i 1 WmCITY DAILY SENTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDArEVENING, JUNE 2t3, 1906 PRICE 5 CEftS READY I Tiir NPUT lint ribni. DoWill Prosecute .",rd Oil Company Lathering. .iidv In Washing- ITTtfm ' Conf,rcnc Wth At- ,ltlo(. Ii Bf.9 Outlined SariMK lawyers - Us. .-'flr: hi! Uil! " ,.t the tvia-v. Attorney asi aae be?"11- ' lans ,, & the attar? the oil Mala:. ;nw uf Disfrfri Attoruej , fvriiil. is rousiueieu .ivui. risH to me repon t UV rrliuiiral pr.iseeutiona. cSief '"' l,t' """" lfc:up' "t 8'. Paul. nd Morrison, uf Chicago, have vet, Thi'.v are special ir tie pitiSM'titiim and are ,.mw. A number of otta attwrart are lifri' anil will . personal direction of Mr. PEERED R MASONIC PICNIC committee lias chartered emiilined the Winston Ld fur the annual Masonic hi-iil at Moeksvllle Au- IV fjcurslim will be run u ui Murksville muter the she two Masonic lodges of .J if the weather Is favora crowd Mill attend the pic speaker fur the occasion n announced yet. A chap Sans fmni Oxford will be i take part tit the exercises. circular tweived here to thai Mr. Z. V. Wulser, of ill deliver the annual ad f "home coming" feature ' of the features of the pic iddn sses will be deliver raiux sons of Davie comity. WED IRE III lie Sentinel. IMJR'). Juno 20. Hon. !,re. of AliHvillf. '' and f. ol (ireee iisIkm'u, of comi- 0l Nick Williams Uistil PMt'it ,,f(r(. ju,K lloy(j ere wanted further time file Hie liill f ,....,..,!. ..... ,,, ,,( -ai i'ji ui ii n tin ami judgment iii the -.. in ii urif last winter, he conviction of the com h ai'qiilttal of N. Glenn '' liHlivjiluai. ...... isuine, several weeks i- Is ten voluminous. Is were 'Kiveii until Sep. ' i te bill uf exceptions. ES Thi' Sentinel. '. June 2,; TllPro was a 'oa' f educa- "i i . office of Gov- ,; :," lll(1h an option .'" "wt of about 25.0(10 P Unrt, be:.,nKi,,g to the T..c"l.v. The nmirtc ii,i pioper v to $ ... i'""'?" . new ilmproving old ones. SSUME DUTIES DN SEPTEMBER 1 10llf liev T . ItaM-Hi ' ,,lp rec : p,ni I, Ei''scpal SeI).M,;..'l,.('nsll,,roabot.t fh"rch y ' I ,,,ke "P his ti. ' .: b"-'M1 without IVa UV11' '11' of Rev. frM,a,"nB 1,eal,h ".ttitr;;;: np i WE IS IFK f 'irtin "il It :lTTini, let He t itllKssil)l "xl Th.f r! Y- M- C A. f daw r'i,la- i ot ?oL ' ,nn8ht as lliB."nE On tho usa. -"c wain TWIN-CITY FJAY GET i ' 2 INIERJ1N LINES; Two Philadelphia Capitalists' Here In Interest of One to! High Point Mass Meeting: at Yadklnville Next Week, j Messrs. Benjarrrtu Fratikliu ud W. ' T. Markee, of Fbiladelpbia, members ol the company behind the. movement to build Inter-urban electric line from Winston-Salem to Hijra IVitit, arriv ed in the city this morning. In com pany with Mr. D. H. Blair' they drove out in the country several miles, over the llu now being surveyed by a corps of civil engineers. The visitors expiessed their opinion that the rod will be built. A letter received here from Yadkin ville today states that a delegation fiom Stateaville will atteud the big mass meeting at Yadklnville next Wednesday, July 4, the purpose of which is to get the people lutwrested ia the proposition to build au Inter-urban road. Statesvllle Is anxious to se cure the road, but VVInston-gaJem can get it it the business men go after it. Mr. George P. Pell and perhaps sev eral other citisens wiU attend the meeting next Wednesday. Mr. Pell has been asked: to make an address on UiIb occasion. HEW MINISTRY BE F II 01 WIS NOT INSTITUTED Mr. Chap. Bodenhamer. State organ izer, went to Charlotte last night lo institute an aerie of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles, but owing to some nils midei standing with the State Commis sioner of Insurance In regard to a tax nothing was done and Mr. Bodenham er returned this morning. A special from Charlotte says: "In brief. State Insurance Commis sioner Young has decreed that the Eagles must take out a State license before they can do business In North Carolina, owing to the fact that the order has a sick benefit feature. Gen eral Advisor Woodward Carr.of I'nion town. Pa., has vainly attempted to con vince Mr. You nw that he is wrong, but the State official Is obdurate, and the Eagles must take out the license or withdraw from the State, tl will require three weeks to procure the necessary papers." Mr. Bodenhamer says the tax will be paid and the aerie will be Institu ted with over' HM charter members. MAN ARRESTED ON EOF Sppcial to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, June 25. SanmeJi Osborne, a telegraph operator for one of the Southern Railway's block sta tions, six miles from Greensboro, was arrested Saturday ou a warrant charg ing him with bigamy. The trial was postponed until Saturday, Osborne Kivlng bond for his appearance. A few days ago he married the young daughter of County Surveyor Gilchrist. It developes that a few months ago he married a woman in' Salisbury. Saturday, In asking for a continuance, Osborn's lawyers stated to.the mayor that Osborn married the first wife in Salisbury while on a Rpree and had not seen, her since the morn ing after. He said that the woman se cured the marriage license herself and had the knot tied ;that the woman had been twice' married before and both her husbands were living, and for this reason Osborne did not con sider his marriage .to her to be legal, hence hi second marriage before se curing a divorce. 11 By Wire to The Sentinel. MADRID, June 2G. During a pyro technic display last night at Granada a large fireworks bomb failed to ex plode until It slighter I tithe midst of the spectators. Seventy-two persotiB were Injured, many of them -seriously. A panic followed and many were hurt in the rush for safetyi Death of Lillian Madison. Little .Lillian, only child of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Madison, fell asleep this af ternoon at 2:20 o'clock after an ill ness of only two weeks. She was a bright, lovable little creat ure, the light of the home. Though only thirteen months old she had en deared herself greatly to all. Truly, Heaven is made up of little children, sweet buds that have never bloomed, for "Of such is the kingdom of heav en." To the bereaved parents our heart go out in the deepest sympathy In this, their great bereavement. A FRIEND. , , Death Record. Mrs. Jones died Monday night at the home of her son, G. A. Junes, at Friedberg, at the age of 75 years. The funeral and Interment will be at New Philadelphia at 11 o'clock tomorrow. The foitr-monthB-old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Blum died on Second street last night and was burled In the Salem cemetery this afternoon. , At Conference Tomorrow Czar May Authorize a Popular Ministry. At This Confertnce the Ciar and Hx Advisers and Government Officials Will Be Present Believed Czar Will Yield To Clamor For Popular Ministr and That All Minister With Tvo Exceptions Will Come From the Assembly. By Wire to The Sentinel ST. PETERSBURG. June 2C. A confer uc? U calid to meet at turf Peterhol tomorrow betweeu the I'm:-. the govemiueuiAufflciala and tb" Czar's advisors, it is believed that the Czar is ready at last to yield to the clamor for a popular ministry and will ask Mouromsteff. president of the Douma. to form a cabinet, all members except the ministers of war and ma rine to be selected from the assembly. Wr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Bevil arrived In the city this afternoon from Georgia. They will spend some time here with relatives. MAY CALL ELECTION Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. June 2C There will be a special Besslou of the Raleigh Alder men tomorrow night for the purpose of passing on the question of calling an election on the question of dispen sary or prohibition. In compliance with the petitions gotten up by Rev. S. J. Betts and others. The commit tee repoit will show 4C4 qualified sinn ers of the petitions when only 428 aii necessary for calling the election. However, arty citizen who signed the petition will have an opportunity to have his name stricken off the petition during the meeting If he so desires. There Is a claim that the Watts law is defective so that an election on "dis pensary" or "prohibition.' cannot be held. Also that no election under the Watts law can be held within thirty days of a legalized primary. Mayor Johnson declares that the course of the board Is to call the electlou nnd let the opposition appeal to the courts if they desire. The special commissioners appoint ed to appraise the damage to the (ilennwood property by reason of the right of way through it for the Ral eigh & Pamlico railroad have filed a report, naming $25,384.1)5 as the am. unit thut the Glen wood Company should receive. Either side has twen ty diiys within which lo take an ap peal from the finding of the commissioners. TAT SALEM SQUARE JOLT 4 The Alumnae Association of the Sa lem Female Academy and ('allege held Voniiuv afternoon and do- elded to give the people of Wlliston- Salem an opportunity or nuemimg a delightful event on the Salem Acade my campus on tne evening oi me "Glorious Fourth." It will be a grana concert of national music. The Snlem Boys' Band and other lo cal musicians will -take part. Mr. H. I Pfabl the director of tho baud,, has arranged a fine program for the cele bration. The alumnae association will serve; ice cream and cake. Program, Wagner "Hall Bright Abode," (March- rain Tannhatiser.) Part I. Selections representing the great Natloiit of the Past, emphasized by the closing march. Gounod "woe unto tnee, Hauyion. mighty city, for the day of thy fall is nigh." Costa Danascus Triumphal March, (from Oratorio Naanian, Assyria). Gounod Roman Triumphal March, (Ancient Rome); "The Bonnie Blue Flag," (The Confederacy.) Finale. Handel Dead March In Saul. (Israel), intermission. Part II. Introduction. DeKoven Recessional , (Kipling). Male voices. National Airs of the Present-Hall. Columbia. The Marseilles Hymn. The Red, White and Blue. Russian Na tional Hymn. The Star Spangled Ban ner. The Watch by the Rhine. "Oo! Save the King" America. "1'nto Thee. O the God of Out Fathers." The Old North State. Dixie Land. Finale. Beethoven "The Heavens proclaim Him In ceaseless devotion. The Crea tor's voice o'er all Is heard." Monument Site Selected. By Wlra to The Sentinel. . FREDERICK, Md June 20 A com mission of survivors of the Fourteenth New Jersey Infantry Including John C. Patterson, of Ocean Grove, who Is major of the regiment., have select ed a site for a monument on Monday 'battlefield.-where the regiment lost heavily In the battle of July 9, 1SC4. "Dock" Williams and family went to Davie county this afternoon to spend a week with relatives. Miss Elva Pfaff returned this after noon from Milton, where she has been for several months. SPEAK NOT FIX DATE Mr. Cannon Refuses to Agree on Definite Time of Ad journment of Congress. There Is Some Legislation He It Ann- lout To See Enacted and He Refus es To Enter Into Agreement With! Senate Leaders For Fear Such Aarement Mmhl PriuHir rrtm Legislation Public Building Bill Paster House. B Wir tn TH SoatlneL WASHINGTON. June JC The con- ferem-e of.Hcnate leaders with Sprak r Caution last night lasted until two ''clock. Mr. Cauiioa declined to give bis consent to a resnlstlon fixing the late for the adjournment of Congress on the, ground that the Senate may de feat eel lain legislation If a date Is dttlnitjly fixed upon. He insists uu action on railroad tate bill, meat In spectlou, pure food, immigration and) naturalisation bills before deciding oa adjournment (late. t All appropriations made in the pub 1 lie buildings bill Introduced etenUy will probably go through the Ketmt unchanged, although some aux-nd menu may be offered Increasing ur decreasing Individual appropriatUtits In certain cases. House Passes Bill. The House passed the public build ing bill today. SALEM'S ELECTION EOR WATER WORKS Proposition Will be Carried by Good Majority J 125. 000 Is the Amount of Bonds to be Issued. The bond election held In Saleai hv will u carried by a safe majority The proposition In favor of th lsu ance of 1JS.ih In bonds for the pmchase and extension of th water wotks plant, now owned bv a urlvale cott.jra!kn. Iia.l received HK votes uj to noou today. At that time only i n,e tiail.it hwd boil rt again it. The special rrgUtratlon f the elec turn nuuiht red 2M At 4 M this afternoon 192 ballots hail been cast. Il was estimated that alt but perhaps three of four votes were for the bond issue. The Judge expect at least 22.', votes before the poll clot at sun set. ' T TO DEMAND FOR TAX 8pecial to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. June 26. While tliere are a far greater number of charters being issued in this State for business enterprises than ever before In the history of this stat, the following rare bit of humor written to the 8tate Treasurer's office In reply to the de mand of the treasurer for the payment of the corporation franchise tax illus trates the fate of too many of them: "This corporation was In business some five or six months at the end of which time it had in its possession as Its sole nnsets one refrigerator on which It had paid half of the purchase price. ' The vendor came and took it away for the balance due on it, since whidi t i in a this corporation has had no st.'ts. no business and tin capi tal. This Is the history, briefly told of tho Co." Special to Tho Sentinel. RALEIGH, June 20. A charter was Issued this morning for the Ilanln Barnett Dry Goods Co.. of Aslievllle. capital IHm'i,ihhi authorized, and $2.r., 000 subscribed, by Guy Green. P. H. Thiest and a large number of other stockholders U. D. C. BUILDING. Virginia Division Proposes That Each of the 40,000 Daughters of the Con federacy Contribute 50 Cent Each For Building at Jamestown. NORFOLK, June 25. The United Daughters of the Confederacy of the I'nlted States are. o have a building at the Jamestown Exposition. The committee on ways and means from the Virginia division at a meeting at Richmond Saturday discussed the plan for raising necessary funds and sug gested that each of the 40,000 Daugh ters in the country make a contribu tion of DO cents, the contributors to have cards of admission which will en title them to all the courtesies of the building. ' At the close of the exposition it is proposed to sell the building, the proceeds to go into the general treas ury of the V. D. C, the president of which. Mrs. Elizabeth Goorge Hen derson, of Gulfport, Miss., has given her official endorsement to the build ing movement. The exact cost of the building has not yet been determined, ami this question wil probably not be decided until the next meeting of the Virginia committee ort ways and means, which will be held la August, either at Nor folk or Richmond. The question of selecting a site for the building has been left with Mrs. Frank Anthony Walke, the Norfolk member of the ways and means committee. Mrs. Pry or SmMh, of Petersburg, Is to arrange plans, which will be submitted to the committee for approval. The Winston Salem Retail Mer :.!' Association has resolved to il w-.ni tin ue program advertising and the column of the local newspa- H TW action was taken at the meet mi of the association last night when the following was unanimously adopt ed: "Resolved. That we, the merchants of thj Retstl Merchants' Association of Wlnstof -Salem, as a body,, do pledge ourwelves not to place any advertising, nor to encourage the same, in any program, such as 'pro grams for church entertainments, so cieties, operas, books or catalogues of any kind whatsoever." It was argued that program adver tising docs not bring results and that the newspapers were the most legiti mate and profitable mediums. The meeting was largely attended and the session Interesting and profi table. Mr? J. W. Carter and the other local delegates to the Slate Conven tion, made short addresses', giving a review of the business transacted by the Stale Association at Morehead City last week. Two local firms were added lo the membership of the local association. PROGRAM FDR BAND - CONCERT TONIGHT The third of the series of band con certs will be given by the Winston Cornet Band at the courthouse wpiare tonight. Following Is the program, this being miIiJ.ti to change, however: Part I. March "W. M. B " (Hall.) Mareh-"The Rambler." (Crunillng) Overture "Old Gold," (Rockwefl.) Walls Song "My lloart'a Tonight in Tennessee," (Reaker). Two Step-"Billy" (Barron. ) Serenade "The Old Church Organ" (Chamber). Part II. March Brook's Triumphal, (Silts). Walla Kong -When tho Harvest Moon Is Shilling on the KlVer," (Boet 'tier.). , Two Step "Coon's Picnic," (l,aiii (tllll-UU.) Waltzes "Academy," (Mlssnd). March "Coppers on Parade," (Clement.) March Indiana Stale Band, (Far rar.) Active at Age of 82. Mrs. Betsy Griffin, whose home Is near Rural Hall, Is at the bedside of her son, Avery Griffin, who Is III af his home on Tenth street, Mrs. (rrlf ftn la quite a remarkable woman. She Is K2 years old and Is as active as one much younger. She was married at the age of 17 years and says she rais ed 14 children, doing her own house work. . ... . Capt. Crutchfleld's Condition. Capt. Criitchfleld. Winston's chief of police, who has been 111 for' more than two weeks, had a had night and his condition this afternoon was re ported to be critical. He Is uncon scious and unable to take nourish ment He may not live through the night IS Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. June 2C Gov. Glenn Is recovering rather slowly from his re cent sickness, but says he hopes to be al1 eto make the trip to Klnston June 27, when he Is to deliver one of the addfess in connection with the big Masonic Jubilee to be held tinder the auspices of the Klnston and other lodges In that section. The governor says he has given up the idea of go ing to the seashore for recreation, owing to press of official business. In fact he fears now that he will have to remain In Ralelghu!l through the hoi weather, dangerous as this may be for him In hi over worked condition, THAW TALKS OF THE HOMICIDE Pittsburg Millionaire Arraign ed In New York Magis trate's Court Held Without Bail To Answer To The Charge ot Killing Man on Madison Square Roof Garden Last Night Claims Man He Killed Had Ruined Hi Home Plea of Emotional In- sannj mmj v,Qniuui9 1erenM. v Wlr tn Th ftenttnat, NEW YORK. Jim 1G Harrr Thaw, the Pittsburg millluttalre wbu shin Stanford W hite, ti archl'wt. kill ing him instantly at Madlaua gquara roof garden last nlxlu. wa arralgua.1 In Jefferson Market police omrt this morBlng, still wearing his eveulng clothing. He waa first taken to head quarters from the Tem.eilotn station h-re he spent the night. He rode tn a patrol whxoii handcuffed to Captain Hod ;ins. He tried to avoid the pho tographers, placing his hand In front f his face. j The reason for the crhjie la consid ered While's alleged ruin of Evelyn Nesblt. now Thaw's wife, while tlw Klrl was an actress and artist's model. It Is Intimated that the defense will be emotional Insanity. Thaw brood ing over his wife's wrong until ho was unbalanced. Thaw told Policeman Debs who ar rested him. "I dldit; thai man ruined my wife (or life ). That man rulus my borne. I guess he won't ruin any morn homes." When told that While was dad he Mild : "I am damned flat! I made a good Job of It." Later Thaw said he dined at Mar tin's. White and his party were near. Kvelyn begnn shivering. Thaw asked. "What's the matter?" His wife wrote. "The dirty blackguards there." Thaw continued: ."Then. I saw that fat scoundrel silting there big and healthy, then I saw how nervous she wajt." He would not talk further without consulting his attorneys. None ar rived during the night. This morning a friend Is trying to secure leading Lawyers for the defense. ; Mrs. Thaw disappeared and the po lice are hunting her. Thaw said ahe would appear when needed and atlck by him. Thaw was sent from the police court to the coroner for a hearing. Coroner Dooly remanded him to the Tombs pending the Inquest wh4ch will occur Thutsday morning at the Tombs, Thaw rhangvd his evening clothes for a business soil, which the police obtained from his apflrtmenta. He declined to be Interviewed. Dun O'Reilly, the lawyer who assist: ed In the defence of Nan Patterson. appeared In the police court. He made this statement: "1 ran say from undis puted source that all chlrges against White In hlit relations with Miss Ns bltt are groundless." . , OKellty continued: "Thaw Is un doubtedly Insane. Numerous persons have noticed his peculiar, actions in the last few months." Delafleld, & DelaflcM and William Rami, who prosecuted Nan Patterson, will assist. In tin, defense. Later-Mrs. Thaw was found at the home of friends In this city. She was not nrresleik Attorney Delfleld prom ised the nsslstaut district attorney that she will go to his office any time sho Is wiiiitei). DROWNED IN A GREEK News Is received here that Frank Miller, an Industrious and respectable colored man, was drowned In a creek In the western itrt of the comity late Monday evening and his body bad not been found at it o'clock this monilna. It appears that Miller, who was (0 years old, rode Into the swollen stream snd was washed off his horse. The animal swafn ashore,1 Friends made diligent search for the body of Miller, but failed to find It. The deceased, ill slavery times, belonged to Mr. John Miller, a well known fartnei near Clemmons. Newo Items From Kink, Special to The Sentinel. 1 ... KINO, June 2d. We are having heavy thunder storms almost every day. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilcox, of Win ston,' visited at 8. M. Golf's Sunday. Miss B. I- Grabs and Ed. Hliltz, of Roanoke, were here Sunday, Miss Stacy Lovo returned home Saturday - after spending several weeks In the city of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boyles, of Win ston-Salem, visited gt 1 8. Grabs' Sunday. -. Mr. Reuben Gunter returned home yesterday after spending seven weeks in the hospital at Greensboro. Misses Ilattlp Grain and Addle Kl l?er are spending a few days at Mr, W. H, Schiiub's. near Old Town, Mrs. "Lola Pulilnm and Mrs. Alice Newsorn went to Greensboro jester day. A nice: program has been arranged for children's day at Trinity .church next Sunday morning. N. A. Slate, of High Point, spent Friday arid Saturday at home. GOVERNOR HARRIS, Of OHIO, MUCH IMPROVED By Wlr in The Hmtlnel EATON, Ohio, June 2fi,-Oovernor Harris has entirely recovered from hit attack of Indigestion. He will return to Columbus today. Alarming report have been sent, out regarding his con dition. Ills friends have been overly anxious because of hi age. A.A M. Catalogue. The catalogue of the A. 4 M. Col lege tthows 4!H students during The year distributed among the depart ments as follows: Civil engineering, !)4; electrical eglneerliig, "i; agricul ture, full course, 34, short course, 44; dairying 2'!; textile Industry, 37; In dustrial chemistry 21; mechanical en gineering, i!S; mechanical arts, draw ing, designing, wood and iron work, 44. Death Near High Point. A teligram received h today states that Mrs. W. L. Boleii died last night at her home ireai- Hlgli Point, at an advanced "K Deceased was mother of Mrs. J J. Gentry, of this city,, who whs called to the bedside uf her mother yesterdsy.