L W1NCIT DAILY SEOTINEL FyeaTTZZZ ssi ram THE FOURTH IN THiS CITY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY; EVENING, JULY 3. 1906 fonvention Unro At felock Tody Meets In Twelve ;rwan Simmons Manner. Mr. r.ige Temporary Chairman ,tl0n Latter Masts ouo"a LMcNtiH Will Be ncnu.n- lor Corporation Commis- komifl'ttee on riawQ.... butty Not Report Until To- Th? Sttt'ilitl. bqSOHO, ,hi: ::.-Miiir leue veiilimj was I'iiili d ') order v, h.m-,- ,! 1-' o'clock by ma:; S mii:- lis. who uauieu .VdtfU, temporary ,n:;n': ,'!cnnnil the pre r :ili In arty applause, ill'' convention rrt nni' til power aiui He qw'ert U. 7.. I.inney iht MsiteKtiarj might to iiiiialic iihice for holding rj';; State com on (km if of Rriiil)!irans in federal :ii(i i am Jold t(u." eon- Cn! "'In" Republicans erliarj' ale behaving them- k; r than those on the ?f's praise and eulogy (if id :he cuiivt-nciun, and the pre assurance ot the .e- r.r-orsmenf hy ihe party's Itives in Noiih -Carolina. nret was made that '.leim. who was prevented present. Tiad written a let would be read when the rt-wnn'iiHl at :!:3; ;.i be renominated for commis-ioner. ivpiitum may not eomnlete Ji.'ii tonight as the platform it is 'nought, will not be tort until- then. - fo-Guvmior Aveoek was '"ar-ciit chairman of the The mention of his name Mils 'u applause. wa! mid rain storm which ' this (hy ycsti id;, v after nie tilling,.. Three of the Wre Dill out f l,.i,i . '-i 'J ii-illl coo, t'Wtiw poles ikj a r- F. M t''!'arr lactoiy wen? ?r,''iil "I the' electric wl'ivd useless until re- iton her s (' W. Long I' l. Miss . Win,. re ba.lly.sh.K-ki i bv litrlit- "'"r' m Ihe house and .w uM.oiiM-i.rn for a few " Hie front- !,. "'-- S W J!;c! ii r, i... . , . - in ugntning. 'Ih'ning also I Mr. Lous- H- Aslibuiii, lightning did much of .Mr. ft 's Sill!-! '"""in- ami tit alis. ' Mieppani on Ugutiiing Ktmtrk a , a chain , " HiollKr Host mi.l a Hie post tops .of- two WaiiKhtown Baseball Garnet and Patriotic Concert, and Wagon Excursion Will Be the Program cf Entertainment" in This -.City Some Concerns Will Take a Day OK. July 4 (tomorrow) will not be cele brated in the Twin-City on verv elabotate scale, though the indications are that there will be enough '-doing'' iu reiiim rue iieopic mai me uav is Tething out of the ordinary. Several, manufacturing plants, will close down for the day and it is quite I probable that many or the employees will make short trips on the Glorious 'Fourth. ' -The; newly-organized .Twin-City bail the Y. M. C. A; team at Fairview park. One game willbe played at 10 a. m. j and 'the. other at 3 p. m. ; Tomorrow night a concert will .be given by the Salem Bos' Rand on the: Acauemy campus, i.nis numt is one of the best, brass bands in the State, having over forty pieces, and the con cert tomorrow night will be a most! delightful one. Patriotic music will bu rendered. i A patriotic" concert will be held at the Salem Square at r o clock tomor row morning, conducted by Rev. E. S. Crosland. Quite a unique feature of the day, promises to be a wagon excursion to the city. Mr. James l.ashmit has oi fered a prize of $10 in cash to the party bringing the largest number or poople to his store in, a wagon tomor row, and it is said that the people of the country are taking much interest in thin event. There may be a few fireworks,' but the parties celebrating the day in this manner must keep an eye on the po liceman, for if. the blue-coats catch one breaking the law in regard to ihe shooting of fir a works it is probable hrnigh!" few dollars. . - Of jpourse- the revenue and posioi; nee and banks will "shut up shop'' for the day: They always do. ii s s -v -III w j III II - ; I III 1 1 1 1 w II ill - X PRICE 5 CENTS WHITE BABIES GIVEN AWAY Dr. J. L. WhUe, Macon.' Ga., Pastor, Makes Startling Charges o Crime.. ' MACON. t;. .1 u 1 x 1-Thiit liiuii (white Ua liit - h.ivi- been given awayi by their moiiieis to n sr wotiH'ti ini M.leou is thi' staitlu-g .uiiihuihimiki;' made l )r. .1. I,. White, pastor of the; Kirt Uapti.-t ebiiH-li of Maeon Six : liildreii hae been i'tsiue4 ulreadv.' ind li. While siate that Kiverai1 similar cases have lteii brought to, iie altnition of himself and mrliib. i s ' i.f w coiigreg.il ion. I '"The hall doji n babhv alien Iv fiHiml ' aaj thin placed in. the iiep'obuhj .li phaii H.iili . The others w ill be I placed thert Immeiliateh . .j Or. White, in an iuteiview. iwiVs' ihat iiionil and social "ulcers of the ; most loaihsonie nature have been tin-1 'urthed in the city of Macon. He ih comlillons hve been dikcovered , rieie that could not-exist In heathen ouutrles. where cannibalism Is not! practiced. . ! Attorneys and d.Mectivis have been J .'iiipJoed, and will make a thorough I investlgiitlon of hv Mikmii slums. In' very case the children discovered i have be.'ii found to be illegitimate NO MOTIONS MADE SherburnlM.: Becker, New Mayor o. Milwaukee. rail IS NAMED BURGLARS AT WORK I TIP! Following, is the program for the band concert to be given at the court house square tonight by the Winston Cornet band : March "The . Rambler." Cruiuliitg. March "S. I. B. A." Hall. Overture Southern Melodies. Beyer. Serenade-"The Old Church Organ." Chambers. Two Step "The Ball' of the Hen coop Knights." Laurendcaii. Waltz "Sparkling (Jem." Ripley. Part II. March Indiana State Band Far rar. -, . , two Step--"Alexlco." Cole & John son. Overture "The Golden - Wreath." Kahnt, . .. Waltz Song "In Golden "Autumn Time, Sweet Elaine." Recker. . March "Salute to Burlington." Sherman. ' March "The Grand Commandery." Missud. Program is subject to change. Congressman From This Dis trict Renominated Unani mously Last Night. K.C'le. eVri, '.'li.r ,s,- off. I IDfilB, 10 ,,, II --H-i lie held at '"'"w niorntng '' ''inducted by .'n"wiig Is the ' Hii:'.(l. Williaiiisiin. Iv Sienipu.. ;:; if- r:, ! ' is. 'ii of Indi'pen- Pi . . nuAD WORK. h Been r ?on ",pleted on Six the n II ij;. " '-'ang n,iW "lid (!!(: 'loin 'A Hi. .ii.i... num- Work (in ''lis Citv tn a """""d t'hesy ,"f, "his nia'd '. ml "'grading 1 : eomplt.ted ''""liileted' is ' '"'! wo,-k and r-i, ( Her. Mirii,. Pi. -Willi play .r,"'S Pnaimii ir t "k in st e -- 'Jaiuiiiiy of the J imi.. . 11 1 1 nnu I M UOsllInn "ivtKuo .,,r '".lhe State. wilt ) del 'ilver THE STATES RESOURCES Special to, ThT; Sentinel. ' , RALEIGH, r July 3, Hon. T. K. Brunei-, secretary to the stale' board of agriculture, is busy sending" out circular letters, .which announe the object of the state, in promoting the state interests by Judicious advertis ing through the special movable ex hil)it to be used at the fairs in the. New England states during the coin ing, fall. Mr. Brunei' stales to the merchants associations and .cham bers of commerce that he will be glad to give wide circulation to all mailer which they' send in to him here, with the understanding that, all such shall be delivered not later than Sept. 5. and that ail transportation charges shall be paid therein!. Nominating Speech Made by Mayor 0. B. Eaton, of This City'. Mr. Kitcbin Accepts Nomination in a Ringing Speech. Mr. G. H. Hasten Member of Congressional Executive Com mittee. 'Hon. William W. Kitehin, of Rox boio, was for the fil'ih . consecutive time ho.nored by the Democrats of the fifth district, by. being re-nominated for Congress in Greensboro-last night. Mayor O. B. Katoii, .of this city, placed iu nominal ion this popular congressman. After he was re-nominated unanimously Mr. Kileliiii ac cepted the honor bestowed upon liiin in a ringing 'pee.cli of about, thirty minutes-. 4 Mr. Kitehin was first elcclmr in IKDtJ after a Joint canvass wljh ilou. Thomas Settle. He has been an able reprev. ntative and a true Democrat during all his lernis iu Congress. Mr.. (i. 11. Hasten. o-f this city, was elected a,-member of ihe Democratic (xeculive committee of Ihe fifth con gressional district. Hon. .Edward W. I'ou was unani mously -leuoniinali'il in' Raleigh yes terday as the Democratic candidate for Congress in the Fourth district, while lion. E. Y. Webb, of the Ninth congressional district.- was re-nomiii- fl'crt nt l.lllCOilltoil vrsl.'l ilav - Jiy IIK Democrats of that .dish let S OF 1- OF COTTON JUNE 25. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. July 3. The average' condition of cotton on June 20, was 8a..1, as compared with X-I.i; on Mnv 2o. ltlllfi: 77. on "June 25. l'JU'i: 8 at coiresixmding date'of IW'i. ten year average of 84.1 . Special-lo Th" Sentinel. RALEIGH. .Iu!y"::.-Ai tin uncling of the state lioanl ul eiue.il inn, he hi ve.steidnv ill ihe gou-l -nor's ollice, tile members of the sub ixt mission were chosen. The not, however, lie given to until a later dav. possibly ; as Jillv I". All the Kielnii. attendance, tin-n having ernor Crlenn, Li. iiL-nam -Govrinor Winston. Unii. .1. Hrvaii tlnml's. lion. R Liicv Hon- It- t'iini''1' ..' . Tl ,. -1. ,.1 tl Oil. .1. 1 -I.e Il"l.. 1 lie i. ... resolution In-regard to l lie nook mat ter was as. follows: ' Resolvdl. Thai all publisher jiffer inir books for 'adoption by Hie son Uexl-book eiinimissinii hal! lite ithe seen -iarv of the commission Broke Into Five Stores And One Saloon In The Twin City Last Night. Burglars Evidently Searching for Money as They Did Not Take Any thing Else. They Got Some Money, Though It Is Not Believed the En tire Amount Will Aggregate $2. Burglars broke Into two stores oil South-side, three In Salem and a saloon in Winston last night, and, ac cording to' the owners of tho several stales-, secured u few dollars at the .most, From' reports it appears that the .same parties 'visited all the places as the method .used 111 forcing entrance was similar at each place. The party was evidently in search of money as the s.ock of goods were not molcMid. KnirancB was forced Into each building l breaking out panels in the doors with a hatchet or axe. The burgla'rs -evldeiitly started on their round Hi Sonthside. They visited the stores of Mr. Charles Swaim afl Mr. Sid I'faff, but got -only a, few cents. Tlx y also attempted to enter Mi I' 1'. Heiimans store, but he heard, them and frightened them a Way. The owned Hi te these Bridge The was stores entered in Salem were l Messrs. P. W. Mock, Sam and 'William Longworth. All stores are near the. 'Salem . Nothing of value Is missing. (iniv place entered ill Winston Hi. saloon of Shernier & Phillips, on Secoird and Depot. -Streets. Here (hey knocked a panel out of the back door, stole the key which was In the- lock and demolished the com- -ash drawer. Mr. Phillips thinks, they got. about lit) pennies and 2 and .3 cent blliati says cents pii ee, So far in rue uillcers have no elite. ii ink com numesw ill the public .en as lute ! - well' m ; I.e. oi Gov-! Special to w I'. and WINSTON'S NEW FIRE CHIEF. Mr. R. C. Taylor Chosen to Succeed the Late- Capt. A. J. Gales. Mr. Roland : C. Taylor, succeeds Capt. A. J. Gales, deceased, a chief of the Winston 'fire department. He was unanimously elected . at the special meeting of the - department, held last night. Mr. Taylor is an enthusiastic, fireman and has been as sistant chief" -for a year or more. Mr R. L. Hopper was chosen to succeed Mr. Taylor as assistant chiff. The Winston Hook and Ladder Company will attend the State tourna ment. They will leave next Monday and will "go twenty-'- ittrong. The steamer companies will not leave un til Tuesday, the day the convention No apparatus will be carried by the Wliistop. flrenn. opens. " E. S. Gray went U) Fitzgerald. N. C, this afternoon to spend the 4th with his children. ' , of all the liiiiiii.-.-. of attoi'M.vs and others any way their books N'orlh -Carolina. .There had aliendv resolution as- to the must be observed nit' tubers with tin rives, the obligation beimr in mil ni'e of a .juror's, oalh. The 1 also auiioiinc.. (I that . if be -11 p. seen cy an The Sentinel. RALEIGH.- July'.'!. Governor R- B. Glenn did not go to the Democratic sstate convention al. Greensboro but expiess.s himself as having no uiicer alti vievys as to what the convention -hoiil-d do.. He declares In favor of -enuring railroad rate, general over ha iling of insurance laws, requiring . specially all companies -. doing hus s In 'the -Stale to invest a. large ,,,iit ot their p'ri'iii iu ms in Hit- Kiate. He ihinks the powers of coipoiatlon romttilssion should he enlarged so that the commission could really con-iro- railroads, -.telegraph, telephone and kindred corporations or "else com mission be abolished. All deaf. dumb, 'ami blind and insane sbofild be fared f.ir'aUexpvnse of the Stale and if ihis c.tntt be (lone otherwise there .publish- """. -ouid . a bond Issue sufficient .h) all the agent representing i tnd Inieresis i .-r 1 a Whieli Oil. the pari of book r-presenu- Thaw's Counsel Did Not Make Piea To The Court Today. AROUND THE CITY. 'Born lo Mi. and Mrs. W. O. Crotts, r. sou. HoVAiud l!lxb ,1s spending a few days at Salisbury. Miss Minnie Held left this morning fo.. Washington. I). C- Messrs. H. L. Gault ami Hrnce Mc Neely left this monrlng for a, trip north. Mis., Julia Wilson went to Eliza beth City today to visit Miss Mary Culpepper- . ' Miss Aunle.Mai (lit left ypstenlay for Majodan, to visit ihe family of Mrs. Rulll u. Oy account of tomorrow being a legal holiday the library will not Be oM.n during the day. Miss Carrie Ogburn left Ihls morn ing to visit her friend, Miss Mliry Wood, at Elizabeth City. Miss Maria Johnson, of Clemnions. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. W. Shore, on West Second street. -tKrnest Wilson, car Inspector on the x; & W. yard, is erecting a nice rcsiilenim on Green street. Salem. Mrs. Frank RumpHon returned this morning from Lewlsvllle, where she nursed Mrs. Harry Mast, who has been q-tilttj ill. . Capt. "R. A. Jenkins went down to Greensboro this morning. He has not mlsned a State lXunocjatlc conven tion In forty -two y ears. Mrs. James" Martin and daughter. Miss Mamie, have returned to ihetdtj from a most delightful trip to Wash ington and Atlantic City. Misses J.lzzle Hall and Maggie Tomllilsfin,' of IJast Bend, who have been Isltliig Mrs. Jdattle Jones, on Cherry strcej, left' last evening for Greensboro The Junior Christian Endeavor Society of Ihe M. P. church will give a lawn party on Ihe bull gioun(ron Liberty street on Thursday evening of this week. R. S. Parker, of Wilkes, who studied pharmacy at I lie l-nlverslty this year, arrived In Ihe clly last evening to take a position with the Simpson Drug Co, -Miss Ikusie May Chestnut, of this Citv, is one of tbo successful conles- talits In the word contest of A. D. Jones it. Co., of Greensboro. She re ceived a $70 certificate. Superintendent of Streets 8 J. imbe has returned from the easiest! part of the Stale. Mr-, lambo's buck, which was Injured softie time ag. continues ' glu him much tioubity Uist night, two loaded furulure cars standing on Ihe side track Of the) Forsyth furniture factory, were acw- detilallv pushed "off tin; end of the track by a shifting engine. The cars did not turn over, however. It will take sr venal Jn h U put them bark In place. Sam -Rose, who has accepted th position of uiircbaslni! agent for the new management of ihe Phoenix' Golel. will continue Ills business on Trade street at .Dm Red Chicken Coop and oif a much larger scale. Mr. Rose will 1m. a,t the hotel. but iu his absence from his business op Trade street he will have a competent man In charge. Mr. Rose 'Is now buying chickens and produce In such iquafiti tle's that he is able to make priced that -put spring chickens and count iy produce In reach of all. Reason Assigned for This Change in Plans Is Unwillingness en Part tf Defence to Show It's .Hind Just Now. It It Thought That Trial Will' Take Place by October, Thaw Re- j maming in Jail Until That Time. i Bv Vlr to The RrntlneL i NEW YORK. July 3. - Former Judg Olcott. rtiuiiMi Iu chief for Hairy I Thaw, decided lodav to make no motions Iu the rase at ihis time and - to let the plea if not jrullU made by hi client to lielictnient ctiHigiiig him i with the ninitb'i- of Stntftrtt Whltr remain oil the court record. I'ntll .the iast moment Olcoil had dix-lded fo v.lihdrsw ihi pies of not guilty ami Uubnilttcrtain , motions to ihe court af'e- which the ple of not gulliy I would 1h' inade again. Judge Olcott I would say little about the esse this niorulng but it is understood hut this 'eleventh hour decision not to have his jclleul urrulgh'l In court this morn ilng was to veil from Ihe prosecution certain moves the defensu Is contem plating but which would Iwcflini' known If motions arc made at Ibis time. , - . Mis. Thaw again visited her bus-' baud this morning Mrs. Thaw flatly denied this morn-, tug the statement made by valet Bed ford before he died, that the Thaws were not married In Kurono but that the ceremony In Pittsburg was tho i i first one. "I was married to Mr. Thaw while abroad," said Mrs. Thaw, "and" before the ceremony took place In this country. When the proper time comes I will produce the pniof. All statements to the contrary ar untrue, J don't belk'v valet Bedford made such a statement." Thaw's Mother In London. LONDON. July 3 Mrs. Mary Thaw, mother of Harry Thaw, arrived hero this morning and was met by Earl of Yarmouth, her son-in-law. 8hts had not yet, heard of her sou's predica ment and the earl requested news-' papet men to say nothing about tho murder to her as he wlshod to have the Infoi liiatlon Imparted by Countess of Yarmouth, Mrs. Thaw's daughter, who CHino to visit Mrs, Thaw. When she left the steamer hj was drussed In black and appeared to bo ill, - K DELEGATES UNIN9TRUCTE0. Republicans of Yadkin County Refuse To Endorse Either Blackburn 'of Adams, But the Eighth Distrlct'Con gresaman Will Get a Majority of the Vote of Yadkin for State Chairman' hip. : ' ... 'Mr. J. T, Don bow returned thin morning from Yadkin vllle where he at tended the Republican county conten tion yesterday. . From reports received the conven tion waH quite a lively affair. The Adams and Blackburn forces clashed and It appears, that 'the congressman proved the -victor of the day, though the delegate, were not Instructed as to how to vote on the chairmanship question. A ina'Jorltv of Ihe delegates, however, are said to be staunch Black burn men The Illnekbuiu forces were lead by Mr. it. B. Brown while Mr. J. C. Pln hlx looked after the Adams Interests, Resolutions were Introduced by both .factions, hut the convention refused to endoi so any .one. As Yifflkln Is tme of the strongest Republican counties In Hie Htare both Adams and Blackburn had made des perate effottn to capture tho-votu of i hat county. The Adams men in Forsyth claim that Adams will have 11 of the iil voles of Forsylh county, while on the other hand Blackburn's followers say that they know that Adams will not gel as many ai ll of this county's VOleS. . ' ' two mmi m so desited they could pwpare an-, file with the secretary of stale a bi:e setting forth the meritorious p'1 :" ln am and all book so offered :'d '-I' ' commission: these lo In submitted to the commission and thes.iib-coiniii;-- siou. , . . Another mailer thai 'received a- i lion at Ihi- hands of the state board was iu passing on tht school loau t be made to a IlUMlbei of -ehoe -T here was so loaned ;! I'"' range was .from $ 1 as bib $.;.Miii'., in . ' tot.; Id be K J! Notict Elks-- Their VuJ be il'-"'1 the Winston l.o.lu.' i.f E.k v '. l(u-U- Inillatorv work ii I. ru ,,i im.iI 10 be to es. I t THOS W WATSON p. R. GRKF.R. S'c'y. The- Southern freight depot be closed 'tomorrow. However, p able freight can be secured up a. in. ,g nf lit .I' make room f.fr all. Every encourage mini should be given Ihe building of .,od toads and to the promotion of education and temperance. Concerning, national politics the tiovernor declares thai President. Roosevelt is now urging and Repub 'ican . party Is .adopting-measures that have been long, embodieit In the Democratic iilaiforni and If is evident that what had long been regarded as fiMiflshiK-ss when 'urged and con-ii-nded for by William J. Br) an Is .now conaidered Ihe height of political wisdom arid patriotism" w ben advised bv Theodore Roosevelt.' He believes no mistake could l niadi in the luitiiinatioii of William. J. Bryan -tfor pi' sident and Chare h Aycxik for-vice-president In lftoK. at Yadkin- plans for .Will rish to !' Hon. A, .E. Hollon and ('apt. Mast weiif to Yadkinvllle this noon. D. P. after- S. W. Marlon. TSse left this afternoon for A meeting will lie held vill( tomorrow Hi discuss" ltillditig of an inter-urban railway line between that point and W'tnstofi 814 loin or Statesvllle. A tiuriiljer of cit izens will, go up tonight, and tomorrow morning to pre Winston-Salem's claims. Rtatcsville will also send a large delegation and ex.pects to make a strong fight for the -road.. It behooves every cblxen Interested in Ihe welfare of our.rity to attend the meeting If -possible. Thow wh'i w ish to go can b-avt) here" on- Wilkes boro 1 1 ai 11 at 9 u m In tho niorriliig and drive' from K'M'kfonl to Yadkin vlile. a distance of eight miles' re turning In ime't() catch Wilkesbon traltratid get back at l p "m. The Y M. C A. aiid-TwIn-Clly base ball teams will, play two games of baseball al Fairview Patk tomorrow,' one at lo o'cloc' audi the second at I o'cliM-k An "adinlsslon fee of 25 1 cents will be charged but ladles will j be admitted free.' " . I .In Ihe morning Highsmlth and Mar--1 tin will di; the batiety work for Y. M. '('. A teain and Kllbtick and Nlshcn for Twin-City team. In the afternoon Masten and Martin for Y. M. C. A. and Hollou and Nlssen for Twin-City team will lie the opposing batteries, New Advertisements. H A. Sldda!l-An!!ourice big stock taking clearaiKe sale to start Thurs day morning. July 5. Ever) thing re duced In price. Simpson's Drug Store Coming our ' way. , The Si.iitltorium, Two ejpei lenced men wanted for pressing department. . Rosenbachi r Bro .- Hpe i'al July 1'h announcement Meyer-Wesl.llrook Co A g(id string of sea'sonaliie oierehatidUe at llttbi prices. ' , The Ruining'T llldckbui Ii Co. Fre ' Dr. Griggs, an evangelist, hailing ! lemonade and a nli e fan for every oiij frotl) the western part of the. Slate, ar -'visiting our store tomorrow. rived here today and has been preach-j. ' ' 7 lug on. thO streets. He will probably! --Train No 02, N W. R) .. which be here tttr several da)S. l' I''' fre.ght betww-u here and v Roanoke, suffered a wreck today. Tb ,the comfort of home Include the, engine and five cars ere reported discomfort of paying for them. .derailed.