WLNC,1.TY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, 1906 YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS 1 ftlfl I! BE CONFIRMED LOCK TYPE 10 II RUSSIANTROUBLEJMERCHANTS MEET. B Lidontln rcnnsyl However. Senator Tillman Senate A'ill Probably follow Uprisings In Various Parts Of n. a Retail Merchants Con House Votes For Measure Ap- propriatlng 125.000 For Traveling Expenses. Will Continue Opposition To Mr. Barnes. Lead of House In Vot ing For It. jnndl'naerwM The Country Still ventlon Opened At More- Ever "fttyy. Continue. head City Today, III IS PASSED vJt Killed Several ,v;d in Rush to Ei raref Details of Acci , by A.r rVes.ure j'Smeld. c St-ntiiieT. J i:.t- -" Two in'" ,' ,,ht a wore of work ". ,1 ,!, Hltl bv ae- .,;., round this: "4?r pivssmv iu a head-j tu hold back mud into, . is (omed I'lt '' "ud i ' sliiiid and made a) Iwt bxti mi surface of j T m'ti were Miig.it ! blown up through the -a.H:; was emptied of v ::! with water and diowii tin- survivors tsc..! sevtral were It Is Quite Likely That Man Ap pointed to Washington Postmaster ship Will Bt Confirmed Tomorrow But Mr. Tillman Will Probably De mand Public Hearing by Committee. By Wire to The SentlneL WASHINGTON. June 20. It is ex pected a vote will be taken tomorrow in the nomination of Benjaiuiu Barnes for postmaster at Washington. The general belief Is he will be con in- BOX J.iue ?. The gov- increase legation guard a. by i marines not . viilf-ut desire of the lit to have imiiressUm uti'liiiiMis In China are :al a.-pt-ci. It Is learned .ilKirit; that disquieting ,e been recently reeeiv in t'liina. This led to rencis lately between iot. Tall ami Bonaparte :sat)i: ity of sending re- !i arix-a. how additions wiili'iiit mousing sus m wl:o ai ever ready tuiallcsl excuse for anil- lion. IT IS e Si iilltifl, II is- staled In ii'lis that tu ('mean li'l'aii wits nipped ill "' id S. mil yi -itenla) ll is asserted the pe tniiiiM for tin iiiii- ' Ja':ni.,"se ami t.i u.sk -t In Hie undertaking. wen- lakt'h Just as K palace with pa lriii! seal annuitizing V. ""-is were ,iaiit, . The Corrnti vice fcnioni; those arrested. EIS h Senttnpi '''"""I 'I. June 20.-J- iidommilon that a ''aa revolutionist is ,l "atrage. visited his '1 turn engaged in the A large box .' f"r use was found .'n'' house, whirh ml of Aiiieriean and The general belief I hi blow up the opplng hlin ou account of the .Mr. Morris Incident at the White House, will demand that a public hearing be made by the senate committee before the senate takes final action. This will probably be denied. National House cf Representatives a Tew Days Ago Declared in Favor of Lock Type for Panama Canal And Senate Will Probably Do th Sams Tomorrow. Other Congressional Notes. By Wlr tn Th Peatlnel. ' WASHINGTON. June 2. The ad vocatts of a lock canal hav won tiie flKht in the senate. A poll shows that Disorder at Cronitadt And Other Dis turbances in Orel Province. Why Address of Welcome Delivered by Hon. Paul Webb Response by Mr. the Douma Was Not Dissolved As' Pearson, of Durham. Letter from Intended at Fust. Other Russian . Governor Glenn Read to the Dele Matters. gates. tlrmed but Senator Tillman, who -U.r-eiititors and possibly 4? will vote against the sea level plan when the bill comes up tomorrow. The house has already placet) Itself on record in favor of a lock canal. The result t a victory foi the administration. 10 will get TIE STAMP OFFICE HERE? Who will succeed stamp clerk J. F. Reynolds under the new regime or In other words, will the present In cumbents of the local revenue office be allowed to retain their jobs? This question is being propounded by the anxious those who have cur iosity to know Just what will happen after Collector George H. Brown goo3 in office. Mr. Reynolds and his assistant. H. E. Nisson, have been holding posi tions under Collector Harkins for more than eight years and Congress man Blackburn's admirers In this city are arguing that It Is time for a change. The stamp clerk's place pays $1500 a year, while the assistant receives $1,000. It Is safe to gay that an effort will be made by the "outs" to get the new collector to name new men and It is already being hinted that R. A. Mills and Ned Shore will be two of the aspirants for stamp clerk. Both are warm friends of the congiessnittn fioni the eighth district and they may "get together" and ask for the posi tions now held . by Messrs. Reynolds ami Nissen provided they can agree .upon which one shall have ihe $1500 job. , It can be truthfully said that the two pres. uit Incumbents have 'per formed their duty faithfully and have always been accommodating to every one who had business with the olllce. CONTEST FOR RALEIGH By Wire to The Sentinel ST I'KTERSBl RO. June 20 Ad vice received todav !Uile that , agrarU disorders have beet eouivn-: lratt In Orel district. Great unrest,' jhoSreTWT' prevails In Vnlna rKK j ,The fMvwnnjent is ready to meet any i serious disturbances. Ir is reported that heavy firing Is in progress at Crotistailt. Sailors are i lassnubling and street meeting Is In progress. The city police are taking' Utiiugent precautions to prevent dis-j orders. The sudden change of plan of minis-j try In deciding not to dlsmlsn the. douma is attributed by constitutional. IHutjcials to discontent prevailing! among guard regiments. Th soldiers asserted and made plain their un willingness tu fight their own people. Special to The Snt!nrl. MOUKHKAO CITY, June 20 -The Stale Retail Merchant' conveutlou was calU-.l to onler this morning. C Sawyer presiding. Aitoul on hundred d U'gai. r bvre from fifty five cities in the State. ITayrr was of fereil by Rev. R. I). Citms. of Morv head t The address of werccm was bvHon. Pan! Webb, of Morrhead City. The resne was hy C T. Pear son, of Itairham. A Utter from tlov enuir (SU tin was read. OFFICIALS OE TWO RAILROADS TESTIFY. By Wire to Tle Sentinel WASHINGTON, Juno 20. Officials of operating departments of the West ern Maryland and Chesupuike and Ohio 'rniliiiads were witnesses today before the interstate commerce com mission. A. Robertson, general manager of the Maryland road, was the first wit ness. He stated his company con trols stock of Davis Coal and Coke Co. He paid the company's mines were given no preference in car dis tribution over Independent companies. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 20. The latest tutu in the postoffice sluiutloii here Is a well-founded report that Col. John Nichols has entered the race for the appointment now that Postmaster C. T. Bailey retires from the contest for re-appointment.- Colonel Nichols will make a sirong candidate, having a long and active Republican record. He served several terms In congress as member of the house of repre sentatives from this district and served a term as postmaster accept ably g number of years ago. The contest will, it Is expected, really be between Lester Butler, brother of ex Senator Butler, and editor of the Caucasian, W. G. Urlggs, a welt known newspaper Mian here, J. H. Hardin, a prominent banker and Colonel Nichols. It Is not expected that the appoint ment will be made by the president until after the state Republican con vention at Greensboro, July 10. REVIVAL MEETING AT T Win Sentinel, "e 2n.-wrecklng Oils tlutrMliiw I.. eiimfr Vincent IV riff . "e sunn nar on ' "''t11' l expected "'Rh water this even "n;"' and the vessel TiOFl MM RAILROAD S'-ntiiM.;, r --..mi io u U.. i ' '.''.. a a member , ot me North '" Micreed C T 6 '" xh- Suii; Crcensboro. vtr Mu Flora ;;.';-,--,,,.,. ! ere- :r' a. g. "- IU I. II ".!! (V Mrs. ( rcii,l..- l ., i ,i ... ' ' ui- !.: t:,;.:;.' "'"IvIiir en. inends. j p ' 'he home of Clt- The latter h Of PASSENGER TRAIN. PRESENT HADLEY The revival M the First Baptist chim b will probably close tonight. last night Rev. Mr. Jenkins preach ed ii.i Iiistriietive sermon from John 20:lil. The subject of the discourse was "Faith and Feeling." Mr. Jeu bitu spoke at. length of the uncer tainly of feeling. He said that feel ing Is not tho test of the soul; that a man may ft-el good, may be happy and .still not he a Christian, and on the other hand he may feel that he Is not a Christian and be one; that religion is not a matter of feeling, but of be lief; that one m ist believe that Christ died on the cross for hi in and then take advantage of the buumllcss merry of God to be saved. He said that, 'people di pt tided too much on feeling; that there was nothing In their heart to point the way to salva tion, that they hud to go to the llibie for light; that belief is based on facts, while feeling may be based ou tem jxuary surroundings. There was one profession at the close of the service. Jim Gibson, a colored boy, 12 or 14 years old, of Fairvlew, was run into by the outgoing N. & W. passenger train at the Sixteenth street crossing at 7:40 this morning. It app-ears that the boy was at-', tempting to run across the track in front of the train when he was caught by the pilot and thrown for some distance. He was badly brtuaed and It Is feared that his injuries will ptovo serious. RALEIGH, June 20. Clement Row land, fifteen year old negro boy, has been committed to Wake jail on he charge of attempted criminal assault on the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. atirt Mrs. Britt, of Panther Brand) township. The boy was frightened away before he had more than seized hold of the child. By Wire to The Sentinel. ATHENS, Ga., June 20. Alumni Society of the University of Georgia has elected President Hadley, of Yale, alumni orator for next year. The first alternate is Congressman Williams, of Mississippi. The second alternate Is Senator Daniel, of Virginia. AROUND THE CITY. Notice I. 0. O. F. All members of Salem lodge No. SC. I. (I f) V iin) rf.r.it(!t.fl tn .'lltptut A call meeting for the purpose of, at tending the funeral of our deceased brother. Capt. A. J. Gales, Friday nionring at it o clock. Visiting uuu Fellows welcome. J. M. LENTZ, N. G. Another Big Sale. Rvftrv lwviiuiAaf,t.n In WlntlAn .Rll- letn should read the upecial ad. of the J. W. Hester Co. in tomorrow's sentinel. Prices will be quoted that will mean a great saving to Friday and Saturday shoppers. LOST. $1!0 bill, between Winston Clothing Co:- and. Climax barber shop. Reward for return to J. M. Evans, comer of Fifth and Liberty street, or this office., --Bom to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. John sou, a son. Miss Helien Brown left for Salis bury this evening to visit Miss Zana Thompson. ..,. ......, .Mt,,, Meyers-West brook Co. arc quoting some special remodelling sale prices In their space in this Issue. Geo. W. Crews, tax-lister for Mid die Fork township, will be at the court bouse Friday, Julia 22. Mies T.JIIInn Vnnirhn. of Walnut i Cove, who has been visiting Miss Net tie Blum, returned notne tni anei noon. The Light Bearers .Sewing Club will nwil Filday afternoon at I o'clock wllh Miss Bessie White on Holl) avenue. Miss Klsle Miller is spending a f'-w weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. W. Jackson, at Knoxville, Tenn. Sho will alsu visit Chattanooga before return inK- Mis. M. L. Swanson. of Tuskeegee, Ala.; Mrs. ". F- Swanson, of Atlanta. Ga.. and Mrs. .1. II. Hall, of Newman. Ga.. are violins Mrs. W. A. Wilkin son. on Fourth street. Chief of Police Crutchfb Id's con dition continues serious. A message was tecelvui from his horn- at 3: 13 this afternoon to the erfect that he is unconscious and growing weaker. The end mav come at any time. Mr. R. H. Crutf hfield, of Wllsoti. brother of the chief, arrived In the city this afternoon. T CASE Special to The Sentinel. DURHAM, June 20. In Greensboro today theie was a hearing In a matter that was an Important one to Dur ham and has proved very interesting litigation to the State at large. This was the hearing of the matter of the city of Durham against the Euo Cot ton Mill Co., of Hlllsboro, the matter coming up oit an order Issued by Judge Furgerson for the defendant company to show cause why the com pany and officers should not be at tached for contempt of court In not obeying an order made by Judge Fur gerson early In the jear that the waters of Eno river must not be polluted. While the case came up today on notice to show cause In contempt proceedings It was not for tho pur pose of punishing for contempt but. to get the matter moving anil back into the courts since the decision of the supi eni court. ' . This litigation began early In the year on n restraining order Issued by Judge Furgerson at the Instance of the city, restraining the cotton mill named and Its officials, employes and tenants from polluting the waters of Eno river, from which Durham gen part of hfr water supply. At the hearing the restraining order was made permanent and then there was an appeal tn the supremo court. The decision was rendered recently sus taining the art! Ion of Judge Furger son, it beinur suggested that time be given In wfich the mill people could get ina Jlisposul plant to be ap proved by iSm, state board of health. The steps today were to get the mat ter back In court so that an order could be made compelling the com pany to make the Improvements or stop tho nuisance complained of. TWO HANDSOME NEW CHURCHES FOR DURHAM A pretty home wedding was cele bisled this morning at H liO o'clock on Southside. when MU Kate Spach. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spach. became the bilde of Mr. Charles U Crefch. of New York. The wedding was an artistic white and green affair. The bow window in the parlor, wheie the ceremony was performed, had been converted Into an altar and chancel of aiiotlm white effectively decorated with Ivy. At euch end of the entrance wss a large bunch of daisies, 'while a pretty background for Hits tin in t altar was formed of Ivy latlced over white. In front of this pretty altar were three arches of white and green. Suspended from the centre one was a lovely while dove, beneath vhtrti ihe couple stood, while Dr. H. A. Brown performed the Impressive ceremony. Before the ceremony Miss Dore Koenier. of Kemersvllle, played ex quisitely Chopin's Ninth Nocturne, then glided Into Meinlli ssolm's Wed ding march while the bridal party entile. In. First were the rlblx bearers, little Julia Spach and Marlon- Montgomery, daintily dressed In while, the one a perfect bruunette, the other a blonde, currying the white rtblions, which were to form the aisle. They eauie towards the altar and stood on each side of It. Then entered tho groom, Mr. Chillies L. Creech, of New York, and his best man, Mr. IWt. M. Gravel, of Greensboro. Pi reeding the bride rami! I he ma hi of honor. Miss, Ruth 1. 1 1st, gowned in while lint Isle, trim med with in. ilti h, nod ml line, car rying a boiii!iet of pink carnations. IJist enme I he bride, Miss Hpaeh. most lieconilnvty atlited In dark blue voile over taffeta, long gloves and hat lo match, carrjing a bouquet of brldo'B roses. Ix)w and sweet dining the cere mony was played Hhnberl's Serenade. Mr. and Mrs, Creech wore the rm!- pieuls of many costly ami beautiful prrscritf!. After hiarty congratulations from those present, the happy couple left ou the 10; .'in train amid a shower of rice and good wishes for a bridal lour to Washington slid New York, the latter place belug their future home. Democrats Voted in the Negative an This Proposition. Senate Leaders Seem Determined ta Secure Final Adjournment of Congress by Last of Week. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. Jane 2-TU houee this afternoon passed the bill appropriating $2,in annually to pay the president's tiavclllna expanses. The Democrat voted la Uie negative. May Adjourn This Week. Determination of the senate leaders to secure final adjournment of Con gress by the last of aeek was mani fest today when Senator Hale's re quest for night iexj.1 in to conliler the sundry civil approprlatioa bill, which he reported, was u nan I trams I y granted. The bill as agreed to by Ihe senate can leu $T.7iio,joy mure than the housv bill. Included lit Ihe In crease i $l.t.'iti.fMH) for government' participation in the Jsmeatown ex position. Special to The Sentinel. DURHAM, June 20. The officials of Main Street Methodist, church have purchased a site on Chapel Hill street, paying a total of $27.2.10. aud on this site there will be erected a church to cost, It Is learned, In the neighborhood of $100,000. The old church will lie torn away and the property sold. The' work of moving the old St. Philips Episcopal church Is In pro gress. This building is being slipped to the rear of the lot and there Is to be erected a church to coBt some thing over $30,000. The new church will be of plnft granite. The old build ing will be put In shape and used by the congregation while the new church Is building. STATE, PRIVATE AND Special to The. Sentinel. , RALEIGH. June 20. The Corpora tion Commission has issued a call for statement of condition of state, pri vate and savings banks at close of business June 18. Returning from Pleasure Trip. Prof, and Mrs. W. M. Cimdlff, of Siioam, were here this afternoon, re turning from an extended pleasure trip. They vi?lled Texas. Mexico, New Mexico, California, Salt Iike City, Colorado Springs and Missouri. They report that the earthquake In California wrought gnat destruction in San Francisco aud for fortv tulle's around that city. Prof, and Mrs riindlff left - home April 2U and re pi.rt u most interesting trip. The funeral of the late Capt. A. J. Gales will be conducted from Calvary Moravian church, of which the de njisetf was for several years an honored member, at 10:30 Friday morning by the pastor. Rev. E. S. Crosland, The remains will arrive to morrow morning at 9 o'clock. , RESPITE FOR MAN SENTENCED TO JAIL Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 20. A respite was allowed today by Governor Glenn until August 1 tn the case of T. B. Farrlngton, of Guilford county, under sentence of twelve months In Jail for retailing liquor without license. This Is done to provide time for the gov etnor to invest igate reasons for a par don being urged by Col. Weseott Rob ertson, YEARS OLD TODAY By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. Jiiiih 20 This Is the eighty-second birthday of Senator Morgan, of Alabama. He propose to celebrate by delivering speech of five or six hours duration on his favorite topic, "Isthmian Canal." He will advocate the sea level plan. RE-SURVEY TO BE FINISHED THIS WEEK. ' Capt. Cornell, chief engineer of the SotithhouiMl' Railroad, will probably complete a re survey of the line be tween this rliv and Wadesboro this week. Mr. H. B. Fries, who will lep resent Ills brother. Col. F. H. Fries. picwldcnt of the Southbound Railway Co, during the latter's absence In Europe, says that the grade tor the new road will he one of the best in the State, Securing right of way la the only thing that Is delaying the progress of the work. A large maj ority of these have been secured, but there are certain land owners along the line who want fancy prices from tho company. One or I wo contracts for tho construction of other sections will probably In- let next month. The chief engineer will ask tor bids aa soon as the re survey Is completed. . SENATOR T. C, PLATT lly Wire to The Sentinel. RICHMOND, Va.. June 20 Atlor uev It. C. Olliiherty, of the firm of Ollahertry. and Fulton, of this city, states that the firm couli'mplatea bringing anil for Miss Mae Wood, of Colon, Mich., against Senator Plait, of New York, for divorce and alimony. Miss Wood alleging thai she was mar ried lo I'lull tnfore his marriage to Mrs. IJlllau T. Jatieway. The Rich mond attorney are lit possasislon of marriage certificate on which Miss Wood Iwsrs her rliilm. i A Colon dispatch sillies Plait mar ried MIsm Wood nl Firth Avenue Hotel In New York, Novemlier 9. IIMI1. and tbnt platf exacted a proinls from Miss Wood .to keep the marriage a secret until he wished to announce it. ASHEVILLE WANTS TO FT CALL FOR REPORTS fly Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON," June 20.-The romptroller'of currency ha Issued a call for reports of condition of liat lnr.ul banks at rloe of business June 1Mb. "I think your Informant wns mis taken In saving that J. F. Miller, of Rural Hull, would be nominated for ngUier of deds on the Republican ticket," remarked one of bis friends to a Sentinel reporter Unlay, .lie added that Mr. Miller mleht be per suaded to Tuti for county treaiiiiier; but he did not want tiie register's place. Revenue Collector Harklns passed through Greensboro tonay, returning from Washington lo Ashevtlle. He stated to a party that his resignation as collector wss called for mid he sent li in. He then went to Washing ton and was told that lhre were no specific ehnrgp against him, the powers thinking It advisable to make a change. Today's Ashevlllo CHIxeii says that a delegation bended by Judge Prltch ard, ('has. J. Harris and Thos. 8. Rol lins would go to Toxaway today to see Secretary Shaw, of the treasury department,, who Is there attending the State Bankers' convention, urg ing hint to see that the collector's of flee Is not removed from Ashevllle. FIRST CONCERT BY . BAND LAST NIGHT The first of the concerts by the Winston Cortiet band wa held at the court house sqiinr last night. A very laige crowd was In attendance and the concert wss a most succensful one, lit every respect. A brief but exceedingly appropriate address was delivered by Mayor O. B. Kalon. The musical program was a aplrti did one. and rendered in such a way as to reflect great credit on the Wlu slou Cot net band, which is Indeed a creditable mimical organisation. The seioiul of these band concert will be held Friday nlgM and wljl ImbHc bi aiu-uded hy another largn crowd. Mis Annie Louise Hutchinson, who has beeii tho giient of Miss Utilise Daniels for several da went to Charlotte Hi ulierrioon. J. L, Casptr went lo Roanoke this afternoon.