WINCITY BA1 HTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 1906 FRICE 5 CENTS PRESIDENT HAS- CHANGE- OF PLAN ; W BEfORCED. Reported That Thaw's Tem porary Insanity Plea Will Be Abandoned. HEARST IS OUT OF THE CONTEST LIVES 111 A FIRE inti on Instructs For Him Mother And Six Children Burned To Death In La fayette. Indiana. Draft of Latter's Speech At Greensboro Is Read And Discussed. An Interesting Report Issued From Office of Comptrol ler of The Currency. Announces That He Is Not A Candidate For Preslden- . tial Nomination. V state-Ctiaitman d Vote of 52 to u. LY insn ft BLACKBURN i . - PERSONS USE NATIONAL BANK FIGURES HEN. TALK WITH TAFT L county Republican Conven- Iv i -i I Till. Greensboro i oaay - 1 Mt of the Time.-Adams, I ohnw and Ragan ucum. L a.tter SpeechesPoliceman t0 Moid Braasnaw - U l Speaking. . .. - Ttn. Rj. . ENSHOH"- J a. I - t,KiB eol.Vt liiit'ii a niiautt s after organ-. " r.-ilir of fiuiiinaii Douglas! ' ... i I...-., txntiim In ; k , r:ii ni. c-nUn'lals committee, addl a,i:,Y a.aUi.g a majority for jsawneed' adjournment to ,-k l-'T r "f credentials :yp R.- 'f I'igli l0'1"- (!e" hi- ii'.ul ! -s,al11' for sllon ,,.' others shouting .to '' tu s,- out. They literally sic fnun the speaker's stand, lijLkitu nipsii!!;. I- wa,. iii tii declared tem (taiiiiu!. it was later tit'-. ,il to .-imply hold a mass-meet- tft'il o'clock. haw. Blackburn.. Ragan and I mail" iiiti'-t speeches. Adams k:n-M wiHi "liar" from Black-! ! d Hradsbaw several I lines, me house being in confiision. denounced them as cowardly re!s, saving thai they dared not him on struct and that he had bst-a insulted in a Republican iou before. liiadshaw hild to il hy a policeman while Adams fc-akiuf, anil the whole conven- times was a mob. ikJiiirn's speech was very hitter, eg plainly lunch excited. Jnt Test Favors Blackburn. first vote upon "reassembling ivwitinti at "o'clock was on re- Jf creiientials committee,' favor- id a ids delegates from north I'oitu and Adams' precinct In ilmm. The report was rejected, 12, and Bkirkbiiru delegates, f row, were seated. The con at .this point, was in a turmoil. Initructi for Blackburn. it the convention reconvened Ragati," of High Point, was 1 chairman. Kneneer Blnckhnrn fiorseti wr state halrmari"h -s I 52 to 12. While Adams was ft he was railed down bv Con- fan Blackburn and-Asslstant, ster Charles Burjon, who ob- to statements p the speaker. - 'y Chairman Robert Done-las tfcat his force hn,'l hoon ffby Blackburn and his follow- pe explained that he endeavored ' factional lights In the a;,-d for this reason called the at -his late oate. IESIS1 JH1ENT BUREAU Husband And Father Is Also In a Serious Condition as Result of In juries Sustained In the Fire. Details of a Horrible Affair. By Wire to The Sentinel. LAFAYETTE, Iiid., July 7. His wife and six children dead, his home destroyed and himself badly If not fatally burned is the fate of Solomon Oobba, whose residence was on the outskirts of this -city. The dead are: Rachael, 10; Freeman. 12: Guy. lo; .Marquis, S: Edith. 5; Brooks, 2. andj Sarah, the mother. IG. Gobba was in the yard when he saw I the flames coming from the upper part of the house. He called hiB wife.! Together they rushed, npst.aiirs loj awaken the children. Both weit, ovjr-j come by smoke, tlobba managenr to1: crawl to n window and In an effoft'to! raise it fell to the ground, sustaining painful Injuries, while the mother and six children perished in the flames. Four ot the little ones were cremated outright and others suffered. Elsie, aged 14. was at a neighbor's for the night and sr escaped. Panama Canal And Army Matters Are Alsc Considered In a Conference at the President's Summer Home at Oyster Bay This Morning. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, luh T.-Secietnry ofi War Taft was in conference wj;h th president for an hum this niornlni; at 0ster Bay. Matters relative to Panama Canal, the amiv and Philip pines w ere discussed. Itrfon ! .iviiiir Sagamore I Hill the sccrvtarv showed the president -a draft of the spe -eh lu is to make at Greensboro. V ( Monday night. ext These Show Growth of National Bank ing System Since 1900 When Pres ent Law Went Into Effect. About 3,020 Banks Organiied Under Its Provisions. nj Wlro to The Peutluel. WASHINGTON. Julv ing statistics regarding national, hankidg systet when tin- law cut Into SOCIETIES BEET I P. JL CUE AT NORFOLK NEXT YEAR HINGTON. .! ,!, T. -The name J-tai, of inimigration, will ne kiimvn ti,., i "... . , ...! "uicau oi a'M uaMiralizatioti with 'ei general of im naiiK 1'. Sargent.- at the. Il!e fllVlMcn ,,f ..,,. . ,.u.iBe v.ainp- ;: -' " wrK at oneu t() organ- -wort.-T livisi,m- His im- m Lu 1 notify various i p" '''"s ,,f"u' l"-"visions -s j ' " ";"'d iiiitunilization .' ''' -Vale roLirts and to -i ,ll?dry.l"":ti"K of regnla i or guidance of ifntiif. 1101 does h ' i ' " Ur , xl" t ce.r f :,!: ' ' "' 27. nat- ,,,,,, ' ' 'Vtng. laws will that vm, wins I ' iUl PRIMARY. ati,.p,i,., '"' "'lay l" uoinli-ni ,. ' flai'm"i'un ,. ...., w-r.. ratified. 'Hfard '"",'l,,''l instructing Pass,., .,' !:!;i,1V(s. to have h for . ' "'.."" l''KiKlature "intv : 'i:''''-d ptlinarv in .,r. .h.', for ,,, ,, In n-l'i - ' (:,"im SSionnr rr" Tho"' "''""tented on '''Unir i,M ,,' " ', "ilmer. . ' " I'-iviiIson w. c. i BlisI co, Special to The Setlnfil. NORFOLK, Va., July C Prominent among tho great, organizations to gather at tho Jamestown Exposition may. be classed1 l he Travelers Protec tive Association' yf America, whose Win annual convent ion next year is to bo held at the Exposition Convention Hall. This is to be the largest, T, P. A. convention ever held and will be attended by "Knights of. the Grip" from every state In tli union. A movement is on foot to arrange for the building of. a fine edifice at the exposition for' this association, to be known as the T. P. A. Building.- It will be, used as general headquarters for all members of the association and will probably serve the purpose of a social club for the travelling men Jio,.viMitHiyw exposition. Col. Geo. W. Smith, of St. Louis, chairman of the National Board of Directors', Is at the head of the move ment and Is being ably assisted by Other . prominent members of the order. He is not only a prominent "Knight of the Grip" but is also a colonel on the staff of Governor Folk, of Missouri. The annual convention of the T. P. A. will occur next May or June. A special T. P. A. dav at the exposition will be designated as soon as the date of the convention Is settled. One of the most magnificent dis plays ever made by a railroad at an exposition will be made by' the South ern Railway at the Jamestown Ex position. It will occupy i, 0O0 square feet of space and will 'be the most comprehensive as well as the most beautiful exhibit that as prosaic a thing as a railroad could get up. The most attractive feature of the exhibit will be tho display of the products of the country along the line of the road. The Southern Railway runs through the mountains, hills and valleys of the sunny South, a portion of the country that Is beautiful and pictures que as well as productive. The- pro ducts of the country traversed by this road Include much that Is Interesting, and the Southern Railway's display at the Jamestown''Exposilion will doubt less excite the admiration of mil lions of visitors. A new magazine has been estab lished. In Norfolk; whose special province Is to cover the features of general interest pertaining to the exposition. It is called the James town Magazine and appears with the sanction of the authorities) as the official periodical of the exposition. The new magazine is handsomely Illustrated with exposition views and contains much of interest pertaining to exposition matters. Its purpose is to faithfully record tho progress and incidents of the Jamestown Exposition and for this reason it will be; a useful magazine to keep on file. A special feature of tho Jamestown Magazine will be the excellence of its Illustrations. Everything of interest connected with the exposition will he photographed and shown in some Issue of the magazine. Accompanying these pictures will- be' descriptive articles by well known writers, every subject of interest to exposition peo ple and visitors will be covered. It will appear monthly hereafter until the close of the exposition and may be .made a permanent publication, its popularity and successful beginning justifying such a prediction. The regular monthly meting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society was held yesterday afternoon, in the ladies' parlor of Centenary church. , After the devotional - exercises ail enjoyed Mrs. J. N. Atwatei's ren)it ol her trip to Charlotte, where she represented her society as delegate to the annua! conference ot that body. Greensboro will entertain the society, next year. Mrs. Atwater spoke 'of how the work of missions had .been' liroadi tied -and . grown, -and the enthu siasm that was gained by attending these conferences. The society here has quite a cred itable missionary library, but. they have gotten scattered, so the librarian wishes to urge all who have hooks belonging to the missionary library, to bring or send them in. Especially do they need t'he'ni for reference Iti the' country which they are now studying Africa. Tho lesson in Christus Liberator for next time will he the fourth chapter East Africa. D. C. RANKIN SOCIETY. Mrs. .Robert Nissen In Wftuglilown was hostess on yesterday afternoon to this earnest band of young women. After the devotional services, con ducted by the president. Mrs. Joe Fletcher. Africa, the subject for the meeting, was taken up, Mrs. J. 11. Fletcher and Miss Sadie Martin hav ing Interesting papers on ihls sub ject. After the program Mrs. Nissen served delicious refreshments. Mrs. Henry Roan will entertain the society at -Its next meeting. Inter st- aiding the growth of m since 19o0, Into effect permit ting the oi-tanizatiou of banks with a capital of i i ! I'.'a.iiiMi', are .contained in a iej,.il- from the comptroller's office. Thcjlaw gave small conimuni 'its advantages of banking system under inspect ion and supervision of federal officials ami under it there! haw- been organized ;;,02t banks" with a total capital of $i7;;7:i,:!oo. , lii the number of banks estab lished . since rem Texas ranks first with ":!0 institutions and capital of $i:i.9ii.iMt; Pennsylvania is Aeroml with oltf banks and capital of J22.S27. ihhi; Minnesota conies third with 177 to her credit ami then In order ai Illinois with li; Ohio 1.1S, Iowa Ht,j New York, and Indiana 107 each. The territories of Oklahoma and Indian Territory which form the, new state recently admitted to the union have between them 2.'.", national banks with capital stock ot $7,Mu.onV No other territory ever sought admission to statehood with such a financial estab lishment thorough!) organized anil doing business and this does not take into account many private banks and trust companies In operation in these territories. Judge Olcott Is Said to Have Arrived at the Decision to Ask That Com mission Be Appointed to Decide as tc Harry Thaw's Sanity. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. July T.i Intimation are heard today that the defense nia have to change its present plans In the fight for life of Harry Thaw, charged with the murder ot Stanford White, and flislead of trying to prove emotional Insanity will ask for the appointment ot a commission to ascer-' tain if Thaw Is sane. This sudden contemplated change Is said to be brought, about by" the com plete failure ol counsel for the Thaw family -to unearth any real evidence thai White had sought to renew rela tions with' Mis. Thaw after her mar nage. I nless such evidence can he found it robs the defense of any chance to plead Justification of emotional Insanity. OF N. C. J T ;..,;!aL:'. who f,. V ' Py. of oZ''i with . '!,itai!t .'. 'lll-y. and Janah i: . 1 !' neadnnnrtorp l;.0"ri'''n,a'r',ri,c''"Pted the T. .. '""ager ot .i,,. o i aiH ,h 'V-?- of thls .,tv '')' ""u"s 'V that posi: Special to Tho Sentinel. RALEIGH, July 7 The program for the third annual session of the North Carolina State Farmers con vention at the A. & M. College here is just issued and includes an open ing addiess by Commissioner of Agri culture S. L. Patterson, address of welcome by Governor Glenn, response by Presidant C. ('. Moore, Ten Years of Progress in Agriculture by Secre tary of Stale J. Hi van Grimes and a large number of addresses on special phases ol farm work by specialists from all parts of the State and from 'a distance. There will be sessions of the Tobacco Farmers Association. Cot ton Farmers Association, the Dairy mans Association and also special meetings ot the farmers' wives during the convention. ach to be addressed by specialists. W. II. Taylor' and son. Archie, left this afternoon for IL-dford CHy. Va. STATE CHAIRMAN. The statement In this morning's Charlotte Observer that a Charlotte Republican (of the Blackburn faction) had been asked to present the name of Zeb V. Walser, of Lexington, be foie the Republican State convention Tuesday; for stale chairman, is prac tically what many have predicted, A friend of lHackburn Is quoted as saying-that he does-not expect to win the chairmanship for himself, but he hopes to name the man and he recog nizes Walser as his friend. It appears now that if Adams Is not named on the first ballot, Walser Is ely to get it. , C. A. Issues Statement In Which He Says He Will Not Contest for Nomina tion. Speaks ot Bryan's Reference to Him at a Possible Candidate. By Wire to The Sentinel 8AX FRANCISCO, July 7 W. R. Hearst' declares himself out of the race for .the presidency In l!i8. Mr. Hearst says: "I would like to state very posi tively I am not a candidate. Mr. Bryan said the oth-r day there were others besides himself who had claims on the nomination throtifh m-rvlco rendered the party and men tioned Folk, Bailey and-myself. While appiiclatliig Bryan's compliment I must decline tt be, a candidal, Lt the list xtiind, if Bryan plessen,. Bryan or Folk or Italic)'." COV. GLENN HT THE As the time draws nearer for the stump orators to grow warm In the collar, those that arc yet too youthful to take much part in politics, are pre paring themselves for the years to come, which will bring forth such questions, as the tarin, 'raiiroau rates, eti . " Last night some of the members of the Y. M. C. A. reorganized their de baiing Mity. It consists of twelve members. The officers elected last night are: President. H. P. Masten; vie -piesiileiit. I). M. Petty; secretary, I-. A. SUlli; treasurer, R. A. Tumei. The fust debate is to be next. Fri da night. -the -question for discussion being. Resolved, That Public. Splrit edness I'io-s More for tho Upbuilding ul a Community 'Than the Accumula tion oi Wealth." Messrs! F. C. Meyers and It A. Turner. are U speak on the affirmative while F. C. Abbott and W. P. Spears are to uphold the negative. - ' BONDS TO BE SOLD. The Salem commissioners met in regular session last night. Mayor Butner presided nnd the following members of the board were present: Messrs. H. K Fries, L. B. Brlcken- steln.-H. A. Slddall, T. A. Butner. II. F. Shaffner nnd (i. 11. Rights. Mr. A. H. Kller. attorney for the town, presented resolutions regarding water works bond eletclon, viz.: l'.gul report of said election form of said bonds, form of coupons, legal transfer of properly nnd plant ot Salem Water Supply Co., etc., nl of which were adopted and ordered Vo be recorded-, It was ordered that the sale of the water bonds l! made by the finance committee through the bond depart ment of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Co., upon such terms as may be agreed upiui. A petition was read from the Salem Iron Works regarding Improvements on Liberty street, which was read and referred to the street committee. The street, 'committee was requested to confer with Winston in regard to enlarging drains at Orinoco ware house, Main street, in order to handle some of the surface water during heavy rain falls. The board appointed the street com mittee to confer with Winston In re gard to Improving FlrBt street. A petition was presented for the opening of Falrvbew street to connect with Brookstown avenue. Referred to street committee. The city attorney wag authorized to draft an ordinance restricting the coasting or riding on sidewalks by children on wagons, on cross streets leading Into the street car line. J. H. McGee was re-elected chief of police for the ensuing year. Governor Glenn has been unani mously Invited by the Ministerial Association of Winston Salem to speak In the Auditorium tomorrow night. The meeting, originally, was to be In Centenary Methodist church, but It was felt there was no church or public hall that would be lttfn enough to accommodate the friends at the governor who will be delighted to hear him on this occasion. IIU i heme will be "Temperance, Law and Order." Winton-8alem will give her son, of whom she Is justly proud, ftc'mugulfleeut hearing tomor row night. All evangelical cburchea' of the city will be dosed. Following program will be carried out ; . Opening Prayer. Dr. H. A. Brown. Hymu."Coni Thou Almighty King." ' Address. Temperance, . Iiaw and Order. Gov. R. II. Glenn. Collection. Patriotic Hong. "A New Era." Beimdlctiou, Dr. D. Clay Mly. Mr. Henry K. Krles will 'preside at tho meeting and Introduce h governo.'. . Frank Linney for Solicitor. The Republican judicial convention at Blowing Rock Wednesday nomi nated Mr. F. A. Linney, son of R. 1 Linney, for solicitor. The Ripple says this Is exactly in accord with charges made, at the Republican county con vention In WHUesboro several weeks ago that. Blackburn had made this trade In which J. V. McNeill was sac rificed with other county candidates In order to advance himself for state chairman. Mrs, R. O. Puryear, of Spencer, N C 1 the guest of Mrs. Roland Taj lor. BILL INTO EFFECT By Wire to The 8nttni4. WASHINGTON. July ".The office of supervising architect of the treas ury Is busily engaged In putting Into effect the omnibus public building law recently passed by Congress. Advertlstnienls are (Ming sent out at the rate of 20 or 25 a day asking for bids on sites for buildings authorized In those cases where sites lire already secured and appropriations have been)"""1 made for buildings the plans are be liifc prepared. Philander C. Knox. Senatoi from Pennsylvania. New Advertisements. Jennings' 'Cafe. Caters to the best people, everything up-to-date. Simpson Drug Co. Mother take care of the baby. Brown-Rogers Co - Ilnrgal-us In Ice cream freezers. A. Daye & Co. Announce July clearance sale now in, special values each day. Ogburn-Vesi Co Farms for sale on easy terms. Shapiro's Indies' hosiery and gaitse vests at a great saving...-. Hoseiilmeher llro -Next week tho 2nd of the great ' clearing sale; bargains greater than ever. Foisylh Hardware Co. lawn hose, lawn mowers. Take care of your lawn. J'iridqulst it Ifohl. A square deal guarantee,!. . Huniley-Hiiusiockton Co. A good ad. on a pure food subject. W. O. Senseinan. Masft-r painis, the best and go furth'uf. Delightful Social tvent. Spoctal to The Sentinel. KKRNKRSVILLK, July On Tues day evening Msr. Cullen LeggaU and RushcII D. Korner gave a delight ful social to their friends, at "Rose Bower," the home of their parents, Mr .and .hn. Joseph Korner, on Halls bury street. Among the guests were many possessing flue musical talent, and tho evening was given both to vocal and Instrumental music. There were also two or three guessing con testa that were enjoyed. Delicious rfrphments were nerved and the evrnvj wmf greatly en)od by the young people present. From 11 until 2 a dk.ire was i given at "Koroer'a Folly." 'iliose who were so fortunate as to reft-ke an Invitation to this de lightful occasion were: Misses Jessie, Olllu and -Annie l-uk. Edith Kerner, Ina Davis, Mauri I'lnnix, Celeste Bar row, Annie liowrey, Dore Korner, Mollle Untitle, ke Stafford, of Greensboro: Sarah and Bessie Ben bow, of Oak Ridge; lttssle Henry,' of Winston Salem ; Marguerite Cartlaud and Llhy Jackson, of Greensboro; Lucy and Klslo White, of Belvldere, N. C, and Afessrs. J. Gilmer Korner, Jr., Bernard and Herbert Stafford, VA. Llnville, Herbert lowrj', Chester Morrlit, Hugh Ix ak, Kent Crews, (Well Heard, Robert Shore, of W1n- Cllfford Fralzer, Frank Miller and Percy Kerner, of Greensboro, Carl lloiildln. of High I"olnt, Ovid Jones, Benbow Whlulngton, Henry Montague, of Winston Salem. 41-Year-Old Honey. A Sentinel representative bad the opportunity today, of tasting honey fortyono years old.' The honey is the tllODcrt 'lot Mil A I. Hlei,..,,,n ,,f Liberty street. It was bottled by ber( mien-, lanny vvnt'e, jut berore the Civil war. Aside .from being slightly bitter It tastes as though Just frm tho hive. . -' , !u Nelson was today awarded th for correctly gueKng the num ber of people that were unloaded at LRshmll's SIkk- Store on July . Benbow May Be Named. The Republican convention for the Fifth eongreHslona! district will be held lu Greensboro next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, being two hours) prior to the assembling of the state convention. It Is not known who will be willing to make the race against Mr. W. W. Kltchln for there has been no discussion of probable candidates. Mr. John T. H-nbow, of this city, Is chairman of the district etecutlve committee and he uny be nominated to make the race. To Meet Monday Night. Th board of trade will meet Mon day night, July it, at o'clock. Elec tion of a paid secretary will' come up and o'her matters of importance to our community. All members arc re quested to come, W. T. BROWN, Pre. J. 8. DUNN, Sec y. N. S. Wllsou went to Walkertown this, afternoon. Mr. ami Mr. Ii. ii. Marsh and B !(.. Jr., and Mls Sauls, of Norfolk. Va., went to Roaring Gap today, H O, Chatham, of Elkln, spent lost night in the city, returning home this afternoon. , W. C. Wells came in this afternoor from Spencer. 8 H. Taylor came In t Ills aftcrnooc from a business trip. Miss Estelle" Shipley went to Mad 1 sofi this afternoon. From there she will go to Roanoke. Mrs. H 11. Piiillam, Miss Mary and .viastet Jotin ruiitam ana Kicnarq Grogan returned this afternoon fromtt 4f Price. t fc. 4 ft ft ft

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