tifflCITY DAILY SENTINEL WINST0N-SALO1,- N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 30. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS BBFEFULIDEHDCMIB MEET. CtDSEDFCDHGRESS DID NOT INSTRUGTfANOTHER REPRIEVE. SEVERAL DEATHS. limeys Express C-aa In Early County ConvenUon For Selec- present Session wn, Resolution Endorsing Black- Governor Glenn Issues Anoth Many Prostrations From Heat In The City ofNv York Today. tion of Delegates Is bly Adjourn Before 6 O'clock Today. x burn For State Chalrrnan Was Not Read. er One For Samuels And Hasty Today. Held Today. ' Hubirtd$ At- L tunos. Af,tr whK f, ti Be Very Sguine. Rtstew r..y. Heat But Ap- H jam .- .- f i, . ill Ins t HSl.fSS l"l-" atem hw hw-n it iBiiw6si!He ti.r 111'" i as very ivstless , i liuies. asking I,,r lo el, This uinaiiiK he i a hearty break- t the exercise of t 'h Drifiiii eoi ridor. I in tht-ir aluiity to lir,g the siatenu'iu , Olcoit vesterdy after- "Thaw She told a :m wttST White before nd lave ail the Inci- ilirffd pursuit of Anr tied Thaw. afeld White.. Callfor o and brother of the is expected to ar jv to lake up the work s the numei of his steins that the fight :s cot pi'riiiittf (1 to' drag. ;i siifiui his fortune to jcd cleat the memory r of the stums placed ' friends. JSMAN' IN CHICAGO. :itest Success in HistoryJ Vicker'e Theatre. . f Senbnel. K. June :!. in hot midV lather "The Clansman strike at its first presen- kago.su Mc tcker s thea- liciav evening. The les st every succeeding I and the unanimous cilp- Itae uiicitsn newspapers conclusion that the play I 'he s immer there. pUe rtceDtlon of "The i the Windv Citv la tha table from the fact that dins the largest negro 1 an; city in the North mvm of the negro have fH It as tit; . of tlieir In the face of this, the the masses with a nlnv Mm In fentiment is ratifying. . The success is I the (treat est in the. his- feker's theatre: TON oil liinaduav vne. Southern tour had lit nM.tt;r ... ..... "' T I-" ' '" great f the Chinnrn hit Km h. tii Mhoritatively. He said: l e back among r ytar. allhntiKh several njve to be organized UPtnand for tiu. i.,,. 'He country, The Smith ! orielnal Iproiiuctlofi. the Ku Klux P and all th,. Nhtvt a On let Mi proved su popular last A BIG SUCCESS'. J"tder Company Realize 1 um as RMUt 0f jh;t I'laiice ui ii,., r. "snt t,tr i.xceedi.il ,i f 'test ciiit,M,.,i . 1,1 j, ., " a-l OIIIIU I . each lit 1 1,. ,aMte - -rs was tl. llckj S'!-.'en: -" ui music rendered f Jh tjiiiiii ..i . i. -.. Ul ,e square. V) a,lm"r t tt!tld ku-, "a-v w" the lrew the charm- 'rt:S S;h.. .;it . lth u "' "'nt ji, ' "e Hiiro d fte J ; l"1 ? Kfy the k-s,;!',"'"' "'arrange eP ... t "slw)se of ths 'J e,:, '" Pave. tiJT 01 l first 'Heir r , " '" Um the "fed i ::,;'s ' a,"l those u) make i&- be. repre- Resolution Adopted. Mrt Watson Speakc on Subject of Road Work And Offers Suggestion. Delegates to SUt Congressional And Judicial Conventions Are Chosen. The tX-mocrstUc county convention was he'tl la the mayor's court room at one o'clock today. Chairman A. H. Eller, of . the county executive coru jmittec, after calling the convtrttkm i to order, asked Dr. R. H. Jones to preside. The chairman called upon Mr. C. B. Watson to explain the ob jecCxif th conveutiou. Mr. Wutsou stated that It was for the purpose of electing delegates to the state, con gressional and Judicial con vein ions. Mr. W. M. Hetulren then offered the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: Resolution Ar. Adopted. Whereas the great -Democratic party of North Carolina has recog nized the ability and fitness of our distinguished couutynian. Hon. R. U. Glettn. by making him the governor if the state, and whereas, his admin istration has thus far been signalized jy an industrial policy that has placed the State iu Its true light be fore the world : . N Therefore, be it resolved by the temocrats of Forsyth county in con volition assembled that we com timid the course of our governor in his Eminent cervices to advance the State and the fortunes of its people. Resolved: That we congratulate the people of our county and the entire state upon the genet al efficiency of the officers lacharge of the public affairs and the clean, honest and ex emplary manner in which the laws lave been administered in every ln- itance by nren chosen by the Dem icratlc party. Resolved further. That Imposing 'ull confidence in the wisdom and oatriotism of our delegates, in the selection of good men for office, ami n the adoption of wise .policies for he party, we hertby appoint to the several conventions the following per sons as delegates and alternates. (The names wilt be published in The Sen .liiel Monday.) - Cpon motion a representative from ;ach township was named to select lelegates to the three conventions. Mr. C. 15. Watson moved that all Democrats In ihe county be invited V attend these conventions and that hey be empowered to cast the vote of this county. This was adopted. Mr. Watson addressed the cotrven ton on the 'subject of permanent road building. Ho spoke of county's wealth and prosperity and gave notice 'hat he Proposed to , introduce a resolution In the August county con vention asking the representatives to 'he next legislature to separate the iutles of county commissioners and road work by creating a non-partisan road commission, lo be composed of mree or five members. Mr. Watson referred to the fact that this county s now collecting over $00,000 In taxes for road work annually and that the wtinty .commissioners being busy have not time to devote to the road tauso that it deserves. A motion was adopted that the Minify convention to be field August for the nomination of legislative and ounty officers, convene at 10 a. m. Tha convention then adjourned. All Important Measures Wert Die , posed ot Last Night With One Es ception. Railroad Rate Bill Be come: a Law. Meat Inspection Bill Only Awaits President's Signature. By Wire to The SrflmaV WASHINGTON. JutuT Jn Thi.-. was get away day iu Coi.gress. The senate began work at 10:55. The J lime was occupied largely Iu getting i minor bills out of the way. j Ail important measures were gotteu lout of the way last night except the . omnibus appropriation bill for public I buildings. The senate finally concur red iu house objections to Including (appropriation of three millions for fiiew. government building In Wash jingtou and the measure was reported, jit will probably go through early this ; afternoon. 1 . The railroad rata bill passed yester day and' was signed last night. . The senate also concurred In house amendments to meat Inspection bill and it was sent to the While House for the president's signature. An agreement was also reached on the sundry civil bill Including ap propriations of $l,o25.000 to James town exposition and it will pass to day. . The pi sident moved his office to the capltol today to be close at hand for signing; bills. Adjournment is expected to come before six o'clock". 'P them-Tr the THREATENED.' ' 1 tod... u""1 bere. The to 'Z- Sailors whirl . mu three k u2b't l ''ad been tlrt "ere win , ,fit!" a no '-una riot- Ku.trd to pre- Nne'atlon. for lCa" lhem by 'fthedeath r"K '-"e -iSlat,. ..' of their little TREPOFF INVESTIGATES. Informs Czar That Officers of Russian Army Are Loyal But That Privates Must Be Treated Better.. v Wire to The Bentlne. ST. PETERSBURG, June 'SO. 11 is reported that Gcueral Trepoff, after Investigation under the Czar's orders to determine the extent .of dissatis faction among the troops and to make recommendations how their loyalty may be retained has told the Czar hat most of the officers, particularly In the Cossack regiments, are loyal but he can't rely-on rank and file un less their lot is improved aud the officers, are compalled to treat them with greater consideration. Trepoff also advised the Czar to make exam ples of a few obscure officers for their mad treatment of men by transfer ring them to undesirable- posts. The Czar is now considering measures for improving the condition of enlisted men. ' . . ; AT SUMMER I Representative -of Un "I SCHOOL. ited States De partment of Agriculture Delivers Addressee. I. Special to TheWntinel. ' ' RALEIGH, . June 2!i. Dr. Willis, of the United States department of ag riculture; is here) delivering a series of lectures before! the Summer School of. public school U'afbors on the pro tection and rloi.1,,1. mom (if tflA N'orttl Carolina forests, life is sent, here witnout expense to the summer school management! by tire depart ment in the hope ofi stimulating Inter est of the school Mathers In the for estry Interests of tAt; State. Awarded SixtyVFour Dollars. Miss Maude Betfnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S-'Q. Bennett, of this city, has hn .nniiluiiri that she won $04 in th mlaiVe word contest W.kll. . I ...... .A A -ui was recently D. Jones Piano Co, WANTED. Telephone operator DlV at fr.lr,nW, lffifp enrni and Main streets. . nnilrtncted bV A. of Greensboro. 4 n. he operaiui. nv office, corner 4t.h ADAMS CONFIDENT. Thinkn He Will Win In Contest for Stato Chairmanship. Special to The Sentinel. GREICXSDORO. June 30 Repub llcan State Chairman Adams has re turned from Washington In apparent good spirits over the result of his trip. He had no trouble whatever In securing the appointment of his recommendation for a collector at the port of New Bern and seems gratified that Secretary of the Navy Taft has consented to-come ar.d make an ad dress before the Republican State convention here on Julv 10. A letter from the secretary this morning bring the Information that he win reach Greensboro on the night of the 9th. .' .ImlvH AdmiiH ha written to United States Circuit Judge Pritchard, United States District Judges Boyd and Fur ipII and ex-Sunerlor Court Judge W. P.'Bynuni, requesting them to go to Washington on the 8th and act as a coriimlttee of escort to Secretary Taft on his visit to the State. Chairman Adams seems confident of his re-election as chairman of the committee by the state convention. When he first accepted the position he stated that he was not going to make anv effort to secure votes from any comity in the Eighth congres sional district, if Blackburn was a can didate for the chairmanship. In ipite cf that position he says tnat in i w- of the sreat narade Blackburn's forces are making of (he endorse ments he has .secured the tact is mat he - Adams, will ' get more votes for chairman from Blackburn's congres sional district, than Blackburn will get from all other parts ol the State. Them Ik some comment here .over tt.o rHtlnre of the Industrial NewH this nior.ring to have any report of the Republican convention in .viecK toiiiuirn. Friday, when Blackburn wasti endorsed far' chairman- the Greens boro Telegram and all other morning papers had the. news, which .precludes the Idea that there was a cyclone in Mecklenburg which broke down the wires. v . Activity still prevails in local Re publican circles among, the Adams nnrt Work linrn factions over securing delegates favorable to the one or the other to the county meeting called for Julv- 7. It Is said that .Judge uynuui huvinir flimllv Dositivelv refused to allow any use of his name compli mentary or otherwise in connection with riiillfonl's endorsement for th chairmanship, the Blackbumites are now determined to get the enuotse ment. of Guilford out and out for Blackburn as against Adams. There Is a well grounded titmor afloat, that the anti-Adams forces will, when the convention assembles, pull out from .M.m.rt nf l!irkliiirti and Harris and support ex,Attorney General '- V. Walser, of Lexington, ana carry uk convention bv storm. As against dams it is said Walser would com mand the support of the Holton as well as the Blackburn-Hams in fluences. It being well known -that rth H.iitmi and Blackburn voted for Walser to' succeed Rollins, when the executive committee, selected Adams, New Phoenix Management. r. os learni'd this afternoou tha the new lessees of Hotel Phoenix have employed Mr. Kemp P. Bartle as chief clerk. He will also have charge r,f the .nice . R. C. Norman, who re cently went to Rock Bridge Alum Springs, wjl! return and take the posi tion of night clerk. Mr. Sam Rose has been engaged a steward, anri will purchase supplies for the hotel. The new management takes charge tomorrow morning. Hii von taken advantage of Mrs Suutou's cut price sale? Summer millinery at almost your own price at Mrs. Stanton's. Mm .Innies A. Gray and son. James. Jr., returned this afternoon from Tate's Springs, lenn. Opposition Wat Too "Smooth" for th Blackburn Followers; in Republican County Convention. Chairman Rey nold:. Thinkc Adams Will Have 11 Vote. And Blackburn 11 In the F orsytn Delegation. The Uepublicau county convention cal'ed for the purpose ol naDritujt delegates to the congressional, state and judicial couventknis, was called to order by Chairman J. K. Reynoltfs. It was a very spirited affair from start to finish. The Blackburn fac tion was oulgeneiad and no instruc tions were given thi- delegates, thouga njany of the delegates wanted to in struct that the. votes of Forsyth be cast for Blackburn for state chairman. Politicians simply ran the conven tion, while the delegates had little to do. but get mad aud make threats. The fit st "bree" came iu a contest ove.r the delegation from South Pork township No. 2. Chairman Reynolds asked E. T. Carter to withdraw hln iekgatlou on the ground that said lelegates were chosen Irregularly, ihere being only ' two men in the township meeting. Mr. Crater was almost persuaded to withdraw until M. P. Masten, a Blackburn man, moved that the delegation be seated. A vote was taken and the chairman ruled that the motion was lost. Masten then appealed to the conveutiou for a vote by. townships. Postmaster Reynolds arose at this Juncture and called for peace, asking If this convention proposed to make It possible for the Democrats to carry Forsyth thi fall. He was will ing to give advice, provided it was wanted, but the postmaster was In ho notion of offering suggestion.-) unless the convention was willing to hear him. Editor 8. E. Hall offered a substitute- to Secretary Masten's motion, that Is for the chairman to appoint a committee on credentlals.lts duty be ing to settle the contest from South Fork. This was carried and Chair man Reynolds appointed Messrs. 8. E. Hall. W. J. Ellis and 8. A. Sides. After the committee retired J. D. Bodenhamer called upon 'Squire Beck erdite to address the convention. The 'squire arose and stated that he failed to bring his speech with him. there fore he begged to be excused. i Bfforo the committee returned a discussion arose over a suggestion made by the chairman for the dele satesfrojn various lownships to get together and decide who they wanted 'or delegates to the various conven tions. There was serious opposition to thla proposition. " The committee on credentials re ported against seating the delegations from 8outh Fork, on the ground that wan chosen Irregularly. M. F. Masten then moved fhat all the Republicans present from South Fork be recognized as delegates. The chair ruled the motion out of order nd Masten called upon the convon: Mon to overrule the ruling, but the chairman refused to put this motion. The question of permanent organ ization was then taken up. The names of J. T. IKuibow and J. F. Reynolds were put in nomination. While thcAote was being taken and things were looking "blue" for Mr. Benbow as the vote Bhowed Reynolds in the lead for permanent chairman, Mr. Iknliow took the floor and said that he and Reynolds hail a verbal agteen.L'nt that nelthef would be a sandidate for this position. At the conclusion of Benbow's speech H. O. Sapp arose and in a lew warm words withdrew the name of Mf. Benbow, and Chaithian Reynolds also spoke, faying he would be glad to see Ben Ijow elected to this place. At this point a motion was made to make the temporary organization permanent and hefote the Blackburn crow I could net "on Its feet" the same was car ried, and run two for the organization wail scored. - Then followed a yarm discussion as to how the townships should be represented in regard to delegates to the conventions, and varioiw sugges tions were made as to the best way. Finally they agreed to let each town ship have a delegate to correspond with Its voting strength in the county convention. While the vote was being taken Chairman Reynolds took, 'the llnor and told how glad he was to have the. privilege of feeding this con vention today, but his remarks were received with silence. The Blackburn nu n at this point are good and mad and are in need of a leader. They appear to be In a majority but are "sheep without a shepherd." The organization forces show they have been carefully trained for thi event. There Is a racket over there among the Broadbay delegate. Three Adams men, Nicholson, Sides and C. A. ReynoMs have been named and the Blackburn men want to name Me Kaughn In place of Reynolds. C. C Sapp is looking after BJakburn's In terest In Broadbay, but he Is out generaled by the city postmaster. The secretary read the names of delegates elected by the townships and the convention ratified It as a whole. " A motion was made Ut adjourn and the same was carried before anything could bo done. , ' The Adam men ate jubilant over the result- of the convention, as no Instructions were given the delegates. The adjournment was so quick that It carried before Blackburn's friends could put the resolution to endorse him for state chairman. 8ome of the Blackburn . men were as mad as hornets and one country delegate said he hoped the Democrats would elect Respite I Until August 4 And Is Hottest June Weather In Five Year tVanted on Account of Fact That Judge Adams Has Not Tim to Ap pear Before Governor And Urge Granting of Pardon Now. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, June So Another re spite la granted b Governor Gleuu iu cases of ex Revenue Officers Hasty and Samuels, of Wilkes county, under sentencof trims la Wilkes Jail for assaulting and cowbiding Editor Deal, of the Wllkesboro Chronicle. This time rhe respite Is to August 4 at uigeut request of Judge Spencer B. Adams. He U busy conducting a campaign agalusi Congressman E. 8penrear Blackburn for stato chairman of the' Republican party and has not time to appear before the governor to make a plea for pardon for his clients. WHITSETTBREWER. Beautiful Marriage In This City. of Well Known And Very Popular Couple. A most beautiful marriage, which will Interest, numerous friends throughout the State, was celebrated at the bride's home. Just southwest of the eky, this morning at nine o clock, when Dr. William Thornton Whltsett and Miss Carrie Elisabeth Brewer were united in marriage by the pastor ot the Drine, tne venerauie wsnop re ward Rondthaler. after the Impressive service of the Moravian church. The groom Is one of our b known 3iIucators. being president oflWhltsvtt Institute, ar.d also of the North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly. The bride Is a very beautiful and attractive young woman, and has for the past two years heeu a member of the faculty of the Salem Female College. She was re cently awarded a scholarship at Columbia University. New York City. but declined It In favor of the happy event today. The parlors were artistically decor ated for the occasion with palms and ferns and Mendelssohn's wedding march was rendered at the conclusion of the ceremony, the party entering the parlor to the strains of Lohun grln's march. There were no Invited gtiesta ex cept the Immediate families. Soon after the ceremony the happy couple drove to the station and left on the 10:50 a, nr. train for Washington City where they will stop for a few days. after which t'aey will visit Atlantic my and New York. Handsome an nouncement cards made by Tiffany, are being mailed to numerous friends, and state that they will be at home at The Oaks" at Whltsett, North Caro lina after August the first. Announcement Card. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brewer announce-' the marriage of their dauglitefr Carrle Elizabeth .to Doctor William Thornton Whltsett on Saturday, tne tniruein or June one thousand nine hundred and six at Winston-Salem, Ninth Carolina.' CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCI8ES. Will Be Held at Elm Street Chapel i Tomorrow Night. Following Is the program of chil dren's day exercises to be hold at Elm Street chapel tomorrow night: Program. Chorus Hall! Festal Day. Song Praising the King. Recitation Children's Day. Chonis-As.We March Along4., Scripture Reading. Prayer. . Songs-Suffer Little Children. Recitation IJltle Beginners'. Song Beauty and Song Every- where. . ..; Chorus Enlist for God. Solo Remember Thy Creator. Chorus Rally for Service. Song Thanks. Recitation t our Letters. Chorus Be Loyal. Song Drip-Drop. Short address by Rev. K. C. Stem- pW. Chorus Go Forth, Ye Valiant Sol diers: - i - - An offering for missions will be made. " Reported Many Slept on land en Beaches Last Night Some f tne City Parks to Bo Thrown Open To night. By Wire to The Sentinel NEW YORK. June 30 Tht city sweltering la the terrlflo heat wave which struck here yesUrday. The weather bureau sajs It la the hottest June since !. Occupants of tenements suffered terribly during the night. Many went to Coney Island and other eeacbe where thousands slept on the send. The parks probably will be throws open for sleepers. Ijtter. During the morning hours when the suu was torrid several deaths were reported. Four o( the victims are children. Anvbulauce from various hospitals wee kept busy answering calls for persous overcome by heat. STRIKE MAY ENSUI. Pesaible That Several Thousand Iren, Steel And Tin Workers Will Go Out Monday. ' By Wire to The BeettneL PITTSBURG, June 30. The old scale of Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers expires tonight and suspension of work In all Independent mills where the now scale Is not signed begins Monday. President McArdle, of the union. doesn't coimlder the suspension a strike. He believes the employers will all sign the scale Individually. Three have already done tit. The strike ordered for Monday In the east ern division of association la con sequent upon refusal of officers to meet demand for Increase of 5v cents a tott for puiUllers and proportionate advance for finishers. The order af fects all mills east of the Alleghanlee and New England states, affecting about 5.000 men. OAS COMPANY OROANIZID. Officam And Directors Chosen Te Spend Several Thousand Dollars en Plant The stockholders of the Winston- Salem Gas Company met this morning and organised by the election of the loilowing officers: President. William Mainland, of Oshkosh,' Wisconsin; vice-president. Judge E. B. Jones, of Winston-Salem; secretary and treas urer Rt. flair Mlnlnil nf fKhknah Wisconsin, The above officers, with Mr. Joe Jacobs, ot this city, and Mr. J. C. Thompson, of Oshkosh, Wis., compose the board of directors. It was decided to spend several thousand dollars on the gas plant within tiie next ninety days. The first work to be done is an extension of the main on West Fourth street from Summit to the cljy line. The capful stock of the company Is $100,000. Ntw Advertisements. Litndqulst A Pfohl. "8oda talk." Winston Brick aud Tile Co. Half million paving brick for sale. ,. H. P. Watson t Co. Finest Ico cream In the city. Huntley Hlll-StockUm- Co. Never before have we been In better posi tion to give jou right prices. R. F. Byerly k Co. Brick rnanu- iacturers. Phone TJO. O'Hanlon's Drug SUtre. "An easy answer" . Rosenbacher Bro. T"he ' wtrol animal clearance sale Is on with a nml. The Price Furniture Co. "In win ning a woman's love." Wat kin's Book Store. Kodak . the children, let the children kodak. Aiftxen rars. Aftw pictures, Peter W. Blum Roofing tin, grate!, slate'. Dr. C. J. Fleming and bride re turned this afternoon from tlwir bridal trip to the western part of the 8tate. They visited Blowing Rock", Linvllle and other places In that sec tion. .... 1 -,' - Mrs. A. V. Maslln and daughter. Miss Edna, returned this afternoon from a visit to Waynesvllle, Toxawaj and Ashevllle. Presiding Elder Scroggs will preach at Centenary M. E. church at 11 o clock tomorrow morning. There will be no service at night. This au- umim'ement taTies the place of the one published In church directory In today's issue. ever) thing this year. Masten says Blackburn ana Adams U.'ill w... nL.nl m n umiut .l.ltntittr lit Forsyth's votes. One Blackburn man said trmt every township irt the coun ty with the exception of Salem and Broadbay had Instructed 'for Black burn In the primaries. . Blackburn was sorely lnn.eed of a leader here today. It was a warm con- entlon end shows that the Kepuuil- ns or tne county are oaniy spin. The Y. M. C. A. ball team went to Greensboro today to play the Proximity team of that place. The Y. M. C. A. song service oimhis tonight at tfil5. Irving Fulton will lead. Mrs. William ghaffner relumed this afternoon from a delightful visit to Toxtfway.'AshevlIle and Statesvllle. Fred Watson came to this after noon from Birmingham, Aha. He travels for the Brown St Williamson Company, When a man goes fishing It's a sign he Is on no swear-off. You can get along with roost any body unless he Is a relative. It's queer how the fun goes out of kissing a itlil that wants you to. A man would have a lot more friends If they were sure he would never need them , The worst about trying to cut down expenses Is that If, you can use less Ice It's because It's so cold you must have more coal, One way to be good Is to b sick abed. When a girt has a beau she talks about it as If he was fifty. A man who won't lie to his wife about bis bad habits Is a brute.

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