TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTII MEL. WINST0NALEM-Nr7rWEDNE$DAY EVENING. JULY 11. TRICrrCENTS SEVERAL TALKS Henry B. Brown TRIED TO Kill E-flll A Number Of Addresses Are Delivered Before N. C. Farmer's Convention. Nationalistic Move Continues To Cause Inquiry , Into Standard Oil's Connection With Railways Adjourns Temporarily. Russian Naval Officer Barely Escaped With HlsUfe This Morning. Trouble There. r yEAK; sir I PHILIPPINES El OF GRAND TO THE FARMERS i I JURY- HEARING I This Movement Now Being t Campaign Against f, of E"fii5h Language In hjr Philippine -"u ' - i Manilla Ipen. . the S-:ntlnei. ' -o-wlW Kc.ei.i. 'Vrew ,!ir.rrin' its force? "-A 8Si,;t teaching, of -r" " . U laWJaiV l"i'ai V" H i f,i'ereu iiy Mint i:r!i ;. plea's parents c' ii !.i become t'S- f iv adopting 'or fi.ieigu customs. .i':'ulv aiimoii- , .-,-:';'.' .etuitinns from -'I iun !ii 'U'e' the niaii jJ'i t';'' iaoswaRe of tha It wo iniw study the io:.Mi'." (' of the articles . iuraase we are subject to ju.-t as iu the past s-a:.;-a In caii.-t we. 'were ;:;ili ,j.ini:naiiiB. Who of us a1:;.! ma. happen in the ', have been sold to vkvn t'liiim wakes up.'- -hi;. t!i-" ,a.e .va! titi in tho hands of Maj. .1. .(r'n-lmv in bankruptcy, liwii ilii' sale of tlio Damask mm (,'nmiaii)'s plant at River, Wilkes county, was til toilay among the creditors. UtMinler. in a. hearing last hi ra.,o,. rendered a decision li.iri'r's ih ii was good in baiiK- liooph It was not filed- until Uiljinlifatkni. This meant jiariii-.- wIid til in isii '1 liie and up the plant were lo Mure the mvn holding movt- nv the roni.i'iii. ariiftj thai i In. Hank of Nonh fio will e; nothing on its fur $1.1.12. Ehly & Slreet. lifiice. R. I., who loaned the ' $" ,5hi. will receive about 50 the dollar. Secretar of States Grimes Among Those Who Have Spoken on Prac tical Topics. Officers to Be Elected Tomorrow. Convention Will Close With Barbecue And Brunswick Stew. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, July 11. Tho Farmers Convention here which convened yes terday for a three days session is proving eminently successful. There are ffiofe" thanr Ave- hundred farmers to attendance, the majority of them mak ing their headquarters at the toilette barracks. .Technical farm jopirs are being cousidej d, tobacco growers, cotton planters, dairy farmers and others having sessions separate for the consideration of these special topics. Then at intervals there are Joint sessions when addresses are heard. Secretary of State ,1. llryan Grimes delivered an address on 'Ten Years' Progress in Agriculture." Dr. E. B. Wilcox, of the I'niied State de partment of agriculture, spoke on Mule Raising; State Veterinarian Tait Butler on the Elimination of the Cattle Tick, and Mr. Ed. 11. Webster, of ihe Vnlt.ed States Department of Dairy- int; The convention will elect officers tomorrow and there will be a big bar .beetle and Brunswick stew as a elos' lng feature of the contention. A resolution has been passed "calling "on the next legislature "to . "appropriate $1,000 for defraying the -expense , 'of; these annual conventions Of lb:"', farmers at the college, als6,a resold; tion urging the necessity .of approp riations by the state and the roiled States for . road building. CHURCH CORNER STONE. Robbery in Reidsville. tit It Contained Collection. ;?t robllefv eeriirpil in RoOlc- f night lust week when some i partiis amoved the corner m the colored Methodist iM made way with it and its The slmif. I 1 laiiicru u.V f of w npn-sation because in use in nifir old church I ami rt-ct-nllv it wia cnt po ami made over for the ";me, winch has recently n.p.ettd. In due time tho cor a" was bi,! .,,, ,,, , , -. ...... .T'UtC: V lllt. Hret orders and the members "'muiui assembled to wit p "wises, gome old coin 'ite stone, (he amount I,,. ; I1"'1 a collection was . . .... o ihi uie Hi" chlireh and something 1 ikS If :i!t-.. ,t w ; "" Ilfctiou .was put At any ra,e. ,he foI. Prized i iwr r"1 ,umi nmo iUi i '' i! ''"V" be.n futile. I Judge United Stater Supreme Court. E I 11 KILLED ANOTHER Man Pies In Raleigh Hospital From Injuries Sustained Near Aberdeen. The Consolidated (Iranitn Company, of thi.fcity, has just closed a contract lo erect at. once a b'eautil'u'Jy designed vault in the Salem cemetery. It will have two handsome dark columns of blue pearl granite. A four-foot vesti bule will be lined with marble. The remainder, of the material will, be of Mt. Airy granite, This company has just completed a handsome monument, for Dr. S. .1. Montague, to be erected shortly In the Salem cemetery. It also has an order to build art especially handsome monument to be erected In the lot of Mrs. V. 0. Thompson In the cemetery. In addition the company will fur nish the granite for an agricultural building to be erected at Wacksburg, for the Virginia Polytechnic Institute; also granite for tho new Planters Bank at Rocky Mount, X. C. The company has orders from about 15 states for their blue pearl granite. T SAYS SECRETARY TAFT By Wire to The Sentinel DETROIT. Mich., July 11. "Don't ask me about It. I am not," was Sec retary of War Taft's reply to the question, "Are you a candidate lor me presidency?' here this morning, .nut is on his way to put-in-Ha'y to address the Ohio Bar Association. Qoth Participant; . Irt Fight Employed . In Re-Railing Seaboard Track Be 'low Aberdeen. One" Man Attacked Other, Crushing In His Skull, Ter ribly. Details of the Affair. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, July 11. A young man thought to bu named John Phillip, died in Rex Hospital here this after ur.on from Injuries received in a fight neai Aberdeen yesterday and consid erable indignation ia felt, on the part ol those here who know of the treat menl received by the injured man at Aberdeen after he was injured. He was in the employ of a contractor re railing the Seaboard track below Aberdeen and an associate employe attacked him, crushing in his skull terribly. An Aberdeen physician went to the scene on a special engine ann brought the man to his office. . The Seaboard authorities were wired for orders to have the man cared for, but declined on the ground that the track work was being done by contract and they had no relation whatever with the wounded man. There being no one to vouch' for the expense of- treatment the injured man was carried down to the baggage- room at the. depot, and left there without care for four bonis or more when a stale ullici-r arrived and ' interested several citizens in a purse contributed to del ray the ex pense of bringing the man to Rex Hos pital here. . Sr fa i as can be asrei tallied here the man who dealt, ihe fatal injury to Philips has made good his escape. II IHSS 15 IT. Fill W. W. Cass, after attending the fun eral of bis mother, returned lo Mayo dan this afternoon. Effort of Detectives To Serve Summons On Mrs. Beat rice Schwartz Futile She le Wanted to Furnish Evidence for Prosecution In the Thaw Mur der Case. Thaw's Attorneys Re fuse to Make Statement About the Case. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, July 11. Detectives wlih subpoena, servers after an all night vigil at Hotel Plerrpont this morning received definite Information that Mrs. Beatrice Swartz, whom they are seeking as a witness in tho Thaw murder case, was at Atlantic City. The district attorney's ofllre naB secured a grand jury subK)ena for h?r but it cannot be served as long as she remains .out of the state. The fact that Thaw did not take his usual exercise in the jail yards yes lenlay gave rise to reports that he was ill. As a matter of fact, he was busy with his lawyers at. the time. His counsel still refuse to talk about the line of defense. They ara await ing the arrival of Mrs. Thaw Satur day. Later. Mrs, Schwartz was served with a subpoena today. A boy opetvfd her door at the hotel to hand In ice water when a server put a subpoena In her hand. Sturgis Heard From. Assistant District Attorney Garvan this morning received a Utter from William Siurgis. who is at Berlin, Conn., in which the writer states he has ii ) intention of changing his pres cm addiess and that he can Ik- found any time he is-wanted.. Sturgis says in'ihc leiier be will willingly tell any thing he' can of Hie case or of the Thaw family to the district attorney or ills representative if be will meet him a: bis counsel's office In Hart- I ford. Postponement of Further Hearings t Cleveland, Ohio, Probably Due to Inability to Secure Certain Standard Oil Officials as Witnesses In the Investigation. flv W!r to Th 8ntinL CLEVELAND. July 11 The fej era! grand Jury here investigating ii'.itlons nl nil trust and railroads' w lil ad 'mini tul;r until next week. Putted State District Attorney Sulli van Ik lo ju to Washington to con Slltr tlipittortipv gene rat on develop menu in the case. II. is said one vf tlii' causes id adjournment Is the fai.'uiv lo secure the presence as wil neses of Tieasurel Vllag and tit her o ill ens o the Standard Oil Company. JEWELERS OF THE STATE I ho .North Carolina Retail Jewel t S Association war, organized in Greens- Iboro yesterday afternoon. The follow. Ing officers were elected: President It. C. Bernini, of Greensboro; vice president, II, E. Vogh r, of Winston Salem; secretary and treasurer, A. P Stalcy, of High Point; directors, J. T Burke, of Wilmington; C. N. Brown, of Winston-Salem. These five office i will also constitute the executive com mlttoe for the next year. The various committees will be appointed bm 'the president later. Messrs. It. C. Bernau, of Greensboro, and A. P. Staley, of High Point, were electiJ delegates to Ihe National ! tail Jewelers' Association, which meets In Rochester, X. Y., August i!d. Twenty jewelers were present and letters were read from thirteen other jewelers In tho State slating that they would Jnlu. but that it. w:rs. Impossible for ihem lo bfl present yo. terday. For Some Time There Have Been Threats tc KIM Vic Admiral Chuk ney Because of His Severity. At tempt This Morning Believed to Have Been Mad by Author f Some ol th Threats. Oy Wire to The Sentinel. ST. PETERSHCRC, July 11 Vic Admit a! Ounkiu, whose umiajuln. thm n si tempted at OiUsna, Is hated by twiilors aud revolutionists eaus-e tf hi severity. The tnutli.VV last June and July on the battleship Peterkin, was attributed to his harsh ness lu dealing with th men under bis coiiiinan I. He ha been marked out as a victim of terrorist for soinn time., rVluuarv S last a woman tried; to kill him. She gained acces to hi office and shot him four time. Vhn he signed Ihe death sentence of ilw mutineers funn Peterkin -ho was warned that terrorist were only wait ing u chance to kill him. The attempt today Is laid at the door of men who had threatened his life before. I"AT THE LIBRARY F The first "Children's Hour" will be held in the auditorium of the Carnegie Library Friday morning at II o'clock. The "Bird's Christmas Carol" will be read to the children by the librarian, Mrs. Mary Prather. Children under twelve years of hih are Invited to at- Rend. . Anion gthe new additions to the library are: "Silas Strong, Mlllionares l-ove Story, The Pillar of Light, The Climax, The Earth Trembles, ten volumes of Six Thousand Years of History, map of North Carolina, Web ster's unadbldged dictionary and stand, donated- by Meyers-Wcstbrook Company, and the I'nlverslly of North Carolina annual, the "Yackety Yack." lu the reading room visitors will find the Charlotte Observer, News and Observer, lndiiBlrlal News, Miiiuney, Scriblier's, Everybody's, Mi'Clure'a, Life, Success, Harper's Weekly and Monthly, Collier's, Southern Home Journal and. Ladies' Homo Journal. Tho grass and flowers In front of the library help to give the library lot a very pretty appearance. I.F. meeting of the stock- A. F. Messlck Grocery held yesterday after- Donna Henry went to Madison this afternoon to visit Mia, Elizabeth Trogdan. The annual holders of the Company was noon. Last year's business was reported to have been the most profitable one In the history of Ihe company. Tho old board of director was re-elected and Mr. John W. Brown, secretary and treasurer of the company, was added lo the hoard. After the stockholders' meetlnx ihe directors met and reelected tho old officers. They also declared th an nual dividend of per cent. Tho board of director 'la composed of Mesars. A. F. McMNlck, D. II. Blair and J. W. Brown, of this city; Charles K. Messlck, of Charlotte; John Ashby, of Mt. Airy, and J. R. Marlon, of Slloam. The officers of the com puny are: A' F. Messlck, president; J. R. Marlon, vice president, and J. W, Brown, secretary and treasurer. This prospering company was or ganized six years ago yesterday and their business has grown to four times Its original size. The com pany's main store is situated hern, while they have branches at Char lotte and Mt, Airy. The out of town director were present at tho meeting. ' TOBACCO MEN DEMUR. NEW YORK, July 10 nmtirrr were filed In Ihe I'nlted Mates dis trict court today against the Indict ments found by the federal grand jury against the MacAudrew A For bes Company, of New York, anil J. 8. Young Company, of Baltimore, subsi diary companies of the American To bacco Company; Carl Jungbluth, pres ident of the Mac Andrews & Forbes Company, and Howard E- Young, pres ident if the J. 8. Young; Company, charging them with violation of tho interstate commerce law in restraint of trade. The demurrers allege that the act charged In the Indictments do not con stitute a crime in the meaning of tho statute; that Ihe facts (herein aro not set forth with .sufficient particularity, and that Ihe di fetidanta aio Improp erly joined. i CHARTERED IN IS ARRESTED 'A HORRIBLE CRIME ARE mber of New North JJna Enterprises Are bartered -Today. ' jhtrfS 'he E'' Home Com- 0f GfMnrl fcHm. Re"ived 3 L,. !!. f the Different CcW!th the of Si IO I-..I il:n;u . ' '" "-C'laners were '' ''"'' ryrporiitions to 'n:,"o KHiS ! ,! .l. r:. .' ' 'i rental of $,-. l,,.,, , ''reeling Elks' ,.. , ""In-'. D. Or.. "' re," ill, aii Mo H. Collins the incor- '";; r-v r"istn,etj(,ir Co., ; ai;,i ,-, " "i 100,1100 '"'"""n 11,y'7r;1,s,','il,('l by W. .. '"'ii Co ,.r i .. " with canitnl r .(, 1, , ' capital ih! r. 'm i"d others "f r.1,,1 v.-, tj 0( 1", I' ee' t:. icf (V, "f St. Pauls. ""' ' l;i 'al lumber !'", "'' Kenly, has C. Grady and I,;' holesalo Grocery ',, ls fluirtL-iod, with or r" , "rotherhood ! J-Jiarlntte. is char i', '"'"." "f Charlofe, !l l;l 'arious parts Was Starting To Sagamore Hill. To See President Roosevelt. Said He Wanted to See the President About an Important Matter. He Will Be Detained Pending an Inves tigation Into His Sanity. By Wire to The SenilnsA nvsTiro HAY. Julv 11. A man who at first claimed to be a secret servinn man anil then said lie was a seaman on the battleship Kentucky was arrested here this morning when trying to hire a lig to drive to Saga more Hill. He gave 1HS name as re ward Moore and. said he camo here from New York last night to see the president aboul an. impipi taut matter. He will be detained pending an Inves tigation into his ani!y. Fiendish Murder In Large Ho tel In City of Minneapo lis. Minn. Man Beats Girl's Head to a Pulp, Then Pourc Kerosene On Her And Sets Fire to It. Murderer His Thuf Far Eluded Officers. l By Wire to The Sentlnei. MINNEAPOLIS. M.' . ni 11 One ol the most sho'-ki:;;-- niui'e:.-. n the lii.storv of- Minneapolis wa- "me milted la.-i night in tin- .National Ho tel here- II. II. Wilson, said to !lw in Vlilwaukn. kiil-'d 'i:;"'(' -M"" 1 " h, !j. veil to have lieeil ; Isnn ponndeil . ' t m - ei: I"- ;,' ,n : j j . tle-i, po-.ued iMC.i.i.5 cl-i'hi.ig ami tir- '' alunn' console'- i w as ilisenv 1 1 'I FINED SG0.D00 ARE DISSATISFIED. ROOT PARTY SAILS. Chicago and Alton Railroad And Two Former Offi cials Fined. By Wire to Tho Sentinel. HiV FHATISCO. Julv 11. Mayor Schmltz gave the politicans a shock last night when he announced that he had asked for tho resignation- of the police commissioner aud is on -i-mined to clean up the entire city gov ernment. motile is o:ls . Wl dimu-t lo OVej- ,i The Imily w; the crime -on escai"il .iii'liotl'ii :iu. so far ha - ,e New Advertisements. Ki.seubacher k Bru. Whi' and liners. Geo. L. Andre. d,lor J Home Journal. Annoii; c no : Were Convicted of Giving Rebatee to a Packing Firm And Fine Was Im posed by Federal Judge Landi In City of Chicago Today. By Wire to The SentlnM. CHICAGO, July ll. The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company- and two of its former ollicials, John N. Kail- horn and Fred Wanh, wo-ro lined the aggregate sum of $H0,iio(i. today by federal judge I nd Is. Fait horn was vice president and Want! general freight agent of the company In .Vl.i.i. when they are alleged lo have paid fl.;.i.o t tin- meat packing firm of S liWartr., Child and Su!zbcig"i, of Kanran Cif . Russian Soldiers Show In creasing Signs of Great Discontent. Leaves San Juan. Porto Rico. For a Short Trip To The Country of Brazil. The Contract Not Let. The building commi'Lee of Masonic Temple -(lid not let .'he tail", this afternoon. tin-con- Mrs. Charles Siak, of .Wi1"; boro. is spendin'g a few day s lo friend? Ned Shore returned -to the city 'h' W. C. Main at Grei-iifboro; and Sallsbui J .. were tor:'. David. pel'V w tcrnooti. d G. V 1 II. C. St among to John Reich has gone to Moore's Springs for a w !-s stay. He is not . sii r. - jii;-1 off to thoroughly test bis tt, 2i-calllii e rifle. i I,. C. Crouch and ng;o clerk wr yesterday fined $.'n ;rt:'l costs in two eases for keeping open the store on Sunday. An appeal was taken. th;.- Miss Maty IHU (fill!, IS the guest and Euolo Wall. Smith, of Rural of Misses Mamie There Have Been a Number of Mut inies Among Member of Russian Army Recently And That Organiza tion Is In Bad Shape In Many Places. By Wire to The Beiif Ine-I. ST PKTKKsm KG. July 'II. A bold robbery of Ihe admiralty pay master' office was accomplished to day by three young men who pillaged the place after shooting the treasurer and two watchmen and made their .en cape. Tiny t'(k a bag containing HLmi1 roiiliief. .Mutinies mi 'account of dlssatlsfae 'ion of "troops in various parts of. the emphe ar becoming very common and outbnaku which occurred where soldier have off.-red violence to old -eis or resisted attempts to make them obey orders are significant as -hewing the general unrest which pre vails In tho army. Ten serious mut .tiles have liccii reported from as many different dixlrlrls. Quite-a neat sum was realized at the ice cream supper given Iiy the Ladles' Aid Society of the Went Sa lent Methodist church last Saturday evening.' Th'' ladies- wish to tba ik their patron for their attendance. $1 wus cleared. .1. If. Clewell, Jr who ban been ut tending l, high. Cniverslty, nl Bethle hem. I'a., came In this afternoon. Secretary of State And HI Compan ions on Present Extended Ocean Trip Much Interested In Port Ric And People of That Country.. By Wire to The (Hntlnel. SAN JI.'AN, Porto Rico, July 11.--The I 'nited Htti-K cruiser Charleston, with Heirelarv Root aboard, sailed from this place for Para,- Brazil, yesterday ' afternoon. Mr. Root was taken for an automobile rldu a-tiout Porto Rico. THREE LADIES HURT News as leeelved hero today of a bad runaway, which occurred yester day I). I ween Rural Hall and M'cuni. Three ladles were In rlage or back when the homes came frightened and ran. Miss i;e :uart, of Durham, was thrown out and left limb win. broken. Bain, of Greensboro, sustained a broken or sprained hand The third. whose name was not learned, receiv ed oaliiful limine. Miss Cozart carried o Vade Mecum. She was iiorted to ! resttne comfortably ay. The other ladies are at Moore's Springs Vale a car- be- Fan-irown MUs wa e- to- afternoon.

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