W'MGITY DAILY SENT WINSTON-SALEM,- N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 5, 1906 :T YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS I of' liSIASTIG MASS-MEETING OF yyinw r- IIP! n limTPI mm 111 PLUrLt HLLU TtblhriUAT. S1f J?i5iiflT INSPEGTORSJPRESiDENT Aesting BE ELECTEO CHIEF. - RIC CAR LINE KIN IS 't FROM WINSTON-SALEM TO YAD- IROUGHLY DISCUSSED. n r TrrrnTn ninnnin m viniui nniniTu ., .' . - ,iwi! I . Tlii icgn.ar tic. i; ja chli i T 1 1 c i : 3 U :!; Suiit.i '.s T h , hi l; ! p..';. .eon i -pu.tni... It j-T 11 irnimients Are rresemcu n iu nuiui kuju rj Be Of Most Beitefit To The County Twin-City's, .'uresentatives' Make Strong Arguments Com mittee From Yadkin To Visit This City Soon, Winston-Salem and Yadkin's Opportunity To Enlarge Their Field In The Busi ness World. CHlled by v i tnc.ii;,! :. : st'VCI t le Uiij: .ii:,j: I- A Ti ;j III' elected lu tin Tilt' 1:011 ill Isked t( I'll! m" tiiii: ti i . : oi: ii; .i t isiiit i iii: I il PINS WAGONS IllOCt ill 1 siil'll iOlligllt. tit ciiaiiuian imiice commit-i , Ihr election llf !i'l I ho vacancy 'f Caw. F G. , f.-ired. There j . for t ho office 'vaiis that Ser-i uw acting chief, hitter position.' will likely be ui twojuipor- Four Hundred Wanted By-The, united States Depart ment of Agriculture. AT SUE l!U. ALLEGED THREATS. lit Is Claimed That Thaw Had i Threatened To Take White's Life. These Are Wanted to. Carry Out Provisions of the Meat Inspection Lav. Recently Enacted. Men With Experience In Packing Plants Are Wanted. Examinations to Held. NVll.l.KJ Jt)!. J.-I'll-' I'1'0" YJiiiia cd'Iih.v are dcter , secure Jk it means, of ". it (hi (111,1, "'ft to r h-iMUut il a nrsi-eiass :,$t ' f i '-m ,::iis "lace lu-SaVm.' I: can V asserted ,.tn,rjn .ha--y.IKin will do j nri' tin- nuances for titiUftir mass meeting, foi' .rant i "W t-hctis'.icd Idea eilhiT a am or electric ,r bath', fi.- :li:s county' was t' toiatv and the chiinis of .rti;!c,a:ii1 strain Hues were Wii. Salem scut over rion i-uiuixisi'd uf Messrs. ', nw!ii'. R. H. Hoin. R. S. ) H. Il'.ifr. Al Iv Hoi tub. . Pell. IV. 1). I'. .Mast. Or. r!o:!:i:i! llr. C. H.- Grainger,. t'C! Wiiis-liui-Salcm's inter it iii;i"-1i;i'i this. Slatesville ,i i!"! . tatiaii. headed' by Mr. "tii", mil- uf 1 he 'promoter of sv:"ii Air Line Hallway Co. . H'lisoii presented i-Oty s vji'.vt i.l the situation fffu'llivc intiiiiici: ami it, ierMj f hat their speeches tM-lti-jr" C"!ii'hi.-uui uf lite speech-. . M iu k'iiiilf of the -Win- in bffii ill f it'tle, invited, the ! nrpp-stnttiig' Yadkin rin.nu-'i-,.' I'iiiiu .the board in a' a:, early dair, au'il while O to hr 'hi' quests of the 'r.uli, Tlii- offer' as Kindly .mil it U jinilKiliii: -that when iiin. c (,mi . the initiatory '! liiii';,;:n;; of .: !t. Hue will IV. Vkiit (-niuinilteu is" E of flu; foi'iowiimmoitleiiirn. t a:i,M:':!oi.s i)f the , il W'.iiiini. chainiuin; A. wnvlnry; Messrs. Msaae L.Tv'!!v"...v...'ass. V. A. ' M. I.'!ii!liis. .- . ' t uiM-iPsi.,11' in the nicei-i- a.H-ars that peti-Wl'i-i'.-i'iiiiil.tl, the coantv 4: "' as iKitKibitt for n of issniiiK ntil..v ''f tltat ,tli,e iiroposed Siii i'im. S 1 1 in, (m'iii for the !i,,tV Wi'-tmi Sail m and ' ;."i'vi!l(. Air Line s l''-oiosv(I to he liiiilt t.'i .LiiicoliitJiii. The ''I funiisii the eastern witfi tiaiisporta- laiii-oaii woubl- t. . i. .-iri I lull Ul ' II till. Air; - ..:ihl Ik- (Mir. 1!:" - 'l""i;c tlii a is not ear- townships line would ' bonds. of 'is shi. t I i.f t r ic Masr Meeting. 'ii's '.a I ti' iii u ,ii Mr. e.' Hi.- ma-Mi,, e,th!K to I'liii-". Tile Uuild ll'h men. women 't- oiihi be a clim- iu- emhiirtiastic H"'h aiiiilaiideil rriiii: "I'll H ti.:..! :li't tii'lii s'a-.i -"!l;t Vmi i,:n inaki li-T-,,:, ,t. Reprcc or' tr -1 . Hi i, 'a.K -lili! U i- - !.,;:; t -, r r. objeei of the ' 1 lis lunkinr ' "'."r'transporta "iniiiv, s "i; i In' day also. .;'ves on hand hi' Clllllllv anil '1 i"ir ivetlve 'hail ready to . "f i-iilier '.the Wi oi both half- tn'aliver SDeaW. ;'f !lie ilay was hi- northern part niteii: a rousing '"''nit'd out the "V1 means of '"'"'"'ti of Yad ' "Itrnwii. j ,.nn. ;" tat what '"'inly or let it 'rali.sT,y which -ark-ts f the ami the" crowd -'"it her u iart of 1 ,!: a speech, in iU seciioi, would' ' ,0'ard hiitldinir hi.nlSl'lf to do wl , ';,u Yadkin some i!.;.'',' '7'"1''! Vlaee Its '' (lf 'lie, world. . ,,, ,; ,'h. tor the IJoon. 'wu'Jt? "J Sw',i' was uK' J ' h ''"ads. ' . -'' "if eastern "i Whic), ";"" 't for the '-'lit some nop,, I" hs a: Xjtf-i he pro- thirty i" 'I the i-imit ttuld do all h.an, ti, ,l01je i.i . ti . . . ie pain a native rininii-' . i, ;',, c"".-l' d. with til-;.'. 'k the pro B .'''''''"HtfVetl Of 'J.--"'t'-svilip, coii- ''' hi- sider them, and choose the 1h-s itne. provided we cannot taKe both! lint a railroad of some, description we must have." Attorney Recce spoke for Yadkin ville. "We have got to have a rail road of some kind." said lie, "and I am certainly glad to see that the Yadkin-people realize this fact." I,le ad vocated a bond isjiiit1 and presented facts to show that ail issue of bond's would not ba a handicap, hut' an ad vantage to Yadkin. Winston-Salem's Representatives. iieorge P.. Pell.sq!r7rpYe.entative of the Winston-SiVjem hoard of trade, presented the eleciic trolliynirtiji'rt in a- most forcibleNjiauKClT He told the gathering that lid feared they liad a wrong impressiop as to the char acter of this- elerXric car line. "It will not be a littl civk line sieh-tr'yau see in pictures. necNiixr he. nut . a line of railway operated by electricity instead of steam, drawing a string of cars similar to that you see on a steafli railway." 'I bring you greeting," said Mr. Pell. "from. the metropolis ol this sec tion Winston-Salem. We know of the great natural .advantages your county and of its- progressive citizen ship. We are proud of the men w hom Yadkin county has furnished the Twin-City.." Continuing the speaker referred to the pleasant relations that td, existed between the people of Yadkin and Winston-Salem. In speaking ot the benefits to be derived by Yadkin from the proposed electric line,. Mr. Pell said: lidli at your yi.mg men. Where are they? You , point to . all sections of fhe country. They have left their native heath because there is a very slim chance for them to suc ceed here, not because, you are lack ing In natural advantages, but. be cause you have no means to develop theso advantages. Taking up the question of bonded indebtedness the speaker "fleclared tblt..su(;i,l,,an indebtedness was not a menace to a'countr "hud cited'tiie fact that all the'"prosperous counties in the State today have Issued bonds. "An electric car line to Winston-Saieiu will not only' benefit -fhe immediate sec tion traversed-by it. but it will benefit every nook and corner of Ihe county. K'or as soon as the U-ne is completed to Yadkln'ville IP- will, begin to .branch out as the-telephone has done, -until electric car lines .will go into every section of this county,, for you have water powers and timber interests that must and 'will be developed. And yet we don't-want you to iind.'istand that we are entirely cumimitKul to an electric line, for If you want a slwani railway line we are ready to co-op. -r-ate and do our part." ' Mr. Pell wan at his best when lie presented to the audience the advan tages of Winston-Salt in. He drew a' diagram of Winston-Salem's location on the blackboard, snowing' the fall way lines entering that city. "We have the Norfolk & Western 'system entering our town from the north; -the Southern comes to our city from' the east, west and south: the inter-urban electric line will open a market for I,.., ,!...!.... i.. J .,L..i ni.ii turn illlro- - r i.i'lu'er in mini ninn ..- ... and and High -Point, notii tnese eun-s having a large number of wood-working plants: the Southbound railway places you within reach of the Atlanti0 seaboard. -All that you need -is the trolley Iipe to Winston-Salem and you will be within reach of every market of .the world. And you will also enjoy the advantages to be de rived from competing railway sys tems. You will not be at'-the mercy of one gr.eat system, and as a result you will have lower freight rates." Mr. Pell said he was not here to throw a damper over the proposed Slatesville Air Line Railway; that was not hKs mission, for lie hoped it would be built, "but,"' said he. "the building of "such a'road means the ex penditure of millions, and millions are Hot as plentiful a-s some of us would j wish." ' In conclusion Mr. Pell said. "The salvation of Yadkin -county lies in the building (of-an electric trolley line to WinstoiVSalem, and. gentle men of Yadkin, j Forsyth will join hands with you in this -project, for we know we will be benefited by coming in closer touch with your people and at the 'same time opening tip a large section of (lie State, rich in all natural advantages, which, when developed, will make both Winston-Salem and Yadkin county more wealthy and pros perous." " Hon. A. E. Holton Speig. .. District Attorney A. H. Holton. - a native of Yadkin, was greeted by cheers when he came forward. His was more in the nature of a heart-to-heart talk with Ills people and com' pletely captured his hearers. He sold that ;:o years ago he- carried around the subscription list for the proposed Slatesville Air line railroad, but he ID PORTO II. ; Bv Wire lo The HcntlnsL. I WASHINGTON. July .V-The service-coinniiksion is seeking men of Iptacical experience and not liook ihied imn to tii the order of agilVu! itural department for meat inspectors. (The coiiimisslnn niakes this- point noi.cti cix.ci-i noil; exam- i dent's Fly Wire to The Scutinel. NKYV YORK. Jul "--The piisid. ut , -O'l dunii tn !i; real aeatimi (ilausl today and unlos something iiuforc sern oci'iii.N wit! nut apixar I'd) p.iliiiC evi- for s.iioc unit to come . S vre t,ii l.mli lift the .i.Ume this mom j ing for Sagamore Hill, taking' a largej p.il tliilli' tilled with ofticial documents j and for two hums was engaged mlth, tlu prcsideu; in the library going over! the papers, taking dictation, etc.. ' I After the president concluded hi. j ' l" ' nU ci-N.Bire work he had luncheon, then! -NKU t)UK. July a-Many r.-Mrts 4Mit for a hoiseliack ride, with Mis.jhaAe come to the district attorney ' Hi hi " and tin. Imivs. u,rtlcc of eison ht Mt tliey heard District .Attorney Endeavoring to Find Witnesses Who Can Testify to This. Witnesses to Be Introduced to Show Thaw's Extreme Jealousy Alto. A thrill of excitement . as furnished . Ham bich will be held in all of th of-the country on Jul v 21 iKo 'r hundred insiiectois are needed Ccoig,. K. Nis.-eu and fompaev lheibu lU begin work at annual salary m il kn-m-n -....i ir.v.r?.,.-.. .i ' 'of II.Oih). Each applicant will stand a Hiaiiiil'actiireis of thk ciu ;n-. vhin. .,1'oor show who has had ping today t-he largest wagon ver:M'i" s hiai:,' in the South This :ii?u.i h:n '"K- a gtiaranteeil capacity of ten. tons, It will be used by a large lumber con cern iu will be the villagers last nitht b the stab j uiiiK ui n iii-;iii n.iiitii iioiil ine picm- yacht S . I'll tiy an Italian ut whom negroes had been -throwing tin crackers. The Italian escapul. The negro was taken aboard the Sylph and is natd to be lu a critical condition. - less than a exiieiience lu slaughtering. has doing. I'io King or citnuiiiK ineatn- ln.-se are warned who, reason oi their wtirk iu . caiiulng rooms and Patrick coumv, Virginia and I""1" "''parimc.us are compeirni 10 nulled by a traction ennin.. .inspect meats and meal food products engine. This wagutfis a line as well as unique piet u ii. work. ' ' , . The tit urge E. Nissen wagon i. rvc- loguizeu as a leader in other countries as well as in the t inted States. I his firm is just in receipt of an order for two cur loads of wagons and railroad I carts to be shipped to Porio" Hico.j THE FOURTH AT GERMANTON. This will be the second large lot of! . .' wagons .Messrs. (ieorge K. Niswii W About $1000 Raised for the Establish- as to their soundness. healUifiilness and fitness for human food as S.ere tary Wilson expresses hi-niself. .The department will have to secure Its in spectors from employes of packing houses. Co. have shipped to Porto Rico within sixty days. This shows how the ex cellence of the products ot this enter prising firm is being recognized and certainly speaks well fr the class of woi V they turn out. .- T One -of tile worst and most costly wrecks mi. this division of thv South ern Railway occuimkabout HI JgJIiick today mar' -Colfax, belihv-Kernersvllle, when six rars of an outgoing freight, loaded with coal each . having a capacity of HKI.imm) pounds, turned over.. The cn-w escaped Injury, but tin tianiige to the track is heavy and it Is thought tliftt it wijl require two days to remove the cars and coal and make the necessary .repairs so trains can pass. I'iitll this is done tajTeu ger maiie will be operated via Rural1 Hall,-"Walnut Cove and Stokesdale. The lii:50 tr.iu went out and returned over this line tbday. Tile State Veterinary Association Is hoidjng its annual meeting. in this city. The opening session was hem tills afternoon ITi Hie Kagles' Hall. 1 he at tendance is quite large, nearly all of th,--principal cities and townn the State being .represented.. Dr. .1 W. l'ettv. of Greensboro. Is president of the association; Dr. W. (!. Crant'ord, of this city, vice-president ; Dr. C. .!. ri.-ming, of this city, secretary, 'and Dr. 'i'ishei, of Char lotte, in -asuref. , - Another si ssi'm will be held to night and probably Tomorrow :ing. Various subjects relating profession will bt-'discusst d. morn to the E Gus merit of a High School. Prof Reich Amused the Crowd. Special to The Sentinel. GERMANTON. July 5 Notwith standing the Inclement weather of yesterday morning quite a large crowd gathered to celebrate the "glorious fourth." . .The music was furnished by the Centerville band, which added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. The speaker of the day was Prof. E. C. Brooks, of Qoldsboro. He made an interesting address on the line of education, alter which the citizens and the community of this place raised aliout- $1,000 towards the' build ing of an academy for Ciernianton. ln'the afternoon a game of baseball was one of the features of the day. The coiLtesnls were the Rural Hail and Mt. Tabor teams. The last, but Indeed not the least enjoyable feature of tho day, vas that of the "ragaiudftiu parade,'" which was the most hilariotis part of the day's program. Professor Reich, the "Wizard of Hlue Ridge." of Salem, mystified the minds of the spectators by the exhibi tion of his sleight, of hand show. CHOLERA IN THE By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, July 5. A dispatch to the war department, front Manila reports cholerae,y violent in that city. There Ve US cases and Hit deaths dining the week ending July 4th. For the twenty-four hours end ing at :i a, in., July .1, there were 12 rases and fhe deaths In the provinces. For the same period 'In Malillu. there wert cases and V, deaths. MANAGER SECURED. Bv Wire lo LONDON, left - London The Sen-tinel. , Inly r. The Longwoitlis this morning for i'arls. The Philipinos in London emleavoi en to arrange a banquet in Ifonor of Mrs. I.ongwonb as an indication of their acceptance (if.Aniirie.au sovereignty over tlfjjfthiiii)ines. Owing to the . ... : f .. VI I .one- si,o, sojourn ... " State, but lu the whole South. ii ri t ri m in m ii unutiin m" i" i the banquctMell through. Mr. J. E. Kavanaugh, of Augusta, Ga., to Manage Hotel Zinzendorf. A nianag r for the beautiful Hotel Zinzendorf has been secured In the person of Mr. J. E. Kavanaugh, of Augusta. Oa. Mr. Kavanaugh comes to Winston-Salem, highly recommend ed as a hotel man. He ha$ been con nected, with hotels for-, many years, both North and South, and Is one of the, best known hotel men In' Hie South, For the past, five years he has managed the Hotel Albion at Augusta, Oa. I'ndi r '"All . Kaviiliaugh's manage ment the citizens of Winston-Salem and the tiavelllnK public can rest assured that, the Twin-City will have one of the best hotels, not only In the Air. Kavanaugh Is now here, bavin; iirrived a few days ago. New Advertisements. J. M. Woodruff T'o (iiaiani sale on all straw hats ami Panama.- Rosenbaehir & Bios.- News of Mi liiir house ch aning tale. Snme spt cial tor toinorrow , . Uandquist & Pfohl,-"tm- piescrie tlo'r. deparinient." ,.loe Jacobs "Co.-Hig n'duction on two-piecu suits. Thomiison's Drug Store. Why ;;n soda fountain is a buy place. ' White Star Co. Good advice. ' -Roselibachei Clothing D.-paitui .-in Big reduction; over 4on ' suitn. sold this week. . i Death of Dr. J. W. Jenkins. . i Rev. Dr. John Wesley Jenkins, for ..jmany years active in the ministry of Jth .Methodist Episcopal church, I South, aoil more recently suiieiinteu dent of the Methodist' Orphanage, a' i Raleigh, died yesterday morning short ., 't after fi o'clock, having succumbed I to two successive strokes of paralysis , siist-aliied Monday morning. Mr. ti. tended the contention wife, who her uncle A. Carroll, of Winston, at meeting of the Republican Monday. Alt'- Car-nil's s visiting at the hoiqe of Mr. Wrn. Oindon.- in Prof. L. E. Atessick. of Wlnsboro. La., passed through the fit y t.hln inorning enroule to his native home ii Y'adkln comity. " The new officers of Fairview coun cil. Jr. O." C. A. M., will-be insUUled tonight. A social session -will follow, during which leuionade wiil.be served. Stokes, has been right i few days: but is impiovii: bury Reportei. ,ick 'be pas' j g now. Dat. Airs.; Edna' Williams and sou left I day for DanviKe and Washington 'visit relatives and' fi lends. GOV. GLENN 10 SPEAK AT ELKS' Go;. R. 11 Glenn, win an invitation to speak next SuniiHy night on ' and Good Citizenship" be greeted by a large crowd. It will be a union-service, the -misIoih agree ing to close their chinches for this occasion. . . . Arrangements, were made today foe the governor to make his HiIdres"Sln th Elks' Auditorium, which has greajej- seating capacity than any of tho. churches. Governor Glenn arrived hi the city this afternoon. He will be'heie until Monday and during his. stay will be tlie guest of his former law partner. Air, Clement Manly. Thaw- make tinea Is against White These have not come forwmd but the d '.sir let attorney la said to Ih on the tiack "f some of ".hem. A number of witnesses may aim be called to tell what they know about Thaw's alleged peculiar actions 111 several Uroajwa nstaiiriiU.. Ac cording ,to these reports- Thaw was jeiilons of hlslfi to a point that bordered on Insanity and made ft eene when any former friend of hers even nodded to her. Thaw's actions, It Is said, became so obnovlioti ,that he was ordered not to visit xoliie of j these place. . . H. Sellers AlcKce, president of tho has accepted NM,j,ma MI)k. r 'ttsbum. a in this warm friend of Hie prisoner's father. l eniperauee , the" Waldorf Astoria. He savs no-.ii)iilit i.i,,,,.. . .,,i..,, ... uiiii,.,.. t.u: old friends pi PIttsbiii'K who will coftic to his sou aid If necessary but tht-ts is 1 AMERICAN EXPORT By Wire to The Sentlnftl. WASHINGTON, 'July 5 In view of the important part "which the cotn mereial conditions iu various coun tries of the American continent will play in the coming Pan-American Congriss at Rio De Janeiro. depari nient of commerce and IiiImii- Iihh pub lished a monograph on the subject. It shows that the total annual com merce or America is $."i,ti.')il,027,bio, of which $2,Sii(i.ll!),bio is that of -the ('tilted Stales, impi-fts and exports being combined to form these totals. Considering Imports especially the total for all America Is $2,184,377. oihi, of which $l.l7,l.':r..oo(i are Im ports of liilteil Slates; cxiortsof all America are $a.Si;.r,,tir,ii,iMin, of. which $l,r,2;,S,iMI. are "from the Culted Slates. Thus, of Imports. Into all America about lit per cent cntei- lhe, I'nited Slates, Of exports from" all America, about 57 per cent go from liiited States. The genual fact that t'he Pulled States supplies 2ii per cent of liniiorts of American counlrles lying south of her borders and lakes 115 pi r cent of their exports suggests a fairly salis factory trade relation between this country and hi r Spanish -American neighbors. IN AND WIFE LOSE LIVES BY ACCIDENT. lly Wire to The Sentinel. - BlNOHAAUTON, N Y., July r.. Jasper Pepper and wifi . eacl alioul 4H years of age, ot Willow point, drove In front of h trolley car at lifioii late last night. Tilt hoise was thrown into the air and Pepper ami his wife under the wheels,4iill -beHig lustantiy killed. He hud b'-eii celebrating the foil 1 1 ti and was intoxicated. evidently no need of outside help lu llnaiiclal way. . fAX.COLLECTOR'S REPORT. June. Num Mayor, Fines Collected $14,235.93 in ber of Cases Before Imposed, Etc. , 'During the month of Juno Tax Col lector T. L. Farrow collected $14, 2;i:,. divided as follows: 11H-5 cor poration tax, $1000; special license tax. $12,sr,;i; side walk accounts,. $::7ii.:!, . .The rciMirt of the chief of xllce for June was-as follows: Number casts liefore the mayor, convicted, J52; number of cases before the mayor, bound over, 4. Amount of fines and cgtjlB, docketed, $0911.7.4; amount of Ones and costs, collected lu cash, $i6iv2.'i. Of the lfiti rases before the mayor. W, T. Pehry hsd 17 rasim convicted, F. A. Mai tin had 41! cases convicted and I) bound over; W, A. llnrtnesn had IS cases cojivlcted, R. W, Hr) an had 21 cases convicted. II. ('. Valentino bad 10 cases convicted, C A. Pratt had Hi cases convicted and ouu hound over, C. C. Royal bad 1 1 cases con victed and II. W. Stanford hud 18 casei; convicted. AROUND THE CITY. thin went Hummer- K. Kirk. By Wire to The .Sentinel. NEW YORK, July 5. -The White Star Line steamship. .Majestic., which arrived this- morning from gin-ens-j "l afternoon. A! N. Williamson returned afternooti from Chicago. Misses Rosa and Myrtle Dean to Sujiimerlleld this afternoon. C. P.. Watson myl J. L'lndsay Patter siin went to Moekavlllo this afternoon. Miss Nance,, of lluiiliigton, Ih tho guest of' Mrs. N. I). Dowdy, on Thir teenth streK. Miss Lllllu Med, III Ih. of field, is the guest of Mrs, J. at Glace parsonage. The directors of tho Forsyth' Roller Mills have declared a semi annual dividend of four per cent. Mrs. Walter llrrtwu and children, of Ituleinh, went to (ii nitnoim this afternoon to visit Mr. J, C. Worn mark. Little Iva, daughler of M r. uud) Airs. John Nading, of .West Salem, who has been quite' 111 with typhoid feve.'.'Js convalescent. In u culling, snap.! this morning AinaiHla Cowiin stabbed Jim (ioldeie In tho back twice. They were arrested and locked up. Both are colored. Cajvin H. Hauser. of Old Town, received Iwo slight, strokes of para lysis on hist Siindav. His condition . 'today was considered mom favorable. Sheriff Davis, of Henry coutity. ' Va., was here this afternoon with J. II P.easly . w.nilwl at Martinsville, for bigamy. He was arrested In Marlon, N. C. --The Salem Alethoiilst cbnreh will give a lawn party Saturday night iu front of the church. The . receipt will ko (owards furnishing the par sonagi'. . Airs. W. L.-Harpei and sister, Miss Marine (infill b, of (ieminons, who have been visiting Mrs, U. W. Hill shaw, on Cherry street, returned home town, rcpoiu 'hat July 2 E. N Wood ruff, saloon passenger years old, committed sulcidw, cutting his throat with a razor. His body was buried at sea. He was' a travelling salesman. I .The Stale Letter Cu filers' ,Wo Iclatrion held ' its annual liieeln g ' Slatesville yesterday . Air, Premp." !repriT'iiied the ' branch- lu re.' i I"' I in x r convention will be held in W .11 ! stiin -Salem, .July 1, H". Mrs,. C. C. .Marshall tlver, at Boonevllle. Is visiting re'.a- The more a how to have a man gard r ul n 'he book on better lie A girl wonbl never be so deceptive ; will do It with a hired man who ni ver as-1' make a men believe she loved jdid anything but, work In one. , mm wnen sne din. page, The I. O () night.- new F , ofllcers of wen- lns':,i Salem lied T lodge, e.-sday A nian fools' his wife about brains a good deal less than jhe In-r friends about them. his fools Henry Brandon, nipeiintendeiit of tiaio-iKii i.iiluii for the Street Rail 1y Co., Ik detained at his ti'itne-siifferlnn from an attack of appendicitis. Jacob Alotk Is sybbing for Mr. Brndon. .Mis IuIhh Dlllard, of R'K:ky Mount, Va . who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Kept Klieppard. returned I home this afternoon.?. Hub was accom ipanled by Mrs. Hlieppard and son, ) Benjamin. j The conceit at the Salem Aca demx aiiiius last night was a suc cess Excellent music was furnished by the Boys band. Refreshments were served by the H F. A. Alumnae and the receipts were over $100, ivevn, i. yt . vtaiin aim J. vv . r lie ii jiriv.ii in thf, city HiIh evening from Ali.oie's Spriiigs, and will spend tho iiiigni hmt; the Kiii-jiiK.of Afr. mid Mm.' I I It .Elklus on CliesiniP sine! I They will-leave tomorrow for Tuomas- .villi. ' . 1 H L lAshniit, a young mail, who is , 'employed at tlie Onklaud furniture faeioiy. had the uilsfoi Mine today of Hardlv any 'man fia,s so much time : g'-Hing the Be-oiid fingei on Jlis left for. fun as th.. man who has to stav jhaiid split to the llrst Joint by thf and work In .the hot (it ty liilo his knife of, a sliarplng .machine. wUleh family are away for .the niininiiT. . ' O' , ' operatiiig. Freight Wreck Near Woodleaf. Five freif-ht car's .were badly wreck ed near Woodleaf. on Hie Kurt a Caro lina ..Midland road..- ) esterday. . The track, was t'oi n up for some' distance and the pasniiger trains on this Hue ere iiiiiii4e-to ass mull last niglll. J Pas.si-iiners, baggage and niall from i the afternoon passenger train from! Charlotte were transferred to the! train from Roanoke, w hich went to I the scene of the' wreck, returning hen-l at !;10 p. tin The train from Abxires ville. due here at !t a. in. yesterday aritvcii at 1 1 :',')- lost night. (Continued- on four. I

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