SfINITY M I WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 29. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS x Enters- This U yorK Court .Horning. Wtl Be Emotional That Hi Wite Stand I" H' Beha" Com" Dp.-TMi Detective at Work. jgu -Tha u 0f general scions "-uilty with privilege to plea amt masm mi Tuesday. in hetrer condition :? since He v " et is agreeing nn kilning color. He s thii moruing be felt I in a king time. will be emotiona I that Ttiavr brooded a to his ife and nr her arur mtir it was made tern when he committed tat he is not Insane qui FIREMEN'S BAZAAR. Tliaw will go on the hie whole story of her White to ciear her is have detectives at . ... ... 11'i.UA'a f of showing tie was in Nuice vuuug gins who to the city to take up I. regardtd as likely to reattst sensation New The defendant's liev will spare no oue iiglit facts surrounding is believed if all ia I tip s:ne of the con- in set of fast men and I very prominent ames millions back of the ! possible to do this ItNG JULY 15. - So Telephone Charges by Corporation Com- Sentinel. me !9. Tho Corpora- a sets July 1.") as the tho petition ol Secre Brjan Grimes, for the sg distanra and local S" In tlits siato for ce. The complaint 1b th.-rn Bi'-il Company i.at long, distance tolls m five umUs a jnlnute v( minutes, Two and a ante for time in excess As to local station n:aiid a . maximum a month for residences h for Uisiness phones. tpital, incorporated, of chartered toriav h harity. H to the charter of Grocery Company, of asges the name to the I- Bishop presl- m returned, this mom. Ml when; he delivered we closing of the Jailor killed. Explowion on British (rthip Essex. Sentinel Me .-By explosion 'He battleship Essex at ! member of iho f1 'Sht Injured. lr7ca7unT ' ';r-How long win the ."7'.v ""et have to rickety, niiio,, F are not nnnnl other lines? LIBERTY. First Evening Proved to Bo a Great Success. I'mier the deft fingers of Mesdamea H. L. Riggins, Walter Barham and a coterie of young ladies, the Armory was converted Into a most artistic amr patriotic halt on last evening. Around :he hall seven very attractive booths nad been erected. In the cigar booth, which as tf fectlvely decorated In blue and white. Misses Mary Bailey, Mary Cromer An nie Mickey. Lillian Johnson, Emorle Barber, Theodosla Gray and Elitabeth Hill were kept busy In selling that solace of all tolaqes fine cigars to gentlemen present. Next to this was the dull booth. A fitting homo tor this beautiful little lad wjs this floral bower. Large red roita. gracefully arranged on a whits background, made it a thing of beauty. Five cents for cake of soap entitled oue to a chance at this exquisite doll. ntgniHcentiy dressed. Each little las- sih'h heart beat high with hope that slie rii,tlit bo the fci ornate oni in the U'i.w tor ight as rhe carefully kid her ticket -way. ins Jieyeis-Wesibroo'ic Co. donated this handsome 2bM doll to 'he flrenieu Here also was the tine piece of art douated by the Reu tm R'nk Cothe woik of Mr. Milch, a beautiful painting. Over "this booth, Mrs. Walter Barham and Miss Jqsie Rawle presldeC. Blue and rMte with fans adorned the toilet article booth. In which we- Misses B-sie Ikniy, Ada Nichols, Cssj.c Rose and Edwlna Lockett. Mr J'vome Pt was the custodian u the getls fuiiUuIi.g department. ivure fvoijtomg i.ec(".ful for a we.l dressed man could be found. Very popular proved the ice cream and cake, which was sold from a dain ty booth in white with festoons of red ribbons. Mr. Otto Lllpfert and his charming assistants . Misses Annie Bynum, Sadie Walker. Marlon Moir and Daisy Palmer, were kept' busy juring me evening, supplying the crowd. . Draped in our national flags was the lemonade booth, where Misses Tran- sou. Donna Henry and Kathleen Simp son soia Wff cooling beverage, while in the seventh pretty both the attract ive trio of housekeepers. Missesj Pearl Medearis'Julia Wilson and Grace Tay lor, presided over the house-furnishing good. Indaed, articles of all sorts and kinds will be found here. AH that were not sold last alrlu will be mic tlonerl on tonight. .. very delightful waa the charmlnir musical program rendered by Mrsi Robert Galloway, Mrs. Charles Nor fleet. Misses Lora Ferrell and May Barber, and Messrs. Jasper Dean, Ro land Taylor. Brooks Bvnum ami Anion Huls.1 Nothing which the ladies could dp- sire waa lacking to make this a com plete success. Quite a large number of articles were sold last night, the proceeds of the evening being $43.00. Be Bure and go tonight and get some of the bargains which will be found and see who gets the handsome doll. JEWS IN RUSSIA Their Condition Now Seems More Hopeful Than It Has Been. Concert at Christian Church. Those present at the concert at"-the Christian church last nigM seemed to enjoy the program. Some miraberB worthy of special mention were the excellent rendering of the Hungarian Rhanwody No. 2, by W. F. Bland. Lind say Kester, a boy of about 10 years, showed he has musical talent by his violin playing. With no teacher of ittuslc to instruct him he has learned to draw the bow with considerable skill for a beginner. Mr. Ernest Norwood displayed some elocutionary talent, and other features were worthy of mention. To Entertain Choir. Mr. and Mri W. F. Morton, of Ker nersvllle, will entertain the members of the Methodist choir this evening at their home In Kernersvllle from 8 till 11. The choir is composed of Misses Daisy Leak, Nannie Gentry", Annie and Boyd Lowrey. Leila Stock ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. LlnvHIe, Mr. and Mrs. W..F. Morton, Mr. George V. Fulp, Mrs. Emma Norman Jones, Mr, Herbert Lowry, Mr. Odell Beard and Mr. G.,C Bodenhamer. x Tho Auii mas H. Barry. Action of Ruftian Government In Punishing Those Participating In Massacre of Jews Will Doubtless Do Much to Keep Down Future Anti Jewish Outbreaks. By Wire to The Sentinel. LONDON", June 2.The Riissa- Jewish remittee lias sent $50,000 to relieve tne immediate necessities of Jews in Bialystok. bit Samuel Montague, chairman of the Russo-Jewish committee and the greatest authority on the Russian Jews, in an interview on the present situation In Russia, said: . "The worid'a onterv aratnst the 'Jewish massacres, particularly pro test iroro America and England are having a salutary effect I think the reign of massacre, has practically ended. England has .been informed that the Russian minister of Interior has ordered all governors to take every precaution possible against anti-Jw revolt and also notified the governors, that they will be held strictly responsible for bloodshed ding. This is certain to have good result for all massacres up to the present time have been ordered from St. Petersburg tq serve as a safety valve for revolutionary outbreaks. The condition of the Jews la Russia is improving. We hope much from the action of the dounia In sending delegates to Jewish centres to explain to Christians how harmful to the revolutionary cause are the attacks on Jews." Bit 1 EI NEXT TERM OPENS SEPT. 5. Changes In Faculty Miss Stewart Te Have Charge of Natural Science De partment and Miss Erwln the Elocu tion Department The 105th annual session of Salem Female Academy and College will be gin on Wednesday, September 6, at 10 o'clock a. m. The opening exercises will be held in the Home Moravian church. There will be a few changes In the faculty.. "Miss Maud G. Stewart will fill the chair of Natural Science during the next school year. Miss Stewart grad uated first from Carleton College, and then taught for fifteen years. She then entered Columbia University, New YorK, ana nus spent tnree years in study In that great Institution. She is working for the degree of Doctor of FhllosoDhv. und will receive the sn. alter a very little more wrk Is done. The Academy says that she la a West ern lady, modest and dignified in her mannev. Miss Eliza F. Erwln haa been nom inated by the authorities of the fa mous Curry School of Expression to take charge of the elocution depart ment during the next school year, and has been elected to this position. Mies Erwln was born In Kentucky, and is a member of one of the old and well- known ramiitefl in her section oi me State. She graduated at Danville. Ky., and later entered the Curry School. Boston. After a three years' course she graduated, and, In addition to the work in elocution, she also took the course of physical culture.and has had normal work during the time that she was pursuing her studies.. Miss Erwln will still further prepare her self for her work by a summer course Mlfs Margie Smith, who has .taught successfully in the Winston and other schools, has accepted a position in the Academy faculty. AROUND THE CITY. Herbert Lowery, of the Kerners vllle News, was In the city today. The condition of Chief of Police Crtitchfleld remains about the same. R, F. FolU, who for some time was with R J. Bowen & Bro., has accepted a position with A. Shlparo. J. P. Charles, ot souwsiae, ia confined to his home, a blood vessel having bursted In his left leg. Dr. T. M. Cook, of Waughtown, recently .harvested 56 bushels of wheat from one and one-half acres' of land. The many Mends of Dr. John Byhum will be pleased to learn that his Improvement continues. He Is now able to sit up a few minutes at a time. Prof. D. H. Hill, of the A. k M. Col Ipp is In the city on his return from Vade Mccum Springs, where he has been with his little son. Dr. Hill gained flesh and strength rapidly. He is a writer of great ability and Is lookimr into the Salem museum and acwmlnir - nlctures and data of the Moravian settlement here. Republican Contest The following Item has been .re ceived by The Sentinel: A careful canvas of the political situation in Forsyth county snows without any questkm that E. Spencer Blackburn will receive the endorse ment of the county convention which meets on Saturday, th- 30th. The rural township are almost solid for Biackburn and are hourly growing more enthusiastic for him. There Is absolutely no question of Mr. Blackburn's growing popularity. He virtually has a "cinch" on the state chairmanship. In fact it Is quite 'ikely that he will carry Adams home county, Guilford. Present Session of Congress will probacy Adjourn To morrow Aflernoon. Great Amount of laeinesa Being Dis posed of In Last Few Hours of the Session Ru(n ky Member to Hav Measure They Are Interested In Acted lipen. By Wire to Tie Sentinel. WASHINGTON'. June 19. The days ct feverka legislative activity have arrived. Congress today and tomorrow win give the country aa object lesson In what It can accora plisa whea It really wants ta It teems likely the plan to adjourn to morrow afternoon l t o'clock will be adopted without opposition. Rep resentative DuigelVDatHhe resornlioo for adjournment q hit - pocket but woet offer It until all possibility of a slip on conference reports oa bills Cannon Insists, must be passed before adjournment Is removed. Conference reports wilt require some time In ad juatment Is the meautime the mem ber with bills la which they are especially Interested are try ing to get them through In the closing rush and Congrats uutl) final adjournment will oe a busy place. TEN SALOON LICENSES. M. Kobt Gets Permission t Run Hit Bai Only 10 Ojyt, to Close Out Butines. The Winston AldrrnM'n, at the m-c- is.1 mtlng last nlsht. granted eight bar-room llceuw-s for u nHMith. the pue biug $I,5'ni, and ts fir ninny day. One of the latt r U to th Ho tel phtitnix Co., which has lVaiMd ihi- hotel cuurturteu for iwvrral years by Mr. A. I, Young. 1 Is undrrstood tfciH the .to a;aia;niviit has the privilege of retaining the raUion li- cne for a year, prmioVd they secure a lease on the hotel fir that period There was considerable riiaruMUn over the apiuic.iltM first filed as V Kob.e t Co. end Uler changi-d to M K'lUre. He a represented by Mi. laVM. hendrcu. A' r argument bv TO HAVE 3 HOTELS The Winstonia" To Open Next Week In Handsome Messlck Building. Hae M Rooms, With Toilet An) Bat On All . Ftoertv-Firet-Cla Cafe te Be Conducted en First Floor. Competent Manager Se-eursd- Local Business Men Leae Hotel Pnoenta. Unitona!em la to hav three ftrf-c!aai In t.tlttin tn thm U counsel, and dl-cistou by ui'in-lziBiendorf and the Phoenix, "The her of the board, "i was seen th.it wttronla" will be opened the first majority of the aldermen v.ercpiwed of nMt k m chart of a comoe- BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. Program ef th On to Be Rendered t Court Heuee Square. Following I the program arranged for the band concert to be given at the court house square tonight by the Winston Cornet Band: , Part I. March Lieutenant' Santleman. Asenatb. Walts gong "Dearie." Recker. Medley Overture "Out for a Lark." DeWllt'. t Serenade "Waves of Memory." Blanchard. March "Fort Dayton." Seltf. Intermission. ' Part II. March "Our Director." Blgelow. Walts Song "When the Evening Breeie Sighing, Home Sweet Home." 8oloman,- Two Step Since Father Went to Work. flecker. Welti "Forest Park." Thomas. March "Black Diamond Express." Lyon. ' March "Manomet." Collin. The above program Is subject to change. ; - - ;, .v , . , .,,' . . . POLITICAL GOSSIP. Item from Greensboro About a State ment Relative to Activity of Some Revenue Officer In Politics. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO. June Zi. Even Re publicans here are laughing at the news from Washington that Congress man Blackburn has lodged complaint against certain revenue officers In Cumberland county for pernicious Re publican partisan activity. An old Republican from the eighth district, who Is un "organization" or Adams- Butler facttonist, said that be never beard such-"gall" In his life. He then related that In the Wllkesboro Con vention, which nominated Blackburn two years ago, revenue officers Mor ally over-rode the primaries and Id the convention Itwir put liiacKimrn through, literally at the point of pis- tola This same gentleman said that in the campaign of 100, when Black burn defeated Buxton for Congress, he had the revenue officer to ride horseback, booted, armed and spurred to every appointment, Buxton bad for speaking. Blackburn would not meet Buxton in debate but had these offi cers to represent him. TRUST INQUIRY. Believed That Federal Grand Jury at Nashville, Tennn Will Investigate Tobacco Trust By Wv to The BenttaeL NASHVILLE, June 29. The federal grand jury convenes here In special session next Thursday. It U pre sumed It has been called to Invjsil gate the alleged tobacco trust. The investigation will cover the leaf to bacco districts of Tennessee, Ken tucky. North Carolina and Vlrglala. Henry M. Lester, of New York, atr torney. Is expected to aid tn prosecu tion of the trust. - New Advertisements, Winston Mill Supply and Plumbing Co. The kind of plumbing we do not execute. -, Roseubacher it Bro The big sale is on, specials for Saturday. The Bee Hive. Announcement of (22.000 clearance sale to start tomorrow. Meyers-Westbrook Co. A good string of Saturday specials. Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. $1 Eclipse shirts CO cents. The J. W. Hester Co. A few of the many special price now on at this store. Fletcher, Bros. The bir reduction sale and some of the many special prices. Fortun Teller's Fatal heading. A report Comee from Lexington that he death of a young lady In a promi nent family of the county was the result of brooding over a prediction Judge 0f a fortune teller recently. The young; lady was In Lexington recently and ! to renewing the lirenme la the name of M. Kobre. Mr. Heotlren then offer ed the same of Max Harris, saying that this gentleman would buy the bastness of M. Kobre Co., provided be could get license. Harris Is broth er-ln-law of M. Kobre and there was opposition to him, too. Finally It was agreed to graui M. Kobre license for 60 days In ordvr to give him time to close out his busi ness. Later the time was chang.J to 90 days. It being understood that the license would be revoked October 1st. The board dec! kd not to allow any rslcotit on the sourD tide of Third street between Msiu and Church streets, after October 1. T. K. Rou igar k Co. will move at an ?arty date to the stand now occupied by C. C. Shoffner. In the A. K. Messlck build ing, Mr. Shoffner and George Roedl- ger will consolidate their business and will occupy the new Roedlger building at the corner ol Third and Church streets. Those granted license are aa fol lows: Holbrook k McCann, Roedlger. k Shoffner, Chap Bodtihamer, T. K. Renlgar k Co.. p. A. Davis, Sherman k Phillips, C. K. Todd. Paul Hen- nlngs. Phoenix Hotel Co., and M. Ko bre, the latter for three months. MAN'S HEART SEWED UP. . Contrary to Hope and Belief of Sur geon Operation Waa Unsuccessful. By Wire to The Sentinel NEW YORK, June 29 The won derful operation of sewing up a man's heart where ho had been stabbed by a knife, which was performed ten day ago, at a hospital In . Brooklyn, has pied unsuccessful. Anthony Savage, victim of a stabbing affair. died this morning. The surgeons who performed, the operation had uvery hope, saying he would recover and the heart would perform Its func tion but the wound proved falsi. tent and skilled manage, at th cor ner ot Third and Chestnut alreete. The building, which was recently completed by th A. F. Mesetck Grocery Co, at a cost of about $20, 0VO, 1 five stortre high, contain) 4 splendid rooms, wttb toilet and baths on all floors. On the first floor will be well appointed cafe and the office: on the second floor Is located ltd it't; ' dining roouu. t The tulld.ng Is being handeoniely furnished throughout with new runt ime and flsturt. the eanie hns nir. chased from Huutley-Hlll-8tOCkte Co. i The birtldlng will be heated through out with th Uurney Feceum heating syntem. "The Winttonla." uniJer the direc tion of a popular botellst. will be a credit to the Twin-City and Th Ben Unel bfspeak fur It a liberal pat railage. Messrs. W. T. Brown, A. F. Motes and associates hav secured a lease on Hotel Phoenix, whlrh hae been con ducted so succeiisfully for five year by Mr. and Mr. A. F. Young. The uew lessees will conduct the hotel under the name ot the Hotel Phoenls Co. They have also mad a deal tor the fixtures and furnishings and are now negotiating with a competent out of town man for manager. Th hotel will therefore not be closed, as reported a few days ago. Mr. Young's lease expires tomorrow. He may re main In charge until his successor Is Installed. . Report of Associated Charities. , The Associated Charities has stitv mltted It report for the month of June. It shows 350 subscribers, earn est men and women laboring to re lieve the distress Ln the community The applications for- help received by the association during the past month number 1U7; number found de serving help, 70; number found not deserving help. 37. Garments dis tributed among the poor amounted to twenty-two. and the aifiouni of money spent for medicine and food was $77.94. CAMPING PARTY TO SPRINGS. Twelve Member of the Weet Salem Boys' Club Go To Piedmont, Moerx' ard Vade Mtctm Spring. A camping party, composed of twelve member of the West Salem Hoys' Club, of Wlnston-Halem, pitied through Dan bury Wednesday en rou'e to PiedniiHit Moore's and Vade Me cum Hprings, -They expect to spend a short while at each one of these pop ular resorU.und.lt la needles to say thoy Uf have a good time. The personnel of the party I a Mlowi; Omar kuul, RobL Roni.n ger, Walter Disher, Frank Graven, Heury Long, Reymond Brlets, Fella Biitnw. Herbert NndJng, Lum Wind sor, Key. J. K. Pfubl, Granville Nad-Iii. Twe Convention Tomorrow. The two county conventions will likely be held In the court houso to morrow. The Democrat will likely be In session a short time as only delegates are to be chosen to the. state, congressional and Judicial con ventions. The Republicans have the same mission to perform, but If there Is a 'contest over the state chairman ship the convention may he in session sometime. There is a plan to Intro duce a resolution endorsing ' Black burn, and the opposition may object to such action. A. Ia Hicks left thl afternoon for St. Marcus, Texas, where he expecte to locate. ; Q0INQ TO OYSTER BAY, President Will Leave for Bummer Home ac Soon aa Congress Ad journ. By Wire to The (lentlnel WASHINOTON. June 29 Presf dent Roosevelt Is preparing to leave for Oyster Bay a soon a Congress adjourns. If It comes before tomor row evening It Is probable the presi dent wilt start at midnight Secre tary Loeb has given orders to hold a train In readJnets and It will be a matter of only a few moment to get all aboard. If congress Is later In adjourning the president will start Sunday or Monday, Watson Ice Cream. H. P. Watson k Co, axe making a big reputation on their Ice cream, es pecially their peach cream. Drop la tomorrow and wa for yourself. ,Unt to Chi.f-of.su.;, j. Frnklfl Be had a oalmist to "read" her hand. He I Death at Southaide. foretold that she would have a "long! Miss Mamie Flynn. of Southaide, i spell of sickness. In short, that she died this morning after a short ill- woom oe sick all tne rest or ner me. f h!H ro.or. MlM Flrnni Meningitis set In, which might be the iwas nineteen years old. The hour of, result of an over-active and Irritated! I the funeral ha not been arranged. brain, and death followed. , E TZ 4 T( ' - f I f . . v ' 7 4- ... . 'I s s I 1 hi Elmer J..Burkett Senator fre.-n Nebraska,

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