (rial before Justice of the Peace J. M. iuyer, of Kerners ville. The hearing opened at 6:30 last evening and was concluded In an hour, whijn the magistrate dismissed the case, taxi ug Dr. Kerner, the prosecu tor, with th costs. The defendant- was represented by Mr, Lindsay Patterson, while Mr. V. T. Baldwin appeared for the prosecu tion. The policeman had witnesses who testified being present when Mr. Sam uels bought the calf from Dr. Kerner, the price agreed upon being S3.00, Dr. Kerner swore that Samuel had never paid him for the calf: that the policeman took It from his (Kerner) pasture. Mr. Samuels held that Dr. Kerner owed him at the time the deal for the calf was made and he applied the 'i to the debt. On the other hand Dr. Kerner alleged that the policeman owed him. The case was argued by the counsel for plaintiff and defense and at the close of the speeches Justice Gityer Immediately rendered his decision ac quitting the officer. TO REOPEN SEPTEMBER 3 The next -session of 4he Winston kradtui atihoul (white) will open ou Monday, September 3. Miss Hnttie Dull, Miss Minnie Sto cumin and Miss Margie Smith resign ed their positions as trvchera In the schools. They all did most excellent work and it was with regret that their resignations were accepted. As heretofore stated, Superlnendent W. 8. Snipes was re-elected. . Ills an ntial report to the graded school hoard appears oil the third page of this Is sue. NEW SHERIFF NAMED FOR WAKE COUNTY Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH.-June 7 J. H. Sears, for a number of years deputy sheriff, was today elected sheriff by the Wake county commissioners to succeed W. M. Page, resigned. He will fill' out the unexpired term of Page, who re tires because of advanced agt5 and a desire to retire to his large farm In tho county,- The ladies' Aid Society of Grace M. E. church will give an Ice mam siippeFoii the lawn. opposite the res dence of Mr. P. Johnson, on East Third street, near the church, on Tues day evening, June 12. Nissen & Roan are shipping a car. load of ice wagons to Rocky Mount, X. C., today. FASHIONABLE WEDDINCS IN STATE'S CAPITAL, Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 7. This evening at 5 o'olock in the First Presbyterian rhmt;h Mr. Joseph Glttlngs, of Pitts burg, Pa., and Miss Emma Martha Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs D. T. Johnsoa, of this city, were united in marriage. Dr. W. C. Tyree, the pas tor, officiating. The brlde'a four brothers, Arthur Johnson, C. A. John son. H. J. Johnson and B. T. Johnson, were the ushers. The groomsmen and bridesmaids were Dr. H. W. Has cock. Miss Ante Adams, William A. Jones. Miss Rosa McNeill, of Wllkes boro. Mis Hattle Doe Johnson, sis ter of the bride, was maid of honor, and A. O. Ellis, of Pittsburg, best man. It was one of the most beautiful wed dings of the season. Another especially notablo wedding was that this evening in Christ Epis copal church solemnizing the plight ing of troth between Miss Mary An nl Rogers, of this city, and Dr. I-eo;. Hums Newell, a prominent young phy sician of Charlotte. There was a sim ple but. tasteful decoration of palms, daisies and other flowers. The bride was attended by her slRter, Miss Nan nie Rogers, as msid of honor, and the groom by Dr. William McNIder. of Chapel Hill, as best man.' The ush ers were Rowan Rogers. Raleigh; Wm Wallace, of Charlotte: Gaston Rogers, of Raleigh; Foy Rob I son, of Chapel Hill, and C. a Crowell, of Raleigh. 1 892. over thlrteea tear ago, bad this sara name. It will no doubt be natter of Inter est to Th Sentinel' reader to know something of th new hostelry. Oat the four upper floor (tho building coa tain Ave floor beside th baaentantl mill bo the bed rooms, there bolog about l!i of these. Each of these will have private telephone, beside (he electric bell eervlce. Ther ar twen ty-four private baths on these floor also, and about forty-five room are connected with them as two rooms are connected with one bath. Event' bed room Is also an outside room. In, many of th bed room there ar lava1 lories and the occupant can, get bot and cold water In their own rooms. There will also be gentlemen's and ladles' toilet on thee floors, and some public baths for, the use of those not having rooms with baths, The parlors will be on tire second floor and th office on the first floor, it being directly In front of the main entrance to the hotel. Th dining- room will also be on t b lav floor, It be ing C4x41 8 feet In site; It la situated on the north aide. Behind the dining- room is the serving room while the kitchen Is In the southeast corner. The electric passenger elevator I to the left of the office, while the bag gage elevator Is at the rear of build-' Inn- '' The palm room 1 on the smith side. In this room will be a band-stand and a large part of the south side will be of glass. The palm room can be used as a banquet and also as a dancing hall. The spacious lobby wfll be In the front of the hotel, on this floor. In the basement there will be th sam ple rooms, barber shop, toilet room and the pool and billiard " parlors. There will be a porch on the front part of the hotel on the first floor and balconies on the second and part of the third floor. On the north side there will be a drlvewaf with a porte-cochere and sick) entrance, The contraot call for the connip tion of the hotel by October 1. 10(1. Already the roof Is on. parts of tbe three fliHirs plastered, electric wire in, ga pipes in. telephone and electric bell wires about completed, sewnrage and water plpos,' etc.. In. OIL AS POSSIBLE FUEL FOR WARSHIPS By Wire to The BentlneL WASHINGTON, June 9. The navy department iias decided to make in vestigation of oil as a possible fuel for ships of war. It Is proposed to use the Wyoming In practical demoustrs tion and aiTangements are being made for fitting out that vessel at Mare Is land navy yard for that purpose. LOSS OF WO CAUSED BY FIRE Br Wlro to The SatlnL HUNT1NOTON, W. Va., June 9. The plant of the West Virginia Brew ing Company was destroyed by fire to- ay, the loss being I25),(t0o. The Mooresvllle train will hereaf ter urrlve at 9 a. m. Instead of 11 a. m. KILLS WOMAN, THEN TRIES SUICIDE By Wlr to The Sentinel. NEW MARTINSVILLE, W.Va.June . (iulseppl Gernzi cut the bear off bis mistress, a pretty Irish girl, at Mount Carbon and then attempted to kill himself, but was prevented by the oportuue arrival of an officer. The cabin where ,the couple lived showed evidence of a terrible strugglle. The murderer was hurrtetl to Fayettevllle, as there witb threats of lynching. SEVERALDH10 11INES COLir-MBlU. Ohio, June . The Sunday Creek Coal Compan through B. Winder, president, ha ordered all It Ohio mine closed. , Fifteen West Virginia mines ot th company will be opened at once on open plana. ton MHi , unio.-june a. it la now a fight for endurance Between miner and operatora and, each side le lining tip Us forces for a prolonged struggle. The miner have decided to assess Ih eight thousand men at work five per cent of their wage to help support the thirty thousand, on a strike-. In addition the national or ganisation will supply 120,000 weekly. TERRIBLE STORM IN SPAIN KILLS 10PEDPLE By Wire to Th Rentlnel. MADRID, June 8. A terrible atorm occurred at San Lucar and caiiHed the death of ten and Injured eight. Enormous damage to property I re ported ' Revival at Four-Fold Goapel. Reported for The Sentinel. The revival meeting being held at tho Four Fold Gospel Chnrch Is tap Idly increasing In Interest. Al the ser vice last night there were two profes sions and a large number throughout the audience manifested deep con cern for ihelr spiritual welfare. Mr. t'rumplcr' sermons are forceful and bring a spirit-born conviction of sin lo people who are not right with God, yet they aie also characterized by gospel simplicity and Christ-like, kive. Beginning with the regular Sunday school session at 9:45 tho iwrvieeg to morrow will all be held In the church. At 11 a. m. and 3 aud 8 p. tu. Mi. Grumpier will preach. Everybody is invited to attend. New Advertisement. Mra. L, K. Si au ton AH ribbon and hints at cost Monday and Tuesday. W. O. Senseman Mastic mixed pain',-the kind hat tettito, --- J. 3. Roddick Wood fiber hard wall plaster. Rofwnbacher ft Bro. Watrh lor special announcement In Monday's Sentinel. Forsyth Hardware Co Adjustable window screens to fit any window now In stock. ' ; Sam Rose Spring chickens from l 23c to 35c. Iandqulst ft PfobI A good prescrlp tion talk. Reynolds Bros i.oad Sue and 91.00 loads. (1. (i. Reynolds Sign painting, tbe good kind at reasonable prices. The. DtiUatoi-tum Wants. Apply Monday. Nisen 'Park New list of hiovlng pictures. Hunttey HIII Htw kton Co. Every thing to make your lawn, porch and gai ilen attractive. Meyers-WetftbTook Co. News of tho great remodelling sale. To Continue Lot Sale. The M sale on Kouthsliie will be continued on Tuesday end Wednes day of next week. The land rompany expected tn finish, up this week but th weather ban beu against It.

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