which, pie' d it ions km. J truu' 1 it iimiinn xJST A MOMENT! Th- The way to be convinced of our superiority in filling pre$r criptions is to Learn the Way to Simpson's. (A Registered Druggist always present.) 5 i t 1 I H t I I I I I I I t f " M4.M- Open a Box for the Children Leave it where they can reach it. Watch them gain in weight Watch their cheeks grow ruddy with health and life. Uneeda Biscuit arc the only Soda Crackers the most nutritious food made from wheat, theretorc the most wholesome food for children. C In a dust tight. moisture proof package. 3 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY y CBOOIIAAH1HHEIlITED Every one has a hereditary right to a pure blood snpply, which insure strong, healthy body; but how many do we see who have inherited that Steatest of all misfortunes. Scrofula, and are struggling under "a legacy of iseasc ami suffi-ring? Scrofula is a constitutional trouble handed down from parent to child, a curse from generation to generation as long as the scrofulous matter is allowed to remain in the family blood. As the very foundation of the blood is diseased we see this awful affliction manifested In many ways, such as enlarged glands or tumors about the neck, which often burst and become discharging ulcers, weak eyes, chronic Catarrh of the head, skin diseases, etc. This blighting disease being so firmly intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip disease, while a pallid, waxcv appearance of the skin, loss of strength, and often lung affections show that the disease is entirely destroying the rich, nutritive qualities of the blood. There is but one way to cure Scrofula and that Js to nitrify the blood and rid it of the germs of "disease, and for this purpose nothing equals S. S. S. Its purifying and building-up propertied maKc 11 uie joeai remedy lor Scrofula. S. S. S. searches out and destroys all poisons and germs, gives strength, richness and vigor to Ol monl- rw,11nt,,,l W,l . o (..1. PS A K'vrf . viuivu iHvnni aim lull's OlIUJUIH V Snt permanently. S. 8. S. is a tnirelv vegetable PURELY VEGETABLE m(,,lldne ma(Je '""n roots, herbs and barkr and may be taken with absolute safety by yonng or old. It so thoroughly removes the poison from the blood that no signs f it icre ever seen nain and posterity is Messed with a pure blood supply. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired without charge THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIANTA, GA, CATARRH A GERM DISEASE. Brtathe Air Mediated by Hyamei And Kill the Cemt N,w that physicians and eii'n;U:s .inWersallv asree-that tiUrrS is a icrm the n-"'a tor th failure i'f th o'.d f4.hiur.nl storraca ;',fin? IS this trouble is rtadiiy a. I'nor t, the Ut;over of Hyomet. a trt-BHi;t which cur catarrh by tillin? the air you brtathe with gerni killmg acd htaliug medication, statis tics srwd that at least iutty-stTra rsons in mis uui catarrh of m.e form. AUbimiko H.omei nas ren known only a few Jtars, the re markable results following Its use are -1i.!b bv tie much smaller percen- itate of thus who suffer with catarrh I today. Tlic treatment with Hyoiuei is very .sin:lo and pleasant; a small Inhaler co tut s i'h every out tit and three or four t'tues a day Hyouiel Is breathed through this, making the air at that lime like that found on the mountains where the pine forests Rive off their fi.inraut and healing balsams. I'sed to this way. llyomel pene trates to the moot remote cells of the :10s. throat and hums, absolutely kill ing all catarrhal germs and effwting a complete and peruiaiietit eure of the disease. The complete outfit costs but one dollar, while extra bottles can be ob tained Jor J cetits. O'Hanlou has seen surh leniarkablu results from the use of Hyomei that he sells it under an absolute guarantee that It costs nothing unless it cures. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College , COURSES Literary , Commercial Classical ' " Domestic Science 8cienlifio Manual Training .Pedagogical Musi Three courses leading to defers. Special courses for graduates of olh er colleges. Will Equipped Training School for Teachers. Iloavd, laundry . t'ltlon, and fees for use of text books, etc., $ 1 TO a year. For free-tuition students, $125. Fifteenth annual session begins September 20. 1!G. To se eme board In the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should' be made before July l.r. CorresKndeiiee invitnl from those desiring compu'nt teachers and stenographers. For cata'og. and other Information address CHARLES D. McIVER. President. GREENSBORO, N. C. f PERSONAL NOTES. R. E. D.iHoa wect to Raleigh today V i crews, of Advance, was in the city today. Ir. J. H CleweJI left last evee'eg .'or t hort trip. Miss Milie Fletcher isitt .;ritnlorv today. . W. F. Triton, of Nona Vi!ke mri'. here today. T. S. Fleishman1 retarned to Ktr- wtmuh. ; , uf t.,erv hundred JH' W. U llanr. of Riwiring Rlver.weut iwf safferiniC lo, o riettiniops lasi eiruius. R. J Howen came ia yesterday "after ican from a business trip. Henry Rose has returned from a x;sine-s trip to Salbbury. Miss Stella Alspaugh left Ust even- ng for Auiory, Miss., to vlbit relattves. fi. V. Peyton aud E. J. Davis, of '.reentwit . were among the guests t the rh"enls last night. Dr. Calvin H. Cialnger made a irote.-skinal visit to Lewisvllle yes eidaj, returning this morning.' C. P. McNeely. of Mcoresville. and rhumas H. FaTett. of MU Airy, were n the city yisterday afternoon. Mis Mattie Sterling returned last' vening from .Mocksviile, where she vent to attend the funeral of her it ilu niece. . Jail r O. W. Manner went to pit .'croon Springs today to tlslt jhis nother. He was accompanied by his child i en. Mis. M. A. Ijwrenee. of Cleninvops, .ho has been visiting Mrs. M. W. kind say. la Greensboro, returned home ast iverlng. .M.j. Gilmer, of Thomsivllllc, Ia., who has bten visiting Mrs. Jas. Mspaugh, at Ciater's. left last even ing fi r her home. v R E. Voak-r. of Advance, returned his n:-f.ring from Charlotte. He coni iroinlsed his case la the federal court ' paying $1,000 and the costs. Mrs. H. I). Polndexter auU uaugtiter. llfs t'lamle. returned last evening torn p-jnnaha, where they attended he funeral of Mrs. Poindexter's In ant niece. Mist, Ellen N'orfleet went to High oint today to be the ginst of Miss ieita Rasan. Next week she will at end a house party to be given by Miss Well Battle, of Moiganton. M't's. J. P. Taylr and children left oday f r Covington. Vs.. where they vlH "spend a week with relatives, after vhleh they will visit Mrs. Taylor's uotheiv Mrs. Marthall, la Keutuck). "SLATERS tBIEIlS" HERE AIL NEXT WEEK A popular price company now tu he South for the very first time, but mo that ha met with abundant suc cess In ihe North comes to the Audi- oiinm next Monday night, and will remain all week long to delight our 1 heat re goers. The company will be Slater's Comedians, which have been ilaving continuously for over on luudred weeks, having played sum ner stock last jvsr at 'a Cincinnati. )hlo. park and which was especially ndnced to come South this summer 11 order to play a chain of Southern tlayhouses. The organization" Is com posed of well known players jam! the epertulre consists of only modern -ucccsses. The start of the - engagement will ;e made with that great comedy, "The Diamond Robbery," and In this piece lll be found one that will pleasa all fhe dramatic situations are strong, he action snappy and the comedy ;ood and wholesome, besides being plentiful. The company will change Us nl llglitlv and earh tlma a drainif or ;medy entirely new to the South will he presented. Between uoib of aeh performance will be presented m up-to-diiite and exceedingly clever lino of specialties. . . The fate of stats will be found at 'Bunion's. The prices throughout ihe engagement will be 10, 20 and 30 ?ent:r. -1 The Evening Dispatch, of Wilming ton, May 22, had this to say of "The Diamond. Robbery." "Slater's Comedians opened a week's engagement at the Academy lasj night aud also inaugurated the summer stock season. The. bill was 'The Diamond Robbery' and was well presented by a most competent cast. The specialties were splendid, es peclally the illustrated songs, and so all told the company has been pin nouncod one of the best popular price Organisations of the season." MUM f44a-f X Agents I 'for fiutterick Patterns -Thi Palnfer-lhn with thi Proper Can Painters who us ready, mixed paints, and bo Ut thurouichiy tested tuera 1.1 wonuui r juUieot ronUily reoom- UMOd , MASTIC Uiied Palnl TA ITitaf law Lmlm ' 'Tobecsrtatnof getting the right kind M tbat, like tne iwinier-aiao. yon mi tbe goods in the roircan. That's tbe only wy to Identify the paint before using it. A (tor you om-e uu Mutt ipalnt iheapieniioeof the work and tbe durability of the paint w 111 eonttuce you that the painter-man wu right la his reeoiumenUatlun. You will need no further proof and you will recommend Haatl palu.1 to your friends. . HuuUctured by PEASLEC-OAULBERT CO, Iim. Louisville, Ky. rOROALEBV x ' W, O, Sensaman, Contractor Better. Class painting, paper hanging, ', etc. I'bono G12. Vade Mecum Transfer Co. Meets all trains at Rural Hall. Good horses, easy carriages1 ' Phone ns at Winston, Rural Hall or Vade Mecum. J. H. VAUGHN, Manager. Thomasville Orphanage Gathering. The annual meeting date at the Thomasville Orphanage will be Wed nesday and Thursday, July 4 and 5 On Wednesday, 4. the trustees of the orphanage will hold their annual meeting a'ml Thursday, 5, will he the big picnic day. ICE ! Prompt shipment to all points. 1 C. M. THOMAS 6 CO. ' Winston-Salem, N. C. Calvin H. Grainger 08TEOPATHIST Specialities: Chronlo and Nsrrous Dtseasea. Lady Attendant Phona 480. 414 Liberty St, COT HIS HAIR BACK. Waa Perfeeilr Bald Whea n Started te Ve If ewbre'a Ilerplcide , i Frederick Manuell, Maryland block, Butte, Muntsna, bought a bottle of New bro's Horpli'lde, April , '99, and began to use It for entire baldness. Ths hair fol licles In li1a scalp were not dead and In 10 days he had hair all over Ms head. On July I he writes, "and today my hair la as thick and luxuriant ns any on could wish." Newbro's Herploide work on an old principle and with a new dis coverydestroy th eaue and you re move the effect Herptelde destroys the rer that eauaes dandruff, falling hslr, and finally baldness, so that with tho csues gone the effect cannot remain. Stops falling: hair nt once and a new growth starts. Bold by leading druE-glta. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to TUe Horptclda Co., Detroit, Mich. . B. W.-O HANLON, BpectsJ Aut Lay your plans to take supper with tho Presbyterian ladies on the lawn In front of the manse Thursday everting The ladies hope to have automobiles to take the children to ride. Rubbers 10 to 55c per pair: ladles' slippers or shoes 49c to 1.48 pair ehlldren s shoes 25e to 9Sc. Prices less than factory cost, nt bankruDt saie of w. l Hill stock. Indies' tinder or top skirts C9c to i.SX, worth three times the money at. bankrupt sale W. L. Hill stock. POPULAR COMPANY AT POPULAR PRICES ONE WEEK OF JOY AND BRIGHTNESS WITH Slater's Comedians. Commencing Monday Night, June lSth with a Scenic Piodiictioii of "THE DIAMOND HOHP.KRY." A modem success of great power. Plenty of snappy, up-to-date tpe;!al tk'S. The weck't repertoire will em- biace all New Plays and each Jnter-sp-cist'd with sphndid vaudeville. PltlCBS li, :) aaid -'c.- Moinlay night evtiy lady accompanied liv the holder of a paid :!U cent tiekrt will he admitted ftf.', provided such tietket Is purchased Ix'fore I! p. m. Monday. Tickets on sale at O'Han- on's drug store. Sale of Lot. By virtue of an order of the superior court made on the Kith day of May. l'.'DU, by R. IS. Transou. clerk, und ratified by R. B. Peebles, judge, In a special proceeding entitled" Alex Hanes et. al., tx-parte, the under signed will sell for cash at the court house door ,111 Winston at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1900, the following described property. Fronting on Summit street, Winston, N. C, li feet and extending east waidly of the same width be'ween 4 street and the lot of W. A. Whit aker to the property of the estate of Frank'Hanes. being a lot 100x200 feet. The above lot lies directly behind the residence of Rubejrt Dalton. T. W. WATSON, Com. Juno 6, 190G. I ST. " (1 V SCR Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smiling face, bright eves sparkling with health, which conies by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. U5c, tea or tablets. For sale by E. V. O Hanlon, Win ston; Ijtndqulst & Pfohl, Salem. Big Oividends. In Southern Life & Trust Co. because mortality rate It small. Not a single death by disease since company organ lied threa years ago. 40,561.66 added to surplus last year. J. w. McAlister, district agent, 439 Liberty street. Phono 121, 4 ; FUGLE BROS GO. Manufacturers of SCREENS Made v to FIT your doors and windows. Phone 85. Remodelling S Offers greater opportunities this wetk , any time since its beginning. M4nv gains find their way to the sales never appear in print, you must come store to reap the full benefit of the n reductions. Specials in Lace Curtar 50 pairs Nottingham Lace Cur tains; beautiful patterns; extra quality, Z yards 1a length, 4 inches widw 75c pair 100 pairs Ruffled Muslin Cur talus, 50 Inches wide, 3 yards in length; a very special bargain. 48c pair 50 pairs Nottingham Lace Cur tains; charming floral atfd scroll designs; 58 inches wide, ZVj in length. $1.69 pair $) NoltiiU'ham quivit, pattern. , v q;;alitj, ; i in lengtU. $1.50 New arrivals ill x3C inches; oris jui 50c "Fritzi Scheff ' Belts, 4'f- 4"-r .J. A. a a ... t HIV i THE BEE - jkj. Are you getting youth of the Bargains th g king offered at our I June CUT PRICE SB g Here area few of. them. X big values that will h fered Saturday ilnddll week' . . v. X 500 yards White Irish Linen W Finish Suiting, worth 15c, spe- 10c. 400 yards Irish Linen Finish Suiting, worth 25c, special 15c. . , : Gooo yards of India Linen to go A o nspeclal sale from c to 20c. worth one third more. - VV : 'Jj KOfta yards Figured Uwns, all " the season's latest styles, worth V 12c, special this sale 71-2c. J 2000 yaf-ds Figured Uwns and organdies, the very latest styles. M worth 15c to I8c, special this White Habutal silk, worth 35c, ii via i ,".00 r,iii 5 Aifi Ir iise, worth 15c. f sala Tahh' Oil rin'h.wi special lliiu'wle 19c. Black Taffota Silk, guaranteed, worth 11.00. Special this sale 79c. White Habutal Silk, 3G Inches X wide, worth 00c, special S 45c. Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, worth $1.35, special this sale - 98c. New patent Leather and Wrhlte Wash Belts from 15c, to 25c,, special while they last 10c. 300 Ijirgc Towels in -seconds, worth 15 to 25c, special while they last ' 10c. fj. Ladles' Ribbed Vests, worth l"c ? .special this sale 4 for Men's Garter! lal woitl Men's (Jailers. lal Hon nun's rolors. wurth !n salt: 2.'.n men's CoMwlS 5ne, fiHTial is1 Mlf mi I inn Br1"1 $1.25 to 1-M. lf 1 Ix.t Men's KtZ. Straw Haf. or,n $1.25. srs-eta 1 Lot Men. worth $1.5" 10 .... , iutrY lH , off.', in? meat We are In thi: ilePrW , rut in ...... r..,,er!) '"' Ilie.i iv Inia:if y Colors, 4-4-i.J

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