WINGlTY DAILY SENT WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 1906 30 JEWS KILLED; OVER 100 HURT MANEUVERS OF BRYAN VISITS PETITIONS ARE , ifiTunnin, .4 Motion To Quash judgment Begun in Pans- This Was Result of Attack On Hebrews In A Russian Town Yesterday. Encampment of The Various Former Candidate For Presl- dency of U. S. Again Watches Proceedings. Probably No Further Resist- Session This Afternoon Prom ised To Be, A Very Lively One. Brigades of U S. Troops ' Is To Begin Then.- a nee To The Southern's Change of Schedule. am PRICE 5 V DOUMA fffllfe II lilApin nr S OB. Al YIN AUGUST RUSSIAN DOUi a Ne- Trial But for Annul- Loc.r. of Dreyfus. i;-The hearing fur a Dfu ' Tie fiit sw'' as fi,m:natiju of secret . ,t. case Neither pub 'a or Lrtfu counsel is V tria". bu. fr quash .jnUStwri. The docu , re taken up for ex-1- u.d to stu,w absolute ' pnnfus and it Is ex e decree of the Rsune mnulltd. , , r annulment rest upon -ii:d is some stH-ret d,:u" rfalsritiw 1" the Rennes lit present hearing 1 f cassation and procura BaiK'diB repiesent the ,ci Captain Dreyfus is Mn:art!. Examination ,. rs pmUably occupy ourt tixlay and tomor , ot trial i!i he public. - will btsin Monday. ni eueiiiles of Capt. hta.'tily tired of the i will be happy to see iai and buried forever. ,m it is taken for asation will be. granted, iifjtion of uncertainty whether a trial will be . r ik's verdict merely be . in nibiMf J that Captain tried sevetal years ago of betray ins valuable French army to. another was convicted and sen e. Many people then ,s lui.ocjnt and It seems .:at he was. ! Nearly All Shop And Storca Thert Conducted by Jew Burned by Chris tians. Maasacrt Precipitated by Action of Jewish Anarchiat Who Threw Bomb Into Corpus Chritti Parader. By Wire to The Sentinel. WARSAW. June 13. The latest advices received from Bialystok. Rus sia, tha scene of the massacre of He- ! brews yesterday are to the effect that (thirty Jews were killed and over, one hundred wounded. Nearly all the shops and stores conducted by Jews were saxKea ana some or. mem burned. Large numbers of panic- stricken Jews have left the city. Order has been restored by . iroqp who are patrolling the streets. The massacre was caused by a Hebrew anarchist who threw a bomb Into Corpus Chrlstl paraders, killing and wounding many. The Christians, enraged by this outrage, attacked the Jews on all sides. The conflict was most savage until the arrival of troops. Later. The situation today follow ing outbreak of yesterday Is extreme ly critical. Rumor stated this morn ing that a number of Gentile girls had been killed by Jews, while re turning to the city from the neighbor ing villages. Jew haters have been greatly stirred by this report and It Is feared there will be a renewal of the massacre. Banks, shopsv restaurants and factories are closed. Business Is practically at a standstill. inn ai rived here this New York to take xsl ts in the factory of the nlcal Company.' AH of riiR nun and they can i quite fluently. Germans stated that : tract signed before they s- It tells Just what 'hey are to do and the le to be paid. , "?Il sent here by the '" Chemical Company, he Southern Chemical that coloied Iwlmr unsatisfactory. It is a tat many of the negroes rsuailefl to put In full "t four days a week Is 'o work. 't" prove acceptable it ' oi her laborers of this l-roiiBht here. StTto : IE I. Bill h Sentinel. " Ohio, Juno 15. ffticonie Bryan on ! An'rica.. A social ls and other riiii,, !.i ';IKaid or more to New ""! win he chartered out to meet the N'e- IE IN RUSSIA Sentinel. " re from Bucharest 'Uav K'riL-.. 1 i P"nasi()i),, ti.. , lit.,,, '""Wilt, MI1U ' f are Jleeii.K tmm Le of panic. !' a'fc f'der arms n.mandf.d by artillery. IlED IN U IN TEXAS Sontl .. ' f TtJ- Texas, .tnno u ,' here of rHre war " Mexicans in. '"'h several U8!8 'those ;, !' h,,,iat"r e. r. U '.ham has o.dered . ' if '"bating xJi, .',R,"r Presented M''-t night aEai' , ?h" Pictures aeam totHKht and to- Tl RULERS EXPECTED III JAMESTOWN FAIR. Special to The Sentinel. NORFOLK. , Va., June 13. The Win don Dally Telegraph urges King Edwarrd to pay a visit to America next yjar.. The king's Itinerary would Include a vlult to President Roosevelt at Washington, a sojourn In Norfolk, Va., to witness the Jamestown Ex position which In 1907 ls to com memorate the settlement of America by English speaking people. If King Edward decides to throw precedent to the winds and again visit America he then was here as Prince of Wales' he will also visit New York and Canada. It is well known that the relations between the English king and queen and the London Daily Telegraph are most cordial. When he was prince of Wales, the present king was Instru mental in having the proprietor of the paper knighted. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the warmth and enthusiasm of the Dally Tele graph over' the question of the king's visit to America meets with the ap proval and sympathy of the monarch. kt may be, Indeed that the opinions expressed were Inspired by a nod or word from the king and remains to be seen how the British people regard the matter as a whole. At present It looks as though the king may yet plant a tree on the grounds of the Jamestown exposition, sit under the spreading branches of the great Pow hatan oak which was a mature tree when King James granted the Vir ginia charter and drink from the old Indian Spring from which Pocahontas quenched her thirst. That the kaiser Is more than likely to visit America and. the exposition we may Infer from a presumably In spired article by Herr Albrecht Wlrth of Munich, one of the most distin guished professors at the Bavarian University, who U a noted writer on1 political affairs and In , close tmich with the imperial foreign office. Herr Wlrth thinks It more than passible that Emperor William and President Roosevelt may exchange visits. To Mr. Harry St. George Tucker, presi dent of the Jamestown Exposition, the kaiser hinted that the German squadron which will visit the exposi tion next year, will be In charge of a member of the royal family and as he Is full of surprises what Is more than likely he may command the royal squadron in person. Both the king and the emperor are sure of a royal welcome from the people 6f the first of the American stated. Order Issued by War Department Providing That Encampment Shall Be Conducted Jut t If Troops Were Engaged in Actual Warfare. Criticism of Last Maneuvers Partly Responsible for This. ' By Wire to The Seating. WASHINGTON, June li.-Plans are bting perfected for joint military maneuver to be held this summer at seven brigade camps to be estab- itstwd In various parts of the country by troops of the regular armv and organized militia. Profiting by exper-j iriices ai Manassas, Va., In the fall of 19tM. when troops were. given all the comforts of life and remembering harsh criticism of public and Con gress the War Department has issued stringent orders that maneuvers this year shall simulate In every manner actual conditions of warfare. The War Department genera! order, giv ing directions to general officers who will command the brigade camps has been prepared and will soon he pro mulgated. It will contain the follow ing paragraph: "It la the purpose of the department in carrying out scheme of Instruction to approximate ou march and In camp as nearly as may be conditions of field service In time of war. . Flooring of tents, piping of water and like semi-permanent arrangements , there fore are not authorized." It is the purpose to have camps es tablished not later than August 1. OisckScet Russian Questions Witn Various Members of Doom a. Thinks Reorganisation of Russia ImmiMnt Talk In General Way of Russian And American Political Matters. By Wlrs to The Sentinel. ST. PETERSfU RG, June 15-Mv. Bryan again visited the douma fur hart an hour tcisy. He conversed with leaders of constitutional Demo crats and with teveral of Jewish deputies. He expressed sympathy for the Jws la Russia, and declared that he belreved the reorganization of Russia la at hand. He aDuounced his Intention of writing a setle of article oatbe ansrlngy of KuMao and American democratic movements He declined to discuss American or Rus sian politics, towever, excpt In a general way." Mr.- Bryan leaves for Stockholm this evening. CITY'S STREET WORK. Some of the Work That Is Now In Progress or To Be Commenced This Summer West Fourth Street To Be Repaired Much Curbing Being Laid Old Mickey Pond Road Being Macadamized. This city is by no means asleep this cool weather as to street work. '1 hi I'd street has been payed with I't tgian blocks from Church 'street to Chestnut street and work has been in progress for'lhe extension of the "blocking" to Roanoke and Depot jt'ieeta. or near N'lssen & Roan's fac tory. The Belgian block street in fiont of the union depot, on Chestnut street, will be extended about 150 feet southward by A. F. Messic & Co. store. An addition to Cherry street Is be ing built from Seventh street to the Old Town road, near the trestle of the Mooresvllle road. Thie street, which U being built well. Is forty feet wide. The work Is being done by 8. S. Ordway, Sons A Co. Curbing will be laid on this new part of Cherry street from Seventh northward as the demand for this work requires. The old Mickey MJII ' road, from Liberty street eastward one mile, ls being excavated preparatory for JJie macadamizing of It. This work1 will reach nearly to the old mill. S. 8. Ordway, Sons & Co, also have a con tract for this work. The county com missioners have voted $:1,(M0 for this work. The property owners of that sec tion have contributed about one thous and dollars towards the work. The ob ject in building the. road Js that, as the power house at the water works consumes over two tons of coal In twenty-four hours, or about 1,000, tons a year, a good road ls necessary for the hauling of same there as there Is no railroad track near. The city is also doing some grad ing on Brcokstown avenue, from Pond to Fourth street. About one half mile . of curbing remains to be laid. Some of It to to be laid on Brookstown avenue from Fourth to Pond streets; on Holly ave nue, from Poplar to Spring streets. part of which isi laid; on Spruce street from Holly avenue to First street; on Second street from Spruce to Cher ry street; and on Chetanut street ry street; and on Chestnut street. Gutters of Belgian blocks are to be laid on all dirt street having a fall and which are'not macadamized. The work of macadamizing West Fourth street, between Popular and Summit, will probably be completed this summer. Only one side of this street has been properly macadamized ands the right hand' side will be "spiked" and new macadem laid. This Is probably the most expensive Job that will be done on the streets this summer. . New Advertisements, The J. W. Hester Co. In an attrac tive ad. tell of the many specials for tomorrow. Metiopolltan Land Co. Call atten tion to tomorrow being the last chance to buy a lot on South Side at public auction. Rosenbacher & Bro. The sale of Royal waists, regular and special sale prices. ' , 1 The Bee Hive. Tomorrow to be a big day, specials for the big June cut price talc. Shapiro. Great slaughter prico clothing sale, a few low prices quoted Meyers-Westbrook Co. The great remodelling sale and the many special offerings. if M '"'ksville. wag In Dr. J. H. CleweH returned this morning from a business trip to Con cord. Mrs. M. H. Holt, of Oak Ridge, spent the day here shopping. The J. W. Hester Co. quotes some eye-opening prices In their large ad. CAPT. A. J. GALES' CONDITION. Operation to Be . Performed Upon Winston's Chief of Fire Department in New York. Mr. R. C. Taylor, acting chief of the Winston fire department, received a letter this morning from F. (J. Gales, nephew of ('apt. A. J. Gales, In which he states that upon the recommenda tion of a prominent physician In New v,,ru fant fJale-K hats decided to un dergo an operation). The doctors think that their patient will oe wen anam in a few weeks. The nenhew writes that his uncle is encouraged and wishes his many friends in winsion Salem to know that he experts to shake hands with them again fully restored to health. WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS. Rev. C. A. Jenkins Preaches an Earnest And Effective Sermon on This Parable. Notwithstanding the threatening weather there was a large congrega tion at, the First Baptist church last evening and Rev. C. A. Jenkins preached a strong and helpful sermon. His text was Matthew 25:1. The sub ject was the parable ot the wise and foolish virgins. Rev. Mr. Jenkins stated that the foolish virgins did not represent the indifferent men; not the heathen; not the foolish men. but the men whq, like the foolish virgins, start out with their lampa burning brightly; the men who are concerned about their soul's salvation, who at the same time do not make the proper preparation; that the wise virgins represent that class of Christians that read the Bible daily, who are in close communion with their Saviour. He urged his hearers, not to bo too late making their picparatloh; to make It at oncu, that as the wlRe virgins had no oil for the foolish when the bridegroom came, so would the religion of our parents and friends be unable to save us when the Marter comes the second time. H warned his hearers against neglecting the Bible, for In so doing their supply of oil gi-ves out. At the close of the sermon there were several professions of faith. Services tonight at 8:15. Public invited. CRUSHED BY TRAIN. Cleveland Hall, Brakeman on Train, Meets With Accident Which May Prove Fatal. Cleveland Hall, a young man, brake- man on the Mt. Airy and Eastern Railroad, running from Mt. Airy to the Virginia line, met with an acci dent a few d-tys ago which may result in ni? oeam. in attempting to ooaru the tt a tu while In motion he slipped and fell under the wheels, which pass ed over his right leg alxjve the knee and crushed his left foot. He was re moved to his home where the leg and tee were amputated. He was uncon scious yesterday and little hope was entertained for his recovery, Mr. Hall Is z: years old and was only married a few months ago. Attorneys for Various Petitioners Stated This Morning That It Ap peared That the Corporation Com mission Had No Power to Enforce Its Orders. Counsel for Southern Explain Attitude of That Road. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. Juue 15 All petition and proceedings pending before the corporation oonmiineiou against the operation of the new schedule of Southern tralu No. 111. from Gold boro to Grtensboro, rtgardlug which v'Tvil tensatloual turns have beeu taken the past few days, were with thaws this morning by counsel for the Nws and Observer and . othvr. pvtitkMter on the ft round (bat It ap peared the commission did not have power to enforce Its orders. Counsel for the Southern Insisted on filing their exceptions to order of Saturday uight as explanatory of the action of the Southern In refusing to obey the order of the commission not to put In operation the new schedule. Th counsel Insisted that no discour tesy or defiance was Intended to the commission In this action. Permis sion to file exoeptrons was sllowd. The principal exceptlou was on the ground that the commission had no power to order the railroad not to carry out the schedule It had adver tised to put into effect, especially Just on eve of time the schedule goes Into effect as In the cane Saturday night The order could only be effective un der any circumstances after full In vestigation and hearing and after notice to public that change of sche dule wonld not be put Into effect. There will be no furthor resistance to the operation of the new schedule. N. C. Association Academies. The North Carolina Association of Academies last evening adopted the course of studies formulated the past few weeks by a committee of repre sentative aeailemy, publle high school and college men for uniform prepara tion for entrance to colleg.-s. The City Superintendents Association discuss ed the course of studies In after noon and after some minor changes which will be approved by the Aca demy men adopted it so that the course of studies will bo put Into Ef fect as far as possible In all the schools ot the State this fall. Lac' Night's Session. lr. F. C. Woodward, of Richmond College, was one of the principal speakers for the assembly last night, his theme being the "Ideal Teacher." ll mado a fuminla appeal for devo tion to the work and special euro for helping along the dull pupils. Ho de clared' (hat to attain success In (he calling of learner then must be great amount of vital force and personal magnetism. Dr. Blglow, editor of St. Nicholas Magazine, delivered an Illustrated lecture on "Nature Study" as applied In the teaching of little children. Yesterday Afternoon's Session, The members of the assembly spent from 12 to 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the hall of history of the state museum Impeding the splendid collection of relics of the various epochs of history of the State that bave been accumulated the past few years under the direction of Col. F. A. Olds. The colonel personally con ducted the teachers and lectured ad mirably as they passed through the hall. Questions to Bs Addressed ts Gavsm ment With Reference ts Disorders Yesterday And Alleged Crvelty ts Prisoners Scheduled for Discussion Members of Douma Very Angry, R Wlrs In Th DntlWeL ST. PBTEKSIU RG. June li Ths sraston of the douma today protulned to be a lively one. Several Questions to be addrevd to the government la regard to fighting at Ilialystok yester day and the alleged cruelties prae tlred against prisoner at Warsaw were scheduled and It ws expected tha would precipitate a storm. Many of th deputies are In an angry nkl aud declared their Intention frely to exprets opinions Advices recelwd to lay show that In addition to disturbances at Blsly stok there bave ' been outrages la many of th provinces. CAPT. PARKER'S SUCCESSOR. Capt. W. T. Dickson to Go to Run Be tween This City And Mooresvllle. Capt. W. T. Dickson will succeed Capt. L D. Parker as conductor of the passenger train between this city and Mooresvllle. Capt. Parker, who has been on this run seven years this month, will probably go to his new one between Salisbury and Ashevllle tomorrow. He Is a clever and af fable gentleman and has many friends in thl9 city. Capt. Dickson ha been conducting a freight train between Charlotte and Statesvllle and ls also a popular railroader. Annual Barbecue July 4. The Elks have a committee out to select a place for their annual bar becue to be given on July 4. It Is quite probable that Shoals, on the Wilkesboro road, will be chosen. Four Fold Gospel Revival. Reported for The Sentinel. The two services held each day at the Four-Fold Gospel church continue to be a blessing to many who attend Yesterday afternoon, taking for his text Luke 14-26. Rev, A. B. Crrjmpler stroke on "IovIiig Christ supremely, the condition of tnie dlnclpleslilp." His talk was simple but forceful and at Its cl03e nearly all present Joined in the prayer around the altar. At night the sermon was on the new birth, the text being. "Marvel not that 1 said unto thee, ye must be born igaln." The importance and iieces sity of regeneration were made very clear to all present. These two ser vices tesuHed in seven more confes sion:.'. , . T DECLARES FOR BRYAN. By Wire to The 8eotlnl. CLEVEI.AND, Ohio, June 15. Vir gil P. Kline, personal attorney .of John D. Rockefeller and prominent Standard Oil Company attorney to day dtflart-d himself In favor of Bryan for next Democratic nooiltiea for president. Kiln- made the declaration today and a he made It lo stand. "Of course I'm for Bryan," h said, "Ha will be LVmocratlc candidate for pres ident and I believe wiU be elected. Itryaiilsm and conservatism have been mad respectable by the present occu pant ,of the White House." Kline was one of the original silver men of the country but joined forces of gold iV'mocrats and voted for Mc Kin Wy. His advocacy of Bryan la raid to be significant of Standard's position. Cl: friends of John D. Rockefeller say If President Root ult or one of hi followers be o un listed by Republicans Rockefeller would not support the ticket as la ta pasc. Meeting of Creditors Next Weak. 'W. L, Harper came In from Roaring River today to atUiut the final meet ing of creditor of the Damask Manu facturing Co., but upon his arrival ha was Infonned that the meeting had been postponed until the 22nd Inst. The sale of the damask plant at Roar ing River has been confirmed and the new owner are now In charge. Mr, Hartr went to (iemmons this after noon lo spend a few days with his wife and daughter, . Death of Mr. David Pabk. Wivta h a am hstsin nt-r fl v awi hitr at the death of Mr. David Pack, brother-ln-lii w of Mr, T. B. Douthlt, of Salem, which occurred at Oakland, t'al.. May 31, at the sge of 75 years. Deceased wm fVinfoitffi-ftlA wiMiee Hurlnsr the Civil war, being a member trf Com pany A, Zlst North Carolina regiment. He moved to California many year ago. Band Concert Tuesday Night On aiToimt of the Inclement weath er th first band concert on the west Uh of Die court bouse square will not be given until next Tuesdsy even Concrete Stone Sidewalk. Druggist Peter A. Thompson Is having concrete stone block put down in front of his store. These blocks aie manufactured by the Winston Salem Concrete Stone Co.. which Is enjoying a fine rale of the paving and building blocks. KERNERSVILLE GRADED SCHOOL The Newi Say a Sit Has Been Se lected for the Building and That It Meet the Approval of a Majority of the People There Ar Always Pro and Cons on Every Question In That Hustling Little Town, It ls a dull day In our neighboring town of Kernersvlllo when there Is not a . racket of some sort or another In progress between- the Citizens of that bailiwick. The town has. however a lively weekly newspaper that Is al ways readable and In this week's Issue the following Item appeared, which goes to show that tho dove of peace has at last hovered over that town, the home of some of the prettiest, girls and the cleverest men to strang ers that are .to be found In this good old State of our: "The long-drawn out fight over the grailed school Is settled and a site for the building has been prrmanontly located. The site dt-clileil upon Is oa the knoll east of Plnnlx's drug store, opposite the town hall. We feel sure that this location will meet the ap proval of a majority of the citizens and besides it will hve a tendency to allay some of the bitterness against the school proposition. WVrk will be gin on the new building as soon as the material can be secured. The build ing will be modern and up-to-date In every respect." Sharp's special sale on pictures today was wMl attended, notwith standing the Inclement weather. The sale will be continued tomorrow. ' Masonic Meeting Kalem Lodge No. 2S9, A. f. A. M. will have a call moetlng tomorrow night. Work In second degree. O. O. TKSH. W. M. The travelling sal men for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. will take their semi-annual vacation of fifteen days, beginning tomorrow. The WIu- ston-8alem drummer boys "will come home. AROUND THE CIJY. J. C. Buxton return! this afternoon from a business trip to Henderson, Miss Laura Reld went to Durham, today to visit relatives and friends. Miss Ada Allen, of Concord, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hsnsel Thomas Many farmers ay the wheat crop has been Sadly damaged by the x cesslve, rains. Rev. A, (I. DIxou. who will preach at the M. P. church Sunday, arrived In the city this afternoon. The condition of Chief of Police Crutchfl tld Is not ro favorable today. He had a trad night last night Mr. L. E. Norryce, who ha been detained at his honae for several daja by sickness. Is able to be out. The Y. M. 8., of the Methodist Protestant church will give a, lawn party on the old baseball ground to morrow night. You are Invited. Four white me a spent tixlsy. In the city lock up. Thev will probably be sober eiioiinh lo answer to the. charge of drunkenness In the mayor's court this afternoon. A negro woman is also In the lock-up charged with retailing. Capt. John Hale, who wan re leased on bull Wednesday, returwd to his run today. Capt, Hale la con ductor of one of the N. A W. freight trains and Is under Indictment fof shooting a boy In Virginia a lew weeks ago: Thi Brookstown road, In the eastern part of the city. Is In an Im passable condition. One of The Sen tinel's subscriber In that part of the city rerts that two horses mired up today and he thinks It l the duty of the city official to- have repairs tnad at once, Read HeXer's special announce ment for Saturday' le. Tomorrow will be g big day at Hester' ' i