rWMCIT DAILY SEMI -1-jLN iLd 11 .a WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.EFHIDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS Wis ' Sf 11. Mo Killed - Stanford trains To Show Vgis of Confinement. .,e Tombs Has Already Begun : Jtl Hilt- His Wife's Visits J(i Foard to With Extreme re.-Judge cott manes a iment. to The Sentinel- ivkk. '- '"' Thaw , Sna;i .out Ms iufarcerat- rhe lung ikos 'lM,; ' 'te"lxto art-;B direct con li former gay. fl'l'. a"d casy ?n,i:tl.- :t.v that while llife i-omiita ii has improved in to, iaii.fd weight ami 'his M Is clurrr In" nervousness .Jici'iuw the .confine telling, 'linard say that from . he worries little about ou'coini' of the ease may be, i over the restraint ami con- of iinwiti life. . 1 f,. caJe.j mi turn,, today j ADAMS BLACKBURN CONTEST. Lively Fight Expected in Guilford County Republican Convention To morrow. Special to The Sentinel. j GREENSBORO.. July fi.-As tin ! date for the hohlinjc of the Re pub-j lican county convention to send dele-' sates to the State convention- a'p-j proaches the rivalry betwee n the i Blackburn-Adams factions becomes! more intense and rumors of all kinds' I . of "dirty work going on" on theothet !Takef Luncheon side are flying thick and fast. T!u' .Roosevelt And convention conies off Saturday audi the primaries are now being called j for this afternoon. Having captured the Buncombe, county convention audj turned down the organization crowd! completely,, the Blackburnites are vis'-i orous-ly laving plans to rout Adams here Saturday. This being the home 'By Wire to The Sentinel. I town of both Blackburn and Adams, it j OYSTER HAY. July fi. iof course adds ginger to the contest ideiit js entertaining Sir .1 IISTS PRESIDENTJFOR IW CAR LINE Postmaster General of New Zealand Only Visitor At Oyster Bay Today. Withf? President Discloses Various Matters Will Go hi Washington And See Postmaster GnfSV-Corte-lyou to Familiarize Himself With United States Postoffice Department Methods. Franchise Granted Represen tative Citizens of The Twin-City. - Authonied b Winston Aldermen to Bund And Operate Street Car And Electric Plant. Petition from the Southbound Railroad $o. Granted. Othei Business Transacted by the Board; -Th. W'insnin -aldt run n nu t in regular monthly session lust night The board at this session gi anted a fi a:;rhise for it new street railway -The presi- iniug Sir Joseph Ward. to hear the claim that Adams should ; nostnias.1 i r Vi-nru! ,a v, .,ia.wi be endorsed in his own county, rop-jat Sagainore.Hill this uftuinoou. sir jc,,ml'any, which proposes to build and pered on ift, private by soma earnest I Joseph is the leading political light of operate another street cai liii?!! the Blackburmte retorting that it Is ! New Zealand and regarded by man streets of the city of Winston. Blackburn's home county too. Jtidfte las logical successor to Premier Sed- Adame'has been-aroused to indigna- don. Sii -Joseph landed yesterday by tion by x reports from Buncombe j steamer from Europe on a .trip atound county of telegrams sent there on theHlie world. After visiting the presi-i eve---of the convention from Greens- dent lie expects to stop at Washing Judge E. B. Jones presented the matter to the board in behalf of Mr. .1. Lindsay I'atteison. who is greajly interested In the project of Ibis coin boro, 'saying, that Guilford would golioji on his'way 'to the I'aeilie. const for p"l,v: l,m ',h" h1,s''"' fn" h solid for Blackburn and that Adams ; the iiurposj of meeting Postmaster would be defeated tw o to 'one' in hisltieneial Cortelyou and familiarizing home precinct. He has a copy of one himself with the niaiiagenient of our of these telegrams, purport bug to postal system. nt some time, lhesu v:sits Kly bright inoiiients In his Cise. He reads the papers v but bit litt.e to say to pis Judac Olc'olt." counsel fsr d fhis morning that there Sins tu sai at this time other bit -ut inforinaiion that of vaaie to the defense is biiircj.iiro. 1HANGE IN SHOE FIRM, liave been sent by Postm'.tsttu- Wray. of Reidsville, and dated as if sent from Greensboro". That postmaster's head will fall in . the basket pretty soon unless Blackburn w ins out. Blackburn," with his family, is here L. Vaughn Buys Interest of lutes in Business of Bennett, ytCo. rm of Beimel I. Gentry & Co.. has I'onducirtl a shoe store on trcrt for several years, has :.,!ngci! -to Russell I.. Vaughn .Ur.-Uushii has been a mm 'lit' compuny since ' "May 11, iwrchased'one-third In- Sii tile l)U?ii;f ss. On January 6 iwcanit a mnt owner and on Iuk!u the entire Interest, of tes, A. H. Ilemiett and J. J. ...i.-s ,u in continued un- tiaim of ItiK,H! i ViM.Lrhn a. ' " j) bo mirier .tin., mauace- Mi. Vaiicaii. a eiever and en- f Joiiiir man. The firm of (itftry i Co. had. hullt m a W'. ami The, Heniinel be- ui.- ,im lnunageilient h ( J0 MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Three Concerts in Raleigh W'ld Last Night. 1,1 The Snitinel :h:h. .riiA .i: ti,.. .-. , .. .1,1,, " ,u in si oi me t three omic-'.-u. ,.a,,u,ii.. ...... "' uiuillj; (""una music fwtii-ui s 'lie siiniiiiei- school in 'he llll'st innlilh -ii .... l iitidi'i- th.. nnui ,iitih.. 1 With' "! higli de ' partleipiued in bv nt' t""d artists of the "W'-'d 1h a chorus from 1 r school, Prof .'"!' "' :'"' Haptist Cniversi : ;;V'',,ll;,,1' ''""1 among -''. (,1-a,.,. .,,lnsol 'iTr Wilson ( arrie, PlSPENSARY PROFITS. Gtl 6.600 for Quarter End ln9 June 30th. ' ' city treas- ton. J '"'"; t Fta'ci,.! i. " XV-f.i- " "chived Jli.lillll .. ,:; ; s share of the pro--l'.;nsary for the three ?'mi; ,:: ! me total :.-!ld:,:r M"' was $n;.. for Vii,,',:'-"'11-' '" ;lu- county ' ;"' and road ini- 1 th..ri , . ""ai:"'' t,1(liK $,., ; ."'"oi the prof- '" 1'i.r'V r '"'"f'er end- "e noticea' and for several days has been direct ing the campaign in Guilford. Adams claims that he has introduced Wilkes county methods in Guilford primaries, and is preparing to perpetrate all manner of frauds upon the voters, by haying primaries called for a certain hour, and before the ' time arrives holding a meeting of gathered Black burn forces and selecting delegates ahead of time to the fraud of the uninitiated. There is no doubt but what, there fc some sort of a -panic in the Adams forces here, so far as the result in Guilford goes. Adams says he already has a good majority in the State, but that the Blackburn crowd is trying to humiliate him by carrying Guilford couhty.. One of the local sensations is the report that Jildge Bynum has allied himself with the Adams wing of ths contest on account of the alleged "dirty methods" of the . -Blackburn campaign, while' oil the other hand it has become generally rumored that Postmaster Tyre Glenn- has come over to Blackburn and will vote the postoffice force for him. Fraizei this monrinfe. who had been held up as postmaster until his nomination died with the senate, has been given to understand that he will not be again recommended bv Blackburn which means the organization crowd under stands that Douglas will bo black listed and Postmaster Glenn continue in office or name his successor, Chief Clerk Burton and B. C. Sharpe being mentioned as his possible recoiii nieudatious should he finally desire to quit his Job. One of Blackburn's men this morn ing In speaking of the acquisition of Bynum bv the Adamsites and that of Glenn by the Blackburnites remarked with every evidence oL-actual glee at the "swap" that Blackburn as usual had got the best of the trade because Bynum was one of the best men but sorriest politician in the Republican purty, while Glenn -was a good man with the addition of being just as smart In politics as Butler. Glenn had-formerly been Blackburn's chief thorn in the flesh, and W the report of his somersault to Blackburn . is. true, it is said to come from the fact that he hates Blackburn personally less than Adams. Tho well founded report that Fraizer has been knocked out by Blackburn and that the sup port of Glenn ias been secured, lias bad more than anything else to do with Ihe evident panic in. the Adams rank's hero today. There is' also a rumor that Judge Bynum is -get I ing ready to hurlo.a apolitical javelin at the Guilford county Dlackbujn faction this afternoon or tonight and if ,it ally Is sent, hulling through -JJlu political atmosphere, there will be a much hotter time Jiere at the prim aries todav and.!' in the convention Saturday. Sir Mortimer IVurand. Biitish am bassador, arranged for the visit of Sir Joseph to Sagamore Hill. Sii Joseph will takt. lunch with the president and return to New York on the afternoon tiaiu. THOMASVILLE ORPHANAGE. Vect ''WlJIPMt ) ''II t left a Monument. ia- I,,,,., n started h, ., ""W to be used tnr, "'t io the f.MT,r, ;!leleugh, .vb,,. . '.' M. Ca dcleiiPh U.l J'; - K. Williams, of Ca;,;,:,, ' "le move- K ,,.;h- 'ho died about "' f''a,i:f ' "ff;"--,'as-oue of - titi,,.,.. r "tiin ik . "f '.OJlllly .ilf .,. H- r:,.-'.. J,,1 Quince a,i. . . .t- ,;," """J! PUbUC 'f? !h firs, Pf.ll'l' 1. "' " 1 noil !"" CI!-, I I' m Hard the county thp located the ; :;' "d also the prop- hR-C, for are-Sale8men. vt'ial years ' 1 rtT I-1 1 r 'l V KB ,V't . fc. f?r 1!ron-Roge d and accents: u 'tkljis-CothrtJl fi,,:,i .... ,d He will niu. ?! -Moou-J slak'"l? a short ':'" f..mi..r?L,rlnP' He has "1 In 'i!l M .la,,.. ,,,Ulke Wins ki by S. O, ston.Hl... 1 ticker will , K. Pn!,,H, ' ifMr: , ",r B''0wn.Roe,.rB POtlTlCAL SENSATION. Affidavit Filed Just Previous to Holding of Republican Primaries in jMuch Talk. Stampede to Blirck- urn Thr Prohahle. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO. July C A political sensation was created- here previous to holding ttt Republican city -primaries this afternoon by Jhe issuance of an affidavit signed by Charles G. Bur ton that Adams assured him several times he would, see to Blackburn's de feat for Congress and that those counting on his having influence after the election would get left. Burton is assistant postmaster to Mr. Glenn here. The prospects are for a Blackburn stampede here at the prljnarles. .Adams' denounces' the statement as a '.'base and absolute lie." Annual Report Shows That That In stitute Ir In Good Condition. Special to Tho Sentinel. RALEIGH, July At the' annual meet ing of the Thoniasville Baptist Orphanage Board last evening all the officers and faculty were reelected and a vote of thanks adopted express ing appreciation for 1he great im provement made in the management nf the orphanage - for the year just closed. -Steps were taken to enlarge the water supply, add materially to the capacity and equipment of the kitchen, erect a new cottage that will accommodate about-forty orphans and also to remodel a-nd move back in line with the other cottages the old Watsou cottage, which was among the first erected on the grounds, . The re port of.G.'nerai Manager M. 1.. Kesler in summing up the work of the year stated that the institution opened tt the veap with an Indebtedness of $11,401! and reduced this during the vear to $(!.S1!: have invested in land $L.5j5; two barns $l,u!l'; farm equip ment Wo4, equipment of Charity and Children $200. There Is In hand for installing a laundry plant $1,1(10. Dur ing the year the orphanage which Is supported bv the Baptists of the State has card for -3 It! . orphans. During the year were received and 43 dis charged; to live with relatives 20, and put into homes HI, Two died during the year. A LARGE INCREASE. Gilmer Brother Company Authorized to Increase Capital Stock from $150,000 to $500,000. , 1 s The secretary of "state today allowed an amendment to the charter if the Gilmer Brothers Company of 'his citv. whereby their capital stock is increased from $13lfiU to $500, ono, of which $2nti.0oo is preferred stock. At a meeting of the stockholders of this company, held June lit!, this in crease wan ordl'red. The officers of the company are. President. Capt. J. E. Gilmer: vice-, president. J. L. Grlnici, secretary and treasurer, Powell Gilmer. The board of . directors consists of ' these three genl.ienien, together with -Messrs. T. L. Vaughn and R. J. Reynolds. CONDITION SERIOUS. Little Hope Entertained for Recovery of Raleigh Boy Hurt July 4. , Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. .Idly . fi. Phy sicians re port a very serious turn in-ino conoi I ion of young Ray Cameron, who was shot while celebrating the rourili witn fireworks, toy pistols and llohert rifles. A loaded cartridge fired bvone of a number of hoy who were in the crowd struck the Cameron uoy m- ie side. The wound was at first thought not. to be serious but this morning physicians declare their inability to locate the ball and entertain grave fear for the life of the boy. His father. Mi, j, E. Cameron, is in the revenue service and is one at brightest or i.ic custodians of the work in the Noiih Carolina Grand Lodge of .Masons. FOUND MEATS GOOD. New Company Chartered. The Standard Feed and Seed Com pany. .of this citv. has been incor porated by the secretary of sta,te with i p"jni1' a capital of $50,000, of which amount half Is preferred and $fi.0iH has been subscribed bv T. W. MeCrary. S. G. Anderson, J. J. Norman and others, ofj this city. The company has opened for business on Tradu street, ' The officers of the company are as follows: President, Capt. T. W. Me Crary; vice-president, S. G. Ander son; secretary and treasurer,-McRae Dallon. " - Swisr Government Ordered Inspection of United States Canned Products. By Wire to The SontlnA GENEVA. Switzerland... I ijl h- ntninatiou of canned provisions im ported from the t inted :sta;cs. kio was ordered to be conducted by the government, on fcwiss ironnei. n,.- been completed. According to unn ' repoit the Swiss inspectors exam'ined hundreds' of tins of provisions a;:! wltjiout- exception all were goad. although mane of the tins were o,d: As a result of the inspection the kov-i it has oiaced large outers we.ii Chicago packing houses for tins food for use in the army. citv-lHst. night.' The main line of this tie'W' rr company is to start at the municipal building, corner of Fourth and Main, streets and run out East Fourth street. It is also promised to have the car line extend to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Works, thence to Piedmont Park, and return via Mr. .1. Lindsay Patterson's home aud .re enter the city near the old water works, at Belo's pond. Judge Jones, in presenting the mat ter to the board, stated that these sec tions of this prosperous city; cannot lie developed without good street car facilities. . The companywas also given the privilege of constructing aud operat ing all necessary auxiliaries of 'an tflectrlc plant properly equipped, such as car sheds, lighting plant, ctq. "The board after It had discussed " The board, after it had discussed franchise. ' ' The men who are behind this Com pany are well known citizens and bus iness men. The names- which appear on the petition are Messrs. B. F. Hunt le,y, R. .1. Reynolds, G. E. Webb, Joe Jacobs, Lindsay Pattewton, R. W. Nad tug, D. P. Mast, M. I. Stewart, Cicero Tise, S. C. Ogburn, John F. Griffith, E. B. Jones, M. IX BaJIeyl M. D. Stock ton, 'James A. Gray and W. N. Rey nold!'. Alderman Norlleet read a resolu tion which the Winston-Salem, South bound Railway had requested that the board pass. On motion the resolu tion, which reads as- followR, was adopted: "Resolved. Tha.t the board srant the right of way to the Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Company on and across all streets along the sur veyed line ijf paid road within the corporate limits of Winston, as shown by the map of said surveyed Hue, being an extension south of Sycamore, street, with the understanding that the city does not assume any liability to pay' damage, if any, to private property owners along the line of said railway over said street." It was explained that the' . road would not Interfere very much with the traffic of the Twin-City, as trestles and bridges are to be used. The road Is to inn behind C. M. Thomas & Co.'h office. The proposed a lid desired extension of the Liberty' street sewer was again bioiight before the board. Major J. C. Bessent. addressed the board In re gard to this matter. He said a,hat the health, of the Liberty community 1 could not be compared to tho dollars which i l ' w oil Id be.' necessary to spend. The citizens of Liberty wanted assurance of relief and Major Besseiil was assured that the board would act on tho matter as soon as possible. Mayor Eaton said that every effort would be made to build this sewer. ' A speVial meeting of the board Is to be held when bills for the reconstruction of the sewer to the Salem rreek are to be in and then the board wilf be able to act on the Liberty matter. -. ( No one was elected' last night to nil the position of chief of pollcc.l made vacant bv the death of Capt. Felix G. Crutchfii Id. Alderman Sterling SinUJi, chairman of the police committee,' was absent from the city. Sergeant J. A. Thoinrfs. who has been acting chief since Captain f'rutchfleld was taken was ordered to act as chief until an election Is neiiu. Discussion arose as to the ordinance' mi regaia to lounging on me court house square. Jwnging Is now per mitted" on the nights of the free band concerts but at other times the ordi nance is to be enforced. A bad street and a poor light wi re complained of. and they were referred to the .street and light committees, respectively'. The ordinance pissed at a former meeting of the board in regard to the buying and selling of caHIc was re vised.. Now, personx may buy cattle, slaughter it. themselves and then sell ,t. but not buy cattle and sell It uu slaughtered. Captain Henry made his report as to the condition of the water works. He Informed the board of the neces sity of another new, large cistern. or two smaller oties. AT ELKS' AUDITORIUM. of Nc Ball'Game Tomorrow. The baeail' game between the proxirnitv and the Twin-City learn which wa sto have been played af Fairvlew- park tomorrow, has been nostnoiied on account of absence from rlii- ,,r vi i- V. A. Holton. who wa pitch for the Twin City team. is to Program for Mass-Meeting to Be Held x There Sunday, Night. Following Is the program arranged for the mass-nieetlng to bo held at the Elkh' Auditorium Sunday night: Opening Prayer, -In H. A. Brown. Hynm. "1'orue Thou Aimlghtv Klnn." Address. Temperance. Law and Oiilw. Gov.- R. B. Ckun. Collection. Patriotic Song. "A New Era " Benediction. Dr. 1). Clay Lilly. VETERINARIANS ADJOURN. Meeting of State Astocjation Cloted Thii Morning. Officer Elected. Meat And Milk Inspection in Towm of State Thoroughly Ditcuited. The Ninth Carolina Veterinary Association, which held it annua: met ting in this. city, the fti: st ssion being helil yesterday after noon, adjourned this morning. lr. Smith, of Salisbury, passed the State Board, which met with the asso ciation, - Officers for- the 'ensuing year were elected as follows: President. Dr. Holicrts. of Raleigh: vice presidents, Dr. Mc.Mackln. of Raleigh and Dr. W. ii Cninford. of this city; secretary. Dr. C'. J. Fleming, of this city; tivas Hirer. Dr. Usher, of C harlotte. Dr. Fisher made an instinctive ad dress on "Meat and Milk Inspection." referring especially to Ihe methods curried on In Charlotte-with great sue cess. The plan as outlined by Dr Fisher was disciiosed by several vet erinarians, all of whom expressed the opinion that Ihe Charlotte method was good one. Di. Tail Puller, slate veterinarian. addressed the association oiu and milk Inspection and urged co operation on" the part of the medical profession with veterinarians In this sanitary method. , Dr. Dawson, slate veterinarian, of Florida, made a verv interesting talk on certain unsanitary conditions In Florida, some of which prevail in North Carolina. ; Dr. Dawson is one of the recognized bacteriologist k of the I'nlted States. -Ho advocates bet ter meat and milk Inspect ion through out the country. He advocates the plan started In Charlotte and said that other towns In the State should have better- meat and nillk Inspection for the better protection of health. Dr. Dawson, who Is an M. I), anil's I). V. S.,' also read a paper on "Salt Sickness," a disease peculiar to Florida. It causes a very malignant form of skin and bone disease. Dr.. Roberts read a paper on "In ternal Parasites." . The association recommended bet ter meat ,-uid milk inspection through out the. State than exists how. 'VICTORY IS ill W GOVERNMENT. Favorable Decision In The Chicago And Alton Ro bate Case. " Presiding Judge Holds That Practice Indulged In Amounted to Giving of a Rebate Under Another Name. Government's Lawyers Elated Over Thir Decision. By Wire to The Sentinel.' . -CHICAGO. July 6. The government won a great- victory In the federal court before Judge ltrulis In the Chic ago and Alton rebate case this morn ing. Judge Landis ruled that the pay ment of trackage of a dollar per car for cars taken from Schwanchlld and. Sulzberger tracks was a rebate In violation of the Elklus law BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. I Program of ' . vfor TELEPHONE CHARGES. Complaint of Col. J. Bryan Grimes to Be Heard July 15. Special to The Sentlnol. RALEIGH, July fi. The hearing of the complaint on the part, of Col..,!. Bryan Grimes against the' Southern Bell' Telephone Co. will be heard on July 15 Instead of July 5 as at first an pointed. The complaint Is In the form of a petition (or an order reducing toll fees for long distance service to Ave cents for the first five minutes and 2 1-2 cents per 'minute for all in ex cess.of that time. Also for fixing local exchange charges at $1.00 per month for residences and $2 per month for buslnesn phones. JEWELERS TO ORGANIZE. Meeting to Be . Held In Greensboro Tuesday to Form State Association. A committee, conitosod of II. E. Vogler. of this city; A. I'. Staley; of Hfgh Point, and R. C. Ik-man, of Greensboro, has Issued a circular let ler which baa been sent to about '120 Jewelers In the State, requesting them to attend a meeting In Greensboro next TuesdayJuly 10, at. V? o'clock, noon, to organize a State Jewelers' Association, the object of which, as given in the circular, Is as follows: I. To get acquainted with each othe. 2. To correct trade abuses, such as wholesale dealers selling ut retail; price cutting; department store ad vertising goods for less than honest can be bought, also to see tnat the new stamping law Is enforced. 3. To get your co-ocrullou aud IrVartj support, for this organization. DR. HOBBS SPEAK. Address Citizens of Lewisville on Education, , L. L. Hobbs, president of Gull- College, has-accepted ajr luvlla to make an educational addicts :it Lewlsvlllti on Saturday 'evening, July 21. The citizens of that town ship have called a special election to be held July 31 to vote on the que t toil of Increasing taxes 20 cents on the $100 valuation and fin cents on the jdl for school purposes. Will Dr. ford Hon 'Popular Hits" Arranged This Occasion. At Ihe band concert at the court house square tonight , program con sisting mostly-nf "popular hits" will be rendered. Following Is the pro gram: Part I. MarclWFort Dilytou." Sell. Two Step "Why Don't You Tr) ?" Red Held. Medley Overture "Out for I Ark." DeWlt.'. Waltz Song "Only a Message from Home, Sweet Home." O'Harc. Two Strp'-Hllver Heels." Moret. Two Step "Tammany." Edwards. Waltz Song "In "the CJohlen Au tumn Time, Sweet Elalno." Reckcr. Part II. iMarch-'Oui Dlrectoi''," fllgelow. Two Step "8tnce Father Went 10 Work."-Cahl'll. Wltz Song Dearie." Kummer. Two Step ".Moonlight-In Dlxle." Clemeiii. ' , , Two Step "Mexico." (From Hump ty Dtimpty.) Cole & Johnson. Waltz Song "When .tha .Evening Breeze Is Sighing, Ho'mo Sweet Home." tiotoman. ' S t e p " DI x I o C! I r 1 . " l .a m pc. Two CHAT WITH GOVERNOR GLENN. Loves WlnsWSalem And Will Re turn Here aa Soon as Hit Term Expires. The writer had a peasant chat this afternoon wl(h North Carolina' chief executive, who was found In the office of his former law partners, Manly V Hendreii. The governor was sitting at his old desk, writing letters. "It looks natural, to see you here, governor." said the news malt. "Yes,' I feel at home Just like I have been away on a vacation for a week or two," responded Governor Glenn, who expressed hla delight In Keoltig the growth aud prosperity of Winston-Salem. There Is no place lllie the fwln City with the chief ex ecutive and he does not hesitate to tell all of his fi lends tha,l as noon as Ills term as governor expires he and Ills- family will return to their home here without delay. Govern ir Glenn will be her.-t until Monday, lie will ipeak at the -Elks" Auditorium Sunday night. ALREAY HAS EFFECT. Manufacturers Inquiring of Depart ment of Agriculture About Pure Food Law'e Provision. By Wire lo Tho K-iitliirL .WASHINGTON. July . . Although tho pure food law does not become ef fective uliill January I and rinwrt be eiifore -d until Congress appropriates the necessar.y money, the activity of Hie Agricultural Depart merit has al ready exercised a wholesoniM effect, upon manufacturers of foodstuff (throughout the count ry. The depart ment has received many samples with nqiKis that flepariineiit pass upon them to see if they are within the requirements of th,. law. This action of manufacturers Is taken as a good (iiiio'ii ami y ine cieparuneiu onic'ims is Interpreted lo mean that mamifHC tureiH generally Intend to "be good." AGAINST ROCKEFELLER. Information Alleging Violation of Law by Him And Standard Oil Co. Filed. yr.Wlre to The Sentinel. TOLEDO, Ohio, July fi, Prosecutor Wm. L. 'buvid has filed Information against John D Rockefeller und the Standard Oil Company 'w lib probate cotnt at Flndlaug. charging violation of the Valentine anti-trust law. If service can be seemed on Rockefeller in Ohio he' wiH be hauled before the Hancock count v courts. CLEVELAND BETTER. Condition of Only Living Ex-President Much Improved This Mprning. By Wire lo The Sentinel PRINCETON, N J.. July C-Former President. (Ileveland. who has been lil at his home here, -u much' better this morning. -It Is staled he will-be ou! in a day or two. Ills fishing trip in the west has, hoever, been postponed. JUDGE CAMPBELL NAMEO. Virginian Is Appointed Chief of Division of Naturalization In De partment of Commerce and Labor. Bv Wlr lo Tim rWiMneL Washington. July secretary Melcalf, of the Depaitmeiit of Com merce and libor, today took the first step In IhcifjiLMijtlAfRloh of the IXvls- lon of Natui aii.a.tloii In accordance wPh the new law bv appointment of Judge -Richard K. Campbell, of Vir ginia, as chief,. For years Judge Campbell has beerr law officer In the Bureau of Immigra tion. Jerome' C Khear, heretofore Chinese Inspector, and Morton A. Sriirges, formerly In charge of flies of buieair which relate to Chinese ex clusion law, both of Michigan, are ap pointed stenographer and clerk-respectively under Judge Campbell. For the present there will be no other appointments. Walter Mabe. a young painter, while wofklng In the Tise building Ibis afternoon, fell a distance of nine feet or more, badly spraining his left wrist. It' Is; feared that he Is also injured internally. Five Thousand at Spray" . Mayor O. II Eaton, who a one of the , speakers at the Fourth of July felebrafHm at Spray Wednesday, says the e.towd numbeied S.pno or more. The program of the day included a Brunswick sie, athletic games, etc, The mayor- repoith ihat. the owners of the big--mills at Hpray have pro vided a nice park and lak for the benefit of the operatives and citizens of the town.

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