; tVJLL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ... 111 ! SLIN OREIGN SALES packing Disclosures I Big Falling Off In Trade. i.rv There Wat a L Sa t of Canned Meat Eurcre Smce max L Has B;e Quite a De- Tte St'nfi'1- -i N Jine SL Official '., ",j bv the Department Labor how how the Jt the paekeis has dam- t. .... revelations in Mm.".; - I. sained wide publicity. canned beet snom-u u milliiMi pound over ,ear. February showed ,,'( 3iiii,ni pounds. March t (iwrse. mean- tha nut' iters of hair a inrii showed a de- March of 5'"-'" " pounus. . . E j;w;:ar tt! tmw. rrh beef in April and dionases. END OF WHOLE MATTER. F CAPT. GALES HERE. Piactd in Vault at Soon an be Completed. , f Cap:. A. J. Gales, Winston fire department. his miming at 9 o'clock rk. accompanied by the ht oil deceased, rs of the Winston Fire 1, of which Capt. Gales Ij vears captain, mei ine wnsboro this morning, is removed to the home Lit mi Wist Fourth street y Art-men and a mini iiiiuihizing friends. The till be conducted from fcvlan church at 10:o, fc nin?. The pall-bearers ts of t:ie lire depart- Capt Hales, as provided li be placid in a vault cemetery as scon as the built. built. Aiter the funeral will he removed to the b of Vofiler's undertak- h.ent. where a brief ser- rid under the auspices lows. The body will re til the vault is complet- Corporation Commisison Sayt All Pe titioners and Proceedings Against Southern Are Withdrawn and Fed eral Court Order Against Commis sion Is Withdrawn. Special to The Sentinel RALEIGH. June 21. The Corpora tion Commission to!ay answered the restraining order issued some- days a TO by Judge Purnell of the United States Court against the Comniissiou and all petitioners of eotnmissiun agaiDst suing the Southern Railway for fines and penalties for refusal to obey the order of the Commission not to put into operation the new sched ule for Southern train No. 111. Uolds b'jro to Greensboro. The answer" reviews the course of the Commission in the matter and states that the Commission had just made an order allowing the withdraw al of the petitions on which their or- ider was based, thereby vacating th whole proceedings. The Commission therefore prayed the I'nited Statet Court that the order against the Com mission be vacated as there was no possible ground on which suits for penalties could be instituted against the Southern. On this presentation of the case, Judge Purnell. with the eon sent of counsel for the Southern, made an order dismissing the whole pro ceeding ami taxing the Commission with the costs, which amount to about $50. The sensational feature of the hear ing was the filing of an answer from Robert C. Lawrence, of Lumberton, as one of the petitioners for order for bidding operation of the new schedule by the Southern. In It he declared he signed the petition against the South ern without personal knowledge of the situation and solely on representation of condithig by a traveling agent of the News and Observer. He now fluds he was deceived and that there is ab solutely no ground for objection to tne new schedule. He praye. there fore, that he be allowed to get out of the case without incurring any of the costs. Tho petition was allowed. I '5 VIEWS IN SMIII. In Interview In Norwegian i own He Discusses Amerl can Politics Briefly. ST EXCURSION. tth Seven Coaches Filled iy Clear $100. 9 u'clock when the Bap pulled out for Grsens Itis. The time for leav I'ut at that time It was t another coach was handle the crowd. This "cuttd until the arrival from Mooresville. The k stiit of seven coaches an fined. The managers before leaving that the far ah.-ad of expenses. ; that' the profits would irsiuns from this city ended with success. Y SUNDAY SCHOOL.. H Month in Greensboro H Battle Ground. , at. E. Kiiiiiiuv u..t.n..i ., 01 mnji nun mc at CivpiikIu.i- tr ul'Olinrt nuvt ti, j .. . . luuisuay, r:s morning the commit "" from the Southern a train could not be se- nut mat one could tin Jniv. ihu , f ,aw-. The committee I'K.iie the school an ex- " ' "ot run it will be ' railroad officials. REmALCLOSES. Hventeen Accession, to ,i'li lias been In pr,.,. . " , Bltist church for ."t!dsl night. Rev. C. A ;'r;;";ik who assisted home today. His -s crownea wlih 8(u. 101 aim mnv f,.i.,.,.-. J:1"" l about nt "'cessions to the RAISE WAGES. ' Association 0f Fall ' T Rettl"-e Old Scale. f" Sonlinoi f ' M's, June 2l.-The i Q Z ' ' announc I "ad dcideil tn h e Tv nver the f jUvh? "f'w sc"lule f . f NV App0lNTED H'y Hi, Brother A, 01 German Navy. senttni. fmandt r , pririf-o u-. r ' the German r of - Bi Middle Fork. wdbay townships courtho,. 11,0 j. s Saturday N. C. GETS $66,000. That Amount Allowed This State For Military Encampments. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 21. The State De partment today received notice from Washington that the bill increasing the appropriation for State encamp ments has passed both houses of Con gress and been signed by the Presi dent, being now a law. It increases the appropriation for this purpose from one million to two million. This will give North Carolina $18,000 to de fray the expense of the encampment of the two iregiments and Charlotte artillery at Morehead In August and also $18,000 for the movement of the Third regiment to Chtcamattga August 18 to 27, As a result of these Increas es the plans for the Morehead en campment will be re-arranged on somewhat more elaborate scale. TWO OLD TERRAPINS. They Were Found on a Farm Near Rural Hall. Mr. U B. Wall, a successful farm er of Rural Hall township, (was In the city this morning and reported that Mr. Sid. Tetter, one of his neigh bors and best friends, found a terra pin on his farm a few days ago while cutting wheat, on the back of which were these initials, "M. S. M. 18(10." Mr. Wall also stated that he found a terrapin on the same farm a year or two ago with the initials "W. K." and date "1859" cut on its back. Mr. Wull has in Ills possession sev eral old Confederate bills and a let ter written by his oldest brother to his parents In l.Xfil, the first year of the Civil war. The latter died of fe ver lit Virginia before the war ended. NOTABLE IMPROVEMENTS. Complete Heating Plant and Sewerage Systems For Methodiat Orphanage at Raleigh. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 21. The trustees of the Methodist Orphanage here have awarded a contract for the Installation of a complete heating plant In the main Duiiuing recently compieteu at a cost of more than $20,000. A sewer age system is also to be installed this summer. i Says That Democrats Should Makt Fight In Next Campaign On Anti Trust Issue Says It Is Too Early To Discuss Possible Platform of tht Democratic Party. By Wire to Th Sentinel. TROXDHJEM. .Norway, June 21. William Jeuninss Brjan and wife ar rived here this morning and are the guests of I'nited State Minister to Sweden Charles H. Graves, who was appointed as the representative of the United States to the coronation of King Haakon tomorrow. The Bryans win be present. ' Mr. Bryan traveled In democratic simplicity from Christiana. Many Am ericans on th tram forced Mr. Brjan to hold an impromptu reception. Mr. Bryan said to a Publishers' Press representative: "I have been out of America so long I am incompetent to discuss recent po litical developments there. "it sevrus to me the tide is turning against the trusts. It looks as if the question of whether the trusts shall control America or America extermi nate the trusts will be the paramount issue In the next election. . "It is too far in advance to predict what the Democratic platform will be but it will no doubt adopt a positive am! progressive program. "As to whether the Democrats will take radical or conservative stand, some things denounced as radical In 18!Mi are now considered conservative because the people have been study ing and found radical legislation real ly a protection to honestly acquired wealth. Nothing is more dangerous to legitimate accumulations than abuses long uncorrected."' Bryan leaves Sunday for the "land of the Midnight Sun." Returning he ;ot8 to London. He will make the trip along the Rhine and end the tour for the present at Gibraltar. Ha sails tr.Mn thite for New York, arriving August 2.'. After the fall elections he will nin'ie a three months' trip of Australia THAYER GIVES EVIDENCE. Fourth Vice President .of Pennsylva nia Railroad Testifies Before Inter State Commerce Commission. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON', June 21. ThlB was the day when presidents of all rail roads, which have been under scrutiny during the investigation of coal busi ness by the Inter-State Commerce Commission, were Invited to apepar and offer such testimony as they might desire. None were present. John B. Thayer, fourth vice-presi dent of the Pennsylvania, said they distributed on pro rata basis fixed by physical and commercial capacity of milieu. During Thayer's testimony half a dozen subordinates were brought for ward to supply information. Mr. Tuunip, general superintendent of transportation, at ihfr conclusion of response, remarked that the present system is squnre and challenged any one to find a flaw In it. "The system you have adopted Is correct." said Commissioner Cock rati, "It's a ques tion about the' administration," In order to show there Is no ten dency of the Pennsylvania to keep in dependent operators' from opening mines Thayer said there are now Uol operators working 61fi bituminous coal mines of whom 97 were not in busi ness In 1901. EIGHT ARE DROWNED. Two Steamers Collide Off the Coast of England. , By Wire to The Sentinel. i DOVER, England, June 21. The schooner Bertha from Rio de Janerio to Hamburg collided with the steamer American, bound from Antwerp to New York, and sank Immediately. Bight persons were drowned. The American was uninjured. GARRISON MUTINIES. . Part of Russian Soldiers At Sevasto pol Create Disturbance. Br Wire to The Sntln . ST. PETERSBURG, June 21. A tel egram from Savastopol states that part of the garrison there has mutln ed and seized three guns. Later the men were disarmed. Married at Roxboro. Mr. J. C. Stafford, of Stony Creek, near Petersburg, Va., and Miss Laura Woody, of Roxboro. were united In marriage at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon, Mr. Stafford and his bride were here this afternoon en route to Bixby, Davie county, to visit the groom's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stafford. DEATH OF MR. DEE DAVIS. Fell From Top of a House in West Virginia, Injuries Sustained Proving Fatal. " , Dr. A. P. Davis received a telegram last evening from Kimball, W. Va., stating that his brother. Dee Davis, had accidentally fallen from a house and died from the effects, and that the remains would be shipped upon the next train and would probably ar rive here today: The deceased was at one time Jailer of Forsyth county, dur ing Sheriff Kapp's first term. Later he was granted license to practice law and located at Jefferson, Ashe county. He moved from there to West Vir ginia, where he has practiced his pro fession. The age of Mr. Davis was about 45 years. He leaves a family. SUBURBAN HANDICAP. Great Racing Event At Sheepshead Bay This Afternoon. . , .. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, June 21. Forty thous and will Journey to Sheepshead Buy race track this afternoon to witness the running of the Suburban Handi cap. There Is no pronounced favorite this morning. Goes-between, Calrn gorn, Tokalon, Dandelon each have many backers. The track is In good condition audi fast, but a storm In the afternoon Is' threatened. HOOT TO HIE EXTENDED TRIP. Secretary of State Is to Start July Fourth on Journey of 16.000 'Miles. MR. PRICES REGION ATION. Will Make Trip In His Official Capac ity and Will Spend Some Time in South AmericaPanama Will Be Last Stopping Place Before Return Irt October. By Wlr to The (Sentinel WASHINGTON. 'June :i When Secretary of State Root sails frcmi Ntw York July I aboard the cruiser Charleston, he starts on ttw longest and posMbiy the most significant jour ney an American cabinet olhcir ever took in official fapactty. He will trav el sixteen thousand miles by land and sea. He will visit eight countries of South America. He will uot visit Ven due!) or Columbia. He wilt go round Cape Horn a-'id his last atop will be at Panama. He will return to Wishing ton early In October,, In th Hands of District Attorney Mol tor President Roosevelt's Action In Matter. Local Republicans re puzzled to know just who was responsible for the appointment of Mr. Ueorg 11 Brown o the collectorship of the Western North Carolina district. It has been published that th? secretary to Prest ! dent Roowvelt witvd State Chairman Adunis that Mr. Hat kins was removed' f .r caoe. T retiring collector, how-j evei, tells the Salisbury Pot that he si.t in his resignation nvsrly tar ag.i and that it was effective th flrt . of July next. Mr. Harklns Is also, quoted an saving that Secretary Shaw GEPTOI TO MR. IV. C. CRIST In Honor of His Election as Grand Vice-chancellor K.ofJ Four Pythian Ledges f Winttsn-S-lm to Participate In th Event, asked him about his succeor ant Which Will Be Held In the Salem Academy Chapel Friday Night Ad dresses. Mus and Refreshments. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH., Program of Entertainment To Be Giv en There Tonight. Following Is the program for the concert to be given at the Christian church tonight: Overture VV. F. Bland. Chorus Banner of Beauty, (J. H. Flllman) by the choir. Solo Bonnie Sweet Bessie, Miss Daisy Cherry. Duet, violin and guitar "In the Shadow of the Pities," Lindsay and Harvey Kester. Solo "Promise Me," (Reginald de Koven) W. A. Covey. Recitation "A Shaver Exper ience," Ernest H. Norwood. Solo "Daddy," (A. H. Behrents) Miss Elizabeth Tesh. Duet Serenade, (Schubert) M's Treva Jones and W. A. Covey. Solo "From Thy Lowest Depths. O Sea," (Adam Oeibeti J. A. Hopkins. Duet, piano, "La Jollle Parfumeus," (('has. U. Blake) Misses Ina Jones and Calli j Miller. Solo A Gypsy Maiden, (Henry Par ker! Miss Treva Jones. Recitation "The Boy In the Dime Museum," Miss lone Fuller. Duet "Hope Beyond "UC.A. White) W. A. Covey and J. A. Hopkins. Quartette "Wayside Cross," W. A. Corey, W. A. Moore, J. A. Hopkins, R A. Moore. that he recommeudvd Mr, Brow as aj suitable msn. but did not actively en (dorse him. A local Republican tell The Sentinel that Mr. Harktns told , him last November that he hail rrsigu-. ed. 1 j it Is alto announced that Aselstsnt I j District Attorney A. H. Price sent tu 'hi. ,..;.,..,..... , . .i i yesterday and without being requrat- icd to do so. I The S'titincl speaks authoritatively In saying that it l the .custom for the resignation of an assistant iliMtrtct at torney to first pan through the ornce of the district attomiv H U el. 'fact that Mr. Price's resignation has not been forwarded to Washington and It may not be, for several davs at least. It is more than probable that it Is uow in the h.indw of Mr. Ilolton. Added to tho above State Chairman Adams states that he has received a telegram saying that th IreMctit has ordered that Mr. Price Ue not re' moved. The Asheville Cltlaen hears from a reliable source that the attorm) gen eral will try to persuade Mr, Price to recall his resignation, and later It was learned that the resignation would not be accepted on any account. This morning's Industrial News, or gan of the Republican organisation. says: ' "For some time the news has been noised abroad that Congressman Blackburn has been using the office of assistant district attorney as an asset upon which to trade for the State chairmanship. Rumor has it that he has promised the place to J. P. New ell, of Charlotte; Zeb Saunders, of Al- bermarle; John Dobson, of Surry coun ty, ahd. perhaps, others. At all events he has made no attempt to conceal his desire for the scalp of A. H. Price, the present Incumbent. "The latest move In the game was a request by the conKiesMiian from the eighth that Prica be removed and a recommendation for the appointment of ex-Judge A. L. Coble." WILL NOT SEVER RELATIONS. In Reply to Question in British Parlia ment Sir Edward Gray Says Eng land Will Not Take Such a Course in Regard to Russia. 8y Wire to The Sentinel LONDON, June 21. In the House of Coniomns today Mr. Thome, one of the labor members, asked whether. In view of the Russian massacres, exe cutions and persecutions at Blalystok, Riga, Warsaw, Kioff and Moscow, the government would sever Its relations with Russia until the outrages are stopped. He cited the breaking of ne gotiations with Turkey and Hervla, declaring the trouble resulted In sev ering these relation far less than Russia s. Sir Edward Gray, replying said the government did not Intend severing relations with Russia. AROUND THE CITY.' Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Mastcn went to Madison this afternoon. Thomas Barber went to Charlotte this afternoon. N. R. Walket, of Baltimore, was here today, leaving this afternoon for Charlotte, where Mrs, Walker Is vis iting friends. W. H. Bell, of Charlotte, went to Elkln this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Kinney, who have been at Asheville for several weeks, returned this afternoon. Dr. S. F. Pfohl made a professional trip out on the N. & W. road this af ternoon. Miss Josephine mid Master Robert Daniels returned today from a visit to relatives, at Reidsvllle. John Andrews, of Raleigh, was here today. The condition of Chief of Police Crutchfleld remains about the same. Notice Salem Firemen. All members of Salem Fire Depart ment are requested to meet at the en gine house In full uniform In the morn ing at 9 o flock to attend the funeral o,' Capt. Gales. Mrs. F. 8. Jennings, of Lynchburg, Va.. passed through the city this af ternoon en route to Elkln to visit rela-tivei:.. R. L. Ballon, of the law firm of Todd & Ballou, Jefferson, Ashe county, was in the city on business today. Capt. John Thomas, conductor of the local freight between this city . and Greensboro. Is receiving congrat ulations upon the arrival of a daugh-l ter at his home In Wilkesboro. j Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BInford went to Roanoke this afternoon. They will leave next week for Georgia and will return here next fall. If we could all reach the top there would be more demand for space at th bottom. - , . No man knows half as much about women as he tries to make them be lieve ho knows. Iazy men bump ip against, a lot of adverse criticism, but- they -..usually live long and contented lives. A thing to puzzle a man whose chil dren can't support themselves I who is going to support their children. The more money a man has the easier It Is for him to He about howr much happier he was when he didn't have any, l.esrn to be patient also when not to be patient. LECTURES ON BIRDS. Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson Before Teach err' Summer School at Raleigh. Special W The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 21 Among the most notable features of the summer school today were two addresses by Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson, president of the North Carolina Audubon Society, the one at uoon being on bird life gen erally and the second ons tonight on North Carolina birds. Both these ad dresses have been delivered In many parts of the country and are excep tionally able and comprehensive. All departments of the summer school are now well organized and doing highly satisfactory work. The enrollment 1, more than six hundred, JEWS FEAR OUTBREAK. Many of Them Are Fleeing From Dlf . v ferent Places In Russia. By Wire to The BentlneL ST, PETERSBURG, June 21. A ills patch from Brest Lltovsk received says that notwithstanding official warning against attacking the Jews at a conference of antl-Semltlcs held there arrangements for a general Jew baiting were discussed. Th Jewish population, panic-stricken. Is fleeing. The leading Jews have sent telegrams to Minister of Interior, urging him to take steps for their protection. Uses Neel Method. Dr. R. U Rlerson, who has an offlw just behind Dr. Conrad's dental ofnees. Is prepared to treat blood, nervous and respiratory diseases by the Necl meth od, founded by Dr. Neel. of Chicago. In conectlon with this treatment he will use an up-to-date machine which has Just ben Installed In his office This machine generates ozone and changes It Into a peroxide compound which is Inhaled by the patient. It Is said that this treatment Is es pecially effective In nervous and blood diseases. The Introduction of the ozone into1 tire blood has a bene flclsl effect and In many ailments the results are said to be wonderful In deed. Price Against Blackburn, The Salisbury Post says: "Mr. A. II. Price does not authorize the state ment but It Is said he will take the stump against Blackburn this fall. He Is a strong campaigner and should he antagonize the Greensboro nu.i thei Is niore fun in the campaign than 'a now bargained for." When shown the above a local Re publican' stated that Mr. Price wouK not make a canvass against Dlaik-burn. The reception to bs tendered Grand Vice Chancellor W. C Crist by the four Pythtao lodges of. Winston 8!m -at the Salem Academy chattel tomor row (Friday) ulght, at t o'clock, prow lives to be one of the most delightful events vet given by this order u the Twin-City. The committee on arrangements hat sent out number of Invitations. Kvery pvthlsn It Inv.led to attend ami bring his wife or sweetheart An Interesting urogram hat bees ar ranged. At the rlose of tN Mercltrs - refreshments will be served and musio rendered by the Salem Boys' Band on tbo Academy campus. Evening's Program. Music by IVv,' Band, a J. Pfohl. dlrccto.v Reception by W. C. Crist, assisted by chancellor couimauders of the four local K. of P. Maes. Music Sextette. Hoys' Band. Address O, B. Katon, Damon Ivdgr, No 41. Muoic "My Old Kentucky Home, Quartette: Messrs. Woollen. Uchten- thaeler, Newton and Ebert, St. Paul a church choir, i Address lief. K. S. Croslsud, Beth- anla Lodge. Mnutp Itiu.lt Mlu n llean suit Mr. J. A. Dean, Remarks A. B. Bynum, Damon Unlge; Luther 8nyiUr,Forsyth Lodge. Music "Rock of Ages," Mala Quar tette. Remarks Rev. J. V. MrCuUlOn. Sa lem Lodge; W. 8. Walker, Wachovia Lodge. Music Organ Solo. Mr. J.A. Hough ton, organist St. Paul's Episcopal church. INDUSTRIAL. NOTES. Several Art Reported Today From The State Capital. Special to The Sentinel RALEIGH. June 21 A charter la Issued to the Lexington Excelsior Co., $25,000 authorized and $l,SO0 subscrib ed, by W. C. Finch. J. W. Crowell and others. The Asheville Planing Mill Co. changes its name to the Williams- Drownell Planing Mill Co., and is an thortsed to Inn ease the, capital from $t0.mi0 to $25,010. The contract has been awarded and ik begun on tbe placing of a hand some Iron fence about th ground of the State School for the Blind. Tbe work will cost mors than $1,000, New Advertisements. Wachovia National Bank Report of condition at close of business June IMth. H. W. Foils For aalo stock In cotton mill. The Busy Store Announces 'Ijtwn Party" for Friday and Satur day.! The J. W. Hester Co. Announce ment of eight-day but gain exposition to be launched tomororw morning at 8 o'clock. Hotel Gates, Hendeisonvllle, N. C Tho Und of the Sky. W, O. Scnseman Mastic, paints and It, absolute guarantee. Shaffner's Drug Store We) want your piescrlpMon. Prompt delivery. James S. Dunn, Resl Estate How to get good paying tenants. Peoples' Fuel t Ice Co. A fiHNj ad. on their original orange cider. Wutk I us' Book Store Tennis goods In great variety. Nlssen park New pictures. At Elks Auditorium Tonight. Another pleasing performance was given at the Elks' Auditorium by Sla ter's ComedlRtis before a well-pleased audience lust night Tonight "The Green Eyed Monster" will be presented. This Is said lo m one of the very best plays of the com pany's repertoire. Popular prices prevail. To Winston Firemen, Every member of the Winston Flr Department Is tequested to merf St the headquarters of Company No. 2 at 9:110 tomorrow morning to attend th fuuual of their late chief, Capt A. J. Ga'tu It Is easy lit say what you would do Itr another man's place, but when It comet to doing the proper thing In your own place well, that's different. A boy never lets hit new watch run down. Don't waste time finding fault with yourself; that's what your friends are for. If a woman is In love wth a man she always believes what he says when she says she doesn't. Admirers of the rural maid are apt to be in the hoe-bean class. To th Hok and Ladder Co. All members of th row pan y will pli.-a meet at 9.0, June 22. In full . uniform to attend the funeral of Chief A. J. Galea. W. 8 LINDSAY, CHpt. There is mighty little poetry lu bv Ing su(i(K)rted by it. It would be a nice thitig to have su Income you didn't always owe befors you got jt. . A crank Is a person who. think all other people are cranks. Yoiir independence might look like Impudence In yo.ur neighbor. No one ever saw girl wear gloves to hide aa engagement ring. A nwin alwa.vs has ssHor at least one more pair of suspenders. No man is so powerful that tow weak woman rati'l set her foot on his neck. One of the very hardest things is to be as gfjod when )ou have 'lie chance not to as when you haven.

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