IN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 10. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS .YEAR. : nr 15 CERTAIN orlly of Delegates Mean Convention To Favor mm. L AdJ" Supporter, Will L... chairman. Tom Set- L Now Agamst Adoption I i rrintialt Committee Lj Adams Delegates L very Orderly mus ri. ioRO. July M.-The State Ut' was eaheu to airman Adams in.- th m twelve. The ami gallt-ry were v RvpobUcatih and Dent- t'pnsi'1.1 as spectators. ot Salisbury, called me koniit y being represented. rru'ittri several times iy Ln askiuft questions. mb au'iwwed that he :v, , vfi y man a "square (' A. ftivnolils was m; times, suggesting wnai 'wti'd (In. ln.a;i!n' 1,11 ctcucniiais from eudi congressional li.l'oivs: Wheeler .Martin, :.ks, W. K. Dixon, K. II. Ha',!. J. S. Downing, J. P. K. T. Juiies. Sam Huffman, Aa Adal'iis man said t he a- "favorable lo our i"!,iluir ailjuiinii il at one iiiiuls cummiuec was re iiintt during recess and llit- contests. ins factlmi wauls V. S. Lusk bry rhairman while the forces favor Tutu Settle. km Amk viile. The election fc aftirnwiti ami will show rh of the two contestants krmaibhi'). Iter Reynold Is suggested horse in the event that (J Blarkburnfail on tho first oaiiots. iter Tyre Clpnn flenms a winner. On the other I'tial newstiatier ninn-biivk f canons this morning was fr than Blackburn's. rased- sentiment is that I in by a sate majority, wnu'tt of Douglass as ,is a bomb in Blackburn's Afternoon Session. :fr,t chat!W j the atmos rabie to Adams was pereep 'Mms of the afternoon "nin Blackburn arrived fs and demonstrations greet ,K Adams arrived the w sfcntod to rise in a de 'or him. Humors current lhat Adanis had cer- "iiade t!i,, demonstration i.ncan'. ii! he permanent chair- P"tiaU commit teo reported 7 ' from Craven, 4- Durham n, ,ni Mitchvfl favorablB tn '' ' s mov,.,! ,0 accp.)t Settle olnert,,,! ,.,i. ....' r5.f"r 'vi'lenco before was r nv""vhelming S rV""" '' u bei He ,s s.rtpeak- ;i; P'-rfect order. ' SUCCESSFUL VOYAGE. By Wire to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, July 10. The cials of the navy department greatly pleased over the news reieiv ed this morning from Manila of the safe arrival at Olongapopi of the dry dock Dewey. When it was first pro posed for this immense steel struc ture to be towed half way around the world many wise old sea dogs shook their heads and predicted that the expedition would meet with disaster.! As It was the trip was marked with several mishaps but none so serious las to damage the big craft. The start was made from Chesapeake Bay December 2S last. Never before in naval annals of the world has such aj feat been attempted. Captain Hosley, hn managed the exDedition is helnirl warmly praised today for his achieve ment. 5 The Dewey cost $1,124,000, Is 500 feet in length and capable of docking the largest United States battleship In four hours. NOBODY IS NAMED. THAW CASE AGAIN. Republican Convention Did Not Nominate Candidate Foi; Congress Today. Nomination of Candidate Deferred Until August 11. Neither J. T. Ben bow Nor C. D. Benbow Would Run. Postmastet Reynolds May Be , Forced to Run Again. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, duly lo. The ' Re publican congressional" convention of the fifth district :n nominate a candi date to run against Kiteliiu l a smail majority postponed action until Au gust 11. J. T. Rcnhow, of Forsyth, and" C. D. Henbow. of Guilford, both cU-ci'iitifil to run for Congress. Postmaster Rev uolds may be forced to make the nee again. Another Important Witness Is Located By The District Attornoy. Witness It a Woman And la Expected to Tell of Threats Made by Thaw Aoaint White at Her Table Other Notee About Thaw Case. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, July In. Direct testi mony thai Thaw contemplated the murder of Whin- and made threats against the life of the latter may be obtained .today when Mrs. Beatrice Schwartz is examined by Assistant District Attorney Garven. 1; was at her table that Thaw is said to have made th threat against White's life. Mr. Schwaitx was present when the incident occurred. She knows much f the relations lietween Thaw and Miss Nesbit while abroad. GOlKGOMLa TOVISITPACIFIC GDAST I PISSED EllNATI eaii Il,ls announced,1 appointment W . v I ''7" .ominr-d. I (,,':!'"' I" accordance 'i.n.e? "K"!a,iK admls h oi, or navigation h w"yU,T 11,1(1 reprc f'!:' t,n" vura'feles to i r;?"11 "t fw can If .-Mi ;.. "ld '1T siir- l i,r:.; ,. ''"'"ti'lssloners ii,!iy. ' " s and towns gJE CBHPAMY N IIS KVltll onT!;;,.r'"-Tho wnueg. "'i: s ,('- ! certl- '". . p Jf , fr"tn $50,(i(in "(acv ' , ;?' I president. a 'urnpike 1 cor tr? fi,,jrkholder ahmfurnlshed & ,I''rS0 hoarding "U. 41 h C. Call and J iirnnrnn nr nun MtHDUQ Uf DUD" iNnqn(;7,r TFXT RflflK MMM "Unn 3 LASL TO BE I IIILU III linilL UUUII I The Retail Merchants' Association held an enthusiastic meeting lat night. It was decided to advertise in tho daily papers a number ol accounts now In th? hands of the associations attorney. These claims will be sold to the highest bidder. The questio nof employing a paid assistant secretary was referred m the board of directors with power lo secure a man and report to the next meeting ot the association, July 21!. Tho association now has fif mem bers. Twelve applicants- were voted upon and accepted hint, night. At the last meeting of the associa tion it was decided to "cut out" pro gram and similar advertising. . Sev eral members of the association, it was announced last night, had taken advertising with out of town schools. Some of these were present and de cided that they would, send cash dona tions and ask that the advertisements ho not used. RAILROAD REAPPOINTED Pflip SECRETIIRY FDR Special to The Sentinel. , - RALEIGH. July 10. The governor last evening announced the re-appointment of the directors of the North Carolina Railroad: Hugh G. Chatham, Elkln, president; W. H. Williams, Newton; W. T. Brown, Winston-Salem; T. H. Vanderford, Salisbury; .)'. W. Lamberth, Thomasville; Allen J. Ruffin, Hillsboro; S. C. Penn, Relds ville; L. Banks Holt, Graham. These will meet at Burlington July 12 and organize, also elect a state's proxy, Phillips Pope, of Greensboro, being present proxy. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, July 10. Ienmel Wood, White rvf Hii? Laurel niincombe COIin- tv. was mnrriVreit in Asbevil'.o this monring by negroes who escaped. lhey sought the life ot anotner man. Wood's companion, who escaped by hiding. A reward will be offered. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. July 10. Gov. C.l. un , has made public tho names of the sub-text book commission, by whom the books offered bv publishers for! adoption for use In the public schools, of the State will be examined during the next thirty days and report with recommendations made to the text book commission (state board of education) by whom the adoption will j thereafter he made. Tho members of I the sub-commission are Hugh Morsoii, principal of Raleigh Hih school; F. V. Hall, superintendent of Gaston county schools, Belmont; R. T. Mc Ilrjde, superintendent, of Cumberland county schools, Fayetteville; W. H. RagS'lale, superintendent Pitt county schools. Greenville; ('.. H. Masscy, superintendent Durham county schools Durham; R. L. Madison, principal of Cnllowhee Normal Industrial school, Painter, N. ('.; John .Vf. Cheek, princi pal of Whitehead Academy, Alleghany county. There are probably fifty representa tives of publishing houses in the city making the fighJ. for-one or another kind of text books for the schools. The propositi adoption is for live year. . Sunday School Convention. The Old Richmond Township Sun day school convention will bo held at Tabernacle church tne 11th of Au gust, It, will "commence promptly at 10 o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend and help make the occasion one of interest. 101 OFTRADE At a called meeting of the board of trade, held in the council chamber last ninht over which Vice President E. W. O'Hanlon presided In the obsence or rrestaeui vv . i. nrown. Mr. George F. Dwlre, ot this city, was elected secretary of the board at a salary of $1R00 per year, his term to begin August 1, l!o. There were several o lifer applicants for the posi tion. Mr. Henry F. Shaffner was elected treasure:. Mi. J. E. Kavanaugh, the manager of the new Hotel Zinzendorf, was elected a member of the board of truile Mr Kavanaugh was called up on for a speech and lie responded in a few very appropriate. reniarns, which were listened to very atten tive l.V. Mi. James S. Dunn, who has been secretary and treasurer, was thanked for his 'services, which have been well rendered. Mf Dunn then thanked the, 'board for their recognition of Ills iabors. The paid secretary is to gather data and have it published in tho city itmuTH and send a cotw to the News and Observer, and use this data in advertising the great, Twin-tity. An Excursion to Mt.. Airy. The Broad Street Baptist Sunday school will run an excursion to Mt. Airy, Friday July 20. The proceeds will be added to' the building funds of the Brown Memorial church, to be erected on the corner of Fourth and Spring streets. Mrs. (1. H. Craft is Iho guest of rein tlven near Lewisville. o Misses Margaret Jones, of Walnut Cove, and Elner Jones, of Missouri, visiting In the city, are the guests of Mrs. James Osborn, nee Miss Mary Jones'. Mr. Zeb Griggs, who has been Dreaehlnir on the streets here, left this afternoon for Mt. Airy. Mrs. E. P. Webb, who has been to Charlotte, visiting Mrs. I. W. Durham, returned to the city this afternoon. Miss Mary Moran. of Morganton, ar rived in the city this afternoon and is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Rogers, on Cherry street. .Miss Fannie Bilharz, of Salem, is spending a few weeks with friends in Stuart, Va. ,Mrs. R. C. Matterson and Miss Daisy Buslck, of Madison, who have been visiting their brother, Mr. C. D. Buslck, returned home this afternoon. Special lo Tho Sentinel. RALEIGH, July 10. The July term of the Wake county, superior court convened this morning, Judge J. L. Webb presiding. There are 112 cases on Ihe docket, the most important being that against Mr. M. T. Norrls, u prominent mer chant of this city, in which he Is charged with burning the dwelling on a farm hln wife owns ten miles from Raleigh in order that the $500 Insur ance might be collected. There i's also a damage suit by Mrs. Norris against the North Carolina J Ionia In surance Co., demanding $50,000 dam ages for charging that her husband burned the place as her agent. The preliminary litigation has biH-n . the most sensational Kalclgh has had In a great while. No date for this trial Is yet fixed. The evidence is entirely circumstantial, the warrant having been issued on affidavit of the state insiirnrico commissioner. LIN INTEREST HERE El County politics was lost sight of in Winston-Salem, today. ''Even the aspirants for office discussed little else but the Republican State conven tion at Greensboro. . Everybody was predicting lively times, If not a battle royal. One Republican explained why he expected turmoil by asking: "If trouble was- not expected why did they send the secretary of war to the scene of action?" One who heard Secretary Taft last night tells The Sentinel that it was a masterly speech the effort of a statesman. He was heard by a great crowd. While speaking some of the spectators became nolby, showing dls-l respect to the secretary. Of course this is charged up to the followers of Blackburn. T Special to 'The Sentinel. SPENCER, July 10 The Spencer Young Men's Christian Association today moved Into Its handsome n :-w i.ria- loilldinir lust completed at a cost ot about $:!0,0(i0. An informal opening was held last night at wnicn time numbers, or people visited the insti tution and admired il.s splendid hont" Toward Ihe cost of the smin.ue the Southern Railway Company gave $15,000 and a silo valued at about $lo. Duo, and the remainder of '.he money is b.dng raised by ihe people "f Spencer and Salisbury, barring a num ber' of contributions from Washing ton, Richmond. New York and other cities. Secretary S. L. Thomas. the Richmond Railway Association, is now in Spencer assisting ihe local management In a canvass for f""d with which to furnish lb'- building- By Wire to The 8entlneL CHICAGO, July 10 Secretary Wil son, of the Department of Agriculture, announced today that while the ques tion of liability of infecting human beings by passing the tubercular and "lumpy jaw" meat to markets for con sumption was pending he would not instruct his Inspectors to change their custom. This means that the cattle Infected with tuberculosis and "lumpy jaw" will be killed as they were prior to denunciation of practice In allowing such diseased be used for food by-many of tha expert veterinary exK.uts and pathologists of the coun try. The infected portions will be cut out and remainder of carcasses be sent to markets for the tables of consumers. BEEN ACQUira I By Wire to The Sentinel. KRONSTADT, Russia." July lo. jThe. court martial which heard the jcharges against Admiral Rodjesi 'veiisky and officers of ihe torpedo boat Bodovt in connection with the ! surrender of boat to Japanese acquit iied Rodjestvensky ami all but four of the other officers. Four were found jguilty of sui rendering the vessel with ! premeditation and were condemned, lo death. It. was recommended to the !('zar, however, that sentence be com ( muted to dismissal from service. Mrs. C. J. WatkinB and Miss Bertha Llneback went to Ronda this afier noon. Mlsg Elizabeth Watkins Is already there. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, .July lo.-Gcneral J. S Carr, of Durham; A. I. S-ronach 1 Haleigh; Major B. F. D'xou auditor, are re-appoint, d by tru g ernor directors of the North ( aro.ina Soldb W Home for one year. -The Helping Hand Circle meejs tomorrow afternoon a: 2 o clock at Mrs. M. E. . Yogler's, REAPPOINTED, ran p0SIiSTfjS ARE APPOINTED President, Roosevelt has appointed Messrs. R. D. Douglass and H. L Grant to be postmasters at Greens boro and Goldsboro respectively, The first Is a distinct antl-ltiackburn vic tory, while the second is a victory for tho congressman. By Wire to Tho Sentlnal. WASHINGTON, July liV-The Inter state commerce commission will visit the Pacific Coast some time In Sep tember. Their visit will have a bear ing on the Gillespie-Tillman resolu tion directing inquiry into relations of railroads to coal and oil properties. Chairman Knapp seems to be of the opinion that the oil Investigation will not be complete without inquiry Into California oil fields. His colleagues will not do much more work this sum mer, so that the matter will go over until September. More definite plans will be formulated at Thursday's meeting ot the commission. Thus far Knapp says jhe investiga tions by commission and bureau of corporations of deportment of com merce and labor on the same Mibject have not conflicted In the slightest degree, , Ho believes that th confer ences already held ou tbe subject will prevent any clash of authority and will be produclivi' of Important result. . FARMERS GATHER 11 Third Annual Session of State Convention Opens In-Raleigh. CONCERT TONIGHT. Below is given tho program of the baud concert to be given on Ihe court house square tonight: March Asenath. Sweeley. March IWeuder. Lyon. Overdue Southern Melodies. nTc. Walt Academy. Mlssud. March Block Diamond Express. Galvln. Overture Mignonette. Baumati. Part II. March Our Dlrerloi. lllgelow. .March Indiana Slate Band. Far ra. Medley OvertureOut Tor a Lark. DeWitt. 'March Coppers on Parade. Cle men f. ' ; . Wall7.e-"Th(Ima." Ripley. Match On the RJght. Casey. Program subject to change. Convention Addressed by Commit tioner of Agriculture Patttron Governor Glenn Deliver Addrese ot Welcome. President ' C. C. Moore Responds to Addrese of Wei come. Special to The ek'ntlnvl. RALEIGH. July 10 Tho third an nual session of North CarollnaPurm- jers' convention wa called to order to I day for a meeting extending three day it. The opening address was by Corn- i mlssloiier of Agriculture 8. L. Tatttyr- yon, who congratulated farmers on the progress made In agricultural In terests. Ho urged the necesalty for close co-operation and the employ, ment of the most Improved method of farming. (iovij-iior Glenn delivered tho ad dress J ,-elcome. He dwvlt on tho nocessii,, mr Improved method In machinery and - treatments of ajolla. He appealed for cooper ut loo In bis efforts to attract desirable Immigrant especially farm labor. Iresldent C. C. Moore, of Farmers' Association, responded atuj assured the governor of the hearty sympathy of the farmer In bis efforts not only for Immigration but all other effort making for Industrial development of the State. STATISTICS ABOUT ' NATIONAL BANKS By Wire to The BentlnaL WASHINGTON, July 10. ReportB (o comptroller of treasury on condi tion of national banks ou June 18 have been received for the whole of the I'ulted States, They show total of resources and liabilities of $7,784, 228,11!!. Iinns and discounts amount to $4.2(h;,8!),07S. Capital stock, is $S2(!,129,7sr, and surplus Is $148,868, 491. .Individual deposits reech large total of $4.05r),87;!.fi:;t! and I'nlted States deposits are $80,92:i,!m!). There are, outstanding $r10,M;0,72C national bank notes. I'nitod States bonds to secure circulation are held to the amount of $510,871,050 and to secure I'nlted States deposits $0,5:i4,:i8O. Other bonds to secure Hnlted States deposits are held to the. extent of $27,455,331. " NEW RIDING jl THE A. & M. COLLEGE Special to The Sentinel. 7'" RALEIGH, Jul) 7. An Interesting feature ot the summer school and of the recent meeting of the county sup erintendents at Raleigh, has bren the visits of these teachers to) tha new agricultural building of tb A. A M. College. Hundreds of people within the lat two weeks have been conducted through this new building which Is the. finest agricultural building In tho South. Many of these teachers were uufamlllsr with agricultural educa tion and were astonished at the ex tent of the equipment and tbe natuht of the work done In this bulldlD. The thoroughly practical naturo of this work was apparent when tboy saw the equipment there provided for such practical, things as tho Making of butter and cheese, the studying of the disease of animals and their pre vention, tho work In plant disease which the boys were doing; the methods oftestlng the amount of fat In milk were Illustrated; tbe method of sterilizing milk and the process of keeping It clean through all of It processes; soli laboratories where soil is studied in order to determine Its quality, and tho best methods of handling It; the farm machinery room In which all of the best farm machinery Is on exhibition and , In wtrR-h the boys gained practice,' by taking even the most complicated self binder apart, and putting It together Again in order (hat they might become familiar with the working of Its part. By Wire to The Sentinel. MANCHESTER, Mass., July 10. I'nlted States. Senator W. Murray Crane was mauled at 12:110 p. m. this afternoon to Mls-s Josephine Porter Boardman, of Washington, at the Doardmau summer home, Wlndclyffe, near Dalton. Only Immediate rela tives were present. An Interesting piece of news that reached here on the eve of the wedding was lhat the si.tiator was a grand father, a daugh ter having boen born to Mrs. W. M Crane Jr. DARK WAS ABLAZE By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. July lo. The Clyde Line steamer Garlb, Capt. Maguire. arrived this morning. Kim reports that on the afternoon ot July she sighted the bark Margarita, off Montevldo, ablaze and abandoned. T POLITICAL ISSUES. By Wire to The Sentinel. VIENNA, Austria, July 10, Nene Frejo Presse prints an interview with Bryan 'In which the Nebraska n Is quoted as saying: , , "My bimetallism principles are the same as'ln 18!M but the qii'ntlon Is less I in port ant lu consequence of the Increased gold production arid tho rise of other questions ' The currency ques tion will not play an Impoitant part In tbij 1908 campaign. MESSRS, EBERT AL'D S LEASE HOTEL The celebrated Blowing Rock Hotel, at Blowing Rock, Watauga county, N. C, will bo run this season by Messr. E. A. Kbert and T. W. Hanes, ot thl city. Mrs. W. K. Giles, of Southern Pine, who with her husband for two sea sons' past has conducted this cele brated hotel, will .be housekeeper. Mr, and Mrs. Giles had Intended ron nlng the. Blowing Rmk Hotel again this summer, but after Mr. Giles" death, several weeks ago, Mrs. Giles decided not to conduct the hotel again this year. Blowing Rock is situated in tho mountains of North Carolina and any one wishing mountain air and beauti ful hcenery can hardly find a belter plaeo to spend Ihe summer. Messrs. Ebert and Hanea, leave to morrow foibln Rock. T FOR CM Br Wire tn The RontlnA Hl'DAPEHT. Hungary. July 10 A luxurious armored automobile omni bus built for tho czar has successfully passed the tests Imposed' by Ihe KuK- islan minister of communications. The omiilhux contains a small dining room, sitting and toilet room. Tbe side Is made.' of thick steW. The speed Is slx'y miles an hour and cost $22,'0'l. Not one of the candidates for sheriff has withdrawn. All appear to Ik? confident of the nomination. The contest up lo this time, has produced no harsh expressions or unpleasant 'neso, though all of the aspirants are working like Trojans. Mrs. W. 0. Case Dead. Mrs Anrile G. wife of William jD.'Gass, of North Depot street, died j thl-, nionrlng after a lingering Illness. I Mrs. Gas Is survln ' by her husband land five children. Ie-r. Ret acd Roy Gasn, of Ibis c!!, W, W. Gass of Mayodan, and Mi' Annie and Wil lie Gass, of thU city The funeta! will be held at tho house at IO::',o tooiorrow tporniDf. conducted by Rev. J D Williams, pas'or of the Methodist . Protestant church. Mrs. Gass was a member of the M E. church, st Knozvllle, Teun.

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