riNCITY DAILY SENTINE fSfySill-lEM MIGHT L I GET COLLECTDH'S OFFICE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS . ..II II .- blroods win dc Law. .rt,d lr That c.ffi. Appliances (Wr,g Tr... " God f,ft,To Charge o , Agj.wt Atlantic Coast i i i 'If S.'n! :'! i ... i .... - MtUllU V ...f.d' d tiiul suits! ... - -- pe'ialties J" vio" I. .,.i',ni-,. !j through f ..... 1 ..... t , n.-t.t lu arop- !iUd to "' T,a1 1! .jit (he Atlantic Toast he Is .rftra M.W.1V a urnest iu Iht ... h;ch were i an iuir Ifi' ami n the various I' .it.inu.vs he savs: Is determined fnrrt-mt lit of these am ease of vlo. ;ht to' your attention miunieK-e commission ir bv oilier parlies Iv ami cart-fully Inves tor ihe statutory and earnestly !)tl lit iiM ( enforce- uacted limb. tilted up- Stilt- atiuit b pen- press- hf Sftitiin-i. Jam. 27. Miss Mary daughter of State Treas- lis nr.iti-il In marriage this 1 o'cl.iek to Mr. Ruftis fhu hold an Important the Merchants and Farm- this clly. The marriage First Presbyterian church ior, A. H. Moment, offl- i. Lacy, sister of the bride. I( honor, and Mr. Jus. Mc- r of the groom, best num. h Licy and Ann MeKim- 'jri.lfsmalds. Theie were kia! briilfsmalds, particu- ol the bride. Thev were Gulrislinro; Slisses Nell Hinsdale. Miss Mai y Atl- ll.iljuiie r.'ircll and Miss Britle and bridesmaids in lovely white costumes. or RTOiiusmeii were It. R. Wriatlit ami H,-u hivon. I'ayetttville. Mm. McAiien left at ' 11 liiiilai luiir North, I EAST 1 The Senilnet. Julie :'T ..A,1;. ,. ... ai iifliec ti.day. state that . - n.iiiii uill- M ni;i.sacr,.,i Si.ifr a t"" -tier u i , ..,;,...... .... . "... ..uve im- 3C! A I ... " is in lite ' win on .),i,io l. svws if 'Ton.;- leacliH ((, Bovern- (iKIrif.! t,.,l.... fmi.id ten lb!,- mutilated. " reniov-'rt and the r. fmt TV... .....I. . . . Is. , '" or his w likewise nint Hated. UFE COMPANY 1 The Sentinel Er J".bert .mi " a suit in 11 N-w Pejnev ""'"innng f a 1 'li'Ce T1 'lle 'd p0licles ,e, ,,. "' he new for L ") om- He,,.. , , """"a. tne New i for the suit. TIES OF A CHINESE SOCIETY rc,,,, falh-,1 x "f ,,le H in , ' LJ1 '-I ir China m,n,i '"'"Mts at Ppktn Is China " n' lh,'r norti ;,rni sov-r L "i0? a lent- '''feign ii., ",'r"'- is strone u,i f"'ll"e ex fS " etuny,?',r'W of " -"tmi,ncp ,K. ''f liromotion t.hhia. r""iture ... lni to Nor nr1w'MK ml llg,on' Nw , ""1 Mr ' I ' aml Ml. "city '""..M"- Tho. ta Rolttokhe0 J'n them Was t!w report stnt out from Wash iuntou few days ago to the eftVet that the collector" office a to re main Iu Ashevillo a false alram? Mr. Brown, the new collector, te!!s the Statesvilie Lamlmark that has no inforuiatiou except that contaiueU in the newspapers; that the Im-atiou of the office was uot nieatiJtu-J to hitu liy any of ths Koviriiuient orticials. This means that the location of the office Is by no means settled, the Ashe ville repoit to the contrary notwith standing lu rtxard to the location of the collector's office the Landmark h,juis t.iat liutb Winston and Salisbury will apply for the office ou the ground that the bulk of the business of the dis li let Ls from these two towns. This city could put In the strongest Malm for the office of any place hi the district, because more stamps are sold here than at all the other office. combined, Ashevillo Included. The business men of Winston-Salem might accomplish something by bringing this fact to the attention of the powers at Washington. Mr. Brown" nomination as collec tor was probabU- certified to todav. when his commission will be issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. As s3on as bis commission is ready the bond will 1)3 filed, but as these prelim inaries neoes&arily consume a few days it will hardly be possible for Mr. Brown to take charge of the office July 1st, as was expected. The date for the transfer, of the office from Mr. Hai kins to Mr. Brown has, therefore, not been fixed. The Statesvilie Landmark thinks there will be changes In force tinder new collector, notwithstanding the civil service order Issued by the pres- dent. The Landmark, argues, however, that "If as the-Ashevllle people claim, the office ig to be retained at Ashe ville, and on top of that the civil ser vice Is to apply to keep the present officers In, the victory of Mr. Black burn in securing the appointment of a collector will, like dead sea fruit. turn to ashes on- his lips. But these matters are by no means certainly set tled to the extent Indicated and there will probably be some interesting de velopments In the next month or two." NEWS ITEMS REPORTED FROM GREENSBORO Special to The Sentinel. GREE.NSBORO.Jnne 2R Last night Corinthian Lodge 543 of Masons elect ed the following officers: Worshipful master, F. H. Hobgtx.d: senior war- 1en, L. M. Hodgln; junior warden, C. (i. Harrison;, secretary, Dr. C. X. Lips- omb; treasurer, C. I'. Vmistory. Af ter the election the members of the lodge enjoyed a delightful buffet sup- !e.'. At Revolution Mills last night a new council of tho Junior Order of Vnlted American Meehunles was Instituted, the work belug done by Greensboro inn t'roxlinity councils. The lodge made an auspicious beginning, there being forty charter members. I he church building and lot now occupied by, the First Baptist church, orner of West Washington and (Jreena streets, Is offered for sale by Lee H. Buttle, chairman of the build ing committee. The new church Is In course of constrnctioir ou West Mar- kat street and the congregation ex pects to be able to worship there be ioro December. ORKEXSBORO, June 2C Mr. D. T. Hicks, former superintendent of the Charlotte township road construction lorce. arrived this morning from Char lotte to assume his duties as superin tendent' of the Guilford county road work, In place of Superintendent Giles Foushee, who recently resigned to ac cept the newly made office of superin tendent of the Greensboro street. Im provement work. T OPPOSI Special to The Sentinel. NORTH WILKESBORO, June 27. Congressman E. Spencer Blackburn was renominated without opposition at the Republican Congressional .Con vention of the eighth district here to day. The attendance upon the convention war. about 500. Stanly county was not represented in the convention. LOCK CANAL BILL PASSES THE HOUSE WASHINGTON. June 27. Tho House took vo today the Senate bill providing for a lock canal from the speaker's desk and passed It without debate". The bill now awaits the signa ture of the president to become a law. The condition of Chief of Police Crutchfleld continues critical. If there is any 'change since yesterday he Is weaker. The attending physician says that he may live a week or he may pass away at any lime. Miss Ellen Xotfleet returned this afternoon from a visit to friends at Charlotte. . ' Miss Kearng returned this after noon from a visit to friends at SaJW 0 "- - , x NUES T MS Inquiry Into Killing of White by Millionaire Ttiaw Tomorrow. Th baisai in j rn by nu ni ' bei ul intu:r crack UnitT trm-W ctHiipany will ojH-a at Armurjr Thur-i day ev niug t o'cl.ick Hh mmi i c.iuret!. In hK-h s..!iie of the'. nuu( gifu-d ii,t;siiiji!s of tht- c.' 'M p.dtU ipate. N i admission fe,Thaw Appears Mart Calm Today- mill he cbatctd ar I ev.'rU..dy is in vite,, BundU of Litttr Which It la Oaim- ca Milinjii) gringnt n, nil vw fn la Turned Over To Thaw Lawyerc B Hn Wife Fatal Nolo, of Recent Date Among Papers At torney Have. erected and main usi (ul ai d ortw li: m il i.nii les, klml!) d.iiia't-d to tin I fir. auii will U oa .' j M; II. I.. Ktvicliis. with a score ji.f young hniv axsislanls. will hae' jt iiailtr ill Uk buaaur Rcfieshinenti ! t Wtr to The BiI1ihA i will beVrved on th, iih hIii ev ruing.! NKW YtKK. Juue 27. Harry Thaw I Proaram foi Thuredav Evenino. i1" hi celt lu III.. Tmits WhU) had i- Part I. Polonaise Iowa Au liikh Love Song, tlaiug) yosephH-iChoate! Ex-Ambassador to Englunil. IS BLACKBURN IN LEAD Local Delegation of His Fol lowers Assured That He is--Resolutlon May be Intro duced In County Conven tion Saturday Endorsing Spencer. Congressman E. Sppncer Blackburn, who was nominated at the Republican Congressional convention, ft Wilkes boro today, was here this morning en route to tho convention. The congressman was met at the station here by a few of his local ad mirers and they chatted with Spencer earnestly until the train moved off. In the patty wore A. L. Stipe, Geo. May, H. O. Sapp and Ned' Shore. Whether they received any promise of offices from the eighth district rep i.sentatlve in not known. After the interview one of the "boys" remarked hat Blackburn claimed to have a ma jority of the votes so far Instructed Cor Stale chairman. His followers se:'iu to lie in high glee over his chances to become boss of the party in North Caiollna. Will Forsyth Endorse Him? It Is reported that, at the Republican county convention next Saturday a resolution will be intioiliuud instruct ing the delegates to the State conven tion to vote for Blackburn for cliuir- nian. If this Is done a warm discus sion Is likely t-j follow, ns it Is known lliat some of the leaders are opposed to Instructing delegate's to any of the conventions. T'.ie Blackburn "wing" iii Forsyth in Invlineil to the opinion that u majority of the Republicans In the county are for Spencer and are anxious to show Iheir hand lu the convent ton. One was asked If they would hold a caucus before the con vention and endeavor to get together. Ho replied that he thought nil differ ences. If any existed, would he fought out in the coiiveuiion. M C HUM OF SALOONS IN CITY ARHANEIKG FOB I UraiLUURI IB bill mn nr,rnp,Tni UIO ULLLUIinilUH Winston Aldermen to Decide Tomorrow Night When Committee Will - Report- Company Not Prepared to Say When Car Line Will be Built to East Winston. t The Winston Aldermen held a spec ial meeting and a caucus last night. The first was to consider the propo sition to extend 1 the street car line lo East Winston! and the latter the question of granting saloon license. It was announced that the street railway people claimed not to be In a position now to nay just whetethe line to East Wlit9ton would be built. How ever the company provisos to extend the line to this paft of the city some time in the future and the aldermen propose to use th:dr best effort to secure it as early as possible. At. the caucus the board discussed a suggestion to reduce the number of saloons In the city. At present there are ten bars and with the exception of the I'hoenix all of them have made application for renewal of their li cense, which expires on the 30th Inst. George ItiK'dlger and C. C. Shoffner have formed a co-partnership and will do business in the new Roedlger build ing, cornei- of Third . and Church street.-;. A committee was named last night to .Investigate fondltlons and reiort the same io lln Would at a called meet lug tomorrow (Thursday) night. It Ik known that seveial members of the board tire in favor of not allowing any saloons oti the south side of Third stnet on arcoiint of the new hotel. It is nuilp likely that If T. K. Replgur and M Kobre A: Co. get a renewal they will bavo to open elsewhere. Ii. is intimated that the present num ber of saloons will likely be reduced to six. II such action Is taken the li cense mav be Increased, tl Is now $I,.-Iie. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. June 27. Messrs. E. A. Smith and S. P. Sargeant. represent ln the North Carolina Cotton Manu facturers' Association, called on Gov ernor Glenn yesterday and request ed him to Issue a special commission to T. M. Costello as special Immigrant ageiu to go to England and secure Im migrants suitable for employment m the cotton mills of the State. The gov ernor readily granted the request, f il ing, he aid, that It. was his duty to .m whatever he could for the betterment of all the interests of the State. Unite a partv of Immigrants have alieadv been located with excellent results by Mr. Cosf?llo at Charlotte. There are ,.ik. ci...riiio mttl u nd alo mills Ul ii ri v mm ." . at Fayetteville, Henrietta. Concord and various other places wnicn are i receive colonies of the Immigrants Mr. Costello proposes to bring in'o the sUit under the special commis sion Just issued, to him by the governor. T Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. June 27,-The Farmer' Hardware m., , chartered by the Secretary of Mate today with iza.m'u nuuioi i.-u ..i... The piinclpal Incorpoiatois are b. (). Cootie, WiiiMon-Salem, and II. b Hearne, of Albermaile, , I Mrs J W. Stout I.-ft tins un'-iuooi. for Norfolk. Va where she will spend i. , . mnrtt By Wire to Tlie Sentln--1. FRANKFORT, Ky June 27. Gov crnor Ih'ckham has announced his candidacy for the United State Sen ate to succeed the present incumbent, .lames McCreary, In a long letter to the 'Democrats of Kentucky. CAPTAINS OF THREE E By Wire to The Sentinel. : . WASHINGTON, June 27. Secreta ry of the Navy Boira parte today made public the findings, of the court of In oulry that Investigated the collision of the battleships Alabama and Ken tucky and the grounding of the bat tleship Kearsarge In New York har bor January 7 last. The court exoner ated the commanding officers. Religion i a mighty poor fit on most people. There Is hardly any crop yoii can raise that will pay lass than children. It tickle a man almost to death to be taken for somebody who la rich. If a girl Insists on telling what a good time she had probably she did no;. " One of the things a girl likes about a dance Is she has such a good oxcuie for having her breakfast in bed the next, moriiinv. When a woman sneaks twr hus band's only decent necktie out for their sou to wear she reallre that ,be Is not acting fairly, hut she knows aha is being a good mother. -(t'hoplut Mrs. R. S, Gal Mis C M. Nortleet. My Old Keiituck Home. Quartette Mav .M.irnli.k. tlK-niui Mis Una Ferril. Part II. Monologue. J. R. Blackwell. SelectiiHi. Mrs. R. S. Galloway. I've Something Sweet lu Tell You, (Hailing I Miss Una Ferrtll. My Dream, (F. I'oole Tostll Jaspir IKiin. Because, id llaidlal I Mrs. C. M Norfleet. Kentucky Babe, Quartette. Butterflies of Love, (SchutO Mrs. K, S. Galloway. Miss May Barber will act as accompanist. Special to The Sentinel. ' GREENSBORO, , June 2C Much progress has b.H'ii made In arranging for the Fourth of July celebiatloti at Guilford Battle Ground. The recep tion committee has been completed and consists of the following: D. C. Waddell, chairman; Judges Spencer Adams, Robert C. Strudwlck and R. M. Douglass and Messrs. A. L. Brooks. J. E. Utham, E. J. Justice,, R. II Gamwell and E. D. Droudhurst. lioveittil hi utMkesxUiu and caltu 'after the breakilnwn wbliU he wiffer- ed yesterday. The restraint of ih cell Is ann.iv lux to bini after tho fr life he ha always been acriwtomrd lo living, but he I making tho bl of It all. He slept fairly well la -it night and after a breakfat of roll and ci.fft-e read the account of tho tiagedv lu the niomlug paper. H expA'ts a visit from bis wife and counsel today. It is said that Thaw ha never bia the same man uluce hi wife told tho :ory of her connection with White. After the shock of the first revelation Thaw recovered somewhat, believing that his warnings to White would bt sufficient to keep blm away. While' continual hounding of the woman when It came to Thaw notice drove him to desperation and the tragedy lollowed. One bit of evidence, which It I stat ed will be used to great advantage for Thaw ha been offered by hi wife. Till I In the shape of bundle of letter and paper which he received from White since her marriage to Thaw and which she turned over to Thaw' attorney. The fatal note of recent date which probably brought matter to a climax and which Thaw found Is said to be among the paper the attorney have. An Inquest will be held t the Tomb tomorrow morning when It I expected that a thorough Inquiry Into the circumstance of White's death will be made. - CHANGE OF DAY By Wire to Tho Sentinel. LONDON, June 27. The decision of the King to hold court Thursday In stead of Friday so as to enable the leading Jews to attend the function has aroused the greatest InlereBt. It Is believed that the King wishes to show his sympathy for the plight of the Jews In Russia and that the Czar can not fall to take the Klnted hint. Tl My Wire, to The Sentinel." CONTORT. Texas, June 27, In the piesi'iice of a large number of guest, assembled for the wedding, Joseph Helnhardt, the groom, shot and killed Ernestine Kubre, the bride, and then fired a bullet into his own breast. He will probably die. NOT CALL ELECTION RALEIGH, June 17. The Raleigh board of aldermen but ttlght declined to call an eluctlon on the question of "dlspeniwry" or "prohibition," peti tion with ample signatures of quali fied voUt being presented for the purpose of securing inch an election. The ground for the refusal U that the city attorney, W. 11. Snow, reported lo the board than au examination of the Wutts law allowed there I no provis ion for an election on "prohibition" or "dispensary," and that the only elections that ("oulil be called would be on "nlooii," "dlsiiensary"- and "distilleries." He claim thut the law la defective In this respect, although prohibition elections have been held In a number of town lu the Slate un der this act. Rev. 8. J. Metis, who lead the fight for the election by get ting up the petitions, will go before some Jii'lg. within the next few day for tho purpose of procuring a man damus for calling of the election on 'prohibition" of "dispensary," Bv Wlro ri The Hntln CARDIFF. Wales. June 27. Earth quake shocks were- felt throughout southern portion of WTales this morn-J Ing. All the buildings were rocked. Children at Merthyr Tydfil were panic stricken and rushed from the schools. None were Injured. No damage has been reported. AGITATION BY RUSSIAN SOLDIERS SPREAD! Bv Wire to The Sentinel. ST. PETERSBURG, June 27. Metn boi of the Preobrajeimky regiment have been holding meeting dally where sympathy for the socialists was freely expressed. The agltatlorr I spreading among Bemennff regiment stationed here. J. E. Jordan, of North Winston, lost a, good milch cow Tuesday. Mr. C. ii. Hill is spending a few weeks at Moore's Springs. . Mrs. 8. A. Wilson, of Thirteenth street, I quite III. Mayor O. B. Eaton has accepted an Invitation to "make an address at Spray next Wednesday, .July 4th, the occasion being a Joint celebration by seven secret orders, tl Is elated that a $300 dinner will be one of the feat ure of the celebration. Dr. E. F. Strickland, of Belhatila, was lu- the city today. Watt Martin made a business trip to Martinsville this afternoon. Dr. J. L. Hanes made a professional trip to Plne.Ual! this afternoon. DAMASK PLANT TO . BE SOLD AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harper went to Roailng River today to pack np their household property and ship It to ClemmotiM. Mr. Harper will probably go on the road. He ha several offer to travel, It Is not known yet what disposition the new owner wil lniako of plant of Damask Manufacturing Co., at Roar ing River, which was established by Mr, Harper and other. It wa aold three times under bankruptcy pro ceedings. The Inst purchaser were the Greensboro National Bank and the Carolina Bupply Co., of UreenvlUe, S C , anil It Is understood that they will dispose of the property a soon as a purchaser can be found. T E By Wire to The Sentinel. LEMANH. France, June 27. The grand automobile prize race over the Hart lie comse whs won by Szlsx, a French driver, using the Renault ma chine. " Horn Mission Society Meet. Mr. M I). Stockton entertained I be Home Missionary Hotiety of Centen ary church yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home In West End. The connections) work was brought be fore the society by leaflets, read by Mesdames Tom Crawford and Will O'Bilen. It was decided not to nmt again un til the last Monday In August, a many member will be- out of town. At till time a new featute will be In troduced. Instead of the usal pro grams a general octal lime will be enjoyed, when all will bring their work and while- plying their needle, reader for the evening will entertain those present, with hook on either foreign or home mission llteratuie. In deed, they will be both Interesting and initructlvu aftei noons. bury. a weep, vi luv.v.

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