THE TWiN-ClTY OAlLY SENTINEUW.NSTON SALEM, N. C JUNE M m WHY 0 Do so many patronize our Fountain? Learn the Way to Simpson's And draw your own conclusion. u 0 D 3 MASTIC PAINT IS GUARANTEED to be a Pure Lead and Zinc Paint and not to contain whitinjr.chalk, barytes, or other adulterants. TRUSTEE S SALE. Fly virtue of a;i authority contained Iu a eeitsiu liust deed eecuted to tu bv E. J. Campbell aud wife. Elita Campbell, ou the 7th day of February, litt6. ami duly recorded In the Keg ister's tittioe in Forsyth couuty, in HMk No. 4". of Mottjges pass 1 to secme the payment of a cerlalu bond, uuu tut stimulations in said trust di ed iuh iiauug been complied with, I shall ex;.ose at public auction, for cash, oo iIib 14th day of July,19nC. at 'l o'clock uoon, at th courthouse door, Win ston, lo the county of Forsyth, N. C the following described property: The follow I ii k described lot or par- owl Ait luii.f li-fiii tiiiil helm In Abbott' we are prepar.u,., ,. ...miiw of Korsvth. and State of North Carolina, aui belli? Which statement In 'substantiate wl'h chemical anal) signed by responsible and r 'lui-mol paitlcularly described aa follows, Lit cntmican. no s'"",rl I low it : , , wriere it lb property applied on d;yj Beginning at a stone. William Kob work, properly saoiied, that it i" L.rtaotr corner (now John Bodcnham give perfect satisfaction In every par- ,lt.1K.(, mst firty-six (50) rods to tlcular. Hy thla we uitau that tt wl.l L sUme h K Ti-jigues (now U'vi Ely the best result possible III point , ,...,.. , north I4C mU 'of beauty and finish, and that It willjj(( ft .cht,tllllt thence north 4" degr-eaj ". i--' " jeuEi :i runs ami s miss 10 a cursimii We make this guarantee in prft-t tii,.me north nine (, rods to a stone, fMid faith, and dialer selling our ,h,,n,,(1 sml,i, lS2 degrees west eight Mastic Faint uie authorized to sell it,,.. , . . thence north 11 ' IU ID10 ACCIDEUT A Durham special to th Daily ln dutttl News taji: J. Ed ug, piivat ecrUry to B. N. Iuke, talked with Mr. Duk over the loiig-di;laace 'phons today regard ing the condition of Aagler B. Duke, who u badly hurt In an automobile accident Saturday. Mr. Imke told Mr. ;Magg that the (list repoits of the injures lecetvtd by hi son were rrt-aily eiat;eeratei. H said that his siiu was painfully hurt but that his condition was not so Serious as in duaied. He hopes to be out Main iu a few days. Mr. iKjke was burt on Long Island. Iu company with bis sister. Misa Mary Dike, aud Miss Fuller, daughter of W. W. Fuller, chief couutiel for the Auiviican Tobacco Couipany, aid the chauffeur, they started for a ride aud were following a lumber wagon that would not gitre- way. In trjtfng to get around the wasou the machine occupied- by Mr. Duke hkiddd and struck the waton fuil force. Mr. Duke was taruwn uu top of the load of lumber and taken to a hospital to be treated. He was brui&ed about the head and face. About Christinas time, Mr. Duke narrowly escaped death while at Car tatet liodge, In Ihe eastern part of the State, with a party of friends. He was iu a boat with a young lady who llvs here and while handling his gun it fiiet prematurely and Mi. Duke lost a bait'!. He was not long in the hospi tal, lit .A-ever, aud now he has received a K.-coud hurt within six months. With his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H X. Duke, aud his sister. Miss Mary Duke, the young man left here a little rmre than two weeks ago lor New York, intending a tour of the New England States In an automobile. PERSONAL NOTES. E P ton. Aibea left uly for Wising-1 Beno.-.w yisited Grenstiro t: I tuiiUr these conditions. Perslcc-Caulbert Co., Louisville, Ky. W. O. Senseman, 'Conractor Btttfr Class Puintintr.i Taper HanKinff. l'lione 512. degrees west, 23 rods to a chestnut. thence north 22 degrees east, three C! rods to a stone, thence east 13 rods and five links lo a stone, thence south 7! rode, to a stone, thence west forty (10) tods to a staktl thence south thirty-one 'U) rods to a stone, thence west forty-two (421 rods to a stone, thence south eighty-seven (S7) mils to beginning, containing llil 12 acre. LINDSAY PATTERSON', Trustee. This the 8th day of June, 190(1. SCREENS HHMHHHBsQHBDHBHBBB FOGLEBRQ.'S GO. Manufacturers of SCREENS Made to FIT your doors and windows. Phone 85. BROTHER LOCATES MISS H00D7 Mefjage From New Iberia, La., Says She Ha Been Found, But Gives No Details Woman in Santa Anna Not the Victim of "Lord Douglas." ASHKVIU.E. June 23. Telegrams received here frcm Snta Anna. Cal.. state that thu woman deserted by her husband in that city la not Miss Jose phine Hood, the lutest victim of J. C. Cavendish, the bogus "l.ord Douglas.' Another message from New Iberia. It., Blgned by Edwin Hood, brother of the missing girl, states that his sister has been located, and asks that "plctuie be forwarded for confirma tion." No other details were given hut efforts ar now being made by tel eiap!i to obtain further information. Morgan & Cuthrell. Tiu and cornice work that stands the test. Galvanized sky lights they are the bent. If its hot air furnice work 1 we do the best. Morgan & Cuthrell. I C E 1 Prompt shipment to all points. CM. THOMAS 6 CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. THE HORSE IS NO FOOL. He know whe nhe's getting proper treatment, when his feed Is BounJ. clean and nourishing, only he can't' tell you, gave by his actions, his work, his general appearance. Do the best by yourself by doing the best by aim liv lodging your orders for sound tt'id clean grain and feed In this marl lor horso and cattle provender. G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, 108 Fifth St. Tlmo Will Always Tell. Mess. Hit shberg. Hollander- & Co. (lents There are three houses on West Main street, painted with your Sing Paint,. three years ago, and they still look flue, regardless of the rall etc. I know merits of your paint from actual use. CEO L. DOOI.ITTl.E, (Irafton. W. Va. Why don't you find out the merits of Stag S;-ml-l'aHte Paint? It will be to vour advantage. "One gallon makes two." For sale by W. H. Clinard. 1 T F. H SinithT at DanTilie, .pent the , da) bre. . j W. rultn. ot Mi- Air). tiui it ai:ht ia the city. John A. Tucker, of Greensboro, was in th city today. , r. W. Ofburn vbit4 his brother at Keiuersviil today. Mis. B. A. Irriu. of Mt. Airy. fi vU ltUi Mis. A. F. Messick. H M Forester, of NortJ Wilkti boro, was here last evening. Uits Laura Reid returned this aftfr aoua from a visit to relatives at Dur bam. Mrs. A. F. Young ami Iittl daugh ter left today tor Kot-k Brldfce Alum SpriuRS E. D. Stanford, land ageut for the l". S. tiovei anient, left today for Giinesvillt. Fla. L. A. Myer. of Macon, Ga., who travels for the R. J. Rtnoids Co., was in the city today. Little Miss Lillian Newell Is speud iug the summer at Suumu'rfleld with her grand parents. Mi. and M.s. X. Glenn Williams went to Greeusooro today to attend i he Avery-Sharp wedding tonight. J. D. King and to sons left, today for Lake City. 3. C. where they will jtonduct a warehouse for the sale of leaf tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stafford, who have been visiting relatives in Davie countv. were heie today en route to Stonv Cieek, Va. J. Thomas Iteubow, of the men's f,irnls4iiiig detainment of the Uu Store, returned todar from a business tiip to East lieiiU. Herbert Lowery. of the Kerner vllle New s, passed through the city evening, returning from ar visit to his parents at Mt. Airy George P. Pell, of Winston, Is in the city and goes from here to Wrights vllle to attend the meeting cf the State Bar Association. News aud Ob serve.'. Miss Carrie Bowie, of Ashe county who has been visiting In West Vir ginia for several mouths, passed through the city this morning return InC home. Lex O'Brien, of Winston-Salem, who was a tfrug clerk here for some time. was, here last night on his way to Bal timore to receive treatment under a specialist. Greensboro Telegram. , Mrs. J. C. Ferabee. of Texus, who has beeu visiting her father, J. S. Lloyd, for three months, went to Ashe- villa last night to visit Mrs. H. B. Stone. She will leave tomorrow for her home at Tyler, Texas. Aeents for Butterick Patterns p .Sl-li.tM H C mm A Quartet of Very Special Wasli ooods liargatns! Most untisuul opporttmities for sa in,r art, ; in the purchase of these desirable summer u'i".' every yard of which is crisp and fresli iu tfJ ' patterns and the most effective color comhi!Un,!. they are: 12 l-2c Ginghams 7 l-2c Pretty checked aud striped slug hams that make up into daiuty ' suiimw-r frocks for ladies aud chtldien, 27 Inches wide; th lesular 12 1 2c t rt fur 7 12c the jard. 12 l-2c Madras 9c Fancy Mads. flatly woven. with raised cords, white and colored grounds on which ais woven plain and cluster stripes; 2 Inches wide, the 12 1 e sort for Sc the yard. 15c Oxfords White U.-! tLtn d.t.,. . waking a,,.f and suits, v.;i .l 2 iu.'i,.,, . tor !K' Ihe Apron Cinghamj GoihI quality, si,-:,v .f!Lj a variely of L. 1 ana uiai. fade; iisuu!l inches wide, , ., thj aid. tur t, p Death from Lockjaw never follows an Injury dressed with Ilucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer chant, of Uensullaersvllle, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Bureh, of this place, of the ugliest scar on his fleck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns and pores. 25c at V. O. Thomp son's drug store. New Advertisements. - Meyers WVstbrook Co. A qua) tot of very special wash goods bargains. A, C. Vogler Si SonFurulture that lasti. . Ogburn-Vest Co. Insurance afiainsl fire, wlndtstorm and lightning. The Misses Martin Big bargains iu every department. Jce Jacobs Clothing Co For big bargains In two-piece suits see display Iu store window. Simpson Drug Store Why so many patronize our fountain. Rusenbaclmr and Bro. Publish . coupon good for six mouths' subscrip tion to Fashions. I We Are Here to Stay On January 25, 1906, we did our fin work in Winston-Salem, since then we ha J painted over a score of residences and busine 2; houses and have decorated one hundred an twenty seven rooms. We have in our emplu three expert paper hangers, one of the bt grainers and three best hardwood finishers i town.' and a number of experienced brush mei J All work entrusted to us shall have our persorf aland prompt attention. Our references is phi " . ... ,1. . . t A ,1 l D cu customers inrougnounne city. Yours tor tirst class work and material 130 W. 4th St. Painters and Decorators. Phone M SINK & FANSLER Wanted to know Ihe present post office address of T. W. Campbell or his heirs, father or mother. Ho once llv ed in Clint bum county and located In Parke county, Intl. He once owned lantU i Texas. If nny one knows of his arfdrcss will confer a favor on him by notifying J. J. Dillard, .Lubbock, Texan. JUST A MINUTE OF YOUR TIME. 1 low about a Peerless Freezer? If you (lhr.'t know much about them the reputation of the muker Is a guaran tee that you can buy nothing better. BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY. Removes black heads, drives away beauty ills. Stimulates tho wholo ner vous system. Greatest beautifler known. Nothing so helps fading love liness as Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. E. W. O'Hatilon, Win ston; Lnndqiilst & Pfohl, Salem, agents. Democratic Judicial Convention 11th District. Notice Is hereby glveu that the Ju dicial Democratic Convention ot the Eleventh District of North Carolina, will be held at Winstun, N. C, on Thursday, the 12th of July, l'JoO, at 11 c'clock a. tu. Thtf purpose ot the con vention Is to nominate, a solicitor fot said district, and for such other busi nem ns may properly come before It. All tDeinocratic papers of the dis trict please publish this notice. CLEMENT MANLY, Chairman Ex. Com. ' 10 DOZEN $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 COL OREO SHIRTS, CHOICE 75c. UNTIL SOLD. M ENS OUTFITTERS Primitive Baptists Buy Church. The Primitive. Baptists have pur chased the Broad Street Baptist church, tha price belug $1,500. The latter congregation will continue to worship there until they complete their new church at the comer of Spring and Fourth streets. For the present the Primitive Baptists will hold services only once or twleo a month. Free Subscription to "Fashions." In their space In this Issue Rosen bncher & Bro. publish a coupon good when mailed to the Busy Store, for six months' subscription to "Fash Ions.'" ' THE PRICE FURNITURE GO Wants your furniture trade. We believe we have just what you want we feel that it will be to your mutual interest as well as a help to this store to have you visit us often. We sell for c;ish or easy terms. Many people are taking' advan tage in buying here of our easy payment plan. It will pay you to investigate. THE PRICE FURNITURE CI Successors to the E. M. Andrews Co. INVITING - ENJOYABLE Nothing will help to make your eveniig dnvcm inviting'than your buggy newly painted. "?Pa' them fn look likp new" - " Nothing helps to make an evening drive more invnbli thnn vmir bno-irv flttoH with a set 01 "llide Easy Rubber Tires." " CRANFORD & SNYDER For Startling !Mces oii Clothing LOOK IN THE WINDOW OF JOE JACOBS CLOTH WE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IT IN Joe Jacobs Clothina Co. - - NGCOilPANY THIS SPACE TOMORROW. The Leading Clothiers-