TWIN -CITY DAILY SENT! YEAR- fills. VINSIQNSALEMr-NCT-FRIDAY- EVENING. JULY 13, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS lament of Nations Be Kept Down Minimum. MAY TRY TO OUST HOLTON . . . r Ann i armit" " .-.4 Ccnnnmv ficiency "u ' . Precedence Over iNum Bryjn Entertained at Members o House of Tie Sentinel- tr Ha:.: B-:-a:: I may dined toilay. nil'!'-- com a.:,i".('"d bv ,,; commons ,-f arm a in t-nt ,.-i;;.i:i-nt for nu a ,.s :o:in been li, reduction ; tin siaiid i-il.-i.7i i:i ' :v.i w with a Publishers' jar slid:. It interest -tO believe the mark a new Rumor That Rollins Is Slated For Dis trict Attorneyship Report Discuss ed Here. The publication in tho Charlotte Ob server of a rumor current in Greens boro that Butler, Rollins and Adams held a caucus Tuesday night, after the Republican State Convention adjourn ed and decided to have District Attor ney Holtou removed, caused some dis cussion among the politicians here to day. The friends of Hoiton sav that a fight against the district attorney I has been going on for two years and! I they refuse to believe that any effort,! even by me organization, to oust, him j would prove successful, j According to the Observer's reiwrt Taos. S. Rollins wants the job and is slated for it. Doubt is expressed whether the en-State chairman could "pass muster" and secure the endorse ment of the department -at- Washing ton. It is argued ;by Republican and Democratic lawyers that Mr. Rollins is not the man for the place. They go so far as to say .that hu is uot iu the same class 'with the present dis trict attorney, so far as ability goes. Another Republican said that the platform adopted by tho Republican State convention endorses the enforcc- OBlSJlOtt POSTPONED Mf French Army Commission Fa vors His Promotion By A Unanimous Vote. Man Who foi the Pait Several Vtsra Ha: Been Under a cloud to Be Ad vanced in Rank, Following His Recent Complete Exoneration. By Wi'e to The Sentinel. PARIS. July i::.-T!if arm com mission, Whit;! DrOVfllS gild I): r.i uan promoilun iin a-iiriK u OF CAPT. GEO. MATHES. Editor of Western Die in Florida. Sentinel Geo. Appearance of Mrs. Schwarz e wtem Before Grand Jury Is Again Deferred. Woman Wanted bv District Attorney to Testify for Prosecution Still Sivk, K AoDears Now That Her Evidence Will Not Be as Important! a numner oi near Turkey after an t'.lne and a hurt Pleasant (irove C vices were held at M. Mathe. who edited Sentinel in this city for years, died at hts home Creek. Florida. June 17. ss nt some three weeks 1 the following day at nietery. The ser ine pleasant Grove ac Thought at First. M. K. church and were conducted bv the Rev. Mr. Roberts, assisted by H t Mr. Evans. A very large (fullering of filings and neighbors was present The sinking was rendered by friends and the l'leasant Grove choir. terifil. met t':i nio'.iiily approved sion consists of if'efiioim and tlu in. Thu c lneiubirs of men: tior.s appointed te tlating t, tht coiisiuei army. ; a: PRAISE FOR FIREMEN ment of the laws by fleers in tins State. It. is talked that Congressman Black burn had promised his forces to see that Holtou was put out in six weeks Chief. Taylor And Meinung Speak m Appreciative Manner of Winston And Salem Firefighter: And the the Federal of-' Impression They Made at the Tour nament. I By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, July 13 Mrs Mary re re-1 Schwartz, Intimate friend of Mrs. unani- Harry ., Thaw, who has been under minis-! subpoena to appear before assiMaut par!ia-j District Attorney Carvan to tell what ojies-jshe knows of the case, was still too .ill toC. to appenr. It Is rrnw said . I'hal sue ne-vr met Thaw and that nll'riug history of the ;he knows is what Evelvii Nt stilt told The beau Mrs. Thaw called at aai ii today to sec her r niair.ed w.tii him until the Tombs husband and after twelve. NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE. u-.-il jwiactwa ef armies: after his (Blackburn's) Stato Chairman. election as i,i any increase i" j ::i it tin1 American i ' anirv What is ii,;catiiin ol inteili ii ntuaiiizatioii of ft.,. is r-( i-mcieiicy anil ii iv whether the fellow Hie example I, nt I hope the a luau' way toward j t p-act i" tliu world." . d ma: ihe stand taken ;sli lioveraineiit would j:i;g lo Hie licxi conier- ran: Ha'.-: SDER IN RUSSIA. St, Petersburg Make a Stmonstration, IV fWitm " .HSHI'IKI, July 11!: After It lis ol ciiniparaiive quiet n aiisiratiiid of working- 3t'issa:i capital this morn- "i cniisi.-tiag ni .if :tril nin-ii and sympathizers ky 1'nispect and started inward the winter palace fta?,-: ami singing revolut : The police, shortly af- hi:i to move, ordered i- to disperse. Tho work rt to ubty orders, how- fiace cliara-d the crowds. had been restored it was workiiigmen had bean many Injured. The. re- tile marchers scattered in f PRESENT DOUMA. ."ill Send Six Deputies to fter-Parliamentary Peace The Sentinel. PSBrm;. ,i:v l;;.The v wide,! to send six attend the. coining lnter- ;r? Peace conference which Minion beginning jUV lotion of universal peace i-'wussed at meat length ,;- Il.Otlull ili.p.,,l ,!, f,e only ttirluonent. in tio l! I's desire to stop war.. ' "' Wer-parilamentary fA' ,U:,(' instructed to eunu-LMiro that tin, ,i,n P aSSIllne Ihe l1.'.,,l..rfi,i r ,. - 'I-,, i .Tiiij; oi na. luria: ptace move- P CAIN IN TRADE. ' RfSBrd for First Six ISUI) Splendid One. 'TON btly K The ll'.ent of ow in farttr, :'f-i m;:;.'! :,'i':fi-!l T n . ; the months the a- "ai!1 oyer those r,K 1" rlods of I'liis '' r,i"'i'U received .'''.''iamietce and ;"'v true in re receints nf "tint markets. i,lsll"ls durinfr foul vast with 'nrres ponding "''.1111 in Htm. SPLENDID ATTRACTION. "Wonderland" With "Little Chip" And i Mary Marble to Be Presented Here During Coming Season. The celebrated actress, Miss Mary Marble, and the equally famous come dian, Sam Chip, better ,know as "Lit tle Chip," will appear here next fall m that great success, "Wondei land. "The following Is taken from advance no tices: One of the first hich-class -attractions of the season will be the gigantic New .York-ChicaKo-Hostori success. "Wonderland." Julian Mitchell made this great scenic uiusirul spectacle the effort of his life., while the story, from Olen MacloiiouKli is beautiful in p-y,:, iity and originality, anil Victor Her bert declares his life effort is in the music. Sitm Chip who created the original comedy role, will head the company and Mary Marble will ho one of the features. There are seventeen original musi cal numbers by Glen MarDommgh and Victor Herbert in Julian Mitch ell's great scenic production "Wonder land." This attraction is one of the high grade offerings of the season, and will bring the original scenic equipment, and will be headed by the principal comedian Sam Chip, and in the company will be Mary Marble and tho best of all the, original caht, together with the group of beautiful girls. Julian Mitchell eclipsed all his great successes, even "Babes in Toyland" and "Wizard of Oz," when he created ."Wonderland," and his co-workers, Glen MacDunough and Victor Herbert, have shared in the wonderful success of spectacle in New York, Chicago and Boston. Jos. M. Gaites will personally direct the tour this season, and many of the original cast, Including Sam Chip, the comedian who created the principal comedy role. Mary Marble and other popular entertainers are In the. company. Three sixty-foot baggage cars, a corps of skilled stage carpenters, prop erty masters, electricians, scenic ar tists, and wardrobe mistresses travel with the "Wonderland" Company that Is to go over the circuit this season. week. tr.ev SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONED. the year Amount of Money Allotted to the Var iiour Townships in Forsyth. The countv school board, at its meeting tliis week, apportioned school fund by townships for the 1WC-07 as follows: Abbotts Creek township. . '$$"!; flelews Creek. $1,U7('; llethauia, 1 .832.50: Broadbay, 2.07.r.0; Clem- imonsville, $S70; Kornersville, Jl.'JUS; , l-ewisville, J1.222.5H; Middle Fork, j $2,322.50; Old Richmond. $1,350; Old Town, $1,4:15; Salem Chapel, $!t5u; South Fork, $1,730: Vienna, $1,1118; Winston, . $1.0,Stfu. Total $2H,fi 50. PRESIDENT ON PICNIC Passenger car. 'iar T?Pe Into .Z ""nil,,., ' i ( i v 'di:-;ie I.' p"t Coach Service. of i:i JUS ! o be h iilt the Hiai ear The into first use can- ''''in'oinbiis- MR BONE BROKEN. '!and. In h of Suffer by Be- Nevada."r"lw'- ,N( lr. .In!., oi ' .. . . N'wiin.u :;:T." n"!'(l . . in .Nevaila, t f 11 -illar bone i:ch MS V I 1 '"nepr C. ' 1 1 r.Ti I ii . , , ' ll-iiy in ft'e!,,,,,. 'Llns after- be heir', Ulf funeral llt . - ' HI flff-, , "t the 1 "i'-'i: la',. from r hart nnt tins afternoon. He And His Family Have an Outing Today. By Wire to The SentineL OYSTICK BAY, July 13. President Roosevelt and family are enjoying a basket picnic today at Idol's Neck on the sound. If the' weather continues fair thev will n main until evening. They left the landing below Sagamoie Hill at ten a. ni. in two row boats, the president rowing one and "Ted" Ihe other. Hampers of lunch, fishing tackle, baseballs and bats with target rifles were taken along as the cargo. Fought With Their Fists. Edward Bomai and H. R. Kef a bee, employees at limbec's box factory, participated In a fisticuff today. They fell out during a discussion over the onion. Aside from a few scratches no serious damage was done. The young men were cited lo appear be fore the mayor. j To'the Editor: Never before in ihe jniiitteen years i hey .have attended the j state tournaments, have ihe lirenieii lot" our cities made as favorable an im pression as thev did in Asheville this Havilig the largest number1 were given the prominent iilace Hi the parade that thev lustiv de- seived, and the seventy-five strong men with their attractive uniforms made a good impression upon the thousands that saw them that will long remain vivid in their memory. As evidence of. tliis fact thev were checied all along tho line of march as were no other companies in line. Each wore badges bearing the name ol our city and as tho shouts of Win-ston-Salehi rang out it made us pioud of the boys we claim as ours; A more otdejly, well-behaved crowd was never seen, ' and their gentle manly manner won for them words of and commendation from ail who came in contact with them. In the words of Ihe proprietor of the Battery park Hotel, "Chief, ou have a right to Ik'', proud of your firemen; we have never entertained a body.of men who" gave us so little trouble, and who conducted themselves in u better nianne.'." us add that Winston-Salem has a budy of firemen equalled by few and excelled by none. They serve us faithfully at home, and are a great credit to our city when seen by thou sands as thev were this week. R. C. TAYLOR. F. C. MEINUNG, Chiefs Winston and Salem Fire De partments. Firemen's Parade. The following is from the Asheville Citizen of yesterday: Today's firemen's tournament events were featured with the grand parade sih.niy after nine o'clock this morn ing. The passing in review of the visit ing and -local firemen with gorgeously decorated apparatus and prancing steeds was an imposing scene. The handsome uniformed, weil-gronmed laddies were on their mettle. They were in high spirit and graciously ac knowledged cheers and smiles that greeted them along the line of march. The parade was witnessed by thous ands of residents and visitors and excited much favorable comment. In the language ot President McNeill, North Carolina's quota ol American heroes were on parade today." Inter mingled with the marching firemen ar.d the fire apparatus came many car riages with handsome trappings and ;!r..wii by spirlled horses. From car riage and brake daintily gowned, charming young women smiled their pleasure and Joy and all of Asheville went on a lark while the band played and the people cheered. The parade was 'perhaps Hie lo.'.'iest that Asheville has ever witnessed. It stretched along Several block:- and was watched with interest and anima tion. The parade formed a! the corner of Haywood street and Montford ave nue. With thi' First Regiment band playing spirited tunes and to the beat ing of drums the column wound its way through, the principal streets. MaVor Barnard, Alderman Randolph, Alderman Kit Zp;i t rick , President Mc Neill, the fire chiefs ot the various towns, distinguished visitors and a number ol ladies occupied carriages following close to the heels of th band. Then came the long liiie'of lire apparatus gayly decorated firemen on foot and many carriages containing the snonsors and 'maids of honor of the fire companies. A number of cry turnouts, with gay streamers profuse decorations found place in naiade and added to' the gaiety of occasion. The weather man again fa vored Asheville tliis .morning and a more pleasant day could not have been selected for the parad". The fire lad dies, enjoved the parade as rnuen oi mo, lhali did the people r Officers Re-Elected. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the North Carolina Railroad in Greensboro, Thursday afternoon, President H. G. Chatham, of Elkin. and Secretary and Treasurer A. H. Eller, of this city, were re-elected. Mrs. Thomas Pfohl has awarded the contract to Mr. Tinsley Morgan to erect two brick store rooms, two stories high each, on North Tiade street, near Sixth. The building will cost $1,000. ilv and tla Ihe Government Not Yet Ready to Pro ceed In Case Againtt Certain Rail roadr And Other Corporations. tty Wire to The 8nt1nwl WASHINGTON. July 13. More than a, year ago the Receivers' and Si.oppers' Association of Cinclnr.iti. petitioned Roosevelt to "proceed through the P'epartment of Justice against the Southern Railway Com pany, Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association, Southeastern Freight Association and others who are alleged lo have combined in lestraint of trade to monopolize commerce and discriminate against, the commercial Interests or northern and western In favor of eastern states in trade rela tions willi Southern states. The th' partment of Justice decision has now been reached that the government cannot proceed In the courts unless the case presented by the Cincinnati complainants shall be materially strengthened. Assistant Attorney General Piirdy, who has charge of the ease, has not. definitely- dropped it but correspondence Is going on between Department of Justice and R. B. Smith of Cincinnati, representing petitioner, the purpose of which Is to call atten tion lo weak spots and securing of such evidence as will convince. Assis tant Attorney Generul Purdy that he would he Justified in taking tho mat ter before the courts. lo- the people standing ilu.' curl, ami street corner, alii! day's event will go down in fire hl-to-rv as one of Hie most pleasant in the annals of the North Carolina State Firemer's Association. tall, drug New Advertisements. Meyers-West brook Co. Lad skirt 'sale at greatly reduced pi ice-, The Ilusv Store "So it's bargain you want . Simpson Drug Co.- Ire cream E W. O'Hatilnn The family store. . . a i null Kr Co. Change their a wine under the cau'ion of "A Judge of Feed." The Bee Hive $22.0oo clearance sale. Everything going at reduce, prices to make room for fall stock. Owens Drug Co.-EI Sidelo cigars. in from N. C. RAILROAD MEETING. Stockholder! Held 8eml-Annual Ses sion In Greensboro Yesterday. Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO, July 13-Yester-day afternoon the board of directors of the North Carolina Railroad on the part of tin State and the private stockholders held their regular semi annual meeting here, declaring a semi annual dividend of three and a half per cent. The report of Treasurer Eller show ed that during the year the Southern Railway-- which leased property, had made many improvement! In road bed, roiling stock, buildings, bridges and fiad paid all rentals promptly. The private stockholders re-elected Bennehan Cameron, R. F. Hoke and W L. Holt as their members of the board-. of directors. The board was waited on by a dele gation ot citizens and business men from Burlington asking that some ar rangements lie made In transfer of propirly or release of the Southern Railway Company from Its lease obli gations, so that a stock company could become possessed of the prop erty on which stood the Burlington hotel burned throe or four years,ago, in order that a hotel costing twfaity tlve thousand dollars could be built bv them. The board has several times ordered the Southern Railway , to re build the hotel, but It has not been done. Burlington . people desire now to have a better building than the re placing of the one burned would give. No aeion was taken on this proposi tion, a committee being appointed,. look into the legal phase of, the mat ter. H is now said by many lawyers that ihe Southern cannot he compelled to rebuild tiie hotel, since the State is receiving full value each year in rents as if the building had not been destroyed, the only obligation of the company being to return the property In as good condition as they found it on tiie expiration of the ninety-nine .ear lease.' The promoters ot the new- project say they will not risk investing so much money ii a build- in.;; on a sub-lease from the Southern j Railway, fearing that the lease to the Karwar may some day be declared I mid, and Ihey want the Slate to ac jeipt a release of that property from 'lie Railway, and give a deed in fee -imple to them for the hotel site. The director on the part of Ihe '."ati'.bj apixilntmeiit of Governor iiilenn who were pri-sent were: I,. Hanks Holt, Graham; S. C. Penn, '(.Idsvlilo; J. W. Uiiiihert, Thomas yille; W. T. nrowti, Winston; W. H. j Williams, Newton; T. II. Vamlerford, (Salisbury; J. Allen Huflln, Hilislioio, i mil Hugh Chatham, president, of jKlkln. P. D. Pope, of Greensboro, was i ;i appointed state proxy by the gov: i'TIH.. tloral offerings were especially tiful. Captain Mathes sold his papier here to Mr. Edward A. Oldham and moved ti Florida iu 1M'. The Metiopolis of Jacksonville, Fla . has tills to say of the deceased: 1:1 the iiiHSing avv of Capt. Mat lies another participant hi the stir- pu-il is pone. His t.V:i history was closely ir.'erw.iveu in that of East-rn TemusM-e. His father's family were among ihe sturdy Scotch settlers of early colonial days, and his mother's family, the McCown- were the t uners of a royal land gtant of M-veia! hundred thousand ncies and one of the large , slave holding familiis of tint section. Il; father was a prominent physician, 8 graduate of Princeton Cniversity. ('apt. Mathes was' born in Sevier county, Tennessee, August 11. l.V!7. His father dying while he was yet a lad. he came under the care of hi., maternal uncle. Gen. John ('. MeCown. who was a class maie of Giant and at West Point. Through his uncle's Influence he was apikiiuted tj Annapolis, where he was educated. His love for adventure led him to resign his commission and travtl iu .Mexico and the fur West. He was one ! (he one hundred young men who volunteered In , Walker's filibustering expedition to Central America. When thu Civil wai broke out he was made a captain In his uncle's regiment, and lie afterward told with great pride that ho captured Ihe first flag iu this war. At the close of the war be look up the profession of Journalism. For nearly twenty years he was proprietor and editor of the Winston Sentinel, of Winston, N. C, and for the greater parL of that period he took a prominent part Iu Ihe potmen of that Stale, being a most .ealous and unswerving lemo-. cratlc leader. Ou aeeount nf bronchial trouble he came to Florida In August, 1SK4. Hi was nt one time editor and proprietor of the old Tampa Tribune. For several yearn past bo hud been In poor health, having sustained two strokes of paralysis, and hud been gradually falling until his final illness seized him three weeks-ago, Capt. Matheg was a most Interesting and graphic raconteur, and those fortunate enough to be numbered among: his auditors when a reminiscent mood was upon him were more than pleased. Capt. Mathes leaves a wife, Mrs. Lena II. Mathes, so favorably known as one of the best Instructors In the state, and two promising sons, Yorlck and Coke, and also a brother, Capt. Ben Mathes, of Tallahassee. IS STILL DDDGirJG John D. Rockefeller Is To Re main Away From Cleve land. Ohio. This Announcement Made by Friend Following Announcement That Pro cess Server Would Be After the Oil Magnate, He Having Been In dicted for Violation of Law; By Wire to The Sentinel. CLEVELAND. Ohio, July 13 John jP, Rockefeller will not return to (Forest Hill, his estate, this stajton. j This decision, follows the Issuaace of ja warrant charging him with tho viola 1 1 ion of the anti-trust law. j Pf- Biggar. his Cleveland friend. ha !:uade this statement to Mr. Rocke- idler's associates here, SOUTHBOUND RAILWAY. How Work Is Progressing, Rumor Relative to the Road. Other Mat ters. " At Old Officers Elected. a meeting of the stockholders of Capt R. P. Henry cmc Asheville this afternoon. he Forsyth Hotel Co., yesterday after- Good ! "oon, tne oli directors were re-eiectei. j President Jas. A. Gray, In his report. expressed the opinion that tiie m;w Zinzendorf Hotel would h completed by October. Tho director elected the former officers, which ate, as follows: President, J. A. Gray; vice-president.' W. N. Reynolds; secretary and treas urer, A. 11 Galloway. There is a persistent rumor afloat hero that the Norfolk & Western and Pennsylvania Railroad interests have taken over the Southbound railroad, which Is now -under construction be tween this, point ami Wadegboro. The Sentinel Is not in position to verify this rumor, but; It Is fact, nevertheless that there may ho ground for the ru mor. Loeitl capitalists interested In the new railroad say that If the Penn sylvania Interests have taken over the road they know nothing about It, but also say that such a deal could have been consummated without their knowledge by the "Northern capitalists wlio are backing the new line. It Is very apparent that the Norfolk & Western Railroad is desirous of ex tending Its line into the Southern Stati s. This company controls the great coal fields of Virginia and West Virginia ami therefore ll Is but 'iral that the company should wish u supply the South with thin commodity. The Sentinel also hars on good au thority that the company has decided to build a fill iictots the Salem creek lowlands Instead of a trete as ai the original plan. "It Is estimated that this fill cost in the neighlxn hood of one l,t;id;fi; thousand dollars. Woik of grading the load Is pro gressing. The contractors on the first two miles have In en ba ndicgpeil by the lack of machinery. The contrac tors have a piece of giadlng In Geor gia which they were couiih-IM to com plete as soon as possible and owing t j I :e c n: inua! tains iu that . . 1 1 - n during tiie spring they have not yet completed that wok. When that Job is compb te, the tnni hlnery, eic, will be brought hern. TO OPEN OFFICES HERE. Mr. R. S. Smith, a Well Known Arch Itect of Asheville. ' Mr. R. S. Smith, of Asheville., an architect of wide reputation and, ei perlence, has decldvd til ooen nr of tlee in Wlnston-Kaiero. Mr, 8mlth U an exceedingly pleasant and affable gentleman. For several years hft baa drawn the plans for all of the larnet and costliest buildings erected InAshr ville and Biiimore. designed many of ihe handsome . structure owned b Mr. Vanderbllt. Mr. Smith will have office in tlie4 new Tlse bulldlnK on Main street.' Mr. W. C. Northup. one f Mr. Smith' pupils and an artist in his lino, will be In charge during Mr. Smlth'l absence, I'ntll the offices are eonv pleted Mr. Northup can hu found lit the offices or Col. J. L. l.udlow, In tiie Peoples' bank bulldlne; The Sentinel welcomes Mr. fimlth and his associate to the TwInCIty and predicts that they will itet thdr share, of business. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. Program Arranged for tha On to Be Given at Court House Square. Tho following 'program has been ar ranged by professor Crouse, leader of the Winston Cornet Band, for the con cert on the court house square to given tonight: March W. M. II Hall. March -Salute to Burlington Sher man. Medley Overture Down on the Farm. Von Kllier. Two Step. Th Colored -O0'" ' I-ettrh. . . ' WalU Nlnetta Bennett 1 March Fifth Realment Miller. Part II. March Tho Rambler Crumlln. March Why Don't You Try. Red field. Overture City Swells. Neiion. ' Two Step Ghxniiy Gus Brown. WulU- Forest Park. Thomaa. Two Step Indians Along Broadway. Recker. This program subject to change. AROUND THE CITV. W. j. Wolfe went to Roanok this afternoon. h. M. Swlnk went to Greensboro this morning. 8. T. Davlfi returned this afternoon from Davie county. B H. Marsh came In t!ii mnrntni from Roaring Gap. , ' MaJ. J. E. Alexander left last eve ing on a business trip. J. C, Goodman went to Moore'i Springs this afternoon. Mtas D.ilsv Cherrv ran.e, In fhl f. tcrnoon from Wadesboro. A. F. Young left this afternoon fof Ruck Bridge Alum Springs, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Het left thta aft. ruoon for Charlotte, Asheville luhl Toxaway. . ' Mi. and Mrs. E. T. Mickey and Mra. Ge,. a. Winkler returned from Ash viilu tills afternoon. Cicero Tlse has awarded the con tract for the naintiiiif nm a.nn. iie I of I. is new residence tti siufc fn. Officerc Installed. The officers of Salem Encampment, So. M, I. O. O. I'., were Installed last night. They are ai follows: . I)r R. H. Jones, chief patriarch; O. W. Jones, high priest; J. T. Thomp son, senior warden; C. E. Bennett, junior warden; J, ('. Bessenl, scribe; V. E. Beck, treasurer; A. F. Hall, guide; W. A. Walker, first wa'eh; J. A. Jones. Inside guard; R P. Cling man, outside guard. R. P, Clingman was-elected trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of ('apt. A J. Gales. W. F. Keith was re-elected (trustee for three years. s.( I. Riifus Shore, business manager of The Sentinel, returned U, the cltr this afternoon from Auhevllln and Cbatianooga. Miss Myrtle Dean, win, has 'been visiting near Walkertown, returned to the city this afternoon. Mis Rosa relumed several days ago. The Winston H(K,k and Ladder Company, Steamer Company No. 2 and the Rough and Ready Company, of Biili'iii, returned from Ashevlila this afternoon. . , Fairvlew vs. Walnut Cove. The Kalrvlew baseball team went to Walnut Cove this afte rnoon to con test for honors with the team at that place. The local players will return tonight. For Local Taxation. ' Special to The Sentinel. RAI.EIGH, July 111 A letter re ceived n the office of the stato super intendent of public Instruction from County Superintendent F, T. Woolen, of Columbus county, is to the effect that an election for local tax for th Improvement of schools has Just been carried In Pleasant plains township, this making the seventeenth district iu the county to adopt local taiaUon, . number of any county In the State. State Superintendent J. . Y. Joyher went to Clinton today to deliver un addresi; In connection with an educa tional rally there. Learn to labor while you wait for result;'. . Also the lack of money Is the root of much evil. . Ever see an office holder who had a retiring .disposition?