if M CITY DAILY SENTINl WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IE Ml. . appropriation MeatInpt- tin m KeporteJ. L,tt And Speaker. o B II Approp- .. w Travelling Es- Ld"t.-House Passet !, ,.Pres.oern e jf Sjn Frant'sco Dele- N Jaae trie mi;;; KeprcxeutaUve t,fl ll.e asr.ctiltural ; tin- m at lQ tin as approved by :;J iiif -aker. It u uuniit..' on appropru towd a faoi able re ajipiupriatiiiK amount iT.imn annually for .ws.of the president. tl.tllOHOW. Luce Militia Bill. Mils passtd senate M.g annual amount the f, (itial govern tui'ina organizations k millions. The addi ct rill.' pi act ice. It Approves Plan. ismlt has agreed to dt San Francisco (inl by ex Governor ruia. winch I he seere- asnry hail already hjj- r (Dveinin 'lit place yf trtasjry (mills on Francisco banks ou Francisco bomls. Tin1 liich they may remain J. .11 railed at the White iiImk. to Bridge Trust. mini at ilie SI. Louis tin- hiMiKi- committee mul' fiiit ''ii commerce iithoriziit a favorable bill of lit piescntative i.H cily. authorizing construct free bridge iniii i in r. There was airy on the subject be ariit Democratic col- Urals, ! TON-SflLEM slinkeiip in rivrnur :;i ,v tit 1 1 1 ili.mtt ku It' H.llii('li:i tljlhiv 111 .III ii-"imuicni (it iho. M. a., colh.ctor for 'filial revenue district. proimiiiy lie moved in Statcsville. A illl lO'lMSI; tlmt U'l.. ' , III- 'A have 2otten th, fi,i. 11 ' Winy nail been aide ii"u line man. .ir. 'W was nn .miiir.int t, i"e l'osunastcr C. A. jt illl ininlii'Eitit ttio.. '"lii-vo he would .have I liad IKit Mr lluiilu.u. H'l'l'-y. of Advance, been If I.JI I lll'll L- fit.,!,,. H. om "ic new collector. I'Plicatiim and did not Wxuiileil until he reurl s rnonun BELEWS GREEK COUPLE KiLLEDJY LIGHTNING Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown Received Fatal Shock Dur ing Storm Monday Afternoon-Leave Several Chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown, who resident at Belcw Creek, on C. F. & Y. V. road. IS miles east of this city, were struck by lightning and killed during a thunderstorm yesterday af ternoon. Mr. and Mr Brown, who were estimable' citizens, recently moved to Uelews ' Creek from Rockingham county. They leave seven children. Mr. Luther Hester, brother of Mrs. Brown, received a telegram this morn iua. telling him that his ! sister and brother-in-law had been 1 killed by lightning and that they would be buried at Stokesdale tomorrow. No o'.her particular of the sad misfortune could be learned at this writing. Mr. Hester left for Belews Creek at noou by private conveyance. CONDITION OF ANTI-SEMITIC TOBACCO CROP. B REMAINS OF CAPT. GULES TO ARRIVE THURSDJir A f-elegram was received here to day stating that the body of Cupt. A. ,!. dales, chief of the Winston Fire Department, who died In the New York. Polyclinic hospital Sunday night, would not be shipped from that city before Wednesday. The remains will arrive here Thursday, when the interment will take place. At the called meeting of the Win ston Flie Department last night a committee was appolnted'to meet the remains In Greensboro, which were expected to arrive '.his morning. That committee wan composed of R. 14 Hopper and D. M. Haltheox, of Com pany No. 1; A. A. Dean and Robert Shelton, of Company No. 2; Otto Lllpfert and Wood Richmond, of the Hook and Laddtr Company. The above numed gentlemen, accompanied by W. F. Keit'i and R. I". Clingmaii, representing 8a tern lodge I- (. O. F., of which Captain dales had long been an honored member, went to Greens boro on the early lnurnlng train. Mr. Mlpfert returned at 9 o'clock and nil but two of the other firemen came In this ifteruoon. Messrs. K-elrh and Shelton, who missed the train, are ex pected back tonight. . . S.F. mm II SILR Til By Wire to Tho Sentinfel. MAHONEY CITY, Penn., June 19 Ten thousand men and boys are out nf nmflr aa faaul nt flimHno- flf twelve collieries in this region by recent; storms, it will take a week to resume operations. !' Sentinel f HO. June ltlCWres. '"s home here, adver """ .vesterdiiv . i --. , . .I null' ,!'f illlirliao ...i -j tii'tay. wan ,, .... . ' '" Jim Uy MIS nini'llltm I i.. a i. 'rust Cmtipany came n'''l the m.'.ttr.,. t f the crediturs. filRE B TO GEORGIA he Seuit,et F"N-. .!,. m a '""ilKinying ,he re. Loster left 11,1 avat.nah. PF MDROCGD S TREATY TERMS f p Sentinel. 7 h" s"ari of . i-t ii 18 of Alglec ""r"i to F . ' a'S ptponed. ,f n it,,.,.., , v NV'nsto Elk w ;:r.,t,,"?it, has hw ' ,lrst Tues- T w- Watson, e. r. "The Forsyth Republicans have practically agreed upon Assistant Postmaster Sum F. Vance fotjsherlff," remarked a politician today, and he claimed to know what he was talking about. It Is to be presumed that Mr. Vance will hold fast to his present job, at least until after the election returns are In. There Is talk also that J. F. Miller, of Rural Hall, can have the nomination for his old office if he wants it register of deeds. Predictions are being mad that Mr. Nat S. Wilson will be put up for his old office clerk of tho superior court. DF U. S. Department of Agricul ture Issues Review of Situation at Present. Indicates That Both Acreage And Yield Will Be Smaller Than Lat Year. Increased Acreage In Sev eral States. Prospectt lor the Crop ac a Whole Rather Gloomy. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. June 19. A re view o( prospects of tobacco crop by department of agrieultuie Indicate, that both, acroage aud vleld may l smaller than last year, ll shows In- creafed acreage In New England. New York. Pennsylvania, Georgia anil Florida. There Is an increase of about 25 per cent in chewing, smok ing and export districts. The prospects are gloomy. Tru crop will he at least three weeks late. In Paducah district of Kentucky and Tennessee the weather Is unfavorable. Virginia reports reduced acreag?, largely on accomtt of lack of labor. In the Carolina a poor stand was ob tained. In Maryland dry weather de layed planting. UTS Hi. Attacks on the Jews In iWany Places In Russia SUM Continue. STATE CAPITAL Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 19. Attorney Gen eral R. D. Gilmer is here from his smiimer home at Waynesvllle In con ference with the corporation commis sion with reference to the answer that thj commission will make June 21 to the temporary restraining order Issued against the commission by Judge Purnell of the federal court concerning the operation of the new schedule on the Southern for train No. Ill, Goldsboro to Greensboroi The Commission has decided to file an answer rather than abandon the litigation altogether as was contem plated by the petitioners In withdraw ing the petition last Friday. RALEIGH, June 19 Postmaster C. T. Ilnlley, of the Raleigh postofnea, who has been In Jhe race for appoint ment to a third term, stated to friends today that he hag withdrawn from the race. His present term expired June 1, but he lild over until his suc cessor Is appointed. The principal candidates for the office are W. G. Briggs, well known, newspaper man here. Lester Sutler, editor of the Caucaslon, and brother of ex-Senator Butler, and J- H. Hardin, 'connected with one of the Hulolgh banks. Assis tant Postmaster Leonard also started petitions, In his own behalf today when Mr. Bailey announced his re tirement. RALEIGH. Junfl 19 Superinten dent Maim, of the penitentiary, an nounces the escape of Jeff Nelson, sent from Guilford county to serve six years for larceny and burning In 1903. THAT TROLLEY LINE IIS. IT BIALYSTOK NOW Special to The Sentinel. ST. PETERSBURG, June 19. Deputy Vlnaveu has received a tele gram from commissioners of douma who went to Blalystok to investigate the nias-acie, stating that their ar rival had effect of pacifying the popu lace. Thu danger Is over. Early re ports that the massacre was caused by attack of Jews on religious pro cession are declared false. The proposition to build an Inter nrban railroad from Winston-Salem to Vmlliln ninntv Ik erowimt In favor here and several prominent iUztma will probably attend tne mass meeting to be held at Yadkinville July 4, when addresses will be made ex plaining to the people of that county the advantages of an electric line. Several capitalist from the North have been here Investigating the mat ter and those in a position to kiiow say that If Yadkin will do her part there will be no trouble In raising the necessary money to build It. I Close of Four-Fold Gospel Meeting. Reiorted (or The Sentinel, The revival services at the Four Fold Gospel church came to a close last night and Rev. A. B. Grumpier led today to conduct a neeeting t Walnut Cove. In the closing service there existed the same spirit o( love and power that characterised the en tire meeting. Mr. Crumpler spoke on vcrsts 8 to 10 o( the first chapter o( First John, showing that the blood of Christ provides forgiveness for trans gression and deliverance from me dominion of human depravity. This series of meetings with Its sim ple, helpful talks ha been a source of gteat blessine. The total number of professions has been seventy-seven. With true sorrow Mr. Crumpler's many friends witness his departure fiom our midst. By Wire to The Sentinel. OTTAWA, Canada. June 19. The annual convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen began here today with the opening address by B. H. Hanriihan, chief of the Brother hood. Delegates front all parts of the United States and Canada will be piesent. Heggie-Marsha Case. Ony. Heggle and Shedid Marsha, were arraigned yesterday afternoon, house near Belo's pond. Mayor Eaton imposed a fine of $5,00 upon I lege. Marsha was not present at the hear inn and thereby forfeited a cash bond of five dollars. 99S Yeare In Penitentiary. FORT WORTH, Texas, June 1S -Nine hundred and ninety-nine years In the .penitentiary Is the penalty Im posed upon Snow Williams, a nemo, for catching a young white woman by the foot. The negro entered the girl's room at Helton a few nights nRo and wised her by the foot, but her streams brought aid and he was ar rested. Tha grand jury was in session and quick punishment followed. Miss Mary ami Master Joint Pul liani went to Price this afternoon to visit relatives. Mr. .inrf Mrs. II W. Fraser and W P. Pickett, of High Point, were in th cltly today. Reports Received About Fresh Atroci- tiee in Different Parti of the Coun-; try. In Some Places Rewards Are Offered foi Bodies of Jews Other; . News About Disturbances In Russia.' By Wire to The Sentinel. - BERLIN, June 19. Protuluetit Jews here hae recfivtd Information of numerous anti Semitic riots through out Stssia. , . i At Elitabethgrad priests of Ortho dox Greek church iaclted populace to attacks Bloody riots resulted. At Bogokipoie, In province of Volyhynta. local authorities posted placards sum atoning royal populatlou to exter minate the Jews who are revolu tionists. At Sataki In Bessarabia the authorities posted a telegram reading. "Deal to Jews, kill them ill." signed Nicholas. Peasants, believing the command came from the ctar, killed many. At Mleshln wealthy Gentile ffered Ij.OO to every one who killed a Jew; $2 for wounding; It for every male Jewhih baby killed. The peasants are gathering arms and pre paring to earn rewatds. Riots also have been organised at Plockkuto. Towlee, Kleloe, Cholm, Lomxha, Plu- neiow and Mremeuets. FIRST HO CONCERT TO BE HELO TONIGHT PRESIDENTS TO REFUSAL A'ill be Given at Court House at 8.30 O'clock by the WIn-jHeJ(ls uf sum tornei Bana-rrogram That Is to be Carried Out Tonight. Various Railroads Not to Give Testimony at Hearing Tomorrow., HI STONES BREAK GLASS IN GREENSBORO Special to The Se'tlneL GREENSBORO, June 19 Ule yes terday afternoon this city and section had a bad hall storm followed by al most a cloud burst of rain. In the city the hall waa not accompanied by wind and the Immense stones falling tru!ght down did but little dumage to glass except, on skylights, every one in the clt- being broken. Al Pomona J. Van LI ml ley Immense green houses had all the glass broken and thousands of panes In the Poniona cotton factory roof were smashed. In the country north and west of the tlty It is repoited this morning that the hall literally ruined crop and the rain which followed swept away bridges, as well as (tootled the hot tnma. " Great diOTt of hall began falling here, almost without warning, and many horses being go unesiiecledly iiombardcd by stones falling from above ran away, but nobody si-em to have been hurt. Many of the stones were even ' bigger than goose eggs, oi lie measuring nine Indus In cir cumference mul others, which were weighed, reaching five ounce. First Baptist Revival. The niieting at the First Baptist church continues with increasing Interest. Tho sermon last nigh! was among the best In the aeries of splendid discourses deliverer! by Rev. Mr. Jenkins, The gospel Is prearhed plainly, Interestingly, faithfully. Much deep and quh;t Interest Is felt on the !art of many people, There have licen many manifestations of desire by a tiHiuber of itersons to lead a dif ferent life. The meeting will continue a few more day. All are Invited to the services, which begin promptly at S: 15 every evening, Practicing for Tournament. The Eagle Hose Company was out last evening for practice for the slate tournament races. Captain Tesh la highly pleased with the showing the bovs are making this season and feels onfldent that his company will be able to maintain the record estab lished by them last year. The com pany will enter the state and Inter state contests at Ashevllle In July. Outside of the Eagle Company there will be about 50 Winston-Salem peo plo who will attend the tournament. Special to The Sentinel. Lawn Party and Band Concert. The Salem EaKle Hoe Co. Is mak ing extensive nreoarations for their" annual lawn party and band oencert at Salem square Saturday night. It promises to be the event of the sea son, The boys" hand will give some special mnsic on this occasion. Baptist 8unday School Outing. Greensboro the place, June ' 21 (Thursday) the time. Don't miss this. ' Everybody Invited-4o go; will make you enjoy It; all children of the schools under 15 years go free, all iHdies of the whools pav 50c, all males of the schrxd and outsiders pay 75 cents. Tickets on sale at I). 8. Held s store. The first of the band concert ar ranged for by public amusement cow mittee f tu tmard of tiade will be given tonight at S o'cKhW at the' court boua square by th W'inston Coruet Band. Before the rendering of the aiusict) program there will be short Mr-k by Mayor Eaton, Hoa. Cleiuent Maul) and Hon. V. B. Wt,n. Th program for this evening's con Cert is as follow: Part I. March 8 L U. A Hall. March Ueuteuaut SantlemaiiD i Rosrnkrns. Medley Walts From Time to Time MarkL-. Medley Overture Southern Melo dies. Beyec. Walta Sanrta I.ncla.-B;iioolll. March Black Diamond Express. Galviu. Part II. March Coppers on Psisde Cle me nt. March IW fender. Leigh. Spanish bolero A Fete In Madrid Abblatc. MarchAIbanlan Hall. Walties Sparkling Gem Ifpley Two 8tep Dixie Girl. luipe JAIL IT I By Wire to The Reirtlnel. LYNCH HI' KG. Va.. June 19 Ned Bryant, a iw gro, Ik under arrest here charged -with attempt to criminally assault a six ye ar-old white girl, Mildred Evarni, daughter of Reese Evans, of Rust burg, In a stable of the girl's uncle at that place. , Owing to the Intense feeling agaltMl the negro he was brought here for safe keeping, lliyant threatened to rut the girl's thioal If she made an outcry. She scieamed and the negro Med. He was captured and given a heating and Is held fur grand jury. Growing Weaker.' Chief of Police Crutehfieid Is grad ually growing weaker. This la the re port that came from his home this afternoon. He is. In a semi-conscious state and is only able to say "yes" or "no" when members of the family question him about anything. AROUND THE CITY. VligllTS. Holcomb, of Mt. Airy, was hero today . . i PIuimi free. See large, ad. of A. D. Jones it Co. H. D. Lindsay, of Rorkford, went to Greensboro today. The fourteen mom lift old child of Mr. and Mis. M. N. Ilawn Is quite III, Rev. J.L.'wiiite. pastor of the First Baptist church at Mucon, Ga , arrived In tho city this afternoon. Mrs, W. F. Trogdon, of North Wllkesboro, went to Oree-iwiuoio to day to visit her mother. Miss Sarah Booe, of Walkertown, waa here this afternoon, en route to Mocksvllle to visit relatives. Wade II, King went to Asheboro to day lo look after some business for K G. Dun t Co. 'i mercantile agency. Supt. Bruce Craven, of the Morgan- ton graded school, was here today, returning from a visit to Greensboro. J. 8. Thornton, of Ferritin, Vs., spent the night here with his son. W. L. Thornton, returning home this after noon. Miss Ella Coleman, of Fernnn, Va., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thornton, returned homo this afternoon. The Centenary Ught Hearers' picnic, which was to have been on Thursday at Nlssen park, has been necessarily postponed. Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Woodwsrd and two daughters,' Misses Ina and Edna, of Morganton, were here this after noon, returning from a tUU to Vir ginia. The remains of Tena Halrston, colored, arrived here thin morning from Washington, D. C, where she died on Sunday. Deceased was a native of thin place. The Interment took place today, Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Iambe sre at Carolina Beach. Mr. I a tubes condi tion shows no Improvement. It will be remembered that he was badly In jured several months ago by being thrown from a flat car on Jhe Sooth ern yard In this city. John A. Reed was up before Mayor Eaton Monday afternoon on the charge of retailing. He was fined f.Vl and costs. Through his coiiiim-1 defendant gave notice of appeal to the superior court. His bond was fixed at $.V, In default of which Reed was sent to jail. I. R. H. Jones Is In High Point. He Is a iiK tnber of the committee ex aniitiiug applicants (or license to practice dentistry in North Carolina. C. O. Le-e, colored. U the only. appli cant from Winston Sa'em. Dr. Jours Is also tecretary and treesnrer of the State Dental Association, whlrh holds Its annual meeting In High Poltjt this week, beginning tomorrow. Sudden Death. T. C. Walker, aged "ft years, died suddenly tit his home'- ee-ven miles noith o(-the city yestetdny evening. The deceased leaves a wife and four children. The Interment was at love's church. Walkertown, this after noon at ft o'clock. W. L. Sanford and Editor Clement, of Mockirille, were here today. - They Will Refuse to Testify Befere Interstate Commerce Commission Unless Sibpoenss Are Issued for Them. Commission Busy Collect ing Evidence of Ownership ef Coal Property by Railroad Officiate, By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, June 11-h wat expected that the presidents of the Chetapvake and Ohio, Norfolk aad Wvstern, sod Bahlnmre and Ohio railroads wmlil appear before Inter state com tunc commission her to morrow to be questioned as to whether official of the mads ows stock in various cowl companies along the lines. It kt understood the presi dents will refuse to appear unlet subpoenaed. The opportunity has been offered theiu lo testify but ao siibpoenaes have been Issued. The commission takes this course to avoid langer of Involving the govrrnrrwul in the situation under Immunity clause of Elklns act, which led to mis carriage of Justice In Chicago pack ers case. The commission makes no conceal. mvnt of the purpose of the govern ment, if prosecution Is fully supported by evide nce, to recomfnend prosecu tion wherever law has bees violated and It accepts the view thai It must be the head of each company who must be Indicted and punished. THRILLING EXPERIENCE OF By Wire In The ftnatlnsl . NEW YORK. June 19 The exper iences of Dr. Thomas and Charles levree during fourteen and oimhalf houis balloon trip which ended at Butternut, Otsego county, have never been equaled In the history of bsloon lug lu this country. Eight hours were epent In a thunderstorm. The pit wa so full of electricity that even the ropes became charged. At tlmis the cold was Intense and garments frote. They could mr land only occasionally and feared being raided out to tea. MULLS FRIENDS SAY ' NOMINATION CERTAIN Special to The Sentinel. KAI.EIGIi. June 111 -Announcement Is made here today by parties close In touch with the campaign for etioni I rial Ion of Chairman Frsnklln Mc Neill, as In" iiiIm t of tho corporation commission, that the county conven tions which have timtrurted for Mc Neill the past thrce days assure hi renomlnalloii ou the first ballot at the approaching Detuoctailc state conven tion. - Approaching Marriage, Announcement I made of the ap proaching marriage, of Mr. George L Andre to Miss Wundn Lane Harden. The marriage will take place at the homo of the prospective bride's par ents al Ore Hill. Mr. Andre Is editor of (he Southern Home Journal, of this city, and has resided here for more than a year. Miss Harden has been residing here for several months. Both have a large number of friends who wilt be Interested In the sniKmncemest of their approaching marriage. Back from California, Mrs. M. E. Sides and her adopted daughter, Miss IsIa Walker, of Rethaula. and Miss Tllla Harmon, of Krmrrsvllle, who went to California last October, arrived here last night, going lo their respective homes today,- They re-port a most delightful trip and say that the earthquake at Claremout, Cal., where they spent the winter, did no damage In that sec 'Ion. New Advertisements. Ijitldquist & Pfohl. A good soda talk. D H Held. Groceries and table delicacies. , Price Furniture Co. Why we bid for your furniture trade. Meyers-West brook Co, Special re modelling sale price - -r KoHeu barber A Kro. Special silk sale tomorrow and Thursday, governor Pattison's Death. CINCINNATI, Ohio, June 19 -Not urrtll the death of Governor Pattison was the exact nature of his malady made public. Dr. O. P. Holt states that the governor dle-,1 of llright's disease. A Elks' Auditorium Tonight. Slater's comedians opened a week' engagement at the Elks' Audltoiluin Inst night before g large audience. The performance was a pleasing one and showed that this is an excep tionally gixxl repertoire organization. There were some splendid ipeclaltlev "Nobody's Fool" will be presented tonight. Greatly Improved. The ninny friends of Mr. D Rich sill be pleased to learn that his condi tion is greatly Improved, chance for early recovery are decidedly en- com aging. Insanity U raid to be akin lo love but a man In love doesn't care If be Is criiy. KoKenbac hi r's silk sale start to nioiroe, morning. The !.llk sale of the season. See ad. of RoEenbacher.

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