ifINCITY DiLXY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS mm Lpany Says The ,n commission (jurisdiction. I CoWmiMo Has No inaugurate of Ttlep10"' 5erv'" j State Grimes nc- Ltd Complaint to M says Sucrt as Li n-Tbc Southern ronmaro lws hkd itiot cmiimsion its !,iiit i:J petiuou n itf J Braa Ui lines ( KKIK distance rvot- n. inure for rtu's " ..u aNil two and otie- "Cij'v for ail In 'excess . r'c nf 11.50 a aud J- a mouth octi an!!" in iue .e company declare ;j be ruinous to' their Sat the present rates rt. The claim is also ht contuiissKiii nas uo ,B for such reflation aihtrh"TJl H Company. H for a hearing bc- siou. CHILI SHOUTS OS PROBLEMS OF TBE DAT By Wife to The Sentinel. DE3 MOINES. Iowa. Juue 14 Theodore P. Shouts, president of the Fiuanui Canal Comniissioa and son- in-law of Governor Francis M. "Drake, 'founder of Drake University, was the 'principal speaker at Its silver anai jversary today. While Chairman 'Shoots said be had no sympathy with i the charlatan muck raker he said there was ample cause for complaint Special to The Senucel B. C. TEHCHEHS' BEfflBLT ELECTS FOR THE ENSUING IEH OFFICERS JU09E SHAW 0EFE1TE0 BY MR. J. C. BIGGS. ' iSi'ecis! to The Sentinel. j DURHAM. June 14 -Judicial eon PrnfaccAP 1,1 o c- t , , ,. -peat km ix in Democratic party nir; rroiessor w. S. Snipes. Of This City. Elected As One Of The h at aud Dmiut Vice-Presidents --Professor Matheson. of Durham.' U1! Si!? mJST Elected President Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Joyner's Statistics About Education In The State. anions American people. "The present upheaval of unrest, call it what you will, socialism, col lectivism, communism, or Incipient anarchy, is like countless others that have preceded it, said Mr. Shouts, "it has the same time-worn nostrums for transformation of human lows and RALEIGH, June 14 North Caro lina Teachers" Assembly today elected following officers for ensuing yx?r; President. J. A. Matheson, Durham. First Vice PiesiuVnt. Taos. E. Foust of Guilford County. Secretary and treasurer R. D. W. abrogation of natural laws. There UiConno:, Raleigh scarcely a panacea proposed today for Vice residents, W. J. Martin. Gull- the cure ol social 1119 ana political lord College: J. A. Mel.eod. McHtrf Ifitl Sentlar-l, luX, June H The man- ,,ircme court of the in (he Philippine tariff issued and the govern have to refund duties of nearly five million Mse arose from the fact 'itarv itoverument In iliected duties on goods isiamis from July 12. Hi 9, 19H2. It was the oueress, although uot 1 into language of law. '.if military government. thai mandate of court ;sued until customary r rendering of decision ;?ht. be. passed. Couden'i Prayer. 4 commeiiioiatc'd today ') Chaplain Couden's es Thee," he prayed, of '"C that moved our md holy resolves that trmnent of the people. and for the people, and k which they carried to I'iisand fields of battle, the American people ' Ulierty and freedom. wr. of peace and good "ie on In itg triumph p e of every clime feel a rest secure in their under its graceful distempers that has not b?en put for ward many times during the past four centuries and that has no been tried and found useless." OF MR. W, C. CRIST. be Given New Grand Or on Friday Night of The Sentinel's VfsUnlay. the four Of this CUV Will Crl,.o f'wr of Mr. W. C. Crist. riid Stale Oiand Vice- ca e has bti i chang- .M:iulay uiftbt to Friday " in oiaer to give more time, tr. -,. fi'l prepare for the so- pimiiif ( s to be large. "i genuine interest '0 the 4nil n i.; ... his fit. J addiesses will be ' s- Crosland and May- iiisical program m h. I,l,fit will also h f:'r Hie recent Ion n,i l will he given n The uavs. B' Given Away. H"e Company g pre. J lawn party oll the , , liberty. Monday eat her inTinltg, A $9 ,V',D ,t0 lhe .voting lady .mus,.i "1 the sixteen thu IH be the wait- GROWTH OF A. A M. COLLEGE. Throe New Professors to Be Elected In Agricultural Department. The amaalng growth of the A. & M. College requires constant enlarge ment of the teaching force and ap paratus. In civil engineering stu dents, not counting freshmen, retjuire a whole separate department of special teachers, two professors ' aud four instructors, all expsrt. W. C. Rid lick Is head professor and R. E. L. Yates Is head professor of mathe matics. Every student of civil engi neering la the college, Including all sophomores and juuiors, are engaged in work all summer. In electrical engineering there are 92 students and three professors, not counting freshmen. These students also are at work wiring buildings, run ning phono wires, etc. There la a new head of the textile d.partment. Professor Thomas Nel son, of Lancashire. England, and a new assistant. Prof. B. Moore Parker, a graduate of Lowell Textile school. an A. V M. boy aud a native of Ral eigh, grand-son. of the late B. F. Mcoie. The textile department will soon be overflowing with students. ' In agiiculture three new professors are to be elected. Prof. Sherman (entomologist) has returned from Canada, Professor Reimer is to return in hoi ilculture. There will be ten special teachers in the agrlcultuial faculty and two hundred student art expected. The drill and discipline of the col lege will be modified. A separation will be made of civil and military duties, and all friction done away with. Drill will be brisker and dis cipline severe In all essentials with freedom in non-eesenttala. - f wfitorium Tonight. fUC KPrt Ml... .1 . ... . .iioasier will he -utiMMd movlniPDlc- Ks Auditorium i.i. FidtobeveryLe 11 ge number of TiT witness them NEW PAPER FOR ELKIN. The Elkin Enterprise to Be Estab lished by Mr. T. J. Robertson. ELKI.V. June 12. Mr. T. J. Robert son, of North Wllkesboro, will move here next week and, as soon as his outfit arrives, will oeglu the publica tion of a hew paper at this place to be known a the Elkin Enterprise. This will make two weekly news Papers for Elkin, the Times having been established here ten years ago. It is still being published by Mr. T. M. George. The rate at which new papers are being established over this moun tain country Is astonishing. There are now two papers in Wllkesboro and a nuw one Is soon to be estab lished at North Wllkesboro, making two there, A new paper has Just been launched at Cherry Lane, Alleghany county, which Is not nmch more than a wid place In the road. A second paper, It hj said, will soon be started at Sparta. Summer 8chool of the South. The Indications are that the fifth session of the Summer School of the South, University of Tennessee, June 19 to July 27, will be the lor anli6xz held, although the average attendance of the four previous sessions has been about 20O0. From every Southern state and rom the states of the North applications have been very' numer ous. Several weeks ago all tho rooms of the University buildings were re served and hundreds have been as signed to rooms In private boarding houses In the city near the,.t'nlverslty grounds. People are opening their houses and boarding places will be pwlded for all. Preparations are being made for the moving jof the Episcopal rectory to the back of the lot on Fourth street, and also for moving of the house O'ti Cherry street occupied by Mr. Henry KoTOer. This will be moved southward for several yards to give room for Mr. Jason Erlrd's new home next to Mrs. T. A. Wilson. Will N. Poindexter, of Walkertown aa here today. IfS MORNING .Sentinel. n ,n r clock thismor lar.rt h, , . " as 77 rnrV'8 fture,,,rnl this after- SENTENCED TO DEATH By Wire to The 8?ntlnA VIENNA, Austria, June 14. A mes sage received hare from Warsaw says court martial has condemned Profs. Elvan. Radtskl and Wisoeski. of Uni versity, to be shot for high treason for part thy took In leading the move ment for Polish Independence. The sentence has ereatlv excited the stu dents. It has been found necessary to strengthen the garrison to prevent an outbreak. Institute; W. 8. Snipes. Wtuston-S-tem; Y. P. Bali, Gastonia; Miss Annie Wetmoie. Greensboro; Mrs. W. C. Brooks. Elizabeth City. The niornliig session was takea up with the election of officers. Mr. Joyner Gives Statistics. In a review of the educational pro gress in North Carolina during the pau year prepared by State Superin tendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner to be read before tb North Carolina Teachers Assembly and Sum mer school It Is declared that the greatest and most distinctive progress h.ts been made along the lines of building and Improving school houses, establishing rural libraries, local taxa tion, county supervision, grading and systematizing course of studies and In the work of the women through their organization, for the betterment of public schools. The review shows that there were 440 school houses erected In accor dance with pi;ms approved by the tit tkpariii;rat of tiiK-ation. $17.- was spent in repairing school lar?4y attvoded. there being irMUU about twice as many de-legate a vat exrecttd by the Democrats. "Then were three cs.nJ.dau- for Judge, Thomas J. Shaw, of dreeus boro. J. Crawford' Itiggs, of Durham, and 8. it. CattU. of Orange count v. aivtii in rural ,iiri,. t.:tlr t"S was nouuuaien on tn nrst was sunt for th ..m. ni,rn.K ,., uii. ine routfuu a.a io nun ,HJ rural districts. The use of the state !aa fund, he says, has bteo a potent dred votes; Biggs received hundred and six ar.d fraction votes on first progrrA In building The loans to date ag-i Pa 'lot. The nomination was thvii made unanimous. Judge Shaw re dactor In this school houses recatp liinwci ih iir- f,.t..t in.!f"ved about w venty-stven votes aud eludin th ruinrt' , u.t. r,.r Ti.iGattl the remainder. O'W oie July 1. 1906, amounts to l!S3.00o. Since the establishment of the fund In 1903 aid has been given In the erection and improvement of IC6 borne valuod at $516, 425. ikJU. nual libraries It Is shown that 34ti were established during the year with 29 064 rolumes valued at tlO.S.so. Also 6J supplementary librar ies valued at I'M 5. There are now 13C6 libraries in the State wMch cost 4.S7S and contain 113.2 volumes. During the ytar 133 schoot districts have voted special taxes for the Im provement of schols and our-flths of the counties In the State contain local tax districts, there being In all 307 of these districts. The state superintendent declare in conclusion that thre problems which now confront the friends of education In this State are the establishment of rural public high schools. Increasing the compensation and efficiency of teacheTs. Increasing the enrollment and attendance. AND FIRE DEATH OE SIX. That Number Of Sailors On American Line Steamer Haverford Perish. Vessel Was at the Dock In Liverpool Whsn Catastrophe Took Place One Man Blown to Atoms. A Num ber Seriously Injured, These Being In Hospitals Now. Hv Wire to The Sentinel LIVERPOOL, June 14. Ad explo sion, followed by Ore, on the American Line Steamer Haverford, while the vessel was at dock this morning, ser iously damaged the vessel and caused the death of six of the crew and In- Jury to many others. As stevedores were unfastening the hatches preparatory to discharg ing the cargo the explosion occurred hi the hold. This waB followed im mediately by fire which spread to the cargo. The men were blown in all direc tions by the first, explosion. One man wan blown to atoms. . Bulk heads and part of the deck were blown out, so vicious was the explosion. Five men were reported to have been killed outright or to have died In a few minutes after the explosion. The sixth died on his way to the hospital. Thirteen of the crew were taken to the hospital. Several of them are re ported to be in a serious condition. . The fire burned for two hours be fore it was extinguished. The cause of the explosion was not ascertained but it Is believed to have been caused by spotvtaneous combustion. ALL RECORDS Iff O.JJAST TEAR, Foreign Commerce For Year Ending Juno 30 Greater Than Ever Before. Exports from United States Aggre gate Nearly Two Billions of Dollars In Value While Imports Into This Country Amount to Nearly One Billion And a Half Dollar In Value. By Wire to The Ban tint. WASHINGTON, June 14. Tha for eign, commerce of the United State during the fiscal year which ends with this month promises to exceed In both Imports and exports that of any earlier yea.1. ' Details of ten months of the year's commtrce are announced today by the Department of Commerce and Labor through Its bureau of statistics and should May and June show as large a monthly average as that of ten months for which the record I made, the imports will be $1,225,000,000 and exports $1,786,000,000. Work of an Artist Herr C'aesar 'Milch,! the German artist of the Reuben Rink Co., In their studio, i finishing a fine painting from "Hoffman's Christ In Geth semane." The fanious painting is In Instance true to the great Master, and Is to be us.'fl In the fine new Metho dist church at Elkin, which Is now nearlng completion. This artistic work cannot be excelled and the con gregation of this particular church Is to be congratulated oa securing such a fine work of art. STATES I J. AE The lules wore then sunprndrd and eoMcltor A. L Brooks was re-noni-inatcd by acclamation. The commit U then escorted M"r. Brooks Into the hall aud he made a speech of some length. r Thme making tho nominating speeches arure Z. P. Taylor, of Greens boro,, for 8haw; W. H. Carroll, of Ala aianoe, and Judge Wiiwlon. of Dur ham, for Biggs, and Representative Andrews, of Orange, for Gattis. Sev eral enthusiastic Democratic speeches were made. TEN DROWNED A By Wire to The Sentinel. ANTWERP. Belgium, June 14. The Belgium attain ex Meaus from Spal was sunk todsy In the North Sea. Ten persons are reported as drownefl. It Is reported the steamer was run down by a warship. BASEBALL GAME SATURDAY. Y. M. C. A. and Mockavllle Will Con test at Falrview Psrk The Boye Should Have a Good Attendance on This, Their First Came of the Sea son, The baseball team of the Y. M. C. A will play Its first game of the aeaeoa with JJie team from Mocksvllle Sat urday afternoon at Falrview park. The game promisee to be a good exhibition of the spurt, a both teams have a good number of player and are about evenly matched. It 1 the intention of Captain Cnfer, of the, local team, to furnish the ball lovers In the city many good games during the aummer and. It la to be hoped that there will be a good at tendance at Saturday' game. The batteries will probably be as follows: Y, M. C. A. Masten and Martin; Mocksvllle, Clement or Sfceek and Call. TWO WERE KILLED. Prominent Amerfcans In The Phlllipines Are Murdered By The Natives. Acting Governor of Oavae Ml Island of Mindanao And Prominent Planter, Both Killed. Americans In NeigH-i borttood Banding Together for Mutual Protection a Rtligiou War by Moro I Feared. By WVe to The Sentinel. MANILA, Jurw 14. New was re ceived hxlay of the anurder of Ed ward C. Bolton. 17th Infantry, acting governor of liavo. Island of Mindanao. Chief MiingalSiin and two brother are iccuwd of the crime. An Amer ican nanftd Christian, manager of the p4antatton near Davao, wa killed at th same time. The murder a not treacherous as the victim had apeat prevlou night as guest at Munga laor' house- American planters la Mindanao art) concentrating for eommoa safety a (hey fear the Moroa art ptanoJng a religious war. GRAND LODGE ADJOURNS, Knight to Hold Their Newt Anneal Convention at Elliabeth City. GREKNSltORO. June 14. The Grand Lodge Knight ol Pylhie com pleted It work and adjourned sealer day afternoon a day earlirr than ex- pcted. Oa account of the lacleeaqsti weather the trolley ride waa poat poned and two bueiueae avaelona of the Grand Lodge were held yeeterday. Id the afternoon the new officer were Installed. Elizabeth City will have the honor of entertaining the Grand Loda-t sett year. InvMatlona were extended by High Point and Ashevllle. but the lat ter gave way to the city In the east. The election of Elisabeth City waa probably due to the Jmetowa ex position which will be open next June. Many of the delegate to the Grand Lodge will have an opportunity of vlsitlnf the ex position at thl time. Last night In Njeee hall on East 1 Washington street, fifty candidate wen Initiated Into the' Dramatic Order Knight of Kaoiasaan. a aide branch of Pylhlanlam. Several other had made application to enter tha meterle of the order, but their Bert failed them when the time for cross ing the hot sands arrived. Tba Initia tion work wa done by Sues Temple team. No. 73, from Chariot la. A ban quet followed the Italia Hon ceremon ies. Frank II Vogler and T. W. Hanes, of Wtnoton Bsltm, were among the number Initiated, Funeral Thi Afternoon, The funeral of llttlu Richard, In fant son of Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Wil son., who died yesterday, was con ducted from the home on Spruce street at 4:30 this afternoon by Dr. H. F. Chreltxberg. A beautiful selec tlon was rendered by a mixed quar tette, composed of MIsUs Glenn and Chreltzberg aud Mewsr. Bynum and Cromer. The pull bearers were Noble Medewls, Robert Mills, Eugene Hill and Taylor Bynum, Jr. The floral bearers included Mlse Mary'Cromer, Mltlle Wiley, Anna Ogburn, Willie Mlddleton, IxuIka llorton and Julia Bynum. The Interment was In the Salem cemetery . New Junior Councils. State Secretary Vance U still ship ping suppllea for the Institution of Junior Councils. One of tha now ones will be at Vale. Mitchell county, with 32 churter nu mbers; another at Mat thews, Mecklenburg county, with 21 charter members; the third at Roles vllle. Wake county, with 32 charter members. IN By Wire to The Sentinel. ST. PETERSBURG, June 14. Wil liam Jennings Bryan, who arrived here yesterday from Berlin, dined last night with Prof. Milukoff, leader of constitutional Democrats. In discuss ing American political situation at dinner Mr. Bryan is reported to have said that, he believes the early triumph of the Democrats Is certain. Four-Fold Gospel Revival, Reported for The Sentinel. The inclement weather seems In no way to affect the evident blessing of Gocl that is resting upon Rev. A. B. Orumpler's meeting at the Four-Fold church. The three o'clock service each afternoon Is of a nature and Mr. Crumper gives a heart to heart talk to Christians. At 8 p. m. the meeting is evangelistic In character and the sermon Is of great interest to both Christians and un saved. Last night repentance was again the' theme of the discourse. Among the points emphasized were the nec eeslty of genuine sorrow for sin. tl." need- of humble confession to God and man, the still further requirement to forsake wicked ways, and the final de mand for restitution. At'the end of the sermon a number were found ready to travel thi strait and narrow way and five more professed conver sion. , By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, June 14. Navigat ing air with seeming ease Lincoln Roachey, aeronaut, visited Washing ton this morning, anchoring on the Washington monument grounds after a four mile trip. After brief rent he arose, encircled the monument and Btarted for Luna Park, four miles south of Washington In Virginia. Dr. E. P. Gray Graduate. Dr. Eugene P. Gray, who graduated this week from Johns Hopkins Uni versity, Baltimore, arrived home last nlghL Dr., Gray Is a son of the late Dr. R. F. Gray, who was one of Win devotional !ito" sm'8 n"'Bt P01" P-slelans anu cmzHiis. - i no hoij, an,n jriiuiu a week heie with his mother, will go to Wilmington to take a position for a year in the Walker hospital there. He will then return and practice his profession in this city. local firm announces the sale 'of thrrtyodd harvesting binders this season, a gratifying Indication ot a good wheat crop in Piedmont Carolina. Won the $10 Prize. Mrs. Lee Adklns. president, n nounce that the $10 prize offered by the Woman' Association, for the bet terment of public school houses in Stokes county, to the teacher doing the most work to beautify the bouse and grounds during the past school term, has been awarded Mr. O. L. Pulliam, teacher at Flat Shoal school. There were several cases before the mayor's court yesterday after noon, consisting of nuisance, drunk enness, affrays, etc. The offenders were all fined and as they paid up they were discharged. Card of Thanks, We desire to express our apprecia tion and thanks to the friends aud neighbors for their kindness dining the Illness and after the death of our little daughter. Mlldied Adelaide. J. H.' Vaughn and Wife, Flagman Hlte, of the N. t W who had his right foot badly cut two weeks ago by a glass falling on It, is out again and will return to big run tomorrow. PIANO FOR MRS. LON0W0RTH. Gift of Her Husband, and Will Cost Ten Thousand Oollara. CINCINNATI. Ohio, June 13. A local firm U making for Mr. Long worth, brill of Congressman Mlcbola Uuigwoilh. a gold-lrtmmed piano that will cost tha eonajreawttian $10,000. He ordered the Instrument fur hi young wife severs) months ago. It I to he rtsdy for shipment In August, so that It can be Installs In the Washington residence of the couple before their return from turope. The Instrument I said lo be per- f:ct In tone and other qualities that make a superior plnno. The case I beautifully Inluid with native hard wood, and I ornamented with gold from cater to lop cover. The latter. feature of tho d.-coutlort cost one- fourth of the purchase price. Mr. nd Mrs. A. 8. Baskln, of Nache. Miss., arrived In the city this afternoon to visit their datigtnw, Mr. Charles Norfleet, on Spruce street. , George. II. Hawser came In this af ternoon from Advance. Durham Man Attempt Suicide. IdCII Vt(lM) Va JiltlM 12. Out of .c rk. nionev and a stranger In Rich mond, Jiime hVrwlrlck, of Durham, N. ('.. evidently of good family and who ki.os a Lumber of prominent men- mond inlnlMiern, took bichloride of mercury tableta- thl morning aim would have died but for the work or Dr, lluivgln, of the ambulance corps. Kndilck wa picked up on the mi.'i-t i. h siisulcious character and. dioriiy after being kicked up, w taken wiln convulalons. The auinu lance responded promptly to the call and Dr. Hudgln. with hi stomach pump, aavrfd the man' life. This afternoon Dr. Hudgln said the man's nervee were shattered, probably from exixmure and drinking. The man came here from Washing ton to look for work. He refuse U taU about blmitelf except to say that h. :. iwrnf.nallv- arnuainted with a iiunibtr of prominent minister here, The floor of the old Piedmont warehouse wa taken up this morn ing. A crowd of men and Ixry were there searching for money anything from a penny up. A small amount Of the coin was found. " By Wire to The Sentinel. PHILADELPHIA. June II Not a word has been received from either seven-year-old Freddie Mulh, too of a wealthy local Jeweler who was lured from school ami presumably kidnap ped for ransom, or from kidnapper. Unless something Is heard before the day Is over the parent rf the strange ly nilsM'd boy whose case so elofwiy resemble that of Charley Ross, will refuse bmger to accopt advice of the police and will offer a large reward for safe return of the boy. r.M.C,A.BLEE WILL MEET TONIGHT The Y, M C. A. Glee Club meet this evening. Several new member Joined at the last rehearsal which was not only Instructive but very enjoy able. The structure of oalHi will be explained tonight, At the last meet ing the reason for the use of double flats aud double sharus waa given by a student am! explained to the da. which followed the remark with in terest. Several church choir mem- bers are Included In the rri-mberhlp !of the club and the inwiructlon in I vocal music I helpful to them. The rehearsal tonight begins at S:.'!0, All, member should be present.

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